Peggy’s Easy Beef Dog Food Recipe (2024)

Beef Pupcake Dog Food Recipe

In the introduction of my recipes, I usually write about what I like best about the dish I just made or about an ingredient that stands out. But this time, I think I’ll let the picture above do the taking. This is the first time that Oscar ran away with the photoshoot. The little bugger snuck up while I was taking pictures and ran off with one of my Beef Pupcakes! It’s like I don’t feed him or something. He jumped up on the chair, snatched the closest one to the edge, and took off like a bat out of hell to the safety of his bed to partake in his ill-gotten booty. I was laughing so hard, that I couldn’t stop him from finishing it. He earned that pupcake. And really, the highest form of praise for any chef is an entrée worth stealing for, isn’t it?Beef Pupcake Dog Food RecipeMakes 24 servingsIngredients:1/2 cup brown rice1 large potato, grated1 tsp sage1 tsp parsley½ cup cauliflower, finely chopped2 large carrots, grated1 large celery stalks, chopped2 pounds ground beef3 eggs1 tablespoon olive oil1/2 cup regular rolled oats regular rolled oatsDirections:Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Spray muffin tins.Steam rice or cook in small saucepan on stove. Once cooked, remove from heat and let cool.In a large bowl, combine potato, carrots, celery, cauliflower, ground beef, celery, parsley, sage, and eggs. Mix ingredients together using your hands.Add olive oil, rolled oats, and rice, and mix well.Fill each muffin cup and pat down firm. Bake 45 minutes.Cool on a rack. Remove the meat pupcakes by turning the muffin tin upside down over or scooping out with spoon or fork. Refrigerate or freeze in sealed plastic bags.Benefits of Cauliflower for DogsWhile the pupcakes are certainly a treat that will make your dog drool and wag his tail, it includes some healthy ingredients that can improve your dog’s health. Cauliflower is a perfect example of this. The vegetable is packed with valuable nutrients. It’s a source of vitamins A, C, and K, calcium, choline, potassium, folate, and dietary fiber. This combination of vitamins and minerals works to improve many different areas of your dog’s body including improving your dog’s digestive health, reducing the risk of heart disease, boosting the immune system, strengthening muscles, and supporting the nervous system. It also contains antioxidants which can help to slow the effects of aging and slow the cognitive decline that often comes as dogs enter their golden years. Can My Dog Eat Eggs? Are you concerned about the addition of eggs in the recipe? Dogs can benefit from eating this protein-rich snack in moderation. The general rule of thumb is that your dog should have no more than one egg per day. With only 3 eggs total in the whole recipe, this isn’t going to be a concern when treating your dog with a pupcake! In addition to being a great source of protein, eggs also provide vitamins A and B12, folate, iron, riboflavin, and selenium. They help to build stronger teeth and bones, support skin and coat health, boost the immune system and maintains healthy muscles. Dog owners that are also interested in the minerals found in eggshells may also wish to grind the shells and include them in the recipe. I hope your dog enjoys this Beef Pupcake Dog Food Recipe as much as Oscar did. Sneaky little dog!

Here Are the 10 Rarest Dog Breeds in America

Dogs are the most popular pets in America – deservingly, they are the most loved and affectionate furry friends, and their popularity as family companions never wanes. We all know what are the most popular dog breeds – and which evergreen breeds have been stealing hearts for decades back, but how about those lesser-known breeds? Which in particular are the rarest among them? Even if touting great qualities, some of these super rare breeds are simply hard to come by, and they are seldom seen. Thanks to a survey conducted by the American Kennel Club ( AKC), we can now find out which dog breeds are as obscure as can be. Out of a list of 199 registered and accepted breeds, the AKC revealed the 10 rarest dog breeds in America. 10.  Pyrenean Shepherd9.  Cesky Terrier8.  Sussex Spaniel7.  Harrier6.  Azawakh5.  Belgian Laekenois4.  American Foxhound3.  Sloughi2.  Norwegian Lundehund1.  English FoxhoundDon’t be surprised if you have never heard of some of these unique breeds. They are rare for a reason! On the other side of the spectrum, looking at the most recent trends, the French Bulldog holds the number one spot as the most popular pet dog breed in America, with the Labrador and Golden Retrievers following close by. That’s a bit of a change, as the Golden Retriever long held the number one spot. Generally speaking, most people tend to go for more known and traditional dog breeds when looking for a purebred dog, but the world of canines is much more diverse, with plenty of unusual and amazing breeds to choose from.Ultimately, the popularity of a certain breed should not be connected with their suitability as pets. After all, many factors contribute to that – a great deal of pet parents, myself included, are proud to share their lives with a mixed breed pooch and the fact that they’re not a certain breed doesn’t make them any less perfect. Your four-legged bestie might be a more popular dog breed, a rare purebred, a hybrid designer dog breed, or a cute mutt – they’ll steal your heart either way!

