This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. (2024)

The way I grew up eating and subsequently cooking, are meals that have allseparate components. Protein, grains, veggies, fruit, and everything else all separate. When I first got married, my husband found this to be an interesting way of cooking because growing up in a household of 8 children, there were a lot of casseroles served. But as life has become busier and more kids have entered the picture, I totally ‘get’ the casserole. But what I get and love even more is the one pot meal. Seriously – making an entire meal in just one pot. It is genius. And my favorite way to cook. This One Pot Veggie Yakisoba Recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. It is a fresh, made from scratch kind of meal that will take you less than 20 minutes.

This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. (1)This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. (2)

When I said one pot I wasn’t kidding. Technically you will need bowls to serve it in, or you could just let your kids go hog wild into steaming pot of yumminess with chopsticks in hand. (I would definitely not recommend that)

This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. (3)

Begin my chopping your veggies. We added a lot. I even ended up adding more cabbage because it shrinks down and we love it so much. Once chopped, saute your veggies in a good size saute pan or wok over medium high heat until crisp tender. While your veggies are cooking away, now is a good time to whisk your sauce together. So lets talk about some of these ingredients for just a second. When I went to the Asian market, a very nice lady could tell I seemed a little confused looking at all of the different sauces in an aisle with a sea of Asian sauces. I ended up getting:

  • Aged soy sauce. Apparently it has more flavor and is a bit thicker than regular and so you don’t need as much in your recipes.
  • Rice Wine Vinegar or Sake. This gives your dish a really nice flavor without too strong of a vinegar taste.
  • Miran. This is a type of rice vinegar, but sweet and has a more syrupy consistency.

I found my Soba noodles at the Asian market in the frozen section. I like them because they are precooked, and you just have to thaw them. Once the veggies have cooked for a bit, add your noodles and sauce. I like to use kitchen tongs for this part to incorporate everything together. Toss until all the veggies and noodles are well coated with sauce. Continue to saute until the veggies are cooked to your liking and the sauce has thickened slightly.

That is it!! Can you even believe it? Dish into bowls or plates and serve. My kids really like to use chopsticks on occasion when we have Asian food. This is the perfect dish for them to learn with because there are big pieces of veggies that are easy to grip. If you want to add a protein to this meal, you can definitely add chicken or beef and still keep it a one pot meal! Just cook your meat first before the veggies, set aside and add back in with the noodles and sauce.

This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. (5)

This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. (6)

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3.8 from 24 votes

One Pot Veggie Yakisoba

Prep Time15 minutes mins

Cook Time15 minutes mins

Course: Main Course

Cuisine: American

Calories: 83kcal


  • 2 cup cabbage
  • 3 medium carrot
  • 1/2 medium bell pepper, red
  • 1/2 medium onion
  • 2 stalk green onion
  • 2 cup broccoli, florets
  • 10 ounce soba noodles, fresh
  • 3 tablespoon soy sauce, low sodium
  • 3 tablespoon vinegar, rice wine
  • 3 tablespoon Mirin, sweet cooking rice wine
  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger root, fresh
  • 1 clove garlic


  • Chop Veggies. Carrots and red bell pepper – julienne. Slice onions thin. Chop broccoli into small bite size pieces. Dice cabbage and green onion.

  • Heat a large saute pan or wok with a small amount of oil. Add veggies and saute until crisp tender, about 5-7 minutes.

  • Meanwhile, whisk together the Yakisoba sauce by adding soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, miran, fresh ginger and garlic. If you prefer more sweetness, add 1/2 tsp brown sugar.

  • Combine soba noodles with veggies and sauce in your pan. Use kitchen tongs to incorporate everything together.

  • Continue cooking until veggies have softened to your preference and the sauce has thickened a bit. If you like more sauce, you can always make and add more.

  • Serve warm. Enjoy!


Calories: 83kcal | Carbohydrates: 16g | Protein: 5g | Sodium: 632mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 4g

Keyword : One Pot Veggie Yakisoba

This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. (7)
This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. (8)

Natalie Monson

I'm a registered dietitian, mom of 4, avid lover of food and strong promoter of healthy habits. Here you will find lots of delicious recipes full of fruits and veggies, tips for getting your kids to eat better and become intuitive eaters and lots of resources for feeding your family.

Learn More about Natalie

Looks good


This looks soooo good… and I know my whole family would love it!


Just wondering what the small black seeds/nuts are on the top?


They are black sesame seeds 🙂


I think rice wine is called Mirin not Miran. 🙂


You are right! Typo. Lol.


We made this. Pretty good, not great…. I thought it was a little bland but I had one kid who tried it, tried chopsticks for the first time… So any success is success. 1/3 ain’t bad ;). I’ll find a way to make the adult portions tastier maybe garlic chili sauce.


Hi! looks tempting 🙂 just wanted to know the portion size of this recipe… Thanks!


Hi there,

Have you got a nutritional break down of this per portion please – and portion size?

Thank you 🙂


All the recipes we add to our membership site has the calories, fat, carbs, fiber, and sugar. You can see more details here:
The other recipes we post for our blog can be calculated at


Question – do the soba noodles just cook in the sauce?


Yep! They cook really quickly.


This is really not like the traditional Yakisoba that was served all over Japan when I was there. Yakisoba is served and cooked with sweet soy sauce somewhat like Indonesian Kejup. You may not like the addition of sweetener if children will be eating this, however, yakisoba sauce is somewhat sweet and is available on line or in Asian markets and it is authentic.


This was quite tasty. I like that you could use different vegetables or add a meat protein or tofu.I wonder about the soba noodles. Soba are buckwheat noodles, and are dark in color. What are pictured in your your blog are light colored and look more like lo-mein noodles. I cooked a 10-oz pkg., giving me a dish that was “over-noodly” for the amount of vegetables. Thank goodness I doubled the sauce; with all those noodles, it would have been under-sauced. I also cooked the noodles in advance, as they took 4 minutes to cook. If I’d cooked them in the dish dry, the vegetables would have been really overcooked. I added some red pepper flakes for a bit of a kick. We enjoyed this dish very much and plan to make it again.


This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. (9)
The whole family enjoyed this recipe. I will put it in regular rotation.


This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. (10)
Everyone thought it was yummy!


This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. (11)
Very tasty!


This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. (12)
Good recipe.


This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. (13)
I might not have understood the recipe exactly. Are you supposed to cook the noodles prior to adding them? I ended up doing that, and the noodles were a bit soggy. I still loved it, but I was the only one who did.


This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. (14)


This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. (15)
I doubled the sauce and still needed to add some water at the end (and more brown sugar.) It was pretty good, but I would have liked more sweet and some additional flavors.


This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. (16)
Quick, easy, and yummy! The whole family enjoyed it. The kids even requested the leftovers in their lunchboxes the next day. I’ll cook the cabbage less next time but that’s really just personal taste thing.


What is the serving size for the nutritional information given?


This recipe is not only incredibly easy to make, it will knock the socks off your family. (2024)


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