4 Kitchen Hardware Trends for 2024 | Hardware Retailing (2024)

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4 Kitchen Hardware Trends for 2024 | Hardware Retailing (1)

Jacob Musselman February 27, 2024Category, Hardware, Hot Products Hub - Trends, Housewares2,084 Views

For many, the kitchen is one of the most important rooms in their house. It’s where meals are made, conversations spark and fun is had. For customers shopping for kitchen remodel materials in 2024, many trends are making their way onto online design forums and into the kitchens of thousands around the country.

We’ve compiled a list of four kitchen hardware design trends to watch out for in 2024 from The Spruce.

Textured Finishes: Sleek finishes are on their way out, making room for hammered, brushed and knurled finishes on both knobs and pulls. One popular design is knurling, which features small bumps accented with smooth edges like these cabinet pulls from Goldenwarm.

Mixing Metals: Experts have said mixing metals when shopping for hardware has been increasingly popular and will not fall out of favor in 2024. When selling cabinet hardware, try to stock hardware that is clearly metal or has a metallic finish to offset from the wood.

Statement Hardware: Like painting your front door a bright color or adding colorful flowers to your garden bed, stocking statement hardware to your customers to add a pop of color to their cabinets is important for 2024. Many consumers will be looking for fun shapes, different colors and unexpected placements for their cabinet hardware. This Crawford cabinet knob from Amerock is a great option for those who want to make their cabinet knob stand out in their kitchen.

No Hardware:What’s better than a bright drawer pull? No drawer pull at all. This trend works well in smaller spaces, where handles might get in the way. The elimination of knobs allows homeowners to open drawers or cabinets with an open slot or raised edge on the cabinet.

Tags experts kitchen hardware metal statement hardware textured finishes trends

About Jacob Musselman

4 Kitchen Hardware Trends for 2024 | Hardware Retailing (2)

Jacob is the content coordinator for Hardware Retailing Magazine. A lifelong Hoosier, Jacob earned a B.S. in journalism and telecommunications with a minor in digital publishing from Ball State University. He loves making bagels, going to farmers markets with his wife Hannah and two dogs and watching Formula One.

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Modern Matte Black

This trend has taken the design world by storm, bringing a touch of edgy elegance to any space. The matte black pulls and knobs not only provide a striking contrast against light-colored cabinetry but also add a contemporary and moody vibe to the overall look.

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In 2024, black countertops continue to be in style due to their ability to complement various design aesthetics. Black countertops offer a sleek and luxurious appearance, pairing well with both minimalist and bold color schemes. They create a striking contrast in kitchens, enhancing the overall visual impact.

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However, the 2024 trend is using stone tiles to add texture and style to your kitchen. Whether you decide to use tiles with a weathered finish or ones that have an acid-wash look, your kitchen backsplash will be spectacular with stone tiles.

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In 2024 the white kitchen trend is here to stay, and for good reason. Its timeless appeal, versatility, and ability to adapt to different styles make it a popular choice for homeowners looking to create a space that is both beautiful and functional.

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White kitchen designs have long been celebrated for their classic and versatile appeal. Their ability to create a canvas of serenity and sophistication is unmatched. In 2024, the white kitchen trend is set to continue, with modern updates and innovative twists that make this perennial favorite even more captivating.

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Material and Finish: Choose high-quality materials like brass, stainless steel, or zinc, and decide on a finish that complements your kitchen's existing fixtures and color scheme, such as chrome, oil-rubbed bronze, or matte black. 3.

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But if you are looking for a style that is sure to be popular, look no further than the most popular kitchen cabinet handle around: the stainless steel pull or knob.

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A high quality brass, bronze, or silver finish will look good years to come if it matches your color scheme.

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In 2024, the trend is toward electronic locks that blend technological innovation with aesthetic appeal. Rocky Mountain Hardware's high-end door hardware selection includes smart electronic locks that offer top-notch security and add to the door's visual appeal, marrying function with form seamlessly.

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Brass brings a warmth and lustrous elegance, effortlessly aligning with the timeless design aesthetic. Nickel offers a touch of modernity in both satin and bright nickel.

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Dark-toned door hardware is prevalent in many homes, likely because it can give a room a more modern and sophisticated look. However, high-shine finishes like brass and polished chrome are also becoming increasingly popular, as they can add a touch of timeless luxury to any room.


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