Sleeping With Pets: Here's What Experts Have to Say

Pet parents adore their four-legged companions so much that they choose to sleep with them at night. Research shows that more than half of pet owners sleep with their pets. Most pet owners consider their pets part of the family, so it is no surprise that they will go out of their way to ensure their furry companions’ comfort. However, with an increasing focus on our sleep health, pet parents are starting to wonder about the potential disadvantages of sleeping with pets. In fact, sharing a bed with a pet is the subject of controversy among pet parents.Various studies suggest that there are many benefits to sleeping with pets. And experts tend to agree. According to Audrey Wells, MD, a board-certified sleep medicine physician, a pet can provide an emotional connection and reduce anxiety and stress levels, therefore promoting sleep. “Some people may consider their pets an added layer of security, dependable to alert them to unexpected noises or lights.”Another benefit of sleeping with your pet is that they can keep you nice and warm during the night. People who get chilled easily might enjoy cuddling with a furry companion during frigid winter nights.“Pets are sensitive to routine, and they can help enforce a regular bedtime and better sleep quality for their owner,” explained Dr. Wells. “Similarly, pets can signal wake-up time in the morning and even prompt some time outside for a walk and daylight exposure.”If you enjoy sleeping with your pet and find it beneficial for your sleep, the science agrees with you. According to Amanda Farah, National Training and Behavioral Coordinator at Best Friends Animal Society, studies have found that some people sleep more soundly when their dog is sleeping next to them. “If you and your dog both sleep well together, you’ll enjoy the health benefits that come with a good night’s sleep, such as improved mental clarity, lower blood pressure, reduced stress, and a stronger immune system,” explained Farah.According to Teddy Cralle, Ms, RN, certified clinical sleep educator, some people sleep better when their pet is in the bed, but some don’t. If there’s a chance that you won't get a good night’s rest while sleeping with your pet you shouldn't sleep with them in the first place. For example, if you’re a light sleeper and your dog likes to change positions during the night, sleeping with your pooch may wake you more often, resulting in low-quality sleep. Also, some pups like to claim the entire bed for themselves, leading to a sleepless night and a backache. “Sacrificing your sleep means sacrificing your health, well-being, and quality of life - and that is not a sacrifice to make,” Cralle added.Sharing a bed with a pet may not be the best idea if you’re an asthma or allergy sufferer. Although some dog breeds shed less than others, no dog is truly hypoallergenic because it’s their dander and not hair that triggers an allergic reaction. Zoonotic diseases are another downside of sleeping with pets. Research has confirmed that sharing a bed with a pet can increase the exposure rate to pathogens that might be present. Although no one wants to think about it, pets can bring unwanted guests to your bed. Fleas and ticks are the most active during the warmer months, but the truth is they can infest your pet all year long. If the downsides of sleeping with your pet have made you reconsider your sleeping arrangement don’t fret - you can still have your pooch close by while you sleep. A crate or a cozy dog bed next to your bed will help everyone get a good night’s rest. Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

Animal Shelter Has Clever Way to Fundraise for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is for celebrating love, but for some, it can be a reminder of failed relationships. If you’re still feeling bitter towards an ex, you can now take that resentment and transform it into something positive, thanks to a clever fundraiser being run by an animal shelter in New Jersey.“Neuter Your Ex” and Help Stray Cats This Valentine’s Day Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center in Blackwood, NJ has come up with a funny way to raise much-needed funds for stray cats this Valentine’s Day. The campaign is called Neuter Your Ex for Valentine’s Day, and its slogan is “Because some things shouldn’t breed.”It’s simple: when you donate $50 to Homeward Bound, they’ll name a feral cat after your ex and then neuter or spay the kitty before releasing them back to their outdoor colony. If you’re familiar with trap-neuter-return, also known as TNR, then you already know how this works—cats who aren’t adoptable are allowed to live out their lives outdoors, but because they’ve been neutered or spayed, they can’t reproduce and, therefore, won’t contribute to the overpopulation problem.A Big Success So FarThis campaign is already a hit. Multiple news outlets have reported on it, so word has spread far and wide. The shelter states that they’ve received a lot of names (they’ve gotten so many that it will take months to use all of them). And donations have come from around the United States and other countries, such as the United Kingdom and Australia. Want to Help? Here’s HowIf you want to make a donation towards this worthy cause, you can fill out the form here, provide your ex’s first name or a nickname, and make a one-time or monthly payment to support the shelter’s TNR efforts. If you have questions, you can reach out to Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center. Their recent Instagram post provides answers to some frequently asked questions about the campaign, so you can check that out as well.  Keep an eye on Homeward Bound’s Instagram to see photos of the cats that end up benefiting from this Valentine’s Day fundraiser.Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

Is Rock Salt Toxic to Dogs?

As winter comes, the roads become icy and treacherous and rock salt is used to make them less slippery. While roads covered with rock salt are common in the chillier months of the year, dog owners are wondering if it is safe for their pets to walk on rock salt or accidentally ingest it. After all, dogs are known to be inquisitive and eager to lick or nibble on anything and everything so the idea is not as far-fetched as some might think at first. So, without further ado, let’s find out if rock salt is toxic to dogs and how you can best protect your pet in the winter months.Is Rock Salt Toxic to Dogs?Sadly, the answer is yes – rock salt, commonly used for de-icing roads and sidewalks in winter, can be toxic to dogs if ingested in large quantities. Rock salt, or sodium chloride, can cause salt poisoning or hypernatremia in dogs. Ingesting excessive amounts of salt can lead to symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, excessive thirst, increased urination, and in severe cases, it can even result in tremors, seizures, or death.And that is not all. In addition to the risk of ingestion, rock salt can also cause irritation to a dog's paws if they walk on treated surfaces. The salt can cause dryness, cracking, and discomfort, and dogs may try to  lick their paws to alleviate the irritation, leading to ingestion of the salt. After all, the roads are meant for cars and tires, so it was sadly never taken into account that pets would walk on them as well. Still, as a caring owner, there are a number of precautions that you can take in order to ensure that your dog doesn’t ingest rock salt – here are some of the most popular ways.Clean their paws after walks:Wipe your dog's paws with a damp cloth after walks to remove any salt or de-icing chemicals. Do this after every walk and as soon as you get home. Remember to take care of your pet’s paws and paw pads. When injured or unkempt, they can cause great discomfort. Furthermore, you can consider using  dog boots if your pet doesn’t mind it – they’ll keep their paws safe and warm.

When Nature Surprises: Crocodiles Push a Drowning Dog Out to Safety

Sometimes, nature can truly take us by surprise, providing stories that both shock and warm the heart. Recently, the whole world was stunned by an awe-inspiring animal-by-animal rescue that occurred in India and was written about in the  Journal of Threatened Taxa. A stray dog, which was chased by a pack of other, feral dogs, accidentally fell into the River Savitri, situated in the Maharashtra state in India.However, the poor dog jumped from one danger into another. The river was infested by a group of fierce mugger crocodiles. Three of them quickly approached the struggling stray pooch. In most cases – as per the rules of nature -– this would spell a quick end for the dog: crocodiles are ferocious predators and eat anything and everything. But just then, a true miracle of nature happened: the crocs appeared to usher the dog back to safety off the shore.“These crocodiles were actually touching the dog with their snouts and nudging it to move further for a safe ascent on the bank and eventually escape," one of the Indian researchers wrote. “The muggers were well within the striking range and could have easily devoured the dog, yet none of them attacked and instead chose to nudge it towards the bank, implying that the hunger drive was absent."Exactly why the crocodiles chose to spare the dog and push it to safety remains a true mystery of nature. The mugger crocs, which can weigh up to 1,000 pounds, are usually quite aggressive and voracious. But in this case, they were perfectly docile, much to everyone’s surprise. One unique theory proposed by the researchers is that crocodiles have empathy and emotional intelligence, something that was usually considered non-existent in crocs. Could this be true? Or was this just some weird fluke of nature? To make matters even weirder, the scientists in India discovered that these crocodiles have a strange obsession with marigold flowers. The working theory is that they prefer these orange blossoms because they have antimicrobial properties and they live in sewer-infested waters – it’s a little bit out there, but hey, we’re not experts on India’s mugger crocodiles.All in all, it appears, after all, that mugger crocodiles are much more than big violent brutes. Their shocking display of kindness stunned the world and is proof that, perhaps, these animals can show empathy like many other creatures. There is a lot we yet have to learn about these enigmatic creatures. It could be a bit difficult, however, because they usually tend to be hostile to humans. Some areas of coastal India and Sri Lanka have large populations of mugger crocodiles living near people. This leads to some of the highest frequencies of attacks on humans anywhere in the world. This caused many scientists to quickly dismiss the possibility of crocs having any form of empathy – but we like to think that in the case of this unusual dog rescue, it was a beautiful case of compassion in the animal kingdom rather than a coincidence.

Pandemic Puppies Are Behaving Badly, Study Shows

Puppies bought during the COVID-19 pandemic are more likely to exhibit one or more problem behaviors, a new study suggests. Research by the Royal Veterinary Colledge (RVC) has found that four in five (82%) owners of pandemic puppies have resorted to using punishment-based training methods to try to curb their dog’s problem behavior. The study found that moving the dog or shouting at them were the most commonly used aversive training methods. Other owners reported using water pistols, rattle bottles, and choke chains. Only 18% of owners who participated in the study said they didn’t use any aversive training methods or aids. Not only are aversive training techniques such as yelling at the dog or pulling its lead ineffective but they are also linked to further behavioral problems. The survey which was funded by the Battersea animal rescue charity asked more than 1,007 UK dog owners to list problem behaviors exhibited by their dogs. The list consisted of 24 problem behaviors reported by the owners. They ranged from control behaviors ( pulling on the leash) and attention-seeking behaviors, to aggressive behaviors and fear behaviors (anxiety around other dogs or people).Almost all (97%) owners said their dog exhibited at least one problem behavior from the list. At 21 months, owners on average reported five behavioral problems, while 20% of owners reported that their dogs had eight or more problem behaviors. According to owners, pulling on the leash is the most common problem behavior (67%), followed by jumping on people (57%), and not coming back when called (52%).Denise Mariner-Chappell got a Labrador retriever Ted during the pandemic. Strict lockdown measures made it hard to properly train and socialize her new pooch.“He’s a crazy dog when he’s out,” she said. “He’s just manic. He just wants to play and sniff, and everything, but not with humans.” Dr. Rowena Packer, the lead author of the study explained that problem behaviors are very common in pandemic puppies. In many cases, owners exacerbate these issues by using punishment-based training methods. “Although we understand these problem behaviors can be very frustrating for owners, they are often a sign a dog is struggling to cope or that they haven’t been taught an appropriate response in a situation, rather than dogs intentionally behaving badly,” she added.Packer warned that punishing the dog can make it anxious and fearful and cause it to develop further behavioral problems, including aggression. According to Robert Bays, Battersea’s senior animal behavior manager, the charity has seen an influx in dogs with behavioral problems coming into centers. These pups are suffering from separation anxiety and show other problem behaviors, which can be linked to training challenges brought on by the pandemic. “Without the right kind of positive training and support, a small behavioral problem in a puppy or a dog can quickly escalate into a serious issue, so we are deeply concerned with this study’s findings that so many owners are using aversive training methods,” said Bays.This training approach can cause additional behavioral problems in adulthood and also significantly damage the relationship between the dog and its owner. The study found that puppies who were still exhibiting problem behaviors by the age of 21 months were at a higher risk of being rehomed or euthanized. “A key piece of guidance arising from our study is that attending puppy classes is a vital way to support owners in using the best training techniques available.”Although many pandemic puppy owners missed these training classes due to lockdown restrictions there are thankfully many certified trainers who offer training classes for adult dogs. Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

