SGI :: Story Games Index (2024)


1.Feel free to try sh*t out here. This is The SandboxStory_Games2.Ideas for new Categories?Story_Games4.The Rules and Purpose of Story GamesStory_Games5.[Little Idea] d20 FitnessStory_Games6.Push & Pull: I don't get it.Judd7.Your Week in LinksJudd8.NC GameDay would you do d20?Matt Wilson11.Good systems at a dysfunctional table.Judd12.Mindshare: Can it be pushed or must it be pulled?chadu13.GenConross14.Sell me on: this Forum softwareDevP16.Replies and Quoteschadu17.What historical games have done it right?Rob Donoghue18.Doing Quotations and Editing Your PostsAndy19.Indie: Why do some games sell more than others?Andy20.Fantasy Hearbreaker, Holy Grail, Reward CyclesJeph21.Clueless N00bsJason_Morningstar22.What can MMOs learn from modern RPGS?Rob Donoghue23.Alternative conflict resolution.ross24.Ah, but what can Modern RPGs learn from MMOs?Andy25.How do I become a 'good' GM?urbanpagan26.A new approach to a World War Two RPGMike Montesa27.PreviewMark_Causey28.Getting some Bliss Stage onBen_Lehman29.Moving from Magazine to Bookchadu30.What are you cooking/burning/letting simmer?Mark_Causey31.The Two-Hour GameJason_Morningstar32.Format Select Thingyshreyas33.Tarot-Based Games: Creating Something NewAndy34.Reinventing the wheel?Alex F35.Threaded and Overlapping NarrativesJason_Morningstar36.I keep getting logged off.Joshua A.C. Newman38.Wikipedia - Storytelling gamericmadeira39.Letter substitution wierdnessIskander40.Pogs! Or, Skill-Based Resolutionndp41.A Theory of Fun for Game Design [Raph Koster]Iskander42.Need Piratey MechanicsDevP43.A bomb is dropped.Levi Kornelsen44.Ninegun Choir: Graphical Character Sheetsshreyas45.Category quick accessIskander46.[design] I made this game, but what am I saying?DevP47.[Snowball] Giant Imperial Robot HaikuJosh Roby48.SF Gaming Tropesross50.Trouble Tickets: Design & Playchadu51.Drowning and Falling, first draftJason_Morningstar52.What can RPGs learn from MMOs?Mike_Holmes53.Guardians of Order's Role-Playing Game ManifestoAdam_Dray54.OriginsBlue55.The Gen Con TrainJudd56.Dreamation RockedJudd57.Running a game for non-gamers!Alex F58.Nine Worlds actual play via audio!Matt Snyder60.Dramatikos: Anything I overlooked?Green61.What good are our dead ideas?Jeph63.[Falling & Drowning] - Stinks like mountain rain in here.Eric Provost64.Trying to turn The Exchange up a notch.Levi Kornelsen65.Where can I find web space to post my games?Green66.Dance-off!Adam Biltcliffe67.Intimacy and gaming (started at the Forge)Green68.Why I design games without playing gamesAdam_Dray69.NC Gameday 9.1Mark_Causey70.PDF readers make my nipples swellAndy71.Sons of Kryos Call-in ShowJudd72.Playtesting Effectivelyshreyas73.In Preparation for Actual PlayMark_Causey74.RPGs and Weight LossRob Donoghue75.[Push/Pull] A response to the Czege principle?timfire76.The Roach is NighAndy77.Ronnies-play February in the SF Bay AreaGordon78.Splitting BIG games into Little gamesAndy79.Ping: The BenniesChris_Goodwin80.Structured Co-OwnershipLevi Kornelsen81.Using Flags in PlayLinnaeus82.The ChairBen_Lehman83.TRUTH & JUSTICE Resourceschadu85.[Infected] Lookin' for a little brainstormin'Eric Provost87.Big Names and One True Ways.Levi Kornelsen89.Attention Mountain WitchesJason_Morningstar90.DisarmingLevi Kornelsen91.[Grey Ranks] Mission BuildingJason_Morningstar92.Indie Games PassoverAlbert A93.PTA: Life on Mars, with rough sound fileJudd94.[Infected] The Ring, The Wall, Silent Hill, Dazed and Confused, and well... everything else.Eric Provost95.[The Drifter's Escape] Wanna Playtest?Ben_Lehman96.[Infected] Amping up the story qualities of the AgendasEric Provost97.And just to illustrate I _can_ lighten up...Rob Donoghue98.Dice Mechanics and their Effect on Playchadu99.So, What New Game is Next on your Plate to Play/Run?Andy101.You Post Flags and We Post Situations thread on RPG.netJudd102.The Other Indie Games (and a TRUTH & JUSTICE Sales Coupon)chadu103.Dice: Resolving by "hand"Levi Kornelsen104.A Moral DilemnaBen_Lehman105.Cool Powers as Gamist FlagsLinnaeus106.Using T&ANathanHill107.Superheroes: Sans Reference to DCU/MUchadu108.Podcasts, Video Podcasts, and Game DesignNathanHill109.[My new project] The Pulse, and the 19 questions.Levi Kornelsen110.[Infected] What went right. What went wrong. What's to be done?Eric Provost111.Post CountsRob Donoghue112.The Inevitable Tabletop Vs. LARP QuestionRob Donoghue113.Katsucon (Washington, DC *** Feb 17-19)Adam_Dray114.Underkoffler's Overview Round-upchadu115.Cool Moment RoundupJason_Morningstar116.[Collective Design] Roadsigns & Ley Lineschadu117.Roles?chadu119.Has It Been Done -- Rummy as Resolution SystemJosh Roby120.[TSoY] Wings of Shadow ClimaxAlbert A121.Trait Ziggurat Barleyshreyas122.Best SciFi RPGsEric Provost123.Nar-style LARP mechanicAdam_Dray125.[Collective Development] Roadsigns & Ley Lines DEVchadu126.Your personal rant goes herebankuei127.What's with the funky punctuation in game titles?Adam_Dray128.Multiple session games: teh suck, or merely teh misunderstood?DevP129.April Fools' Endgame Meetupbankuei132.Side Nav Barchadu133.Edgenet February CatalogueMark_Causey134.[Infected] Locations, Sub-Locations, Areas. I need new lablels.Eric Provost135.Review Copies as MarketingJason_Morningstar136.What is your Favorite Old Game?chadu139.Trying to reach younger folks?DevP140.I was playing a good game, and then, BOOM, WTF?Albert A141.Education = Knowledgeross142.Encumbrance Penalties for Your Emotional BaggageJ_Walton143.Technical Agenda Applied: LARP and ImmersionAdam Cerling146.Ron's Clarifying Threads on "Brain Damage"DevP147.Trying out for link sharing...DevP148.Games vs. Stories: FIGHT!Rob Donoghue149.[The Pulse] Loresheets?Levi Kornelsen150.RSS feed-a-tronAndy151.Setting/System Disconnects, and How To Fix ThemJosh Roby152.Actual Play as TestimonialRob Donoghue153.Shab-al-Hiri Roach: The Motion PictureJason_Morningstar154.Collective worldbuilding techniquesJeph155.Story and the Common ManBrand_Robins156.If you don't like it, what are you going to do about it?Brand_Robins157.Tables or Couches?Rob Donoghue158.Have you ever played in a game without Cool Special Powers?Andy159.For the Designer: If you don't like it, what are you going to do about it?Andy160.[Theorhetorical] Critique and finger-poking for my gaming theory.Kuma161.Roach Me, AmadeusJason_Morningstar162.SA+WFRP=doomjohnzo163.Backwater Powersshreyas164.List-O-SinsJason_Morningstar165.MarathonsJason_Morningstar166.Is the Lumpley Principle incomplete?Adam_Dray167.Bloody RootsChristian_Griffen168.Tony Talks About BoozeJosh Roby169.Dogs/Morrow Project Mashupthor170.Maximizing Google Alertsndp172.face lifts for old gamesMatt Wilson173."Fixing" Exalted for Metal FatigueAndy174.Essence & Substanceshreyas175.I like games where...Eric Provost176.Y'know what, Andy?Rob Donoghue177.So, What's the best system for supers?Andy178.Does your icon have to do with a game?shreyas180.How much can the rules leave open, and still be a coherent RPG? AKA "Redneck"Vaxalon181.Implications of the Loody Poodylumpley182.Industrial Light and MagicMarco183.Notes Around A Game Written For My Almost Five-Year OldBlue184.Playtesting early?Levi Kornelsen185.A carcass to pick overVaxalon186.Business Speak as Game NameBlue187.Burning Wheel - Recommended?Sempiternity188.Storytelling Techniquesshreyas189.Game Chef 2006 Stuff is starting to Snowball. Just a heads-upAndy190.What is the Underkoffler Principle?chadu191.Own Horn TootingBen_Lehman192.Little Grey Cellsshreyas193.A Theory of FunJason_Morningstar195.GAMA CommericialEric Provost196.On the Abolition of Character GenerationJoshua A.C. Newman197.Compact Childhood MuseumJason_Morningstar198.[Infected] Is it comprehensible?Eric Provost199.3-Player/2-Player problemJason_Morningstar200.Does my narration have to be disliked in conflicts?jhkim201.Frankenstein Facelifts from HellAdam_Dray202.the color gameEmily_Care203.Of babies and bathwater.Kuma204.Pimp my BlackguardBen_Lehman205.[Pox] Finally into the fray - the Power 19 on my first serious RPG project: POXKuma206.Sell Me On ... the Game MasterJason_Morningstar207.Story, but not narrativism?Bruce Conflict Resolution in Traditional RPG'sJudd209.GM Earning His PowerAdam_Dray210.DualitiesJason_Morningstar211.Setting Material and the Three BearsJames_Nostack212.How do you stop snowballing an idea?Kuma213.Designing a game character-sheet first?Kuma214.Close to the Editross215.NoVA GatheringAdam_Dray216.Story-thingsRemi217.New Features for Members (2.22)Andy218.Splitting Up A GameLevi Kornelsen219.[PTA] Dismal Failure?Rayston220.[DitV] I crashed the game - help me pick it back up!DevP222.Detail = Bad?jhkim223.I don't believe it...but it's true!Bruce Baugh224.When small things loom largeBruce Baugh225.A note of explanationBruce Baugh226.Rain City Chronicle - A Vampire: The Requiem gameBruce Baugh227.Who Are You?Jason_Morningstar228.Idea for an Investigative gameAdam_Dray229.Your Favorite 10 ThreadsJudd230.Centerpiece Interaction IdeaMark_Causey231.Your Favorite Character: Why?James_Nostack232.Bad Fantasy Name Syndrome, Conlangs & Other Dorkeryshreyas233.The Typography ThreadKuma234.Wish lists for non-European cultural defaults for fantasy settingsGreen235.First time I played an RPG...jenskot236.Need guidance from the Font GeeksEric_J_Boyd237.Severancejenskot238.Moral (and Social) Authority?jhkim239.Vanilla or not?Gregor Hutton240.[PTA] Conflicts of InterestLeonard Balsera241.Polaris Blue Page?Albert A242.Psychobabble?droog244.Different Experience FieldsChristian_Griffen245.[TSoY] Shadow of FlorenceAlbert A247.IRC channel?oliof248.Wushu for kidsthor249.Diceless conflict resolution that still lets you set stakesJeph250.Sorcerer and conflict resolutionFaerieloch251.On DickeryJason_Morningstar252.Dialects of PlayJason_Morningstar253.Spinning Wheels: how much, and why?James_Nostack254.Critical Mass and Buy-InLevi Kornelsen255.Thought on Stakes Settingndp256.Pattern Hack: Wuxia Revenge & Romanceshreyas258.CTF With Stuff - Evolving into larpAlbert A259.[WFRP] Chasing The Hobbit Weddingjohnzo260.Counterstakes in Dogswarren261.[LoL] New Version is complete!DInDenver262.Using other game elements in your RPGAndy263.Opera Tip for Decreased Load TimeJosh Roby264.RPG Design Workshop...shreyas265.GenerationJosh Roby266.Two New Collections of Theory Articlesjhkim267.Cards as geographyJoe Murphy268.NC Gameday X - Gameday Weekend!Mark_Causey269.Roach DownloadsJason_Morningstar270.What the hell am I doing?TonyLB271.Best Practices for .pdf downloadsJason_Morningstar272.RPG Design Workshop - LUDOLABKuma273.Neural networks for simulating play conditionsAlex F274.Actual Play reports you'd like to see.Vaxalon275.[Whedon] Relationship Map for non-RelationshipsDevP276.Frigid Bitch Revamp - Adding a Story BoardLxndr277.Actual Play: ConfessBill Cook279.Setting Stakes: My form of Gamism?Mark_Causey280.[Web of Shadows] Roleplaying Viewed SidewaysJosh Roby282.[rant] Game Titles of Despairshreyas283.Player-Group Dynamics, and their effect on pace of game and spotlight timeRandom Nerd284.[DiTV] LAGames takes on DogsJudson_Lester285.Competetive vs. Collaborative Playpeaseblossom286.Dissection of a Campaign - GM CommentaryMark_Causey287.Tell me how to playtestGraham288.Stupid Up My TextJason_Morningstar289.DitV / MNPR mashupDevP290.On Giving UpJudson_Lester291.[Mythos] A crossroads in designOutOfMind292.seeking the secrets of game design riffersPaulCzege293.Stupid questionDInDenver294.Sell Me On: FantasyJosh Roby296.Edge -- the World of Drowning and FallingJosh Roby297.I had a dream last nightthor298.Is your game short? Well, is it?Nir Shiffer299.Can I talk about Forge Midwest?Matt Wilson300.Changing horses in midstreamNir Shiffer301.When RPG Theory Discussions Go AwryJ_Walton302.D&F: Character classesJason_Morningstar303.[Misery Bubblegum] I gotta Riff!TonyLB304.Facelift: Star*Drive?James_Nostack307.Two Person RPGsBryan308.[TSOY, but not really] Semantics and MechanicsJoe Murphy309.Smoking kills!droog310.Sell Me On: Task ResolutionJosh Roby311.Continuityshreyas312.Directorial Power in Dogsjhkim313.Drowning and Falling...In Love!ndp314.Drowning and Falling AP PostJason_Morningstar315.[The Roach] En RouteJason_Morningstar316.[Five False Gods] FeedbackJasonP318.Conflict Resolution for ImmersionistsJudd319.Food: What do you eat when gaming?Andy320.Alternative Conflict Resolution, Reduxross321.CRPG [Final Fantasy]Mark_Causey323.Recipes for Game NightJosh Roby324.Expected and Possible MasteryBruce Baugh325.Why don't we talk about personal skills?Nir Shiffer326.Sell me on: Conflict ResolutionDInDenver327.[Mage] Pimp my ObrimosDevP328.[Ludolab]: Input needed on Ludolab CurriculumKuma329.Translation service: Latin1of3330.Combat System Sketch: Traps!shreyas331.Games and tvthor332.Ready for Open PlaytestingTroy_Costisick333.[CRAFT] You kick, we bangWill334.[DitV] Fallout Now!Vaxalon335.Encouraging players to forego informationAlex F337.[Illegal Gods] Statistics, Attributes, and, well, Strength ScoresMtFierce338.Subversive Words: (Carpathian Family/ Papa Spider/ King Leer)markv341.What -Aren't- You Cooking?shreyas342.Getting into the ZoneMartin O'Leary343.External playtests - how?Jonas Ferry344.Somebody Save MeBlue345.Stakes & Modificationndp346.Gamechef 2006 Coming Soo, er f*ck, TOMORROW!Andy347.Maneuvers, Stakes, and Player Knowledgejhkim348.Sell Me On: Character ClassesSempiternity349.Stakes Resolution and Maneuver ResolutionJohn_Harper350.This "Upgrade Your Browser" Bullsh*tJosh Roby351.Question: What is required?DInDenver352.[DitV] Jedi mod: PassionsVaxalon353.The Roach Has ArrivedJason_Morningstar355.what's your game chef Idea?thor356.Overdesigning: Is there such a thing?Green357.My rules for playing Story Gamesjoshua neff358.One character, many playersherrmess360.Cylons in the FleetRayston361.Defining What You Can DoMark_Causey362.Five Elements -- Five Suits?SeleneTan363.Who's up for running Indie Games at GenCon?Kat Miller364.[Time Traitor - GC06] Help me ... oh dear god HELP ME!Kuma365.Design What Doesn't MatterVaxalon366.What I need from Indie Games Explosion VolenteersKat Miller367.[PTA - Kin] cults, alienation and what family really is.Alex F368.How to make random character generation work?NickWedig369.[Insylum] and [Shin Megami Tensei] Tactical Narrativism?OutOfMind370.A Different Take on Classes (-or- Does Everyone Need to Use the Same Mechanic?)Blue371.Game Chef themes?Jason_Morningstar373.Freeform Roach?Per_Fischer374.[Cranium Rats] General Design Log.Thunder_God376.Tell me how to give feedbackGraham377.My Game needs a NameJMendes378.aMichael Taylor Duke379.Game Chef DisappointmentBlue380.Is it Conflict Resolution or Something Else?Jasper381.Questions Based Setting CreationJudd382.[Craft] Making the first session rock hardBrand_Robins383.What did You Come Here For?Thunder_God384.Should i rewrite befor the playtest?thor385.Quantum Physics and Story Games becoming Entangled?Mark_Causey386.Spanish-language games and gamingJason_Morningstar387.Game Sketch -- No. 1John_Harper388.Be my distributed memory: an old published game with Vampires, Rubber ducky and Pip?Alex F389.Rules for GMs1of3390.[PuCLN] Forge's indie-games trackArturo G.391.Fantasy Races and Racial Attribute AdjustmentsBlue392.Why are Fantasy Races Compelling?Jasper393.The cheap way out of designsuffusion394.Gamer Geek LoveAndy395.Fun GM prep mechanicsMike_Sands396.[Mythos] First playtest linkOutOfMind397.Need Death Spiral GamesTroy_Costisick398.Experimental Kicker Technique in UseMark_Causey399.Quick and dirty POD publishingDevP400.RPGs, geekdom and social validationGreen401.Hot stuff from Game ChefLinnaeus402.Snow From Korea: Power 19?shreyas403.The Forge changed while I sleptShawn De Arment404.Freeform Scenario Design & Actual PlayMerten405.Change is in the Air at The ForgeAndy406.[Skill?] Don't wager what you can't lose - or change!DevP407.(Blue Rose) How to Design What Doesn't Matter?jhkim408.FLFS AP Report FTW!Josh Roby410.Johncon (April 14-16, 2006) - Baltimore, MDNathanHill411.MeanwhileVaxalon412.6-Bang, Appendix to Power 19Josh Roby413.Adding a Fifth SuitMark_Causey414.Shock: pre-order the futureJoshua A.C. Newman415.Who needs setting? You do, chummer. (Setting as System)Kuma416.D&D20 Modern!SeleneTan417.[LoL] Encoraging NarrationDInDenver418.The Talky NBen_Lehman419.My Name Needs a GameJason_Morningstar420.Game Sketch -- No. 2John_Harper421.The How and Why of a Game Textjhkim422.A New Anthem, Part 1J_Walton425.Anyone for Play by Post?Kuma426.Getting ready for The Mountain WitchMike Montesa427.Immersion: Subjective Experience FTWDevP428.Gunning for the Buddahthor429.The Pointed 1Adam_Dray430.Northern Virginia Gathering – April 8thShawn De Arment431.Lexicon softwareLarry432.Escalation: What about it?Bryan433.The Ordinary Learning CurveMtFierce435.Story DeductionBrendan436.[Agora] Help me refine starting IdealsJosh Roby437.Lego+USB+Computer = Dice RollerJosh Roby438.BeerGraham439.Designing for Freeform (low-impact)Clyde L. Rho*r440.'Licensed' gamesdroog441.Elizabethan ArchetypesJason_Morningstar442.Invisible Shepherds, game in progress.Eric Provost443.Test CommunityJosh Roby444.Open Ability Lists and AwesomenessJudson_Lester445.Sell Me On: Character Generationshreyas446.Are you Muy Macho?TonyLB447.When do things get too... meta?JasonP448.Character death? - No, characters should not die!Anders Larsen449.The Button Men mechanic is way coolJMendes450.Tracking Post Numbers.Thunder_God451.[Idea Float] DeisCon, April 15-16 or 22-23ndp452.Katas at the Forge (was: Drills at the Forge)JMendes453.Lacuna, part 2herrmess454.Request for extensionLarry455.Come the Revolution: Inspired by V for VendettaChris_Goodwin456.Ready made out of the box?Nir Shiffer457.[Agora] First Playtest -- Needs Work!Josh Roby458.ImprovGraham459.Dumb sh*t that we thought about usng as RPG Resolution MechanicsAndy460.Gaming Clubs vs. Gaming Networks: Growing more gamersJADettman461.Six-Bang: The ¡Muy Macho! RPG (caution, language)Brendan462.A Little Civil Disobedience on RPG.netLuke_Wheel463.[LUDOLAB] Um ... oh boy.Kuma464.The Cog WarsLevi Kornelsen466.Need to be able to flag threadsVaxalon467.Any Portland, OR gamers here?Steve_Segedy468.The Forum Blues, or why I don't care...ross469.Random Character Generationross470.Constraining Freeform AbilitiesBrendan471.[Agora] Something More Interesting than "Crit Success"Josh Roby472.The Forge Birthday ThreadAndy473.Setting as PlaygroundLevi Kornelsen474.Help me make percentiles magic again!OutOfMind475.Small con near BostonMichael Curry476.A Very Special Gender and Gaming Conversationpeaseblossom477.Re: Are you Queer?jhkim479.Playing Across Gender LinesBrand_Robins480.Ne regrette tu rien?Alex F481.The Epicaric Virago ManifestoMo482.The Soul-Sucking Seduction of d20.Kuma483.Are you a fishBen_Lehman484.Playtesting "Long Form" GamesJason_Morningstar485.Puzzle gamesGraham486.Notice: Account Creations/Approvals Suspended until Monday April 10thAndy487.Exalted: A Better D&D?ptevis488.Minigame DesignJosh Roby489.Why does it say, "Story Games (and Kali-ma) Will Rule the World" at the top of the forum?Judd490.Tedious Die Math QueryJason_Morningstar491.High School specific bangsTonyLB492.Verge: ReprogrammedAdam_Dray493.Impatient Transhumanist CredoDevP494.Playing Passiveurbanpagan495.Slaying the Big Three1of3496.Gendered language to hack onDevP497.Recruiting gamersurbanpagan498.Manifesto of Manifesting Manifestations of Manifest MagnificenceJosh Roby499.Playing Across Age LinesBrand_Robins500.So how many languages have we got on this forum?Nir Shiffer501.A d20 Idea - Full conflict system.Levi Kornelsen502.Whatcha playin?Eric Provost503.How to "Pimp" a Playtest Game?Thunder_God504.GenCon: Should I buy your games there or later?DevP505.[Agora] Playtester Shout OutJosh Roby506.How do you want your character to die?TonyLB507.GM Obligation: Ignorance or laziness?TonyLB508.Initial Conditions and Emergent PatternsTonyLB509.Game as a metaphor for something elseMikael510.Help me find this indy game...Khelbiros511.Story Games DnD via IRCVaxalon512.Following Uppeaseblossom513.[Drowning and Falling] Creating ChallengesJason_Morningstar514.Decisionless GamesJosh Roby515.Off Topic CategoryBryan516.Another Tedious Probability Questiontalysman517.How would you do a Dr Who RPG, anyway?Graham518.Turtle-PlayersTonyLB519.Some people aren't cool enough to play with meTonyLB520.Game-Related art that you like and don't likeAndy521.Terpcon Spring 2006NathanHill522.Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen - Tell me about itEric_J_Boyd523.DreambladeTroy_Costisick524.Sexual abuse in gamesjhkim525.Sek Si - HK Style Cinema Action GameJasonP526.The Whitmanifestokleenestar527.Setting Without The Crapshreyas528.Sell me on BEING A GAME DESIGNERthor529.GenCon: How do we order Nacho Mar Yongers?DevP530.Origins & GenCon Roll Call!Eric Provost531.Stupid Up Game TitlesBrendan532.Designing openly: Should I?rumble533.Changing Mid-Gamestack0v3rflow534.What sorts of creative constraints do you like?jhkim535.On playing in characterVaxalon536.What might have been (6 alternative origins of rpgs)markv537.The female side of the gender coinFaerieloch538.Thoughts on Colortalysman539.[Slime Octopi and Coral] Power 19Thunder_God540.Character Limit.Thunder_God541.[Sorceror] Remixed MechanicsDevP542.Could the Polaris bargaining mechanic work for LARP?Levi Kornelsen543.Can the GM lead by example?TonyLB544.Links Category not Appearing?Thunder_God545.Bad-Good-Bad value curve ... times twoTonyLB546.Intimate AwfulnessJudson_Lester547.Stone soupthor548.What makes a Science Fiction RPG...ross549.Crispin Glover is Here to Kill MeMark_Causey550.No sex please, we're roleplayingdroog551.Little ideas: a perfect fit for a small mind.talysman552.Conflict inside the skinTonyLB553.Mechanics for a Meat Loaf LARPGraham554.Elements of Korean Fantasy?Andy555.D&D... it's SciFi!Eric Provost556.Exalted 2nd Ed.DanK557.Closure and Fatal GoalsTonyLB558.Nifty paper minisLarry559.Playing Characters on Both Sides of a ConflictChristian_Griffen560.Hot Ideas You AdoreJason_Morningstar561.[The Mountain Witch] - Now we may go back againMike Montesa562.What is a Story?Josh Roby563.RPG Bloggers; What Do YOU Add?Thunder_God564.-10 HP and TaxesLarry565.Interlacing Gamesshreyas566.Games you wish were an RPGBryan567.Best Building and Trading RPGs?jhkim568.[Microgame] Story RummyBrendan569.Cool sig stuff...ross570.How does the GM advance?TonyLB571.[FLFS] Final Playtest on the HMS SuperbJosh Roby572.The Roleplayer's ToolkitChristian_Griffen573.When was the last time you updated your FINDPLAY account?Andy574.Generic American settingsGraham578.Recycle, Reuse, Renewkleenestar579.Books You Wish Were An RPGkleenestar580.Quick PDF Questionkleenestar581.[Misery Bubblegum] So what should the GM do?TonyLB582.Experimenting with GM AdvancementChris583.I, Games BuyerJudson_Lester584.What System Would You Use for an Elmore Leonard game?Linnaeus585.A matter of principle.Kuma586.PDFs: Doin' it rightshreyas587.Leisure Games London reprazents the indie scene...!rrr23588.Building the City of Lost ChildrenJ_Walton589.Game Ideas for GM AdvancementJosh Roby590.Let's talk about...IMMERSIONdroog591.A Whole New Kind of ContestMatt Wilson592.Being an Indie Retailerthor593.For the Post-Apoc fans in the crowd ...Kuma594.Stone Soup Simmeringthor595.A very small competitionGraham596.Running A Large Group of First-Timerskleenestar597.Palladium in troubleEric Provost598.The Look Of The Thing.Levi Kornelsen599.Video Games LiveEric Provost600.Duelling banjosdroog601.Duelling Banjos RPGDevP602.Desktop?Ben_Lehman603.Magic (the big tent)Iso604.WhisperingVaxalon605.When will you stop playing RPGs?Andy606.From Character to Situationshreyas607.Register Your Favorite Indie Games & Supplementsjhkim608.Setting - considering depth of detail and evocative detail as separate issues?Alex F609.With Great Power - OnlineBlue610.Character sheet for a Meat Loaf LARPGraham611.Purgatory (Silent Hill Knock-off)Christian_Griffen612.Not actual play, per se, more like actual adviceVaxalon613.NOT RIFTSBrand_Robins614.Lies, Lies, It's All Lies!kleenestar615.When is a game "Published"?DevP616.Burning Monsters Now with StakesBryan617.Serious GamesJason_Morningstar618.The Mirror of Murphy's RulesJudson_Lester619.Comedic Duos and The Pot Smoking Slacker movie rpgNickWedig620.[Los Angeles area] Gamex 2006, May 26-29ptevis621.Games that teach skillsGraham622.La Ludo Lernanta Lingvo (LLLL)Josh Roby623.Story Game Book Club - Improthor624.Guinea Pigskleenestar625.Journal of Boardgame DesignBryan626.[Agora] IRC Playtest Log posted (finally)Josh Roby627.The ultimate synergy: open gaming systems and public domain source materialJDCorley628.Foundry MUSH -- chat and play with other indie folksAdam_Dray629.Magical Lawsshreyas630.Theatrix Action Resolution Flowchartnorbertgmatausch631.Picking Up New PlayersIso632.Simple, simple idea spawneddyjoots633.GenCon (or other) Releases?Mo634.[Gormenghast] Initial Notions & Some Questionskleenestar635.[Capes] Inuyasha ModBrennan_Taylor636.What are You Working On?Thunder_God637.[DitV] For the kids!Malcolm Craig638.The Scope of Conflict ResolutionJudson_Lester639.What games are you planning for the Summer?DevP640.One Recent Rocking MomentJudd641.Why are Concepts always in title case?Judson_Lester642.Communities of Practice: An IntroJ_Walton643.Game Chef LIVE! (GenCon?)J_Walton644.Anyone want some maps?Andy645.[NC Meet?] The Kuma ComethKuma646.[Drowning and Falling] Naming Names Contest!Jason_Morningstar647.Name Jam (or, in defense of Mr. Swordslinger McArmorClass)DevP648.Freeform AnalogyJosh Roby649.Game Chef trash talk (slightly late)Graham650.[Actual Play]Burning Monsters Now with StakesBryan651.When To Innovatekleenestar652.How much should we get to see?TonyLB653.Words, words...shreyas654.Indie MashupsJason_Morningstar655.[BitV] Bitches Ride!kleenestar656.[Console] Vote for EvilColin_Fredericks657.Clear and Concise Actual Play Examples of Push/PullJudd658.Historymneme659.How's It Going, Andy? Part IIJason_Morningstar660.Player Skills -- BrainstormJosh Roby661.[List] The Allied HobbiesKuma662.Stakes: What's the beef?Larry663.Mapping 3D modelling time suckBryan664.Baby, bathwatere and setting the stakesIan Cooper665.Capes in the FoundryJMendes666.[All Creatures Crazed And Feral] Illusionist werewolvesGraham667.Telling Non-Insular/Elite StoriesJ_Walton668.It's official. We are artists.Matthijs669.Push/Pull: Something you do or something you feel?TonyLB670.The Lion in WinterBrand_Robins673.My Game IdeasRayston674.[Boston] Play in a LARP this weekend?DevP675.Micropayments for SG?DevP676.Abductive reasoning: WTF?TonyLB677.Looking for some Phoenix, AZ Indie GamersEric_J_Boyd678.Book Club - tries bad tries bad thingsDevP682.What Being a Monster Really MeansDevP683.GenCon Forge Booth- Inviting FeedbackTroy_Costisick684.A place to stay during Gencon?Mcdaldno685.Do you hang with your gaming group when not gaming?Andy686.Pushing and pulling the Dogs in the VineyardDevP687.Calling all Game Chef Published (or soon to be pub'd) GamesMo688.How to Locate "Whispers"?Thunder_God689.Player Skills -- Okay, Now What?Josh Roby690.Cranium Rats IRC Playtests Shout Out.Thunder_God691.Push and Pull - Trying one last time.Mo692.So My Games Name Sucksndp693.Publishing wikiGraham694.question for math nerdsMatt Wilson695.Google TrendsJason_Morningstar696.Views: A Brief Introductionwyrmwood697.A Can Of Wormskleenestar698.Shadowrun FPSMark_Causey699.Oh hellz yes.Brand_Robins700.Business Cards for your Game? (At GenCon?)DevP701.An observation about art and gamingCPXB702.Japanese RPGs, Gaming in Japan... any interest?Andy703.[TSoY] Simultaneous Push and PullTonyLB704.Abductive Reasoning Redux--Applied?Iso705.[Console] Role Abilities guide the plotColin_Fredericks706.Second Life?Jason_Morningstar707.Case studies of RPG publishingGraham708.Space Opera without the antiscienceDevP709.[The Mountain Witch] 6 Hour FatesEric Provost710.Your Weird Gaming Vocabularykleenestar711.Impro - CH3thor713.Does this site make me look fat?Eric Provost714.Blizzard Rips off White Wolf!Josh Roby715.[C+P] Playtest - p/pMo716.What you missed on the FoundryAdam_Dray717.MUSH vs. IRC for gamer stuffAdam_Dray718.We Broke CapesJosh Roby719.Publishing wiki (2)Graham720.Roleplaying and Weak Tieskleenestar721.Role, Play, Art - KP2006 bookMerten722.The Patchwork WorldVaxalon723.Gamers behaving badly (or) Why the hell does no one want to talk in person?urbanpagan724.Story and GnS (Gilbert and Sullvan)DevP725.I hit a goblin for 2d6 damage (in song!)DevP726.The Upside of Neutrality?Kuma727.More Tools for Prop-Heavy Gamesshreyas728.Freeform play: yes or no?Faerieloch729.Game Chef Games that Weren'tBryan730.A conflict resolution mechanicVaxalon731.My Wushu Remix ideasDevP732.Game Theory and RPGs; Also Seeking Professional Help.Thunder_God733.Games which must never be writtenGraham734.What are some of your favorite house-rules?Andy735.Let's use Push - Pull !Iso736.Impro - CH4 Masks and Trancethor737.Gamex - LOS ANGELES this weekendJosh Roby738.Too Many Ideas, Not Enough MeJason_Morningstar739.Character Arc Chains!Christian_Griffen740.Rewards, Meaning and Push/PullTonyLB741.Pulling the GMTonyLB742.Too Much Rock For One Hand at MayConGraham743.A Focus WITHOUT a RuleFang Langford744.Games, Kids, Smarts, School and SESkleenestar745.Design docsDInDenver746.Feature Request: Previewrossum747.Favorite Monstersthor748.character death!Matt Wilson749.Game Chef - Chef Game?Mark_Causey750."Moments of Crisis" Moment of Crisiswyrmwood751.Challenge: Vampire Robot ArmyJason_Morningstar752.The Galactic Subcommittee on the Preservation of CivilizationsJosh Roby753.What is a Gelatinous Cube?Josh Roby754.Banned Books They CarriedLarry755.not quite Perfect yet...Mcdaldno756.Reference & Teachingshreyas757.Quick! Give me motorcycle advice!Graham758.Team Game ChefMo759.What's the difference between a good book premise and a good game premise?Vaxalon760.[Lacuna Part 1, 2nd Attempt] Employee OrientationRussell_Collins761.StoryChain 1thor762.[The Blue Die Game] - instinctual roleplayingDanK763.False DoctrineJason_Morningstar764.[Misery Bubblegum] Why external conflict?TonyLB765.What is your Go-To-Game (for design references)thor766.What is your Go-To Game for Playing?Andy767.So... when do you deserve the label "Game Designer"?Andy768.Character Playing PiecesNeko_Ewen769.MagicStar down?JMendes770.Worst. Game. Evar.Rob Donoghue771.The Love-Hate Syndromeshreyas772.Well-known board games as RPGsGraham773.StoryChain 1: In-progressLarry774.The Story-Games Names ProjectJason_Morningstar775.Sexy Vanilla 1 extensionsLarry776.RPGs for two peoplepedyo777.Programmed Instruction and Choosing Your Own AdventureJason_Morningstar778.Games for Nine Day RetreatJMendes779.What are you anticipating?Eric Provost780.(AG&G) Last minute advicepedyo781.Player deathAdam_Dray782.I am 3d6Neko_Ewen783.Los Angeles - Need players/designers for regular game nightJosh Roby784.Games About AmericaJosh Roby785.Gaming as bands - screw the metaphor, gimme examplesAlex F786.Ok, I'll BiteRob Donoghue787.Using props as mechanicsMcdaldno788.Dogs in the Vineyard - Kung Fu Ruleswyrmwood789.Making the Story Games BandJ_Walton790.Framing and the default narratorTonyLB791.Games about Australiadroog792.Foundry Game Design Jam -- VergeAdam_Dray793.Too Much Rock For One Hand: Long, rambling play reportGraham794.Andy K talks about J-games and Tenra Bansho ZeroMike Montesa795.Stuck in my head all day.Eric Provost796.IIEE-powered espionage!DevP797.An Open RPG Textwyrmwood798.Korgoth of BarbariaEric Provost799.Anyone in Austin?rossum800.[Invisible Shepherds] Tear my skills list apartEric Provost801.The Akido of Indie Game DesignJudson_Lester802.Brand has a new icon!Larry803.Captain Grose's Dictionary of the Vulgar TongueJason_Morningstar804.What kind of activity does this idea promote?Mark_Causey805.editing Kim Jong Il: playtest of Heads of State/new editionmarkv806.June 5th to the 11th: Threads to WatchJudd807.[Drowning and Falling] Check out the mockupJason_Morningstar808.Venture Bros. Gamethor809.Random RPG GeneratorAndy810.What you missed on those online chat thingiesThomas Robertson811.A bizarre Prime Time Adventures - Schlock Fantasy crossover ideaAndy812.[Mortal Coil] Preview!Brennan_Taylor813.Roleplaying Games vs Board-n-Card Games: Generating Significant DetailsJosh Roby814.Anyone speak Dutch?ndp816.RPG Rules GeneratorJasper817.[Console] Turn-taking mechanicsColin_Fredericks818.Starting a Heroquest game via IRCVaxalon819.Exquisite Corpse Game?Jasper820.[Improv and Gaming] "Take a Step"Jason_Morningstar821.Burning Wheel or Iron Heroes for a Monster-dense, fight heavy campaign?Alex F822.Owlbear FanboysJosh Roby823.[Drill/Kata/Exercise/Spacemonkey] Insignificant Choices, Significant Input (ICSI)Josh Roby824.Vices of Game DesignersJudson_Lester825.New Edition + D&D = Nomic: the RPGMatthijs826.Gaming after a full day of work - how do you manage it?DevP827.dwarfstar gamesoliof828.Time Travel Pseudoscience Help!Andy829.Improv roll callrossum830.the Perfect soundtrackMcdaldno831.Back-slapping testimonialDarcy Burgess832.Web Making Program?Mark_Causey833.The Latest Bout of "Industry" Doom-sayingJudd834.The Patron Modelndp835.OwlbearBabeJason_Morningstar836.Time Travel Episode Ideaskleenestar837.The Coolest Playtest Feedback I've Ever Gotten (Don't Rest Your Head)iago838.Iron Heroes 101bankuei839.Tactile AppealJosh Roby840.[Carry] Cover Preview Upndp841.Magestrike Ultimus -- Everything Changes!Josh Roby842.June 12th to 18th: Threads to WatchJudd843.Which D&D races would you shag?Graham844.The Netgaming Playtest Clubshreyas845.Yet Another Fantasy Gamer ComicJosh Roby846.Image anchor problemLarry847.A Gaming JoshThology!DevP848.Heads of State: Coup d'Etatmarkv849.[rpgnet thread] What price victory?Colin_Fredericks850.White Wolf and how it's EvilJosh Roby851.A Random EncounterChristian_Griffen852.Reinventing the alternatorrossum853.Somebody moved my chair!Larry854.Agora - playtest and reviewCaledonian855.[Console] Console Legends quickstartColin_Fredericks856.Threads to Watch: June 19th to 26thJudd857.Tell me what to play.Russell_Collins858.Bargaining Basics for RoleplayersMtFierce859.Ask the Blind ManDoyce860.Bookmarks don't lead to first unread topicVaxalon861.Who can play an RPG?TonyLB862.Design Elements for a Gateway GameVaxalon863.Story Templates (and Genres?)Josh Roby864.Gilgamesh / Ancient Babylonia gamesiago865.Astrological powers?MikeRM866.Web hosting adviceGraham867.Capes is bigger than GURPS!Vaxalon868.Heads of State: sic semper tyrannus + nursery rhymemarkv869.heads of state: crimes againt humanitymarkv870.[Invisible Shepherds] Not quite a playtest documentEric Provost871.Playtesting HurtsLevi Kornelsen872.PTA with two players... is it possible?Andy873."Reveal Your Current Game Ideas!" Thread: SummerAndy874.Brainstorm help: Designing a Gateway GameVaxalon875.[Mountain Witch] Would an R-Map hurt the game?Eric Provost876.Origins Roll-CallBrennan_Taylor877.[Gateway to Adventure] - design sketchMikeRM878.Threads to Watch: June 27th to July 3rdJudd879.Using practical puzzles in gamesGraham880.Too Much Rock For One Hand @ ContinuumGraham881.Tangential Question: What're good games for just two people?Kuma882.[Boardgames] Now that's dedicationRob Donoghue883.The Mortal Coil Character character sheet makes me tingly in my naughty placesAndy884.Perfect-bound on the short edge - threat or menace?Jason_Morningstar885.[Whine] Session timeout is shorter than I'd like it to be...Dave Younce886.'Chaotic Play', this is where we talk about itThomas Robertson888.Opening a private post?Haakon889.[Arcon XXII, PTA] - The Plague Throne - A Fantasy SeriesHaakon890.Don't Rest Your HeadJudd892.Who recruits for your GMless game?Tony Irwin893.TSoY Online?Doyce894.[Capes] Info-card feedbackTonyLB895.Where is the money?TonyLB896.Messing With Pictures!Thunder_God897.The New Koplow Games catalog (of dice) is out: Geekery Ensues. News at 11.Andy898.I can't believe I'm doing thisThomas Robertson899.Designing for different mediums: IRC and the Tree of LifeVaxalon900.Name That Die!Larry901.Can someone check me on this?Levi Kornelsen902.First time Mountain Witch session (on both sides)rossum903.Game recommendations / Little ideasGraham904.Tactical Play and FortuneChristian_Griffen905.Watch Me Destroy Story GamesAndy906.New Sandbox for Vanilla 1.0Andy907.Why DON'T most indie games have "demo versions"?Levi Kornelsen908.Threads to Watch: July 4th to July 11thJudd909.Concerned Citizens for Responsible FortuneJ B Bell910.What I Learned at AdamConAdam_Dray911.[The Dragon vs The Gun] Gateway or ney?JJ Prince912.AshcanRussell_Collins913.BSG CCGJosh Roby914.The hobby is expanding?TonyLB915.Development Tools - Recommendations?MikeRM916.Brainstorming Session: Web 2.0 Apps for Games and Gaming.Kuma917.Immersion and VisceralityVaxalon918.Apostrophe not handled by whisper boxVaxalon919.[Grey Ranks] Ethics in DesignJason_Morningstar920.The Diana Jones Award Partyross921.How can it be fun if you know how it ends?Jason_Morningstar922.Looking for players in Clevelandthor923.Cleveland area gamers?thor924.Mommy, Where do Monsters Come From?Andy925.[Drowning and Falling] The Proof ArrivedJason_Morningstar926.The violence process... (part the first)ross927.Raffle ticket resolution mechanicJason_Morningstar928.Interesting Publishing Statsndp929.DexCon: I'll be there, and here's what I'll be doingiago930.Free map of the US?Matthijs931.[Rule of Three] - what flesh goes on these bones?MikeRM932.Farewell and thanks for all the Roach...Iso934.Shadowrun has Beaten meRob Donoghue935.Ancient DiceMatthijs936.Nathan's Two-List MethodJosh Roby937.Fantasy Storygames?shreyas938.Any recorded Actual Play out there?Kuma939.Why I'm psyched about Charles the BaldMatthijs940.AGE Model version 1.1 is out now.Kuma941.What's this "narration" I keep hearing about?Jason_Morningstar942.Chaotic thoughtsGraham943.Pimping the RPG Planet (feed collection)oliof944.A full game in two pages?Andy945.Terminology Help RequestJason_Morningstar946.What we'll be talking about a DexConTonyLB947.Building buzz.Levi Kornelsen948.How to make the game rockVaxalon949.Play Controls and Immersionwyrmwood950.Steampunk Mafia (and Steampunk Chronology website)Mark_Causey951.Find Unread Posts?shreyas952.Threads to Watch: July 12th to July 19thJudd953.One game's output is another's inputplanetary955.[Names Project] p*rn Star NamesJosh Roby956.#indierpgs request - Burning WheelMark_Causey957.[TSoY] Getting the gameDoyce958.The Vaxalon Principle: The more creativity an activity requires...Vaxalon959.The SG Names Project: Submissions are Now ClosedAndy960.From the mouths of babes...Iso961.In Nomine - fear and loathingdroog962.Different kinds of funGraham963.Getting started with Burning WheelD-503964.GDC: Emily DickensonMo965.Mystery versus realism threadD-503966.[Name Project] New sets latelyJason_Morningstar967.We're Live Again!Andy968.Bug: A hundred new windows?Matthijs969.System exchange.Levi Kornelsen970.The Story-Games DexCon Threadndp971.Thinking about experience systems (HeroQuest)Thomas Robertson972.Stance intersects with MechanicsVaxalon973.Building a Demo for a Coniago974.[Names Project] Ads?Jason_Morningstar975.Player's Intent & Character's IntentJudd976.[D&F] The Drowning and Falling ReportJason_Morningstar977.Pointing the Bones: The Domino EffectMikeRM978.Highlighting & QuotingKuma979.Atmosphere in GamesJasonP980.GenCon Events: Any suggestions?DevP981.[Names Project] First Piece of ArtJason_Morningstar982.Threads to Watch: July 20th to July 27thJudd983.Whats my Name? ...JasonP984.Role-playing with little kids - ideas please.susan985.Beast Hunters ArtChristian_Griffen986.So... What'cha playing? (July)Andy987.MySQL Errors popping up occassionally.Kuma988.GMless Story-Gamescjnodell989.Have we lost the LJ feed?mindwanders990.So, who ISN'T going to GenCon?Andy992.Originality, Copyright and Licensingcjnodell994.Whither Story Engine & Christian Aldridge?J B Bell995.Jargon: To NPC or not to NPC?rossum996.What rpgs can learn from boardgamesD-503997.Idea: Displaying real names?DevP998.Which move is the best? How do I evaluate them?DevP999.Where's the damn Soundtrack threads?DevP1000.Blurring the Line between Actors and RolesBlue1001.What Makes a Character Fun For Others?coffeestain1002.The BPG Owlbear ChallengeJason_Morningstar1003.There Is No Talking In Jungle Speedndp1004.Push is for sale, baby!J_Walton1005.[TSoY] Campaign lengthDoyce1006.AmberconNW 2006ColinC1007.1001NightsMeguey1008.[Book Design] Typography: Justified text vs. Align Leftrrr231009.Copulate with this person, so let it be.Jason_Morningstar1010.New Game Roundup (Summer 2006)kruug1011.[City of Masks] - Women-Friendly Game Design?MikeRM1012.need help: a simple LARP system for a one-off eventMcdaldno1013.Non-English language RPGsJongWK1014.[Boston Peeps] Carpool to JiffyCon?ndp1015.The Making of Viktory IIJosh Roby1016.Spirit of the Centuryiago1017.Shameless Self-Promotionkleenestar1018.Be a Mentor WeekJudd1019.What makes a Player Fun for others?TonyLB1020.Threads to Watch: July 28th to August 3rdJudd1021.The Douglas Coupland Gamethor1022.New Story-Games ToysAndy1023.Mashups We'd Like to SeeMikeRM1024.Too Much Rock: Playtest versionGraham1025.The Robotic Roachndp1026.GenCon Travel arrangementsHans1027.1001 Nights is now available for pre-ordersMeguey1028.Category Shake-up!Andy1029.'Tis Indeed The Year Of...ndp1030.So... what'cha playing? (August)Doyce1031.[Drowning and Falling] Now AvailableJason_Morningstar1032.Seven Leagues and other Malcontent goodnesshieronymous1033.[Seven Leagues] playtest feedbackhieronymous1034.Now Thats A Nice Feelingndp1035.Crypto-HuntJason_Morningstar1036.[1001 Nights] at JiffyConMeguey1037.Indie Netgaming: What's NewLxndr1039.What are the 5 games you think of when you think of boardgames?iago1040.Candamir as a gateway game.Levi Kornelsen1041.indie planet suspended for the momentoliof1042.I need a wordthor1043.So, I've bought Jungle Speed...warren1044.Ouropo?Dave Younce1045.The Secret Language of CarsRob Donoghue1046.IPR Voted Most InfluentialBrennan_Taylor1047.Cold City at Gen ConMalcolm Craig1048.[Zen Theory] Rolling the dice you do not haveTonyLB1049.Hot Terminology: Social Live Acoustic Games!!DevP1050.Shadows is now under Creative CommonsZak Arntson1051.Help Me Pimp Your Gameptevis1052.Submitting games to non-rpg magazines?komradebob1053.Name Needed: Courtly Romance GameMikeRM1054.Immersion and the AGE ModelKuma1055.Challenge: Game ideas for non-rpg magazinesMatthijs1056.A Dissertation on Women in GamingMike_Holmes1057.reaching beyond gaming marketsmarkv1058.Threads to Watch: August 4th to August 10thJudd1059.DRYH Conversion - Magical Girlsshreyas1060.WHO should pimp your game?Andy1061.I wonder what the "majority" actually is ....TonyLB1062.Agon: Ancient Greek RPG is on sale now!John_Harper1063.How should *I* pimp your game?Meguey1064.[Fate] Covenantiago1065.Back in a week...Andy1066.Dragonlance Gets Awesome-O-FiedAndy1067.Spending Andy Kitkowski's Mystery DollarsJason_Morningstar1068.Mystery MarketingJasper1069.Top 5 Picks: Adventure Design TechnologyRob Donoghue1070.Vote for CSI Game Logo!(Competitive Story Interaction Games)Thunder_God1071.[Spirit of the Century] Curse of the Black Spideriago1072.[Gaming Tools] Abulafia Unleashed - Random Generation WikiDave Younce1073.Opening/Closing Ritual RoundupColinC1074.Big Damn Index of All Games EverDevP1075.GL to GC!Troy_Costisick1076.The curse of system developmentgryphons_quill1077.GenCon GLEEEEEE!TonyLB1078.Tormenting AndyGaerik1079.[City of Birds] Polar Bear DivisionsJasper1080.Six Cups ResolutionJosh Roby1081.Creative Outlet SurveyDarcy Burgess1082.Crickets chirping, pin dropping...Josh Roby1083.[Errantry] - Terminology Help RequestedMikeRM1084.Wack Idea: Liveblogging GenConDevP1085.Escalating and Non-Escalating StakesJosh Roby1086.The appealing and well-formed first pdfMatthijs1087.Non-GenCon AwesomeMarhault1088.Card Sharps and BluntsMikeRM1089.The Age of DevelopmentJosh Roby1090.Threads to Watch: August 11th to August 18thStuart Robertson1091.You Must Tell Us of GenCon 2006Andy1092.Dice RollingStuart Robertson1093.Who's in France or Francophonia?hieronymous1094.What's good about ADRP? (ADRP=Amber Diceless Roleplaying)Vaxalon1095.Dragon*Con: Who's with me?rossum1096.go-play.orgmisuba1097.Indie Games Explosion at Gateway (LAX Sept 1-4)Josh Roby1098.The reverse engineering challengeKevin Allen Jr1099.2005 Indie RPG Award Winnersjhkim1100.[Mridangam] Frustrating playMatthijs1101.