Sioux City Journal from Sioux City, Iowa (2024)

10 THE SIOUX CITY JO UENAL: TUESDAY MOBNIXft. OCTOBEIt 7. 1913. early Jast summer by Senators Cummins, Karas said he had been r. 11 O.

Walber. a vice president's assistant nnrnDTT DT I1IC APJr.lImllflV turn to Tahasfn fr.r t0 lt be more Interested la, the cases of the FUTILE SEARCH FOR SLAYER the Baltimore and Ohio. i -1 RDf VUU I JJiUlU U17 UUUU111U players who were supposed to write spe HEWLAHDS AT WHITE HODSE "Taking into consideration all agencies working in favor of, the trainmen in these cial articles on the worlds series xnan tn iha activities of the speculators. After UllK On that he would return to thf camp. His brother was held he declared, and his captors 'i1 brother would be severely he, Eris, did not return.

'l 11 requests, should they be granted, tne in SENATOR TALKS CHANGE UT meeting to consider this and other fea POIilCE rxJTD NO TRACE OP Alt I crease would cost the railroads approxi tures of the aeries, Chairman uerrmano WEVADAITS ADVTCE IS SOUGHT PABTT-BTJLES. STTJTJENT'S MTJBDEBEIL mately J17.975.6S8 more a year: than at Dresent." said the aaidf 1 ON LEGISLATION. rJDouble" which- "The -commission feels Just the same boot bait players writing for the- news? ruiDn it if did when it made its an ISSUE Jones, urawtora ana others tor tne special national convention. The Indorsem*nt given the project a few weeks ago by the New York 'republican state convention added impetus to the campaign. It Is proposed to bring all possible pressure to bear on members of the national committee before the date set for the meeting in Washington to induce them to agree to the iiolding of a national convention not later than next February.

The advocates of the convention will vigorously oppose any attempt by the national committee to make the proposed changes Itself. Such action, the reform leaders claim, would not establish such popular confidence in the party's reorganization as would a revision of rules made by a regularly called national convention. MAWHTrR; OP. JiEATK" LEARNED Kbleb tke men In presenUnr theirs case POINTSOUr CHIEF RULING ON CANADIAN END OF THAW CASE ANTITEUST PLAITS TAKEN UP j-I beldo be an important iscrorirr incmn- r- I Innr th tiazarda ext. railroading Was dl nouncement In Clnclnnsti.

some days ago. Wo not sei. that, a player -In an Jm porta nt series who writes stories of the gamecaalre hi beatcrort to-Jviuo Hvmr. since the commission decided o.ate Wilson Sxpecta to Ties for "Ac-a at the I December Session Committee Control Oyer, the Se- that a Tla.rera could not write J.for." the None of Fugitive's Rights Waen He Was Forcibly Sr Across Border Line. Xegson Indicates She was stran- roads for.

risks and; speed, commentea gled by SUt'Fisn iihe----" senior vice president of the ri I New Central. fc Measure'" Designed to Control lection and Seating ox delegates Shbnld Be AbdliafieiL' BahitIi I jiw oho lrmn. Inf --i th boSrd; A Seth son's' newspapers" It has been 'visited 'by; newspaper editors and others connected with newspapers and Informed that; they, had contracts with certain-J players to write about the series, and that If, the decision -the 'Big Corporations. a asked 'Ai- B.f representins the trainmen. whether the men would rather wi n' have double' heading or nave of tha commission to stop players from Wsshlngtonc D.

CY Oct. 6. Senator OFFICERS TO INVESTIGATE. srt student, whose nude body, was found men ouldpHfer Washington. J.

Oct. lUrt wu made- by PmMcnt WDson on bis anti Cummlnaoutllned todar.ln part the re writing were enforced" the players would be -violating these commission has considered care- on the prairie west of hero jresterdaj-, of the sc called -conciliation Band of Miners Alleged to Be Hold trust prognm for tha.Ewcemner sessiou of ccngresa -He had a long: preliminary folly the matter." and has "decided that Sr bT 9m: of ths TaTbitrator. selected by the -roads; committee- of -republicans and progres-wjio tephoned to ber la.resposatrhe to bring about the advertisem*nt for a -place as nurse. 1 r-Lv renublican conven- Washington, D. Oct Harry K.

Thaw's treaty American citizen were viol Canadian authorities forcin; him a few weeks ago. ruling today of Soli of the state department. Thaw asked the stat to make representations embassy in protest asainst tlon on September 10. In none of his rights had been department declined to do sn. conference with Senator Newianan, cnr nun of fi Interstate commerce commit It will penalize any player who disobeys ing- a Man Under Threats.

