Wood Entry Door Materials and Finishes (2024)

Wood Entry Door Materials and Finishes

Wood Entry Door Materials and Finishes (1)

The wood you see beneath a clear finish determines whether your door’s look will be rustic or refined.

Good Woods

Wood Entry Door Materials and Finishes (2)

Doors made with stable woods are less affected by humidity, so they’re better at holding up to the elements. Here’s how a few of the more common species compare.

Ponderosa Pine

Character: Relatively stable, light in color and weight, and often dotted with knots. Consider painting it; it’s hard to stain evenly.

Price: About $200 to $300

Douglas Fir

Wood Entry Door Materials and Finishes (3)

Character: If quartersawn, this wood has a straight, consistent grain and is stable and check-resistant. Darkens naturally under a clear finish.

Price: About $300 to $375

White Oak

Wood Entry Door Materials and Finishes (4)

Character: Naturally stable and rot-resistant, it shows off its distinctive flecked, open-pored grain when quartersawn and stained.

Price: About $450 to $500

Knotty Alder

Character: Burl clusters and small knots make alder a good choice for rustic doors. It has a fairly straight grain and a natural cherrylike hue.

Price: About $300 to $375

African Mahogany

Wood Entry Door Materials and Finishes (6)

Character: A deep brown tropical hardwood that’s very heavy and stable. Check whether the wood was sustainably harvested.

Price: About $650 to $800

Finishing Options

Wood Entry Door Materials and Finishes (7)

Most door companies apply a paint or poly finish before delivery, or you can save a few bucks by ordering the door unfinished and coating it yourself. Just be sure to seal all edges so that the wood doesn’t wick up moisture.


No other clear finish matches its durability and moisture resistance. Apply

two coats of exterior-grade polyurethane to start. Sand and apply one fresh coat every two years to keep it looking fresh.


Wood Entry Door Materials and Finishes (8)

Because its opaque pigments block the sun’s UV rays, an exterior-grade oil- or water-based paint is the longest-lasting and most-protective finish you can apply. Plus, it comes in eye-catching colors to improve your home’s curb appeal. Sand and reapply every five to six years.

Spar Varnish

Wood Entry Door Materials and Finishes (9)

This old-fashioned mix of UV-resistant oils and resin is more flexible and less plastic-y than polyurethane. Nothing matches the rich look it gives wood after eight or 10 coats. Sand and reapply two top coats once a year. Epifanes

Wood Entry Door Materials and Finishes (2024)


What is the best finish for a wood entry door? ›

Because its opaque pigments block the sun's UV rays, an exterior-grade oil- or water-based paint is the longest-lasting and most-protective finish you can apply. Plus, it comes in eye-catching colors to improve your home's curb appeal. Sand and reapply every five to six years.

What material is best for a front entry door? ›

Fiberglass and steel front doors require the least amount of maintenance. Durable aluminum-clad wood front doors protect your home from the elements and feature a low-maintenance finish. Front doors made of wood, without aluminum-cladding, will require refinishing or repainting from time to time.

What materials are used to make a wooden door? ›

Wood doors can be made from solid woods, composites, veneers, engineered components or a combination of these. If you are looking for the most traditional and historically accurate style of door, you should specify solid construction for both the frame (rails and stiles), as well as panels.

Which wood is good for entrance door? ›

What is the best wood for main door as per Vastu? According to Vastu Shastra, wood is considered an auspicious material to create a front entrance. High-quality wood should be used for the front door. One can opt for a variety of options including teak wood and Honne wood.

What is the best sealant for exterior wood doors? ›

For exterior doors, it is highly recommended to use an outdoor rated polyurethane 2 part clear coat. This will cure very hard and will protect against water and sun very well.

What finish should exterior doors be? ›

While you may be inclined to choose a paint finish based on personal preference or style, semi-gloss paint is the ideal choice for exterior doors.

How to make front door look expensive? ›

The easiest way to make a front door look more expensive is to give it a new coat of paint and a new color too. The color you choose for your door is a big deal, it sets the tone for your home and reflects what's going on in the rooms behind.

Which type of wood door is typically used for entrance doors? ›

The type of wood door typically used for residential entrance doors is solid-core. Solid-core doors are made from a solid wood core, typically covered with wood veneer or a composite material. They are heavier and more durable than hollow-core doors and provide better insulation and soundproofing.

What wood is commonly used for doors? ›

Pine: Pine is one of the most popular wood choices for doors because it's easy to work with and lightweight. Best of all, it's incredibly cheap because it's widely available. Oak: Boost your front door security with oak. Oak is one of the strongest wood types, which is why it's commonly used for boats.

What is the most common door material? ›

Wood is a traditional and versatile choice for doors since it offers a classic aesthetic and can be stained or painted to match your interior or exterior decor. Different types of wood, such as oak, mahogany, and cherry, provide varying levels of durability and appearance.

What are exterior wooden doors made of? ›

Wood is the traditional exterior door choice, that provides a natural uniqueness. With choices of solid wood or veneer made from maple, oak, mahogany, fir, and pine there's a broad range of styles and range in costs.

What is the best sheen for entry doors? ›

Go for a semi-gloss finish, which is as durable as it is attractive. Exterior paints are sold in flat/matte, eggshell, satin, semi-gloss, and gloss sheens, in order of the lowest to the highest luster. Semi-gloss is ideal for front doors, as it's more wear- and stain-resistant than flatter sheens.

What is the best finish for internal doors? ›

Type – Many oil-based paints are often the most hardwearing. They are traditionally used for painting wood. Finish – Satin and gloss paints are usually best for internal doors.

What to put on exterior wood doors? ›

To maintain the beauty of your exterior wood doors, you may want to polish them periodically – you'll know it's time if the surface starts looking a little dull. At that point, grab a clean, soft rag and apply a light coat of a good-quality furniture polish or wax, one that's safe for use on natural wood surfaces.

What is the protective coating for wood doors? ›

For superior protection, it's best to use a high-quality polyurethane finish for wood doors. ZAR®'s oil-based polyurethanes provide quality protection for wood while being user-friendly. While each product differs somewhat, the application methods are generally the same.


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.