[Gen Con] Did we take your money? Check this out!ndp1102.need advice on shifting between 2nd & 3rd person in rules textmarkv1104.Blackmail: A game for three or more.Levi Kornelsen1105.GenCon 2007: Nine Days?Lxndr1106.Seperation of powers (player/GM) in a game where everyone is GMstack0v3rflow1107.Scene Framing For DummiesNeko_Ewen1108.Actual Play Double Shot (audio recordings from Gen Con 2006)Thomas Robertson1109.[Errantry] - Critique Requested: Randomized NPC GenerationMikeRM1110.carry. a game about war. support materials posted!ndp1111.Context Menus for RPGsKuma1112.Serious Games, Pedagogy, and Ricardo MontalblanJason_Morningstar1113.Side thoughts on the Serious Games, Pedagogy threadAndy1114.Lunch in Raleigh-DurhamMatthew D. Gandy1115.Review ExchangeColin_Fredericks1116.MACE Strike Force IndieEric Provost1117.Go Play and Games on DemandTroy_Costisick1118.System as TranceLuke_Wheel1119.Amber by the Cards: Design Diary part one: Power NineteenVaxalon1120.The BPG Owlbear Challenge: Results!Jason_Morningstar1121.Explain narrative authority to a newbie.Thomas D1122.BPG Owlbear Collection...for the OWLS!ndp1123.The lenghth and breadth of the "Who's Online" list . . .Russell_Collins1124.[Paranoia] "No... it's 'Suck my nuts...'"Doyce1125.Judd's Good SentencesMatthew D. Gandy1126.Go Play On Parade: Pictures of Your Stickers & Shirts []Josh Roby1127.How To Get A Go Play Sticker for your CarRob Donoghue1128.Mighty Ninja GamingDevP1129.Story Engine: Returns?DevP1130."Hey, you're roleplaying!"Jason_Morningstar1131.Scene framing toolsMarhault1132.Gameday - NC Game Day XI: September 23!Mark_Causey1133.[the Infected 2] Spiders of PhoenixEric Provost1134.Threads to Watch: August 19th to August 24thJudd1135.Go Play Design Round-Up []Josh Roby1136.[Exalted 2nd] The Gates of HeavenMRUnderwood1137.When Gamers Rule the EarthJosh Roby1138.Pricing Print dice rollersMatt Wilson1141.Sell me on your unrecognized gameMatthijs1142.Upcoming 40K RPG Has a Little "System Does Matter"J_Walton1143.Subset Playshreyas1144.Interactive Traces?stack0v3rflow1145.Rummaging through the cellar of other sourcesgryphons_quill1146.Story Games Name Project UpdateJason_Morningstar1147.Blue Rose: inches from awesomeClinton1148.Survey of Espionage gamesDave Younce1149.Planescape Gets Awesome-O-FiedAndy1150.Happy Ever After: Story Now romancePer_Fischer1151.Die BiasJason_Morningstar1152.How do I present the Indie method?TonyLB1153.Podcasting QuestionsMark_Causey1155.Quotes make my indents all wonky.TonyLB1156.New 24 Hour RPG Contest!!jeffmoore1157.d4-d12, multiple thresholdsJasper1158.Playing Card RandomizersMikeRM1159.Spelljammer Get's Awesome-O-fiedJudd1160.Southern Exposure III (NJ)Kat Miller1161.Sell me on ENworldJason_Morningstar1162.Camp NerdlyDave Younce1163.Help me pick my GameDay gameClinton1164.Norse/Ásatrú Help NeededJason_Morningstar1165.Suggestion: Discussion Filter on "Subscribed Discussions"Vaxalon1166.Game as RitualMikeRM1167.A Story Games Wikimisuba1168.1001 Nights and Expressing InterestSeleneTan1169.D&D done quicklyDevP1170.[DEAD] How to fight shambling horrors?Kuma1171.Amber by the Cards: Conflict Mechanic micro-playtestVaxalon1172.Testing the Nixon PrincipleBen_Lehman1173.Shock: for Fantasy?Andy1174.Logged-On Problems.Thunder_God1175.The Best of Gaming PodcastsMatthew D. Gandy1176.SGBoston FC: Logo for CritiqueJ_Walton1177.Threads to Watch: August 25th to the 31stJudd1178.My Life with SauronAndrew Kenrick1179.Stolen From The Mouth of Sorensonndp1180.Help Me Name My Game CompanyMatthew D. Gandy1181.Seven Leagues reviewed at RPG Nethieronymous1182.Keeping Track of GenCon Kerfluffle ThreadsAndy1183.Forge booth sales queryD-5031184.Females game, too! Let's see more of them!Sephera1185.[Fastlane] A Call To ArmsLxndr1186.Reversed Engineer LegalityKevin Allen Jr1187.Game-y Game DesignWillow1188.Panty Explosion actual playjake richmond1189.Toon: The Next GenerationNeko_Ewen1190.Keeping up with your blogsshreyas1191.Thoughts on IIEE and Linear Progressionjhkim1192.Let's talk about Intellectual PropertyJason_Morningstar1193."Actual Play" and its relationship to RPG TheoryIceCreamEmperor1194.What game for this con theme?droog1195.Dipping My Toes In The Deep End [New Game Idea -- Please Help!]MRUnderwood1196.Dictionaries of Mu and Other Tomes: How Do Books Present Information In Ways We Don't?iago1197.2006/2007 Convention ScheduleMark_Causey1198.Design: That Last ClimbLevi Kornelsen1199.Big Gencon stakes discussionMarhault1200.Hermitage and Game Developmentgryphons_quill1201.Parallel GenCon Stakes Discussion Threadndp1202.Phoenix Gaming ExplosionLxndr1204.What is a "broken" game?hieronymous1205.Does this work in your browser?Graham1206.Scary guys in underwear and Character theme songsRayston1207.Numinous Mechanofictional CouplingJudson_Lester1208.Neat Ways to Bring Attention to Your GameMark_Causey1209.Immersive Story, RPGs, and PuppetryStuart Robertson1210.Gaming Hard, Playing to Wintony_dowler1211.Tables to Dice to ... Tables?Blue1212.How's It Going, Andy? Part III (and the future of the Story-Games)Jason_Morningstar1213.Non-Commercial RoleplayingJ_Walton1214.Lulu-only games?Albert A1215.[Errantry] - Tightening the Solar System/TSOY RulesMikeRM1216.[Playtesting? Eh? EH??] Countdown, A PbEM Gamendp1217.The truly neglected market.Levi Kornelsen1218.Inseparable Charactersshreyas1220.What Makes a Setting Awesome?Christian_Griffen1221.Reverse Engineered OGLStuart Robertson1222.Official Seal Generator: My Graphics Adddiction Rears its Ugly HeadDave Younce1223.Steven Soderbergh talks about writing Indie gamesDoyce1224.Clarification request: Oppositional vs. Orthogonal?komradebob1225.Reversed Engineer PART 2Kevin Allen Jr1226.Primitive is now on sale at IPRKevin Allen Jr1227.Vanilla StylesheetsLxndr1228.Looking Back on the Summer GamingJudd1229.Best Friends/Mortal Coil from SoK demo castsJye Nicolson1230.reverse engineering design throughtsmarkv1231.Transitioning from Free Play to MechanicsDevP1232.The VerbDanielSolis1233.Possible Futures: What Indie Roleplaying is BecomingJ_Walton1234.A graphical character sheet (and some rules)Colin_Fredericks1235.Orthogonality and WhiffingJudson_Lester1236.Drowning and Falling, Duel StyleSeleneTan1237.[the Infected] Check out the new playtest documentsEric Provost1238.Amber by the Cards: Design Diary part Three: Character creationVaxalon1239.BE: While we are talking about Stakes and suchJudd1240.[RevEng] Atlantis -- Playtest AP Report (Rob D, don't look unless you want spoilers)Josh Roby1241.Yahoogroups and other Play By PostsJDCorley1242.Immersion v. IsolationKuma1243.Towards a Critical VocabularyJudson_Lester1244.Threads to Watch: 9/1-9/7Judd1245.Theory, Pundit StyleJ_Walton1246.Interesting non-roleplaying gamesGraham1247.Spirit of the Century - Preorder Starts Todayiago1248.Dammit, Arturo!!Andy1249.[LoL] Awesome-O-fy LanasiaDInDenver1250.The Beginnings of LudologyJ_Walton1252.Gorgeous char sheet for superhero game using Dogs/Afraid hackRob MacD1253.Designing for the 25-35 Demographickomradebob1254.What [thing in some other media] would you want to see/design as a Story Game?Neko_Ewen1255.Anyone good or creative with CSS?Andy1256.City of Birds on LuluJasper1257.TESTINGAndy1258.Are exchanges a good idea?Graham1259.[Playtesting] What's most important?Troy_Costisick1260.Weekend LARP APeruditus1261.Bouncing Between Design Projects - How do you do it?Eric_J_Boyd1262.Public Domain/Creative Commons illustration sources?Meej1263.[Theory] When is it a Roleplaying Game, and when is it just Roleplaying?Stuart Robertson1264.Chicago Gameday XV: October 21stbuzz1265.Come Together: A rant on editingQHudspeth1266.Dragonmeet: 2nd December, LondonGraham1267.Situation: a stab at the hidden gorillaJames_Nostack1268.Cheap tricks and useful advice for LARP designMerten1269.Getting Over Writer's BlockAndy1270.Stupid three-sided conflicts ... feh!TonyLB1271.Interview with Tim C Koppang, author of Hero's BannerJonas Ferry1272.reverse engineering layout warehouseshreyas1273.Do Story-Games Tell Stories?James_Nostack1274.A Story Games WIKI is Alive!Andy1275.Open Secret: Game competitions all judge on designJudson_Lester1276.[Covenant]Strange truisms to play withMatt1277.A merging of the character concept stuff with the story skeletonstack0v3rflow1279.Compared quality in CR vs. TR?1of31280.[RevEng]Miss Schiffer's School for Young Ladies of QualityMeguey1281.Fresno GamesScottM1282.[Rev/Eng Challenge] Mages battling in Tall Spires - need help. (anime knowlege would be appreciated)Mcdaldno1283.You Know What They Say: Once you go Indie...Josh Roby1284.[LARP Actual Play] Crime pays, a weekend citywide LARPMerten1285.Discussing Once You Go Indie...Josh Roby1286.: possible fix?lpsmith1287.[rant]Is it time to kill a Sacred Cow: "Roleplaying Game" ?komradebob1288.[Rev/Eng] Motes in the Eye of the EmperorLxndr1289.Serving Story, Not Characterplanetary1290.Your ThingJason_Morningstar1291.[Rev/Eng] Red StringsJason_Morningstar1292.WTF: Preachers with Guns?DevP1293.Science Fiction for and by the massesJoshua A.C. Newman1294.Threads to Watch: 9/8-9/14Judd1296.StoryGames Boston: LIVE!DevP1297.Freelance RPG Writers vs. Indie?jhkim1299.Asking about Inside the Friendly Local Game StoreJudson_Lester1300.Music inspired by Fantasy, Sci-Fi and GamingStuart Robertson1301.[Rev/Eng] Darby's Heroesthwaak1302.[RevEng] Title Goes Herewyrmwood1303.Battlelore?D-5031304.[Dictionary of Mu] The Words of Destructioniago1305.Momentumstack0v3rflow1306.Game fictionJudson_Lester1307.Rant about "indie" as a termjhkim1308.why aren't there any games about Iraq, 9-11, etc?markv1309.The Forge as a brand.Mcdaldno1310.Concentrated Awesome (TPK, SahR, MC, more)Doyce1311.[Rev/Eng]Foe DestroyerBryan1312.Stakes Aren't Broken...Willow1313.[RevEng] Synergy in workJason_Morningstar1314.Autumn GamingJudd1315.Your Thing when it's Specialized BadassJosh Roby1316.Quick Roach question (cross-posted)Doyce1317.[D&D] DM tips for Player Flags?Chris Peterson1318.[Get Out] Encouraging hostilities between playersDanielSolis1319.So, this online engine for Breaking The IceGraham1320.[D&D] Challenge Rating, XP, and anything other than monster-killinJosh Roby1321.Chocolate with Peanut Butter, or Peanut Butter with Chocolate?Doyce1322.[Abulafia] How would a contest even work?Dave Younce1323.How shall I create my character for this session?TonyLB1324.Coding for rising action, climax, falling actionTonyLB1325.Key Chains: Why Do They Rock So Much?J_Walton1326.What I want Boulevard to be.Mcdaldno1327.RPG Pricing Formulas (Follow-up)Jasper1328.[Camp Nerdly 0] The Non-RPG TrackDave Younce1329.[Arts & Crafts] BindingRob Donoghue1330.[RevEng] Chimaera: Battle for the Soul of the Murdered Earthiago1331.[Dictionary of Mu] What's on your soundtrack?iago1332.[Rev/Eng] An apology, I'm not able to finish my design.Mcdaldno1333.No Prep GamesMark_Causey1334.Los Diablos - A Micro GameBlue1335.Key Chains: LiterallyTonyLB1336.Story Games Chat: Gabbly in the HouseJudd1337.[Spirit of the Century] The Rajput BrothersBrand_Robins1338.Player KeysJason_Morningstar1339.Stupid Go Play TricksJason_Morningstar1340.Columbus Story-gamers Unite!Marhault1341."I want to learn from you."DanielSolis1342.What You Want to Learn From People HereJ_Walton1343.Donner Partythwaak1344.Musing on Authritytj3331345.[RevEng] 11th Hour is "finished!"marknau1346.How does world creation facilitate story?TonyLB1347.[LARP] Ritual scene framingMerten1348.Social FootprintTonyLB1349.Setting Character StoryBlue1350.Rev/Eng -- Look Back in [insert emotion]Darcy Burgess1351.Good play by e-mail games?Jasper1353.What do these icons mean?Graham1354.Bad lessons from mainstream gamesJudson_Lester1355.Veins of Gold (Or 'What is your thing as a designer")Iso1356.X's attribute Y and how I feel about itMikeRM1358.Fastfood GamingMerten1359.[TSOY] Chinese Blood OperaJason_Morningstar1360.UK story-telling festivalAlex F1361.JiffyCon Fall 06 planningEmily_Care1362.Improving the 3 hours, 40 minutesJosh Roby1363.Good Lessons from Mainstream Gamesjhkim1364.A Secret Present for Anime GamersAndy1366.Footprint vs. PacingTonyLB1367.Piecepack CompetitionMikeRM1368.Lines from SongsColin_Fredericks1369.[Street Wars] 24/7 Watergun Assassination ARGDanielSolis1370.An old Creative Commons threadGraham1371.Camp Nerdly - the Game - Planning ThreadDave Younce1372.Threads to Watch 9/15-9/21Judd1373.How Do You Play? -- Alternative RPG Group DynamicsJosh Roby1374.Multipurpose Cards - Char Gen in PlayBlue1375.Am dealing with a screwup; need some community help!iago1376.Caper! A game of Pros and Cons.editswithlonghair1377.Seeking "Dirty Hippies" in the Deep SouthAgentFresh1378.The Book as Object: Let's talk formatsJohn_Harper1379.Convention advicedroog1380.Alright you popularizers ... sell HER a game.Kuma1381.Speak to me of LaTeX.Kuma1382.Mini-convention in Birmingham, AL?Thomas Robertson1383.[True20] Little RaveIso1384.Paging Vancouverites - JB, Ice Cream Emperor, and any others.Mcdaldno1385.Frame My SceneJohn_Harper1386.Chicken MasterJason_Morningstar1387.Story Gaming in Silicon Valleyplanetary1388.A Little French and German Translation Help?Jason_Morningstar1389.Sharing the code for BtIGraham1390.Blast from the Past: "Collaborative Roleplaying" and Decentralized GMsAndy1391.What do you ignore?TonyLB1392.Scenes without goals and conflictsstack0v3rflow1393.[D&D 3.x] Setting up for "reactive" GMingZak Arntson1395.[M-B] I summon the brainstorming power of S-GTonyLB1396.My rule is cooler than your rulemisuba1397.High lethality war genre game?jhkim1398.[Nine Worlds] Ed Heil and Co. play some creepy scenesMatt Snyder1399.Close to the Editross1400.Game Design VideosKen Sentowski!1401.The Three Big QuestionsMatthew D. Gandy1402.onexone - the "intimate" RPGDoug Ruff1403.RPG 'zine surveyMatt Snyder1404.playtest of Joy Division: monkey-moms, pocket universes & corn-of-lifemarkv1405.Be gentle with me, it's my first time...Dave Younce1406.[AbtC] - Cool ScenesVaxalon1407.What's A Pirates Favorite Letter?ndp1408.[Fantasy Epic] Power 6 - NOT a Fantasy Heartbreaker. I SWEAR!marknau1409.Highly Structured Campaignmarknau1410.FoundryMUSH: Meet a GamerAdam_Dray1411.Conflict of Interest Hack for Shab Al-Hiri RoachJosh Roby1412.Get me to Camp Nerdly 0.Mcdaldno1413.Vanilla chokes on HRJudson_Lester1414.Three Kinds of Conflict All At Once [FLFS]Josh Roby1415.Break out the champagne!Mcdaldno1416.RSS feed in the profile - she broke!Kuma1417.Do you fumbbl?Frank T1418.Seeking Guides for Old-West-style LARPeruditus1419.Go with what you knowJason_Morningstar1420.[BtI online] Drowning and fightingGraham1421.Converting RPGs and Boardgames to Computer GamesMike_Holmes1422.[Hero's Banner] Alternate Passion Gain RulesDevP1423.[Balance of Powers] A Metagame About Metahumans!Matthew D. Gandy1424.[Abulafia] Moral Questions as Scene-Framing DevicesDanielSolis1425.Deathmatch: Literary Conflict vs Conflict of InterestJudson_Lester1426.Sell Me On: GenCon SoCalAlbert A1428.Reversed Engineer PART 3Kevin Allen Jr1430.[DEAD] First (very) rough draft of DEAD available for download.Kuma1431.Push, Pull, and Probewyrmwood1432.[GAMA Survey] Motivational Factors in GamingGB_Steve1433.Threads to Watch 9/22-9/28Judd1434.PTA: Is it still great?Ronaldo1435.IWaMD – an outsider's impressionsdroog1436.on the vergeross1437.Hacking Iron HeroesBrendan1438.Tips for Don't Rest Your Head.Mcdaldno1439.Why You Might Hate My Game.Levi Kornelsen1440.What distinguishes our medium? (Long post)DanielSolis1441.You asked me about...DanielSolis1442.[Genre Workshop] Dactylic Hexameter and AnushtubhMatthias Wasser1443.Game Design and, um, politicsDevP1444.Using Fictonal Prose To Edify Game Manual Pointsgladen1445.[DEAD] Print Run SizeKuma1446.[DEAD] Making 200 story cards is kinda hard.Kuma1447.An RPG about RPGs?AgentFresh1448.the Ministry of Rape and PillageMatthias Wasser1449.What is Shattered Vistas?Willow1450.Selene Tam, where are you?Meguey1451.[Black Cadillacs] Playtester(s) NeededDarcy Burgess1452.[Darby's Heroes] Crash and Burnthwaak1453.[GenConSoCal] Dinner MeetupJosh Roby1454.Rev/Eng ReviewsJosh Roby1455.What's the Damn Rush?Jason_Morningstar1456.A Good Playtestwyrmwood1457.Playtest Offerwyrmwood1458.[Framing] Order of DescriptionLevi Kornelsen1459.The Opposite of FlagsDanielSolis1460.Rob Donoghue vs Fred Hicks: FIGHT!Andy1461.Shab al-Hiri Hack?Iso1462.[M-B] Suddenly it's so clear and simpleTonyLB1463.Indie Dogma or Good Gaming techniques?eruditus1465.RPI/Alphagraphics WTF?Jason_Morningstar1466.[Balance of Powers] Sample characters Fred came up withMatthew D. Gandy1467.Physical props (to use for mechanical resolution and representation)Matthias Wasser1468.Perfect up for order!Mcdaldno1469.Which games work with Skype out of the box?planetary1470.Wikiproject RPGsBen_Lehman1471.Camp Nerdly is Upon UsDave Younce1472.[Darby's Heroes] UNOFFICAL rev/eng review by sheet creatormarknau1473.Sony's Invention and RPGsTroy_Costisick1474.[The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries] Playtesters Needed (Willing to Return the Favor)Eric_J_Boyd1476.How to Price Artshreyas1478.What is a "reward mechanism"? And why have it?Jack Aidley1480.using photographs on covers/interiorsmarkv1481.For S-G Regulars: More Styles 9.29.2006Andy1482.[Perfect] Extending the Setting and ColourMcdaldno1484.Dragon Shell RPG: "Only for LIVE, Only for LOVE"Andy1485.Latest Have Games, Will Travel: Don't Murub Your Headiago1486.(Accidental Double post.)DanielSolis1487.Verb-oriented design.DanielSolis1488.So, you wanted to Reverse Engineer, but didin't ...Mark_Causey1489.The Biology of B-Movie MonstersDoug Woolsey1490.Dice as Gaming Tax: What are your obligations?Andy1491.[Raleigh-Durham] Dinnertime!Matthew D. Gandy1492.Threads to Watch 9/29-10/12Andrew Kenrick1493.U-Con - What should I run?thor1494.(Done) Bangs&Illusionism, and now apparently the nature of languageJosh Roby1495.Girl Genius gamingDoyce1496.[Errantry] Version 0.9 Available for Critique and PlaytestMikeRM1497.Freeform Reward MechanicsChristian_Griffen1498.Chinese BBS Discusses Indie GamesJ_Walton1499.My ideal game competitionGraham1500.A Game Contest of My Very OwnKuma1501.What character types do you play?eruditus1502.Japanese RPG MadnessJason_Morningstar1504.Beast Hunters Art PreviewChristian_Griffen1505.Selling with sexClinton1506.Thinking about a layout contestshreyas1507.ATTENTION! At 7PM EST/4PM PST for 15 minutes STORY GAMES IS BROKEN!Andy1508.Non-RPG ContestsMcdaldno1509.The littlest Roleplaying BlogJoli1510.Super Awesome Ultra Idea: Including a novella with a game?Mcdaldno1511.I BROKE A GUY'S FINGER PLAYING JUNGLE SPEEDJason_Morningstar1512.Textless Combat FlowchartColin_Fredericks1513.What the hell... Board Game Design Challenge?DanielSolis1514.[FATE] Wandering Stars: Character CreationMatthew D. Gandy1515.Not the Favicon! Noooooo!Josh Roby1516.Dissecting DiceDanielSolis1517.Terminology and Name ChangesJudson_Lester1518.Contenders is AWESOMEJohn_Harper1519.Explaining theory1of31520.Anyone Speak German?ndp1521.Is theory the realm of zealots?TonyLB1522.[The Mountain Witch] - My Dream is FrayingMike Montesa1523.The Purpose of Applied TheoryChristian_Griffen1524.The first bit of art for the Infected arrives.Eric Provost1525.Designing for durationD-5031526.Some questions on 11th hourGraham1527.[Asking The Natives] London Calling, Calling LondonMerten1528.Dice Crisis of Faithshreyas1529.[The Mountain Witch] Two Sessions Down and two to go...eruditus1530.Looking for SF RPG recommendation with specific requirementsAndy1531.What games that you haven't played do you most want to? And why haven't you played them already?D-5031532.Anyone willing to help out/volunteer for SFWA Griefcom?gryphons_quill1533.Top 5 games you'd run or play right NOW.Mike Montesa1534.Story game actual play threadsD-5031535.Shadows Over CamelotJason_Morningstar1536.Ultimate RPG Game Table!Chris Peterson1537.RPG HaikusSteve_Hickey1538.Going back to old gamesJasperNicolaisen1539.Power-Up to the People!DanielSolis1540.Can't we all just get along?Call Me Curly1541.Authority and "The Mountain Witch"timfire1542.Murk is Good For YouJudson_Lester1543.Full Light, Full Steam - Art TeasersJosh Roby1544.AltHistory fantasy settingmarknau1545.Send me an advert for your gameGraham1546.Dungeons&Down-with-the-weaponsJasperNicolaisen1547.3 Slots Suddenly Open for Camp Nerdly!Dave Younce1548.DIY Paperback Perfect-BindingDanielSolis1549.Go-Play Keychains now availableTonyLB1550.44 design-in-progressMatt Snyder1551.Misguided, or wrong?Joshua A.C. Newman1552.Full Light, Full Steam now available for PreorderJosh Roby1553.Task resolution mechanics questiongladen1554.Stats for "Once you go Indie..."jhkim1555.Indie but not "Indie", "Indie" but not IndieWarthur1556.[D&D 3.0/3.5] Story Game my Dungeon CrawlZak Arntson1557.SG Sorority/Fraternity Pledge NamesMark_Causey1558.PTA-style Hack for D&D 3.5eMark_Causey1559.Limbo Fever: How Low Can You Go?James_Nostack1560.The SHOWDOWN To Control the Gaming Group!Andy1563.What you've already learned from people hereMikeRM1564.Underdog Dice SystemMikeRM1565.where are the sprawling, baroque games of yesteryear/tomorrow?markv1566.[Dictionary of Mu] Planning for Mueruditus1567.Uncodified rules of playD-5031568.Andy: Sigs?Kuma1569.[M-B] Focus on conflict makes incomplete charactersTonyLB1571.100 Adventures in the City of Forgotten Godstony_dowler1572.Gone Cardboard for RPGs?Linnaeus1573.What is your personal favorite Jargon term?Andy1574.Urgent: Those Going to NerdlyMcdaldno1575.Tom Clancy writes a Polaris + Mridangam + Wilderness of Mirrors mashupDanielSolis1576.Dust Devils Revenged artworkMatt Snyder1577.Battlelore now available for preorderRob Donoghue1578.[Dictionary of Mu] How to Bring The Resurrection Theme to Lifeeruditus1579.What's your LEAST favorite jargon term?Joli1580.Grant Morrison's The Invisibles as game theorydotan1581.An evolving playstyle?Mike Montesa1582.Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium art previewRafael1583.Casablanca: You Have, I Need.Levi Kornelsen1584.Your favourite online references?IceCreamEmperor1585.Question of intent while developing a gamegladen1586.Storytron?Joshua Patterson1587.Favorite thing about making a game?gladen1588.Wanted Poster Character SheetsDanielSolis1589.Camp Nerdly Zero: Feedback and FollowupDave Younce1590.East of the Sun, West of the MoonMikeRM1591.[Mix-O-Tronic Challenge] Limited or Unlimited Bit & Pieces?Kuma1592.[Camp Nerdly Zero] Links to AP ThreadsJason_Morningstar1593.[M-B] Sliding scale of hippinessTonyLB1594.The Amber Playtest that Didn't Happen at Camp NerdlyVaxalon1595.Time?Adam_Dray1596.How do you solve a problem like Morningstar?Graham1597.Revolving Door ConflictsJosh Roby1598.Jungle Speed thoughts, inspired by CN0Andrew Morris1599.MACE 2006: Holy MackerelJason_Morningstar1600.Sell Me On Character Sheetsshreyas1601.Cardboard Ivory Tower; the DM ScreenRussell_Collins1602.Losing Spaces by Tags when QuotingJosh Roby1603.Convention Schedule -- movedAdam_Dray1604.Character Algebra: ( Quirk * Conflict ) = TraitJudson_Lester1605.Name suggestions for spy game - Thanks! Found one!Judson_Lester1606.[M-B??] Activating a Motif through contrastTonyLB1607.StorytronClinton1608.Look! It's a bloody great scrolling and zooming Victorian London map!Graham1609.Spirit of the Century - Signing Party in Maryland - Sunday October 29thiago1610.StorytronClinton1611.Spiel Essenoliof1612.Planescape: Tormentpdugan1613.Threads to watch: OCTOBER 2006!TonyLB1614.Help? (Teaching viral marketing through mini-games)DanielSolis1615.Camp Nerdly One Scheduling ThreadJason_Morningstar1616.IgnoreAdam_Dray1617.Convention ScheduleAdam_Dray1618.Donner Party Scheduling ThreadJosh Roby1619.Mridangam over Skypemisuba1620.Science Fair / Poster Session / Dealer's HallBlue1621.[Grey Ranks] The Big GridJason_Morningstar1622.[headdesk] I accidentally reinvented the LARPColin_Fredericks1623.Camp Nerdly TeeshirtsJosh Roby1624.(Formally) Announcing the Mix-O-Tronic ChallengeKuma1625.Wag-the-dog designMatt Snyder1626.Creative Agendas: mutually exclusive, or merely heirarchical?Joshua A.C. Newman1627.How do you explain why/when to roll dice?James_Nostack1628.RailroadingMike_Holmes1629.Pendragon, the Chivilry mechanicalejandro1630.Sell me on PrimitiveColinC1631.PloysMikeRM1633.Where do we find the accursed Vanilla devs?Judson_Lester1634.[Rev/Eng] Lighthouses and Memes: One participant's retrospectivelpsmith1635.[Mix-O-Tronic] So I lost my mind and posted an announcement for it over on TheRPGSite.Kuma1636.Polaris Conflict CardsDanielSolis1637.Genre crossoversGraham1638.Gabbly seems to be behaving again.Joshua A.C. Newman1639.Fixing Gaming Theory Terminology Once and For AllJosh Roby1641.Rules VoiceJason_Morningstar1642.[Grey Ranks] Incentivizing PlayJason_Morningstar1643.[Lacuna] staticThomas D1644.DL-Quarterly Pre-orders availableTroy_Costisick1645.Panty Theftjake richmond1646.[Yesterday's Tomorrow] a different way to create a characterAndrew Kenrick1647.Dust Devils: Sealed Deck Draft Style?DevP1648.For those of you who read JapaneseColinC1649.Camp Nerdly PhotosVaxalon1650.Roleplayers mentioned as being useful to the US Intelligence CommunityDave Younce1651.[D&D/d20] Wyrd - alternative experience point systemMatt Snyder1652.Are we a product of the products we've played?Troy_Costisick1653.Great Things in d20shreyas1654.[Hero's Banner] Alternate Breakdown RulesTim C Koppang1655.Thinking about demos/starterskomradebob1656.Necronomicon 25th Anniversaryross1657.He is here...ross1658.BATTLELOREJason_Morningstar1659.[Dead of Night] Resurrecting DoN from the ... err ... deadAndrew Kenrick1660.Getting your Full Light, Full Steam PDF PreviewJosh Roby1661.The Voice of the Revolutionptevis1662.What *makes* fantasy?timfire1663.The Dinner GameDanielSolis1664.A question on Min-ConsPenn421665.headsofstate.netmarkv1666.The Dark Tower ReturnsBrand_Robins1667.RevEng: the devil's toolsPaulCzege1668.[Nobilis] Rules TweaksJames_Nostack1669.Six Word StoriesJason_Morningstar1670.Freebie drawing programsEric Provost1671.Pushing story games to normal peoplePer_Fischer1672.Getting Darth Vader to Story GameMark_Causey1673.DARK SUN Gets Awesome-O-FiedAndy1674.Iron MACE Game Chef 10/27/06 12am - 11/09/06 7pmMark_Causey1675.[Experiment] Chain of ContrastsTonyLB1676.[Verge] New playtest revisionAdam_Dray1677.RPGNow and DriveThruRPG MergeMark_Causey1678.An epiphany about ADRP resolutionVaxalon1679.[Do] Bringing Chain of Contrasts to the table and making it happen through playDanielSolis1680.RPG Laboratory - DiscussEric_J_Boyd1681.[Werewolf MET] Tension Between the LinesAdam Cerling1682.The Royal Subterranean Diplomatic CorpsJosh Roby1683.The Economist on NintendoGraham1684.Running hare cartoonsGraham1686.In anticipation of games inspired by The Prestige (Spoilers)DanielSolis1687.Descriptive systems (for freeformers and the people who love them)misuba1688.Bask!Rob Donoghue1689.What does your game assume, and how does that influence content?Matt Wilson1690.[As Yet Unnamed Spy Game] Whee! Play test!Judson_Lester1691.The Underlying WorldviewJasper1692.Creative Commons 3.0 releasedJason_Morningstar1693.Don't Rest Your Head PDF -- Only $5 for Halloweeniago1694.[Grey Ranks] Things You Hold DearJason_Morningstar1695.Gender and assumptions about a game's agendaviktor_haag1696.Fastlane 4-Hour Convention Game HelpLxndr1697.Trick or Treat!stack0v3rflow1698.What is GM Fiat?Arminius1699.position of bookmark linkArminius1700.Directed PromotionGraham1701.[Don't Rest Your Head] Why are there rules for postsomnia?Mark_Causey1702.Help me see the flaws in my scenario prep!DevP1703.What's a good verb for Transhuman Space? (Possible opportunities for awesome-ification)DanielSolis1704.Reverse Game ChefMark_Causey1705.The Purpose of this Scene is...Josh Roby1706.Stuff to Watch: -NOVEMBER 2006-Troy_Costisick1707.Player/character divideMerten1708.Testing, never thee mindeAndy1709.MACE: Indie SalesMatthew D. Gandy1710.Nanowrimoshreyas1711.Running Capes Lite - Any Advice?JDCorley1712.Seeking reviewsColin_Fredericks1713."Generic" Games, what do you like?Andy1714.Inspirations for Shock:Joshua A.C. Newman1715.Help me cold-up Cold CityJason_Morningstar1716.Games Under Your Radar: RoanokeJ_Walton1717.Ride to GenCon SoCal?Albert A1718.Best Friends blurbGraham1719.Why is Shock: not called Praxis:?ptevis1720.HQ: I love it except its math...shreyas1721.HQish Augments without (as much) Math?DevP1722.Supplementability: Good thing?MikeRM1723.Must have indie games for a games designer (was Help me buy some games!)Andrew Kenrick1724.Pickup Gaming at GenCon SoCalptevis1725.What's your Devil?Matt Snyder1726.Spirit of the Century Preorder Ends This Weekendiago1727.Dictionary of Mu + DitV = Mu Dogs?iago1728.Intentions in Task-Based ResolutionAndy1729.[M-B] Contrast in Actual PlayTonyLB1730.Name Change for The Fifth WorldBrennan_Taylor1731.Really Andy? Everybody?Dave Younce1732.[PtA] A Conservancy of GearsJesse1733.[Fluff] I need better names for my conspiracyTonyLB1734.I'm playing Hero's Banner tonightBen_Lehman1735.[shock:] a long time coming AP threadKaare Berg1736.How To Play Pirate Treasuretony_dowler1737.Reversed Engineer TOP 6 the endKevin Allen Jr1738.[Greg Stolze's REIGN] Official Promo Site LaunchDanielSolis1739.JUNGLE SPEED!!!!!!!!!droog1740.Why don't we support bluffing?Levi Kornelsen1741.The Golden Chain playtestshreyas1742.[Reel Adventures] - Roll Filmihmcallister1743.Tell me about your character!Andy1744.Are Game Designers Auteurs?Bryan1745.Alternative Sorcerer Character Sheets?pedyo1746.There Was SlownessAndy1747.Board/Miniatures Game Gift Reccomendation?Mcdaldno1748.[No-Prep Play] Spirit of the CenturyJohn_Harper1749."Bowl of beads" system for awesome-ified Dark SunDanielSolis1750.Intentions under *ANY* Resolutionjhkim1751.Carry for Veteran's Dayndp1752.Crapify: The Shab al-Hiri RoachGraham1753.[Do it in Your System] Tank ManBrand_Robins1754.Tony, can you help me understand Capes a bit more?Nathan_H1755.I Ching as resolution mechanicNathan_H1756.Dice p*rn!Matt Snyder1757.44 playtestMatt Snyder1758.Help me help an artist design his gametony_dowler1759.Using Skype for GamingDoyce1760.[NGSO] Your Game Bank with your non-gaming significant otherMark_Causey1761.The $80 problemKevin Allen Jr1762.Spirit of the CenturyFaerieloch1763.Organising a "Story Game" friendly event in the UK.Rich Stokes1764.Pitching to NewbiesMatthew D. Gandy1765.Let's play Tag!DanielSolis1766.Hee-lariously unfunny jokes about GM Fiat.Larry1767.Awesome-i-fy Greyhawk (if you can bear to!)ChrisW1768.Point out a game where I can...Doyce1769.[ERP] Version 3 for play-testingGregor Hutton1770.I'm trying to wring flavour from dice tricks.Thomas T1771.White Wolf and CCP merge - ramifications for the gaming world?Andrew Kenrick1772.Anyone played Faery's Tale with kids?Caesar_X1773.Help With GMless GamesRonaldo1774.Representing the Amerikanske indie-bølgeJason_Morningstar1775.Games You Would Buy... if only they were on IPRiago1776.Player Knowledge, Planning, and Intentjhkim1777.Problematic Character Virtues?DevP1778.Secret Rosicrucian SymbolsCaesar_X1779.[Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium] MACE 2006Rafael1780.InSpectres: General Sourcebook for Player-Driven Investigation?Mr. Sluagh1781.Jiffy Con actual play - Best Friends and carryMeguey1782.Caper! A Game of Pros and Consreaction1783.Games you have to play to understandJason_Morningstar1784.Do you play what you buy?Matt Snyder1785.Seattle PenPal?Rayston1786.Transhuman Space Fantasy...Elliott Belser1787.As the Holiday aproaches, games are for freeKevin Allen Jr1788.using!Nathan_H1789.What -specifically- do you love to do as a GM?TonyLB1790.[MACE 2006] Actual Play: PTA, Dread and Tenra Bansho ZeroMark_Causey1792.Give me some essential science fiction booksGraham1793.Help me come up with some ideas for DreamationAndrew Morris1794.Battlestar, Screenwriting, and D&Dptevis1795.Working on Zorcerer of Zoiago1797.Keys for Espionagethor1798.I finally finished Legends of Alyria!greatwolf1799.U-Con: Who'll be there?reaction1800.Dreamation 2007 Chitchatshreyas1801.Go Play Northwest (June 2007)misuba1802.I Broke My Dice Mechanic :(shreyas1803.BBC4's science fiction seasonGraham1804.[MACE 2006] Actual Play: Dogs in the VineyardJames Jeffers1805.[M-B] Prizes vs. ThreatsTonyLB1806.Talk to me about FATE/Spirit of the CenturyBlue1807.Wherein I sell my tinkering with D&D mechanicsColin_Fredericks1808.The Cover of GalacticJason_Morningstar1809.The most excellent Panty explosion review ever!jake richmond1810.How do you give players enough rope ...TonyLB1811.Game Theory: Effects of ParadoxMike_Holmes1812.1st Transatlantic Setting Design ChallengeFrank T1813.Finding the Right Level for IntentMikeRM1814.Improv and storytellingCaesar_X1815.Good news for Middle-earth FansTroy_Costisick1816.Anime Verbs and Adverbs/NounsElliott Belser1817.[Lacuna] Blue Level Orientation Is MandatoryThomas D1818.Indie Game Fans Take HeedBrennan_Taylor1819.Wiki - PTA - MD3 - Play Report from Tuscon - Arizona Gaming Explosion!JDCorley1820.[What do I call this?] Player level res?komradebob1821.Sell me on something short and free... Now!Adam Cerling1822.GNS: A Thought on DisambiguationWillow1823.SotC: Tell Me About the Systemshreyas1824.Mechaton is to blame, obviously...Andrew Morris1825.HERO CombatLarry1826.Games You'd Like To See People DesignTroy_Costisick1827.Give Me Some Essential Non-Genre FictionJames_Nostack1828.Trollbabe Rules Question.Ronaldo1829.Setting Challenge: The Bletchley-Phillips SpecimenGraham1830.Setting Challenge: Six Queenstony_dowler1831.[REIGN] Tinkering with a variant cover. Critique, please?DanielSolis1832.Story Games Pow-Wow: Your Thoughts?Andy1833.[Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium] Character Sheet Redesign Contest!Mark_Causey1834.Dangerous Gameswyrmwood1835.Awsomizing I'm Gonna Make You Awesomethor1836.D&D DefenseMike_Holmes1837.('Mericans) Does Thanksgiving have any affect on your play?Andy1838.Engaging The Players Through The Game vs. Around The GameJesse1839.Got my copy of Primitive todayCaesar_X1840.I Smell Hearts-a-Breakin'Andy1841.I Got My Mind on My Game and My Game on My goes live!Josh Roby1843.Speak to me of GenCon SoCaliago1844.Mythic Russia Actual Play : Too Much History?Andy1845.Other Answers to Paul's PuzzleJ_Walton1846.Mike Holmes Spots some Game Design(er) TrendsAndy1847.[Actual Play] At last! Some Alyria actual play!greatwolf1849.[GenCon SoCal] Full Light, Full Steam (Saturday)Jesse1850.Quick questionJudson_Lester1851.Spirit of the Century: Conflicts - When and How?oliof1852.Situation Builder: What Am I Forgetting / Missing?Levi Kornelsen1853.Give Me Some Essential Non-FictionJason_Morningstar1854.That recurring discussion about explaining the Big Model simplyGraham1855.Creative Common or Public Domain GamesBryan1856.And Chocolatethor1857.The Most Important Thing In D&D...Mcdaldno1858.Where to buy games?Mark_Causey1859.Giving Thanks, or, How Shall We Criticize?ndp1860.Useful Inclusions in a Gaming TextMikeRM1861.Fantasy Flight Games SaleMark_Causey1862.Group Backstorying to populate the game world.Thomas D1863.Welcome to the Collective EndeavourMalcolm Craig1864.Multiplayer PCsJason_Morningstar1865.Cache your crunch!DevP1866.Penn State Gamingshreyas1867.Hippie Gamers, what old-skool games can you still enjoy?ShaneJackson1868.Push 2 Contributor GuidelinesJ_Walton1869.Name That GameJason_Morningstar1870.Miracles in my TSOY Gametony_dowler1871.Possible pitfalls in Feng Shui/Dying Earth?Doyce1872.Give Me Some Essential FIlmsJason_Morningstar1873.No longer nearly: Battlelore is here!Rich Stokes1874.Wherein I nearly quit.Colin_Fredericks1875.Essential TVbuzz1876.What's up with the Story Games Name Project?Jason_Morningstar1877.Ways in Which to Get One's Geek OnJ_Walton1878.Essential FruitJared A. Sorensen1879.Matched PairsMatthew D. Gandy1880.Help out a newbie GM?crowyhead1881.I am a complete moronNathan_H1882.[TSOY] Player created content and self correcting mechanicsMark_Causey1883.First draft of my Dreamation gamesAndrew Morris1884.Jasper drew me a hareGraham1885.Link page for everyone's games?????gladen1886.Codex-ifying Short Free Story Games?J_Walton1887.[D&D/d20] more alternative XP award madness!Sempiternity1888.Help: Finding a PBP/PBEM GameMcdaldno1889."Virtuoso GM"buzz1890.Permafrost: Stage 2Colin_Fredericks1891.Characters without goals... kinda ranty...Gaerik1892.Card PrintingJason_Morningstar1893.Character Goals, Scenario ObjectivesJosh Roby1894.Dice roller (prettier than before)Graham1895.A new "official" Amber DRP forum... for what it's worthVaxalon1896.Writing the Perfect SceneAnders Larsen1897.Bang!: A Halfway/Gateway Game?Mcdaldno1898.EndGame MiniCon dates for 2007 (Oakland, Ca)Penn421899.Demanding Story is Stamping Out Innovation ("Story Snobs")Andy1901.[Your Game] Update Us!Mark_Causey1902.Gencon looks to get into computer gamingihmcallister1903.The Rise of EuropeAndrew Kenrick1904.[Your Game] Look at those percentagesGraham1905.Good question, what's the answer?DInDenver1906.[Crispin Glover is Here to Kill Me] Community Dissection and RebirthMark_Causey1907.Help Me Dungeon It UpJason_Morningstar1908.Stuff to Watch: - DECEMBER 2006 -iago1909.Help me tool my eight-player two-night Dungeons & Savages gamejohnzo1910.Secret Solstice StoryGamers?James_Nostack1911.Conflict Resolution in the HERO SystemWillow1912.AshcansJason_Morningstar1913.[Cranium Rats] Underkoffler Partial Remix.Thunder_God1914.[The Believers] A freeform storytelling experimentCaesar_X1915.The EsoterroristsRich Stokes1916.Dragonmeet: Sales, Post Con Thoughts and SuchlikeMalcolm Craig1917.Do you really believe in game systems so strongly?Frank T1918.Looking for some coBloggers and Tumblers!DevP1919.Games suited to play-by-postColin_Fredericks1920.The Shadowrun-al-Hiri RoachThomas D1921.How likely?(Keywords,Motifs and Tropes, oh my!)Nathan_H1922.Looking for Friends...sort ofNathan_H1923.A gun, that shoots ninjasLarry1924.Secret StoryGaming SantaJames_Nostack1925.My RPG flaws...jenskot1926.[Business Solutions] Irritating HipstersJason_Morningstar1927.June is Worldwide Adventure Writing Monthjrients1929.Game Design RevelationsMarhault1930.Apples are Red, but does it have to be Red to be an Apple?shutupgirl1931.Stupid Railroaded adventuresDoyce1932.IGE at Dreamation WebsiteKat Miller1933.[Your Game] Design questionsEmily_Care1934.Durham Three Vs. Joe McDonaldJason_Morningstar1935.(Best of) Game modifications. What is/was it?shutupgirl1936.Systemless Game?Gaerik1937.Where do I mention an artist friend that does illustration work?gladen1938.January 2007 ConventionsAdam_Dray1939.[Dresden Files RPG] Designing Dresden #5iago1940.Champions on Ice!Larry1941.What's Something You're Really Into, But Know Nothing About?ndp1942.Gabbly....(broken?)shutupgirl1943.Piggy-back publishingJared A. Sorensen1944.Ballroom Dancing at GenConGaerik1945.[Dreamation 07] Lets Kick Around Some Ideasndp1946.Fate/Hero/Happy Points. Do they work for you?Andy1947.How the hell does whispering work?Matt Snyder1948.[Dreamation 07] Giving Thanks for Spirit of the Century at Dreamationiago1949.Long Live the King?J_Walton1950.Awesome-o-fy Vampire: the XYZGaerik1951.Story Games: Too Damn Nice? (S-G Fireside Chat)Andy1952.Being niceGraham1953.[Grey Ranks] Radio LightningJason_Morningstar1954.Good Die and Bad DieBryan1955.Design Tools: P19 as Propagandashreyas1956.Using an existing dice mechanicGaerik1957.TGRSWY: A really early draftGraham1959.Google Maps for gamingJason_Morningstar1960.What Don't You Understand (about Gaming)?James_Nostack1961.Games for my KidsJosh Roby1962.Explore the rules via gameplayMark_Causey1963.Sanctum Characters and Gamingtadk1964.What Isn't a Role-Playing Game?James_Nostack1965.[the Infected] I'm looking for a wordEric Provost1966.[for johnzo] we playtested again and it was awesome!Matt Wilson1967.Unstructured PlayChristian_Griffen1968.[the Infected] The infection as a characterEric Provost1969.Chargen through Play?James_Nostack1970.What would a RPG look like that didn't portray the PCs (or all the PCs) as the protagonists?Mcdaldno1971.Good Story Now?misuba1972.Praise Sim or bury it?Joli1973.Always under the hood, never behind the wheelJoli1974.The Devil IS the detailsJoli1975.Put more cowbell in Mage: the Whateveritisthisweekspookyfanboy1976.Not What I Like, But AwesomeJosh Roby1977.Your bad gaming habitsRobert_Bohl1978.Frabjous-ify Changeling: the DreamingMr. Sluagh1979.Publishing Setting Seperate from RulesetsJ_Walton1980.[LARP] Polling for a design article, with examplesMerten1981.Chat-based game in late December/early January, sometime?James_Nostack1982.[LARP] Designing an old school Nordic LarpMerten1983.Playing card mechanicsokiran1984.Iterative/Retcon PlayJason_Morningstar1985.Remember ARIA? Troy "fixed it"Andy1987."I like him for his Confidence"Levi Kornelsen1989.Awesomify...Titan?Malcolm Craig1991.The Setting Triangleshreyas1992.Newsletterstadk1993.[TSOY] 4th session in the Floating Cities campaignEric Provost1994.[Star HERO] Indie meets Terran Empire meets blahbuzz1995.Jack and the traditions of Folk Stories.Levi Kornelsen1996.[Burning Empires] Any good?Mikael1997.Learning Curves in Burning WheelHexabolic1998.Chat-Game: Shadow of 2006, er, YesterdayJames_Nostack1999.Cool Mess for AGONJason_Morningstar2000.D&D - the commercialLarry2001.Seeking Donjon players for comments on a supplementColin_Fredericks2002.I Missed You!kleenestar2003.What price, novelty?rumble2004.I wish there was a Jodorowsky Story GameJames_Nostack2006.Buyer Beware - PTA In The Sunnydale MallJDCorley2008.You are not your gamesMatt Snyder2009.Does size really matter?shutupgirl2010.Thurs night Story Games at EndGame in OaklandCaesar_X2011.NC Gameday XII - January 20, 2007Mark_Causey2012.Help with token based mechanismstack0v3rflow2013.Essential PodcastsLarry2014.Outed! ...and bringing New People InJames_Nostack2016.Gay SnapGraham2017.De-Geeking GamingJames_Nostack2018.Calling all Non-GM's (And now others, too)Mo2019.[Six Bullets for Vengeance] Keith's art is rocking my game ... how can I make my game rock the art?Andrew Kenrick2020.Good Research MaterialsMattJohnston2021.Your Local LibraryLarry2022.Calibrating Thematic OppositionJosh Roby2023.Is a role-playing game more than its mechanics?Chris Peterson2024.PTA: Series Bible?James_Nostack2025.[SotC] Art Deco Melodrama Style Chargen and Flag-Reading ThreadJudd2026.Social structures that support de-geeked gamingAlex F2027.Fear of commitmentTonyLB2028.deleting my commentstadk2029.Gaming with GrandmaJason_Morningstar2030.[The Mountain Witch] number of playerscrowyhead2031.Weird formats, origarmi and the uses thereof in game systems.Rich Stokes2032.[RPG.Net Gaming Index] Popularity Contest & Marketing Tool, or: Am I Stephen Colbert?iago2033.Format blanking issue?Marhault2034.SotC Resources - 20s Fashionshreyas2035.LARP system for a Lost Room-inspired gameAndrew Morris2036.Fred starts a new podcastiago2037.New Godzilla Gaming Podcast is upMike Montesa2038.[Grey Ranks] "In your narration, you must..."Jason_Morningstar2039.HumorBryan2040.Stuff to Stare At Mindlessly in DecemberJosh Roby2041.Putting a little bit of story gaming in every game?Anemone2042.Online Tabletop - Playtesting Web AppMikeRM2043.[SotC] Girl Genius as an alternate settingforlorn12044.Agon: Ragnarokshreyas2045.Running Sorcerer for the first time... tonight!pedyo2046.Help me pick a domain name for Abulafia to live onDave Younce2047.Jason Morningstar / Theory GeneratorsGraham2048.To geek or not to geek? What's the real question?shutupgirl2049.The Undead Software Engineers in Alaska ChallengeJason_Morningstar2050.Gaming in December: What are you Playing?Andy2051.Leisure, Hobby, Craft, or Art?James_Nostack2052.the Adaptation [the 2002 film] Conundrummarkv2053.Story Games: Database is touch-and-go todayAndy2054.[sweet Agatha] A new gamey thingy and I want your adviceKevin Allen Jr2055.Character Creation Baggage or "Ooh! It says here I can lift a ton!"Mark_Causey2056.One Last Week for DL-Quarterly!Troy_Costisick2057.Playing Amber on a WikiColin_Fredericks2058.Story Games Help Line(Whadda you know)thor2059.[ZoZ] ZoZ and the Lost RoomBlue2060.On the definition of "Geek"Eric Provost2062.Strife for SotCshreyas2063.[Sons of Liberty] “Pre-Alpha” Playtest & Discussion (long)Josh Roby2064.Bounty Hunters: In Space? and Which System?DevP2065.How to invite non-gamers?jhkim2066.Exploitation, Prejudice and Hate Crime in Gaming/NarrationMcdaldno2067.Tell me all you know about colour printingAndrew Kenrick2068.Translation CentralTorquemada2069.Are there really no RPGs for the Mainstream?Eric Provost2070.[RPG.Net Mini-Con at Endgame Oakland] Anyone willing to run SOTC there?iago2072.The Bunnies hate you too....shutupgirl2073.My elation turns to cries of Fffffffuuuuuucckkkk!Brand_Robins2074.[tMW] Getting Psychedcrowyhead2075.Happy Holidays!Jasper Polane2076.Narrative nailed dead - McKee gets a beatingPer_Fischer2077.Book Flail: McKee's "Story"James_Nostack2078.Jellyvision, ICI, Snarky RobotsJason_Morningstar2079.Vow of Povertywyrmwood2080.Sell me on ContendersGaerik2081.Announcing Camp Nerdly 01Jason_Morningstar2082.Learn Spanish through GamingDevP2083.Decoupling story games from other elementsjhkim2084.komradebobGraham2085.World's Greatest BoardgameLarry2087.Heinlein's 'Beyond This Horizon'Call Me Curly2088.[The Muse] A try at making a "gateway game"Colin_Fredericks2089.Book Vending MachinesAdam Cerling2090.[Help Line] How to dial the Help Line?James_Nostack2091.Japanese plastic booksdroog2092.What would the Serenity RPG look like as a Story Game?Andrew Kenrick2093.Disposable Pamphletsshreyas2094.PTA Online - "Curtains", Star Wars and other projectsJDCorley2095.Setting Design Challenge: How's it comin' ?Andy2096.Real-world magic itemsJ B Bell2098.In Jacksonville FloridaGaerik2099.Meaningful Narrationjhkim2100.NotificationsMike_Holmes2101.New Discussion Category: "Game Design Help"Andy2102.Exploiting Alignment for Game EffectsColin_Fredericks2103.Help Me Spend My (Hypothetical) Holiday MoneyBlue2104.[mainstream gaming] proposed resolution systemtalysman2105.Odysseus vs. the fly demon [wine dark sea playtest]markv2106.What games did you get for Christmas?Graham2107.Strange Connundrum.Mike_Holmes2108.Savage Ops: Monte Camino, Dec 2, 1943John_Harper2109.Awesomify "So you are in a bar when a stranger approaches you..."oliof2110.Help me find the fanfic of Call of Cthulhu meets Neon Genesis EvangelionThunder_God2113.Glorantha-- Heroes or Runes?King Turnip2114.The GM Section: Any life left?Larry2115.I need craft help. No, REAL craft, as in "crafts". Tidying up my gaming supplies.Andy2116.[Grey Ranks] AP from TorontoJason_Morningstar2118.[tMW] First sessioncrowyhead2119.What are You Reading Right Now?Jason_Morningstar2120.Characters as easy as 1-2-3stack0v3rflow2121.Recs for a FLGS in Dallas?Caesar_X2122.(game idea) Yomigaeri no Tsurugishreyas2123.Who's goin' to Dreamation in New Jersey on January 25th through 28th?Joshua A.C. Newman2124.Keeping players together when their protagonists divergeDevP2125.Stars and bombsGraham2126.[Setting Challenge] Submissions!Frank T2127.[tMW] Part the Secondcrowyhead2128.Dust Devils is backMatt Snyder2129.[The Princes' Kingdom] Kids and Story GamesCaesar_X