Trinidad. Oct. 6. Officers tonight tb commission's ruling unless there are which handles trust investigation in TWs waa the conclusion of the police to-1 cisputes. between trainmen.

na night after more tnan twenty-four hours- railroads heretoforb havo founddouble tlon of rr-h which th nolle- admit. I heading a. matter of contention. The rail-1 The change In the "preseniauo are investlgatinj? the story of Eris Karas. extenuating circ*mstances; If a bail player has a "contract to write, and If this a fireman at the Tabasco mine, who reported today that a bana of coal mine nolraifwhlch Vdlrect 'them to the roads letUt be known the trainmen's -outnera states in in.

the. senate. The president expects to confer also In the i near future with Representative CTayton. chairman-, of the bouM Judiciary ODiteuont ta houd neaamsr was in contract was executed before. the com mission took' its action on' Sopteraber 23.

will consider that an. extenuating f-T. I With the added suppoit kJs I tne committee. i hialof many-republican ki. thn committee.

lMI xne thin sua run line round near tne i who aid not and. bruised fr euaistance." v'rw committee, as well as witn oinrr ucwmn of the two. congressional committees which wlU he directly in charge of the i 1 unu in imnnn ar. nuimr uir a. Dira i- wtpaio Mr.

vwas askedJf that ap iimnu aun lmkhi i innwv unw i i i. tor more money; trivtag the continuance Unce" Jf' piled to all players and managers In postseason Interleague- series, and-ho said it of tbe practice' of double heading a rea son for demanding more moneys. did; them' the manner of her death. Her tattered clothes strewn for half -a mile along the road approaching the prairie, and the bruises on the body indicated that, death bad come "only after she had made a hard struggle, but there was -nothing found to strikers are holding his brother as a hostage under threat of death to insure his own return to captivity. Karas returned to Tabasco this afternoon and told Mine Superintendent Charles O'Neil that he and his brother had been held up by armed strikers last night, dragged from the buggy in which they were driving te Ludlow, beaten and threatened with death if they did not Join the strikers.

Then, according to the were taken to. the camp of the striking -miners at Ludlow and held prisoners over night. "After this year no ball player or man Uil VI v- tlonal committeee over seating of delegates in, a national convention be. abol-ished. Tha blef Issue in this fight," said Rnntnriimmimi today, "la that involv Refrigerator Officers Elect-; St.

Louis, Oct. 6. The director-American Refrigerator which operates cars on all the mads, today elected Alexander son president, to succeed B. signed. J.

G. Eh-ew. vice Missouri Pacific-Iron vice president of the r. company. ager will be given permission to sign a SPEliCER A BIG FALSIFIER contract." s.

Senator Newlands said after the con- ference that he expected the president -to transmit some recommendations to his "committee early In the December session. These probably will materialise after, the 'president consults Attorney General Me-Reynolds and some prominent- lawyers outside of the official circle who have been 'studying the problem for "years. Today's discussion with Chairman New-lands was of a general character, brtng Ing forth no particular scheme of leglsla- Umpires Instructed. tt took- the national commission only show by whom Miss Leegson had been Induced to visit the lonely spot on the western outskirts of the city. ing the method of selecting and seating delegates In the national convention that nominates the republican presidential and Continued from Page One.

Ad Placed in Papr.m i vice presidential candidates, we snail in- v. I I Ht so modified about fifteen minutes to its decision regarding the player-writer. After this actloi. Umpires Connolly and Egan were called in and given fmal instructions, -as were also the offl- After aivintr un her rvoRitlnn a aehobll0 Oie to prove mat UK oeam oi- pin. ined the history and arguments presented (clal scorers.

wAt the request nf the base SPELLS OF WEAK KIDNEYS ball writers the commission agreed to have fer and aralnat various pending bins would supplement the Sherman 1. vwm -I t- -i. I Mnnntlnn antitrust act by providing for the prevention of holding-companies, stock water READ AND SEE WHY studies. Saturday, she placed an dver- Hi jstory of Wieht Killing. Useroent.ln the paper-asking for a placi 7 as-a trained nurse.