Meet Maverick, the Winner of the 2023 American Humane Hero Dog Award

A six-year-old European Blue Great Dane was singled out from hundreds of other dogs and crowned the 2023 American Humane Hero Dog. Maverick’s job as a therapy dog is to support military members and their families from across the country.Maverick has an extraordinary ability to provide comfort to those who need it with a simple touch of his paw. “A sign of a good therapy dog is a dog that always wants to touch you,” explained Marverick’s owner, Kelly Brownfield, from Saint Robert, Missouri. “He just has a sense of knowing what people need.”Brownfield, who works as a manager at the Fort Leonard Wood United Service Organization, told Fox News that Maverick was born for a purpose. “Maverick’s superpower is his ability to calm people with a touch of his paw, giving them strength to move forward,” she said.This gentle giant supports service members after unexpected deaths in their units, escorts children to military funerals of their parents, and helps service men and women cope with trauma. Each week, Maveric spends time with students at school, offering support to children who practice their reading skills.Tipping the scales at 150 pounds, Maverick can initially seem intimidating, but “he is literally a gentle giant,” said Brownfield. “His whole aura about him is calming.”“He is the perfect size for everything that we do. He is literally their rock; they can lean on him, and he is there for them,” his owner added. “The one thing about this breed is that they have a heart to match.”Each year, people around the country nominate hundreds of dogs in five categories - law enforcement and first responder dogs; service and guide or hearing dogs; therapy dogs; military dogs; and emerging hero and shelter dogs - for American Humane’s Hero Dog Award.Five semi-finalists, in each of the five categories, were chosen from hundreds of dogs. A competitive public vote has cut the list to only five four-legged finalists - one presenting each category. Maverick, who was competing against service dog Moxie, Coast Guard K-9 Buda, police dog Poppy, and emerging hero Raina, was crowned by the panel of judges as the winner. “We are so excited to name Maverick as the American Humane’s 2023 Hero Dog, a distinction that is well deserved for him and his owner Kelly,” said Dr. Robin Ganzert, President and CEO of American Humane. “The duo has worked tirelessly to bring comfort and solace to our nation’s military heroes through the United Service Organization (USO), all while they both were facing their internal beatles against cancer. It’s these types of incredible stories about sacrifice, perseverance, and compassion that this award aims to spotlight.”Maverick has also offered emotional support to his owner Kelly, who has been battling cancer for the past six years. “I truly believe he knew before anyone else knew,” said Brownfield, adding that Maverick was particularly clingy, touchy, and protective in the months leading up to her diagnosis. “To have him there, especially on hard days has been just an amazing support.”The six-year-old gentle giant also faced a cancer diagnosis last year but is now cancer-free thanks to a successful surgical procedure. Although Maverick spends most of his time in Missouri, he and his owner sometimes travel around the country for work. Together, he and Brownfield have completed hundreds of special mission requests over the years.Having a therapy dog around “can help change lives,” said Brownfield. “He senses the needs of every person.”Maverick and the four other finalists will be honored at the 13th annual American Humane Hero Dog Awards in Palm Beach, Florida. The award show will air on Thanksgiving Day and November 26 on A&E.Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

UK Dog Is Recovering After 130+ Coins Were Removed From His Stomach

Missing any cash? An owner from Swindon in the UK did and was shocked when he discovered how his money went missing. The vets were equally shocked because they discovered that Charlie, the little  Bichon Frise, had eaten 133 coins, equalling more than £18!The mischievous little Bichon was taken to Thameswood Vets in Swindon, after the owners became concerned for his health, thinking he was ill. Their doubts proved true. A quick ultrasound revealed an obvious obstruction in the pet’s tummy. At first, the vet thought it was a piece of plastic, and scheduled an operation to remove the obstruction. But the surgery left him shocked. "It was a surprise for everybody,"  said vet Matheus Nerone, who carried out the surgery. Because once the stomach was opened, a “hoard” of 133 coins was discovered, adding up to £18 and 20 pence. "We opened his stomach and found 133 coins inside him," Dr. Nerone explained. "We did find some pieces of plastic there as well - but the owners had no idea that he had eaten the coins."Everyone was left scratching their head, wondering how on earth did Charlie ingest so many coins. "I don't think they had been there that long - maybe the night or two nights before he came in - because of the size of the obstruction there.” the Dr. said. "He felt sick so if he had eaten those coins a few days ago, he would have been sick before then."Of course, the doctor revealed that it is not uncommon for dogs to  ingest all sorts of things, especially loose change. "It does happen but usually they stop after having a couple of them [coins] - but 133 coins is an impressive amount!"Luckily, the surgery went well, and mischievous little Charlie is now making a good recovery. Thanks to the owner’s keen eye, a real tragedy was prevented, as Charlie could have been in big trouble without quick attention. "Many coins contain zinc which can be poisonous and lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and a lack of appetite," Dr. Nerone clarified. "We are monitoring his blood, but we are hopeful that everything's going to be fine."So next time you’re missing some change, consider all the possibilities!