2130.New Year's Gaming Resolutionsthor2132.Building Alternate Earthstony_dowler2133.Dust Devils: Random Situation Creation?DevP2134.[Sorcerer Play-by-Post] Recruiting for MuJames_Nostack2135.Shadow of Yesterday, on-line play (reprise)James_Nostack2136.The best of OGL/D20ross2137.A tabletop RPG is a medium for the activity of roleplayingbuzz2138.Musings on the Shadows of YesterdayLord_Minx2139.Breaking The Ice tonightGraham2140.LoresheetsVaxalon2141.Roleplaying Is (rant)Josh Roby2142.Stuff to Watch - JANUARY 2007eruditus2143.A full year worth of sales...Penn422145.Need a term: Buffers to conflict immediacyTonyLB2146.Google Alerts DeliversJason_Morningstar2147.[Pinnacle Empty Quiver] Playtest ReportBryan2148.Story Games at DarkCon (1/5 and 1/6)1000buffalo2149.Tell Me About Push 1J_Walton2150.[The Mountain Witch] How to run as a oneshot?Mike Montesa2151.FindPlay down?James_Nostack2153.Gamer: the Podcastingsomniturne2154.National Games Week Members Name the Top 100 Games of 2006PaulCzege2155.Gaming in January: What are you Playing?ColinC2156.Gen Con question for old timersJason_Morningstar2157.Brick and MortarChiv2158.Secret Santa: Loose EndsJames_Nostack2159.Conception is almost here...Rich Stokes2160.Sandy's definition of "indie" gamesross2162.Explain to meGraham2163.Kino's Journey: Protagonist as GMTonyLB2164.Review of FLFSColin_Fredericks2165."We regret to inform you that our credit card database was hacked"Rich Stokes2166.The blogs have fallen silentshreyas2167.Alternate Universe RPGsJared A. Sorensen2168.Hey! My copy of Cutthroat just arrived!Jason_Morningstar2169.[MB] Removing complications: Competitive or cooperative?TonyLB2170.Weird Space Guys MechanicJason_Morningstar2171.Thinking about GenConAndrew Morris2172.Rocking out with AgonJason_Morningstar2173.Devil Bunny Needs a KatamariJ_Walton2175.Beaten to the punch!Larry2176.Should the true FINAL conflict be treated differently?TonyLB2177.The Long Campaign. What's the best way to set it up?Andy2178.[Online Tabletop] Developers' ThreadMikeRM2179.George's Childrenjim pinto2180.The Return of TalismanAndrew Kenrick2181.[Art] Bibliodsseyndp2182.Is Anyone Here Playing Mechaton?Nathan_H2183.[Moon Quest] An Example of Final Conflict Treated Differently?Bill_White2184.Playtesting ... BetterAndrew Kenrick2185.a recruitment thread: Galactic Skype playtestMatt Wilson2186.[GM'ing] How to Say What Needs To Be Said?James_Nostack2187.Games You Want to Play at Camp Nerdly OneDave Younce2189.How to create a nice internet community from scratch?Lord_Minx2190.Front-loaded favorite 2006 game stuff & accomplishmentsmarkv2192.Theory From the Closet, a podcast about RPG theory and design.Clyde L. Rho*r2193.A Messy Political Gamedyjoots2194.Are indie games profitable?buzz2195.ConventionsMerten2196.Gangland DramaKing Turnip2197.Header and SkypeLarry2198.Loglines for Character GenerationCaesar_X2199.[GR] Make this board more excitingGraham2200.So explain to me why anyone here reads TheRPGSite?eruditus2201.Universal Roleplaying ToolsJosh Roby2203.Rich Stokes....Rob Donoghue2204.Mambo Jambon (1) Archetypes Wantedthor2205.Review of Super ConsoleJosh Roby2206.Where do you buy dice in the Intertron?Jason_Morningstar2207.[Sons of Liberty] Help Me Test This Webpage ThingJosh Roby2208.A Player's Relationship To Character FailureJesse2209.[Burning Empires] Suffer Not the evil GMeruditus2210.can we play with thisKevin Allen Jr2211.One sentence setting conceptAnders Larsen2212.(Yomigaeri) PTA ~ TPK Budget Issuesshreyas2213.Caxino - An online virtual tabletop gaming space.JasonP2214.[Playtest] Sanctum: The Fallout - Ends and Meansshutupgirl2215.Lets Unpack: Fetishizationndp2216.The Unloved Sub-Genre: Normal People, Fantasy WorldClinton2217.GMless RPG - My Experience. PTA and a little UniversalisRonaldo2218.PTA - GMless, producerless.Ronaldo2219.[The Prince] My game, and an idealized Actual Play dialogdyjoots2220.Super Columbine Massacre RPG: Artist's StatementJudd2221.The RPG Journal of Negative ResultsAndy2223.Looking for Playtesters @ DreamationKevin Allen Jr2224.[Beast Hunters] Ennead Game NightChristian_Griffen2225.Way cool dice cup and diceforlorn12226.Query: Chasesjim pinto2227.What do you call all those other characters?Clinton2228.I like boardsGraham2229.[Sanctum: The Fallout/Ends and Means] Minneapolis Beta Play-Testshutupgirl2230.Is it possible to make struggles against "Nature" interesting?Andy2231.Dave Younce + Cory Doctorow = RadJason_Morningstar2232.Need Help: Gimme ideas for "SF/Serenity Pilot" Type CharacterAndy2233.Indie Cred AnonymousVaxalon2234.Partially Player-Created Setting with Blind Spots?Mr. Sluagh2235.A discussion of RPG carrying casesQuintin Stone2236.Wario Needs A Ham (Micro-Games Invade Tabletop?)Neko_Ewen2237.Snow From Korea as a card gameshreyas2238.Awesome-o-fy The RavenloftTroy_Costisick2239.Pre-Play Savagerywyrmwood2240.A Show of Ice and FireMatt Snyder2241.Meshing external conflict to multiple internal conflictsTonyLB2242.A New Game Platformtalysman2243.Playing Card Based Resolution SystemsFlynn2244.Is there a con right now that IPR is on?Lord_Minx2245.Concrete Cow: Milton Keynes, UK, 10 MarchNeil2246.No, I don't want to hunt with Ted Nugent, I want to hunt Ted Nugent.Nathan_H2247.Sharing our local gaming club experienceAnemone2248.Enjoying your own PCs internal conflictsjhkim2249.Less dice, more tokens!TonyLB2250.Demo exchangesGraham2251.War on Terror, the board gameBryan2252.The Whispering Vault: Too Difficult?Andy2253.Have Games, Will Travel Top Five for 2006Jason_Morningstar2254.A discussion on Game Chef 2007Andy2256.Donner Beach Party RevivalAlbert A2257.We played Maid RPG!Neko_Ewen2258.[Dreamation 07] Indie Games Explosion Travel Guidendp2259.Flashback as Character AdvancementQHudspeth2260.Who's Going to Nerdly Beach Party (formerly Donner Party)?Josh Roby2261.Denver - Boulder - Breckenridge CO area Story Gamers?Andy2262.Solar System (tSOY) without... Skills?DevP2263.Buying Dice/Game Components Online?Kuma2264.[Game Chef] AnalysisJason_Morningstar2265.Ruin Consequences in Hither Landsvgunn2266.Dundracon - San Ramon, Ca 2/16-2/19?Penn422267."The Lucky Ones" - suggestions for systemTheCzech2268.Misspent Youth: Dreamation PlaytestRobert_Bohl2270.Helpdesk I guess -- firearms and aim questioncrowyhead2271.[Grey Ranks] Dreamation PlaytestsJason_Morningstar2272.[Game Chef] In Search Of ... Classes of 2002 and 2003Jason_Morningstar2273.Story Games Troubleshooting: Forum ChangesAndy2274.What's a good synonym for "tap"?DevP2275.TSOY Dungeon Crawl APMark_Causey2277.Best One-shots...JasonP2278.Genericon this idea for super hero role playingNathan_H2280.Abortion, the modualKevin Allen Jr2281.Explain: Poker BettingBryan2283.Christmas Ninjas - One Shotwyrmwood2284.Dice for Dogs in the VineyardLord_Minx2285.Define "Focussed Design"Troy_Costisick2286.[tMW/BSG] Battlestar FujiyamaWillow2287.GenCon SoCal -- closed!Adam_Dray2289.Moments of Gaming BetrayalAndy2290.[Dreamation '07] Afterpartyeruditus2291.Dreamation 2007 Highlight ReelJason_Morningstar2292.[M-B] The Structure of BecomingTonyLB2293.My Epic Dreamation SagaJames_Nostack2294.John Wick Makes FATE-Based GameChristian_Griffen2295.ATTN: Dan RBen_Lehman2296.[Con Etiquette] Leaving a TableBlake T. Deakin2297.[Dreamation 07] Attendance Analysisndp2298.Awesome Tool and Toy: bubbl.usDanielSolis2299.Playtesting at ConsBen_Lehman2300.[Cons] Do you game with people you know?Graham2301.[TSoY] Advancing Racial/Cultural Secrets & Keyseruditus2302.Paging Dan, who played in Shock: on Saturday nightJoshua A.C. Newman2303.[Ganakagok] Her Tears Fall Like RainBill_White2304.[Names Project] The Story Games Name Project is On!Jason_Morningstar2305.Roles with ObjectivesNathan_H2306.[Nerdly] Camp Nerdly 01 Registration is now CLOSED!Jason_Morningstar2309.Outies!Rob Donoghue2310.[Crime & Punishment] Recruiting non north american folks.Mo2311.Forge Midwest 2007, part 1 of 2Matt Snyder2312.Essential otherKevin Allen Jr2313.ENWorld Chicago Gameday XVI is Feb 24th - Now with added indie goodness!buzz2314.The Mountain Witch ... of Madness!Mark_Causey2315.Complications from conflict and stake settingBurr2316.the shadow of yesterday is getting another translation!oliof2317.Pool variant: [Teh Pool]Call Me Curly2318.[MB] The cruelest thing everTonyLB2319.The Doctor Club - Ep 1 [Savagery]wyrmwood2320.[GR] Getting beyond conflictsGraham2321.Guest users please read!Andy2322.I want a new Web Toy for Making Relationship MapsDave Younce2323.Speaking of Relationship Maps... (J-Drama Map Heaven Plasma Strike!)Andy2324.Overdesigning and the Later Stages of Development - Tell me About ItEric_J_Boyd2325.Relationship mapping toolCall Me Curly2326.Birthright: Your ExperiencesJudd2327.Stuff to Watch - February 2007Judd2328.Form Follows Functionnitrospectide2329.Looking for Mark VallianatosTroy_Costisick2330.Game Design Contest Calendarshreyas2332.S-Gers in the Seattle area for PAX 2007?Kuma2333.[Medical Hospital] First AppendectomyJason_Morningstar2334.Heads of State playtest files postedmarkv2335.Please help awsome-o-fy my Firefly game! (Firefly/Serenity Spoilers inside!)Jacob2336.Non-ENworld ENnie Judges NeededJason_Morningstar2337.Calling Boston GamersJudd2338.Acts, Scenes, WTFJason_Morningstar2339.Cat's got my tongue, or maybe my brain - Help!GamerChick2340.The BibliOdyssey RPG Design Challengendp2341.[Pinnacle Empty Quiver]Random Situation GenerationBryan2342.Plot Devices v. Challengesndp2343.[Shock:] Authentic class rifts! Lying colonization!Anders2344.Jersey Gaming GuildRobert_Bohl2345.[C&P] Lingo Issue, help please.Mo2346.[Fabricated] Need musical styles...JasonP2347.Self-Contained GamesNathan_H2348.Hero's Banner Demo PackTim C Koppang2349.Free RPG Day?J_Walton2350.Choose your own internet adventure?Mcdaldno2351.Using Page Numbers as a Number Generatorshreyas2352.Medical Drama tropestalysman2353.Pick-Up Play and Popularity Contestsexedore62354.Three-week-old Panties.Joli2355.[MB] The power of being wrongTonyLB2356.craziest RPG, perhaps everKevin Allen Jr2357.Printable PagesBryan2358.Actual Play Report Request: Ars MagicaTroy_Costisick2359.[DitV] Dog Eat Dog in BountifulScott Dorward2360.Attention MathletesJason_Morningstar2361.Tips for running the Roach as a one-shot?Caesar_X2362.Go Play Northwest: Seattle, June 22-24John_Harper2363.Roanoke: Lost ColonyAnemone2364.[City of Masks] Betray, Seduce, Humiliate and... what?MikeRM2365.FlowchartsMatthijs2366.Best System for Supers vs. Monsters?Mark_Causey2367.Paging Robert BregovicEmily_Care2368.Philly S-Gers?Blake T. Deakin2369.Where Are They Now? with scene structure?chris_moore2371.Standardized Bad RepercussionsJosh with Plot structure?chris_moore2373.When "GM as impartial referree" just doesn't hold up. . .Joli2374.Boston area gamers: Pandemonium Books & Games is in troubleMichael Curry2375.Essential (or at least enjoyable) webcomicsMikeRM2376.Awesome-O-Fy Polytheism in RPGsTroy_Costisick2377.Philly Story Games Gatheringeruditus2378.Fast Food Game AidsJacob2379.[The Mountain Witch] Seven Samurai, Oh YAHndp2380.Help with Number CrunchingBryan2381.What happened to all those magazines?Neko_Ewen2382.[BibliOdyssey Design Challenge] Entries Due Tomorrow, & Updates!ndp2383.[MB] The Mechanics of AngstTonyLB2384.[Unisystem]+[TSOY] Anyone ever added Keys to Unisystem?Mark_Causey2385.Chad Underkoffler seeks RPG Theory assistanceRyan_Macklin2386.Dead Inside questionsMcdaldno2388.[Sons of Liberty] Increasing Tory/Patriot SwappingJosh Roby2389.[Fabricated] Rock Out!JasonP2390.Fix my Cat. (Awesome-ify my Cat?)Clyde L. Rho*r2391.Voting is Open! ENnie Judge Discussion and QuestionsMark_Causey2392.[Mexican Standoff] How does it actually play out?Rob Donoghue2393.Looking for Indie Games in HoustonSteven Stewart2394.20x20 Room is darkArref2395.Awesome-o-fy... History!tony_dowler2396.[Pinnacle Empty Quiver]Recon: Getting off the RoofBryan2397.Let's judge the Ennie judgesGraham2398.The significance of the dungeonIan Cooper2399.Awesome-o-fy Awesome-o-fyingJ_Walton2400.[Tragedy Game] What does this game lack?Meserach2401.REUSE: Elemental diceDevP2402.Your Gaming CensusMo2403.Advice for Hijacking a ConMcdaldno2404.Indie Games Explosion and Gen Con 07Kat Miller2405.What's so Cool About Historytony_dowler2406.GenCon Registration Help CentralThunder_God2407.Who the hell is talking about your game?Iskander2409.Games that deal with time in a real wayCaesar_X2410.Another haunting (yet lame) realizationAndy2411.Historical One-shotsjhkim2412.Weird Old GamesNeko_Ewen2413.TORG gets the BSG Treatment!Andy2414.What's the opposite of a Story Game?Matthijs2415.LasersharkingLarry2416.Any Terran Trade Authority Actual Play?Penn422417.Camp Nerdly 01 Questions and AnswersAndy2418.FIGHT Artillery DUELSBryan2419.Squadron UK (formerly Golden Heroes)Graham2420.Nerdly Bellydancing (Paging Meguey Baker... Meguey Baker come to the white courtesy phone.)Mo2421.Cool Old GamesJason_Morningstar2422.My recent experience with ShadowrunRich Stokes2423.[DitV] God ain't the only one in town with gunsMRUnderwood2424.Cultural Influences on Game DesignMikeRM2425.Do you use gender neutral language in your RPG text?jenskot2426.[MB] Why do we hurt the ones who love us?TonyLB2427.[TOSY] Doom KeysMark_Causey2429.[How We Came to Live Here] Playtest Results and MusingsBrennan_Taylor2430.The Great Divide -- Story games in relation to traditional RPGsMatt Snyder2431.[TSOY] Collective Keys & Secrets: does that work?DevP2432.Broken Thread - How to fix it?shutupgirl2433.What are your favorite writing tools?jenskot2434.[made the devil do it] conflictschris_moore2435.Lorraine Williams, TSR, gaming history, Bullwinkle, DanceyCall Me Curly2436.Participants=Audience OUTSIDE of RPGsJosh Roby2437.[City of Masks] Revised, Gamier GameMikeRM2438.I want these games, right now...Andrew Morris2439.Aciviakkriegg2440.GMless Mortal Coil?shreyas2441.Call of Cthulhu, Which System?Thunder_God2442.collaborator availablethor2443.Flaming CobraJ_Walton2444.Web 2.0-ify Actual Play Reportstony_dowler2445.Post a picture of your socially functional gaming groupJason_Morningstar2446.Instant Plot Generator?kkriegg2447.Gaming Friends vs Friends You Game WithMark W2448.How do romantic relationships affect your group dynamic?Brand_Robins2449.Gaming and Social Relationshipscrowyhead2452.Story-gaming using Mainstream Systems?phasmaphobic2453.[HeroQuest] Swashing buckles in HaalkitaineFredzor2454.Why Online Play Is Great, And What We Might Learn From Itpigeon2455."So Long Sucker" and RPGsdyjoots2456.Theories of Player(s) is STORY?Nathan_H2458.More Library Books on RPGsNeko_Ewen2460.Indie MMORPGwyrmwood2461.Songs About Games, Games About SongsJason_Morningstar2462.Using wiki technology for (story)gamingRadaghast2463.[Tragedy] Actual Playtest! Sisters in HollywoodMeserach2464.How does [game] inform the players on when to give?Mark_Causey2465.Pseudo-Play and Story GamesJames_Nostack2466.The Alternate History One-Shot Contesttony_dowler2467.[Biblioddysey Design Challenge][Thought Disorder] Character IdiomsKing Turnip2468.Indie Games and Brick-n-Mortar StoresRoninZombie2469.Recording PlayVasco Brown2470.[MB] Why can't I be as cool as you think I am?TonyLB2471.EndGame's Dundracon 2007 Sales (revised)Penn422472.[Iliamna Unknown AP]Undead Software Engineers vs. Nessy of the NorthBryan2473.Psuedo-Play: where is the shame?Dave Younce2474.UK Playtest Camp/NanoconRich Stokes2475.Tile-based story gamingCaesar_X2476.Bang's BrothersJudd2477.Faery's Tale at DunDraCon '07Firefly Games2478.[Seven Leagues] Velvet Boxhieronymous2479.So; Conpulsion 2007Fredzor2480.Lightning Source (and others) for PODMikeRM2481.Psuedo-Play: Non conflict actual play?jenskot2482.{disappeared orccon playtest} paging Dr. Heidi Berger...markv2483.Making Chat Betterndp2484.Gaining And Losing PlayersTim Boser2485.Paranoia LARP: Let's Get Ready To FUN BALL!Graham2486.So what do you drink when gaming?Andy2487.The power of central authorityTonyLB2488.Who plays "them"?TonyLB2490.Building tension with a card-based mechanicCaesar_X2491.Playing Polaris soon for the first timecrowyhead2492.Menzoberranzan - Fun for all the FamilyJoe Murphy2493.Death Spiral + Escape Clause: What's it do?TonyLB2494.20 WORDS OR LESS: how YOU make games rock!jenskot2495.Reversed mantrasGraham2496.Sell Me On a Summer Eventshreyas2497.Professional Gamemaster in Berkeley selling Quality Story GamingElliott Belser2498.[Specific game prep] Help me groove up my Ptolus gameChris Gardiner2499.What central authority is good forTonyLB2500.Who likes to watch? PBP, that isTonyLB2501.Solitaire: questions about a contestJames_Nostack2502.A Diceless Resolution SchemeJason_Morningstar2504.Experiences playing D&D without miniatures?Chris Peterson2505.Games You Want to Play At Nerdly Beach PartyJosh Roby2506.Role-Playing Game Designsrickr2507.The Roach as a LARPJason_Morningstar2508."A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred"Lord_Minx2509.Poetic roleplayingJames_Nostack2510.[I Must Write]Colin_Fredericks2511.Dungeon Delve at New York ComicConCall Me Curly2512.Amber and the tyranny of the blank pageTonyLB2513.Nerdly Beach Party FoodFaerieloch2514.Create or Roll the Dicetalysman2516.[Fun] Favorite RPG Weapons?Andy2517.Why Fantasy?Troy_Costisick2518.If you notice an Outage at Story-Games...Andy2519.You totally ruined my game designCaesar_X2520.Dictionary of ZuJohn_Harper2521.Awesome-ify/Finish my TSOY con scenarioMcdaldno2522.[Story Games Name Project] Proofreaders NeededJason_Morningstar2523.Dogs in the Coffee Shop?Mike Montesa2524.How to Break Down the Post-Creation WallsSabreCat2525.My Podcast DebutCaesar_X2526.The practical side of GNS (and the fullness of it)algi2527.Ring of Powerjim pinto2530.NC Gameday XIII - Dubbed "Mini-GenCon" by the FoundersMark_Causey2531.Tell me concrete ways to enhance horror gamingAndy2532.Role-playing salonsMatthijs2533.The language barrierMatthijs2535.What threads are the Best Of Story Games?Graham2536.[Caper!] Actual Play: Lincoln Continentaleditswithlonghair2537.EndGame April MiniCon (4/7/2007)Penn422538.Looking for a gaming group in lovely Las Vegasnick3.02539.Stuff to Watch - March 2007ShaneJackson2540.Online Play ToolsMike_Holmes2541.[Grey Ranks] Examples of PlayJason_Morningstar2542.My (friends') First Story Game ExperienceRoninZombie2543.[NYC] Recess IX - March 11thAaron B.2544.Gods of RockGraham2545.[PTA] The Linetony_dowler2546.Let's collect our IM handles hereLord_Minx2547.Bruce Baugh to write a Spirit of the Century Supplementiago2548.Massachusettesfifth_child2549.Be Elitist With Me at Forge MidwestMatt Snyder2550.A new take on "Frontloaded" gamesAndy2552.Movie/TV Show Tag Lines as Inspiration for Story GamesBlue2553.[Pay for Games? Outrageous!] Player - GM contractElliott Belser2554.Out-of-Session RPing, Is it Bad for the Group?E.T.Smith2555.[Fun] Show me your game's relationship mapDave Younce2556.Conquest SacramentoRyan_Macklin2557.AFRAID: Dogs in the Vineyard + horror + a lot more = AWESOME!jenskot2558.[BibliOdyssey Design Challenge] Entries Are In!ndp2559.[Steampunk Magazine] First IssueJosh Roby2560.[Face of Angels] Stakes vs GoalsFlynn2562.Southern Arizona: March 17thThomas D2563.Cats!MummyKitty2564.[BESM House Rules] SOCIAL KOMBAT!Elliott Belser2565.Coloring outside the lines of your settingMike Montesa2566.[BESM 3rd House Rules] SOCIAL KOMBAT! ROUND TWO!Elliott Belser2568.What does it mean to be a "hero" in an RPG?Troy_Costisick2569.24 Hour Blackout Challengetalysman2570.[recruiting?] D&D one-shot via SkypeJames_Nostack2571.New Amber WIKI game:Vaxalon2572.MURPG - Ha, my wife gets my gameJDCorley2573.Indie Game Roundup - Ulterior Motives IncludedMark_Causey2574.The Cold City Dossier: Sheer Folly?Malcolm Craig2575.Tony Jaa is like an EVIL chiropractor!Nathan_H2576.[Terminology] Gamist! Simulationist! Narra... No. THEMATIC!Elliott Belser2577.I got invited to write social combat rules for True 20!Elliott Belser2578.Running Primitive as a one-shot?Caesar_X2579.Racism in artwork and other stuffLord_Minx2580.How do I make Strategicon into "The West Coast Dreamation?"ptevis2581.[Nerdly Beach Party] Pre RegistrationJosh Roby2582.[Mob Justice] Betrayal at Cold Cutihmcallister2583.The art of buzzAndrew Kenrick2584.[Beast Hunters] Finished!Jason_Morningstar2585.[Wii] Story Games Wii Friend-Codesiago2586.Need help choosing an ecommerce solution...jenskot2587.[Dark*Matter x Spirit of the Century] The Shadow WarMark_Causey2588.Terminology in Game TextsFlynn2589.Story Games: Too Damn NastyGraham2590.Those little geeky things that you like.Judd2591.A game without conflict.Mcdaldno2592."Geeky" GenresJasper Polane2593.[Grey Ranks] UpdateJason_Morningstar2594.Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girl\xe2\u20ac\u2122s Guide to D&DJason_Morningstar2595.Fate Shui! - In the British High Middle AgesBlue2596.Tell me about "Mechanical Dream"Andy2597.Elf defenceLarry2598.How to make Airships Exciting?Andy2599.[Six Bullets for Vengeance] No such thing as too many dice?Andrew Kenrick2600.Hierarchy is in!Troy_Costisick2601.Killing Your Father: Star Warspigeon2602.RPGs as language instruction?Simon_Pettersson2603.I've always wondered...Jasper Polane2605.REUSE: Dreamblade MiniaturesDevP2606.The Dual of Relationship Mapswyrmwood2607.What Knife Are You?RoninZombie2608.Making Combat WorkNeko_Ewen2609.Star Wars in other gamesRyan_Macklin2610.How Can I Be Less Offensive With this Bad Idea?James_Nostack2611.Tips for Game ChefGraham2612.[Lacuna] How does promotion really work?Arturo G.2613.[Cold City] Quick-play Demo PackMalcolm Craig2614.Awesomify Tribe 8 (have we done this yet?)eruditus2615.Testing the "Caegory Filter" extensionAndy2616.HoS: art and death in jakartamarkv2617.Help me find the right game in 24 hrsNickNovitski2619.Tribe 8, Story-Games styleVasco Brown2622.300 Just Out of the Theater Impressionseruditus2623.[Beast Hunters] Preorder Open Now!Christian_Griffen2624.Good introductions to story gaminggrey.spiral2625.Relics of Powerjim pinto2626.Agon - A Few Questionsfifth_child2627.Sufficient Cultural Info for Settings?James_Nostack2628.Improv Games on IRCMeserach2629.It's wartime. You're not a soldier.Matthijs2630.A possible way to put a damper on burning threadsMatthijs2631.[Spirit of the Century] Help me make Spirit of Hogwarts for my girlfriendElliott Belser2632.Running Cat for non-gamersCaesar_X2633.In Praise of Concrete CowMatt2634.Comforting ConstraintsTonyLB2635.[Nerdly] Nerdly Beach Party Registration is OVER!Josh Roby2636.[More Alignment] A diagramColin_Fredericks2637.TSoY Key Help: Key of the SummonerDave Younce2639.NearbyGamers: Findplay rebornDave Younce2640.S-G Codex RSS Feeds ProblemDave Younce2641.[joke] [Burning Threads] Fight for what you believeColin_Fredericks2642.PDF Games: How to you remember what you have?Andy2643.Games on Demand LogoKat Miller2644.[Agon] First Time Playingfifth_child2645.indie publisher resume bulletsMatt Wilson2646.Podcasting: How does it work?Lord_Minx2648.I Just Have To Share An Idea With SomebodyTim Boser2649.Conpulsion 2007 - Indie Games TrackMalcolm Craig2650.Indie games for Danish conpedyo2651.John Wick's "Play Dirty" compilationbuzz2652.Shock: in an hour. How?Matt2653.[Engle Matrix Game] Podcast of Jack the Ripper gameMatrixGamer2654.[recruiting] Northern Virginia Story Gamers Looking For Fresh MeatVaxalon2655.[Nerdly] Just Curious Why Folks haven't been signing up for games?eruditus2656.[Recruiting] Seattle/Shoreline - various indie rpgsAlan2657.Get Your LARP on NorthEastKevin Allen Jr2658.[Seven Leagues] Little rules questions and ideasAnemone2659.Prove The Popularity of Thy Name: High School powered by... Agon!fifth_child2660.April EndGame Minicon approaching!Caesar_X2661.Mountain Witch to buy in print?Neil2662.Successful stories of story-games promotionArturo G.2663.Anybody else running Spycraft 2.0?Dave Younce2665.Fear of Structure IIGB_Steve2666.New printerMcdaldno2667.[Nerdly] Afraid by Campfire.Mo2668.Writing Great APstony_dowler2669.Publisher forums vs Forge hosted forumsAndrew Kenrick2670.Game Chef is Nearly Here...Andy2671.Secret MechanicsColinC2672.How do we discover common ground?TonyLB2673.Exodus-II: The Lazy GMjohnzo2674.Swansong - Anyone tried it yet?Anemone2675.For Some Reason, People Keep Interviewing Me.Joshua A.C. Newman2676.Identity PoliticsCall Me Curly2678.BibliOdyssey Design Challenge Winners!ndp2679.Second Lifedroog2680.Selling ideas vs. selling productsAndrew Morris2681.GenCon 07 Games On Demand / IGEMichael S. Miller2682.props and the deterioration of the character sheetThomas D2683.Help finding a postnemomeme2684.Best SotC novel titlesforlorn12685.OctaNe inspiration: Grindhouse is coming!Anemone2686.[Go Play NW] Registration is open!tony_dowler2687.True Goal vs. Sane GoalTonyLB2688.[Game Chef] A Penny For My Thoughts: Playtesters wantedptevis2689.Southern Arizona: Ides of GamingThomas D2690.[Survivors] Survivors: Existential Roleplaying in the Nuclear WastelandKing Turnip2691.Glass beads in gamesAndrew Morris2692.An NPC r-map for AmberVaxalon2693.The First Story Games Relationship Map ContestAndy2694.Office Dogs at the WatercoolerCaesar_X2695.A new gaming forum dedicated to gender issuesAndy2696.New Meetup Group for Houston GamersSteven Stewart2697.Ken Hite wants news of your small press GenCon releasesiago2698.[Below] A new system based on AlternityGaerik2699.Fantasy vs. Sci-Fi: Which is inherent to Small Press?thwaak2700.Setting vs. Innovative Mechanics vs. Creativity vs. ???thwaak2701.[Game Chef] Anybody seeing The New Hotness?Jason_Morningstar2702.SIS in CCGs: Tell me moreLarry2703.What is (was) a 90's RPG?Mike Montesa2704.Gen Con 07 Deadline: March 31st Dex Con Deadline April 15thKat Miller2705.The Patsy: A tool for playersColin_Fredericks2706.[Camp Nerdly] Is anyone interested in this presentation about miniatures?Vaxalon2707.[Delta Green] What Story-game would you use for Delta Green?Doyce2709.Classroom Deathmatch preorder!jake richmond2710.d12 lovewyrmwood2711.CovenantGraham2712.My new board game dominatesMcdaldno2713.[Joy Division] Finally, our group gets back togetherVaxalon2714.Carta Marina - GIANT 1539 map of ScandinaviaJosh Roby2715.[CampNerdly] Draft Schedule - check for your eventsDave Younce2716.How's my shilling soundKevin Allen Jr2717.Gathering information for a game storereaction2718.Culling the collectionD-5032720.Suspended tower office blockCaesar_X2721.Acting out of characterptevis2722.Origins07: Explodes!Kat Miller2723.Dragon #354 features some indiebuzz2724.Does Vulnerability Matter?tony_dowler2725.[TSOY + others] Cool things you can do with multiple simultaneous stakes/conflicts?Alex2726.Why Shock is a new favourite.Mcdaldno2727.[Actual Play] Primetime Adventures - Devil\xe2\u20ac\u2122s EdenDelirium2728.Help me Awesom-o-fy my setting.Gaerik2729.It ain't Wormy, but I like it...kesher2730.[PTA] Help me kick start my Firefly gameeruditus2731.[PoliCon] Last Minute GMs needederuditus2732.[MB] Let me tell you a secret ...TonyLB2733.Mathematica Promo Imagestony_dowler2734.Some Dirty Secrets playtestgreatwolf2735.What's a hot geek...uhm...thing right now?Andrew Morris2736.R-maps and topology...random thoughts remembering my math degreeJDCorley2737.[Inspectres] Case of the Flaming puss*Christian_Griffen2738.Game Chef DebriefJason_Morningstar2739.DitV the Card Game?Caesar_X2740.Forge Outtage?oliof2741.[TSOY] How To Have Fun With a Dysfunctional Group at Conventionsoliof2742.[PoliCon] Here's What We Playederuditus2743.[Classroom Deathmatch] First experience playing this gamephasmaphobic2744.IGE at Origins and Gencon schedulesKat Miller2745.Free ad space in Classroom Deathmatchjake richmond2746.[Covenant] Mainly Motifs (and Conventions)Malcolm Craig2747.Game Chef TrendsGraham2748.Tell me about Nerdly Beach Party!Dave Younce2749.Burning Out! Too Much Gaming! ...What do you do?Andy2750.Stuff to Watch - April 2007Anemone2751.Session recording and microphone opinionsforlorn12752.TV Tropes Wiki (for PTA)Caesar_X2754.[Medical Hospital] MediographyJason_Morningstar2755.Ideas for LARP Mechanics, looking for discussionsphasmaphobic2757.The Secrets of My Success Unveilederuditus2758.Nerdly VirginRobert_Bohl2759.How much do you know about your character? Yourself?ptevis2760.[GRS] Playtest draftGraham2762.Cartwheel Galaxy: no relation to gaming, just freaking awesomeJosh Roby2763.[Panty Explosion] Actual Playjake richmond2764.[The Naked City] Help me map my R-Map to Character GoalsCaesar_X2765.GM-less Story GamesKynn2766.[Camp Nerdly] Boffer Weapons Making an Appearance at Nerdly (pics)eruditus2767.Ganakagok being Played in Northern Delaware tonighteruditus2768.[Poker Face] Kicking-in-the-bollocks based resolutionGraham2769.the social possibilities of hand held MMO'sChiv2770.Indie Expo & the question of What is a Story Game?John Anderson2771.Tables and "huge tracks of land"eruditus2772.VoIP Gaming Searchorklord2773.What I love about Polaris (& Roach too)Nick2774.New "Stoled from TV-Land" Term: "beats"Andy2775.Creating a creepy environment in your living roomphasmaphobic2776.[SG Spin-Off] IT'S ALIVE!!!Lord_Minx2777.An idea for game night structure: Movie/game nightVaxalon2778.New Episode of Canon Puncture is Up!orklord2779.Microcosm: Leaner and CatchierLevi Kornelsen2780.Recreating a classic OD&D "Old School Dungeon" FeelFlynn2781.Gaming on LocationScott Dorward2782.Holy sh*t it's EXTREME20!!! (Awesomify D&D/d20)Andy2783.Swedish superhero RPG in comic formdotan2784.Indie Games at Dex Con (need games by april 15)Kat Miller2785.Irony in Story Gamesdead_tom2786.Family friendly gaming at Go Play NWtony_dowler2787.Announcing the Colonial Gothic Primerrichard_rogue2788.Gaming stores with Story Games in SoCal?Blake T. Deakin2789.That "highlight name to see their real name" thingy is backAndy2790.[Call of Cthulhu] Cool, player created story momentsMalcolm about new RPGs and MUSH gamesgeorge2792.Alarums & Excursions?Matthijs2793.Qinjiang: A QIN and WotG Hackshreyas2794.[Ashcan Front] Publising formatsMatt Snyder2795.Parallel RealitiesRoninZombie2796.Support the Troops in a Whole New WayGamerChick2797.Story-gaming Tekumelbuzz2798.Weird Find of the DayJason_Morningstar2799.Gaming Salvage-- 90's style.King Turnip2800.The CrucibleChristian_Griffen2801.The right system for Star WarsVaxalon2802.Could this way of making LOST: The Game actually work?Meserach2803.Tony LB haunts me stillthor2804.Designing in PublicChristian_Griffen2805.[Camp Nerdly] - Another try at AmberVaxalon2806.Metroid HuntersColinC2807.[TSOY] Social Conflicts - Making it Worth Their WhileMark_Causey2808.[TSOY Final Fantasy] Looking for Love with All the Wrong SpellsMark_Causey2809.[The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries] Playtesters NeededEric_J_Boyd2810.Anyone going to Balticon?Vaxalon2811.[Dust Devils] Hell's comin' with me!Matt Snyder2812.[SotC] Best Movie AspectsBrandon A2813.[Beast Hunters] Tribal Warfare (and secondary goals that appeal to players)Christian_Griffen2814.Against Worldbuildingptevis2815.[Sign In Stranger] Eh? Wha?Thomas D2816.Boardgames in DisguiseBigJackBrass2817.[Tales of the Ninja] The Ninja Called DaveGraham2818.JiffyCon BostonEmily_Care2819.Vonnegut's rules for short storiesthor2820.On-line Indie Dungeon CrawlJames_Nostack2821.Camp Granada board game tv adCall Me Curly2822.Structured Character Development, or My Beef with GrahamJason_Morningstar2823.Slow-motion momentsTonyLB2824.PreviewLarry2825.[Power and Influence] Playtesters NeededGaerik2826.5 Elements: RPGs vs. Hip-HopJ_Walton2827.Emo, drama queens, adversityCall Me Curly2828.A twist on "teacher turns losers into winners" movies.Burr2829.making players make tough decisionswoodelf2830.Game designer challengesGraham2831.Create for me me some ethical dilemmasColin_Fredericks2832.Squeezing the most from a weekend of roleplaying?Neil Gow2833.Head-to-Head Iron Game Designwyrmwood2834.Looking for some advice on running Best FriendsDanielSolis2835.Historical Roleplaying : Making it better?Andy2836.[camp nerdly] Saturday night larpKevin Allen Jr2837.Dragon and Dungeon MagazinePenn422838.Eastern Iowa? Western Illinois?chris_moore2839.Face-Stabbing and Fragile PlayersJames_Nostack2840.Making Mapping / Exploration FunFlynn2842.[Okhrana] Rewards just not cutting itMalcolm Craig2843.WTG: SotCDoyce2844.[WGP] Philly-area storygamers are invited to join useruditus2845.Another Bad-Ass TSOY MomentJason_Morningstar2846.Spontaneous Online Game Center?Christian_Griffen2847.Lulu and GettyPenn422848.Get your games into the hands of our ^H^H^H US soldiers.Kuma2849.Long-Lived IRC/Online Games Which Work Really, Really WellMeserach2850.Forge Midwest Pictures (fresh and unedited)GamerChick2851.TSOY - Bringing Down the Fun with Too Much Bringing Down the Pain?oliof2852.zombie gameschris_moore2853.Beast Hunters at IPRChristian_Griffen2854.Go Play Southeast, anyone?Gaerik2855.[TSOY] Dungeon Crawl Con Game v.2 and v.3Mark_Causey2856.Quality control, ashcans, and living up to expectations.Mcdaldno2857.The Collective Endeavour: 6 Months In ReviewMalcolm Craig2859.[Critiques] Hit my game with a hammerColin_Fredericks2860.[Agon] Why I don't like the positioning rulesEric Provost2861.Stuff to Watch - A Requestshreyas2862.Let's talk about improv and gamingptevis2863.[Esoterrorists & GUMSHOE] my first impressionseruditus2864.Interactive AshcansJosh Roby2865.[Grey Ranks] Help me with my AdJason_Morningstar2866.[Teaching Your Game] Using Adult Learning Techniques to Deliver Game ContentDoyce2867.talking about ashcans, The Ashcan Front, and game design with Clyde L. Rho*rPaulCzege2868.[Teaching Your Game] Rules for Teaching AdultsDoyce2869.[Teaching Your Game] Readability \xe2\u20ac\u201c The Fog IndexDoyce2870.[Teaching Your Game] Attention Span and Effective Use of TimeDoyce2871.[Teaching Your Game] Teaching Specific TasksDoyce2872.Warm-ups before gamesGraham2873.What is "The Game Report"?Andy2874.[MB] Don't give your heart to meTonyLB2875.Uml\xc3\xa4ut: Stating gameplay assumptions in the text.Rich Stokes2876.[Game Chef] The Top EightJason_Morningstar2877.public critique threadKevin Allen Jr2878.The Dozens Rulewyrmwood2879.Origin Award Nominationsjake richmond2880.[the Infected] Impending Ashcan ReleaseEric Provost2881.Educate the improv-ignorantRyan_Macklin2882.When someone asks a question about your game...Judd2883.In which I cause Jason Morningstar's head to explode, maybe yours tooDave Younce2884.[LARP] I need your brutality.Levi Kornelsen2885.[AP] Calling for a pauseTonyLB2886.[Camp Nerdly] Event Changes ThreadVaxalon2887.Game Chef Hotness at NerdlyBen_Lehman2888.Carrot & Stick vs. Push & PullEric Provost2889.DirkGently, I Challenge You To a Game Design Duel!Justin D. Jacobson2890.[TSOY] Corruption MechanicMark_Causey2891.[OctaNe] Soundtrack for Six-string JediVaxalon2892.My artwork(Will work for food)George_Cotronis2893.[Duel] Choose your weaponsGraham2894.[Cold City] Love Will Tear Us Apart...Malcolm Craig2895.[OctaNe] Six-string JediVaxalon2896.[Camp Nerdly 01] One Week and CountingJason_Morningstar2897.[Sons of Liberty] Tell me if this Ad does what I want it to doJosh Roby2898.[Nerdly] Regional Soda ExchangeDave Younce2899.Faery's Tale DeluxeFirefly Games2900.[Duel] Take ten pacesGraham2901.[OGD] Open Game Design TrialMark_Causey2902.Gamism and Death in Call of Cthulhujhkim2903.[Nerdly] Music Swap Meet!Dave Younce2904.Spin, a forum for mechanical discussionJasonP2905.Yo. Andy.Levi Kornelsen2906.Would you buy game book + props?Kynn2907.May Stuff to Watcheruditus2908.[PTA] First time playing after almost two years of waiting.Doyce2910.A mystery fan schools you on mystery gamesJDCorley2911.[Primitive] A Little Help, Kevin?Eric_J_Boyd2912.Actual purchases, actual playD-5032913.Thoughts on UK indiecons, and more particularly on the lack thereofD-5032914.What makes for good Sim?buzz2915.Hit Men the gameBryan2916.[Pimp your game] SteveCon LondonGB_Steve2917.algi's RPG and Theories at RPG Laboratoryalgi2918.New sign-up board for Endgame OaklandMike Montesa2919.Ashcan Front interview with Paul Czegeorklord2920.Facilitation and GM-less PlayJason_Morningstar2921.[Duel] MacGuffin - Design NotesJustin D. Jacobson2922.Lovecraft and that cool MomentDarcy Burgess2923.[Duel] Sweet, Sad, SongDirkGently2924.Fantasy Setting: System?Brennan_Taylor2925.[Juiced Rider, Memory Mecha]Thunder_God2926.2007: Year of the Game Design/Theory PodcastsRyan_Macklin2927.Prospective "sanity" mechanicDave Hallett2928.[Wash] Prepping SituationsMcdaldno2929.My personal Gaming PackLord_Minx2930.[DitV] Fantasy Heartbreaker... NOT!eruditus2931.Map of Online Communities (as a RPG map)Caesar_X2932.Jason Morningstar, teach me of PolandMcdaldno2933.George's Children Releasesjim pinto2934.'Elemental' system dreamDoyce2935.{Coup d'etat playtest} Tony Blair, watch your back!markv2936.[Contract Work] Hit man playtest.Russell_Collins2937.The Cold City Dossier: DoneMalcolm Craig2938.A Conceptual Model for Authority in GM-less PlayJason_Morningstar2939.Lulu: Cheap shipping to EuropeRich Stokes2940.nerdly wanted-to-besEmily_Care2941.[nerdly] Must Vent ExcitementDave Younce2942.[Nerdly] Help with my Hellboy High School character concepts!Mark_Causey2943.Seeking an Experimental Control in RPGsJosh Roby2944.Tools, props, and seating informing the game/rulesKynn2945.[SotC] Why SotC is even cooler than I realized...John_Harper2946.Game Chef Final: Maybe I'll just read the short gamesGraham2947.[Shock:] Clones, Lemons, and the L-5 ColonyJudson_Lester2948.Best Free Games of 2006?jhkim2949.Robot Hunters: You Got Hard Knuckle!J_Walton2950.[Beast Hunters] Action-Oriented Negotiation for ConversionsChristian_Griffen2951.[Game Chef] Standards for Peer Reviewed GamesDirkGently2952.[Gay Recruitment Squad] Sign In SailorGraham2953.Help me not get sued!Andrew Kenrick2954.Pimp my Noir gameCaesar_X2955.[The Pool] Bloggers vs. Big PharmaDevP2957.[Nerdly] Links to Blog Posts & Actual PlayDave Younce2958.[Nerdly] The Feedback BoxDave Younce2959.[Nerdly] Feedback on Kids at Nerdly & Adult SpacesDave Younce2960.Google for Game DesignersDoyce2961.Robin's Laws' player types, GNS, and exclusivity of preferenceswoodelf2962.[Camp Nerdly] Rampant enthusiasm threadAndrew Morris2963.[Nerdly] "Badges, we don't need no stinking badges!"eruditus2964.[Nerdly] The Unofficial Photo of CN01Jason_Morningstar2965.[Camp Nerdly] Chip TradeAndrew Morris2967.Solmukohta?mindwanders2968.My New Project....GMSkarka2969.Want to come to Spodley Grange? Well, you can't!Graham2970.RPGs For Rites of PassageMike_Holmes2971.mechaton variationswoodelf2972.Custom Poker ChipsBlue2973.BeastmasterRussell_Collins2974.Techniques for Prioritizing CharacterJosh Roby2975.Weapons of the Gods - Summarize Lore Sheets for meFlynn2976.Appealing to the Laser Sharkerstalysman2977.Special terms bar entry to RPG discussion and, ultimately, harm it.C.W.Richeson2978.Top 5 Most Wanted SettingsDave Younce2979.Actual play, actual purchases, tentative conclusionsD-5032980.Invitation to FreeFall FestivalSanttu2981.Fantasy Modern, not Modern FantasyAndrew Kenrick2982.Help Make My Game More Collaborativejhosmer12983.What's a better name for the "The Mountain Witch Trick"?Andy2984.[Helpfulness] What would you like to know (about Forgey Glossary stuffs)?James_Nostack2985.Occasional Reply Eaten by ForumAnemone2986.please direct me to introductory theory articles.jackson_tegu2987.possible conspiracy? (i'm on a topic starting rampage!)jackson_tegu2988.Storytelling and JournalismMule2989.MinibooksJason_Morningstar2990.The Lost Room (and Firefly) and SimJudson_Lester2992.Anyone going to Origins and still needing a room (or going and has space in theirs)?iago2993.Mythic GM Emulator?coffeestain2994.Georgios' GM TypesGeorgios2995.We've got a what?chris_moore2996.[Contenders] If You Want to Save Her, Lose HerChristian_Griffen2997.Help My Actual Play ROCK!eruditus2998.Band of SiblingsShaneJackson2999.Online Die Roller for Skype UseJudd3000.Occupation of Gith-raq (a stupid and tasteless idea)James_Nostack3001.Short PolarisBen_Lehman3002.Sword SpaceshipsMark_Causey3003.A good game can be played wrongClinton3004.Authority Modelstalysman3005.Fiction of Objectivityjhkim3006.Roger Ebert Makes the Very Best Films!Judson_Lester3007.Anyone doing anything exciting for Kulbacon (Bay Area, Memorial Day)Penn423008.[TSoY] Looking for a Clockpunk KeyDoyce3009.[D&D] Change Your Class NameMark_Causey3010.[Ganakagok] Friday Night Camp Nerdly gameMel_White3011.[Go Play NW] Who is stoked to play??Caesar_X3012.Simplify the Nine Worlds setting (I need help!)Steve_Hickey3013.RPG Designer Blogs Inside and Outside of LJ? do i find other gamers in BC or WA?jackson_tegu3016.Storygame-Applicable Degree ProgramsBurr3017.[LARP / Prophets] Advanced TechnologyLevi Kornelsen3018.What if D&D were real?DirkGently3019.Does RPG discussion, especially 'theory', produce sharply diminishing rewards in actual play?C.W.Richeson3020.How best to support SimJoshua A.C. Newman3021.[Steampunk War - the Card Game] Making a Card GameBryan3022.Jargon: An exerciseBen_Lehman3023.Many worlds, many dogs, many steaks.Doyce3024.[Ganakagok] First Shot at Wuxia Elements at Nerdlyeruditus3025.Cat AP threads?ColinC3026.Playing Your Own Games WrongJason_Morningstar3027.Spirit of the Century + Thrilling Tales = Adventure Omnibus!iago3028.Spodley: The photoing.Rich Stokes3029.How has Forge Language ruined YOUR life?James_Nostack3030.Tell Me About Your Awesome Gaming!Remi3031.How experimental a story does your story game produce?markv3032.Auction in conflict resolution - advice neededRadaghast3033.For Paul C: Japanese "Wacky American RPGs" BookAndy3034.Sell Me On: One-Conflict ScenesJosh Roby3036.Jargon as GatekeeperJosh Roby3037.James Bond 007 gamingjhkim3038.GNS is a manifesto, not a theorymarkv3039.Ad Swap for Soon-to-be-Published Games?Eric_J_Boyd3040.The Durham 3 take on the ContenderCaesar_X3041.Dear Clusterf*ck,Mcdaldno3042.[Camp Nerdly] SerialJames Jeffers3043.[pbem] awesome up group scenesArref3044.[Helpfulness] Ask a question, get an answerChris_Goodwin3045.[Gears of Pain] PrequelsSean Musgrave3046.AH Dune, Will Wright and Storyalgi3047.[Unhelpfulness] Ask a question, get a patronising put-downGraham3048.[Spodley Grange] Actual PlaytestingMalcolm Craig3049.Far West: Design Journal StartedGMSkarka3050.[1001 Nights] Love's a bitch, and then you're beheadedJoli3051.[Nuts and Bolts] Make my game more complexRob Donoghue3052.