Jn his confession. Spencer described the Ing and discrimination. In prices, the regu a third scorer sit with the, tm-o official scorers appointed by tbe commlssioq. The baseball writers selected Joseph Jackson, of Detroit, president of the Baseball Writers-, as their representatlve. 14 case a difference of oplaloa-arises over some point in the scoring rules a majority vote of the three will decide the question.

umpires were Instructed to follow lation of the sise of business and the defl Saturday- afternoon a. teleohona call 1 Wight killing at lengtlC jlUOn of. the word "reasonable" as used iT the supreme court of the United came fromn "Mr. who, when! "In the latter part January.V he saia, told Mlss Leenoa out. Inquired I I was prowling, around De Kalb and Some People have Trouble with the Kidneys every Autumn They- become frightened when the Symptoms appear.

-States. closely after her personal appearance: I Leavltf -streets" about noon when I saw To Insist on Change. states have primary laws that govern, the election of delegates it will be an easy matter to provide by party rules that the certificates by local election officials shall be final evidence entitling the delegates to seats in the convention. 'Where such laws do not exist, however. I believe that republican authorities in each state, either the state committee or a special board, should Senator Newlands himself has a bill An hour later he called again and asked la sign In window 'Rooms for rent; I j.nere is a reason, it can be avoided.

American league rules Jo Philadelphia pending, that would create an Interstate trade commission with powers of pub and National league rule in New York. her to go to a point on the west. side to Fent in apd met a woman there who took care for his wife. She left to answer the me up stairs: and showed me. the vacant call and was net heard from again by her talked ''with': time to find differ In Instances; In the National league on.

an infield fly, play- During the" month of October the street address given by MK-Wll-1 out her financial I told her the urine irri ers stana away rrom ine Dase, ana trated acidity of the whole tract. licity. Investigation and correction. the power of preliminary Investigation of latlons of the Sherman act. the power to aid the courts in the enforcement of their decrees, the dissolution of trusts and the reassembling in legal form -of their con- stiruent-eJementa Inr case the fly la dropped they can go down be a vacant lot on the I would take the room and would be 1 on all contests and settle the eligl-i On the.

wey downstalr3 struck I Wllty of delegations before they go to the son prov kidneys are especially liable to become to the next base at their own peril with rr a V-w. with thft hummfc air tlmea.1 national conventions. The perspiration that has been go The crisp weather of October nr. urally Increases the appetite, it requires some self control not to orgeat during the first cold days. D' r- out first returning to the.

base and touching it. In the American league base runners must return to the base and not leave It until the' ball Is caught or strikes the ing on freely during- the previous I got U3S from, her -and a ruby ring "Wt haU Insist that some such change The 'possibility that Miss Leegson was aruj A puin ring' as this be made, so that the republican lured to her death by an organized band Frank Clssel, owner of a saloon which national committee In the future will not of "white ala while being investlgat- Spencer said he had confirmed have the power-temporarily to seat coned by the police is not believed by them that part of the. confession today, as tested or contesting delegations, and thus to offer a solution of the mysteryvx-An didj Ieo Baselupoa, -ownee of a downtown virtually determine the control of the. na-investigation among the; teachers atrthe restaurant, who was held up and robbed, tlonal convention. This question, togeth-UnlversltV Of Chicago at th Art In urlhlnir thm munr of if rj Ti-r- iu nMnASi ground or a player.

THOUSANDS EAGER FOR TODAY'S BOSH The other Instance is the rule on balks. In the National league If a pitcher, drops a ball while In the act of pitching it must be called a balk and all base runners" ad Institute indicated that-, the murdered roat. Spencer said "he met her last May. national committee shall take office as woman had been known for, her Industry? I a-few. days after she had.

been divorced I soon as elected, instead of leaving the vance one base, if there Is a man on third he Is permitted to score. -In the Continued from Page One. American league It Is not a balk, players control of the national committee in the Old committee's hands throughout the campaign, we believe to be the chief months is at least partially stopped during October. The skin and the kidneys are very similar in their action. They both eliminate from the blood poisons.

As is well known, the skin can act In place of the kidneys in a small degree, and vice versa. Whei one is affected the other is apt to be. The sudden checking of perspiration during the month of October throws upon the kidneys the extra work of eliminating the blood poisons. This concentrates the poisons in the urine, which may set up an irritable condition in the kidneys. The concen- mg- me not weather previously the amount of food consumed is much less than the appetite craves October.