How Often Should I Clean My Bird's Cage?

Parrots and small birds are exceptionally vulnerable when their cage is left unkempt and dirty – proper hygiene and a clean space to rest and eat in are a must for the good health of all avians. What is more, a bird cage that is left unclean can become a threat to your health as well, with airborne bacteria and pathogens flying all over the place. All in all, it’s clear that regular cleaning of your bird's cage shouldn’t be seen as just a dull chore but as a necessary task to protect everyone’s health and wellbeing. However, while it’s obvious that you need to do it regularly, just how often should you clean your bird’s cage? Is it on a check-and-see basis or is there a recommended frequency of cleaning? Let’s find out.How Often Should I Clean My Bird's Cage?The frequency at which you should clean the cage depends on several factors, including the size of the cage, the number of birds you have, and the species of bird in question. For example, a smaller cage will get dirty in no time, while a large one that houses a single, bigger bird will remain cleaner for longer. While these are good starting guidelines, things are not that simple.The best approach to take is to clean the cage daily, weekly, and monthly. Of course, the amount of cleaning you do each day will differ from the one you do on a monthly basis – here’s how it should look like:Daily Cleaning:Change the  food and water dishes daily to ensure fresh food and clean water. This is imperative and a major part of caring for your bird. Don’t allow water to remain unchanged and food to go stale.

How to Clean Dog Diarrhea From Carpet

Sure, sharing your life with a dog is fun and your days are filled with love, but sometimes, it can get messy. Like, real messy. After all, even though we love them, dogs are not the neatest of animals out there (that title would go to kitties, I’m afraid). In the daily life of a dog owner, there is bound to be a bit of dirt, hair, and - inevitably, poop – to clean up after your pet. And as if picking up poop from the street after your pet wasn’t bad enough, sometimes accidents happen inside your home, and the messes are that much harder to clean. Especially when you’re dealing with diarrhea and not your regular ole poop situation. But even though it’s far from pleasant to clean up after, it’s not the end of the world if an accident happens. While it can be difficult to thoroughly clean dog diarrhea embedded in the carpet fibers, everything can be cleaned if you are persistent enough – and know how to approach the issue. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you clean dog diarrhea from carpet – stains and smell both.How to Clean Dog Diarrhea from Carpet: Step by StepNow, keep in mind that cleaning dog diarrhea from a carpet can be a messy task, but it's important to clean it thoroughly and as quickly as possible to prevent lasting stains and lingering odors. Even if you are disgusted by the sight before you, it is necessary to keep at it until the job’s done. Someone has to do it, right? And we all know it ain’t gonna be your pooch.So, first things first, you’ll need to gather supplies. It is always good to have them handy and keep them stored in a secure cabinet. You never know when an accident can happen and they will be needed, so be sure to be stocked on  pet-safe cleaning supplies (if you’re not already, now is a perfect time to pick up all of your basic necessities). 

What Is Pyoderma In Dogs?

The sight of an itchy dog often raises concerns among pet parents. From parasites, like fleas and ticks, to uncomfortable skin issues and irritation, the explanation is rarely a positive one. In some cases, even finding a cause is an uphill battle. One condition you may have read about or heard your veterinarian mention is pyoderma. But what is pyoderma, and what does this mean for your best friend? In this article, we will dive deep into the world of dog skin issues, uncovering not only the warning signs and possible causes of pyoderma in dogs but also the steps you can take to offer some much-needed relief from the itch and irritation. Let’s get started… What is Pyoderma? Pyoderma is a term used to refer to a bacterial skin infection, with the word literally translating to “pus (pyo) in the skin (derma).” It is one of the most common dog skin conditions. Luckily, it is also often easy to treat once it has been diagnosed. Most dogs recover fully with the proper medication. The condition is classified into one of three types based on its location in or on the skin. They include: Surface Pyoderma: infections on top of the skin’s surfaceSuperficial Pyoderma: infections in the outermost layer of the skin, including in the hair follicles (which may be referred to as superficial bacterial folliculitis)Deep Pyoderma: infections in the deeper layers of the skinThe condition itself isn’t always visible, making it sometimes difficult to spot. This is why it is so important for dog parents to familiarize themselves with the warning signs of skin irritation and seek veterinary help. They can do the tests necessary to look beyond what is visible to the naked eye. What Causes Pyoderma in Dogs? Every healthy dog has bacteria on the surface of their skin. When a dog’s skin becomes irritated for any reason, they respond by scratching at the spot. This creates openings in the layers of the skin where the bacteria can move deeper, creating the perfect environment for them to grow and thrive. There are several potential triggers for the initial irritation, including: Environmental or seasonal allergies Food allergies Flea allergy dermatitis Chronic exposure to moisture (like skin folds)Seborrhea Impaired blood flow to the skin Endocrine disorders (Hypothyroidism, Cushing’s disease) It can also start when the skin is damaged due to an injury. Even a minor injury could cause just enough of an opening into the skin’s layers to begin the cycle. Is Dog Pyoderma Contagious to Humans? As this is a bacterial infection, it isn’t a risk of transmission like an airborne virus would be. Some strains of the bacteria can occasionally lead to an infection in humans or other dogs. However, the risk is incredibly low unless you have a compromised immune system. You can minimize the risk of transmission by focusing on keeping your home clean as your dog fights the infection. This includes regularly cleaning their food and water dishes as well as any bedding your dog sleeps on regularly. If you have an open wound, keep it covered when spending time with your infected dog.