[Dead of Night] mixing peanut butter and chocolateDoyce3053.Crossing the line between Gaming and Literatureoutsider3054.[Contenders] Hell's Kitchennemomeme3055.Until We Sink; a norwegian roleplaying game of indetermineable category..Temple3056.GNS help requestD-5033057.A Combat Mechanic from KAYFABE that's been haunting me lately...Andy3058.Form FactorJason_Morningstar3059.[Scion] The Bindings of Fate (but not FATE)Rob Donoghue3060.[Sons of Liberty] A Tale of Two TomsJosh Roby3061.Does anyone know an illustrator for a children's book?Graham3063.Story Games "Best Of" Threads: NOMINATIONS!Andy3064.something about classic Traveller that's been haunting me lately...PaulCzege3065.[PTA] Ultimate Justice Squad: BromleyRich Stokes3066.Dawning Star VIP Game To Benefit Shriners Hospitals for ChildrenJustin D. Jacobson3067.Is doing work for free part of the indie publishing model?buzz3068.We're Here to Rescue You, Mr. Bierce!Mark_Causey3069.EZ20 - Wow, not your typical D&D rewrite!Mark_Causey3070.A reason to love LojbanJudson_Lester3071.Odd Little D&D IdeasJudd3072.There are more indie-rpg events at Strategicon than at Gen Con IndyDenys3073.Why I love rpgsD-5033074.[Piledrivers & Powerbombs] Now on IPRJJ Prince3075.Anyone else reading Planet Story Games?Andrew Kenrick3076.Canon Puncture podcast episode 08 is now up!orklord3077.[BWBR] Nervous about game playtest and promotionKynn3078.CocaineCall Me Curly3079.Sell Me On... Conflict ResolutionAaron_S3080.WARNING: LOLCAT CONTAINMENT AREAmisuba3081.[Misspent Youth] current progressRobert_Bohl3082.The Box, and [PTA] One of Us at Camp NerdlyRobert_Bohl3083.Aces: Are they high or low?Graham3084.Spirit of the Century gets Pirated. So what?iago3085.Why I don't think TSOY is right for Conan and how I 'fixed' thisDiscordian3086.Gaming for fun and (non)profit?tony_dowler3087.How Many Indie Narrativist Games Can You Find in Your Favorite Conventional Game?Mr. Sluagh3088.Something is clearly wrong with me.Mcdaldno3089.Long-delayed pics from GenCon 2006DanielSolis3090.My shiny new character sheetColin_Fredericks3091.the Primitive MovieKevin Allen Jr3092.[Misspent Youth] Prelude or relationship trait?Robert_Bohl3093.JiffyCon June coming soonEmily_Care3094.The Coolest Things You Contributed Without DiceJosh Roby3095.[Any Game] Recognition and Support of a 'Main Character'Mark_Causey3096.Jeepform Runnin' Wild in ItalyJason_Morningstar3097.What's wrong with buying/selling used games?Arminius3098.[SotC] Need examples of social conflicts and "Cat and Mouse"buzz3099.Positive gaming experiences while rat-arsedGraham3100.[SotC] Setup of PCs for a one-shot/con event? (Now with playtest data!)buzz3101.[SotC] Zones 101buzz3102.Game Trade/Swap/SellMark_Causey3103.Physical/Mental Endurance during longer sessions/conventionsNeil Gow3104.Behold, the chip of FATEbuzz3105.Phoenix ConGames, anyone?Thomas D3106.What do you want from AP (posts)?Robert_Bohl3107.[NerdSoCal] Gloating: Check out our dice!Josh Roby3108.[BWBR] First Playtest of Bone White, Blood RedKynn3109.Philly Role-Players Meetuperuditus3110.The Master Story-Games Meetup and Events DirectoryAndy3111.Creative Agendas and Magic the GatheringRobert_Bohl3112.[SotC] Applying a layer of SotC over D&DRobert M3113.The Playcollective: Play, together.Joshua A.C. Newman3114.Separating Setting from SystemKynn3115.England, Hungary, Austria, and the Czech Republicwyrmwood3116.InSpectres/octaNe modstalysman3117.Art Influences Me MuchlyMark_Causey3118.PTA: How many of you actually use Established TV Shows as a backdrop (aka "Spinoff")?Andy3119.[PTA] Pondering a difficult EdgeDoyce3120.Traveller Boxed Set circa 1981Judd3121.[PTA] The mysteries of one-shotsDoyce3122.[PTA] The mysteries of one-shotsDoyce3123.The Gen Con Thread o instances of rp refference? comedy & tragedy?jackson_tegu3125."Ninety Percent of You Die," Article about Aftermath! on The EscapistNickNovitski3126.octaNe Doctor Who Character SheetJosh Roby3128.Filesharing... What to do?AdamK3129.Handy Tool of the Day: ArtpadDanielSolis3130.Engineers, Hook Me UpJason_Morningstar3131.Help Me Try Out this Setting Construction EngineJosh Roby3132.[WWO] Story Now on a Worldwide ScaleBrandon A3133.[STITCH] Spodley playtestihmcallister3134.GenCon 2007 Indie Games Passport: Sign Your Booth Up!iago3135.[Pentasystem] Escalating Consequences - help wantedMikeRM3136.Art too mixed up?George_Cotronis3137.Murdercycles Playtest Onejim pinto3138.Awesomize Black Box TravellerJason_Morningstar3139.Larp + LCD projector = ???NickWedig3140.Looking for advice for running my first Playtestphasmaphobic3141.[SoL] Math QuestionJosh Roby3142.RPG Introduction and Theory Panels at a Sci-Fci conventiontj3333143.The Helmet of Ping and the Devil's NameDave Younce3144.Hippie methods: A manifesto, dude!Matthijs3145.Focusing on SG techniques in D&Deruditus3146.Lilacs, towels, wookies, and piratesFaerieloch3147.Did "Choose Your Own Adventure" lead to Roleplaying Games?Andy3148.carry is back in printndp3149.Abstraction = More/Less Creativity?Caesar_X3150.Whiffle Ball: A case study in a very different kind of game designDanielSolis3151.Classic Traveller Play-By-PostLarry3152.Let's play dNd!talysman3153.Dos and Don'ts of Online Marketing - Cost effective ways to share your product.C.W.Richeson3154.Go Play NW: Seattle, June 22-24 - Pre-Reg Ends June 1stBrandon A3155.Everybody's favorite police procedural meets legal dramaChris_Goodwin3156.Deadlier FATE/SOTC?Tonpa3157.Game theory forums open at Miscellaneous Debrisjdrakeh3158.Crouching Tiger Harry Pottertony_dowler3159.Polaris Keycon Gametj3333160.[The Infected (ashcan ed)] Playtest: Death in Lesser DorkingMike_Sands3161.Ex Machina: My attempt at a feminist gameGraham3162.[GenCon] Anybody want to share a hotel room?DanielSolis3163.Poor man's graphic designGeorge_Cotronis3164.[TSOY] Dungeon Crawl - Pool Refreshes via Flashback, etc.?Mark_Causey3165.Naming the ClimaxLevi Kornelsen3166.Faery's Tale at KublaConFirefly Games3167.Game Design Groups, a proposalAnders Larsen3168.who gave you permission to design games?PaulCzege3169.Story Games at ConQuest SF (8/31 - 9/3)1000buffalo3170.Alternatives to the Publishing MentalityMcdaldno3171.Improv with Remi Treuer on a new podcast episodeorklord3173.Help Me Find Some Good Old West Names...Puh-LEASE!Nathan_H3174.Beast Hunters at Go Play NWChristian_Griffen3175.[Duel] This matter is settledGraham3176.The Game Designer Usurping the Game MasterBigJackBrass3177.[Spirit of Vimary] Lookin' for some feedbackbinarysins3178.Are GMs really the experts?Caesar_X3179.[Sons of Liberty] Kickin Ass Tory StyleJosh Roby3180.anyone at GPNW want a copy of Prince Valiant?jackson_tegu3181.Tell me what numbers would help you in a sales report?Penn423182.[Duel] Interviews with the DuelistsRyan_Macklin3183.'tastetest' at gamex: until we sink, 1984 prime, wuthering heightsmarkv3184.Publishing: Seeds, gemes, quack darwinismMatthijs3186.Are people ENTITLED to be cool?TonyLB3187.How late is too late to start an ashcan?Graham3188.So how would you recomend starting hereLogos73189.Ennies Awards Submission Deadline is Tomorrow!Mark_Causey3190.Beneficial Qualities of GM UtilizationJustin D. Jacobson3191.Caring about your DogGB_Steve3192.what other websites are there for me to trade/sell rpgs on?jackson_tegu3193.Where are you people hanging your blog hat these days?Kuma3195.The love of qualityMatthijs3196.Roach In A Pub In LondonGraham3197.IPR articleKevin Allen Jr3198.[Misspent Youth] The Rise of Google 2.0Robert_Bohl3199.[Rockistan] Web-Based PBM QuestionsRemi3200.The Game You Always Wanted : What's in it?Andy3201.Non-Gamers1337intellect3202.Planet S-G seems to have disappearedbuzz3203.This Is What You Always Wantedshreyas3204.[streamline playtesting] Recording games?jenskot3205.Writing the words that go around the rules...Neil Gow3206.Can this sort of posturing be taken seriously?eruditus3207.Mysterious Creatures of TorontoJason_Morningstar3208.Paprika: Maybe a good impetus to play Lacuna?Anemone3209.Bullseye: A Countdown as the Key Element of PlayJustin D. Jacobson3210.Writing and Game Designingshreyas3211.Scrooge McDuck Helped Me Understand WushuE.T.Smith3212.Battle Royalejohnzo3213.Blast from the Pasttalysman3214.Master Role PlayersJason_Morningstar3215.Agon Hack: Multiple Antagonistsshreyas3216.[Pay to Play] June 2007: Amnesty Int'lJohn_Harper3217.Faery's Tale Actual PlayFirefly Games3218.Game MathJason_Morningstar3219.[tsoy] Ramblings about hurting charactersDiscordian3220.Someone's Lying -- I'm just not sure who, or about what.Doyce3221.No-Math GamingDanielSolis3222.Gen Con room beggingClyde L. Rho*r3223.quadruple amputee death wresting, my circa 1983 masterpiecemarkv3224.Do you want to do more of this thing you do?Levi Kornelsen3225.Everyone Plays versus Only We Play. (Or Clyde makes some more crappy Jargon)Clyde L. Rho*r3226.Social Skills RPG "complete"algi3227.June '07 Stuff to WatchJudd3228.[Your Game -2007-] Update Us AgainJason_Morningstar3229.[NYC] Recess X: Nerdnarokphredd3230.[PTA] Ill Met by Gaslight - Series Premiere (read: pilot), Part OneDoyce3231.Expressions of pure enthusiasm about people's gamesGraham3232.ARRRR! GIMME YOUR PIRATEY "Keys" AND "Secrets"!Nathan_H3233.Feminist? Game/ Complete Game waiting for comment/playLogos73234.Primitive is back in stock @ IPRKevin Allen Jr3235.Game Chef winnerGraham3236.Mechaton playing timesMylesC3237.[Contenders] Happy ending ever?forlorn13238.Origins: Anyone need a room?Kat Miller3239.Powerful Characters vs Power Gaming, Story Input vs Meta-Gamingphasmaphobic3240.Exciting Chase/Dogfight mechanicsforlorn13241.WWII covert action game inspiration?Matt Snyder3242.Experience Levels as "Narrative Keys", instead of character advancementphasmaphobic3243.Help my Local Game and Toy Store Ownertony_dowler3244.'The Giant Brain' is alive!ihmcallister3245.I want to know more about [Your Game]Andrew Kenrick3246.Dear Temple in the Center of the Sky...DanielSolis3247.Other WorldsMike_Holmes3248.How do I know if my game is ashcannable?Robert_Bohl3249.[1,000 Kings] Rise of the Empty-Heart Vegetables!Robert_Bohl3250.Online GeneratorsMikeRM3251.Table calendars, only with role-playing informationMatthijs3252.I'd Like Someone to Introduce me to Polariseruditus3253.Summer Gaming : What are you playing these days?Story_Games3254.Reign Hardcoveroliof3256.Thank You Paul and Joshua (and HGWT)Robert_Bohl3257.[Vs. Outlaws] It's nifty!Anemone3258."My DM says..."phasmaphobic3259.Fair use of trademarksihmcallister3260.Situation- What does it mean?Clyde L. Rho*r3261.[Heroquest] How to game an election?johnzo3262.[GenCon 2007] [Forge Booth Menu] Please Read!iago3263.[GenCon 2007] [Any Booth!] The Indie Games Passport - Sign Up Already!iago3264.Watership TSOY?Doyce3265.Chaos in Carpathiarafial3266.GM as IdentityJosh Roby3267.What's in a "Bang"?James_Nostack3268.[MB] Solicitous systemTonyLB3269.[tsoy] Stealing ideas from BW: part 1, resourcesDiscordian3270.Suicide Squad + X-Men + Alias = Project: TenebrousJDCorley3271.GenCon IGE Question: What's wrong with these games?eruditus3272.Hey Andy, search by topic is brokenMikeRM3273.Dungeon adventure as caper filmChris_Goodwin3274.Los Angeles Story Gamers?SeleneTan3275.Calling all biologistsMcdaldno3276.Conflict Resolution vs. Task Resolution: Which Do You Like Better and Why?Justin D. Jacobson3277.The Devil's Advocates (formerly The Ambrose Bierce Game)Mark_Causey3278.Bringing 'Story Games' elements to Vampire: The RequiemC.W.Richeson3279.Madness Meters for Over the Edge?OutOfMind3280.Leviathan: Sci-fi Noir in the City of the Philosopher's NightmaresNickNovitski3281.TSoY Character SheetLudanto3282.The Big ConJason_Morningstar3283.Dice superstition TOTALLY works :)Joli3284.[Live For Justice] Hyper Demon Kung Fu High SchoolMark_Causey3285.[SOTC] 28 characters contestDoyce3286.Strangely, my heart is not brokenJames_Nostack3287.Tell me of your Nobilis gamesJames_Nostack3288.[Mathematica] Help me re-name my gametony_dowler3289.[Mathematica] In the Company of the Courtesantony_dowler3290.[Letterpress] Let me print your gameThomas D3291.Console Legends Meltdown (sorta)Colin_Fredericks3292.JAGS Wonderland: More System and player involvement, Less Fiat?Mr. Sluagh3293.SEA DRACULA IS NOW MY FAVORITE GAMEJason_Morningstar3294.[tsoy] Rules for army action..Discordian3295.Social Contract: What do we get in the open?Clyde L. Rho*r3296.[SotC] NPiP :)Doyce3297.[Misspent Youth] The Algorithm of EgalitarianismRobert_Bohl3298.[Pentasystem] Help me brainstorm setting elementsMikeRM3299.Loltalk as ritual phrasesMikeRM3300.Stakes that Rock...Levi Kornelsen3301.[Nerdly aftermath] Last Call, Chip Trade Meetup (Andrew & Rob)eruditus3302.[Sufficiently Advanced] Gorgeous CoverColin_Fredericks3303.A TheoryGames contest!Meserach3304.Bang TypesMike_Holmes3305.I Don' Think I'm In The Same Hobby AnymoreE.T.Smith3306.Im trying to design a game, but I cant think of a good mechanical solutionTemple3307.[Do] Help me sub-title my game?DanielSolis3308.Card game resource-gatheringNickNovitski3309.[Contenders] co*ckfighting Magic Monster EditionNickNovitski3310.Spirit of the Century Eye CandyEpidiah_Ravachol3311.Sci-Fi Review Week at starts July 9th - get in your submissions today!C.W.Richeson3312.[SotC] New Character SheetsJohn_Harper3313.Sacramento area S-Gers, speak up!Ryan_Macklin3314.Grand Tour: A Game About TravelingDaniel_M_Perez3315.[Bacchanal] The Letterpress ProjectThomas D3316."Our story" within "the adventure"pells3317.[Story Games Name Project] UpdateJason_Morningstar3318.[TSOY] Parallel vs Perpendicular - FIGHT!Steve_Segedy3319.[Misspent Youth] Trait naming helpRobert_Bohl3320.[Blood Is Thicker] Murder mystery and dirty laundryGraham3321.Critique my Art DirectionColin_Fredericks3322.[Mechaton]Jared A. Sorensen3323.Advice For Running Parallel StoriesNathan_H3324.What do NPCs do?MikeRM3325.[Sudden Light] Pre-Alpha Release for DownloadZach Walton3326.MINOTAUR brainstormshreyas3327.[Qin] opening up a yin-yang of whup-assAndrew Kenrick3328.Playing Sorcerer "right."Temple3329.[Game Chef] Help me find a game that suits my style.Matthijs3330.Gaming KatasDiscordian3331.Business Card GamesRemi3332.OMG COLORS!!! WTF????Andy3333.Seeking Artwork for Sufficiently AdvancedColin_Fredericks3334.Artists Needed For FAR WESTGMSkarka3335."Voyages Extraordinaires": Maps of Jules Verne's fiction for your Gaminggamera_spinning3336.[GenCon 2007] [Forge Booth] [Menu] You have 24 hours to pay Ron!iago3337.July '07 Stuff to WatchAnemone3338.Looking for With Great Power character, pacing sheets...Andy3339.Get Exposure through the Totally Rad ShowYokiboy3340.My first story game: "Race to Glory"DagobahDave3341.When are secrets and tension actually ... well, secret and tense?Neil Gow3342.Quickie - Piledrivers and Powerbombs??Neil Gow3343.Incomplete games?Temple3344.[Lulu] Boy, Lulu really doesn't like me. Or Greg Stolze.Kuma3345.I'm not enjoying running Primetime Adventures.Rich Stokes3346.The power of class-based systemsTonyLB3347.At King Lud IC: The definition of interactive storytellingNickNovitski3348.Cool discussion about risk in rolegames on LJviktor_haag3349.Independent collectives -- Is there room for this?Robert_Bohl3350.Why Jason and Awesome don't mixGraham3351.[Descanso Highway] Is it a game of stories, or a story game?Kynn3352.[Go Play NW] Indie Games 101tony_dowler3353.I feel like playtesting somethingGraham3355.Keeping optional rules *optional*Ron Hammack3356.[FLFS] Hacking Full Light, Full Steam for Spelljammerptevis3357.Amateur gun pr0nCaesar_X3358.Grab Life by the BallsTemple3359.Help me analyze GM-less gamesRyan_Macklin3360.Has Your Game Gotten Its Vitamin U?chadu3361.Online game of Panty ExplosionRayston3362.Why do people rag on AD&D 2e?James_Nostack3363.Best (or Funniest) Character DeathsJames_Nostack3364.Indie-rpgs, system and brain damage.Temple3365.Office-mon: Dueling Business CardsDaniel_M_Perez3366.Mayacon!Jason_Morningstar3367.Conditioning: Pros and ConsTonyLB3368.[Business Card Game] Tiny Spiesthor3369.[Go Play NW] One week away and exercising privilegeClinton3370.How's It Going, Andy? Part IVJason_Morningstar3371.Creative collectives (collectives?)Robert_Bohl3372.Mortal Coil: Character Sheets? Cheat Sheets?shreyas3373.Send "Get Well" thoughts to Alexander CherryDanielSolis3374.Talk to Me About Fortune-at-the-BeginningJason_Morningstar3376.Prince's Kingdom Queries and Actual PlayPaul Fricker3377.Has anyone played Khaotic?Matthijs3378.[PTA] Strange Allies: More WW2 alternate history goodnessDoyce3379.Agon Noobie QuestionMysterious Hu3380.Converting stuff to TSoYTemple3381.Finis: A Book of Endings to Give People New BeginningsRyan_Macklin3382.[Technique] Having my cake and eating it too: Mystery and distributed story authorityAnemone3383.Impro-inspired resolution cardsMatthijs3384.Agon questions (the main one being, Am I reading this right?)Rich Stokes3385.[Ganakagok] audioMel_White3386.My Name is Dirk Deathstrike and I am a Player CharacterAndy3387.D&D: Dreams and DesiresMark_Causey3388.[OOTS] Insults of OpportunityColin_Fredericks3389.To Those Who Don't Have Roleplaying Spouses/SOsMark_Causey3391.Dice Maps: Where I'm Goingtalysman3392.Go Play Southeast is fast approaching!Gaerik3393.Cyberpunk ideas? Get my group back on its feet!Matt Snyder3394.Portland, OR: Saturday Indie Games, anyone?phasmaphobic3395.Community effort: TSoY cyberpunk Keys and SecretsMatt Snyder3396.Virtual PlayMel_White3397.[Do] Card-Drafting Character Creation?DanielSolis3398.Ashcan Front Interview with Matt Snyder & Paul CzegeRyan_Macklin3399.Keys: Persona vs. ActionTonyLB3400.[tsoy] with Madness meters?Discordian3401.I Need A Word For What We DoJason_Morningstar3402.Pentasystem Design DiaryMikeRM3403.Coming of Agewyrmwood3404.[Beast Hunters] Experiences with more than 2 players?dyjoots3405."Blog Carnival for Game Designers"Andy3406.ZigguratCon, Iraq: Camp Adder Craft and HobbyJason_Morningstar3407.Card-based tension clockTonyLB3408.RPG Fantasy Setting WishlistAndy3409.D&D and Story Games DON'T mixeruditus3410.Afraid: Monster Bonds?Michael Curry3411.How should I talk to you? (or "You" vs. "Players")greatwolf3412.You Might Be a Story Game If...Josh Roby3413.Analysis and advice for the "default GM."DanielSolis3414.[TSOY/Fantasy RPGs/Heartbreakers] Fusion Hack Reversed?Mark_Causey3415.Narrative voice in a gaming textTonyLB3416.GM Narrates vs. Winner Narrates vs. Loser NarratesJustin D. Jacobson3417.What is it about airships?Kynn3418.Concrete Cow 07\xc2\xbd, Milton Keynes, 29 SeptemberNeil3419.[Kiva Games] Web site, Sipapu forums, Descanso Highway playtestKynn3420.Support The Ashcan FrontPaulCzege3421.How do YOU write your game text?Flynn3422.Harn: New Free Adventure Available for DownloadDan Bell3423.YackPack: Usefull for gaming?Lord_Minx3424.Embedding resolution mechanics in physical game avatarsAlex F3425.Mathletes: Am I right on this?Robert_Bohl3426.DexCon 10 registration is upRobert_Bohl3427.[Go Play NW] GPNW is teh hawtness!Caesar_X3428.(Star) War Games in the VineyardEldir3429.Amusing WotC StoryJason_Morningstar3430.Rules drift: MonopolyMatthijs3431.The burden and power of settingTonyLB3432.GM Fiat: How much is too much? (NSFW)MJGraham3433.The Elusive ConceptRobert_Bohl3434.Taking turns to tell your characters' stories: O RLY?DevP3435.Turned off Who's Online for a little bitAndy3436.Gauging Interest for a GP-Florida in WinterJustin D. Jacobson3437.The inevitable Strange/Norrell questionNiko3438.[the Infected] -- Monsterize my Ashcan!Darcy Burgess3439.[Do] "Events" instead of "Powers"DanielSolis3440.Sea Dracula is nowjake richmond3441.Second order briberyTonyLB3442.[Go Play NW] Numbers, Reflections, Lessons Learned, etc.John_Harper3443.[Go Play NW] Photo ThreadJohn_Harper3444.[Pentasystem/Underground Railroad] False documentsMikeRM3445.Burning Out on Gaming: What do YOU do?Andy3447.Dungeons as Conflict ResolutionSimon_C3448.Representing DeteriorationJason_Morningstar3449.Co-Hosting Story Games!Andy3450.[SotC] Origins - Lost Cities and Hidden JunglesBlue3451.PDF Card Gamesihmcallister3452.Free RPG Day Demos reportphasmaphobic3453.[MB] Stat up characters in the new systemTonyLB3454.Send Alexander Cherry to GenConDanielSolis3455.What aren't you working on?Graham3456.Dungeons as a Series of Encountersvertigo253457.[GenCon 2007] [Any Booth!] The Indie Games Passport - Logos Needed, Stat!iago3458.Why I support, buy and play and love those crappy little single-idea thematic RPGs...Andy3459.[GoPlay Northwest: Kin] This is everyone's fault but mine!Kirk Mitchell3460.Keys: Phrasing MattersTonyLB3461.[Misspent Youth] Tony's class-assignment testRobert_Bohl3462.We interviewed Ben Lehman!orklord3463.New design collective: Splitting the PartyRobert_Bohl3465.How Much More Can We Take?!eruditus3466.I'm back in the nineties again.Matthijs3467.Informal Poll: Help Make My Site the Best Eververtigo253468.Is this a good starter set for Mechaton?Andrew Morris3469.[Mob Justice] Our Last Playtest (Part One)spikexan3470.[Mob Justice] Our Last Playtest (Part Two)spikexan3471.[Misspent Youth] Power 19Robert_Bohl3472.[Spirit of Vimary] Suggestions for Stunts?binarysins3473.[Sorcerer] Why no "revised" Sorcerer?Alan3474.Reviews of indie gamesGraham3475.Magic in an Occult CampaignCalvino3476.Show Me The Story-Game Basic SetE.T.Smith3477.[TSOY] Civl War ZJason_Morningstar3478.Post pictures of story games being played in public heremisuba3479.Bliss Stage Pre-OrderBen_Lehman3480.Name my Scion campaign!JDCorley3481.Come and meet me and Alex in a pub on SundayGraham3482.[Sons of Liberty] Goateed Washington and the Fully Armed and Operational Printing HouseJosh Roby3483.[Mechaton] Sooooo close.Albert A3484.highbrow, middlebrow & lowbrow gamesmarkv3485.GMs: Cross-product your way to situation ??TonyLB3486.[Sorta Off-Topic] Good/Fast/Easy Blogging Software?Lord_Minx3487.keys, carrots, relationships and tensionMatt Wilson3488.[Beast Hunters] DemoChristian_Griffen3489.Agon's non-combat BattlesRich Stokes3490.ModCon 2007Moreno R.3491.Any Nerds out there?John Anderson3492.Andy's mythic India mutant spawn of D&D minigame - should it live?Tim_Gray3493.NBP2 / Bay Area CampConAlbert A3494.Already started using the Names Project book!Andy3495.[TSoY] Setting by Mechanics (your input is Welcome!)Discordian3496.Malcolm: Around The World In Numerous DaysMalcolm Craig3497.Candy Landvertigo253498.Playing games in foreign languagesvoicestovoices3499.What do orphan biker gang kids require?Mcdaldno3500.ISO Actual Play PodcastsBen_Johnson3501.Jury Resolution: Voting to Continue or Resolve a ConflictDanielSolis3502.New Toy: IMDB Plot KeywordsDanielSolis3503.30 Second Noir PlotsCaesar_X3504.I will look over your game text and make sure it makes sense (to me).Rich Stokes3505.Review: CovenantGraham3506.REIGN of Freeportoliof3507.When is your most productive hour?DanielSolis3508.Give me SG selling points for Mrs. Orkorklord3509.No Title for My Game Yet, But.....jim pinto3510.How settings, cultures and fantasy mixeruditus3511.What makes things scary?voicestovoices3514.Barbeque Saturday of OriginsBlue3515.The ingredients of "What happens"TonyLB3516.BetrayedKen Sentowski!3517.[Stitch] New version ready for playtestihmcallister3518.Go Play Southeast potentially full!Gaerik3519.Podcasters: Coverage of the DS VIP Game for Charity?Justin D. Jacobson3520.Multiple GMsKynn3521.There's a Game inside this Game.Andy3522.Dawning Star VIP Game - How To Get a Ticket!Justin D. Jacobson3523.[Kiva Games] Next Top Challenge! - draft 0.1 availableKynn3524.Tell me about GM-less RPGsNeko_Ewen3525.What's a good name for an English detective?Graham3526.Does your gaming group have a "Name"?Andy3527.Interesting Book: "Working IX to V" Bizarre Ancient ProfessionsAndy3528.Kiwi S-Gers, speak upMikeRM3529.Zombies '44Jason_Morningstar3530.Go Play Southeast - IMPORTANT!Gaerik3531.So, I read Business Solutions and made a few notes...Rich Stokes3532.[TSOY] Magic RulesMark_Causey3533.Games for very, very large groupsBurr3534.Heads Up: Google Docs is actually pretty helpfulAndy3535.[Deep in the Blue] Season Two: Help me gang it upJason_Morningstar3536.Po' boy's Adobe Illustrator?Doyce3537.ISO: a die mechanic that makes you want to try but not too hardDevP3539.General Von Mackensen will trample your bonesJason_Morningstar3540.Go Play South Easterners? What about this?orklord3541.REUSE: POGS!!DevP3542.[TSOY] Dogs' style Initiation?Mark_Causey3543.[Mechanical Primum Mobile] Cool or Not?Thunder_God3544.Southern Arizona: Take Over TusCon! (Nov 9-11, '07)Thomas D3545.Looks like dice games might be an upcoming mainstream trend.DanielSolis3546.[The Big Bang] Getting Your Campaign off to a hot startAndy3548.Caucasian Adventures!DanielSolis3549.REIGN of Nearoliof3550.Any SGers play oGame?Andrew Morris3551.Amusing myself by cutting nonsense into versenoclue3552.Yahoo Group for Go Play SoutheastGaerik3553.Situation SourcebooksLudanto3554.Burning Empires won Origins' RPG of the year award!!!jenskot3555.Fixation on the NegativeNeil Gow3556.Legends of Alyria and DARK SUN helpAndy3557.Fancy handmade book bindingRafael3558.Collaberative applications for online mapmaking?Tyler Bachelder3559.Integral, important and not optionalGraham3560.Challenge: Sketch a Real CultureJames_Nostack3562.Coolest lesser-known person of the mid-19th CenturyDave Younce3564.ENnies nominees announcedMaster of the Game3565.Ticket to Ride: The Countdown ClockTonyLB3566.[Review] Best Friendseruditus3567.Countdown: Chess Clocks?Kynn3568.[Shock:-hack] Representing governments and social groupsDevP3569.Shock: .hackColin_Fredericks3570.Make an Elevator Pitch for Someone Else's GameJustin D. Jacobson3571.Storify "The Great Pendragon Campaign"Flynn3572.TerraDrivearcher9043573.Roleplay my LARP NPC from the safety of your own homeNickWedig3574.Making Video Ads at GenConJosh Roby3575.Forum-based (semi)GM-less RPG ideaMalthusian3576.I try my hand at a story game. . .jdrakeh3577.The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries Pre-Order (Preview Now Available)Eric_J_Boyd3578.Playing hardTemple3579.[MB] Stat up stories in the new systemTonyLB3580.Screenwriting books/blogsforlorn13581.Are you a Writer?Jason_Morningstar3582.What should I be saving my money for at GenCon Indy?gamera_spinning3583.I like Google Checkoutndp3584.[Sons of Liberty] Opening Handclasp, Sign, and Countersign?Josh Roby3585.[Abulafia] Fantasy Place NamesDave Younce3586.Go Play Southeast has open slots...Gaerik3588.Weird War II ideas neededThomas D3589.What needs reviewing?Graham3590.The Cold City Companion, previewMalcolm Craig3591.The Covenant Codex, a wikiMalcolm Craig3592.Conspiracy of Shadows: Betrayal WebcomicKen Sentowski!3593.When Situation = NPCTonyLB3594.Some Alternate Thinking About Supers GamingBlue3595.What Dice do You Prefer?E.T.Smith3596.Ambassadorship: How to gauge familiarity?Mark_Causey3597.Medieval & Renaissance fencing Linkgamera_spinning3598.[Bone White, Blood Red] Color ChartsKynn3599.ENnies Judge Selection for 2008 Dexcon is like next weekendKevin Allen Jr3601.What's your favorite Dogs town?Jason_Morningstar3602.The Bricks Of AgonRich Stokes3603.Review: Beast HuntersGraham3604.[Principia] Venice is sinkingtony_dowler3605.Dirty Secrets layout previewgreatwolf3606.Tell me about Character, and why you care enough to do sonick3.03607.How do I indent my paragraphs on this board ?nick3.03609.[Challenge] Culture Sketch - revised! with details!James_Nostack3610.[SotC] A forward from a friend....Blue3611.[Review] Best Friends review completederuditus3612.Hi-Res map of ArkhamDave Younce3613.[Abulafia/Do] Random Pilgrim NamesDanielSolis3614.ShockMel_White3615.[Sufficiently Advanced] Back CoverColin_Fredericks3616.Seance Improv/Party GameCaesar_X3617.Voice Chat Play/Design Group or Events?AgentFresh3618.Card Printers(help!)ihmcallister3619.The Pool: What Does the GM Do?E.T.Smith3621.Story Game Basic, Expanding the Hobby, Avoiding ExtinctionE.T.Smith3622.I need to play DitV near Kansasravenx993623.The Ennies: Support the Small Press Set with the Summer Revolution!iago3624.Southampton (UK) mini gaming convention!Rich Stokes3625.Suggestions for a SG newbie looking for pulp horror/SFJoe_Beason3626.Six Hours in a Cage with an AnacondaJason_Morningstar3627.Book Layout: New places to put the "Back Cover Blurb"?Andy3628.[Ennies] Re-Submit Your Votes!iago3629.Broken italics in Caucasian Adventures threadbuzz3630.Fear mechaniclachek3631.[Polaris] Multiple protagonists in a conflictRonaldo3632.'characters' are obsolete mummies >>markv3633.Reviewing Your Layoutjim pinto3634.Lansing, MI Board game conventionreaction3635.Storygames StorybookMalthusian3636.OMG I got to roleplay last night!Matt Wilson3637.Generating Scenes: Index Card Mania Runnin' WildJason_Morningstar3638.Multi-character roleplayinglachek3639.[Dexcon] [SOTC] Rex Rich and the Warlord of MarsBill_White3640.What gets "exoticized" in RPGs from US/European culture?buzz3641.15yo funRobertFisher3642.The Pool, Maintaining ConsistencyNickHollingsworth3643.NerdLDN goes liveJohn Anderson3644.Go Play NW Podcast WrapupCaesar_X3645.Mob Justice out soon! Free Preview.ihmcallister3646.[DEAD] Codifying Organic Flow in Scene CreationKuma3647.Your Dream Gaming ConventionAndy3648.Story Games Making Their GenCon Indy Debut in 2007J_Walton3649.Did you see the 2006 Indie RPG Awards entries yet?Andy3650.Podcasters -- Seeking adviceMatt Snyder3651.Shock: v.1.1 PreorderJoshua A.C. Newman3652.[Best Friends] Changes for the 4th printingGregor Hutton3653.Podcast of Dread: The First Book of PandemoniumRafael3655.Weapon Hunters: Final Fantasy VII + Beast HuntersRyan_Macklin3656.The use of the word "jargon" as a buzz wordTyler3657.Call for Games for Gateway/Strategicon 2007 in Los AngelesDenys3658.Playing "under" a GM. What about "with"?Mike Montesa3659.[Abu] Character+Location+Situation=SceneDave Younce3660.Adapting Jason's Index Card Epiphany for other gamesDanielSolis3661.[Principia] Eastern Europe/ Ottoman Empirethor3662.Story Gamers Having a Fairly Decent Time At Gen ConJason_Morningstar3663.Choose my prize for meGraham3664.Sweet Agatha Preorder at DexconKevin Allen Jr3665.Short history of decay: Pandas. Population. Pollutionmarkv3666.Shock: play-by-post -- anyone ever done it?DevP3667.The Score podcast: What do you want to hear?Matt Snyder3668.Using specialized language for your game mechanicsMikeRM3669.Chicken, Egg: Situation, Player Characters, AdversityJosh Roby3670.Cartoonists, speak up!MikeRM3672.[Your Game] is anyone else making games for RPG Masters?jackson_tegu3673.question about acrylic paintPaulCzege3674.[Juiced Rider, Memory Mecha] Giving you reason to not go all out on "Zero Mind"Thunder_God3675.Get to Work! - Story Game Motivational Projecttony_dowler3676.[Beast Hunters] Beast Lunchersjohnzo3677.Spirit of the Century GM adviceokiran3678.Stranglehold (tr)ashcan to release at GenConjim pinto3679.[TSoY] Rules ClarificationJ.Leigh3680.Go Play Southeast Wrap-upJason_Morningstar3681.TSoY, SotC, TTC, tMoV... what?Shevaun3682.Things I learned from DexCon 10forlorn13683.Judd interviewed on Canon Puncture 13orklord3684.Aaaaacronym...Matthijs3685.[Dexcon] Dexcon Posts!Rob Donoghue3686.Using the Transmogrifier Add-on for AcronymsSteve_Segedy3687.Embassy Suites Room Opening (Taken!)Thunder_God3688.[Contract Work] DexCon 10 PlaytestRussell_Collins3689.Mechaton record sheets (draft 1)ravenx993690.The Average Gamer: A Theory Into Patterns, Risk-Aversion, and the Dreaded Crit/Fumble Thingyjim pinto3691.Agon review at RPG.NETGraham3692.Convention Gaming and Risk Aversion: What Makes You Try New Stuff?ptevis3693.From Scratchjim pinto3694.The Princess GameColin_Fredericks3695.[PTA at GPSE] Story Game skillz are hard...Gaerik3696."The Blossoms Are Falling" - HOT!jenskot3697.Beast Hunters: Having problems with "Mental Challenges"Andy3698.[Beat the Clock] Dexcon 'Escape from New Orleans'Mel_White3699.DS VIP Game for Charity - Attendee Tickets Available - For Now!Justin D. Jacobson3700.Magic: The Gathering and Design TheorySimon_C3701.I wish indie games were less seriousGraham3702.What gets people to your table at a Conforlorn13703.[MB] Being moved by vulnerabilityTonyLB3704.Stat a character for every game you own... Project. Thingy.Andy3705.An early Dirty Secrets endorsem*ntgreatwolf3706.Situation: Create, Develop, Address, ResolveJosh Roby3707.The Pool: Swapping Dice for CardsE.T.Smith3708.Bile (An Unpleasant Roleplaying Game)MJGraham3709.The Perfect ConventionJason_Morningstar3710.What are these things we call Story Games?ptevis3711.Seeking Advice on External Playtestingphasmaphobic3712.Game Designers With Facial Hair: Do We Trust Them?Graham3713.Og: Unearthed EditionFirefly Games3714.Lunch Hour RPGingJudd3715.[The Mountain Witch]Some questionsIgnotus3717.[Theory] An Introduction to EgriRoger3718.[Verses RPG] Undiscovered Countries, First Sessionphasmaphobic3719.Mob Justice available to buyihmcallister3720.The Shadow of CeriliaGaerik3721.The next edition of Exalted?kesher3722.[Any Modern Game] Notorious Arms Dealer Monzer al-KassarDave Younce3723.One Can Have Her, film noir roleplaying in black and whiteJonas Ferry3724.The Solis GonzometerJason_Morningstar3725.Are you a Minutiae whor*?Josh Roby3726.Interesting Article on [Video] Gamesjim pinto3727.I need some cool, public domain fae artTemple3728.[ENnies 2008] Changes in the Judge Selection ProcessMark_Causey3729.[Dexcon] SOTC "Rex Rich and the Warlord of Mars"Mel_White3730.The Shadow of Yesterday: Group KeysJason_Morningstar3731.Journeying WestBen_Lehman3732.Double-Edged Traitsphasmaphobic3733.[TSOY] Side Quests - Successes and IssuesMark_Causey3734.\xc3\u2020ternal Legends preview availableDigitalRaven3735.[Legends of Alyria] GPSE Actual Play ReportGaerik3736.Missions - Does this make sense?Neil Gow3737.The Chorus as a roleTonyLB3738.Communicating What A Game Is AboutLxndr3739.Hey Kevin, is it an RPG?ndp3740.Artist Thomas Manning has passed away.DanielSolis3741.Where are my Renaissance Fiction Examples?tony_dowler3742.[Agon] Dexcon "Sorrow of Pan"Mel_White3743.Virtual Play as a design toolMikeRM3744.[44] Cover and back designs sneak previewMatt Snyder3745.The Story Games 2007 Relationship Map contest Feedback and Winners!!!Andy3746.Free System Mash-up: The Pool + The Color Wheel = The Watercolor WheelDanielSolis3747.Are Zombies the secret ingredient?viktor_haag3748.The Story Game HeartbreakerIan O'Rourke3749.So, I started playing Lacuna...Johnstone3750.Divvying up Chorus and Scene-Framing rolesTonyLB3751.[Passages] Intro Adventure Available for DownloadJustin D. Jacobson3754.[With Great Power] What should I expect?lachek3755.So, Tell me about the Awesome in REIGNAndy3756.MageStory Ultimus: The ULTIMATE Story Game!Graham3757.Easy ChoicesBen_Lehman3758.Side BetsTonyLB3759.[In A Wicked Age] Share your wisdom with a first-timerJohn_Harper3760.SHADOW GENCON Pre-Planning ThreadAndy3761.[GenCon Prep] RPG Book a Day?Thunder_God3762.Dragoncon, anyone?phasmaphobic3763.[Schizonauts] I fail at Schizonauts!Robert_Bohl3764.ENnies Ceremony: What Music Should I Use?Justin D. Jacobson3766.\xe2\u20ac\u02dcdo you now or have you ever not like(d) an indie rpg/story game?\xe2\u20ac\u2122markv3767.Awesomify: Pirates of Dark Watershreyas3768.the handicrafts of evilPaulCzege3769.New honesty for cowardsGraham3770.Burning ThroughMcdaldno3771.August 07 Stuff to WatchMatt3772.George's Children: The uglyMatthijs3773.Prewritten part : what do you bring to the table ?pells3774.Guide to Talking Bad About My GamesBen_Lehman3775.[Do] First Playtest Notes (Was: First playtest this Sunday. Any advice?)DanielSolis3776.Sign Up for Honest, Negative CriticismJosh Roby3777.And so Story Games stresses me out againiago3778.Criticism, what's all this then?Matt Snyder3779.Where are the Game Critic columns? (plus: Introducing the Owlbear)Judson_Lester3780.Help Me Understand Burning Empires! [Was: "I don't "get" game X"]lachek3781.Tell Me About the Mechanics of LARPingEric_J_Boyd3782.[Sons of Liberty] Midnight Ride of AWESOME TeeshirtJosh Roby3783.nostalgic gaming photosmarkv3784.I don't "get" game Xlachek3785.Dead of NightJohn Anderson3786.Scene Casting & Scene Setting: Distinguishing the RolesTonyLB3787.School Me Big Time on With Great PowerAndy3788.Chris Pramas has been playing SotCbuzz3789.The first thing you think of when you hear these 2 words...?jenskot3790.Shape History, Ye Exiled!Mark_Causey3791.So I have the urge to binge shop at IPR again.Rustin3792.[Gen Con] Story Games Names signing projectRobert_Bohl3793.GenCon -> Chicago rideBen_Lehman3794.Exemplar: Yes!Jeph3795.Dogs Movie Referencejim pinto3796.Learning from our older brotherjake richmond3797.Under the Bed: SchizophreniaMatthijs3798.Reward CycleKen Sentowski!3799.Gen Con DemosJason_Morningstar3800.D20/OGL and the heartbreakerRich Stokes3801.WEGS - An Unstoppable JuggernautLordZoma3802.How Do you Feel About Constrained Role-Playing?Thunder_God3803.[Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium] Unrated Edition available nowRafael3804.[Exalted] Full CircleJames McMurray3805.The Oft Heard Cry At Gen Con: AccomodationMalcolm Craig3806.Stealth (Physical) 3d8+2 [Convertible]Josh Roby3807.Neal Stephenson's "The Big U"Call Me Curly3808.Beast Lunchers II: Reborn in Firerafial3809.Carry: half-baked?Moreno R.3810.Full Light, Full Stoprafial3811.CoqCon: Playing games and eating coqGraham3812.example of new online RPG systemgeorge3813.where to find Ganakagok?george3814.Clerics Get Awesome-o-fiedMikeRM3815.[GenCon] Accomidations: Have Spare Fold Out Coucheruditus3816."Incentives" as part of resolution mechanicCalvino3817.Backwards D&DJason_Morningstar3818.Cold City, Third Printing changesMalcolm Craig3819.Writing RPGs to read out loud...jenskot3820.Larp Conflict Resolution: Music, MP3 Players, etcphasmaphobic3822.Writing RPGs to read in the tub or swimming poolAndy3823.Og Design JournalsFirefly Games3825.Mexican Standoff, and other party-ready games.Alex F3826.Strict time-keepingGraham3827.[Sufficiently Advanced] New artworkColin_Fredericks3828.Something is happening...jenskot3829.Tickboxes for PaperJosh Roby3830.ENnies Judge Selection for 2008 - cast your vote today!C.W.Richeson3831.Stupid Quick QuestionJosh Roby3832.Where'd you put your GO PLAY decals? photos?jackson_tegu3833.Descriptor SystemKen Sentowski!3834.Game Night novel from Jonny NexusGregor Hutton3835.Interview with Jason Morningstar on CP 14orklord3836.Categories of encountersJames McMurray3837.Who here plays a musical instrument?Andy3838.[SotC] Novel Covers (help finding old thread)Lor the Swede3839.[44] The game explainedMatt Snyder3840.Jungle Speed Question.Thunder_God3841.Thoughts on The RoachJesse3842.[Games on Demand] G.o.D. will be in the Hyatt this Gen Con 07Kat Miller3843.[Games on Demand] Meet-up Board!Kat Miller3844.Games I Regret Buyingeruditus3845.[Games on Demand] What do the Table Custodians Do?Kat Miller3846.[GenCon] Have Games, Will Travel #100ptevis3847.Looking for a REALLY HEAVY GAMEgreatwolf3849.[Games on Demand] Game Library BoxKat Miller3850.What Games Do You Regret NOT Buying?Ryan_Macklin3851.We All Had Names: Kristallnacht Episode A onlineMatthijs3852.[GenCon]Wednesday Ticket Pick-Up?Neil Gow3853.Starter LARP rulesforlorn13854.The Fugitive IdentityRoninZombie3855.Games you think are under appreciatedMatt Snyder3857.What should I play now?Caesar_X3858.S-G GenCon2007 go-ers. Sign Off!Andy3859.The Situation Book Manifestotony_dowler3860.Mark all posts readJames McMurray3861.Games I DO NOT regret buyingffilz3862.Games I'm glad I boughtbuzz3863.Game Design as Experimental Literary CriticismBrad_J_Murray3864.On Which Day of the Week do you Game?Andy3866.[Shock:] How I learned to play is a funny story...Johnstone3867.The CoolmapMikeRM3868.What games do you not have that you do you not regret not buying?Jared A. Sorensen3869.So who's going to Ropecon?Matt3870.[GenCon] Need Guide to Diana Jones AwardThunder_God3871.How I'm shopping at the Ashcan FrontMichael S. Miller3872.Are oneshots alone enough for satisfying gaming?DevP3873.[Artesia in TSoY] Keys of DoomTemple3874.[LA] Holy Crap, Gateway is going to ruleptevis3875.[MB] NOT playing a roleTonyLB3876.This is What They Want: A NextWave-inspired RPGDaedalus6683877.Awesome-ofy Wraithgreatwolf3878.[Know Thyself] Pretty, Pretty CardsRyan_Macklin3879.Doctor Who, System WhatRoninZombie3880.Confused about where I can run at Gen ConDenys3881.Best game for an all day session?Jarvis3882.Inspectres: Wight Van Men versus the Maelstrom of NoiseJohn Anderson3883.Drama Class sketchJared A. Sorensen3884.a|state: honesty and answersMalcolm Craig3886.Play should start when...buzz3887.The Story Games Situation Projecttony_dowler3888.[RapierCon] Anyone going?orklord3889.Two weapon fightingGraham3890.Story Gamers who think rocking out is undignified and, frankly, embarrassing to those around youGraham3891.Awesome Conflicts from Actual PlayJosh Roby3892.[SOTC] Rules question regarding compelsRobert_Bohl3893.The Indie Gaming Passport Is Coming to GenCon 2007!iago3894.Are your role-playing experiences all "games"?Matthijs3895.[GenCon] I pimped the Dawning Star VIP Game on CP 15orklord3896.tell me about Carry and/or Hero's Bannerwoodelf3897.Article: The Secret to Selling Sci-FiBurr3898.Looking for a two-player, conflict-heavy, sword-and-sorcery-ish story game...Alex3899.Snail's Pace: A Play-by Post ForumSimon_C3900.GenCon Grocery Trip (Wednesday)Thunder_God3901.Non-game roleplayingMatthijs3902.Gaming stores in the Twin CitiesBastardToadflax3903.Shilling my game on a Galactic scaleMatt Wilson3904.[unWritten] looking for playtesters!alejandro3905.[Ashcan Front] Check out the booth lineup of ashcan gamesMatt Snyder3906.Do you want a review of your game?Matthijs3907.GenCon Wednesday Night Meetup?Jarvis3908.[Seven Leagues] reviewed _in print_hieronymous3909.JadeCon for a good causehieronymous3910.LARP in the VineyardJason_Morningstar3911.Beast Hunters at Lulu for EuropeChristian_Griffen3912.[Tear Themselves Apart] First ThoughtsMark_Causey3913.[Stanglehold] Name Change After Cease and Desistjim pinto3914.Secret GenCon Playtest-a-ThonJ_Walton3915.Bitches at the Table at Gatewaydevilmaycare3916.At Matt's Insistance, I shill.Joshua A.C. Newman3917.Shock 1.1 is a real thing!Joshua A.C. Newman3918.Review: Lacuna Part 1. The Creation of the Mystery and The Girl From Blue CityGraham3919.[Artesia Tales] I am ready to talk about my gameeruditus3920.Movies that Should Be Gamesjim pinto3921.Need More Con GamesGoOrange3922.[Do] Official Site is Up, Up and Away!DanielSolis3923.I Have One Day at GenConthor3925.[Verses] Undiscovered Countries, Session #2 AP Reportphasmaphobic3926.Gencon Restaurant Map (PDF)jenskot3927.Failurejim pinto3928.Big game publishers missing an opportunity?Mike Montesa3929.Useful Gameplay?Vasco Brown3930.Ganakagok: "Long-term" play?thark3931.what is the function of differentiating between games and playjzn3932.Resolve instead of Hit PointsJosh Roby3933.Ryan Dancey on Storytelling Gameselmago793934.Resolution mechanic: Some assembly required.Russell_Collins3935.Gencon for your better half?jenskot3936.[The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries] Got my book!Anemone3937.[Stories from the Shelter] Call for Feedback, Reviews, and PlaytestingQHudspeth3938.Looking for Scheherazade\xc2\xb4s designer, KokoyoteDogui3939.Average campaign lengthsRob_Alexander3940.Blue City statisticsGraham3942.Interface, market share, and my buddy's attitude towards D&Dbuzz3943.GURPS done differentGeorge Shannon3944.Non Gencon awesome - 2007Marhault3945.D&D 4e announced at GenConJames McMurray3946.Green Ronin to Produce Wild Cards RPGChristian_Griffen3947.A definition of FantasyElliott Belser3948.Bliss Stage: Ignition Stagefifth_child3949.Gencon by proxyAndrew Kenrick3951.Sci Fi: There Is No EmpireMcdaldno3952.Indie RPG Awards WinnersAndrew Kenrick3953.ENnie award winnersMaster of the Game3954.Scenes from a WEGS campaign.LordZoma3955.I left my baby at home with strangers!Tyler3956.2007 Diana Jones Award goes to The Great Pendragon CampaignChristopher Kubasik3957.Situations as a product : which questions should be asked ?pells3958.Tell me about Swedish indie!Matthijs3960.[The Naked City] Taking Jason's index cards and running with them!Caesar_X3961.Top 5 indie games at GenConGraham3962.Thumbs up for Booth Demos!!Jarvis3963.Dragon*Con 2007, Atlanta, GASquidLord3964.Playtests at GenConGraham3965.GenCon2007 MemoriesShaneJackson3966.Ryan Dancey loves Ron and Luke!jenskot3967.Why I was not at Gen Conrossum3968.One Cool Thing I Saw At Gen ConJason_Morningstar3970.GenCon 2007 Pics Thread!DanielSolis3971.[Og] Go Look FoodFirefly Games3972.Doing another RPG Disscussion Paneltj3333973.Nazi Boardgame Auctionjim pinto3974.2FT Pre-orders and Youbrettmb3975.Simple 20 to see print!jdrakeh3976.