This also tends to produce irritation of the kidneys by tbe excess of material in the blood. Peruna is a gentle diuretic. It assists the kidneys in meeting- ths extra burden thrown upon thern through October weather. It is well to take it, according to the directions on the bottle, during tha whole month. Those who object to liquid medicines can now procure Peruna Tablets.

taking chances on Ming out If they, try to-advance on the nusplay. tnat sne.naa no. men friends, and' that, from AUison. iie said ne lurea ner to ber 'nights were -spent In -study. Wayne, where he killed heiv1 by telling Her death was the resulfof strangula- here he- dancing for her to tlon.

according to B-r. T. J. Springer, cor- instruct out there.v oner's physician, who declared that from the afternoon I went out to Wayne the appearance of tha body-Miss Deegson looked over tho ssid could not nave been' dead more than an 'l -toolc along a hammer and i Tdtxa Behind the Fl ate. The national, commission' left the um matters of reform that must be dealt with through a special national convention." Special Convention Talk.

The call Issued by Chairman Charles D. pires to decide who shall officiate be ter making his own choice as to the probable winner. So far as actual wagering la concerned has been less betting than usual. The amounts range from 13 to $50, and many-are of the freak variety concerning the pitchers for 'the opening game; total number of games in the series, and similar propositions. Air Full of.

"Dope." The uncertainty of the ultimate outcome hour or so before It was discovered. 11 oesae a teiepnone poie, wnere wiiict rdr'thA Wrt. (It waa subsequently found. Returning hind the plate each day. As In other years this will decided by seniority, it Is -The police are aearcbing for the dark Hllles for a meeting of the national committee in Washington.

December 16. has set In motion again the movement started fxiismui kirk I ner: raw ai ciock. one I met me. She had a suitcase with her on th iin. wmA rt I aim waca uuii vnue ini.oepoi said.

That would mean Umpire K3em will be behind tbe plate tomorrow and Umpire Connolly -calling balls and strikes in the opening game In The Giants' battery for the Initial 1 while waiting for the o'clock train. I MI was talking to her about getting tnd the apparent evenness In playing strength of the contending clubs furnished a--a- toH her had a farm out test, according to best iaf ormation ob will be Mathewson or Maruard night It douCtfol if thousand tele t4 I there and that my father left me pretty v- a --o amvu wta (vuaHin As. and Meyers. Tbe Athletics are expected today a block from where the -body -was Polled Qnn and Shot Her. rouna.

It bad been slashed with a knife and Its oontents, except a pair of stockings and-a piece of soap removed; "When we got off the car at rWayne we" waited until th others passed by ani then walked along the track because that phonic devices scattered about tha metrop-slla would record much of anything but world's series gossip. The supporters' of Mathewson and Marquard advanced a score of reasons why Mansger JMcGraw should start their favorite against the Athletics, and the fans from Philadelphia smiled and gently Inserted Into the argument a mention of J. Franklin Baker and what bis trustworthy home run bat did la the series of 1911. led to the entrance to the farm. Then to retaliate with Bender and either Thomas or Schang the bat.

Mack's Indian twlrler i is said to be In splendid "shape And tha Athletics' best card for the battle on hostile soil. Although Thomas has not been playing reg-ulary of late It ia the general opinion among the Philadelphia', contingent that Mack: will use the veteran In place of Schang because of bis experience and ability to steady his pitcher in a crucial CURRENCY BILL'S- X- turned and pulled the gun out and shot her. We had not o.uarreld, only she was trying to work roe aa she had 1 RexrosnU- She. Just fell over the track! PROGRESS SLOW work run a race where she was run I took the ring Play- off her hand and her suitcase and then walked back the- same -way co tn-le-POt." sv Continued from One. On his way bacic to Chicago.

spencer moment, such as arises: in a world's series game. -McQraw stated tonight that he could not tell what would 'work until he saw them warm up Ills choice, however. Is almost certain to fail said he opened the suitcase and threw Other view of enrrencv and financial ride a lot. Try these first Walk a lot- fairs than that favored by tha "creditor I tb contents out. of thecar window.

State's AUtorney Charles Hadley or plutocratic class." rba either Mathewson or Marquard. and Sheriff A. A. Kuhn. of Dupage coun A tadt understanding has been reached ty.

In which tbe Rexroat murder was com-j io cjosc neanngs. Saturday. October nutted, demanjded today that bpencer be then: wMk Wrigley's mEMH CUBS VS. WHITE SOX, -Regional Banks turned over to them for. trial.