Why Does My Dog Paw or "Dig" His Food Bowl?

Sometimes, dogs can behave straight out quirky. The range of their weird behaviors varies from chasing their tail and scooting on their but, to “pawing” or “digging” food, which sort of looks like they’re burying their kibble but they’re not really doing anything. Have you ever seen your pooch trying to fake bury his food by pawing at it? Don’t worry, the behavior might look odd at the very least, but it’s not a reason for concern. Here’s what dogs that dig, bury, or paw their food are trying to tell you with this behavior.Why Does My Dog Paw or "Dig" His Food Bowl?Dogs may exhibit pawing or digging behavior around their food bowl for various reasons, and the interpretation can depend on the individual dog. By closely observing your dog's specific actions and considering these factors, you may gain a better understanding of why they engage in pawing behavior. Keep in mind that individual differences among dogs can lead to variations in behavior, and what holds true for one dog may not necessarily apply to another. Still, there are some common explanations that hold true for most situations when “pawing” is in question.Too Much Food Served:In the wild, dogs might use their paws to cover or bury their food to protect it from other animals or to save it for later. This behavior could be a residual instinct from their ancestors – if they eat a bit and then paw at their bowl before leaving the meal, it means that they are trying to stash the surplus away for later. Try downsizing their portions to see if the behavior goes away. Scent Marking: Dogs have scent glands in their paws, and pawing at the food bowl might be a way for them to mark the area with their scent. This could be a territorial behavior and might be seen in households where there are several dogs present. Excitement or Anticipation: Dogs might get excited about mealtime, and pawing at the bowl could be a way of expressing anticipation or eagerness for their food. This is especially true if they are eagerly pawing the ground even before the food has been served. These dogs can often be voracious eaters as well, so to prevent them from snarfing up their food in seconds, try utilizing a  slow feeder for dogs to promote a more appropriate pace of eating and prevent bloat and other digestive issues due to lack of chewing and fast eating.

Jolly Pets’ Annual “#WeGiveaJolly” Campaign Helps Shelter Dogs

Jolly Pets is the brand behind innovative, durable, and unique pet toys that are made entirely by domestic manufacturers – and every holiday season, they make an effort to spread joy, kindness, and love to all the pooches in need. This season, collaborating with 19 influencer ambassadors, they are once again heading their # WeGiveaJolly charitable campaign. Starting from November 28th until December 25th, Jolly Pets will donate a high-quality toy for every single purchase made. The toys will go to rescue dogs at 19 animal shelters in the USA, each represented by the influencer ambassadors, as announced by the marketing director of Jolly Pets, Louisa Casto. "The holiday season is a time for giving, and what better way to make a difference in the lives of shelter dogs than through the power of play and companionship. Jolly Pets understands the importance of providing joy and comfort to dogs awaiting their forever homes, and # WeGiveaJolly exemplifies our commitment to this cause," said Casto. "We believe that every dog deserves love, care, and happiness regardless of their circ*mstances. That's why we're excited to kick off our annual # WeGiveaJolly campaign, collaborating with compassionate ambassadors and animal shelters to make a real difference in a dog's life."This campaign will bring true holiday cheer across the country, especially to rescue dogs who are in dire need of some love and compassion.The ambassadors, shelters, and locations are as follows:@guidingeyesfortheblind for Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Yorktown Heights, NY@goodasgoldens for Canine Companions, Sacramento, CA@Jack_the_Sleeper for Fort Worth North Animal Care and Adoption Campus, Haslet, TX@moosethegoldenretriever for Rescue Village, Russell Twp., OH@cheriethesurfdog for Frenchies United Rescue, Claremont, CA@incredibullstella for Animal Help Alliance, Las Vegas, NV@iheartpgracie for Animal Care Centers of NYC, New York, NY@2rockstarlabs for Crossed Paws Animal Shelter, Woodsfield, OH@koda.laredo for Hoosier Bulldog Rescue, Indianapolis, IN@posies_pocketful_of_praise for Pickens Humane Society, Liberty, SC@ziggy_loving_life for Home Fur Good Animal Rescue, Phoenix, AR@maligator_apollo for PAWS Chicago, Chicago, IL@remingtonpup for Great Pyrenees Rescue Society, Spring, TX@gvl_golden_girls for Dog Squad, Greer, SC@enzo.and.bella for Friends of Detroit Animal Care & Control, Northville, MI@benny.n.lola for Humane Society Silicon Valley, Milpitas, CA@leuleu_theblue for the Pet Alliance Sanford Shelter, Orlando, FL@the.hero.dogs for Hot Mess Pooches, Homer, IL@fosterkittenhq for The Animal Welfare League of Arlington, Arlington, VA"By participating in Jolly Pets # WeGiveaJolly campaign, our customers are not only providing joy to their own pets but also extending that joy to shelter dogs waiting for a loving home. It's a small act of kindness that can profoundly impact these dogs' lives," Casto said. "We encourage using the hashtag # WeGiveaJolly on social media to encourage friends and family to participate in this heartwarming initiative."To learn more about the # WeGiveaJolly campaign and to shop for Jolly Pets' durable and innovative pet toys, visit