[ConNooga] Anyone want to get an indie block going?RichD3977.Play-by-post roundupgeorge3978.Mark as read?george3979.Post Your Andy Sightings Here!Mark_Causey3981.[Agon] A short battleMel_White3982.I'll Be Blunt: Why do you have no interest in Passages?Justin D. Jacobson3984.T\xc3\xa4htiJason_Morningstar3985.My Game Design QuestionsJesse3986.Game Designers: Post Youtube Video Demos!Andy3987.The new standard in game design excellence...Andy3988.What did you buy?Jarvis3989.Tell me about Poison'd, pleaseMike_Sands3990.Any ashcans for sale to overseas customers?Matthijs3991.Buzzy gamesGraham3993.Cold City as Delta Green (renewed)Bifi3994.PassportKat Miller3995.[44] Actual play feedback already -- ashcan buyers please read!Matt Snyder3996.[Great War of Magellan] Anybody pick this up at GenCon?Ben_Johnson3997.GenCon2007 Sleeper Hits?Ben_Johnson3998.Overall Gen Con observationsDenys3999.What's a better experience: GenCon or Origins?Jogesh EZ4000.Just Did the Big Three for a game I Call Black Sheep. Musing.Elliott Belser4001.unWritten and the big three!alejandro4002.[Bliss Stage] Kilbirnie Resistance CellSteve_Hickey4003.Indie games inflation?Caesar_X4004.DitV... the movie?!?timfire4005.The first Annual Piggies awardClyde L. Rho*r4006.Messianic Gamingcommondialog4007.Acts of Evil first impressionsplanetary4008.New Panty Explosionjake richmond4009.GM-less games: Vision Integrity & Quality ControllerMatthijs4010.PSI RUN: Mutants in the HoleJason_Morningstar4011.iStockPhoto: What exactly can I do with these images?Rich Stokes4012.[Gygax' Roleplaying Mastery] Thoughtslachek4013.When is Dreamation?Emily_Care4014.D&D 4ed looks pretty damn cool!TonyLB4015.[Reel Adventures] Need some help out of a design mazeihmcallister4016.[Bliss Stage] Best anime to watch in preperation?Brandon A4017.The Power of Generic Images (related to: D&D / MMOs)DevP4018.15 minute demos beyond the con environmentMark Watson4019.My son's gameTonyLB4020.canned heatPaulCzege4021.The Collective Endeavour: Indie games in the UKGraham4022.A Penny for Anyone?ptevis4023.Business Solutions: what can you tell me?Ben_Johnson4025.bliss stage without robotsshreyas4026.LA Gamers get Poison'dJudson_Lester4027.2008 sales dilemmasGraham4028.A big thank you to the Dirty Secrets "demo team"greatwolf4029.Ambrose Bierce, Tear Themselves Apart, Live 4 Justice, Sword and SorceryMark_Causey4032.Damn Outages!Andy4033.[NC Gameday XIV] Sat. Sept. 22 - Because GenCon wasn't enough! to buy the Acts of Evil ashcanPaulCzege4035.Improv gamesEmily_Care4036."We Don't Want Yer Kind 'Round Here...."GMSkarka4037.Recording Gaming SessionsAndy4038.Dude, I'm like, totally going to be in Southern CaliforniaMikeRM4039.[unWritten] Inuits and corporate fisheriesalejandro4040.Business Solutions Play Test ReportJudson_Lester4041.\xc3\u2020ternal Legends Released!DigitalRaven4042.A Game of HatsMatt4043.Scene Pacing/Theme Generating MechanicJason_Morningstar4044.[Dungeon Squad! + Arcade Emulator] Shadow Over MystaraMark_Causey4045.[Nittany Game Invasion] What Would It Take To Get You Here?Bill_White4046.[MB] Two "hit point" tracksTonyLB4047.Dream CombatJames McMurray4048.Creating short demosTyler4050.Unlockable things - I need a termMikeRM4051.[Shock 1.1] Enforcer of The IdealChristian_Griffen4052.Looking for advice for running Games on Demand at my local conventionMike_Sands4053.The Zeppelin BendSimon_C4055.Where did Discussions Go?Thunder_God4056.Improvisation for roleplayers: Good bit approachingGraham4058.[TSoy] Any problems with Key imbalance?Joe_Beason4059.Reflections on all this Relationship Map jazz...Andy4060.[Seattle] Story Games Lounge coming to ConQuest NW in FebruaryAnemone4061.d20 story games?Ron Hammack4063.Looking for Playtestersredben4064.[Tenra Bansho Zero] Game at GenCon 2007John_Harper4065.Please critique the Situation of my new Shoujo gameElliott Belser4066.Dogs for Newbiesdevilmaycare4067.My Shoujo Game Power 19 (Psychopomp Guardians, right now)Elliott Belser4068.[Story Squared] A creative writing exerciseDanielSolis4069.Uglyjim pinto4070.Good rpgs for a "party" with newbies/non-gamers?fnord31254071.The Forge is down?Matthijs4072.Large-group RPGsMatthijs4073.Turning the volume down from 11TonyLB4074.[Food Holes] The Bemidji Maple Syrup ClassicJason_Morningstar4075.Rocking Out / Rocking InBen_Lehman4076.Writing and speaking for those who know not Are Pee GeeElliott Belser4077.Geekery can get you into the nicest conversationsAnemone4078.I talk about Uml\xe4ut: Game of Metal for the benefit of whoever wants to listenRich Stokes4079.Ghost Writing - Commission a Design!Mark_Causey4080.Githyanki TherapyJudd4082.The community pictureblankshield4083.Go Play: LondonRich Stokes4084.Improv Soap Operaptevis4085.Once Upon A TimeAge of Fable4086."Have You Heard of Ben Lehman and Vincent Baker?"Luke_Wheel4087.Soup of Ages (Square One)jdrakeh4088.Poison'd.jpg?Temple4089.Back In Time For Tea: Bacchanal for childrenGraham4090.Dangers of assumed FlagsRich Stokes4091.[Bliss Stage] Saved through childbearinggreatwolf4092.Spreadshirt Help!J_Walton4093.Abilities in AgonJohn_Harper4094.Idea for an odd campaign startJames McMurray4095.Looking for a basic exampleJames McMurray4096.How well do you do with controversial topics?asdfff4097.[Dust Devils] Corinne's Gettin' MarriedJason_Morningstar4098.The Yahtzee Effect and a Pair of OrcsJudd4099.[Best Friends] Hard Times in Loveless GulchCaesar_X4100.Can story games be art?jake richmond4101.Penalties - I need a termlachek4102.Thoughts on Malcolm Sheppard's "The Deal" to Help DesignersEric_J_Boyd4104.Opposition: Limited or unlimited?Robert_Bohl4105.Acts of Evil: First session questionsJudson_Lester4106.Go Play Midwest?commondialog4107.Films For Gamersnoclue4108.I'm curious, (how) do you people prep PTA?Johan Granberg4109.Does anyone think a game is too expensive that they actually enjoy playing?jenskot4110.Levels of player control over character, with consequencesHans4111.A weird thing about story games innovationMatt Snyder4112.Designers: Where do you get your game ideas from? Specifically!Justin D. Jacobson4113.Why indie games are cheap and expensiveGraham4114.September 07 Stuff to Watcheruditus4115.[Fifth World] Basic mechanicsjason4116.Is role-playing a skill you can learn?Hans4117.[Polaris] Heart/Mistake relationshipCalvino4118.Speak to me of MARS. . .jdrakeh4119.PTA Retrospective on HGWTplanetary4120.[Hollywood Pitch Me On] Your Gameiago4121.[Reel Adventures] I caught me a plot fish!ihmcallister4122.[Seven Leagues] preteen Manga mayhemhieronymous4123.Beast Lunchers III: Heart of Darknessrafial4124.Open Playtest Call for Reaper BeautiesElliott Belser4125.The Generosity Of GamersMalcolm Craig4126.Panty Explosion first year sales reportjake richmond4127.Good games for a kids?James McMurray4128.Bead-Drawing as a Resolution MechanicDanielSolis4129.Publishers: Many sales to Norway?Matthijs4130.Why are you not into PDQ (Money, Demo, or Other)?chadu4131.Reincorporationjzn4132.What happens next?Graham4133.Seeking: Superhero games throwdownDevP4134.[Actual Play] [Truth and Justice] Team Justice International: Session One.T-Boy4135.Do you expect people to play your games more than once?Matthijs4136.Finding dates for your play group: Online apps?Matthijs4137.Intarviewedndp4138.[Collective Endeavour] New look & better functionalityGregor Hutton4139.44 ashcan edition for sale onlineMatt Snyder4140.Gateway '07Christopher Kubasik4141.Coil: Looking for Playtestjim pinto4142.Anyone in Japan?Malcolm Craig4144.Slate video report on GenConbuzz4145.Amnesiacs with Blank Sheets: Scene OneJames McMurray4146.Cats with StatsJason_Morningstar4147.Hey, what are these reg'd required topics?Christopher Kubasik4148.Grey Ranks at Gatewaydevilmaycare4149.[Mob Justice] Lessons I learntihmcallister4151.How is Push 2 going?Caesar_X4152.Tell me about the fiction...alejandro4153.Gnomes Along The Mohawk [San Diego CA]mythusmage4154.If you're a game designer and you're sick and tired about the way The Media stereotypes you...T-Boy4155.MP3's of table top roleplaying gamesLogan9a4156.This other player's character is like me because ...Matt4157.[Mountain Witch] Looking for DownloadsBrandon A4158.[T&J] Limnaut-spawned rules clarificationschadu4159.[George's Children] Actual Playjim pinto4160.Dogs Ideasjim pinto4161.Grimm Comments on Spirit of the Centurynoclue4162.Library's and gamingRayston4163.Where to begin?Malthusian4164.the perfect con (game)ross4165.Designing around JerksDanielSolis4166.I violated my own design rulesMaster of the Game4167.Time Management: Writing and promotingRussell_Collins4168.^#@!% loaded terms: "Perverse Incentive"TonyLB4169.[Hollywood Pitch] The Game You are Playing Now!Andy4170.[Wierd Thoughts] Mechaton for generic tabletop gaming..?Lord_Minx4171.Orccon 2008Christopher Kubasik4172.Truth & Justice adventures playtest! [Seattle, WA]ping4173.[Bliss Stage] Final Act Actual PlayPer_Fischer4174.Anyone interested in a PBEM playtest of A Penny For My Thoughts?ptevis4175.Short, Focused, and Tightfnord31254176.Mearls gives props to The Riddle of Steelbuzz4177.Combined mechanical/talking resolution of social interplayCaesar Slaad4178.Player performance playing a part in game mechanicslachek4179.[Psi Run] Fixeschris_moore4180.Successful Use of Social Mechanics and RPRemi4181.[Stories from the Shelter] Rename my section headingsQHudspeth4182.Furnace, Sheffield UK Oct 20-21 2007Newt4187.[Penny for My Thoughts] Therapy in the Coffeehouse!Josh Roby4188.Well, it finally happened. . .jdrakeh4189.What shall I run for Concrete Cow and GaelCon?Graham4190.[Psi Run] vs. all my old ideasCall Me Curly4192.[Contest] The Sight and Sound Game Design ChallengeJason_Morningstar4193.Speak to me of Psi RunCaesar Slaad4194.walking through walls ('war on terror' game for JM's image/sound/concept challenge)markv4195.[Sorcerer & Sword] Gateway '07Christopher Kubasik4196.The 5 Rules of Story Games Designelmago794197.Story, 'just roleplaying it' and rules used [NOT short]Georgios4198.Speak to me of LiveJournalRafael4199.1-3 I do, 4-6 I don'tJoe Murphy4200.Scott Knipe's WYRDConsonant Dude4201.Were year's Game Chef entries put onto Dimension Not Only of Sight and Sound, But of MindNickWedig4203.Zathura?Matthijs4204.[Sight and Sound Challenge] Rusty Nails - A Rough Draftiago4205.[Play by Post] Player wanted for Don't Rest Your Headgeorge4206.[Sight and Sound] DisintermentMcdaldno4207.[Sight & Sound] Mwaantaangaand: Lords of the EarthJ_Walton4208.Acts of Evil: I would like to hear more.spookyfanboy4209.Subtlety in Story GamesCaesar_X4210.The Moon Monkey Mystery -- a new adventure for Spirit of the Century!Roger4211.where does freeform begin?Emily_Care4212.Need some prep helpJames McMurray4213.[Business Solutions] Resolving ConflictsJason_Morningstar4214.[Help] Brainstorming Ambitions/Motivationsjim pinto4215.[Poison'd] Accurs'd!Ignotus4216.[Sight & Sound] Only the Guilty Run - completedRyan_Macklin4217.Unlikely Game Purchase CombinationsGregor Hutton4218.Versatility of Classroom Deathmatch?jdrakeh4219.[Sight and Sound] Sounds for Little Onesmisuba4220.[Sight & Sound] 1000 WordsJared A. Sorensen4221.Tsoy help!shreyas4222.Starting a gaming conventionThomas D4223.[Dogs in the Vineyard] Initiate me into initiationsDanielSolis4224.[The Roach] Advice for playing the first time?fnord31254225.[Revenge of the Bmovie] Printing soon!ihmcallister4226.First playtest of Reaper Beauties - For The Family Honor, I Gave Away My HeartElliott Belser4227.PC ownership and social conflict rulesEric Provost4228.Anyone have any awesome PBEM/PBP guidelines/rules?Robert M4229.You go this way, I'll go that wayJames McMurray4230.We shall never walk this road againVasco Brown4231.Help me to neutralize Paris HiltonJames McMurray4232.WotC 4e designer Logan Bonner talks about playing Inspectresbuzz4233.Misunderstood: A Small GameJesse4234.Revisionist History Playtest ReportEldir4235.[Star Trek: 1966] Let's story game it up!John_Harper4236.Ten Wingsrafial4237.Jeep Invasion Q&AEmily_Care4238.Bringing the awesome to non-gamersfnord31254239.Bringing the awesome to "traditional" gamersfnord31254240.Externalizing character, conflict, and developmentJosh Roby4241.[Bliss Stage] Love and violence in Peoriagreatwolf4242.[Bliss Stage] Jude gets better, plus alien tentacles!greatwolf4243.Anyone play Hearts and Souls?Andy4244.[Lacuna] First GameMel_White4245.When Is A Game About What It's About?ptevis4246.[Penny for your Thoughts] Pineapples and PersonalitiesEmily_Care4247.Indie Tour 2008! Let the world know!Anemone4249.Revenge of the Son of the Little Game Design Contest IdeasAndy4250.Mixing systems: What does what best?Ry4251.Sight and Sound Design Challenge - An Old Man. A Little Girl.Bret_Gillan4252.Indie Game Mash-Ups, e.g. Cold City + Geiger CounterJustin D. Jacobson4253.What's up with all the quality, civilized discussion lately?Jason_Morningstar4254.[Sight & Sound] The Exhumation of a Stranger.Mcdaldno4255.Asshat bickeringGraham4256.[Sight & Sound] September MornBlue4257.TSOY: The Perfect GameBret_Gillan4258.[TSOY] Fix my understanding of certain mechanicsDevP4259.Wushu: What do you want to hack it into?DevP4260.What is "long term" to you?Josh Roby4261.So. . . er. . . anybody else here play The Window?jdrakeh4262.[TSOY+] Join me in spreading some love for Near!Anders4263.4E, MMORPGs, & The Gleemax sh*tKen Sentowski!4264.Throw the dice awayEmily_Care4265.[Solipsist] Help! Who did I give ashcans too? Do you want one?Gregor Hutton4266.Steal Away Jordan's reviewsGraham4267.I present to you Reaper Beauties - a Girls' Manga Story GameElliott Belser4268.Show Us the Best Fan Letter You Ever ReceivedJustin D. Jacobson4269.Keys for the GMChris Gardiner4270.Paging Bill Whiteiago4271.Single Combat!!!Marhault4272.RewardsMax Higley4273."Dice-Free" instead of "Diceless"DanielSolis4274.what will happen v. what happened v. why did it happenmarkv4275.Let's all run LacunaGraham4276.Salgan al Sol - A spanish-speaking rpg design forumGorsh4277.John McClane Must Diethor4278.The Structures of FreeformsEmily_Care4279.Let's stop talking about freeforms like they're a thingGraham4280.[Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium] reviewRafael4281.Lacuna: Falconer Chroniclesorklord4282.[Sight & Sound] Gravers - A game of Conviction, Doubt, Duty and FreedomRich Stokes4283.Reinvention 2007 RPG Design Competition Underway!Destriarch4284.Social Contract Reference Sheet?Jarvis4285.French RPG'salejandro4286.When do you need an editor?Matthijs4287.what is the big deal about SUPPORTshreyas4288.Flags in FluxTonyLB4289.In Praise of the Editortony_dowler4290.Fantasy BallbreakerRafael4291.[Dungeon Squad! + Coin-Op] Call For PlaytestersMark_Causey4292.[Vancouver, BC] mini-con call for GMscr0m4293.Multi-Die Core MechanicStuart4294.[Hoffman Estates, IL] Looking for roleplayersLogan9a4295.Heroic CthulhuLogan9a4296.[Race for the Cure] Gamers supporting a good cause. w00t!DanielSolis4297.How to Jeep(?)Southpaw4298.Dirty Secrets is back in stockgreatwolf4299.Con experiences with Primetime AdventuresGeorgios4300.What everybody should know about playing DitVGeorgios4301.Things I learned from the roachGeorgios4302.Let us discuss Reaper Beauties, a Girls' Manga Story GameElliott Belser4303.Where should I buy The Shadow of YesterdayBlue4304.[Snow Crash] Now Licensed Under ...Mark_Causey4305.[Drifter's Escape] the larpCall Me Curly4306.JiffyCon is comingEmily_Care4307.[Sight & Sound] The Key of Absence (or designing your first-ever game in less than a week)okiran4308.Be Careful with GleemaxClyde L. Rho*r4309.What the Holocaust role-playing piece is aboutMatthijs4310.[Boardgame] c-jumpwarren4311.Ryan Stoughton's "Raising the Stakes" Hack for d20Justin D. Jacobson4312.[Final Fantasy] Tactics Game?Mark_Causey4313.Dogs in the Vineyard - Looking for the REAL ConflictEldir4314.A Comprehensive Guide to Book DesignJustin D. Jacobson4315.Formulae, pacing, landmarks and conflictsTonyLB4316.[Bliss Stage] We wrap Bliss Stagegreatwolf4317.Cosmic Battleship Yamato (mini's and drama!)timfire4318.[Minigame] Feedback on this Situation Creation Thingy (Done Testing)Josh Roby4319.[Six Bullets for Vengeance] Die By the Gun, Part OneSouthpaw4320.[Six Bullets For Vengeance] - Die By the Gun, Part TwoSouthpaw4321.[Artesia Tales] Help me write a description that rocks!eruditus4322.[Salvage] Storify My Board GameRoninZombie4323.Good games for 3 peoplefnord31254324.Constraints: Useful or not?TonyLB4325.Cold City Dossier: Recommendations on Using ItJustin D. Jacobson4326.A Cure For What Ails Your Text: Cauley Green!Joshua A.C. Newman4327.American Gods as a modern mythological game settingJames McMurray4328.Game Idea: The One Truthphasmaphobic4329.What is art good for in RPGs?Robert_Bohl4330.Mechanics and Narration - a wider view on the Grimm stuffDeliverator4331.Tricked-out D&D/d20 web resourcesClinton4332.Games for teaching or sort of.Gorsh4333.Quick dice/fun questionGraham4334.[TSOY] Suddenly GMfulJason_Morningstar4335.Recommend a system for a new/old GM and groupLexonus4336.feats of actual play you'd like to seePaulCzege4337.[D&D3.5] Reign of the dump-statsTonyLB4338.Dust Devils and The Roaring 20ssujihime4339.Ad swap for "dark" gamesRafael4340.Appraise my HoardJason_Morningstar4341.TSOY/Traveller Home-BrewChristopher Kubasik4342.Whatever happened to the previous wave of brilliance?Matthijs4343.[MACE 2007] Where is the Story Game tsunami?James Jeffers4344.Need your help on a campaign story game suggestionDenys4345.[Reaper Beauties] Giving Away your Heart for Mother's Sake. Long.Elliott Belser4346.[Sons of Liberty] Beta Playtest is ON!Josh Roby4347.Submitted without comment.Joshua A.C. Newman4348.DMG-Bay: a faux auction site for treasure generationDave Younce4349.Viking Con!Jason_Morningstar4351.[Mob Justice] Resurrecting the Dead Dameihmcallister4352.Rewarding InactionTonyLB4353.The damnable urge to helpRoger4354.Advice Sought: Crime GamesJesse4355.Old dog, new tricks: Using dice in other waysDanielSolis4356.Update me on Sufficiently AdvancedLord_Minx4357.Durham 3 helps me defend GMsRobert_Bohl4358.Not sure if it's a Story Games thing but "Project: Shaper" cardsElliott Belser4359.[Contenders] Quick questionshoog4360.International pleas for translation: "Translate my favorite game to English"Olle Jonsson4361.[Scorn: The Second Book of Pandemonium] Cover art previewRafael4362.[Swansong] Please tell me more about itspookyfanboy4363.Help me with Agon!fnord31254364.Umm... Where's timfire?Darcy Burgess4365.The Game Between The ScenesBlue4366.Non-conflict games: SolitaireTonyLB4367.Are you following the f'in town cryer already!?Consonant Dude4368.Getting "Connection to Characters" without playing for two yearsAndy4369.SGers playing Halo 3?orklord4370.I want to play Sons of Liberty!Caesar_X4371.[Bullseye] Pimp My Outline!Justin D. Jacobson4372.[Polaris] King and Queen still around?hoog4373.Story/character arc cardsMikeRM4374.Postpartum: Lessons LearnedRafael4377.Gods help me: How do I make Rifts a story-game?Denys4378.[Hero's Banner] pregen heros, free to a good homeDevP4379.Fully-Vested Heroes of Libertopia! What system?DannyK4380.[Sight & Sound]Sinner Ascendentcommondialog4381.Indie games in Melbourne?Richie4382.Phantasm in Peterborough, ON, CanadaMalcolm Sheppard4383.[Dust Devils] 2 x 3 Days in Hellcoffeestain4384.How would you prep a one shot of Nine Worlds?Steve_Hickey4385.Playing Card PuzzleTonyLB4386.Toronto Oct 5-6Bill_White4387.Anyone here from Bretagne?Matthijs4388.[unWritten] UCI RPG club playtestalejandro4389.[unWritten] UCI RPG club playtest part 2alejandro4390.THANKSNERDING: eat, game, and hang out!jenskot4391.SolipsistGraham4392.The Role of Sequels - building from TonyLB's landmarks threadLeonard Balsera4393.Scene Premise vs Scene AgendaJosh Roby4394.What book would you like to see gamified?noclue4395.Go Anywhere, Do AnythingSimon_C4396.[My Life With Master] It Came From Outer Hokkaido!Malcolm Craig4397.[Cold City] A whole raft of recent APMalcolm Craig4398.[Wiki-based RPG] - Rule commentary requestedruminator4399.Use of Auction Mechanisms to reward the generation of "awes0me!!"DevP4400.Go Play Florida - Planning and LogisticsJustin D. Jacobson4401.[Beast Hunters] Final Fantasy VII hackRyan_Macklin4402.[Minigame] Now Space Opera Flavored!Josh Roby4403.Need some random car chase eventsJames McMurray4404.[SOLIPSIST] Need a wordHituro4405.[Untitled] Has Anyone Played Untitled?Yokiboy4406.A dream of breaking M:tA into working (for me, entertainingly)Torleiv4407.Books and the systems that game themnoclue4408.[PTA] Rule drifts, also strategies (some for cons)Robert_Bohl4409.what's the deal with gaming and easter?Emily_Care4410.Hideous offspring of Savage Worlds and Burning WheelRich Stokes4411.[Dungeon Squad! + Coin Op] Layout Help?Mark_Causey4412.Visiting Raleigh-Durham AreaEric_J_Boyd4413.[Sons of Liberty Versus mode] Paine vs. Washington!greatwolf4414.Rifts via SkypeMcdaldno4415.Go Play SE Portland #7 October 6thjake richmond4416.Looking for a bunch of trait descriptorsShevaun4417.[Dream Design] A Horror GameChristian_Griffen4419.[Misspent Youth] I need a name for a thingRobert_Bohl4420.[Hoard] My October PlanLevi Kornelsen4421.How many scenes in a session?Robert_Bohl4422.Final Act of EvilJudson_Lester4423.Nomic: the RPGChris_Goodwin4424.Are Story Games merely passive Narrative-Cookie designs?Joli4425.Somebody should help these people understand story gamingTim Jensen4426.[Solipsist] Actual Play with traditional playersspookyfanboy4427.Translating a die mechanic to cardsGraham4428.[The Roach] Stay out of the woods!fnord31254429.Gaming + Wine?Andy4430.Talk to other players about flags?hoog4431.[Smorg*sm] House rules and hippy mechanicsTorleiv4432.Who's still playing The Mountain Witch?Mike Montesa4433.My game, Your game, Our gameTonyLB4434.Immortals and their rulesJoe Murphy4435.Classic Fantasy Character personality archetypesAndy4436.[Aeternal Legends] The runaway train came down the trackGraham4437.[The Simpsons Game] On shelves October 30Ben_Johnson4438.Solmukohta 2008 book Call for Papersjhkim4439.Alright. School me on designing for emergent patterns in game playEmprint4440.[Hours 'Til Dawn] Comments? Ideas? Slave driver to make me write it?Shevaun4441.[KKKKK] Kublai Khan is deadSimon_C4442.[The Mountain Witch] Does the GM know the PC's Fates?Christopher Kubasik4443.Say Yes or Face the Dungeon!Simon_C4444.Mad sh*t In SpaceRich Stokes4445.International Journal of RoleplayingJ_Walton4446.Game mechanics based on Greek theories of Atomism?fnord31254447.Story Games: New Forum TitleDevP4449.It'd be neat if there was a game where ASCII art was entirely appopriate.DanielSolis4450.Game X taught me YRobert_Bohl4451.Pet peeve: "My" players (also, "fans")Robert_Bohl4452.[TSOY] Help me with making Keys for a settingDevP4453.Formatting with tagsRobert_Bohl4454.Random Forum Upgrades This WeekAndy4455.I need an old-school game to runGraham4456.Ways for traditional gamers to get a handle on Story Gamesgamera_spinning4457.October Links to WatchJudd4458.Horror Review Week approaches at RPG.netC.W.Richeson4459.Fred Hicks will be at Endgame in Oakland, CA on October 27thiago4460.Holy Cow, The Mountain Witch is Strange -- Words of Advice?Christopher Kubasik4461.Random Car Chase GeneratorJames McMurray4462.Picture this (Universalis-oid game w. no tracking during scenes)Ry4463.Story Game Design 101Jogesh EZ4464.[Hoard] Suggest modular style bits for me.Levi Kornelsen4465.[SOLIPSIST] Pike Brothers RecordsHituro4466.story gaming improv classEmily_Care4467.Call for papers: The International Journal of RoleplayingBurr4468.Ars Magica - my first dirty hippy gameJudd4469.Awesome-o-fy: The Fudge System (WITHOUT Using Fate!)iago4470.[Misspent Youth] Putting the "story game" in story gamesRobert_Bohl4472.[SOTC and TSOY] Essential Similarities and DeparturesSteve_Segedy4473.[Sons of Liberty] Down with Elitism!Caesar_X4474.Dread (the first book of Pandemonium) and indie-nessMatthijs4475.[Lolaris] Hilaryus Kittehs on teh IntarnetzSabreCat4476.Burning Empires: RostrusRich Stokes4477.Reversed Engineer Design Contest 2Kevin Allen Jr4478.Games In Your Mom's AtticJames_Nostack4479.narrative analysisEmily_Care4480.Game Idea: Blazing RoseSabreCat4481.Gaming Menu Wish-ListJudd4482.Finally ran my amnesiacs scenarioJames McMurray4483.Thou Art But A Warrior rocks my socksBen_Lehman4484.I need some advice. When do you drop the restrictions on your design?DanielSolis4485.Playing the surreal without farceHituro4486.[TSOY] Magic and mechanicsJoe Murphy4487.So, the first ever Anime based on an RPG is out...Andy4488.[Prince Valiant] -- Using new tools with old gamesviktor_haag4489.[Passages] One guy's amazing Passages campaign!Justin D. Jacobson4490.[TSOY] The Shadow of the AbyssMark_Causey4491.The rules of actual narrationGeorgios4492.Nine Worlds to Exalted:Sidereals or oWoD MageAndy4493.[Gleemax] Indie Games Portal?Justin D. Jacobson4494.[Beast hunters] The Spider-God's Heart: a first hunt.Joli4495.Help me understand: GM writes the plotJohn_Harper4496.The GM as EntertainerHituro4497.Ritual and GamingChris Gardiner4498.Stratified narrativesCalvino4499.Parlor Games - whuh?Joe Murphy4500.[Warcraft] Steamwheedle Cartel CarnivalJosh Roby4501.[Spirit of the Century] Need advice on running a con sessionpeccable4502.Randomized Playlist as Situation Generation & Resolution?Ryan_Macklin4503.Harnessing selflessnessTonyLB4504.ProceduresJudd4505.[Shock: v 1.1] Be Careful Where You Littergreatwolf4506.[Abulafia] Primetime Adventures Pitch GeneratorChris_Goodwin4507.Beast Hunters: From Over and Under the MountainJudd4509.Open Content (brain damage?)Ry4510.Sweet Agatha and Shadowcoil (Canon Puncture ep 20)orklord4512.[TSOY] Monsters Not Allowed!Mark_Causey4513.[the farm] Still around somewhere?dyjoots4514.Why do YOU Design Games?Thunder_God4515.Using Gods as Antagonismtony_dowler4516.Setting Creation GameGaerik4517.Genre simchearns4518.Games within GamesSimon_C4519.Nine Worlds + Anders = TrueAnders4520.GameStorm: Indie Hurricane March 28th-30th, 2008 (Portland)jake richmond4521.[Contenders] Round OneSouthpaw4523.[CARDS] Patterns that can be better and worse than randomTonyLB4524.Generatin' Plots: Working Abulafia and Other Kinds of Random Generators.T-Boy4525.improv class 2Emily_Care4526.Ryan Dancy throws down the gauntletScott4527.Stuck on an introductionGraham4528.Omegacon, March 14th-16th, 2008, Birmingham, ALScott4529.[Polaris] Playing with non-gamersfnord31254530.[Polaris] Playing with non-gamersfnord31254531.(Spookybeans) Has anyone heard...?spookyfanboy4532.Tell Me About Your Character ... err ... AvatarJustin D. Jacobson4534.The Shadow of Yesterday fans: this is a call to armsClinton4535.[Spam contest] Expression of interest?Joe Murphy4536.Combat in horror games: what sort of choices could it be about?Dave Hallett4537.[Story 'Prov] A new forum for theory and stuff!timfire4538.Games for Campaign PlayMax Higley4539.Game Theory and Story GamesMike_Holmes4540.Learn me a bookEric Provost4541.Is Character Advancement Necessary for Campaign-Style Play?Justin D. Jacobson4542.[One Can Have Her] Question About Continuing After Ratting.Jesse4543.Worldwide D&D Game Day at the London DungeonGraham4544.L.A. area minicon--GoPlay L.A.?okiran4545.Share the BD&D lurve (FAO Ben Lehman, especially)Chris Gardiner4546.MMORPGize your favorite story gamesnoclue4547."Sit down and I'll tell you how I came to rule the world . . ."fnord31254548.Tell me about Ars Magicatony_dowler4549.[Make Game$ Fast] ContestJoe Murphy4550.[Owlbears] Photoshop Phriday presents D&D monstersColin_Fredericks4551.Pyramid playtesting for games design competitionsJJ Prince4552.The Mechanics of Intentional FailureRu_Baraba_Dom4553.*sigh* A Kind of Magic--Fate, Luck, Willspookyfanboy4554.Washington, DC, Gaming Meetupjhosmer14555.I want a system to use for the Cool Ideas of Changeling: The Lostfnord31254556.[Mob Justice] Con Game Pacingihmcallister4557.Cinematic Unisystem FalloutQuintin Stone4558.Is it wrong to love other people's misery?TonyLB4559.[Blossoms Are Falling] A Tale of the Heikenoclue4560.Okay, seriously: grantsmisuba4561.Memories of Vegastony_dowler4562.Purchasing DecisionsSimon_C4563.[Make Game$ Fast] Schools of Thought (Tentative Title)Blue4564.[Passages] Cast of Thousands Mini-Supps - Who Should I Stat Up?Justin D. Jacobson4565.[Baron Munchausen] Using complications to speed up stories?DevP4566.[PSI Run] The Institute in AmagerJason_Morningstar4567.Let's play with necklaces!DanielSolis4569.That Mysterious Practice, "Playtesting"SabreCat4570.The Danish scenario tradition \xe2\u20ac\u201c an overview (longish)pedyo4571."Plot" as PretenseJosh Roby4572.Dreamation 2008: InSpectres Home OfficeJared A. Sorensen4573.Looking for an MLWM articleTemple4574.A quick digression about DogsJudson_Lester4575.What is the definition of a game? (+ an exegesis of TSOY)Clinton4576.Bore meGraham4577.[Dirty Secrets] Olga Ibramovich InvestigatesJoe Murphy4578.[D&D Rules Compendium] Degree of Success/Failure Informs the NarrativeJustin D. Jacobson4579.Spirit of the Century: First Time Running and Playingjhosmer14580.Rough sex and roleplay.Southpaw4581.TSOY in SpanishDogui4582.Name GeneratorJames McMurray4583.Psi Run at GamerCon`5michael-cloud4584.Gods and TSoYGaerik4585.Grey Ranks @ Viking Con (short)Thomas Ulricht4586.Looking for tweaks in all the wrong placesJoe Murphy4587.[Rant] Breaking away from the nonconformist crowdTonyLB4588.Evil Hat hearts Do: Pilgrims of the Flying TempleDanielSolis4589.Good sources for Japanese Actor picturesBrand_Robins4590.[Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium] review by El Se\xc3\xb1or MatthijsRafael4591.Latest News: G.K. Chesterton Claims Narrativism Has Got It All WrongPaul_T4592.[Galactic] is wonderfulRobert_Bohl4593.The Roach expands its evil conquestBurr4594.GMing Fiascos (Inspired by Sons of Kryos)noclue4595.[Spirit of the Century] (Pulp example characters) it again, SamEmily_Care4597.Patching CthulhuShaneJackson4598.[Black Cadillacs] - Mind blown? Check!Darcy Burgess4599.[Do] Got an idea for a letter, but no time to write?DanielSolis4600.[Psi Run] Goin' Across the Sea...Jason_Morningstar4601.[Artesia Tales] Ubercon in North Jersey Nov 2-4eruditus4602.Pitch me your favourite game!Temple4603.A gambling mechanic for investigative gamesDave Hallett4604.What should I say to Josh?Ry4605.The ability to punt responsabilitycydmab4606.Lego Star Wars and Casual RPingChristian_Griffen4608.Books about roleplayingTemple4609.Reverse fanmailGraham4610.Adversity vs. SufferingTonyLB4612.Play UnsafeGraham4613.Scene-framing in a Simulationist GameMPOSullivan4615.Andy, can you please delete my post about "playtest of my new game"eruditus4617.[Underground Railroad] Time for a renameMikeRM4618.[Shock: v1.1] The Genocide ColonyMalcolm Craig4619.[Sufficiently Advanced] is off to the editor.Colin_Fredericks4620.The Best "With Great Power" Game EVAR: The Seattle Night WatchAndy4621.[Reign] Giant bugs + Benjamin Franklin = Swashbuckling fun!SuperTarzan4622.[Europeans] Free review copy of DreadRafael4623.Technique: Replaying scenesCalvino4624.Little Jousting GameSimon_C4625.NapoleAgonDave Younce4626.Is there a game like this....?Blue4627.Player Call for Warhammer 40K RPG (Philly area)eruditus4628.[TSOTA] My ever expanding thoughts on The Shadow of the AbyssMark_Causey4629.Choosing people for Beta playtestingmerb1014630.Sorensen & Crane hired by Hidden City Gamesjhkim4631.[Game Art] Art from and for GamesStorn4632.Uml\xe4ut: Bootleg EditionRich! need title for game (by tonight)markv4634.[Ashcan Front] A success?ihmcallister4635.Graham, why do you hate the Creative Commons?Jason_Morningstar4636.The Boundaries of RoleplayingJason_Morningstar4637.Our Powers CombinedJames McMurray4638.Toronto Area Crew -- Let's Play!Darcy Burgess4639.Libidoelmago794640.ransom (or other) funding mechanisms to translate games?markv4641.First LARP this weekendhoog4642.[Abulafia] Fantasy Town EventDave Younce4643.[Cani nella Vigna] DitV in ItalianDave Younce4644.[DitV] Vampires in the \xc6lysium?Mark_Causey4645.Can anyone read Czech? dark sea: epithets, metaphors, and dying cursesmarkv4647.Meg Baker and Joshua A C Newman on TV/YouTubeParthenia4648.Making a Scene FunJason_Morningstar4649.[PTA] One for the RoadParthenia4650.Game Suggestions: Need to Introduce Co-Workers to GamingBent4651.[Crash] Steampunk LOSTChristian_Griffen4652.[Sci-Fi Horror] What comes after Cthulhu and Alien?Ben_Johnson4653.HostagesMax Higley4654.[Mob Justice] Brothers in Arms (Furnace pm session)ihmcallister4655.stones in a shot glassshreyas4656.[APFMT] Need a convention blurbscottdunphy4657.Help with an Article on EndgamesJ_Walton4658.Lulu shipping to the UKGraham4659.[Hoard] Selling StakesLevi Kornelsen4660.A bunch of new games I never heard of on Lulu.comAndy4661.Musings: Trans-Humanist Fantasy: Possible?Andy4662.Fanmail, Stunts, Gift Dice, Bonus Dice, and so on.Simon_C4663.[Survivors] Existential Roleplaying?King Turnip4664.Unbidden Horror RPG PDF for Freebrettmb4665.Go Play used by Microsoftorklord4666.Hi, I'm new.Ogremarco4667.Brilliant mythology created by homeless children in Miami...Burr4668.What makes you want to GM a game? analysis: Contenders, Cold City, Polaris, TSOYJoe Murphy4670.Random idea!Temple4671.[Changeling/TSOY] Help Me Put a Tiger in This TankJ_Walton4672.Customizable name generator link?Matt Snyder4673.[Make Game$ Fast] Transantiago by Jonathan Waltonlumpley4675."Fiddly" = ???Justin D. Jacobson4676.[Stitch] Hope/ Doubt/ Beliefihmcallister4677.Recommend me a CRPGJustin D. Jacobson4678.Prison...Malthusian4679.can you game this Web 2.0?george4680.Slip - The Review (Joe Murphey's MGF entry)Mcdaldno4681.I'm going to get gradschool credit for designing an RPG...Deliverator4682.A concept too broad?Southpaw4683.Hey, (relatively) new guy seeks greetings and elicits praise.Jarrod4684.[Make Game$ Fast] Pumpkin Bomb by Joe PrinceJ_Walton4685.What makes combat fun?greatwolf4686.Solar System Keys: Open or Constrained?Christian_Griffen4687.Who publishes Traveller?Graham4688.[Panty Explosion] Gaelcon Indie Games Track sessionShevaun4689.What game is this from?Colin_Fredericks4690.Story Games : Moved to a New ServerAndy4691.Tell me about Lacuna!Temple4692.Blood and Bronze conversionsDomon4693.Graffiti that caught my eyeMax Higley4694.[Make Game$ Fast] Review of Vincent Baker's SynthiaJJ Prince4695.How does one sandbox successfully?Mark_Causey4696.Talk To Me About ImmersionJason_Morningstar4697.[Make Game$ Fast] Sugarfighter Black by Joe McDonaldJoe Murphy4698.[a|state] City Map, Community TrackingMalcolm Craig4699.Online Story Gamers, Unite!Matt Snyder4700.Help me find avatar/toon/hero makersJohn_Harper4701.Roleplaying tips ezineGraham4702.The end of the Itras By campaignMatthijs4703.A Little Help Please.tomg4704.Introducing Abulafia FeedsDave Younce4705.Give Me A Hand...Jason_Morningstar4706.[Bullseye] Pimp My Character Sheet!Justin D. Jacobson4707.[make game$ fast]- give my love to vegas reviewmarkv4708.[Dreamation 08] Indie Games Explosion?Emily_Care4711.HELLO WORLD, we're live again!Andy4712.What sort of stuff do you track?James McMurray4713.November 07 Stuff to WatchRobert_Bohl4714.I designed a video game. Now what?John_Harper4715.Make Me Buy StuffKuma4716.Mob United Media and \xc6ternal Legends join IPR -- and Design/Dev Notes . . . (long)Malcolm Sheppard4717.Chicago Gameday XVIII is Nov 10thbuzz4718.The Elaborate Ploy Design ContestMcdaldno4719.The Shab Al Hiri Roach at ACNWOgremarco4720.The Elaborate Ploy Judging Set-upMcdaldno4721.[Elaborate Ploy] Send Your LightGraham4722.I played AfraidMatt Wilson4723.Is it wrong of me to want to shake the guys I play with?Temple4724.Elaborate Ploy: Angelic PervertMcdaldno4725.[Make Game$ Fast] The Poor and the Hangedtony_dowler4726.Goodness of Paranoia: me, the GM or the game?sven4727.I Have Twenty Bucks.T-Boy4728.Hey, are HTML lists borked?T-Boy4729.Highschool freshmen vs WWIIIKing Turnip4730.Go Play ManchesterNewt4732.Idea: The Carpool Design Contest (One for the Road)Robert_Bohl4733.the style sheetsDevP4734.Quick Dreamation QuestionRob Donoghue4735.[Dreamation Virgin] Give Me the Low-DownJustin D. Jacobson4736.Need Flash?Matthijs4737.[Piledrivers & Powerbombs] Chokeslam of Darkness arrives in book form!JJ Prince4738.[Elaborate Ploy] Down and Out in Bareknuckle HospitalKirk Mitchell4739.Intro and press opportunitymerb1014740.Shifting perspectivesJoe Murphy4741.The Domino ChallengeRyan_Macklin4742.Narrative JeansCall Me Curly4743.Help save Story Games from Evil Swedes! Also, an ongoing investigation game!Andy4744.JDCorley, I demand more information about your Thief: The Dark Project RPG gameAndy4746.[A Penny For My Thoughts] A descent into madnessJogesh EZ4747.What Indie Games REALLY have had long-running play?Ry4748.A Game of Mythic PoetryVasco Brown4749.Indie Games in the world!Claudia Cangini4750.Anyone out there in Miami?Gaerik4751.[Elaborate Ploy] The Severance of Heaven-Earth ConfederationJ_Walton4752.[Play Unsafe] Football hammer sheriff books antsGraham4753.Red Box D&D memories: what game were we playing?!James_Nostack4754.Where's a Good Place To Order Boffer Weapons?Justin D. Jacobson4755.Rap your way to scene framing successMJGraham4756.[Elaborate Ploy] Cold City or It Was A Mutual Decision fantasy love story game?Shevaun4757.Neverwinter Nights 1 - any takers?James_Nostack4758.The Hunt for Captain BakerJason_Morningstar4759.Need an RPG to help teach English to South KoreansRichD4760.How would you game Castlevania?Mark_Causey4761.Running My Life With Master as a one-shot.Temple4762.Using youtube or a similar method to explain/promote your gamegamera_spinning4763.Help Me help my new FLGSBlue4764.Acronym list?James McMurray4765.This year's Emerald City Gamefest coming to Seattle November 17Anemone4766.[Publishing] A Horror StoryMalcolm Craig4767.Character/World/Temple/whatever Burners!Discordian4768.[Do] Character Creation \u2014 Calling all Guinea Pigs!DanielSolis4769."Sockets" - Who was that?Levi Kornelsen4770.[Dreamation 08] What should my fourth game be?eruditus4771.[online gaming] New InSpectres frachise starting - apply withinMichael S. Miller4772.[Colonial Gothic] Educate MeMark_Causey4775.Some Swedish freeform: Under sommaren (During the Summer)sven4776.Johann's Panzer at ACNWOgremarco4778.[Roanoke] Overflowing Doom = Terrible DeathJason_Morningstar4779.Hobby or business?merb1014780.IPR is down.Temple4781.Iron Game Chef MACE ingredientsAndy4782.What breaks your suspension of disbelief?Stuart4783.[Lacuna] My first session of the game!Temple4785.[Do] Character Creation \u2014 Tiger GroupDanielSolis4786.Music that should be games.Southpaw4787.[Bliss Stage] Edinburgh CellPer_Fischer4788.[Layout &ct] Image trapping & File typesLevi Kornelsen4789.[Panty Explosion] Schoolgirls of all shapes and cultures!Eldir4790.[Do] Character Creation \u2014 Dragon GroupDanielSolis4791.Jack Kerouac Fantasy BaseballCall Me Curly4792.[DitV] Battle at Centares - A Space Battle with Dogs in the VineyardEldir4793.[Dreamation 08] SWM seeks roommateDeliverator4794.Seth Ben-Ezra & Joshua BishopRoby, step forward for your-or-or playtest-est-est notes-otesotes...!JDCorley4795.A really quick easy questionOgremarco4796.Style Equilibria on the curve of SystemMax Higley4797.Ahh! The Pool variants are gone!Darcy Burgess4798.Reflexive IncompatibilityMax Higley4799.Indie gamers in SACRAMENTO?jessecoombs4800.[Two-Die System] the Short and Simple Version (now with editing!)Ogremarco4802.One Player and Many GMsJustin D. Jacobson4803.stakes framing, front loading scenes.Matt error message.Temple4808....Was: Filip Luszczyk4809.I think Bioware needs Story Gamers (a job posting)Brandon A4811.What does permalink do anyway?noclue4812.[Agon] Persnickety QuestionsChris Peterson4813.The Value of Randomness and UncertaintyJason_Morningstar4815.[Dreamation 08] Registering GamesEmily_Care4816.Games that model the pressure on ordinary people to do evil?Eldir4817.Neverwinter Nights 1 - trial this weekend?James_Nostack4818.Idea for doing D&D DMlessRy4819.What's your Unique Selling Point?Graham4820.[TSoY] Ammenite Politics and Goblin DestinyJoli4821.Cool ways to use a laptop/tablet PC for tabletop gaming.Rich Stokes4822.Help Me Design my Social Experiment: the Gaming Co-OpJosh Roby4823.Beloved Jakobsven4824.Why do some games work better in 4 hours than others?James_Nostack4825.Sons of Liberty Preorder Opens! (now at IPR, too!)Josh Roby4826.[Jetcity RPG] need review/feedbackJohn_Powell4827.What can you DO TO a relationship?TonyLB4828.[Business Solutions] Playtest at Snail's PaceJason_Morningstar4830.[Whoops]Graham4831.Hacking Giants for Arthurian-like GamingRyan_Macklin4832.Sword, Sorcery, Spirits, and Shadows - what would you use?Ry4833.Long-term play... forever and again?Paul_T4834.Savage Donjon SquadSimon_C4835.Journeying West...Matthijs4836.[Counter-Strike: Source] Turkeyshoot this weekendJason_Morningstar4837.Ad-Hoc IF/Text Adventure?DevP4838.Red Box Hack playtest : cool adventurers against heart-ripping gargoyle (long)Antoine_F4839.The creative network of friendsMatthijs4840.Dragonlance as a Sorcerer game?James_Nostack4841.Tell me about random dungeon creation mini-gamestony_dowler4842.The KeggerOgremarco4843.Examples of Fiddly and/or Crunchy games?Chris Peterson4844.Flexible reward systemsJoli4845.What's their Secret Gaming Project?Matthijs4846.Mythic Russia Supplements - does more background help or hinder?Mark Galeotti4847.The Elaborate Ploy - Shout Out Thread.Mcdaldno4848.Play Unsafe is outGraham4849.Tell us about Jiffycon, MACE, et alJason_Morningstar4850.What Makes a Game Hackable?Justin D. Jacobson4851.PhilconKat Miller4852.Dreamation Indie Meetup table?forlorn14853.[Psi Run] Crash scene jump start?chris_moore4854.Indie games and the importance of customer serviceviktor_haag4855.[Actual Play] vs. Outlaws: Too Late for a Peaceful GraveAnemone4856.The "Expert" Game.Simon_C4857.Story Games Secret SantaGraham4858.Choose your own adventure RPG and beyond.AJ Goldberg4859.[Quilt] d20 lite sewing circleRy4860.Icelandic Prose via Beast Huntersjdrakeh4861.Winter is Coming: What are you playing to keep warm?Judd4862.Everything has Hit DiceJudd4863.Galactic- First ThoughtsWillow4864.[Psi Run] I want to include Counters/Tokenschris_moore4865.Grey Ranks - First sessionThomas Ulricht4866."And now a story from a long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away. It's Arrested Development."JDCorley4867.Perdido Street Station via TSoYNiko4868.Making posts stickyihmcallister4869.Lulu / Drivethru / Wherever Question.Levi Kornelsen4870....Was: Filip Luszczyk4871.What are you thankful for?DanielSolis4872.Why I'm excited about 4th EditionJack Aidley4873.IndieCon UK, 7th - 10th Nov 2008Rich Stokes4874.Darkon got me thinking about Sim, immersion, and deathbuzz4875.Children of the Magi - Playtesters and Feedback needed for childrens' gameEric_J_Boyd4876.OryCon gaming funBen_Robbins4877.[post Philcon 07 reports] Trying to decide if Philcon should be on your convention map next year?eruditus4878.pentapodal mechaton mechswoodelf4879.Help Me Awful Up My Dogs TownJason_Morningstar4880.Designing a social combat system that doesn't suckDaztur4881.Situation Set-Ups for Legend of the Five RingsAndy4883.Retro Future: To the Stars!Caesar_X4884.Of kittens dying and the meaning of story gamesEldir4885.Uml\xe4ut has artwork.Rich Stokes4886.Bill White, What's the latest on Ganakagok?Blue4887.Bizarre Help Request for Stationaryphiles : Help me identify this paper!!Andy4888.Character Ownership and Fun in Gaming: A QuestionPaul_T4889.So I'm not designing an Earthsea RPG.Matthijs4890.Another SG approach to traditional gameseruditus4891.How's It Going, Andy? Part VJason_Morningstar4892.[Elaborate Ploy] The Pervert is Complete!Mcdaldno4893.Whose Die Mechanic Am I Subconciously Swiping?E.T.Smith4894....Was: Filip Luszczyk4895.[D&D] Skill-based MagicJames_Nostack4896.\u8bd5\u8bd5\u770b a testBen_Lehman4897.Giant Robo: What can I do with this?Mike Montesa4898.[Lacuna] Would my Sim buddies dig it?hoog4899.Need Help (New Game Design)Scott4900.I had a dream about Red Box D&D last night.Larry4901.Matt Snyder, when do we get another podcast?Ogremarco4902.OrcCon 2008 - GMs wanted for California and Southwest U.S. gaming conventionDenys4903.Concrete Cow 08: 8 March 2008Neil4904.Lets Talk About Sacred CowsWillow4905.Speak to me of avoiding trouble with LuluColin_Fredericks4906.