Capt. Hal- pin would not surrender the man, how Mr. Sibley contended that currency lea- First for City Title win ever, and said he would hold him at least isuuoo should provide means for stabilising the purchaslng power of money by jj until he had checker up completely on v--- Start Today. cnntroltlnff VAlra.A it- I au xn Kiiunga opencer naa In the midst of the turmoil of fannlng on the ere of the mimic battle the play- "ra of the two clubs slipped away early -and tried to calm frayed nerves with a sleep that appeared to be one of the most unattainable things of the night. The members of the New York club retired to their homes several hours before midnight and even the literary characters among them dropped pens and pencils In order that the bat might prove effective on the v- The entire Philadelphia club, accompanied -by a number of arrived In the city shortly after 10 and retired at once to an uptown hotel.

Little information regarding the plan of campaign was forthcoming and apparently both Connie Mack and John McOraw were playing a waiting game so far as final puns and lineups were concerned. Scalpers Ply Their Trade, While the' principal actors In the great climax -of the baseball year were-wooing sleep, the ticket speculators and the baseball public were far re- -spite -the plans and protestations of the New York National leaaue club frrttim i Chicago, Oct. 6. The first game to decide the baseball championship of the emicisea tne twelve regional banks plan I rervr.enf th reserva I -lens of exhaustiotu He was returned to signs of exhaustion. He was returned to cuy i iucago wu be pUyed here to morrow, starting at '2.

o'clock, between his and it was said he would be al "The progressive democratic leaders tne unicago teams of the American and It soothes your throat moistens your mouth. It's a wonderful help to en-durance. You play better work better. In banking and currency." he "are National league. The weather forecast lowed, to rest all night without interrup- is tor clear skies.

ln danger of being misled Into taking over Uon. Police surgeons are watching the Both teams had their final workouts and each Is In fine fettle for the crucial series. fresident Comiskey, of the American league club, Indicated that 'Big Ed-Walsh, who has been the mainstay of the American leaguers in' the previous series Aancn xo iorm a giant mo- man to ascertain to what extent, if any, nopoly oC the 7,400 national banks by fore- drugs or congenital Influence has af-Ing them all to come in or give up their fected -mind. -charters. This, however is a mllunder- Complete identification of Spencer7 as standing.

Had tbe real facts been clearly the murderer of Mrs. Rexroat came from understood the reserve bank plan would several different sources today, while at have been promptly rejected! The other least two sections of confession re propositlona by the democratic leaders, erring- to holdups and robberies. were for government paper currency and -gov- confirmed by visitors at detective head-em men control of. the Interest rate and quarters. v- price level, are squarely in the people's behalf and in opposiUon to the trusto- Bv and O.

Trains Collide. crats. and the wise course to follow la to rut onltiv hrnn f- St Louis, BalUmore and Ohio between the two rival clubs, would be In the game tomorrow. Walsh has been of mue use this season on account of a leaf juice keeps all the time. And your the pure digestion mint right strawea ligament hit pitching arm.

He visited a surgeon In Youngstown. and waa assured he would be "as rood as 'Walsh has worked cautiously wvwfM ay umj- uqvi a sun -4 v. since nis visit to xoungstown, and Fri? day he told Owner Comiskey that he was the New York ticket speculator proved his right to the title of rking of his craft," although there were but 8,000 re- served seats sold by the club to a lected list of patrons, a certain percentage of the coupons Quickly found their way Into the hands of ticket vendors who offered them at prices many times over their face value. There was the outcry of "scandal- and Investigation- but old timers smiled and spoke of similar pre- vtous experiences which resulted inmucn talk -but no action. af York to St.

Louis, ran Into the rear end anxious to- race Manager Evers team. This Is the first meeting of the clubs ixfi-ocslsorl Wii11lsrt-io MarYrvkr TESTIMONY GIVEN of freight train which was taking1 a siding, at Summerfleld. twenty-fire miles east of here, today. None of the passengers was hurt. The engineer waa with at the head of the Nationals.

JL VJJLVOXAVU. inn iium ON BEHALF OF ROADS Vonldn't Hero. the enjoy killed. Boston Transcript: "I suppose you'v who delicious, beneficial that but 8.009 of the 38,000 seats were dls- Eastern Hallway Officers Are Heard aearo or the Fool "Tes; but I've never met him." -That Is quite obvious." this habit. at Session of Wae yosea oi in the advance sale, the opportunities for speculators to secure tickets were not as great as in the past.

Consequently those Uhat were available commanded almost abulou prices. Beats for the three New fork nm w. inexpensive EOTJS PEIS0N EXPEEI2IEKT. fered at prlees- ranging from J50 to tlOCLI -v according to loenttAn KincxL. New Oct 6.

