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Necesidades relativas y absolutas: Las necesidades relativas son aquellas que dependendel contexto y las comparaciones sociales, mientras que las necesidades absolutas sonaquellas que son universales y no dependen de comparaciones con otros individuos ogrupos. Por ejemplo, la necesidad de tener un teléfono celular puede ser relativa, ya quedepende de las normas sociales y las expectativas, mientras que la necesidad de aguapotable es absoluta, ya que es esencial para la vida humana sin importar el contexto social.La principal característica de las necesidades es que son ilimitadas y cambiantes. A medidaque se satisfacen ciertas necesidades, surgen otras nuevas, lo que significa que siemprehay un deseo constante de mejorar y progresar en la vida. Además, las necesidadespueden variar en importancia y urgencia según el momento y el contexto en que seencuentren los individuos.4. Los bienes son objetos físicos tangibles que tienen un valor económico y que pueden serutilizados para satisfacer necesidades humanas. Los servicios, por otro lado, sonactividades intangibles realizadas por personas, empresas o entidades gubernamentalespara satisfacer las necesidades de otras personas o entidades.Los bienes se pueden clasificar de varias formas:Bienes de consumo: Son aquellos que están destinados a satisfacer directamente lasnecesidades de los consumidores finales. Pueden ser bienes duraderos, comoelectrodomésticos, vehículos, muebles, o bienes no duraderos, como alimentos, ropa,productos de limpieza. ...
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Assessment1Instructions:ProcessImprovementPlanDevelopa7-pageprocessimprovementplanforaprovidedscenarioorabusinessandprocessofyourchoice,usingdatatosupportyourrecommendations.IntroductionThisportfolioworkproject,aprocessimprovementplan,willhelpyoudemonstratecompetenciesinprocessdocumentation,processanalysis,andprocessimprovement.ScenarioForthisassessment,chooseeitherOption1orOption2.Youdonotneedtodoboth.YouwillapplyoneofthesescenariosintheRequirementsbelow.Bothoptionswillbegradedusingthesamescoringguide.Option1WildDogCoffeeCompany,alocallyownedcompanywithasinglecoffeeshoplocation,servesawideselectionofespressoproducts,smallbreakfastandlunchmenuitems,andalimitedeveningmenu.Thecompanyisplanningtoexpandthebusinessbyaddinganadditionallocation.Whiledifferentmenuitemsmaybetestedatthenewlocation,theespressobeveragepreparationprocesswillremainexactlythesame.Thecompanywantstoensurethattheespressobeveragepreparationprocessisdocumentedandrefinedbeforethemove.Option2Selectabusinessandprocessofyourchoosing.Note:Itisrecommendedthatyouusethesamebusinessforeachassessmentinthiscourse.Beforechoosingacompany,readallthreeoftheassessmentsthoroughlytoensurethefollowing:Thecompanyfitstheassessmentrequirementsandyouhaveaccesstotheinformationneededtocompletetheassessment.Thebusinessinformationisdisclosedintheassessmentforfaculty'sreference.Youcandistributethebusinessdatawithoutdisclosingconfidentialinformation.Contactfacultywithquestions.YourRoleOption1YouareoneofthreeownersofWildDogCoffeeCompany.Yourbackgroundisprimarilyinoperations.Yourbusinesspartners'backgroundsareinmarketingandsales.Whiletheyareworkingontheexternalaspectsofthebusinessthatwillbringcustomersin,youarefocusedonmakingtheinternalcustomer-facingprocessesasefficientaspossible.Youarepreparingananalysisandrecommendationsthatwillhelpmanageacoreprocessimprovementforthesuccessfulopeningofasecondlocation.Option2Yourboss,adirector,hastaskedyouwithaprocessimprovementproject.Sheisrelyingonyoutoprepareananalysisandrecommendationsthatcanbepresentedtotheexecutiveteamofthecompany.RequirementsIncludethefollowinginyourprocessimprovementplan:Assessthestepsforaselectedprocess.Developaflowchartshowingtheprocess'steps.Youmayincludeasmanystepsasarerelevantforyourselectedscenario.IfusingWildDogCoffeeCompany,showthestepsforpreparinganespressobeverage(forexample,latté,cappuccino);therearetwostepsthatmustbeincluded:(1)orderissubmittedand(2)beverageishandedtothecustomer.Hint:Youmaywanttovisitalocalcoffeeshoptoobservethebeveragepreparationprocess.Prepareaproceduredocumentingtheselectedprocess.Ataminimum,theproceduremustdocumentthefollowingforyourselectedprocess:Metrics.Identifyatleasttwometricsthatwillbeusefulindetermininghowwellthenewprocessisperforming.Besuretoidentifythetargetvalueofthemetricandhowyouwillmeasureit.ForWildDogCoffeeCompany,itcouldbehowwellthebeveragepreparationprocessisperforming.Athirdmetricisalreadyidentifiedforyou:orderdeliverytime.(Thisisthetimebetweenwhentheorderissubmittedandthetimethebeverageishandedtothecustomer.)Procedure.Thissectiondescribeseachstepoftheprocess.ForWildDogCoffeeCompany,yourprocedureshouldbetitled,“EspressoBeveragePreparationProcess.”Besuretoincludeordersubmittalandhandingthebeveragetothecustomeraspartoftheprocedure.Purpose(oftheprocedure).Thissectiondescribeswhattheprocedureisintendedtodo.Analyzedataforprocesschangesforaselectedprocess.Respondtothefollowingquestions:Istheprocesscentered?Providetheresultsofyourcalculationsandtherationaleforyourdecisionbythinkingabouttheprocesscapability.Istheprocesscapableat3-sigma?Providetheresultsofyourcalculationsandtherationaleforyourdecisionbythinkingabouttheprocesscapabilityindex.Istheprocessinstatisticalcontrol?Providetheappropriatenumbersandtherationaleforyourdecisionusingacontrolchartforindividuals.ForWildDogCoffeeCompany,analyzetheBeverageServiceTimes[XLSX]data.Thisdataisfor50beveragepreparationeventsandwascollectedusingtheirorderprocessingsystem.Eachindividualordergetsatime-stampwhenitisplacedandagainwhenthebeverageishandedtothecustomer.Theseniorbaristathinksthebeveragedeliverytimesshouldrangebetween2and3minutes.Theknownprocessstandarddeviation,whichhasbeencalculatedonanon-goingbasis,is0.5903minutes.Analyzethecauseandeffectofprocessvariances.Brainstormpossiblesourcesofvariationtocreateacause-and-effectdiagramtohelpanalyzepotentialsourcesofvariationintheespressobeveragepreparationprocessatWildDogCoffeeCompanyorforyourselectedbusiness'process.Yourdiagrammustincludeatleastfourofthe“6Ms”(thatis,management,manpower,method,measurement,machine,materials).Recommendqualityandcustomerserviceimprovementsforaselectedprocess.DetailtheresultsofyouranalysisforWildDogCoffeeCompanyoryourselectedbusiness'processtosubstantiateyourrecommendations.DeliverableFormatRequirements:Theprocessimprovementplanistobeaminimumof7pages,notincludingthetitle,reference,andappendixpages.Useaprocessimprovementplantemplateofyourchoice.Relatedcompanystandards:TheprocessimprovementplanisaprofessionaldocumentandshouldthereforefollowthecorrespondingMBAAcademicandProfessionalDocumentGuidelines(availableintheMBAProgramResources),includingsingle-spacedparagraphs.Inadditiontothetitleandreferencepages,includethefollowingintheappendix:Flowchart.Procedure.Detailedresultsoforderdeliverytimeanalysis.Cause-and-effectdiagram.UseAmericanSocietyforQuality(ASQ)dataanalysistoolsand2–3additionalscholarlyoracademicsourceswhereapplicable.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.