[tricky design ?'s] The Beast, The Angel, and MeBailywolf4907.10by10room is returning!DevP4908.Kill a Cow: CollaborationJason_Morningstar4909.Beating spotlight paralysisBailywolf4910.Kill a Cow: Lasting consequencesRyan_Macklin4911.Kill a Cow: Essential ResponsibilitiesJ_Walton4912.Open. Systemless. Modular.Ry4913.Kill a Cow: Having FunMax Higley4914.Peering Nearsightedly At Something Vaguely Cow-Shaped: AuthorityRon Hammack4915.Hegelian Game Design TheoryDaztur4916.Teach me how to let goGeorge_Cotronis4917.Make my failsafe time travel rules fail!Matthijs4918.Uml\xe4ut: Bootleg Edition at Dragonmeet!Rich Stokes4919.[SOTC] Let Me Tell You About My CharacterJason_Morningstar4920.I need some people to help with a thingGraham4921.Go Play Florida - Express Interest in AttendingJustin D. Jacobson4922.Rituals and Superstitions as Setting ColorDave Younce4923.[DnD Wizards Campaign] HELP Me with My Very Own World Burnereruditus4924.FEAR --> ANGER --> ER...THINGY...OR SOMETHINGBailywolf4925.Criticize my idea!Temple4926.Kill a Cow (or show me your hamburger): ConflictJogesh EZ4927.The NarratronJogesh EZ4928.Yeah this sounds really angry, and I am. i'm sorry, but I am.Ogremarco4929.One hour demo for non-gamers: ideas?Neil4930.Dirty Secrets review is up!Matthijs4931.DragonmeetMatt4932.[Do] Character Creation \u2014 Feedback, Comments and CritiqueDanielSolis4933.Go Play LogoDaniel_M_Perez4934.Playetesters WantedBrennan_Taylor4935.Think of the poor cows!Colin_Fredericks4936.Has anyone used Burning X/Question based stuff with setting heavy games?komradebob4937.Actual Play - how important is it to you?Shevaun4938.Stealing JDCorley's sweet Nobilis ideaDevP4939.SIS: Into the Abbatoir With You!PaulB4940.Shameless self-promotion: Geek Girls Rule! on MediaGauntlet.comGeekGirlsRule4941.Show me your Go Play variantsRobert_Bohl4942.{Stabbing Contest} Episode001 is up and hosted. Now 002, now 003.Ogremarco4943.Kill a Cow: you need playerstony_dowler4944."Market Dilution" and gamingDannyK4945.Shock: PhilconMel_White4946.Expectations of a gaming product.King Turnip4947.Wilderness of Mirrors at JiffyconDave Younce4949.December 07 Stuff to WatchMatthijs4950.Playing at bigotry.Southpaw4951.What to have rules for, what to handle by consensus, and whyEldir4952.Indie Games Ruin LivesGraham4953.[Mob Justice]The end of Prohibition! Or is it?Malcolm Craig4954.Don't Eat That Gun, Honey (with movie spoilers)jdrakeh4955.[Business Solutions] Playtest at the Minneapolis branchBen_Johnson4956.How do you listen to podcasts?Matthijs4957.Sorcerer Freeform, Guest Panel Style.Mcdaldno4958.New Dr Who RPG announced at DragonmeetRich Stokes4959.Githyanki My-Friends-Are-Great TherapyJason_Morningstar4960.Anyone in the Richmond areajmhpfan4961.If we collaborate on a story, why do we need resolution?Calvino4962.Story-Game-ify WEG's d6 SystemBlue4963.Critique My Crude Outline for a Beginners' Guide to Tabletop Role-PlayingE.T.Smith4964.[Puppetland] Anyone played this?Steven4965.I need a word for a skill. Actually, a couple words.Eric Provost4966.Some system bits are magnetic.Matthijs4967.Need Help (New Amber Game Design - Take 2)Scott4968.[Marketing] Can your fans and customers contact you?tony_dowler4969.Yeah, this sounds really angry, but really, I'm not.Larry4970.Are you making a horror/dark game? I'll make your art.George_Cotronis4971.[Suggested Design Contest] Artist Alleyeruditus4972.Done In One GamingMPOSullivan4973.[Sufficiently Advanced] Banner AdColin_Fredericks4974.Nerdnyc's Recess Video: Matt! Luke! Brennan! Eppy! Emily! Jared!jenskot4975.Free Games That Deliver (A Database Project)J_Walton4976.Ben Lehman, what are you doing this weekend?Ogremarco4977.Gaming and Food.Ogremarco4978.Dragonmeet: the photgraphisingRich Stokes4979.Half of a Game.Levi Kornelsen4980.Planet Terror RPGGeorge_Cotronis4981.The REAL How's It Going, Andy? Part V : Feedback welcome!Andy4982.Geek Girls Rule! has a new home!GeekGirlsRule4983.Seattle Story Games Meet Up?GeekGirlsRule4984.Where would I meet the most SG'ers?Matthijs4985.Shadow of Yesterdayandreww4986.Group RewardsMax Higley4987.[Mob Justice] Dragonmeet Actual Payihmcallister4988.Story Gaming IcoMJGraham4991.Possibly Impossible Design Challenge - Give me ideas for icons!Kuma4992.Indie Games/One Shots + Netflix?!?David Artman4993.Explain Some Games That Deserve AttentionJames_Nostack4994.Swords and Sorcery Art Links Neededgreatwolf4995.[Milkshake RPG] Elizabeth Shoemaker, you may owe me a buck.King Turnip4996.Isn't it about time for another Design Duel? Somone Throw Down the Gauntlet!Justin D. Jacobson4997.Game Duel: Clapham MassiveGraham4998.Contest: Is it ethical?Rafael4999.N\xf8rwegian Style: Breaking the language barrier.Matthijs5000.Screw Design Duels, how about a PLAY Duel?Andy5001.I want to review horror/weird/dark games by SGersGeorge_Cotronis5002.Sending out review copies without getting a reviewMatthijs5003.[Misunderstood] Getting Too Baroque?Jesse5004.Festival of Flawless Victory (An Uncontested Contest)J_Walton5005.Story Games Book Exchange Club - Get a Free Book!Dave Younce5007.[Design Duel] Help Torture The Noobs!Jarrod5008....Was: Filip Luszczyk5009.The first annual NerdLDN xmas get-together!John Anderson5010.SOTC Cheat Sheet beginnings (questions first)PaulB5011.Another Vanilla question for the adminihmcallister5012.Insomnia-induced Polaris FlowchartEldir5013.[Retitled] Where do I learn how to write a larpthor5014.Rotating GM responsibility - enough conflict?Ry5015.[Sufficiently Advanced] Help w/ Color Reproduction at LuluColin_Fredericks5016.It's Complicated Playtest #3JasonP5017.[PTA] Repo MenOgremarco5018.Free Game: Defiance (An Xmas Revolution)MJGraham5019.Trick(s) for getting exposition across?DevP5021.Little Idea: Suicide as a gameplay mechanic(Long)George_Cotronis5022.Jerry Grayson : What does the free d6 license mean for Khepera and your works?Andy5023.How did you/would you create a demo version of your game?MJGraham5024.Uml\xe4ut: So, I sold out of Ashcans at Dragonmeet. Now what?Rich Stokes5025.Help Me Make One Note SuperheroesJason_Morningstar5026.Artist for Architectural Cutout?J_Walton5027.A Matrix of Self-SacrificeRyan_Macklin5028.i like costumesAndy5029.Treason!Jason_Morningstar5030.[Agon] the Sack of Lemotea (not!)Ben_Robbins5031.Art Prints - POD - at Retail?guildofblades5032.[split] Help me with Carrynoclue5034.Story Games: The Collected AwesomeGraham5035.Difficult choices, and the metaphorical constructs that get in the way.Ogremarco5036.Art: I don't know how to answer these questionsRobert_Bohl5037.From me to you: Tears in Rain - a Blade Runner hack for TrollbabePer_Fischer5038.Ben Lehman, i'm translating in italian your "introduction to forge theory"Domon5039.Other Print On Demand publishersGraham5040.Sell me on a game for zombie survival horrorRyan_Macklin5041.[SOTC] Do away with Skill and Stunts?John_Powell5042.Roleplaying Literature: Anyone done it?Andy5043.Guild POD Discussionguildofblades5044.[PLAY UNSAFE] Impro zen helped me run a great one-on-one gameAntoine_F5045.[Red Box Hack] second run and the game seems even better !Antoine_F5046.So what games are you giving as gifts for the Holidays?gamera_spinning5047.CCG Creation SitesTroy_Costisick5048."Occult Detectives": Brainstorm!DevP5049.Unicorn help is always welcomeJason_Morningstar5050.SG Relationship MapJ_Walton5052.Pay to join, pay to shut outCalvino5053.[Hot War] A call for playtesters!Malcolm Craig5055.Chillin' like a villainvoicestovoices5056.Ice Station Nerdly (or Washington DC Gaming Meetup II)jhosmer15057.Abulafia Server Upgrade - Faster, Shinier!Dave Younce5058.Is there any reason for conflict and task resolution to be mechanically different?Daztur5059.Getting shot in the throat(A health/wounding mechanic)George_Cotronis5060.[Quilt] Worldbuilding experiment - good results so farRy5061.Nine and Sixty Ways to Construct the Tribal LaysMRUnderwood5062.Ice Station Nerdly (or Washington DC Area Meetup II)jhosmer15063.My Ashcan Confessional, or How I Dropped the BallRyan_Macklin5064.Four Question Characters (or Burning Changelings Might Be Dead Inside)stack0v3rflow5065.Strike! A Contenders HackMalcolm Craig5066.Setting Shiftmothlos5067....Was: Filip Luszczyk5068.Character as a collection of goalsJason_Morningstar5069.Software for R-maps?Robert_Bohl5070.Going Rambo.Southpaw5071.Situation over Setting (Great Hundred, message in a bottle)Ry5072.Evocative and Canonical SettingsChristian_Griffen5073.Emergent Play (from Master Plan)Matthijs5074.[TSOY]Please expalin to me how the Secret of Adaptability workselmago795075."D" is for awesome?nemomeme5076.[Dogs In The Vineyard] Need some help with initiation conflicts!James Jeffers5077."The leading source for indie RPGs"buzz5078.A Gentler Sort of Conflict?Remi5079.A forum for educational role-playing?Matthijs5080.Who will be the hero of Dreamation?Rich Stokes5081.[Dirty Secrets] I have concernsRobert_Bohl5082.Red Box Hack 2Eric Provost5083."I will fight no more forever."Southpaw5084.[Dreamation 08] IGE Slot Swaperuditus5085.Jack Aidley: Have you done anything with "Together"?Andy5086.A term for "Mythic Scandinavia"Ryan_Macklin5087.Backstory guidelines (SotC as a model?)Ry5088.Play Unsafe - Thanksnemomeme5089.2008Jason_Morningstar5090.Nine Worlds revisions?pedyo5091.Anyone interested in an online game?Gaerik5092.[Committee] Tips for Running with Non-RPGersJustin D. Jacobson5093.[TSoY] Help! List of bonus and penalties?Matt Snyder5094.PlaydebtRobert_Bohl5095.Burning Exalted (A Celestial Campaign Burner) - Feedback wantedJogesh EZ5096.[Tbilisi] Looking for gentle playtestersGB_Steve5097.Ad Swap for Sons of LibertyJosh Roby5098.If RPGs were Cars...rafial5099.Integrating Music Into a GameNeko_Ewen5100.Give me an npc seed for my birthday.Ogremarco5101.[Play Unsafe] Status preference and gaming tastesEldir5102.Sort It Out By DancingJason_Morningstar5103.A Different Game For Kids Question - What's A Good First Game for them to Run?Blue5104.We channeled our strength into cooperation.Matthijs5105.[Black Cadillacs] - Pimp your WarDarcy Burgess5106.I made something AWESOMEGeorge_Cotronis5107.[Dreamation 2008] I need to split a room with someone!Mark_Causey5108.[SOTC] Bad Guys: Lining 'em Up and Knocking 'em DownSteve_Segedy5109.Troublesome, Complimentary PairingsJason_Morningstar5110.Help me with my Damsel in distress Burnerzipht5111.Introduction and new ideasWirebrain5112.Chris Anderson at Nokia World 2007 (The Future of Free Media)J_Walton5113.[Tears in Rain] The Girl With the ShadesPer_Fischer5114.Need a place to start the partyRy5115.[Moldvay Red Box] Ziggurat of the Dwarf Lordstony_dowler5116.How do I make sure everyone gets equal time?Matthijs5117.Game title anagram holiday quizPer_Fischer5118.[DnD Wizard's Campaign] Brief APeruditus5119.Free Christmas adventure on RPGNOWDan Bell5120.Happy Gaming MomentsGraham5122.Headlines that should be gamesDannyK5123.[Dreamation 08] IGE lineup (so far)Robert_Bohl5124.When your new idea is someone else's obscure finished product.Jarrod5125.Roma True20 Proof in - Pictures!!HinterWelt5126.[Psi Run] Some ideas and feedbackJarvis5127.[Solipsist] Solipsist has a new websiteHituro5128.Setting Matters: Plot generatorsMatthijs5129.Quiz: Quotes from roleplaying game booksGraham5130.Nostalgia: Dralasite, Vrusk or Yazarian?Andy5131.[OrcCon 2008] Looking to Share a Hotel RoomEric_J_Boyd5132.Go Play Peoria--Take 1!greatwolf5133.Bliss Stage- Broken Relationship QuestionWillow5134.Free Faery's Tale Deluxe Adventure!Firefly Games5135.Ghostories (Ghost Stories 2) nearly finishedbrettmb5137.Ever had a game carried by a player?Ry5138.More Game title anagram holiday quizJruu5139.[Challenge]Find a use for my hands and feet!Matt5140.D20 and Story now?John Anderson5141.Random encounter tableGraham5142.What Gumshoe game should I get?Matthijs5143.Character growth written by other players?Ry5144.Indie Games Crossword - 2 Days Only.Mcdaldno5145.Godzilla Gaming Podcast returns from the depths!Mike Montesa5146.[D&D] Tomb of Abysthor Online GameGaerik5147.[Dreamation 2008] Swap MeetMark_Causey5148.Guild of Blades 2007 year in Reviewguildofblades5149.Merry Christmas, Story Games.Mcdaldno5150.Games You Played Over the HolidayJustin D. Jacobson5153.[Beast Hunters] Playing with my little brother.Mcdaldno5154.[Dreamation 2008] Hotel Change!!Mark_Causey5155.Tomb ReaversPaulCzege5156.The "Play This with That" Play Challenge!Dave Younce5157.Holiday loot.Ogremarco5158.Below par, passable, good enough, professional, awesome, fantasticMatthijs5159.[Shock:] Ad sense...Leonard Balsera5160.Gaming CruiseGaerik5161.Andy/Eric Provost: Tell us about your Shadowrun HackLord_Minx5162.What is excellence?Matthijs5163.[DREAMATION 2008] The Con Has MOVED to menlo parkKevin Allen Jr5164.Help Brand rebuild his link libraryBrand_Robins5165.Gaming Resolutions for 2008 - What will you play?bankuei5166.Armor SystemsHinterWelt5167.[Covenant] The Guild of the SignalMalcolm Craig5168.My RPG r\xe9sum\xe9Jerry D. Grayson5169.[Redbox Hack] Mike played the thing.Eric Provost5170.Pendragon's map is big, and I mean BIG!JongWK5171.Zombie p*rn is up at N\xf8rwegian StyleMatthijs5172.Ok I get that Cold City is British...Haakon5173.Weird/Pulp Fantasy - which system?pedyo5175.What do your roleplaying game books smell like?Graham5176.Weapons of the Gods Companion: The Great Game == Conflict Resolutionmneme5177.Separated at Birth?Justin D. Jacobson5178.Blood & Bronze- Best Number of Players?Willow5179.Seattle Meet-Up: reminderOgremarco5180.Do you buy presents for your GM?Andy5181.[PodCasters] Voting mechanic problemsWirebrain5182.thoughts and feedback on [The Path of Journeys] ashcanPaulCzege5183.Relationship Map/Mind Map software suggestionDenys5184.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 001: Judd Karlman on 1st QuestRobert_Bohl5185.Something: The Masquerade (system suggestions)Mcdaldno5187.Gamma Testing?DanielSolis5188.The ARKOFF FormulaBrennen Reece5189.Colditz CastleGraham5190.[Roanoke] The Lost Colony ExhibitJason_Morningstar5191.Happy New YearGraham


5192.The C. W. Richeson review generatorGraham5193.Languages in Games?Andy5194.[Nerdly 2] Mark your calendar!Eric Provost5195.How to use spare Christmas $$?tomg5196.What should time travel rules look like?Ry5197.NC Gameday XV: Anyone gonna StoryGame it up?James Jeffers5198.[Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries] North to the Golden Arch!Malcolm Craig5199.Stuff to Watch: January 2008Remi5200.How do I get my blog on Planet Story Games?Matthijs5201.Maybe not your thing . . .Malcolm Sheppard5202.A little Graphic Design Help...Schnell!Darcy Burgess5203.Jenga and ParadoxBlue5204.[Red Box Hack] Best AP report evarEric Provost5205.Any flash-maker people out there?Doyce5207.Secret Santa Complaint Dept.James_Nostack5208.Speak to me of In A Wicked Agegreatwolf5209.[Lacuna] A couple tiny rules questionsPaulB5210.Running demos at my flgsOgremarco5211.[Sons of Liberty] Check out the Preview PDFJosh Roby5212.[DEAD] Word searching again ...Kuma5213.The Father & The New Middle AgesMatthijs5214.What exactly is an ashcan?Ryan_Macklin5215.TSoY: Guiding GuidePaul_T5216.[Crunch] Help me brainstorm Status EffectsJosh Roby5217.Balancing player-created and preset attributes?Ron Hammack5218.Witch Hunter: Surreptitious Story Gaming in a Traditional PackageDaniel_M_Perez5219.Play-by-Blog?DannyK5220.[Let's play] The Forest Of DoomGraham5221.I'm Going Shopping in the FutureJason_Morningstar5222.[Solipsit] Very first versionHituro5223.[Psi-Run] Running on the Edgeeruditus5224.Boardgame TheftRob Donoghue5225.Dreamation - verifying pre-registernemomeme5226.Dreamation deadlineEmily_Care5227.[Critical Play] How Do You Roll?eruditus5228.Seattle Story Games Meetup II: Revenge of Seattle Story Games Meetupamnesiack5229.[Red Box Hack] Another doodle!Eric Provost5231.Epicness - what makes a game feel epic?Shevaun5232.[Primetime Adventures] No Man's Land, Pilot and Episode 101Christian_Griffen5233.First Saturdays: Indie Games at Alley CatBlue5234.Dostoevskyan Murder BalladMcdaldno5235.Let's talk about secretsFrederik J. Jensen5236.Playtesting site up and running!ihmcallister5237.Crimes People Playjdrakeh5238.Cards in the VineyardCaesar_X5239.Tell me your horror stories...(in game, that is)jessecoombs5240.Educational Roleplaying - a new forumMatthijs5241.UK: Spodley 2008Rich Stokes5242.[Tiny Triangles] The Mouse CollectiveJoe Murphy5243.Xbox Programmingjenskot5244.[Dungeon Tiles] Need some AdviceTroy_Costisick5245.[For those who know Psi-Run] Interpret the dice.chris_moore5246.Template Tweaks and GUI IssuesDavid Artman5247.[Dreamation 2008] Indie Games Explosion game lineupRobert_Bohl5248.[Dreamation 08] Monster Maze set for sale cheaperuditus5249.Blood Red Sandsspookyfanboy5250.[Grey Ranks] Joyriding in tanks and other skylarks that will get you killedgreatwolf5251.[Play This w/ That AP] Grey Ranks via Dirty Secrets: Warsaw ConfidentialJesse5252.[Shock:] Tell me how to lose a conflictBen_Robbins5253.Asides, as Shakespeare Would Have WantedEpidiah_Ravachol5254.[Dreamation] Pimp Your SessionJason_Morningstar5255.Films NOT EVER for GamingDavid Artman5256.[Solipsist] Help me write an example of playHituro5257.So, The 4TH Ed. SRD & OGL Designer's Kit is out...for $5Kgamera_spinning5258.The Red Box Hack has spawned bile! Rock!Eric Provost5259.The Despotism of Story (Kundera & RPGs)J_Walton5260.Eric Provost, fill us in on The InfectedDarcy Burgess5261.How do you teach?DanielSolis5262.[Polaris] Sick, horrible awesomenessEldir5263.[Reboot] Lord of the RingsDarcy Burgess5264.Game competitions - what and when?planetary5265.My new favorite artistSimon_C5266.[Contract Work] Because I'm bad at math . . .Russell_Collins5267.[The Independent Insurgency] 002: Vincent Baker on In a Wicked Age...Robert_Bohl5268.Play Unsafe: RPG.NET reviewGraham5269.Hacking Hero's Banner for a Post-Apocalyptic gameFlynn5270.Stolen from Ticket-To-RideTonyLB5271.New PBEM Starting. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Engle Matrix GameMatrixGamer5272.[Black Cadillacs] - Actual Play Reportyvesperret5277.[Tensided]Serenity Springsarthurtuxedo5279.[Raspberry Heaven] What neat things can you do with cards?Neko_Ewen5280.[Hoard] Trying to get the license right.Levi Kornelsen5282.[Business Solutions] Three LadiesJason_Morningstar5283."Translating" a game into familiar terms for yourself and your players - does everyone do this?gamera_spinning5284.Bank on it. Throwing dice.Russell_Collins5285.I need to find someone to bounce ideas off of...gloomhound5286.[With Great Power....] Emulating the Brave and the Bold...?Blue5287.[Changeling: The Lost] Dreams of Miami (or Trying SG approaches with a non-gamer)Daniel_M_Perez5288.Stupid Ideas: Mechanical RIFTSRobert_Bohl5289.[Dogs in the Vineyard] I shot me some Dogs!James Jeffers5290.Links to Gaming Discussionsjenskot5291.Design Handbook Feedbackndp5292.Storygaming for 4 years oldtoilet psychic5293.A request for Promo MaterialsPenn425294.Please play Mighty Onesalgi5295.Statless NPC Generator Updated: OccupationsJames McMurray5296.[Take Over] Phoenix ComiCon - January 26-27Thomas D5297.[Jan 26] Drop into my In A Wicked Age gameRy5298.PTA Budget & Pacingnemomeme5299.[Horror RPG] Introductory mini gameGeorge_Cotronis5300.Any Linux Server Experts?guildofblades5301.In a Wicked Age: RiftsBrand_Robins5302.First Saturdays Indie Games at Alley Cat :: Spirit of the CenturyBlue5303.Super Villain Archetypes (or Roles)Malthusian5304.In A Wicked Age: Hellboy BPRDJohn_Harper5305.[DitV] Can you help me flesh out Armageddon?Steve_Hickey5306.[In A Wicked Age] A Supernatural Techno-ThrillerVasco Brown5307.[Sombra Console : Shadowrun Hack] The Cossic Strip, parts I and II.Eric Provost5308.Standard Noob Questionoutsider5309.Getting in line for the Embassy Suitesgreatwolf5310.New Releases, 2008?Jason_Morningstar5311.[Dreamation 08] Spiral playtest postponederuditus5312.What won't see release this year, and why not?Mcdaldno5313.RPG History LandmarksCalvino5314.[Grey Ranks] The joy of soul-crushing defeatgreatwolf5315.Help! One Protagonist Fails to Reach Story GoalPaul_T5316.[Nerdly Beach Party II] Here We Go Again!Josh Roby5318.[Doctor Who] How to Who?Kuma5319.Point me towards 'Bring It On!' - the RPG?Neil Gow5320.Storytelling Advice from a Parenting MagazineJustin D. Jacobson5321.QualityGraham5322.Interview with "Iron Empires" artist Chris Moellergamera_spinning5323.[Dreamation 2008] Master schedule up; event registration availableRobert_Bohl5324.[Dreamation] The Power of BreakfastRob Donoghue5325.[In A Wicked Age] The Venture Brothers!spookyfanboy5326.Show Me Yer MapsJason_Morningstar5327.The Upgrade at PlayThisThinggeorge5328.In this Wicked Age, There are Rules Questions...Willow5329.The Vicarious SolutionRussell_Collins5330.[Dreamation 08] Here's my scheduleeruditus5332."Why would I want my character to fail?" - Interview with John Wick about Houses of the Bloodedgamera_spinning5333.In This Wicked Age, I am Writing an Oracle...Willow5334.Has anyone read Amir Hamza?Caesar_X5335.[In A Wicked Age] Decemberists Oracle (Help Out!)John_Harper5338.For Dev: Warhammer 1K1J_Walton5339.[Polaris] Agents of Northstar (modern spy game hack)Ben_Robbins5340.Drives for Robin HoodGraham5341.Please help me find a map I can use for an upcoming game!Rich Stokes5342."The Prisoner" by way of Amber Diceless RPGScott5343.[Dreamation 2008] Pick up games?Mark_Causey5344.Playing Passionately: Why I dislike "Conch Shell" mechanicsJesse5345.I need a wordRon Hammack5346.Design: New wine in old bottles vs. in new, EXPERIMENTAL bottles?DannyK5347.IAWA Oracles using Know Thyself cardsRyan_Macklin5348.[A Flower for Mara] Playing with the n00bs\u2026and loving it!greatwolf5349.PDF Lovers - how do you print, bind, etc., your games?M Eryesen5350.Fab Force!Malcolm Sheppard5351.Games for beginners shouldn't be fine-tuned.Matthijs5352.Valentines/romantic gamesmerb1015353.What Movie Best Reflects What Your (Favorite) Game is About?Yokiboy5354.[In A Wicked Age] Gorillaz Oracle (Finished?)Ry5356.How would you play Mary Poppins?Burr5357.The Valentine's Day challengeGraham5358.Papercraft tabletop monster combatCaesar_X5359.Other Ways To Use OraclesJ_Walton5360.Uncle Sam wants YOU to design games for NASAJeph5361.In a Wicked Diner: the Tom Waits OracleDannyK5362.The answers to "What exactly is an ashcan?"Ryan_Macklin5363.[Drunkify] Dungeon!Larry5364.Anima Prime AlphaChristian_Griffen5365.On a Wicked Highway: A Bob Dylan Oracle.Ogremarco5366.Shock:ers, I need your help at Dreamation!Joshua A.C. Newman5367.[Red Box Hack] The Midnight GobblerEric Provost5368.[Dreamation] Who Has Signed Up For Escape or Die!?iago5369.[IaWA] Content Authority QuestionRustin5370.[the Infected] Pick it up! (bing!)Eric Provost5371.In a Wicked City - The DRYH OracleMalthusian5372.Is it Time for a New Round of Best of Story Games Nominations?Linnaeus5373.Neu-YorkCaesar_X5374.[Nerdinburgh] We played our asses offPer_Fischer5376.What's so good about Dreamation?Eric Provost5377.A Conflict Mechanic - Too gimmicky?Levi Kornelsen5378.Cafe Game ExchangeEpidiah_Ravachol5379.[dreamnation] noob questionssomelady5380.Winter 2008: What are you playing?Andy5381.[In a wicked age] I tripped up a littleRy5382.[Dead of Night] Dad's Army vs The Unspeakable HorrorMalcolm Craig5383.[Nerdinburgh '08] Shock: FrozenPooka5384.[Play this with That] D.A.G.O.NDave Younce5385.[Red Box Hack] The Fire CavesMike_Sands5386.Steal Away Jordan, revised, pre-orders and a little previewParthenia5387.How do the members of your group fall on the indie/trad spectrum?Daztur5388.You're starting a new game. What's the first thing you say?John_Harper5389.Three-role resolutionTonyLB5390.Gen Con Registration Around the CornerJustin D. Jacobson5391.[In a wicked age] NPCs by TotemRy5392....Was: Filip Luszczyk5394.Non-RPG ads in a bookParthenia5395.[The Independent Insurgency] 003: Julia Bond Ellingboe on Steal Away JordanRobert_Bohl5396.[Grey Ranks] Life in the ruinsgreatwolf5397.[Realpolitik] / [Dreamation 2008] So, I published my first game...peccable5398.PsiRun backwardsthor5399.OrcCon 2k8 roll call!Albert A5400.[In a Wicked Age] Random Oracle GeneratorDave Younce5401.[Camp Nerdly 2] It's on! May 9-11, 2008 (DC Area)Eric Provost5402.CamaraderieRy5404.[Play This With That] "The Prisoner" with Amber Diceless RPGScott5405.[Cold City] BPRD: 1946gamera_spinning5406.[DYRH Hack] Don't rest your Fred!DannyK5407.How would you story game the Presidental election?Caesar_X5408.[Dread First Book of Pandemonium] The Good, the Bad & the DiscipleKobayashi5409.Space Infantry: Your TurnBryan5410.The Shab-al-Hiri Roach - Election Day!Caesar_X5411.[Bliss Stage] Status of the Development?SquidLord5412.[Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium] RPGPundit reviews my game!Rafael5413.Non-Game Website Designer NeededJustin D. Jacobson5414.Camaraderie II: The OppositionRy5415.Kiran Calligraphy for my Sci-Fi gameHinterWelt5417.[Contract Work] I'm a proctorRussell_Collins5419.Professionalism in RPGs as a service rather than a goodTavis5420.randomless RPGswoodelf5421.Slicing Games in Two?J_Walton5423.[Red Box Hack] Enough with the doodles, already!Paul_T5424.So, I've been asked to run a con.tj3335425.Indie Games Explosion themselves on the water?Robert_Bohl5426.[Design Blog] Wash - A game about epic, apocalyptic choices and the community they affect.Mcdaldno5427.Trial of CthuhluGraham5428.[DvG] Nerdinburgh playtestJJ Prince5429.[Sons of Liberty] Books In Hand -- with Pictures!Josh Roby5430.Indie Promotion SucksBrad_J_Murray5431.[Red Box Hack] Monsters from Actual Play : a gallery of sortsAntoine_F5432.[In A Wicked Age] Why can't I play now? [Now with AP!]Ry5433.Is the release of 4E at GenCon a consideration for your release date?Ogremarco5434.Advice on further development of the engine in "The New Middle Ages"Anders Nygaard5435.story mechanicsdespair5436.[Dark Heresy] Were you waiting for 20 years like me?Matt Snyder5437.Dragon Magazine issue #1 as a free downloadCaesar_X5438.[Blood Red Sands] Totally Metal Conflict...with Spikes!greatwolf5439....Was: Filip Luszczyk5440.iTabletopBrennen Reece5441.The Wicked Age table at ConQuest NWtony_dowler5442.[Red Box Hack] Nostalgic dungeon tripKaare Berg5443.Bringing The Pool to D&DWill Grzanich5444.[Sufficiently Advanced] is now available.Colin_Fredericks5445.Yet Even More awesome new dice from Koplow Games!Andy5446.Camaraderie: Origins (What game gave the best?)Ry5447.One Hundred Moral DilemmasMeserach5448.Help me understand this mechanic/designPaul_T5449.Tabletop NetworkBrennen Reece5450.Blank Hard Coversguildofblades5451.(Dreamation - Indie Developers' Roundtable) Looking for SomeoneMPOSullivan5452.[In a wicked age] Another day another Wicked gameRy5454.Elthos RPGVBWyrde5455.[Play Now] That Stoughton fellow is CRAZY!Ry5456.Sons of Kryos down?renatoram5457.One Cool Thing I Saw at Dreamation 2008Jason_Morningstar5458.[Blurbs] Need help: What Makes 'em Good?Troy_Costisick5459.[S7S] Dreamation 2008 Playtesters!chadu5460.Good games for 6-10+ people?Jogesh EZ5461.[Red Box Hack] Ignatio's FortBrendan5462.Freeware/open source thing like InDesign?Robert_Bohl5463.[Jeepform] The Upgrade! at DreamationJason_Morningstar5464.I'm home sick, join chat with me.Ogremarco5465.Talk to me of Dreamation 80Caesar_X5466.Seattle SG Meet-up: THURSDAY Jan 31 2008John_Harper5467.[Kingdom of Nothing] Revealing Secretssomniturne5468.[Red Box Hack] First Edition TalentsPaul_T5469.Crunch without Hardcoded Setting?Josh Roby5470.Red Box Hack HackPaul_T5471.[Red Box Hack AP] The Drake's GemAnarchangel5472.No Press Anthology: What do you know about it?Matthijs5473.[IAWA] French translation of the oracles. Some advices welcome.Antoine_F5474.[In A Wicked Age] Glimmers of good In A Wicked age?Ry5475.[Classroom Deathmatch] I Made A ThingJason_Morningstar5476.DundraCon 2008 roll callJogesh EZ5477.[Red Box Hack] The Cavern of Winter SorrowsSean ov Newcastle !5478.[Jeep] Where can I try this?hoog5479.I'm not sick today, but I am in chat.Ogremarco5480.[SOLIPSIST] Looking for advertsHituro5481.What software do you use to write your games?Hituro5482.The GM's opening speechGraham5483.[Dreamation 08] Indie Round TableRob Donoghue5484.Multiple Systems in the same setting?Ry5485.[Solipsist] Example Characters NeededGregor Hutton5486.[Contract Work] Keep what you kill.Russell_Collins5487.Indie (And especially IPR) games that make for fast and easy demosLord_Minx5488.Totally Random Question for AndyRob Donoghue5490.[Hoard] I suspect that there are three of you...Levi Kornelsen5491.Experimental!chadu5492.Trying to do percentiles with D6s, HELP!Hituro5493.[Jeepform] The other jeepform games at DreamationRyan_Macklin5494.Indie Game Promotion (Podcasts and Champions)Neil Gow5495.[Classroom Deathmatch] "Hey, it's Nail Gun Strangling Wire Girl!"Jason_Morningstar5496.[My Life with Master] ...seriously?Paul_T5498.Camaraderie III: RecapRy5499.[It's Complicated] A multi-media extravaganza!Elizabeth5500.Your experiences with odd hacks?Astinus5501.[Beowulf] The funniest way for conflict resolution to go wrong.Joshua A.C. Newman5502.The Saddest Steal Away Jordan EverParthenia5503.[Grey Ranks] Dreamation and a Split CrewJason_Morningstar5504.[Artesia: AKW] help me with my session blurbJoanna5505.[Scorn] Back cover designRafael5506.[Things That Need To Become Games] Higurashi no Naku Koro niNeko_Ewen5507.Actual Play Recordings: WTF?Jason_Morningstar5508.Online Gaming : Do online games need rules? Do any games?Hituro5509.Top-level gobbledygookRobert_Bohl5510.Self consciousness in gamingHituro5511.[Sufficiently Advanced] B&W version availableColin_Fredericks5512.Why publish?Robert_Bohl5513.[Psi-Runners] Give me your Questions!chris_moore5514.Muse - A New Storytelling GameDemiurge5515.[Primitive] Can understand the Point Of PlayRPL5516.Stuff to Watch: February 2008DannyK5517.[Monts\xe9gur 1244] Frederik Jensen, I'm calling you out!Jason_Morningstar5518.Spirit of the Century questionRy5519.[DRYH] Mad City?hoog5520.Help me awesome-ify and upgrade The Last Exodusspookyfanboy5521.Great Advice for Reusable Character Sheets!Andy5522.Halfjack, I got the disc.Ogremarco5523.Horror movies with evil children, dolls, and adultsParthenia5524.[Red Box Hack] The Nightlands -or- Swallowed by LeviathanJohn_Harper5525.[The Independent Insurgency] 004: Meguey Baker on 1001 NightsRobert_Bohl5526.Your voice... my head... I can hear it!jenskot5527.What's the element of fantasy for?Matthijs5528.Flowcharts for Game Design: Dissecting your game like a science class frogDanielSolis5529.[Play Now] Further Success!Ry5530.Missing: Generative story gameRy5531.[CSI Games] Call for Designers Whose Games Feature Competition and Story (Articles)Thunder_God5532.Getting an ISBN through LuluRafael5533.[Actual Play] Ganakagok at Ice Station Nerdlyeruditus5534.[Dreamation 08] Bill White's FATE-al Fantasy gameeruditus5535.[Dreamation 08] a pic of my IPR hauleruditus5536.[Play This With That] Don't Sleep on the Runorklord5537.HELLAS PlaytestJerry D. Grayson5538.[Abulafia] The Gods of Our PeopleDave Younce5539.Gen Con 08 - IGE and GODKat Miller5540.Origins 08 an Indie Games Explosion eventKat Miller5541.Who wants to go to Forge Midwest 2008?jenskot5542.Gencon booths... Play Collective, Ashcan Front, Forge, Burning Sorenson?jenskot5543.[IAWA] In A Wicked Age GM-less? (Polaris-style?)TanRu5544.[Mouse Guard] Mind if I keep you all updated here?eruditus5545.[Dresden Files] Gateway City: Newark in the DresdenverseRobert_Bohl5546.Today lunch -- tommorrow the world!jdrakeh5547.Spione AP LinkJesse5548.[Black Cadillacs] Enter the CommissarDarcy Burgess5549.Fatal Savage Donjon Squadbox Hack of Yesterday and Crusades Lite?Ry5550.Spione -- actual play & observationsDenys5551.A cool thing about Nine Worldspedyo5552.[Play Now] Play Now friendly games?Ry5553.[Red Box Hack] Sons of the Goat GodAntoine_F5554.StoryCards : Anyone heard of/read/played it?Andy5555.I miss Indie Games DesignGraham5556.[IaWA] Firefly/Serenity oracleHDTVDinner5557.[Red Box Hack] What is it?jdrakeh5559.(Cursed Life) Looking for comments.sean20995560.[Escape or Die!] So, tell me about it!renatoram5561.To Eric: RBH Adventure Building Procedure?Ry5562.I want to know more about Night WitchesWillH5563.Roguelike Dogsiversalis HackDavid Artman5564.Looking for playtest rules for Duty & HonourCaesar_X5565.[In A Wicked Age] Final Fantasy is retired.DanielSolis5567.Out of the Box...?Rafael5568.[OrcCon 2008] SoCal folks, can someone help me with a favor?Ryan_Macklin5569.[CanGames 2008 - Ottawa, Ontario] Looking for GMs for an IGEDarcy Burgess5570.[Solipsist] Superman and John Constantine get on a plane ...Hituro5571.[In a Wicked Age] I convinced my wife to play...ShaneJackson5572.[Red Box Hack]There's a conversion of Cheap and Cheesy already, right?Ry5573.Camaraderie IV: Camaraderie w RBHRy5574.The Dhaka Tigers Tryouts!Jason_Morningstar5575.I'm pretty sure I want to play Dread at Gen Con.dyjoots5576.I've always wanted to play...Gaerik5577.[In A Wicked Age ...]AP Oracle GenerationMark_Causey5578.[Ganakagok] New Character SheetBill_White5579.EndGame MiniCon - March 15, 2008Penn425580.Can anyone help me contact Carl Rigneytony_dowler5581.Play Exalted with What?DannyK5582.How we get to toneGeorgios5583.Exalted was the game that got me appreciating D&D moreAndy5584....Was: Filip Luszczyk5585."Story Games Ate My Post!"Andy5586.[Agon] Build a Better MountainMel_White5587.[Totally an SG thread] Portals and FleetsRy5588.Lulu & games you don't own the copyright toFlynn5589.Layout, Organization and PresentationWolfe5590.I can't find my cat!Matthijs5591.The Alphabet is Coming To Get MeJesse5592.Do you hate Fudge Dice in the Shadow of Yesterday? I do!Matt Snyder5593.Character MistaaaaaaaaaakesJDCorley5594.How do I get some special dice? (0,1,2,3,4,5 pips on a cube)Ry5595.It's Friday night, hop into chat!Caesar_X5596.Awesome-ify Last Exodus, take 2!spookyfanboy5597.PS3 EyeToy Gaming With Cameras in TEH FUTURERafael5598.For When You Find Yourself in a Railroaded GameBrand_Robins5599.The Vineyardhoog5600.[Reel Adventures] Cards vs. diceihmcallister5601.Go Play NW 2008: May 31-June1tony_dowler5602.One on One Martial Arts ManeuversMark_Causey5604.[Psi Run] The Alexander Buildingtony_dowler5605.New "trad" games that push the limits and those that don'tMike Montesa5606.Valentine's Day: The Dragons In The HillsGraham5607.Great ways to start an AdventureRy5608.Authentic Medieval Scandinavian place names?Ryan_Macklin5609.Figuring out why to design, why to publish, why to sell.Joshua A.C. Newman5610.GenCon: How many to bring?Rafael5611.Cold [Salt Lake] CityMalcolm Craig5612.[Camaraderie] My Conflict Resolution page sucksRy5613.[Do] Examples of "Coming-of-Age Road Trip" stories, movies or TV shows?DanielSolis5614.[Over the Edge] Calling the shots, reluctantlyJoli5615.[Red Box Hack] Two great games and some system observationsAntoine_F5616.Lulu bundles?Rafael5617.[Psi Run] Four Down in NYCJoe Murphy5618.Somebody Turn This Into A GameTim Boser5619.[Sci-fi Lovers] Techie PowerzTroy_Costisick5620.[Design Blog] Terry & John's Playstorming Invitation...jenskot5621.We die togetherchearns5622.Geomancy design challenge!Caesar_X5623.The War of Ideastony_dowler5624.[Under the bed] Can the toys lose?hoog5626.[Take Over] iConventionorklord5627.[Red Box Hack] Red Box MathRy5628.Blank Dice and StickersSimon_C5629.[TSOY] Survival Horror PoolsJason_Morningstar5630.[Solipsist] Mermaid Towers (one on one by email)Hituro5631.[Attn Andy] Game Chef EntriesTroy_Costisick5632.Help figuring out which game this ischearns5633.Warriors From the Mystic Mountain: Design EpiphanyWillow5634.Vague resemblence to Vincent BakerCall Me Curly5635.(Pre) Game Chef 2008 : Yet another Feedback ThreadAndy5636.Why is the world so cruel?Hituro5637.The Matrix: Revealed (A reboot project)John_Harper5638.Five alternatives to The Big ModelRafael5639.[Animal Rescue Vigilante] Vigilante Rescues Animals!Jason_Morningstar5640.[Scion] Interactive Battle Wheel updatedJames McMurray5641.[OrcCon 2008] Friday night NerdSoCal MixerWillH5642.[F1 Re: Esc] A forum game (please critique)Ry5643.The Forgotten IndiesBigJackBrass5644.House of Horiku: Any AP/anecdotes to share?DevP5645.(Camp Nerdly 2) - Life DrawingNathan_H5646.My Ugly Stakes Talk Is Safe/Boring Blocking Behavior!DevP5647.Malcolm Craig -- I dare you to come to GPNW!Caesar_X5648.[Reel Adventures] Threatening Behaviourihmcallister5649.Looking for adventure ideassean20995650.[Contenders] With dice?Was: Filip Luszczyk5651.travelling to SF and NYC in march - anyoliof5652.John Harper, I challenge you!Mark_Causey5653.[Formulas] What's a good formula for a Delta Green one-shot?Mark_Causey5654.StellarCon 2008forlorn15656.Is there a value to charging?Hituro5657.Tell me about Great Ork GodsGraham5659.Githyanki Therapy ReduxJason_Morningstar5662.[Stabbing Contest] Episode 008 Judd again!Ogremarco5664.Where Are They Now? Update on Design Challengestomg5665.Game design contest in Salgan Al Sol forumDogui5666.[UnSpeakable] "Horror from beyond" chart?PaulB5667.[CORPS] Where should I use this high-detail high-crunch game?DevP5668.Name Game 2: Requiem for a TitleDanielSolis5669.[MB] Resolution system in actionTonyLB5670.Has there been a collectible card based RPG ever?Ry5671.Give me a title for my murder mystery gameGraham5672.[PSI RUN] The Faustian Ascension - EPIC Play Session!Mercutio5673.Help me sex up The Barbary Coast: a game of the San Francisco UnderworldCaesar_X5674.ENWorld Chicago Gameday XIX is March 15thbuzz5675.Fonts - They Make You A Better PersonJDCorley5676.[d20] If I rewrote the d20 substructureRy5677.Story Games on GMing advice booksPaul_T5678.a|state, avenues, alleywaysMalcolm Craig5679.[In A Wicked Age] Oracle of MuRy5680.What US game con to visit?Frederik J. Jensen5681.[Red Box Hack] Ipsith the Hungry and a return to the lost city.Eric Provost5682.Examples of good layoutRafael5683.Blood Red Sands Playtest Now AvailableValamir5684.An idea for a new setting.sean20995685.[DRYH] repost from my LJOgremarco5686.[Photoshop] Help me WSJ my photosJason_Morningstar5687.[d20 but really not] Perfectly Boring SubstructureRy5688.[IaWA] Help me create a Conan OracleAlan5689.[Lacuna] How do your Agents communicate with Control?Temple5690.[Red Box Hack] I could use a little brainstorming helpEric Provost5691.[In a Wicked Age] Planescape OracleRy5692.Techniques for a "Betrayer" in con or other one-shot gamesCaesar Slaad5693.ConQuest NW After Action Reporttony_dowler5694.[Virtual Play] Spirit of the Century from DreamationMel_White5695.[Nine Worlds] Euro roleplaying in the Nine Worldsgreatwolf5696.What We Learn from Children and GamingPooka5697.It's all Jason Morningstar's faultGeekGirlsRule5698.Full Light, Full Steamsnikle5699.Red Box Hack Adventure Creation ProcedurePaul_T5700.I Don't Need Any More GamesChristopher Kubasik5701.[A Flower for Mara] Actual Play videosgreatwolf5702.The JD Corley Game.Mcdaldno5703.OrcCon 2008 Rocked!noclue5704.I need some more gamesRafael5705.[Grey Ranks] The Durham CrewJason_Morningstar5706.1400s Cambridge Noir - System ideas?wyrmwood5707.Knights of the Dinner Table + Indie games... huh?forlorn15708.Six Different Ways to Consume GamesJ_Walton5709.[IaWA] Oracle Assistvae_editor5710.[In a wicked age] Ties that Bind Oracle (for playing with family)Ry5711.Appleseed? Help!jake richmond5712.Acquiring a license: request for numbersRafael5713.[GenCon '08] - Travel from the NortheastDarcy Burgess5714.Making a PDF with what?Hituro5715.2d6 and feats on the mindRy5716.Upgrade at OrcConWillH5717.Jonathan Walton interviewed by ImagonemMatthijs5718.Poker Chips as Resolution Mechanictwilight5719.Sick again and in chat.Ogremarco5720.[d20] Starting a New GameGestaltBennie5721.PSA: Gaming Report hackedRafael5722.Why the Two-Die System is cool.Mcdaldno5723.Professor Abalone's School of Magic - Now Open!Simon_C5724.Has anyone received the actual physical In A Wicked Age book?pedyo5725.Whose fist is this anyway?Rafael5726.Help! Need some quick character ideas!Andy5727.[GenCon '08] - Hotel RecommendationsDarcy Burgess5728.[DRYH] How do you handle PC vs PCScott5729.I Looked at a Table Full of GamesJudson_Lester5730.[Dostoevskyan Murder Ballad] Who gave my NPC a venereal disease?Mcdaldno5731.Cut the Pie: a dirt simple conflict resolution systemNickWedig5732.[Stabbing Contest] Episode 009 the mob at conquest NWOgremarco5733.Games That Take PracticeJesse5734.Word of mouth to mouthRafael5736.What traditional game do you want to play right now?Ogremarco5737.Bring the Change and Be the ChangeJudd5739.Niches, Hackability and Flexibility in DesignNeil Gow5741.[Shadow of the Zombie] Newly Weds and Nearly DeadsJason_Morningstar5742.Your game production processRafael5743.Triangle Mini-ConRafael5744.NC Game Day informationRafael5745.dreaming of looking at a table full of gamesPaulCzege5746.Gaming SkillsJudd5747.From Gaming Skills: Neil's Group Dynamic ManagementJudd5748.From Gaming Skills: Ryan Stoughton' s Thoughts on PossessivenessJudd5749.From Gaming Skills: William's Perfect World of Well Designed GamesJudd5750.Setting Play Experience Expectationsptevis5751."GAMING +" changing to "PLAY ADVICE"Andy5752.Fixing the Game Recognition Reward CycleJosh Roby5753.[Spin off from table full of games] Only positive comments, please...C.W.Richeson5754.A creative community without criticism is stunted thing.Judd5755.Prevenge: Pre-Publication CriticismJ_Walton5756.The Face of Angels [AP]Flynn5757.Features: Collectable FATE hack substructureRy5758.A place for criticismEric Provost5759.Spirit of the Far FutureBrad_J_Murray5760.Group hug.Ogremarco5761.Seattle Story Games Meet up - Saturday March 1st - 11:00amGeekGirlsRule5762.I'm happy with Play Unsafedyjoots5763.[iaWA] Chapter One "Arise, Shalatine!"vae_editor5764.Why the indie publishing model produces unreadable booksMatthijs5765.Is your game (also) available for free online?Rafael5766.[DAGON] Convertion notesScott5767.Awesome Adventures: Back Cover BlurbWillow5768.Make a map for meJason_Morningstar5769.(Heresy) Criticism, Unreadable, and so forthchadu5770.How I learned to love destructive feedbackGraham5771.What's up with Shadowrun?jenskot5772.The Forge for Story which I ream many RPGsMike_Holmes5774.Artifact Matters?Jesse5775.Actual Play Review Week at RPGnet - March 24th - 28thC.W.Richeson5776.So how long are our games, anyway?Brand_Robins5777.Setting Myself Up For A Fallptevis5778.If you could have one superpower...Mcdaldno5779.Seeking the Community's Permission to Criticize?J_Walton5780....Was: Filip Luszczyk5781.What is criticism? What value is it? Does it belong at SG?Eric Provost5782.I got my copy of Sons of Liberty!Caesar_X5783.How to critiqueJoshua A.C. Newman5784.I Lost My Heart To A Starship TrooperMalcolm Craig5785.What I want out of SGRy5786.Justifiers in the VineyardMKAdams5787.Githyanki Therapy - The so-called Criticism EraJudd5788.JiffyCon: Saturday, March 8th in Cambridge, MAjenskot5789.Thoughts on Hero Games selling the Champions IP to Cryptic Studios and the growing role of computersgamera_spinning5790.Ouija Mecanic?Brennen Reece5791.What is the "New New Honesty" is to meRyan_Macklin5792.In which I give RPGs good honest scores out of tenGraham5793.[The Mountain Witch] Party Taken Out, need helpRPL5794.We're doing more right than we're doing wrongJack Aidley5795.the issuePaulCzege5796.[Anima Prime - mostly] FactionsChristian_Griffen5797.Critique this, and give helpful feedback--EGOspookyfanboy5798....Was: Filip Luszczyk5799.OMEGACON Indie GamesScott5800.Points of Commonality and Other Inelegantly Worded Thoughtsjdrakeh5802.[Fifth World] A Game of Awarenessjason5803.All Night Sass-A-ThonJarrod5804.I vs. Bob -- how do you descirbe characters action?Alan5805.[Burning Wheel] Help me run a kick ass first session!Andrew Kenrick5806.SG excites meMax Higley5807.Games with Lifepaths?Ryan_Macklin5808.[Criticism Era] Fighting fires on the bridges, or I really do like you peopleRyan_Macklin5809.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 005: Epidiah Ravachol on DreadRobert_Bohl5810.[IAWA] I have some questionsHituro5811.Story Gamers on Flickrtony_dowler5812.[Werewolves of Miller's ... something] Man, awesome gameRy5813.Hey Jonathan Walton, What Did You Get For Christmas?Mcdaldno5814.[SF Bay Area] 1-2 players for IAWA tomorrow nightAlbert A5815.Can someone tell us about "Ryuu Tama" RPG ?Antoine_F5816.Actual play review of "My Life with Master"Matthijs5817.[Red Box Hack] The Curse of the Dragonheart EmeraldNeil Gow5818.What makes a game hit critical mass?Ry5819.SG arouses meRafael5820.SG is better than sexRy5821.YLQ/ Space 1889 Crossover: Talents for other nationalities?komradebob5822.Want to Write a Scenario for Artesia: Adventures in the Known World?Thor_O5823.Games that scale well in scope AND time?Ry5824.Unter the Bed + Don't Rest Your Head + The Infectedhoog5825.SG touches meMKAdams5826.I'm sorry, but Rafael, by far, makes the best PR emails.Andy5827.How to recreate Circles in TSOY?pedyo5828.Creepy Demon of the WeekJason_Morningstar5830.Old games or settings with story games potentialWillH5831.