ItwJU cost the east ern railroads nearly JlS.0O0.0O0 more a year RED LARGE PIHPLES ALL OVER FACE Festered and Came to Head. Scratch-r. lng.Made Sores. Caused Disfigurement. Cuticura Soap and Ointment.

Face Now Clear. to operate If they are compelled to grant the opening game were quoted at 30 -each and found ready purchasers at ten times their original price. 7 tae wage Oenaand of their 80,009 train men. it was testified on behalf of the roads before the federal arbitration com James E. president, and owner of.

the Boston National league dub, was mission. The Increases asked for repre sent an increase or zi per cent over -the one oi me inst Interview the speculators. Gaffney applied to the New -York total wages now paid, according to John club for forty-six seats, as was his lege as' a club owner. and member ofthe seiect nsi Me stated-that the local elnh YOUim 3ILI0U3 A1TD of flcUIs told him that none was avail- COSTIVE! CAECAEET3 1413 Geaessas Saginaw; Mich. CuUcura Soap and Olntmact cured sos of a very bad d.liissio of tha face without Fays f80O foir Siaren.p: The Boston club exeeuttre thereupon tr on the street and purchased sixteen Sick Headache," Had 'Breath, "Sour i9 went before the national commission a expiamea tne situation.

In a atnte- leaving a scar. Pimples braka out all orer my face, red and large. They festered and cams bead. They Itched and' burned and caused me to scratch them and snake ores. They said they were seed wartar Al night I was restless from Itching.

When tha barber would share tne tar face would Storaach, mean lirer and Bowels 1 tonight nvj thaV1 Siven out later, the commkwlon said Get a M-cent box now. Furred Tongue. Bad Taste, Indigestion. Sallow Skin and Miserable Headaches come from a torpid liver and clogged which cause your stomach to become filled with undigested food, which the iora.ciuo orncci-knew not ilric1nal BoUer oi the seats, but were Blocksad tat malte th hames pubUc and It T5 Bat wer 1J to city officials. Gaffney rpoTted that thoee which some suclurnt were to be from national Tbe noer of the exception that with the evidence of sp8014 case no other to their attention11" been cafled any action In tfc 8Ute1 that erred ctnll later la J01 de Baseball enthusiast Jourhej of thttsajidsV ft7b had made to be present at the not Influenced by the reroSizf Ea.rae were tional commission and eon na hunt for.

a speculator who thlr clia-nse a coupon for any suruv sours and ferments like, garbage In a swiU barrel.5, That's the first step to untold misery indigestion. foul gases. 66 bad breath yellow skin, 7 mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret 'to-night will give" your i il bleed terribly. Then scabs would form afterwards, then they would drop off the so-called seed wart would coma back They wars on my aca for about months and lbs.

trouble caused Us Cgurexoeut whila It lasted, "One day I read la the paper of the Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I received a free sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and It was so much value to ma that bought a eaks of CuUcura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment at the drug store. Ia about tea cays my faca began to heal op. I kept on using CuUcura Soap and Ointment and la a very short Urns after, tha scabs dropped off tha red spots whera they were vanished also. My face la now dear of tho warts an i not a scar left- CSIsnes!) LelOoy C.

OXrlcn.Iay 12, 1313. CatlcuriEoip 2Zc. and Cuticura Clatmcnt COc are sold everywhere. Liberal sample oi each mailed free, wi th 32-p. Ski a Eook.

Ad-treas tipt. T. rMta alio skava and tiaxavoo with Co-tlcura will Zzllth- itf constipated bowels a thorough cleansing BUY IT BY BOX ci twenty pncTiggca it ccsta leca of" cny etcyo rch usta used -r and straighten you out by morning. They thirty-third degree fans from Alaska work while you sleep, 10-cent box froraJ Thomas II. your druggist will keep you feeling good for months.

Millions of men and women tlu rtn- of the spending a ww l1-' rra. after take a now ferel J-1 for a. set of three tickets, but continued the search when the sharp fea- 1 vender demanded $19S and refused is dicker. A trio of Texas enthusiasts I for three seats for the opening ani appeared to feel that they had 1 a luir.rafn. 1- Tha national 'commLasJoa appeared ta inmate, for the purpose of 1 life, ended hl9 Bflf Imposed Uti afternoon, ilr: Osborn "kW Chew it aft ver and bowels regulated, iv a naierabl momtnL children their litiia ia- over the success of hi Look for the spear every meal ooJ.

aeatla cleanslns. too..

Sioux City Journal from Sioux City, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

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Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.