New Study Searches for the Secret Connection Between ‘Gifted’ Dogs

As dog parents, we all want to believe that our dog is the smartest, most incredible, most amazing dog out there. Right? But there is a select group of dogs whose talent and intelligence stand out above the rest. What makes these dogs so bright? That’s what a new study hopes to understand… Known as “Gifted Word Learner” (GWL) Dogs, these dogs display an impressive vocabulary by learning the names of dozens of their toys, with some learning as many as 125 toys by name! Interested in better understanding this phenomenon and what makes these dogs so naturally gifted, researchers at Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary set out to identify any commonalities between these pups. Their recent study, published in Scientific Reports on December 14, included 41 GWL dogs from nine countries: the US, the UK, Canada, Brazil, Norway, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, and Hungary. They put out a call for ‘gifted’ dogs, asking owners to complete and submit a self-assessment following their detailed instructions and send the results in a video. Dogs that passed that phase were then given an online vocabulary assessment test to better assess their language skills. The owners were also given a questionnaire to provide a better understanding of each dog’s life experience. “In the questionnaire, we asked the owners about their dog’s life experience, their own experience in raising and training dogs, and about the process by which the dog came to learn the names of his/her toys,” explained Dr. Andrea Sommese, study co-author. Researchers discovered some interesting connections between the GWL dogs using all this information.

Amazing Wiener Dog Gives Birth to a Record Breaking Puppy Litter

Puppy litters can certainly be large, but in the case of this brave Wiener dog mom, everyone was taken by surprise! This extraordinary female dachshund brought to the world a litter of no less than 11 puppies – there is definitely potential for a world record here. Winnie, a three-year-old female dachshund, was seemingly a normal pregnant dog, and nobody expected her litter to be this big. Normally, this breed of dog delivers between one and six puppies, but Winnie delivered nearly double that number in September.

Can I Use Human Hair Shampoo to Wash My Dog?

Making sure your pet’s hygiene is up to standards is an important thing, but you have to be careful about how you go about it. There aren’t a lot of important rules to consider when doggo baths are considered, but you should pay special attention to the type of shampoo that you use. If you are all out of pet shampoo, and you are thinking that a little bit of human shampoo won’t make a difference – think again. Using human hair shampoo on your dog is not recommended, and the reasons for this are many, including negative effects on your pet’s overall health and the quality of their skin and coat. Here’s what you should know before you reach for your shampoo when bathing your pooch.Why You Shouldn’t Use Human Shampoo On DogsThe first and foremost thing you have to consider is pH balance. Human shampoos are formulated to match the pH level of human skin. However, that level is totally different for dogs. Because of this, human shampoo can greatly disrupt the natural pH levels of a dog’s skin, ultimately leading to rashes, irritation, and skin diseases. And the same goes for the ingredients in that shampoo.  Dog shampoos have totally different ingredients compared to human shampoos. The latter has many chemicals that are considered too harsh for dogs. Dogs are prone to skin allergies and sensitivities, and some of the ingredients in human shampoos could make these issues much worse. The allergies can also be triggered by the strong fragrances of human-grade shampoos, which dogs can’t really stand. You should also take into account that a dog’s coat and human hair are totally different. While human shampoos are meant to lather well on hair, they’ll be too soapy for dogs. Rinsing out human shampoo from a dog can be a challenge, and a lot of chemicals can stay trapped in the coat and absorbed through the skin. Ultimately, all of this can leave your dog’s coat damaged, their skin irritated, and their health vulnerable to viruses and skin-borne infections. 

What Are the Requirements for Flying with a Dog?

While traveling with your pet can be challenging, it doesn’t have to be. Even though some  airlines can be a bit finicky about their rules and regulations, you can fly with your pet in tow safely and comfortably, as long as you know their requirements and follow them to the letter.Having your choice of airlines to travel with your dog as your companion, broadens your options when it comes to travel destinations and can eliminate a lot of usual travel-related stress factors in the process. In fact, flying your pet together with you can be simple, straightforward, and hassle-free! As long as you stick to the rules, that is. So, without further ado, what are the requirements for flying with a dog? Are there any universal practices you should know or does it really depend from company to company? Here’s everything you should know before packing your bags.What Are the Requirements for Flying with a Dog?Of course, it goes without saying that you can’t just appear with your pet at the check-in gate and fly away! There are many important rules involved, mainly in order to keep your pet safe, to comply with specific airline regulations, the rules of other countries, and the comfort of other passengers as well. It is also important to remember that different airlines might have different rules. It is crucial that you contact your desired airline beforehand, checking about any special regulations that they require. Still, there are some universal criteria that any pet will have to meet in order to fly on a plane.One of the foremost requirements that will allow your pet to fly on a plane is a health certificate. This is a special document that can be issued by your veterinarian after a thorough physical examination. It guarantees that your doggo is healthy, has no diseases, and has all the required vaccinations that are up to date. And, of course, this certificate needs to be recent. They are valid for only about 30 days, so make sure to do it in time. Some airlines also require that your pet be microchipped. This is advisable for all pet owners regardless of travel or not. The  microchip allows for quick and simple identification in case your pet gets lost and also serves as a sort of doggo credential. Just make sure that all the information stored on the chip is up-to-date!

Peggy’s Easy Beef Dog Food Recipe (2024)


Peggy’s Easy Beef Dog Food Recipe? ›

Good homemade food for healthy dogs includes all the vitamins, calcium, proteins and minerals your pet needs to stay healthy. You can add ground beef, chicken, lamb or venison, as well as vegetables, such as zucchini, carrots, parsnips, beets, yams, butternut squash, and sweet potatoes.