[Red Box Hack] Squad WizardRy5832.Unhallowed Metropolis: Gothic Steampunk Horror and getting punched in the kidneysRussell_Collins5833.Gamestorm - March 28-30GeekGirlsRule5834.Tell me about Supercrew...forlorn15835.[Random Generator Thing] The Symbolicizer!Roger5836.eWerewolf Rules for DownloadJustin D. Jacobson5837.[Go Play Peoria][Dirty Secrets] A simple plan\u2026.greatwolf5838.Story-game Planescape settingDenys5839.[TSOY] Putting Weapons and Armor to the TestSteve_Segedy5840.Help me with a Brainstorming MechanicPaul_T5841.My Answer to Troy's "POWER 19": Andy's "NSI 20"!Andy5842.CollectiveCon (Apex, NC): July 12th, 2008Rafael5843.[Red Box Hack] My poor monsters don't have a chance!Eric Provost5844.Jungle QueenMKAdams5845.[Misspent Youth] The Penitent and the RebeliousMPOSullivan5846.(PLAY!) [F1 Re:Esc] Thump - A Dark Cyberpunk Western.Mcdaldno5847.The Committee for the Advancement of Interesting which I admit the heinous truthMike_Holmes5850.Kids playing Story Games with adultsscottdunphy5852.Making a Useful Indie Map Supplementtony_dowler5853.(tSoY) Diceless Pools, Gifts and PenaltiesNathan_H5854.Horny Teenagers Take On NarrativismPaul_T5855.Keeping the cool without repeating the stereotypesChris Gardiner5856.Storygame Rocketship Empires 1936John_Powell5857.The Genius of IAWA's Oracleswillem5858.Japanese monster paintings!Caesar_X5859.[Hot War] Playtest - 'Battersea'Malcolm Craig5860.How to make fights interesting?pedyo5861.Is this D&D 4E?merb1015862.The Elf / Purple Vampire War of the BeltJosh Roby5864.In A Wicked Age, doing conflict right clicks into placeJogesh EZ5865.First look at WotC's "D&D Experience" / 4th Ed. Prmotiongamera_spinning5866.A-Plot / B-Plot Hack for Primetime AdventuresJosh Roby5867.OPERATION: SITUATIONMatt Snyder5868.Fallout is not Hit PointsJosh Roby5869.Dice in the Gutter: Pacing and StructureBrand_Robins5870.Make PtA Characters Togetherscottdunphy5871."Play this with everything!" QuestionLevi Kornelsen5873.Hello Portlandjake richmond5874.Anyone try to make a game based on 80s horror series on TV.sean20995875.Second Geek Girls Rule! PodcastGeekGirlsRule5876.[Bliss Stage] Bispebjerg Resistance Group - Session OneAnders Larsen5877.Mathletes and Rules Nerds, right this wayJason_Morningstar5878.Pimp My Ride! (Turning L5R into more of an S-G)Andy5879.Literary Adventure Ideas, PleaseJustin D. Jacobson5880.Tackling groups of monsters in one roll? Help!Hituro5881.[Houses of the Blooded] NewsScott5882.Staple! AustinJacob5883.My (Your) Gumshoe/ORE/DitV/TSoY/Nephilim hackwyrmwood5884.World Building/Defining Rulesrenatoram5885.Help me with some dice math, anyone?Ron Hammack5886.Copyright TherapyRy5887.Primetime Adventures HackJudson_Lester5888.[TSOY] The Sky Fire, HOW many hundred years ago?edheil5889....Was: Filip Luszczyk5890.Graphics creation programstomg5891.[IAWA] Yellow Rain in Svart CityPer_Fischer5892.(IaWA) One-Sheet?Nathan_H5893.Should my 2 ugly charts be just 1 ugly chart?Ry5894.Mall Ninja!Ron Hammack5895.[MLWM] Play Now rocks!hoog5896.[Nerdly] Tell me your secret plans and make me sadDave Younce5897.Gamers of Australia....Malcolm Craig5898.[IAWA] The Jaguar in search of it's SoulHituro5899.F\xe9lix F\xe9n\xe9on OracleJason_Morningstar5900.Stuff to Watch : March 2008forlorn15901.[Dust Devils] Dust Devils to play Arthurian Mythos?Blue5902.The beast requires bodies to be shoved into its mawRobert_Bohl5903.[Go Play NW] Room Share and Accommodation Threadtony_dowler5904.What's your Go-To Gaming System?Mark_Causey5905.[Go Play NW 2008] Pre-Registration is Open!tony_dowler5906.[Contract Work] One step forward, two in the back of the head.Russell_Collins5907.[Nobilis] gets a revised reprint announced, plus the first section of Society of Flowers is outgamera_spinning5908.TORG!!Andy5909.Printing to newsprint?Robert_Bohl5910.Eric Provost is my heroRy5911.[Hot War playtest] Nukes and ClownsCaesar_X5913.How do you color dice?Matthijs5914.Cog Wars is Live.Levi Kornelsen5915.Trail of Cthulhu?vae_editor5917.Gary Gygax Passes AwayMPOSullivan5919.An astrologer, Hitler, and MI5John_Powell5920.Black humour goes hereGraham5921.[Theory] The Paradoxical Logic of SystemCalvino5922.Hacking ContendersEldir5923.[Nerdly Beach Party II] Registrations Are OpenJosh Roby5924.Nerdly Beach Party II - April 11-13Albert A5925.NPC sheet form thingRob_Alexander5926.[ASCII @HACK] One-Shot GearDavid Artman5927.Different diagrams reveal different thingsBrad_J_Murray5928.How would you "StoryGame" Keep on the Borderlands & Expedition to the Barrier PeaksBlue5929.Dungeon Delving: the Economic BasisJosh Roby5930.[Solipsist] It's green and in my hands!Hituro5931.[Red Box Hack] Any planned release schedule?Blue5932.[Information Design] Player Sheets +Jason_Morningstar5933.Sell Me On: Burning WheelBlue5934.[Capes] Sad SPOT and Super SmileyJoli5935.Mining for Gamecraft!Andy5936.Give unto me your Mailing ListsLord_Minx5937.Gormenghast?Per_Fischer5938.Help me Window-ize D&D!jdrakeh5939.If I Am Not Online, I Am AloneDavid Artman5940.Help with Disadvantages (HELLAS)Jerry D. Grayson5941.A WWII game i thought up at work with some inspiration.Ogremarco5942.[Practice: Sorcerer] An IntroductionJesse5943.Gamer skills: the digested version.Ogremarco5944.[IaWA] War upon ArkadiaAlan5945.[Practice: Sorcerer] Conflict SubtletiesJesse5946.Gary Con 2008Stuart5947.Functions for RPGsalgi5948.eWerewolf - Want To Play the Week of 3/17?Justin D. Jacobson5949.[Economic Basis] Dungeon BuildingDave Younce5950.[Practice: Sorcerer] Social ConflictJesse5951.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 006: Joshua AC Newman on Shock:Robert_Bohl5952.[Practice: Sorcerer] Conflict & Inanimate ObjectsJesse5953.[Game Culture] Grief, Identity and Community - Why Gygax's Death Matters.Kuma5954.Gygax's Passing Highlighting The Small Stature of Tabletop GamingE.T.Smith5955.[Practice: Sorcerer] System & NarrativeJesse5956.[Practice: Sorcerer] Sorcery as ConflictJesse5957.[Practice: Sorcerer] All In One PlaceJesse5958.[DRYH] Coins are neutral?hoog5959.IGE and GoD at GenCon...Gaerik5960.Any design competitions, contests, challenges or duels going on?Kuma5961.[Red Box Hack] The Boom Towns of Arneson and GygaxJudd5962.Star Trek?xenomouse5963.[Sorcerer] Mechancis, Fiction and Social CreativityChristopher Kubasik5964.Scattershot is Open for Business!Fang Langford5965.A Call for HelpFang Langford5966.[Publishers] ENnies Submissions?zacharythefirst5967.[Anima Prime] Playtest at GamestormChristian_Griffen5968.[Anima Prime] GhostfieldChristian_Griffen5969.[I know it's not RBH or IAWA but *please*] Tell us of your moments of RPG horror [anyway!]lachek5970.Anyone heard of this companytadk5971.Working on a dice mechanicsean20995972.Ryan: TGCHNNPaul_T5973.[First Draft] Nebuleon II CoverHinterWelt5975....Was: Filip Luszczyk5976.I want a campaign - but why?Shevaun5977.Characterization: What do you use?thor5978.If I bring Aspects/Beliefs/Keys into [Game], does it a Story Game make?Daniel_M_Perez5979.GM in charge of opposition but not reward?Ry5980.[IAWA] "Don't Get All Buddhist On Me" - Drinking the Wine and Making Story Now!willem5981.[Red Box Hack] I don't Gno what to doRy5983.[TSOY] Modifying Pool RefreshmentMark_Causey5984.[Red Box Hack] You! Why didn't you tell me?Levi Kornelsen5985.[PoliCon 2008] You are invited, my SG Comradeseruditus5986.Which games used shred visual, er, stuff?komradebob5987.[PAX 2008] Panels Neededamnesiack5988.[IGE] First deadline fast approaching...Gaerik5989.Critiques wanted: Rules light systemMorrius5990.NPR's Talk of the Nation to discuss Gygax's passingJogesh EZ5991.Drawing Stuff for StatsJosh Roby5992.Western Cityoliof5993.[IAWA] The End of the Appian WayDoyce5994.[Character Creation] Make an Action Figure!E.T.Smith5995.[GameStorm] What games do you want me to run at GameStorm?Ben_Lehman5996.[SotC] Aspects and Dynamismptevis5997.What\u2019s up with rpg and rewards?Ajax_Aldwyne5998.Shooting the Moon Vs. Breaking the IceScott5999.The Myth of Gamer SubcultureStuart6000.MLWM BoingBoinged!edheil6001.[Red Box Hack] Munchkining Red Box HackRy6002.So, What Else Do You Do? Work, Hobbies, Communities, etc?Andy6003.White Wolf's "Graduate your game" Promotion OR the last whack at the D&D pi\xf1ata with a Daiklavegamera_spinning6004.Are Dungeons Always This Lame?Josh Roby6005.Get drunk and roll...Paul_T6006.[Conpulsion, Edinburgh, UK, March 22-23] Scotland's Premier Gaming Con, Who's Coming?Gregor Hutton6007.[Actual Play] RBH Question and FeedbackFlynn6008.[Practice: Sorcerer] The Bigger Design PictureJesse6009.Mike's Standard Rant #13: Moving on From Party PlayMike_Holmes6010.[unWritten] a game of film & literaturealejandro6011.[RPG horror] [hoog] Scary dice rollslachek6012.[RPG horror] [IaWA] "Story Now" horrorlachek6013.Advice - Elizabethan adventure for kidsJoe Murphy6014.I will be in Boston in April my fellow Story Gamerseruditus6015.Why do you roleplay?jenskot6016.A Rite of Passage - [Scattershot presents: Universe 6] Big 3 / Power 19Fang Langford6017.[normal Red Box] how to fix D&D combat?James_Nostack6018.[RPG horror] The horrors of PC actionslachek6019.[RPG horror] Creepy buildup with climaxlachek6020.Oracles of Light and ShadowRy6021.[Solipsist] One week left for pre-order bundle dealHituro6022.Immersion versus StoryHituro6023.Need Help Finding a Kid's Cardgame to Adaptmadunkieg6024.[MLWM] Killing Connectionshoog6025.Victorian Adventure Enthusiast: New and Improvedvae_editor6026.[UberCon X] BW Situation Triage: SG Brainstorningeruditus6027.Using POISON in a Game: Tips and Tricks?Andy6028.You're going time travelling. What do you bring?Matthijs6029.Places to buy playing cardsJogesh EZ6030.Content Generating Contentalgi6031.I wrote a game, but I don't know how to playtest itJeph6032.Old Timey D&D Module Lovetony_dowler6033.[SF CoC] "The Stars, Our Right!"unlikelylass6034.Concrete Cow 08\xbd: 27 September 2008, Milton Keynes, UKNeil6035.[Sorcerer] The One Misunderstood RuleRoger6036.[Stabbing Contest] episode 010Ogremarco6037.[Reel Adventures] Almost done but some help needed.ihmcallister6038.IAWA - Vista Heights at IdesJDCorley6039.LJ, Facebook, Myspace, etc.Ogremarco6040.PDX Indie guy connect up this week with Seattle indie gang?willem6041.Trail of Cthulhu - have you got yours?Matthijs6042.Can I create the cover for Sea Dracula?jake richmond6043.CollectiveCon (Apex, NC): Schedule surveyRafael6044.[GenCon 2008] - The Helping Hand of G.o.DDarcy Burgess6045.[Ides of Gaming] Story Game Explosion in ArizonaThomas D6046.[Endgame] In A Wicked Age, 2 Chapters - Soul Binding; Ghoulish AssassinationsJogesh EZ6047.[Lacuna] So I'm planning to run a gameMountZionRyan6048.[Contest] I'm Not Quite Dead YetKing Turnip6049.a much needed updateEmily_Care6050.I'm going time travelling. Here's what I brought. What did I do?T-Boy6051.[IaWA] Injured, Exhausted, or SHAMED! - Rules questionDave Younce6052.Monsters and Other Childish Things at OmegaconRichD6053.[IGE] Last Call!Gaerik6054.Pedantic Methods for Obtaining Author StanceMike_Holmes6055.Actual Play Review Week at RPGnet - We need your help!C.W.Richeson6057.[IAWA/TGCHNN] Building the ultimate OracleRy6058.RinCon '08: Southwestern US Game Convention (Halloween Weekend)Thomas D6059.Norwescon - March 20th - 23rdBrandon A6060.The Four Elements: Water, Air, Earth, FireAndy6061.Conflict resolution and fine detailSimon_C6062.Portland, OR area folks - I'm in town!blankshield6063.Arthur C Clarke passed awaytadk6064.Vanilla Settings: What's out there?DevP6065.Gamer sights in New York?Matthew_SB6066.GothCon - Anyone Attending?George_Cotronis6067.[Orphanage] Your parents died, now the boogeyman is out to get you.George_Cotronis6068.Music DURING fantasy gamesKevin Allen Jr6069.[Endgame][SotC] Crash Landing on GanymedeJogesh EZ6070.Imagination Is The Only EscapeJason_Morningstar6071.Vincent / Luke: is mutualism dead in the community?jenskot6073.Suggestion: Stuff to Watch forumAdam_Dray6075.[TCW] Hitting The IssuesLevi Kornelsen6076.[Practice: Sorcerer] Demon AbilitiesJesse6078.[unWritten] pocket play is fabulous!alejandro6079.Playing Agon with a large groupdyjoots6080.Another discussion on Amazon's Kindle and eBook readersAndy6081.Arthurian OracleBlue6082.Mutualism Shout Outtony_dowler6083.Experiments with Chat at Story GamesAndy6084.[Independent Insurgency] 007: Evil Hat on SOTC (+ some Dresden Files)Robert_Bohl6085.[Black Cadillacs] - Le Mot JusteDarcy Burgess6086.Going to Atlanta Mar 22-25Parthenia6087.[DitV] proof my flowcharts for action resolution and falloutwoodelf6088.Colors of Magicjdrakeh6089.[d20] Paizo's Got CojonesRy6090.TerpCon 8 (MD/DE/NoVA) - April 12thterpcon6091.It's Game Chef Time! Artists First!Ben_Lehman6092.[IAWA] Wicked Dice MapRy6093.Necrorama: Black Thrilling Tales!elmago796094.[Qin] Death of a Confucian scholarJongWK6095.[Conpulsion] The Hammer Falls: A Game Of Dystopia - First-ever Playtest!Pooka6096.Hearthstones for a D&D-like gameDevP6097.There is No Screen - a forum about play and PbPforlorn16098.[Dresden Files] "The Magic City" Birmingham, Alabama in the DresdenverseScott6099.[Cheap] Test My Scene Framing Rules!Mcdaldno6100.GOB Retail POD & Other Service Programsguildofblades6101.the story 'Band' metaphor, and Storyjammingwillem6103.Game Chef Editing MonthBryan6104.Realism is so unpredictable!Paul_T6105.[Stabbing Contest] episode 011 with Ben LehmanOgremarco6109.[Solipsist] The Circusites (at Conpulsion 2008)Hituro6111.[CanGames 2008] - Indie Games Explosion in OttawaDarcy Burgess6112.Risus thoughtsRy6113.[Conpulsion] Watership TSOY with 3 playersPer_Fischer6114.Indie Games Meetup (Birmingham, AL)Scott6115.[Duty & Honour] The Battle of Benevente (played at Conpulsion 2008, Edinburgh)Neil Gow6116.How many fiddly bits can a gamer be expected to fiddle with?SambearPoet6117.I'm Doing a John Rain RPG!Justin D. Jacobson6118.[Houses of the Blooded] Examples of Risk?Brand_Robins6119.[Montsegur 1244] Cathars burned at Fastaval, DenmarkFrederik J. Jensen6122.Games that actively support reincorporationFrederik J. Jensen6123.[Solipsist] PreordersHituro6124.[Forge Midwest 2008] - Seeking CarpoolDarcy Burgess6125.Buy a T-shirt, Get a Free GameBen_Johnson6126.[Ben Lehman] The thread where I get stabbed to deathlachek6127.Avoiding Your Fears and The Czege Principlejhkim6128.For Those In PerilMJGraham6129.the morale check rule in Business SolutionsPaulCzege6130.[unWritten] Playtest!alejandro6131.Julia's week of podcastsParthenia6132.Are NPCs special?algi6134.[Brainstorm] LARP or Con Game which Uses T-Shirt-Driven Roles/MechanicsDavid Artman6135.[Conpulsion][PTA]Life with the CultMatt6136.2007 Indie RPG Awards?chearns6137.[Playtest] The Hammer Falls - SlingbackPooka6138.Talk to me about One Roll Engine for conflict resolutionPer_Fischer6139.A Story Game...for twoDreampod6140.Actually I LIVE in El DoradoFang Langford6141.No-prep game plus Obsessive GM = ThisRy6142.[Dust Devils] Someone 'splain the flow of play to mePaulB6143.[Hot War] April Playtesting? Interested? Call 0800-NUKEMalcolm Craig6144.Amazon to sell no POD books other than those made with their service.Ogremarco6145.Tell us about your non-gaming experiences at Nerdly Beach Party 07Caesar_X6146.So, anyone ever think of using an I Ching for an oracle?jason6147.In a Wicked Red Box?Andy6148.[IAWA] Miike Takashi OracleAndy6149.How Much Can I Drift Before It's Not Wicked Hack?Josh Roby6150.The Stone Tablets of Shab Al-Hirioliof6151.In A Wicked Age Oracle OracleJason_Morningstar6152.The Owlbear: dead?Moreno R.6153.Red Blood HungryRy6154.IAWA is better than RBHRy6155.What's Out There?Jason_Morningstar6156.Hacking the Hack : some help for pulp action talentsAntoine_F6157.Boston gaming forumEmily_Care6158.Help me gather some dungeon quotationstony_dowler6159.counting the hoursNathan_H6160.[Red Box Hack] Write Talents!Ry6161.In An Erotic AgeRy6162.[IAWA] In a Wicked Age - Elevator Pitch/DescriptionMark_Causey6163.[Camp Nerdly] How come you aren't coming?Eric Provost6164.Hey Bay Area SG-ers!Matt6165.[Agon] adventure playtesters wantedBen_Robbins6166.Where are the players?Max Higley6167.A Surprisingly Valuable Gaming Resource!Jarvis6168.Sell my mother for a Sea Draculajake richmond6169.W T F ????????????????Gorsh6170.Best system for In A Wicked Age's "Age" setting?grey.spiral6171.Where can I discuss Red Box Hack?steven8076172.Graham Walmsley Presents: The Book Of Universal Character Sheets (may be used with RBH and IAWA)Graham6173.I see Purple!!!!noclue6174.I have all the games I need!noclue6175.Play IAWA with RBHnoclue6176.New Category requestRy6177.Foolish meTablesaw6178.In Your Wicked FACE: Metal IAWASabreCat6179.I nag weak diceRafael6180.UPDATE : Jason Morningstar's Account has been Restored. Also, he is now a ModeratorAndy6181.But There Are None Who Remember This OracleDevP6182.RBH is better than IAWARy6183.D&D Fifth Editon AnnouncedDavid Artman6184.It Can Be Caturday Tiem Now Plz?Ben_Johnson6185.In A Wicked PoisonBrand_Robins6186.Sell me on Red Box HackScott6187.The Big Model: Who Wants Some?Max Higley6188.Neoplastic Press announces Grey Ranks: The Second Book of PandemoniumRafael6189.Strangely, perhaps not a jokelachek6190.New Oracle: The Joyous Bard and his FirmamentDevP6191.[IGE] Event listing for Origins '08Jared A. Sorensen6192.Reporting InLevi Kornelsen6193.Psst! Help! Play Advice, immediately!Paul_T6194.[actual play] dilemmasPaul_T6195.Check out my friend's new gaming company!jenskot6196.The new title of RBHEric Provost6197.Impossible boastingLarry6198.How to Change the Look of this ForumAndy6199.How do you organize your gaming group data?Andy6200.Stuff to Watch : April 2008Justin D. Jacobson6201.Design Parameters for a Mainstream Target AudienceJustin D. Jacobson6202.Pre-Playtest Survey QuestionsDanielSolis6203.POD Accordion Books?Parthenia6204.[ASCII @HACK] Playtesters wantedDavid Artman6205.Info on that "bare-bones" Heroquest Mike Holmes was doing?spookyfanboy6206.[Gamestorm]The Terrible Bargain of Doctor CalamitousJoli6207.New Page XX webzineSimon_Rogers6208.[IAWA] Particular Strengths Add Vivid ColorMark_Causey6209.What is Roleplaying and How Do I Find It?Jason_Morningstar6210.Ignoring the Straight Flush- Connotations of Playing Cards in RPGsSteve_Segedy6211.Sell Me on Zorcerer of Zovertigo256212.Experiences with Coins as RandomizersJustin D. Jacobson6213.SF Bay / East Bay: "RPG Demo Series" at EndGamevertigo256214.I want my preview button back!!!Marhault6215.[Dresden Files] Characters for this weekend's PoliConRobert_Bohl6216.Fafhrd and Grey Mouser - What to bring to the table, what to throw outMark_Causey6217.Corpus Aristoteli-game; or, Drop Some Unsolicited KnowledgeRon Hammack6218.[MLWM] GM-less?hoog6219.Generational Group-Focused Gameptevis6220.MSNBC: 'Dungeons & Dragons' fights for its futurejenskot6222.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 008: Brennan Taylor on Mortal CoilRobert_Bohl6223.4th Edition Character Sheet PreviewRon Hammack6224.Learn me a graphic novelEric Provost6225.More fun with players and preferencesMax Higley6226.[TSOY] Difficulty of Unopposed Ability Checks; Different harm typesChris McNeilly6227.[Geiger Counter] Diamonds In The Skyamnesiack6228.Help me fix my game! I dont think I can do this on my own anymore.Temple6229.[Polaris] "Thou Art But A Warrior", Indie Hurricane!willem6230....Was: Filip Luszczyk6231.What's a good Wiki / Blog / File Repository thing for Gaming?James_Nostack6232.Requesting advice for a Rashom*on approach to a gamephasmaphobic6233.Quick! Give me rooms in a country house!Graham6234.[Anima Prime] Gamestorm FeedbackChristian_Griffen6235.What is your Twitter?Caesar_X6236.[Van Dread]: MonstersGeorge_Cotronis6238.Rumours in my Red Box Hack HackKaare Berg6239.[Stabbing Contest] episode 12 is up. Part 2 with Ben.Ogremarco6240.Where did the "see bookmarked discussions" thingy go?Ogremarco6242.Question for Jason Morningstar - Ways From History to Gameoliof6243.[Revenge of the B-Movie] Coming soon!ihmcallister6244.Collaboration with "Role-Playing Fellowship of Greater Boston"Christian Loidl6245.Online Universalis using SharepointChristian Loidl6246.Two types of mechanicSimon_C6247.From Birmingham to Atlanta - Come Play with Us!Brennen Reece6248.Damage in Sorcerer - Help me with a Design IssuePaul_T6249.Your experience with shared charactersJohn K6250.Play Unsafe: RPG.NET and price reductionGraham6251.FLGS Demo Games AdviceR00kie6252.POD and BookSurge?viktor_haag6253.Solmukohta 2008Jason_Morningstar6254.The Ashcan Front at Gen Con 2008PaulCzege6255.[Red Box Hack] There's strange metal in them there hills!Neil Gow6256.Theory Blog roll callEmily_Care6257.[3:16] Masakra Wsr\xf3d GwiazdGregor Hutton6258.Any data on aschans, rebate vs. no rebate?Robert_Bohl6259.Aw hell - UPDATED: IT WAS AWESOME!Ry6260.Help me not hate "teams"PaulB6261.What are your favorite dice?Andy6262.Share your dice bagAlbert A6264.[Principia] The Thing in the Welltony_dowler6265.[Fifth World] Resolution mechanic idea: Prisoner's Dilemma & Giftingjason6266.How do you kill your players' ideas?Graham6267.A Paradigm for Examining Mechanics GenerallyJustin D. Jacobson6268.Mystery Loves CompanyJason_Morningstar6270.Clinton?DInDenver6271.Not naturally being a game designer (Late Night Weirdness)Levi Kornelsen6272.Is there something on my face?urbanpagan6273.Tycho is my herolachek6274.Cart Before the Horsevertigo256275.learning how to role playJacob6276.My first Indie-Lobbying successLord_Minx6277.Dresden Files by way of SorcererJesse6278.[Status] Awesome PlayersJohn_Harper6279.Kung FuRob Donoghue6280.[unWritten] What it does with Otherkind.alejandro6281.Enginesscottdunphy6282.What should I run at Furnace?Graham6283.[Gaming Gear] Water BottlesJustin D. Jacobson6284.Friday 10:00AM EST : Doing Forum TestingAndy6285.Waking up in a strange land\u2026 Trying to catch up\u2026 Help?Ajax_Aldwyne6286.This World of Warcraft TCG thing.Russell_Collins6287.Steampunk Star WarsCaesar_X6288.[Cold City] LoveJohn_Powell6289.What to do with an Explosion of PantiesJoli6290.[Stabbing Contest] episode 013 with Sam ChuppOgremarco6291.Can anyone tell me about Harn?Ry6292.[IAWA] Chapter 1: Theft, Escape, Rage, and Death (w. New Images!)Ry6293.(Nerdly 2) Electric BoogalooNathan_H6294.Dice and Double Dice in PEQBryan6295.Tell me about Best Friends, With Great Power and Trail of Cthulhu, please.Lord_Minx6297.In A Wicked Age is an excellent textRy6298.'Western City' is available from RPGNow!DainXB6299.Encouraging setting customization - how to do it?tony_dowler6300.OT: Anyone in the San Diego Areatadk6301.Inkscape questionHituro6302.[Solipsist] Mermaid Towers Chapter 2Hituro6303.Free Game Hosting SitesTroy_Costisick6304.Games for a bored graphamaniac between tasks?Ry6305.[Cheap] Results of an ExperimentMcdaldno6306.My first full season of Primetime Adventures!Eldir6307.[Nerdly] Why Jeff Wills will be at NerdlyDave Younce6308.Forge Midwest 2008 LinksJudd6309.Duct Tape, PVC and Foam, Fired on the Forges of our EldersChiv6310.[ENnies] Question For Publishers/Podcasters/Fansiterszacharythefirst6312.Red Box Unhacked. . .?Joli6313.Game Chef by numbersGorsh6314.[Cold City] "Beautiful Beast" (short AP recap and rule questions)kevperrine6315.Gaming with an eight-year old boygreatwolf6316.[Forge Midwest] [Blood Red Sands] This is not a shill...greatwolf6317.[Moldvay/RBH/HQ/TGCHNN] An abstracted combat enginepeccable6318.[Dirty Secrets] Investigator InvolvementLinnaeus6319.Origins 2008 - Who plans to be there?merb1016320.[Practice: Dirty Secrets] Be Judgmental.Jesse6321.Come To Cloud City/Anime Evolution This August!Mcdaldno6322.[Fist of the Assassin] Questionsamnesiack6323.Good European retailers?Ajax_Aldwyne6324.[TV Action] An indie/traditional hybridmorgue6325.[Medical Hospital] Situation Think TankJason_Morningstar6326.Why No Donjon Love?vertigo256327.[[Other Worlds] Looking For ArtistsMike_Holmes6328.(Nerdly 2) - Needed SuppliesNathan_H6329.[Nerdly Beach Party II] After action reportWillH6332.Character Sheet Design Help NeededMark_Causey6333.[Misspent Youth] Spot-illo/icon suggestions?Robert_Bohl6334.Iron Game Chef 2008Adam_Dray6335.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 009: Michael O'Sullivan on Criminal ElementRobert_Bohl6336.[Hilarious Soviet Cinema] Actual Caucasian Adventures.Eric6337.The PTA PBEM Yahoogroup has been repairedChris_Goodwin6338.[Agon] free adventure "Temple of Hera" needs heroes to crushBen_Robbins6339.Mist-Robed Gate: Fist & ClawJ_Walton6340.Non-Game Chef AwesomeMarhault6341.What is steampunk REALLY abouttony_dowler6342.Story Games Names Project, How it could be betterzipht6343.[IAWA] Rules questionScott6344.[Geiger Counter] Crystal Alien ZigguratJohn_Harper6345.[Medical Hospital] Procedures to TryJason_Morningstar6346.[The Pool: PBP] The Enemy Within: Sci-fi supersMillsy6347.[Donjon 2E] errata and house rulesChris Peterson6348.Simple TSoY QuestionPaul_T6349.Why doesn't Wizards like their face?Clyde L. Rho*r6352.[Game Chef 2008] What's Cool?Jason_Morningstar6353.MMO Report previews the computer end of D&D 4.0gamera_spinning6354.Running NobilisBret_Gillan6355.Someone else's playgroundRafael6357.Power 19 for D&D (3.5) - step up and answer!Ry6358.[Game Chef 2008] I have mechanics - but no theme! Ack!Kuma6359.[Ace: Vast Frontiers] Playtest Alpha 2Silverlion6360.[Podcast] GGP 3.3 up - Planescape SpecialMike Montesa6361.Posts' Numbers Mix-ups.Thunder_God6362.[Riskbreaker] Version 0.0.2: The "Total Rewrite" Editionpeccable6363.[Red Box Hack] - TPK Traprooms of Doom Wanted, Apply withinSean ov Newcastle !6364.[IAWA] The World (House Rule to emphasize environment)Ry6365.[1001 Nights] A good ending to a good daygreatwolf6366.Computer-Generated Opposition?Ry6367.Enigmas and Metagaming: What's Your Takevertigo256368.Inkscape / PDF helpHituro6369.I'm moving to Nashville.Gaerik6370.[Revenge of the B-Movie] Payment away, waiting begins.ihmcallister6371.Pixels & Polyhedrons: Social Networking for GamingBrennen Reece6373.Paging Ben LehmanJustin Bow6374.4e cometh, and I hath opinionsRy6375.Fantasy Races = Social Role Enablers (& Problems!)Ry6376.Where to Hack d20 to Bits?J_Walton6377.Burning Wheel Scene Framingeruditus6378.What I have to do to make 4e Fun for meRy6379.The Rooftop Necropolis of the Blood Mummy!Jason_Morningstar6380.Exceptional FantasyJesse6381.Seattle Story Games Meet-up May 3rd 11:00 AMGeekGirlsRule6383.[hack20] People Are Made of Experiences & Other PeopleJ_Walton6384.My Heroic System for Mutant Chronicles instead of Star Warsalgi6385.Anyone in Miami - Fort Lauderdale?guildofblades6386.Are we too close to the flame, industry-wise?Neil Gow6387.Playing Over Skype or Video NYC on Sundaynoclue6389.Yaplet problems?reaction6390.Nine busybodies and one quiet workerMatthijs6391.Game CampGraham6392.[IaWA] New PC and NPC SheetsJohn_Harper6393.New on Victorian Adventure Enthusiastvae_editor6394.Bay Area Bliss Stage - Love! War! Giant Robots!Elliott Belser6395.Montsegur 1244: English edition on its way...Frederik J. Jensen6396.Third Geek Girls Rule! PodcastGeekGirlsRule6398.CollectiveCon: July 12 (Apex, NC)Rafael6399.Relation Maps GaloreMike_Holmes6400.Collaborative TranslationJason_Morningstar6401.[Mythos Hunters Zero] Hunting in the Hidden WarMark_Causey6402.[InSpectres] Advice for a one-shotbuzz6403.Hippie-Story and Board games good for 1-on-1buzz6404.Is anyone up for playing Montsegur 1244 at GPNW?Caesar_X6405.[GenCon Indy 2008] The Helping Hand of G.o.D needs your Help!Darcy Burgess6406.[Awesome Exterminator Eagles] Help me, MutantsJason_Morningstar6407.[unWritten] Ratsalejandro6408.I want to playtest somethingSimon_C6409.What's your country's design specialty?Matthijs6410.Houses of the Blooded interior artStorn6411.Stuff to Watch: May 2008Judd6412.Fight On! - First IssueJudd6413.[Hot War] It progresses...!Malcolm Craig6414.Looking for artists and game designers to weigh in on ideas about illustration.kparasol6415.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 010: Vincent Baker on kill puppies for satanRobert_Bohl6416.[2008 catalog] I like doing Layout...HinterWelt6417.Shock: back in stock:Joshua A.C. Newman6418.[Misspent Youth] Cover sketch (slightly NSFW)Robert_Bohl6419.How do you support and cultivate your local gaming scene?Ry6420.A game about mercenary pilots has to have (for me)...Mike Montesa6421.Let's review weird sh*tGraham6422.One of those moral gaming dilemmas (NSFW)Ry6423.Looking for a hardcopy of CthulhuTechtadk6424.[Seattle meet-up] Thursday May 8th at Kai's Bistro.Ogremarco6425.Audience-friendly RPGs?DevP6426.[On My Honor] drafthieronymous6427.Goin' to Nerdly!Joshua A.C. Newman6428.[Anima Prime] Full Beta ReleaseChristian_Griffen6429.So, what does a geek do in NYC?Calvino6430.[Game Chef] "But is it a (roleplaying) game?"Kynn6431.[TSOY] Plusses, minuses and zeroesMark_Causey6432.Call for games -- Gamex in Los Angeles, Memorial Day weekendDenys6433.PTA is like Fantasy Football for TV/movie GeeksAndy6434.[Showdown] Looking for playtestersgreatwolf6435.[Pursuit]Need to refine initial conceptR00kie6436.[Brainstorm] Magical Special ForcesRadaghast6437.Geek/gaming musicmerb1016438.Approaching El Dorado from the NorthMike_Holmes6439.Thinking Out LoudKen Sentowski!6440.What can gaming learn from reality TV?Kynn6441.Mouseguard RPG infoChiv6442.JiffyCon Greenfield, MA, June 21 (and 22)Emily_Care6443.Don't say 'yes' - Say 'Risky', 'Cool', 'Damn', 'Lame', 'f*cked Up', or 'Done'Ry6444.[Vampire] I summon Jason Corley!greatwolf6445.Alternate TSOY character sheets?Johan Granberg6446.Trail of Cthulhu - Sold ThroughSimon_Rogers6447.[Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple] Calling for Beta TestersDanielSolis6448.[Go-Play Ottawa] Spooling UpDarcy Burgess6449.[Medical Hospital] Looking for the right turn of phraseJason_Morningstar6450.Are fewer people going to conventions this year?tony_dowler6451.3x3 North of TorontoRy6452.Indie Games Meetup Birmingham, ALScott6453.How to do preordersRobert_Bohl6454.[Magical Land of Yeld] Opening the doormerb1016455.How To Market? (Cheap)Mcdaldno6456.[Revenge of the B-Movie] Look at my shiny boxihmcallister6457.Offering Freelance Services: Editing, Developing, Graphics, Web, ConsultingDaniel_M_Perez6458.Girls With Swords IRC Playtest, Playtest Swap?JasonP6459.Two ? about forum usage: [1] & first namesAjax_Aldwyne6460.Nothing New Under the SunMike_Holmes6461.[Riskbreaker] AP: The Holy Hand of Saint Whatshisfacepeccable6462.IAWA Character SheetRy6463.Does this game exist?BiggerBoat6464.[Gen Con] Should your game be at the Forge booth?Jason_Morningstar6465.Go Play Peoria Spring Minicongreatwolf6466.Looking for a supers rpg that my daughter can playquozl6467.Go Play T-Shirt: NOW ON SALEJohn_Harper6468.Deep, bloggy thoughts on magical realism?Ry6470.Interview with "Flashing Blades" designer Mark skin for vanilla?kwill6472.Cathy's BookMatthijs6473.Whatever happened to Sweet Agatha?Matthijs6474.Secrets and LiesGrant Davis6475.[Secrets and Lies]Origins 2008 threadGrant Davis6476.One Cool Thing I Saw at Camp Nerdly 02Jason_Morningstar6477.Two Players?Starkwolf6478.Are there any gamers in the Richmond area?jmhpfan6479.[Camp Nerdly 2] What Did You Play? How Did It Go?Jason_Morningstar6480.Run an event at ENWorld Chicago Gamedaybuzz6481.Sorcerer or Unknown Armies?buzz6482.[The Pool] Prepping for nongamersAlan6483.You could have knocked me over with a feather...DInDenver6484.[Mythos Hunters Zero] Camp Nerdly SessionsMark_Causey6485.The character sheet for the game I thought of on SaturdayGraham6486.Storytron: ???Levi Kornelsen6487.Collaborative Mystery SolvingJasonP6488.243 planet namesGraham6489.2d6 Feet in a random direction?renatoram6490.[Camp Nerdly 2] Lost, Not Yet FoundNathan_H6491.Children Monks: A Norwegian-style role-playing poemBryan6492.Hold me back! or, the unbelievable ignorance of ludologistslachek6493.Easy ProgramNathan_H6494.Fantasy Review Week at RPGnet - Win a set of 4E core books!C.W.Richeson6495.Tell me a vignette about Over the EdgeAndy6496.The El Dorado SandwichCallan_S6497.What book should I show to a non-gamer?fnord31256498.Podcasters: How do you record?Levi Kornelsen6499.[Camp Nerdly 2] Joys and concerns: your feedback wanted!Clinton6500.[Thou Art But A Warrior] Spitting Curses, Bathed in BloodJason_Morningstar6501.New free RPG download at lythia.comDan Bell6502.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 011: Kat & Michael Miller on SerialRobert_Bohl6503.[Stabbing Contest] Mick Bradley and I talk about gamer mid-life crisis.Ogremarco6504.[GATES & GORGONS] G&G is available !Kobayashi6505.Gaming GenealogyShaneJackson6506.More game designer challengesGraham6507.[GenCon 2008] Embassy NightsSteve_Segedy6508.El Dorado: My Compass Is Spinning - Questions For Mike HolmesJesse6509.[Let's Design!] - Camp Nerdly Greeting GameNathan_H6511.Anyone going to Kublacon 5/23 - 5/26?Penn426512.Bringing extra awesome to PTAforlorn16513.The Matrix Haunts Me - Help me excorsize this demoneruditus6514.Have you ever played a multi-session game of Perfect?Mcdaldno6515.Can we get a feature added? 'Participated Discussions'Kuma6516.[Camp Nerdly] Spiral - The Game (This) Man Wasn't Meant To KnowMark_Causey6517.Favorite PodcastsScott6518.What the hell is El Dorado?Ry6519.A Game For Kynn: Spillover!Ben_Lehman6520.What do we need rules for again?Ry6521.Hacking HeroQuestJogesh EZ6522.Free Online PublishingSimon_C6523.Great. Now I want to design a game with clockwork battle elephantsGeekGirlsRule6524.Criteria-based Task ResolutionBiggerBoat6525.DBAs, Business Licenses, LLCs, Corporations, ...Kynn6526.Failing, InformativelyLevi Kornelsen6527.Tarot HelpSimon_C6528.Maid RPG Scenarios (or, "Maid RPG: It's not just any game, it's EVERY game!")Neko_Ewen6529.Narrativist Mystery Gamesagony6530.My Life With Master... the Movie?Josh Roby6531.Any Utah (Orem/Salt Lake) Gamers Around?Andy6532.Dexcon 11 and IGE, anyone organizing thisforlorn16533.[SG-Wiki] The Wiki's Getting Vandalized.T-Boy6534.CollectiveCon (Apex, NC, 7.12.08): GM submissions welcome!Rafael6535.[Practice: Fate] Teach Me - Lesson 1: AspectsJesse6536.Show your Nerdly photos!Joshua A.C. Newman6537.[Revenge of the B-Movie!] It arrives, launch date announcedihmcallister6538.[Tiny Triangles] Questions for ClintonJohn_Powell6539.IAWA - The \u201cI Stab You In The Face\u201d Game?nemomeme6540.Story games are a hard sell with my friendsKynn6541.Speak to me of the Marvel gameMatt Wilson6542.God black ops angel squadwundergeek6543.[Exalted - Fair Folk] Has anyone played this thing?fnord31256544.Brainstorming for Ideas - A Game in a Libraryfnord31256545.The Role-playing Poem ChallengeMatthijs6546.[Shadow of the Zombie] Seattle State of EmergencySteve_Segedy6547.Here Comes the StickJosh Roby6548.[Sorcerer] "Soul" of Mu?James_Nostack6549.Free RPG Day is June 21efindel6550.[Nostalgia] Heroquest (the board game)Simon_C6551.While Knife Fight is at peace...Graham6552.Techniques other than bangsClyde L. Rho*r6553.Spanish Inquisitor: Ron Edwards (part 2 of 3)Rafael6555.Poison'd should use Crown and Anchor diceGraham6556.[The Reality Vault] Talking to different audiences & play adviceeruditus6557.[Anima Prime] The Dream Huntersamnesiack6558.Things I Like in RPG'sJudd6559.Seaford DelawareScott6560.Robert\u2019s Rules and game designgreatwolf6561.The Sigil Planar LibraryJudd6562.I like X about this setting...Judd6563.The Slippery Slope of StakesJesse6564.Fire in the Sky: Attack plan?Mike Montesa6565.So excited!pedyo6566.The Cull: (new blog with a purpose)Ry6567.Mapping CitiesRob Donoghue6568.Dice, cards, character sheets -- too much?Kynn6569.The Slippery Slope of SnakesJason_Morningstar6570.Perfect: version two playtest documentMcdaldno6571.Cthulhu Scares MeRustin6572.1 GM, 1 Player, No Prep. Does this RPG exist?jessecoombs6573.[Agon] free adventure "Beast of Kolkoris" unleashedBen_Robbins6574.Designing a gamist game that will actually challenge yourself. Sympathy a means?Callan_S6575.[The Mountain Witch] Heart of Darkness - I need your input!Caesar_X6576.Gamestabber reviews: Polyhedral diceGraham6577.Hot War: Art, Posters & PropagandaMalcolm Craig6578.Maps as a game mechanicJohn K6579.20 ideas for GMing and Opening campaignskevperrine6580.Alternate/dual world thingiestj3336581.[4e] Killing Kobolds and Not Taking Their StuffJason_Morningstar6582.How I Spent My Gamex VacationJesse6583.How would you do a set of awards?Graham6584.Need help corrupting D&D playersBen_Robbins6585.Structures in Roleplaying Theory: The HitsMax Higley6586.Real Places That Should Be Fictionalmadunkieg6587.CoruneaSimon_C6589.Fame is Fleeting, Legend is ForeverBlue6590.Matthijs Holter's [Catherine]PaulCzege6591.[Pent: The First Gospel of Pandemonium] Art previewRafael6592.D&D4th and Broken Heartskhelek6593.[The Rustbelt] fearless playtesters wantedMarshall Burns6594.[4e] DMGjenskot6595.[Grey Ranks AP] An Ochota boy's taleWillH6596.The campaign is the gameWilhelm6597.Misspent Eternity: Vampire via Misspent YouthRobert_Bohl6598.Artist for FreelanceSunamori6599.[Go] Players of Go Assemble!tony_dowler6600.More Wicked Names!Willow6601.Small nugget from Funcoms Age of Conan manualKaare Berg6602.Sons of Liberty: Is it out?Matthijs6603.Your Gaming Energy Drinks of ChoiceAndy6604.The Shadowmen (my RPG in progress)signoftheserpent6605.Your Gaming Alcoholic Drinks Of ChoiceGraham6606.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 012: Anna Kreider on Thou Art But A WarriorRobert_Bohl6607.Game Chef 2008 Layout CompetitionDavid Artman6608.[Misspent Youth] The Shepherd and the InfiltratorsRobert_Bohl6609.Play BW and Agon at ENWorld Chicago Gameday XX, 6/14buzz6610.What would coax you to buy a generic system?Veav6611.[GM Emulation] 2 players, No GM, and Secret of Zir'AnScurvy_Platypus6612.Initial Steammadunkieg6613.[SotC] The Spirit of the Shattered Earthmcellis6614.People will change the game!Matthijs6615.A game in the park (a full roleplaying game)Hituro6616.Roleparkplaying games (RPPG), a new genreTomasHVM6617.Looking for a thematically appropriate resolution systemJono6618.[Gen Con Pity Party] What should we play?fnord31256619.[Neoplastic Press] The First Hundred CopiesRafael6620.Text granting the GM the right to change rules: The breadth and depthCallan_S6621.My socks: they have been rocked. Now where can I get more?kfitzpatrick6622.Relics of Battles Past: My Scars Tell a StoryJ_Walton6623.Fight On! interviews Dave ArnesonCalithena6624.Stuff To Watch: June 2008Andy6625.Constructive Advice Wanted: "Lone Wolf" Disruptive PlayerKynn6626.[4e] Yeah it impressed the hell out of meValamir6627.[DREAD FBP] Building a background/story with pictures.Kobayashi6628.Small Things - Free Games by Me!Simon_C6629.Jeff Rient's Grognard Challenge!Andy6630.[4e] Shadowfell with my seven-year-oldTonyLB6631.Story Shtick - Podcast Launch!scottdunphy6632.ALL-DAY GAMING: JUNE 8TH, SUNDAY 10AM-6PM!jenskot6633.[4e] D&D learns about BW's Let It Ridebuzz6634.[Go Play NW2008] It's Over!tony_dowler6635."Short circuiting" encounters by using the system?kevperrine6637.[4e] What's the sub-genre?James_Nostack6638.[Geiger Counter] The Protocolamnesiack6639.[XXXXtreme STREET luge] Playtesting is over-ratedBen_Lehman6640.[GPNW08] Photo Thread! Share!John_Harper6641.[4E] I'm looking forward to a module that uses the new Alignment PotentialValamir6642.[Revenge of the B-Movie] Arrives stateside!ihmcallister6643.[4e] D&D 4E vs D&D Miniatures Game?Chris Peterson6644.[TMW] Heart of Darkness AP at GPNW 2008Caesar_X6645.Characters know the Laws of Story? [N.Gaiman's 1602]Valvorik6646.Abbreviated Game TitlesColinC6647.[GPNW08] Montsegur 1244: The Best Siege Everjohnzo6648.[4e] Seekers of the Sun StoneChristian_Griffen6649.[Perfect] Rhythm of the AbyssChristian_Griffen6650.What the Thunder Said - A Mountain Witch HackSimon_C6651.[GPNW2008] The backlash threadCaesar_X6652.[GPNW08] Beth's Undergroundzornwil6653.[GPNW08] Cyber Ninja Pirates in Spacezornwil6654.[GPNW08] In the Village AKA You Are Number...zornwil6655.[GPNW08] Les Chiens de la Terreur: Landersheimzornwil6656.[GPNW08] Don't Rest Your Head Last Game of GPNW08 GMed by Carlzornwil6657.So GamesExpo?Simon_Rogers6658.Ruminating on video gamesJason_Morningstar6659.[DRYH] Trading your life away at Kublacon 08Carl6660.RPG Easter EggsJustin D. Jacobson6661.[4e] already I want to house rule itRy6662.[4e] I'm starting a campaign (Adam's "Transit" Campaign)Adam_Dray6663.[Tactical Games] By what technique do you use to make fights truly meaningful?Mark_Causey6664.[First Draft] Perfect FantasyJADettman6665.Spirit of the Century & Grey Ranks vs The California SunJesse6666.Bangs, Relationship Maps, and party divergenceFlynn6667.[GPNW08] "Long May You Run", Geiger Counter prom slasher flickBen_Robbins6668.[Solar System] Communal Vignette WritingEero_Tuovinen6669.[4e] Some thoughts on D&D 4e -- part oneDenys6670....Was: Filip Luszczyk6671.So why do you publish games?GB_Steve6672.Wraith via Polaris or ???fnord31256673.Philadelphia brings the awesome. It's meetup time.kfitzpatrick6674.[GPNW08] Mother When's Day (Don't Rest Your Head)zornwil6675.[Mythender] The Dragon at the End of the EarthChristian_Griffen6676.New Geek Girls Rule! Podcast - #4 The Kids' Game (aka Hope for the Future)GeekGirlsRule6677.D&D Mini's and Check out John Harper's awesome tokensJudd6678.In tune with the masses?AdamK6679.[4e] Combat as Skill ChallengeJohn_Harper6680.[4E] needs more boardgame elements!jenskot6681.The Norse workshop on game design?Jason_Morningstar6682.[4e] Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E.J_Walton6684.[Werewolf/Mafia] - Reveal or No?Nathan_H6685.Nerdly Maryland -- AdamCon 2008 -- Baltimore, MD -- June 28-29Adam_Dray6686.RPGs: one of the most commonly stolen books?jenskot6687.JiffyCon and Free RPG DayEmily_Care6688.[GPNW2008] Zero to REIGN in 240 minutesrafial6689.Brainstorm: What do you do with stuff that can be anything?MikeRM6690.Seattle meet-up Saturday June 21 at the Wayward.Ogremarco6691.[Anima Prime] Steam-Mercs on Mars!Ryan_Macklin6692.I need a word for BleakworldsGraham6693.[GenCon] IGE and GoD volunteers and stuff...Gaerik6694.[D&D in 3d]Tile maker programs?komradebob6695.Any Seattle-area folks want to game the weekend of July 26-27?Caesar_X6696.Not just lonely funAdam_Dray6697.Tenra Bansho Zero Character Sheet Design Contest!Andy6698.Geek-A-Saurus podcast is GO!BigJackBrass6699.Shadowrun bittorrents (ORLY? YARLY!)Veav6700.[SotC] Spirit of Mecha AnimeMPOSullivan6701."Fantastical Fantasy" Brainstormingnoisms6702.[Emergency Plot Advice Required!] My wife's first game coming upBrennen Reece6703.Dragonflight Aug 8 -- story games presence?Alan6704.Empty Game Box - My free games onlineBryan6705.Games that are minis first, RPGs second, and D&D4rafial6706.[Dogs] Cards instead of dice?Levi Kornelsen6707.Life/world-changing games?Ben_Lehman6708.[Steal Away Jordan] Actual Play Reports?zacharythefirst6709.The First Children or: What To Do When You're The Only Kids In The WorldDeBracy6710."Yes, but..." Skill failure in traditional games, and changing it.Scurvy_Platypus6711.Out of Sync with 4Escottdunphy6712.[Geiger Counter] The Silent DeepBen_Robbins6713.Gird my Road Trip with Gaming Goodness!Alex F6714.Karbon, It is almost back in black!JasonP6715.Handling TimeJason_Morningstar6716.[4e] Virtual Play on 4eMel_White6717.IGE at DexCon 11Michael S. Miller6718.[Go] The Go RPGfnord31256719.[4E] Ok so it isn't perfectValamir6720.Choose Your Own AdventureBlueHeron6721.[4E] My Frozen SandboxClinton6722.We played SotC on SL!SambearPoet6723.GM character background building ideas?kevperrine6724.Go Play Portland #11 June 28th 2008willem6725.A game without end is a game the players WILL loseCallan_S6726.[4e] What Needs to be on my GM "screen"?Linnaeus6727.[Stabbing Contest] Episode 015 with Ryan Macklin, Mickey, WillH, and booze.Ogremarco6728.[designers] The tools for changeZak Arntson6729.[24 Hour RPG] What if it were more like Comics?Jason_Morningstar6730.[Mortal Coil][and multiple token games] What do you use for tokens?Jogesh EZ6732.[Solar System] Logo DesignEero_Tuovinen6733.IAWA Batman Hackjessecoombs6734.Eric Wujcik Diedtadk6735.Rule Zero & My Friend TravisJesse6737.So, how do you deal with unexpected actions from players?T-Boy6738.[Experienced Story Gamers] Remedial Story Gaming SkillsBrennen Reece6739.Relationship Mapsandreww6740.Poison'd: Is there a character sheet?Graham6741.Can We Talk about "Turtling"?J_Walton6742.[4e] Sold out?rafial6743.what would you call a game about vigilante detectives in costumes?Marshall Burns6744.How to Reward the End Game?E.T.Smith6745.[GenCon]Squirrel Dice - Feedback neededHinterWelt6746.D&D 4th Tactical Combat + WotG Elephant Boardstack0v3rflow6747.