Countertop space is vital for any functioning kitchen. No matter what size you’re working with, a kitchen counter provides stability and a little elbow room for even the simplest meals.

Without a counter, dishes end up stacked in the sink, on the stove, perhaps even on the kitchen table. Meal preparation would take place on the table, resulting in a very inconvenient and cluttered experience. Counters allow for more organization, more efficiency, and less stress.

These essential benefits help transform your kitchen into a happy sanctuary that your whole family can enjoy.


Counters supply the space for food preparation and cleanup. Even for the humblest of meals, convenient counter space allows for easier kitchen management. The more room you have, the cleaner and more organized your kitchen can be, and the easier it is to keep clean.

For large meal preparation, kitchen countertops provide an easier way to keep track of your ingredients and dishes. Kitchen utensils and appliances are not much use if you don’t have anywhere to store them. Counter space also frees up potential space on kitchen tables, which keeps all the meal preparation in one spot and allows for more guests.


Countertops are no good if they aren’t durable or resilient. Many kitchen incidents can affect the look or function of your countertop. Burns and spills have the potential to disfigure, warp, or crack the surface. If your counter is porous, bacteria and mold can harbor in your kitchen and cause health issues for you and your family.

Counters that are easy to clean, strong against accidental chopping or knife wear, and resistant to stains and burns will be long-lasting and functional additions to your home. Moreover, if they have proper access to outlets, you can use more appliances for bigger meals. Plenty of space can also double as extra seating for larger kitchens.


In most cases, the first thing that will be noticed about your kitchen is the color. The counter is one of those aspects that remain very obviously on display, and whether or not it fits in with the scheme of your kitchen will be quickly noticed. You will not enjoy being in your kitchen if you don’t like how it looks. If your counter doesn’t fit aesthetically, it might be time for a new one.

The kitchen should be a welcoming place that you enjoy being in. As such, the overall look of your counter is an aspect requiring serious thought.


Considering what kind of kitchen countertop is for you, aesthetics is only part of the whole. Weaker materials can burn or even melt under hot surfaces. Certain tiles can even chip or break during use. The stronger and more durable your counter is, the less likely that it will need replacing.

Countertops tend to be expensive, so a resilient material is a good investment for the long term. Properly installed, a good countertop will last for years without problems.


There are many aspects of a good kitchen counter that can make your life much easier. If you’re looking to update your kitchen countertop, Bella Casa has a wide range of designs to match your kitchen aesthetic. Contact us today to get a quote!



Why are kitchen countertops important? ›

Counters supply the space for food preparation and cleanup. Even for the humblest of meals, convenient counter space allows for easier kitchen management. The more room you have, the cleaner and more organized your kitchen can be, and the easier it is to keep clean.

Why use stone countertops? ›

Stone countertops provide many benefits, including a beautiful, timeless appearance, an easy-to-clean and sanitary surface, and a durable workspace to cook on. Not to mention, adding stone countertops to your kitchen helps increase your home's resale value too!

What is the best stone for kitchen countertops? ›

Granite: Granite is an incredibly durable and weather-resistant stone perfect for kitchen countertops. Its impressive strength makes it resistant to most scratches, abrasions, and direct heat from pots and pans. Its natural color variation adds beauty to any space.

What is the best countertop for a kitchen? ›

One of the top choices for kitchen countertops is granite. Granite countertops are popular because they are durable and tough, able to resist impact and abrasive damage. It is a more expensive countertop option, but homeowners love it's resistance to heat and stunning finish.

Why is the kitchen so important? ›

It's the heart of any home, and a magnet for social gathering. Kitchens are the perfect space for living, socialising, eating, drinking, and even relaxing… all of the best bits in life! Did you know the average person spends 2.5 hours every day in their kitchen/dining room?

What is the importance of granite countertops? ›

Granite is a surprisingly durable stone—a must-have quality for any high-traffic kitchen. The material is heat-resistant so proximity to a cook-top or briefly setting a hot pan down won't destroy the surface. Similarly, as an extremely hard material, granite won't easily scratch.

Why is stone important? ›

Uses of stone

Buildings, walls, paving slabs. Aggregates – stone used for its strong physical properties – crushed and sorted into various sizes for use in concrete, coated with bitumen to make asphalt or used 'dry' as bulk fill in construction. Mostly used in roads, concrete and building products.

Do stone countertops add value? ›

Installing countertops made of granite or another type of natural stone can potentially increase your home's value by up to 25 percent of its retail value.

Which is a better countertop or granite? ›

Quartz is actually harder than granite and thus, more durable. In fact, quartz is nearly indestructible, and because it isn't porous like granite, it's easy to keep your countertops relatively bacteria-free.

What stone is the best for a kitchen? ›

Due to its beauty and durability, granite has been one of the most popular kitchen countertops for many years. When choosing a natural stone option, granite is widely considered to be the best stone slab for kitchen countertops. It has a reputation as a premium stone material that will elevate your kitchen design.

Which is better stone or granite? ›

Comparing the two, granite reacts to heat better than man-made stone. Quartz countertops can take hot pans for a short period, but you have a higher chance of damaging your countertops. No matter which countertop material you may have though we recommend never putting hot pans directly on your countertop.

Which countertop is most durable? ›

1. Quartz. Quartz is the most durable countertop material. A perfect choice for any kitchen or bathroom, quartz countertops contain a mixture of crushed quartz and resin.

What type of countertop is popular now? ›

Porcelain slabs are a type of countertop material that has been gaining in popularity in recent years. Hardwearing and stain-resistant, they are a popular choice for anyone seeking a low-maintenance countertop option. Porcelain countertops are available in a variety of marble-look and concrete-look designs.

What are the uses of kitchen countertops? ›

Countertop uses

The kitchen countertop contains the sink and cooktop, two fundamental elements to the functioning of any kitchen. It is also the space for cleaning, prepping, cutting and mixing foods, resting hot pots and pans, plating food and storing small kitchen appliances and everyday utensils.

Do countertops increase home value? ›

A Realtor® can tell you specifically how much this highly coveted finish will add to the potential sale price of your home. However, the general perspective on this question is that you will add an amount to your home's value equivalent to at least 25 percent of the retail cost of the countertops.

Is it worth upgrading kitchen countertops? ›

Upgrade to High-Quality Countertops

If yours are outdated, choosing high-quality countertops that require minimal maintenance is a huge selling point to future buyers. "For years, most of the builders we work with have gone with some variation of a white speckled quartz or higher-end stones," says Bernbach.

Why is it important to have counter space in the cooking and serving center? ›

Counter space on either side of your stove today's kitchens are designed with at least 18 inches of counter space on either side of the cooking area of your kitchen (stove, range, etc.). This space is very important for placing bowls and other implements you need while cooking a meal.


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