Options drawn up to raise age of criminal responsibility in Northern Ireland (2024)

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Options drawn up to raise age of criminal responsibility in Northern Ireland (1)


Staff Reporter

17 Jun 2024 4:44 PM

Consideration is being given to raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility in Northern Ireland.

Under current legislation children aged 10 can be arrested and taken to a youth court if they commit a crime.

The minimum age of criminal responsibility is also 10 in England and Wales but is 12 in Scotland.

Stormont Justice Minister Naomi Long said her officials are preparing an options paper following a public consultation in 2022.

She said any change will require new legislation and consent from the rest of the Executive.

Options drawn up to raise age of criminal responsibility in Northern Ireland (2)

Speaking during questions for her department in the Assembly on Monday, Ms Long said she has been clear about her commitment to raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility in Northern Ireland.

“At 10 years of age our current minimum age of criminal responsibility is the lowest in Europe,” she said.

“In raising it, we are not saying that children’s offending behaviour should be ignored but they should not face the full force of the justice system.”

Ms Long said a public consultation carried out in 2022 showed “overwhelming support” for an increase in the age from 10 years, with the majority supporting an increase to 14 years.

“Based on the outcome of the consultation, my officials have developed an options paper, and I intend to share this with my Executive colleagues to seek their views on my proposals,” she said.

“As any increase in the minimum age of criminal responsibility requires legislative change. It will not be possible for me to progress it in the absence of Executive approval”.












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Options drawn up to raise age of criminal responsibility in Northern Ireland (2024)


Options drawn up to raise age of criminal responsibility in Northern Ireland? ›

Ms Long said a public consultation carried out in 2022 showed “overwhelming support” for an increase in the age from 10 years, with the majority supporting an increase to 14 years.

What is the criminal age in Northern Ireland? ›

Overview. The minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR) in Northern Ireland is currently 10 years old. From this age, children can, and do, face the full force of the law, from arrest right through to sentencing and custody.

Why should the age of criminal responsibility be raised UK? ›

Numerous scientific studies emphasise the need to increase the age of criminal responsibility in the UK. I'll save you from the biological jargon and just say this: the area of the brain responsible for decision-making and impulse control does not develop fully until we're around twenty-years-old.

Is the age of criminal responsibility raising in the Northern Territory? ›

Up until 1 August 2023, the age of criminal responsibility was 10 in all Australian states and territories. On 1 August 2023, the Northern Territory became the first Australian jurisdiction to raise the age of criminal responsibility. The minimum age of criminal responsibility in the Northern Territory is now 12.

What is the criminal age of responsibility in Ireland? ›

The general age of criminal responsibility for children is 12. This means that children under 12 cannot be charged with an offence. There is an exception however, for children aged 10 or 11, who can be charged with murder, manslaughter, rape or aggravated sexual assault.

What age is a minor in Northern Ireland? ›

In Northern Ireland, The Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 defines a 'child' as a person under the age of 18.

At what age are you no longer a minor in Ireland? ›

In Ireland under the Child Care Act 1991, the Children Act 2001 and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child a child is defined as anyone under the age of 18.

Can a 12 year old be charged with assault in the UK? ›

A child of 12 or over can also be prosecuted for a criminal offence in court if the offence is serious.

Why did Scotland increase the age of criminal responsibility? ›

To realign the minimum age of criminal responsibility with practice, and in response to sustained campaigns by a range of organisations and children's rights advocates, including the Children and Young People's Commissioner in Scotland, a bill proposing an increase in the MACR to 12 years was introduced and approved ...

Can I go to jail for something I did years ago? ›

In many states, certain crimes don't have a statute of limitations, meaning the prosecutor can file these charges at any time, even if 20, 30, or more years have passed since the crime happened. These crimes tend to be murder, treason, and rape offenses. A few states have no statutes of limitations for any felony.

What is the lowest age of criminal responsibility in the US? ›

Sweden, Finland, and Norway all set the age at 15 years. In the United States the age varies between states, being as low as 6 years in North Carolina and as high as 12 years in California, Massachusetts, and Utah, at least for most crimes; 11 years is the minimum age for federal crimes.

What is the legal drinking age in the Northern Territory? ›

Underage guests and alcohol

If you're having your party at a licensed premises, for example a pub or a club, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to drink or even carry alcohol. In a private home, it is legal for a person under 18 years to drink alcohol.

What is the age of criminal responsibility in South Australia? ›

The government is considering an alternative diversion model for children under the minimum age of criminal responsibility. The minimum age of criminal responsibility in South Australia is currently 10 years of age.

Can you go to jail for something you did as a child in the UK? ›

If you were under 10 at the time of the offence then you cannot be charged subsequently as you were below the age of criminal responsibility. If you were between 10 and 17 at the time of committing the offence, then it would depend on the nature of the offence.

What happens if a child commits a crime in Ireland? ›

If the child is aged under 14 years when charged with an offence, no further proceedings can be taken without the consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions. The laws covering the age of criminal responsibility are Section 52 of the Children Act 2001 as amended by Section 129 of the Criminal Justice Act 2006.

What is the youngest age to go to jail? ›

A: On a national level, there is no youngest age to go to jail, as there is no minimum age for criminal responsibility. It is decided at the state level. For example, the age of criminal responsibility is 14 in California.

What is the age of consent in Northern Ireland? ›

Consent and Sexual Activity

In NI the age of consent to sexual activity is 16 years. For the purposes of the Sexual Offences (NI) Order 2008, a person consents if he or she agrees by choice and has the freedom and capacity to make that choice.

What age can you go to jail in Ireland? ›

If you do something against the law, you won't go to prison if you are under the age of 18. You will go to a detention centre. The Gardai try to keep children out of trouble and have different programmes that young people can do instead of going to a detention centre.

What can you legally do at 16 Northern Ireland? ›

If you are over compulsory school age, and you're 16 or 17, the law refers to you as a young worker. There are fewer restrictions on when you can work and for how long, but there are still some rules. You'll only be able to work for eight hours every day, or a total of 40 hours over the course of a week.

What is the age of criminal intent in the UK? ›

Age of criminality

The age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales is 10 years old. This means that children under 10 can't be arrested or charged with a crime.


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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