What are the best ingredients to put in homemade dog food? ›

Good homemade food for healthy dogs includes all the vitamins, calcium, proteins and minerals your pet needs to stay healthy. You can add ground beef, chicken, lamb or venison, as well as vegetables, such as zucchini, carrots, parsnips, beets, yams, butternut squash, and sweet potatoes.

What proportion of homemade dog food should be meat? ›

The general rule of thumb for a home-made diet for a healthy canine patient is 75% meat/15%vegetables/10% carbohydrate. Variety is the key to a healthy diet so be sure to vary your meat, carbohydrate and vegetable sources from time to time.

Can I feed my dog ground beef every day? ›

Yes – as long as you feed the safe types of beef! Cooked beef can be given as meal toppers or treats. However, you cannot feed your dog only cooked beef every day. Dogs need a complete and balanced diet with the correct proportions of nutrients.

How long to boil beef for dog food? ›

Prepare your protein. If you're using ground beef there's not much to do, but if you're using chicken breast or other whole cuts of meat trim off as much fat as you can and cut into bite sized cubes. Bring a second pot of water to a boil. Carefully add your protein, and boil for 5-10 minutes.

What not to put in homemade dog food? ›

There is a wide variety of unhealthy and unsafe foods to avoid when preparing meals for your dog. Potentially toxic ingredients are of special concern, including chocolate, xylitol, avocado, grapes, raisins, onions, garlic, and macadamia nuts.

What should top 3 ingredients be in dog food? ›

What are the top 3 ingredients to look for in dog food? The top ingredients to look for in dog food are high-quality proteins (named meat sources - chicken, beef, fish, and lamb), natural carbohydrates (whole fruits and vegetables), and healthy fats (animal fats or plant-based oils).

What meat is best for homemade dog food? ›

Very lean ground beef or poultry- This is the main source of protein and has to be lean since dogs have a high amino acid requirement. Compared to ground beef, ground chicken and turkey are lower in protein, iron, and zinc, so you'll need to make up for it with extra beef liver.

What is the healthiest meat for dogs? ›

Some of the better options for lean meat cuts are chicken breasts, lean cuts of beef such as sirloin or flank steak, and pork tenderloin. These kinds of cuts can be boiled, baked, or grilled, but you'll want to avoid adding seasonings or other ingredients that might be harmful to your dog.

What is the vet-approved homemade dog food ratio? ›

Your dog food should take into consideration the following ratio of 40% protein, 50% vegetables, and 10% starch.

What three meats should dogs avoid? ›

Processed meats, such as hot dogs, sausages, and deli meats, often contain high levels of sodium, preservatives, and additives that can wreak havoc on your dog's health. These ingredients may contribute to issues like obesity, digestive upset, and even certain cancers.

Can dogs eat scrambled eggs? ›

Eggs are nutritious for both people and dogs. They can be tasty treats or a hearty breakfast, whether they're hard-boiled, poached, scrambled, or over easy. A cooked entire egg or yolk can be good for your dog, unless your pet has a pre-existing health condition like acute pancreatitis or diabetes.

Can I mix raw ground beef with dry dog food? ›

Yes, it is safe to add raw food to kibble for your dog's diet, as long as you introduce the raw food gradually to give your dog's stomach bacteria time to adapt.

What ingredients should be in homemade dog food? ›

Your pet needs protein (animal meat, seafood, dairy, or eggs), fat (from meat or oil) and carbohydrates (grains or vegetables). They also need calcium (from dairy or an ingredient such as egg shells), and essential fatty acids (from certain plant oils, egg yolks, oatmeal, and other foods).

Are egg shells good for dogs? ›

Egg shells are actually filled with calcium so they can be a great source of additional nutrients for your dog. Plus, the shells are also great for dogs who have difficulty chewing bones. For safety though, always ensure the shells have been cooked/boiled first, as raw eggshells can still pose a salmonella risk.

Can I give my dog ground beef and rice? ›

It's okay to feed your dog healthy amount of ground beef as part of the process, but adding other foods with that beef is going to help your pup feel their best. Some other important additions to your dog's meal could include: Rice.

What is the best filler for homemade dog food? ›

Beet pulp, tomato pumice, the fiber in beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and vegetables are true fillers. People and pets do not get direct nutritional benefits from fiber but it adds to the bulk of the diet. But even though it is a filler, fiber feeds the “good” bacteria in the colon.

What are the top ingredients to avoid in dog food? ›

They are the main ingredients to avoid when picking a nutrition-rich dog food without fillers for your pup, adult or senior furry friend.
  • Nitrites or Nitrates (Sodium Nitrite) ...
  • Soy. ...
  • Sodium Tripolyphosphate (STPP) ...
  • Salt. ...
  • Rendered Fat. ...
  • Propylene Glycol. ...
  • Vegetable Oil. ...
  • Animal By-Products.
Mar 24, 2023

What homemade food is good for dogs everyday? ›

Here are seven different foods and meals that are safe for your dog to eat and tips on how to prepare them.
  • Chicken. Cooked chicken is a good source of protein for dogs. ...
  • Lean Ground Turkey. ...
  • Eggs. ...
  • Raw or Steamed Vegetables. ...
  • Fresh Fruits. ...
  • Boiled Potatoes. ...
  • Peanut Butter. ...
  • Yogurt.
Sep 12, 2023

Do vets recommend homemade dog food? ›

“Homemade food is a great option for many pets, but we recommend that owners avoid general recipes from books and the Internet and instead consult with a board-certified veterinary nutritionist,” Larsen said.


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