[4e] Group-Level ActionsJohn_Harper6748.[D&D] Salvation army (game-rescue branch)komradebob6749.Dungeons x \u221eDave Younce6750.Bluebooking, who does it and how do you handle it?kevperrine6751.[LibraryThing] Story Gamers, help me out!fnord31256752.How to organize a core book?Daztur6753.Saving the world through game designPer_Fischer6754.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 013: Jason Morningstar on Grey RanksRobert_Bohl6755.Hardcore Gamism and Dysfunction Within the Big "G"J_Walton6756.The "Stuff to Watch" rulesMatthijs6757.Why Barbarian Names?Dave Younce6758.4E. Fun now?nemomeme6759.MMORPGs and killing.Ogremarco6760.In a Noir AgeCaesar_X6761.[4e] Expanding on Skill Challenges?Ry6762.[How Dem Oder Guys Be Doin' It] Generating Backstory - Infinity MMOGT-Boy6763.Gaming Friday the 13thMarhault6764.Wherefore Doctor Chaos?Ry6765.The Bleak DieGraham6766.discussion vs. debate; an observationMarshall Burns6767.[4E] Fixing Action PointsValamir6768.What Good Groups and Systems Both DoMax Higley6770.[4e] Decode My Linguistic PuzzleJ_Walton6771.[4e] Make Fights Cool!John_Harper6772.Doubt-Focused Character Designptevis6773.[Geiger Counter] overrun by zombiesBen_Robbins6774.Me and MinisMatt Snyder6775.Geek Girls Rule! Podcast #5 - Mickey drinks too much vodka!GeekGirlsRule6776.A Little Shameless Self-Promotion for my CancerLxndr6777.[4e] Is the Skill Challenge Broken?Jruu6778.vietnam. a post about inefficiencyAnarchangel6779.Eric, you're playing IaWA wrong!lumpley6780.[Ars Magica] Accidental Thread NecromancyTimothy6781.AP Report - Britannia - Chicago GamedayHinterWelt6782.InDesign gurus?Robert_Bohl6783.distributing pre-gen characters for convention gamesPaulCzege6784.[Legend of the Five Rings] First Sessionad10666785.Paizo's Harrow Deck needs a Story GameRy6788.Graphic designers: Icons in text?Matthijs6789.[IAWA] War Witches and the Weeping you use Protagonize?Mcdaldno6791.Third Eye GamesFirst Oni6792.[Solipsist] Uk GamesExpo Demo feedbackHituro6793.[4E vs 3E] or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the RulesBrandon A6794.Beowulf preorders!Joshua A.C. Newman6795.[4E] The GSL is OutEric6796.Exposition as a mechanic; help requestedChris_Goodwin6797.The Bridge: A weird singular conceptDavid Pidgeon6798.Please Help: Wife ran off in a JeepSweeneyTodd6799.I am a Lawyer, and I am answering questions about the GSLJustin D. Jacobson6800.Literal Railroading: Trail of Cthulhu, 4E and the Dangers of Nostalgiapeccable6801.Get together in Boston?Adam_Dray6802.4e GSL: So, what kind of gaming product could someone make with it?Judd6803.I'm a postman from Eastern Europe and I answer questions(not the difficult ones, please)toilet psychic6804.I edit gamesAdam_Dray6805.[Sorcerer] School me on non-supernatural demons!Anarchangel6806.Thanks for the Dreamation Roundtable on Sons of Kryostomg6807.Your Favorite Archetype, Class, Clan, Lifepath, Etc.John_Harper6808.You should have seen John Harper bending the gekkoCaesar_X6809.Itras By: Teaser on YouTubeMatthijs6810.Late GenConGraham6811.Re-Announcing A Summer Adventure Contest!Calithena6812.Positive, non combat oriented sci-fi game?Maddrjeffe6813.Drawing computer game: Mechanics might inspireCallan_S6814.Salvage Operation: Wormwood (and Engel and some 40K)J_Walton6815.[4E] Healing Surge Re-RollsBrandon A6816.[4e] How to fix rituals?Kuma6818.Thank you, IAWA!Ry6819.Dirty Hippy Audio Reportboulet6820.Britons! Be Vigilant!Malcolm Craig6821.[Basic RolePlaying] Who's planning on playing this?John_Powell6822.Naming the game at the tableRy6823.Is D&D4e a "Story Game"?David Artman6824.what's a non-RPG Story Game?James_Nostack6825.How to escape from a bad group without hurting feelingsJono6827.[D&D 4e] Awesomest way to make monsters?Zak Arntson6828.The Bizenghast Adventure Game!Clint Krause6829.Wicked Age Oracle Cards (Collected into 1 thread)Ry6830.IAWA: Surprisingly not wanky or boringGraham6831.Killjoy Cooking With the Dungeons & Dragons CrowdRon Hammack6832.[4E] Innovative Encounterstony_dowler6834.A Sin Punishable by DeathPaul_T6835.So, Free RPG day... anyone get anything good?jackson_tegu6836.Objective reviews of D&D?Mike Montesa6837.Methodical and mechanical RPG-designThunder_God6838.[SotC] Making it a better pickup gameLord_Minx6839.[Covenant]Now in PDFMatt6840.Catching Upagony6841.[4e] My dwarf is awesome!Jono6842.www.Ziraxia.comFirst Oni6843.[4e] Fourth Edition is frustrating...Ron Hammack6844.Philly Meet Up: Mark II, 6/24/08 @ Fox & Houndkfitzpatrick6845.See Page XX releasedSimon_Rogers6846.What is a story game?Clinton6848.We played 1001 Nights and it was kickassMatt Wilson6850.Character Sheets on the cheapScott6851.Discussing Process and Purpose Rather Than ContentJesse6852.Just DungeonsMcdaldno6853.(4e) Where are some good sources of 4e info?Caesar_X6854.Story too soon - what can be done about it?GB_Steve6855.IGE and GoD at GenconGaerik6856.(TSOY) - This may be a dumb question...Nathan_H6857.[4E] Night Below - the game I want to runClinton6858.A couple of very gifted Asian artistsgamera_spinning6859.Issues as the driving force for a character?Eynowd6860.Aerial Combatoutsider6861.Poker chips!Faerieloch6862.Start your chat!Caesar_X6864.How do you bring "Story Game Style" to the table?kevperrine6865.[SotC, SR] "Spirit of the Sixth World" - How would you do it?Lord_Minx6866.Grey Ranks at Originsptevis6867.Podcasts like HG,WT?nemomeme6868.Burning Wheel Summer Secret Surprise 08!!!!!jenskot6869.Images from the Italian edition of MY LIFE WITH MASTERMoreno R.6870.Say Yes or Face the (4E) DungeonSimon_C6871.US Copyright Renewal Records, Now in XMLJason_Morningstar6872.[LotMW] Print CopyScott6873.The danger of too much narration and not enough dice rolling...John_Powell6874.Reverse Dungeon - Encounter Ideas neededkevperrine6875.[Amagi] Looking for some (fairly specific) feedbackLevi Kornelsen6877.Steal Away Jordan is funGraham6878.MotivasjonskartCaesar_X6879.Indie RPG Awards Registation Deadlinejhkim6880.DRYH play aidsnemomeme6881.Help! I need a synonym for "RPG-related thing"Graham6882.Terminology Help - "Potential Glitches"Justin D. Jacobson6883.Robot Fighting GameFirefly Games6884.[DRYH] Night Watch Hackamnesiack6885.Bangs: How Much Ammo?raedwald6886.Exalted by way of Don't Rest Your Headdyjoots6887.[IaWA] I'm late to the party... help me out?fnord31256888.Immersion, what all players doGraham6889.Do I play the way the Developer intended?kevperrine6890.The Pulp Scramble: Part OneJason_Morningstar6891.Pulp Gaming, Probably A RantJesse6892.Wondering about WushuLogos76893.Matthijs, tell us about Archipelago!!Caesar_X6894.King Arthur PENDRAGONvae_editor6895.New Today on Victorian Adventure Enthusiastvae_editor6896.The Pulp Scramble: Part TwoJason_Morningstar6897.Verbal only story gamePer_Fischer6898.What Are You Doing for International Americans Kicking Ass Day?Josh Roby6899.Imaginary deck - what games can be converted to it?Ry6900.What's out there that's original?Graham6901.Committee for the Explanation of How our Shadowrun Went DownCarl6902.Pirates Killing Dogs for Satan in the VineyardGB_Steve6903.Games on the HorizonJosh Roby6904.The Canon Puncture Show Gen Con Roundtablecommondialog6905.[Medical Hospital] Dr. Nixon's Splenic BypassJason_Morningstar6906.Mountain Witch Dark Fate Cards?agony6907.Like PTA but for radio playsM Eryesen6908.Ember RPG Settingheadtripgames6909.Races in the Players HandbookSimon_C6910.The die; dangers and possibilitiesJason_Morningstar6911.[OGL License] S15. requirements and multiple sourcesScurvy_Platypus6912.[Drowning & Falling] Back in Print at LuluSteve_Segedy6913.MY Wife Rock's alternatively the begining of a relationship map ? [4e]Logos76914.An interesting exercise in creating pulp content at the tableCaesar_X6915.Story Games Meet up: July 9th for Rob Bohl's visit to SeattleGeekGirlsRule6916.I want to make Fudge cards, but...Neko_Ewen6917.(D&D4) - Just Call 'Em Buffs For God's Sakes!Nathan_H6918.Playing RPGs to solve problems?Big_J_Money6919.[IaWA] Thoughts/Questions after my "first" gamefnord31256920.[Misspent Youth] Witness the coversRobert_Bohl6921.Technobabble: A Valid Resolution Mechanic?Arpie6922.Gu: Fiction about gamesMikeRM6923.Messiah Deserves Bettercommondialog6924.Ashcan Version of How We Came to Live HereBrennan_Taylor6925.Stuff to Watch: July 2008Judd6926.[DexCon 11] Paging Mendel (or anyone who knows him)Robert_Bohl6927.I Need One-Person Skill ContestsJason_Morningstar6929.[4e] The Scryer (based on HBO's "The Wire")Adam_Dray6930.How was Origins?Caesar_X6931.Philppe Tromeur 53 JdRboulet6932.POD printer round upSimon_Rogers6933.[API] Third Race Revealed for Apocalypse Prevention, Inc.!First Oni6934.CollectiveCon (Apex, NC, 7.12.08): Player registration here!Rafael6935.Old War StoriesPaul_T6936.Origins conv. w/ Mike Holmes, story games rely on the culture and play priorities of their adherentsPaulCzege6937.cost-based resolutionMarshall Burns6938.Making a GM Voice: Narration and story telling stylesJogesh EZ6939."So . . . what are these games?"fnord31256940.The Stodgy Badger & The Cunning MouseMcdaldno6941.It's Complicated: Available for preorder!Elizabeth6942.Key Phrases in games besides PolarisRy6943.Putting A Text Into PlayMax Higley6944.Shadowrun without ShadowrunnersGrant Davis6945.power 19 - Destroy All Evil!sean20996947.The mother who mistook her kid for a gamerMatt Snyder6949.[Sons of Liberty] Zeppelins, Monkeys and Crossing-Dressing LesbiansCaesar_X6950.My first, free rpg online now!teckno726951.[Hot War] The CoverMalcolm Craig6952.[GenCon '08 IPR/Forge Booth] I will help you with demos...Leonard Balsera6953.It's Complicated: How can we make it more complicated?Graham6954.Story-Games SteamIDs - "Basically...Kind Of A Big Deal."JDCorley6955.In a Chivalrous Age?vae_editor6956.Story Game Lounge at Dragonflight, August 8-10, SeattleAnemone6959.What opposes violence in spy/black ops fiction?wundergeek6960.[Unsung] Misunderstanding or a matter of taste?hoog6961.[Polaris] Cop dramahoog6962.So, what's up with Mortal Coil?jackson_tegu6963.Where's the boarder of the challenge, when it's aesthetic?Callan_S6964.In the Age of Chivalryvae_editor6965.[Sons of Liberty] Playing with MomJosh Roby6966.Travelling around the StatesGraham6967.My Shambling Game (zombie tactical RPG) - Power 19 & three questions I'd like to ask.tobiasopdenbrouw6968.[D&D] Minis with my 2.5-Year-OldJustin D. Jacobson6969.British Game Awards: Nominate some of your dirty hippie stuff, pleaseGraham6970.[Tokyo Rain] Hooray! First Playtest Failure!Justin D. Jacobson6971.Dexcon Schedule is upRob Donoghue6973.Rulebook Stacking Game (freebie)Arpie6974.Lulu: Should I Wait For My Proof?Levi Kornelsen6975.Legends as MechanicsArpie6976.[More 4e, sorry] The Cranwinkle WayJason_Morningstar6977.L\xe6relyst - the cover is done!Matthijs6978.[ENnies] 2008 Publisher Nominations and moreDenise6979.D&D4E- the Player's Handbook reviewed by a naked 4-year oldSydney Freedberg6980.[A Flower for Mara] So how do I go about demoing *this* game?greatwolf6981."We Came In Peace For All Humankind"Jason_Morningstar6983.The L\xe6relyst diceMatthijs6984.Poison'd Hack Cruel Fortunes for Crime Dramaagony6985.[Dexcon] Breakfast reduxRob Donoghue6986.Go Play Southeast?Brennen Reece6987.LARP and Story-Games?hoog6988.[D&D4E] A connection mechanic - how fast will this break?Sydney Freedberg6989.[DexCon 11] Saturday partyRobert_Bohl6990.Google Lively, a New Virtual Meet-Up Space (for play?)Andy6991.Help: Ways to Be Abrahamic Before 1400?J_Walton6992.[Yet More 4e, Sorry] Fonting and the Single DMmadirishman6993.Author/Designer decisions in the face of modern sensibilitiesM Eryesen6994.Crunch or no CrunchFirst Oni6995.When Things Go BadJason_Morningstar6996.Playing a game with YOU at GenCondyjoots6997.Game Theory and "Match Three" GamesBlue6998.[FATE/SOTC] Make the world, then play in it.lachlan6999.Shop Talkzacharythefirst7000.Age of Legend 4E (Earthdawn GSL)Jogesh EZ7001.Hoodies?Ben_Lehman7002.On teh wik3d s3rvaRRy7003.[Agonia] Crusaderpunk BeginningsJ_Walton7004.Blurb (book-creation site) - any use?Alex F7005.2008 ENnie Award Nominees announcedDenise7006.Manors and Matriarchs, a Jane Austen rpgchuck7007.Stupid Probability TricksBen_Lehman7008.Your dream game groupGraham7009.[D&D4] Custom Maps: Throne Room and TowerJohn_Harper7010.[Agon] Deeper Quests + Wrathful GodsBen_Robbins7011.designers: what makes you decide to create a game?Marshall Burns7012.Go Play Brisbane? - Who's interested?Comrade Andrew7013.[D&D4] Stunt Power CardsBrandon A7014.What should a game do?Nathan_H7015.Find An Interesting Picture!Mcdaldno7016.(Game Chef 2008) Get Out of Infernopolis-- ready for you!ozbot7018.[Dirty Secrets] Please let me murder yougreatwolf7019.[Hot War] Pre-orders & PreviewsMalcolm Craig7020.Who was working on Girl Genius?Levi Kornelsen7021.The Gateway RPG - how unique is it?malladin_ben7022.The Watchmen- What Systemvae_editor7023.[DNAwesome] Break my chargen, please!DInDenver7025.Any story-gamers in Brussels?hoog7026.Storing/organizing/preserving .PDFsmerb1017027.[Earthdawn] Top 5 most important points for theme and ruleskevperrine7028.[Dulse] No resolution, no problemJason_Morningstar7029.[Annalise] Seven Sins Edition Releasendp7030.GM as prime listenerTonyLB7031.[DexCon 11] Non-game awesomeness @ DexConkfitzpatrick7032.[DexCon 11] Who's going?Robert_Bohl7033.[4E] skill challenges confusionjenskot7034.[Misspent Youth] Reservations! (Don't call it a preorder)Robert_Bohl7035.[ENnies] Indie Publisher involvementDenise7036.[4E] Bidding to get over the humpBrandon A7037."Someday I'll be as good with my bow as you are with your sword"Nathan_H7038.[4e] Humanoid Monsters: Thanks Jeph!Andy7039.[Mist-Robed Gate] Available for Preordershreyas7040.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 014: Ben Lehman on XXXXtreme Street LugeRobert_Bohl7041.What makes a good setting for Inspectres?Graham7042....Was: Filip Luszczyk7043.[DexCon] Murder, anyone? Atypical pimpage by Russell CollinsRussell_Collins7044.3:16 Carnage Amongst The Stars released by BoxNinjaGregor Hutton7045.Playstorming: Please 'splain / link?Levi Kornelsen7046.CharCon (WV) in Oct.merb1017047.[Nerdly Beach Party III] Mark your calendars! September 19-21Albert A7048.Trinoc*coN? (Durham, NC)Rafael7049.[IAWA] ScoringRy7050.[DexCon] East Brunswick InSpectres Needs Adjunct Directorndp7051.MAG: Massive Action GameRafael7052.[Traveller] At Origins, We Hippie-Gamed It UpBill_White7053.Misery Bubblegum: What's the GM's polestar?TonyLB7054.Taking care of your voice during a conventionGraham7055.Games vs. StoriesJason_Morningstar7056.Jeepform at GenConEmily_Care7057.[DitV] Monster Dogs in the Vineyard (also: what is wrong with me?)fnord31257058.Help me find a caption for this picturetony_dowler7059.What to use for a game community website?Neko_Ewen7060.[DexCon 11] I got a roomRobert_Bohl7061.Nordic larp; a brief overview, and an invitation :-)Jason_Morningstar7062.InDesign - Cross-referencing. HELP!Darcy Burgess7063.Getting to DexCon on Footkfitzpatrick7064.THAC0: The Moviekesher7065.[GenCon] Where is Games on Demand going to be this year?Ryan_Macklin7066.[Defiance] First Artwork.MJGraham7067.What are the cool Nordic tabletop cons?Caesar_X7068.My Life with Batman - anyone try this?kevperrine7069.What Makes a Game Boring? How Would You Fix It?Arpie7070.[Starblazer Adventures] Demo PDF ReleasedHituro7071.[Medical Hospital] All that and a Hartman crocodile-jaw spoonJason_Morningstar7072.How many beers does a game cost?Matthijs7073.Help me Shoot a One-Shot TonightPaul_T7074.[DNAwesome] What would you do?DInDenver7075....Was: Filip Luszczyk7076.Summer 2008 Game Challenge: Participate! Volunteer to Judge!zoatebix7077.Uses for garnet diceMatthijs7078.I need another forum! (Yeah, right...)Matthijs7079.[Gen Con] Do you have floor space? Do you need it?Jason_Morningstar7080.Independent product supportchearns7081.Houses of the Blooded: One shotakooser7082.[Gen Con] What new games are being released?Steve_Hickey7083.[Burning Empires] First time outMike Montesa7084.[TSOY] Sci-Fi TSOYAnarchangel7085.Perfect (v2.4) is finished!Mcdaldno7086.Game Voice?tomg7087.Writing a short proof of concept comp game that takes a small sample of the SIS. Thoughts?Callan_S7088....Was: Filip Luszczyk7090.Fanfic Adventures: The Mary Sue AddendumRoger7091.[Mathletes] Optimal strategy?Jason_Morningstar7092.[adolescent wish fulfillment] Just a heads upxenomouse7093.Against the Establishment Gamestomg7094.Gan I get an IPR presence at Con-X-Treme?Elliott Belser7095.Hot War: Now available in PDFMalcolm Craig7096.Darkpages?signoftheserpent7097.[Solar System] 15-Minute DemoJason_Morningstar7098.[Obliterati] the game of the unspeakable horror of the literary lifeMarshall Burns7099.[The Libertines] Which system?Brennen Reece7100.One-on-One RPG introduction - What to use?fnord31257101.The Green: Donjon supplement for freeColin_Fredericks7102.[3:16 Carnage Amongst The Stars] rules questionsBen_Robbins7103.Changes to IGE and GoD at GenConGaerik7104.In a SUPER Age Oracles....jessecoombs7105.[Zombie Cinema] Finish my rulesEero_Tuovinen7106.How much awesome should I bring to GenCon?Graham7107.Exception-Based Systems that aren't D&D?Josh Roby7108.[GenCon] What are you bringing on the side?J_Walton7109.Rebellion in the Mushroom Kingdom -- please use this scenario!Marshall Burns7110.Sons of Liberty -- how long to play?Deliverator7112.RIP Harn's creator N. Robin CrossbyDan Bell7113.I'll run your game for youBen_Lehman7114.Play Sorcerer: Narrative Tools and Techniques for Social StorytellingChristopher Kubasik7115.[Rough & Tumble] Complications for a TV action game!James_Mullen7116.Too lazy for game mechanics (setting demo?)Daniela7117.Cold City, Version 1.1Malcolm Craig7118.[GoD/IGE@Gen Con] Mike Holmes and Minions - How Can We Help?Jason_Morningstar7119.[Play Now!] Let's organize an online conBrennen Reece7120.I'm actually looking forward to trying to kill the PCszenten7121.Questions about .pdf file game booksfnord31257123.[Revenge of the B-Movie!] For your considerationihmcallister7124.Using Dogs town creation in other settingsDaniela7125.Tell Us About Your Most Recent Awesome Gaming Experiencetomg7126.A new Darkpages Q&A thread, now with fireproofing!spookyfanboy7127.[Gen Con] Pimping some restaurantsBlake T. Deakin7128.Recommend West-Coast Conventions.Sean Musgrave7129.PDF Alternativesshreyas7130.Star Wars, faking an Oraclevae_editor7131.Console Purchase Help (Specific questions, don't try to convert me)Thunder_God7132.[3:16] Character Sheet wishlistGregor Hutton7133.[Lulu, Hoard] Prrof is in. Is good, but one questions.Levi Kornelsen7134.Best "Play Dirty" Advice EVARJosh Roby7135.[PDF Games] I am a data point!Blake T. Deakin7137.[IAWA] With Cards! (Instead of dice!)Ry7138.[3:16, Actual Play] The Hellworld Chronicles, Mission #1: Planet CaravaggioSquidLord7139.Project management: Tools + tips?Matthijs7140.What are your Favorite 3 RPGs Right Now? (July)Andy7142.[Election Roach] The Party NodBrendan7143.Mini-GPNW / HarperCon '08 / Peanut Butter Jelly TimeBrendan7144.A Difference of AbilityNathan_H7145.Ha ha ha, I finished itEero_Tuovinen7146.Anime Evolution/Cloud City Re-Announced! (Aug, Vancouver)Mcdaldno7147.Lacuna at a conakooser7148.Warrior and Wizard (retro-clone of The Fantasy Trip)Chris_Goodwin7149.A sense of something differentMatthijs7150.Pronouns in RPGs - First vs. Third PersonFine7151.[DNAwesome] Mechanics so farDInDenver7152.[Solipsist] Mailing ListHituro7153.[The Believers] The TunersBrendan7154.GenCon: Apparently, I'm driving from New York to IndianapolisGraham7155.[Annalise] Neat Things!ndp7156.Design Matters, a new game buying experienceKevin Allen Jr7157.[D&D 3.5] Brainstorming an adventure within a MetropolisTristan7159.GameWang!Malcolm Craig7160.[art/game] Messiah CoverStorn7161.[OT] Apologising for an OpinionNeil Gow7162.What Is Story?Willow7163.Any Drupal experts?Matt Snyder7164.Weird DiceNeko_Ewen7165.What story elements you want in games you play?Alan7166.What 3 RPGs frighten/intimidate you?merb1017167.What's the craziest fast-production you've tried?TonyLB7168.New members, focus, and cultureBrennen Reece7169.[Go Play Peoria] Go Play Peoria summer minicongreatwolf7170.[Medical Hospital] Instructional VideosJason_Morningstar7171.[3:16] Players influencing campaign directionNomdePlume7172.Project Orion: Surf Music, BBQ and NukesJared A. Sorensen7173.What are your favourite kinds of stories?Richie7174.Lacuna surf hackJohnstone7175.[Godlike] D-Day CampaignMike Montesa7176.reviewers wanted for Gatewaymalladin_ben7177.Red Sun Hackoliof7178.An already published RPG patentArturo G.7179.[API] All Races Finally Previewed for Apocalypse Prevention, Inc.!First Oni7180.[3:16] FAQs ... so you don't have to wade through the longer threadGregor Hutton7181.[Revenge of the B-Movie] Now available from IPR!ihmcallister7182.[Thou Art But A Warrior] Demo help? Could use a second set of eyeswundergeek7183.[3:16] Planet SheetNomdePlume7184.Put Down Then Pick Up And PlayNathan_H7185.[3:16] Squad 42 Echo - Killer Starfish and the Smart BombJohn_Harper7186.When Babies Laugh... A Non-Squicky Sorcerer Setting For Dave (DinDenver)Jesse7187.[The Believers] 15-minute UFO-contactee gameCaesar_X7188.Arthurian Oracle on VAEvae_editor7189.[Zombie Cinema] Making a movieEero_Tuovinen7190.ask me how I spent last weekend?PaulCzege7191.I'm not sure I want to play with this DM...jenskot7192.[Archipelago] An evening set 500 years in the future...willem7193.Buildings and VehiclesColinC7194.Lacuna DebriefM Jason Parent7195.Stuff to Watch: August 2008Justin D. Jacobson7196.TTW: A game I found on my desktopGraham7197.[It's Complicated] PDF version and Online Play Editions now available!Elizabeth7198.Today's 64th anniversary of Warsaw uprisingtoilet psychic7199.Donjon in Spanish. Oh si.Dogui7200.These make me want to play D&D!!!jenskot7201.The Play Collective, Gen Con 08: Bigger, Bolder, Tougher!Malcolm Craig7202.[DNAwesome] Setting so farDInDenver7203....Was: Filip Luszczyk7204.Dragoncon 2008Scott7205.Layout for cards - helpRy7206.[ZoZ] Quick Question for those awakeBlue7207.[Black Cadillacs] - Games at GenCon Indy 2008Darcy Burgess7208.Starblazer Adventures on pre-order now!ChrisBirch7209.I'm a bad ashcan customer.Matthijs7210.The supply and demand of time, money and gamesMatthijs7211.The Rain (a game of life and love)Matthijs7212....Was: Filip Luszczyk7213.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 15: Elizabeth Shoemaker on It's ComplicatedRobert_Bohl7214.Who will give me a money-back guarantee?Graham7215.Any good RPGs set to Latin America?olepeder7216.Matt Wilson's Sideline Project?Josh Roby7217.The Art of the Poster 1880-1918Caesar_X7218.New RPG idea. (Let me know if I'm crazy)kevin.weiser7219.Kagematsu Color My Cover ContestDanielleLewon7220.Movies about roadtrips and journeysMcdaldno7221.Play by Post - looking for suitable games!fnord31257222.Out of Izumo - a HWCTLH hackshreyas7223."Indie" Comics and Story GamesNeko_Ewen7224.Travel blogGraham7225.[Medical Hospital] Rectum? Nearly Killed 'em!Jason_Morningstar7226.Geek Girls Rule! Podcast #6 - Sex and GamingGeekGirlsRule7227.[PTA] With 8 (or 9 or more) peopleJogesh EZ7228.Looking for a Web ToolJason_Morningstar7229.OMG! I think I know why I can't get excited for 4e!Ry7230.Ashcan Front Demoes at the Games on Demand roomcommondialog7232.How My Game Scared MeMPOSullivan7233.Suggestion: RSS Feed?AnttiKi7234.[3:16] Spades and Chalk on Planet D\xfcrerGregor Hutton7236.RPG Challenge: The games are in! Check them out!zoatebix7237."You made Lego Kobolds, you f**king psycho!"Rich Stokes7238.[3:16] A new campaign beginsNomdePlume7239.Game or toolkit, and seller honestyCallan_S7240.Braunstein: the origin of RPGs (GenCon party forming...)Ben_Robbins7241.Dexcon/Dreamation has a new locationKevin Allen Jr7242.Best GM Advice EverRoger7243.[Stabbing Contest] Episode 018 with Rob Bohl on Misspent Youth.Ogremarco7244.Dealing with players with mental issuessacredchao7245.[Sorcerer] Harry Scarborough My TakeJesse7246.[The Canon Puncture Show] 7 Episodes in 7 Dayscommondialog7247.Gaming in a Public PlaceZ-Dog7248.[Gen Con] What are you running on the side?tony_dowler7249.Fred Hicks sighting at EndGame OaklandCaesar_X7250.GM ideas for running games in the big city...kevperrine7251.[Tokyo Rain] Playtest Doc - Come and Get ItJustin D. Jacobson7252.In-Character Gaming ReflectionAndy7253.[Burning Wheel] Burning RaethJohn Anderson7254.[Gen Con] What do you hope to play?Robert_Bohl7255.Experiment: 5 music-likers needed.Mcdaldno7256.Seance: a role-playing poemCaesar_X7257.a goblin's lot in life: D&D4 KotSMatt Wilson7258.A Maid RPG Lonely Fun ExperimentAndy7259.Sweet Agatha coming to Gen ConKevin Allen Jr7260.A Roleplaying Poem About LogocentrismMax Higley7261.You know what I want?toilet psychic7262.Under my Skin at GenCon 08Emily_Care7263.Playing D&D...and liking it.Mike Montesa7264.[It's Complicated] Very Important ErrataElizabeth7265.The Madness of Old-School Module DesignJustin D. Jacobson7266.Revisiting Game Chef 2008tomg7267.[3;16] Player AdviceNomdePlume7268....Was: Filip Luszczyk7269....Was: Filip Luszczyk7270.[Darkpages] Save me an ashcan, please!spookyfanboy7271.Who Aren't You?Mcdaldno7272.[Beowulf] Hwaet! Hither came Beowulf, long anticipated...DainXB7273.I want a toolkit!Ron Hammack7274.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 16: Judd Karlman on Robert Bohl on Misspent YouthRobert_Bohl7275.Using minis in D&D 4E without it being a headachezenten7276.Facebook Indie Game fan pagesnoclue7277.What Are Your Three Favorite RPGs Right Now (August)Ben_Lehman7278.Need Great SymbolsRy7279.ENnies judge electionsMaster of the Game7280.Playing Urchin at Dragonflightmarkwalt7281.Bliss Stage TCG (No, Wait, Hear Me Out)Elliott Belser7282.Roleplaying ToysMax Higley7283.(Bliss Stage) Rapid Eye Movement Quotes and APElliott Belser7284.Favorite Old RPG Book?Neko_Ewen7285.[D&D4] Cheat sheetBrendan7287.[Culture Clash] Gen-Con PlaytestingTomR7288.Maybe a Nano Idea - it's not big enough to be 'Little'Blue7289.[Lacuna] For the First timeMountZionRyan7290.Story Games Powers Activate! I Need Help Fast!Jason_Morningstar7292.MOUSE GUARD: interview and preview... WOW, JUST WOW!jenskot7293.What would help you play a young adolescent?Nathan_H7294.Conquer the Horizon in Print at GenCon, of all thingsJosh Roby7296.What's the real story behind Project Donut?spookyfanboy7297.Blogs - how?NomdePlume7298.Free hosting options for collaborative fiction?Ron Hammack7299.[unWritten] Playtest part 2! A game of Film and Literature.alejandro7300.[Booth 1940] Design Matters Booth MenuGregor Hutton7302.[The Rustbelt] Behold the rusty goodnessMarshall Burns7304.Tales of the Fisherman's Wife: Now Certified WaterproofGraham7305.[Group Highwayman] the road tripMcdaldno7306.[Group Nomad] designing our road trip.Mcdaldno7307.The NYC branch of the Jason Morningstar fanclubDeliverator7308.[Lacuna] One Player and a Question about DeathBret_Gillan7309.Jason Morningstar, I won't play your games!toilet psychic7310.Geiger Counter for FreeJ_Walton7311.Spirit of the ForceDeliverator7312.Diana Jones?chearns7313.Game stores near the Atlanta airport?Brennen Reece7314.[Dogs] Return to the Temple and to Initiatory ConflictsBret_Gillan7315.My "GenCon" Release: Play PassionatelyJesse7317.[Group Highwayman] Phase 3: CharactersMcdaldno7318.[Group Nomad] Phase 3: CharactersMcdaldno7319.Gary Gygax, I won't play your games.Mcdaldno7320.[Name of Game Designer], I won't play your games!chearns7321....Was: Filip Luszczyk7322.[IAWA] 8 players + GM, what I learnedRy7323.My Life with Master rule questionkevperrine7324.Unknown Armies in spirit but not namekevin.weiser7325.[LARP] London?hoog7326.[Gamers Guide to Encryption] Is there interest?Lord_Minx7327.Token minis and tackinessBrendan7328.Help! I'm Scared to GM [game]!fnord31257329.Timers and stopwatches: a couple of questionsDaniel Yokomizo7330.Jen Rogers gets praise on Brassgogglestadk7331.Winners for 2007 Indie RPG Awards announcedchearns7332.Do I even need a GM?tomg7333.[3:16] Full Set of Tokensrenatoram7334.(Bliss Stage) REM - The delicate situation with Alice, Amanda and LloydElliott Belser7335.[Misspent Youth]ImpressionsGrant Davis7336.DragonCon First Timerskfitzpatrick7337....Was: Filip Luszczyk7338.Things that Mr. Heinz is no longer allowed to do...Elliott Belser7339.[GenCon 2008] How was the show?Ben_Johnson7340.Who played in the Braunstein at GenCon?komradebob7341.Anyone else have trouble sleeping after reading Grey Ranks?kevin.weiser7342.Conflict Resolution, my Ancient Foe!wyrmwood7343.Sitting, standing or lying downNathan_H7344.Looking for help with math/probabilitiesfnord31257345.Needs more Fribblefrabble!Josh Roby7346.[3:16, It's Complicated, Bliss Stage, Giger Counter] Anime Weekend Atlanta Indie Explosion!SquidLord7347.GenCon: Misery BubblegumTonyLB7348.[Geiger Counter] version Beta rocksBen_Robbins7349.[3:16] Planet Generatorrenatoram7350.Explain Maid To MeJason_Morningstar7351.Explain Zombie Cinema To Mejenskot7352.Dust Devils @ Gen Con: Hell Hath No Furydyjoots7353.[Marketing] how to...jenskot7355....Was: Filip Luszczyk7356.Tasty Bacon Games gets the last word in open-ended game designwundergeek7357.How do you hold a silence?Mcdaldno7358.[GenCon 2008] Photo ThreadJohn_Harper7359.Question About unWrittenJesse7360.Explain It's Complicated to medyjoots7361.[MB] Exact phrasing: Dreams and fearTonyLB7362.[GenCon 2008] Talk About Your Mad Looteruditus7363.What are you playing from your recent game buying haul?Judd7364.Overview of Underkoffler's Overviewschadu7365.[Tokyo Rain] Playtesting Is Now OpenJustin D. Jacobson7366.Small-press game distributionRafael7367.Casual meet-up in Seattle august 23Ogremarco7368.Experimenting with GM tools paid outalgi7369.Anime/indie games Question for Andy (split from Filip's anime fringe thread)dyjoots7370.[Empire of Dust] All right. I've waited long enough!lexifab7371.Games with no mechanical values?jenskot7372.[Zombie Cinema] Right Here, TomorrowJason_Morningstar7373.Misery Bubblegum blind playtestTonyLB7374.Did we ever find the Northern Passage to El Dorado?JasonLeigh7375.Why was 3:16 so successful at Gencon?jenskot7376.What games make you create the best artifacts?Ry7377.Missed Connections at GenConRyan_Macklin7378.GenCon 2008 Indie Design-and-Publish Seminars \u2014 Recorded?Josh Roby7379.Tell Me If I Am Doing My Jobcommondialog7380.[Zombie Cinema] "So, you meet in a bar...."greatwolf7381.[Bullseye] Who Picked up the Ashcan?Justin D. Jacobson7382.What Neat RPGs are on[Silence Keeps Me A Victim] early thoughts...jenskot7384.Easy to use sound effects / music on PC? (Wich came out is not necessary a sampler)algi7385.[Under My Skin] under my skin. Now with pictures!EarthenForge7386.[Power 19] [Each Star Could Be An Ally!] Some questions.Elliott Belser7387.[The Morningstar Files] Grey Ranks in the Raleigh News & ObserverJames Jeffers7389.Screw Unified Mechanics!Andy7391.TomasHVM, explain rollespillet Muu to metoilet psychic7392.[Gencon] buy indie game, get buttons, share, need all 4 to win...?jenskot7393.[Geiger Counter] The Rignemomeme7394.How important are Dice to a game?gmdice7395.West Coast Story GamersNeko_Ewen7396.No Touching!Jason_Morningstar7397.Creating Pre-Gens, for WPG (or any game)James_Nostack7398.3:16 - The SoundtrackMike Montesa7399.Invitation: Jason, Chris and JonathanTomasHVM7400.Revisiting the Setting Design ChallengeGraham7401.Don't Touch Me!NomdePlume7402.L\xe6relyst on TVMatthijs7403.Soft V-RPGs and free L-RPGskomradebob7404.Making linear scenarios funMatthijs7405.[Gencon] breaking even?jenskot7406.[Each Star Could Be An Ally!] Who wants in on the first playtest?Elliott Belser7407.Twilight Imperium StorifiedtimeLESS7408.Tell me about Misery Bubblegum!Elliott Belser7409.Which IAWA Oracles are good/suck?jessecoombs7410.[PAX / Bumbershoot] Perfect Storm NWBrendan7411.Do you use Troll? (dice probabilities)AnttiKi7412.Character death and setting stakes - what game should I try?Pandelume7413.[How To Host A Dungeon] Beneath Cloud LakeJason_Morningstar7414.Chombie Cinema: Tell me your chombie storiesGraham7415.[Nomads and Highwaymen] Wrap-up (Phase 4)Mcdaldno7416.[Story > Game] Abby in the land of the broccoli trees - an oracle for my daughterBailywolf7417.Task Resolution and the Passage of TimeMax Higley7418.[Mist-Robed Gate] for gothic gory vampire melodramaBailywolf7419.Games via IRCfnord31257420.Role playing poem - The whaletoilet psychic7421.[Long Road Nowhere] The Abortion.Mcdaldno7422.HFJ - A Roleplaying Poem for CharMcdaldno7423.What I don't like about 3:16oliof7424.Why justify your game?merb1017425."Play Advice" - New title for this category?Andy7427.Anna Kreider's drawings for Misery BubblegumGraham7428.[3:16] Gaining rank quickly and the game's directionagony7430.Let's Play How to Host a Dungeon Onlinetony_dowler7431.Tell me about LacunaMorten Greis7432.[3:16] Carnage on My Coffee TableRyan_Macklin7433.I'm with you, Joe! (roleplaying poem)PaulB7434.If your mom made a game...Matthijs7435.Looking for a Wretched WordJason_Morningstar7436.[Xbox 360] Live TagsBrendan7437.Anyone For Story Games Paris, Oct 19-23?Albert A7438.What makes for a really good PDF?tony_dowler7439."I will not abandon you" and other social contract phraseskfitzpatrick7440.Itras By!akooser7442.Tell Me About Tunnels and TrollsJason_Morningstar7443.[3:16 @ GenCon] 4 Days, 6 GamesJohn_Harper7444.[Ganakagok] Cover Art!Bill_White7445.Game Publishers AssociationKeith Sears7446.Are you ready to sieze (sic) it??Joli7447.[3:16] Using the system for other genres?Number6intheVillage7448.[3:16] NFA Actions in CombatBret_Gillan7449.Using Music while Gaming?Andy7450.Tell me about your Dark Continent gameAndy7451.What can we do to more clearly define our world?Ry7452.Problem with ResponsesNumber6intheVillage7453.[A Flower for Mara] Now available!greatwolf7454.[How to Host a Dungeon] World of Elkaneitony_dowler7455.Building Tension: Help with a Pool VariantE.T.Smith7456.Little props that helpElliott Belser7457.[Darkpages: Sketchbook] Some questions I have...spookyfanboy7458.The simple tools of touchMatthijs7459.The Pool: I'm doing it wrong.Dave Younce7460.Darkpages Imprint: Crisis of the Superpowersspookyfanboy7461.[Long Road Nowhere / The Hydra] Crossover characters.Mcdaldno7462.[3:16] PCs too successful?vellu7463.[4E] Differentiating minionsmerb1017464.[3:16] SGBoston Shoots Some BugsJ_Walton7465.Find Annalise competitionGregor Hutton7466.[3:16] Troopers of the "Big Iron"Steve_Segedy7467.[Nerdly Beach Party III] Registration is open! (Sept 19-21)Albert A7468.[InSpectres] By Jove! It's the Case of the Peripatetic Pharaoh!Ben_Robbins7469.Maid: Random Random Event Table TableWillow7470.Hacking or just a fantasy heartbreakerakooser7471.A List of Fantasy Heartbreakers?Brennen Reece7472.probability questioncr0m7473.Shock: OracleChris Peterson7474.Worldwide HouseBreakerMatthijs7475.[Empire of Dust] Get out of my headValamir7476.[Recess] Nerd.NYC's lil' day of gaming! Sept 6th '08 Brooklyn, NYPterrysaur7477.[Actual Play] My Life with The Batmankevperrine7478.Challenge; make a game based on the music of The CureEric7479.Let's talk about fishingBrennen Reece7480.[Jeepform] nut balljenskot7482.Help, Help! Old man wants to poison China!Paul_T7483.Completely Bizarre Thing We Did With PTA - Copz!JDCorley7484.[poison'd] GMing advice?Georgios7485.Generational Bliss Stage?Elliott Belser7486.Me insides are burnin'! Handling internal conflict in RPGsPaul_T7487.(Alteil) Who wants to play a card game with me? (And online gaming idea-ish)MPOSullivan7488.My 3:16 Craft Projectedheil7489.3:16 makes me sick (long)Wolfe7490.3:16 question about disciplineEero_Tuovinen7491.[PTA] A game for new folk at PAX.Ogremarco7492.Thread of Jealousy: What do you wish you made?jessecoombs7493.Houses of the Blooded pdf is SUPER CHEAPjessecoombs7494....Was: Filip Luszczyk7495.What anime-inspired games are you working on?Neko_Ewen7496.Looking for advice for a small-press gkgame for someone with a bacround in Improvgamera_spinning7497.Tell Me How 3:16 Handles Combat vs. Roleplaycommondialog7498.3:16 Mission IdeasSimon_Rogers7499.[Montsegur 1244] What print quality to pick?Frederik J. Jensen7500.[Tell me about] House of the BloodedLord_Minx7501.Stuff to Watch: September 2008 (and rules refresher!)Andy7502.Knutepunkt 2009: Call for papersMatthijs7504.[Darkpages] I played itBret_Gillan7505....Was: Filip Luszczyk7506.[Go Play Peoria][Mist-Robed Gate] My doubts have been assuagedgreatwolf7507.[Darkpages] Imprint: Underground revisitedBret_Gillan7508.Advice on systemRustin7509.I Want A Game About ThisJason_Morningstar7510.Ice Station Nerdly II (DC-area mini-con)jhosmer17511.'The Giant Brain' needs you!ihmcallister7512.New for Two-Fisted Tales: Gripping Tales of the Impossible #1brettmb7514.[MLoY] Skull Mountain Team - Game 4, quick reportRu_Baraba_Dom7515.[Looking For] "Play by Letter" GamesColinC7516.Licensing indie games. How did you do it?elmago797517.My Life with JokerSean Nittner7518.[Helensville] Play-by-blog colonial New Zealand diary gameMikeRM7519.Houses of The Blooded: PrivledgeJesse7520.[3:16] A Captain's Influenceagony7521.Proportions of Content, Art vs GameNPC7522.[3:16] First Try - The Dogs Of Warkaptainkobold7523.All Right, Magical Realism - How?Jason_Morningstar7524.Role-playing for disabled playersmerb1017525.Summer Gaming and Autumn HungersJudd7526.D&D, Math, Perception, Optical Illusions, and Youkevin.weiser7527.The Epidermis of Scott DorwardJames_Mullen7528.Hey, what's wrong with D&D?xternal7529.Magical Realism Reading ListBrennen Reece7530.I miss the Durham 3Caesar_X7531.Slapstick?Wilhelm7532.[Zombie Cinema] Minor rules hackptevis7534....Was: Filip Luszczyk7535.Solar System?Jogesh EZ7536.SuperPenisCall Me Curly7537.Bliss Stage - Children of ChildrenElliott Belser7538.(Bliss Stage) Assumptions about (and working with) RaceElliott Belser7539.[specific techniques] Monologuing.Mcdaldno7540.Traditional chinese/japanese/asian music?Matthijs7541.Rules as AudienceLevi Kornelsen7542.[3:16] Emotional Damage Always Deadly?Ludanto7543.(Cold City) ColdspaceNPC7544.3:16: Up and DownJason_Morningstar7545.[MB] Getting people to engage the systemTonyLB7546.How to fix Dudes-in-a-Scene games?James_Nostack7547.Project Playlist Project - Song up your games!Elliott Belser7548.Where are the Hot War actual plays?Per_Fischer7549.I want inSimon_Pettersson7550.Group Dynamics and A Spectrum of Roleplayer IdentitiesMax Higley7551.How to Fix Yadda-Yadda Games?James_Nostack7552.Oh! So it's more fun if you have a character?Matthijs7553.Who wants to play online using Skype and/or Virtual Tabletops?Brennen Reece7554.Hot War & Cold City v1.1 - Book FaultsMalcolm Craig7555.3:16 vs Techno Industrial Noise MayhemMalcolm Craig7556.Continuous game, discontinuous groupMeserach7557....Was: Filip Luszczyk7558.BiblioLution - A Modest PropBlue7559.[Designers] Demo your games for us on MapTool/Skype?Brennen Reece7560.Demos at Concrete CowNeil7561.Tell me about your favorite TV showMatt Wilson7562.[Lacuna] Second CaseMountZionRyan7563.[3:16] OrdersPaulB7564.3:16 Cthulhu Amongst the StarsDouble King7565.2d6 mechanicsakooser7566."You led us by the nose too much..."Bret_Gillan7567.Yet another 3:16 AP.Dogui7568.Maid RPG (Finally!) Available for PurchaseAndy7569.[3:16] Making BrigadierPaulB7570.[Hot War] Air, Fire, WaterMalcolm Craig7571.[Folks with Chitlins] Structured Bedtime Story Game?J_Walton7573.GenCon 2008 Playtesting SeminarFlynn7574.[3:16] Dominance and AmbushPaulB7575.I need "corrupt" versions of these traitsMarshall Burns7576.[short games] building story vs building characterDouble King7577.The best first story game for new indie/narrative gamers?Brennen Reece7578.Some love for random chargenBret_Gillan7579.Are you becoming desensitzed to conflict?GB_Steve7580.How many aliens can dance on the head of a trooper?GB_Steve7581.Spammers use e-mails found here.Matthijs7582.How do you pronounce "Chargen"?Simon_Pettersson7583.Project DonutholeCall Me Curly7584.SporeJason_Morningstar7585.Help me name some pointsPaul_T7587.[Design] How to make metaphors work?Simon_Pettersson7588.[3:16] Alien Abilitiesagony7589.[IAWA] Player created oraclesBrennen Reece7590.Getting actual work done on the Bliss Stage Customizable Card GameElliott Belser7591.[Darkpages] Anyone willing in Allentown/Bethlehem, PA?spookyfanboy7592.White Wolf's SAS - Any opinions?fnord31257593.Solo RPGs and PlayNumber6intheVillage7594.Opening GOB Store in Detroit. Approx 3 weeksguildofblades7595.[GASPcon 9] Story games invade local con; Western PA, WV panhandle, and eastern OH; film at 11jason7596.Good Examples of Scene Economykevin.weiser7598.different mechanic with fudge dicejessecoombs7599.[InSpectres InSpace] Missions of the DauntlessBen_Robbins7600.The attribution of excitementMatthijs7601.Let's Wordle us some booksLord_Minx7603.Desperation PoolPaul_T7604.MiisJared A. Sorensen7605.I need a game about Egyptian ghosts coming back from the dead for a crummy TV showboulet7606.Interviewing GamersRy7607.Wordling podcastsRobert_Bohl7608.[3:16] First time playing, first time runningalejandro7609.[Recorded AP] Grey Rankskevin.weiser7610.Small Press at Gen Con - With Pictures!HinterWelt7611.Having some trouble with Burning Wheelsacredchao7612.[4e] "Find him" skill challengejaw67613.Recommend me an RPGNow product?Andy7614....Was: Filip Luszczyk7615.[London] Nerdy things to do...jenskot7616.[Slime Story] "If I played this game you're working on, I'd play a character like this"Neko_Ewen7617.[Geiger Counter] I'll get this fish to fly!Frederik J. Jensen7618.Curious about your backgroundDavid Artman7619.Games in reaction to other gamesGraham7620.Endgame Minicon - October 4, 2008Jogesh EZ7621.[IAWA] Three questions for GMsjohnzo7622.Story Games Name Project: Worth a Second Attempt?Andy7623.[Geiger Counter] I don't have to outrun the bear...Ben_Robbins7624.PTA: When to go to the cards...jessecoombs7625.Fruitful Void WordlesGraham7626.MACE 2008forlorn17627.Clever exoplanet pseudoscience?Ry7628.Getting in trouble, the top six ways...Jason_Morningstar7629.Braid (Videogame)sage7630.[HinterWelt] Freedom Squirrels ReleasedHinterWelt7631.[Mage Blade] Story Concepts and Character LifeWolfe7632.Confessions of an editor n00bMatthijs7633.[Duty & Honour] Victory is at hand! The proof is here...Neil Gow7634.Gamer ParlanceBret_Gillan7635.Tell me about: at UberCon XIeruditus7637.So I'm Tinkering AgainLogos77638.Avatarism and Director's StanceLogos77639.Excellent Layout Examplestomg7640.[fantasy] looking for games for PCs to compete in?kevperrine7641.(Bliss Stage, Exalted) Age of Bliss, Unconquered Sun protect me.Elliott Belser7642.Setting description, mood, and how the two are related.sacredchao7643.Post your nightmares at my site.twingle937644.[Darkpages Imprint] Black WatchmenPer_Fischer7645.New Games Queue: What I read and what I NEED to play.eruditus7646.[Nobilis] Stuff that happened in my gameBret_Gillan7647.Request from a IAWA fan/nut.jessecoombs7648.Some Thought from Players about Bangs; And How I Use ThemChristopher Kubasik7649.Optimum number of players for games?Sean Musgrave7650.Lifecycle of a GamerDouble King7651.Internal States, Stakes and Primetime AdventuresJesse7652.PtA: Hogging the FanmailArpie7653.[PtA & Now Playing] What's going on?Brennen Reece7654.Arr! SLAP Day Sale on Squirrels Ahoy and More!HinterWelt7655.Why Bangs...Max Higley7656.Help me, podcasters! Supers game-- Marvel + Wushu mash-upozbot7658.I'm out of books!Matt Wilson7659.How do you play PTA?jenskot7660.[DNAwesome] Brainstorming - GritDInDenver7661.Solar System arrives. Earth no longer at center.Paul_T7663.Tell Me About Pendragonsage7664.What do you need to frame a scene?Paul_T7665.No pens, no paper, no dice, just cardsRy7666.Advice on a Good Event Organizing WebsiteLor the Swede7667.Tell me about [Savage Worlds]Brennen Reece7668.Phobias and FearsAmy Garcia7669.[Dresden Files] Playtest in WellingtonSimon_C7670.Tell me about a place in a townDave Younce7671.The SuitsCaesar_X7672.Retro Gamesjessecoombs7673.The Pool with cardsGraham7674.Commune with your dead PCsSimon_Rogers7675.[DRYH Don't Lose Your Mind] A Brief Revieweruditus7676.Nerdly Beach III: Spill ItJason_Morningstar7677.Glyphpress and 2SP announce: The Diesel Sweeties RPGElizabeth7678.Ransoming Have Games, Will Travelptevis7679.Solar vs. BW - what's the difference?Ry7680.[Mountain Witch] Where to buy?vini_lessa7681.How should a sci-fi fugitive fail?Graham7682.The Slovenly Trull Game Design challengeNickWedig7683.How To Host A Mideval/Fantasy CityErik_Battle7684.Chimera Creative ceasing publicationMatt Snyder7685.Scarlet WakeBooks Burner7686.if magic = money, what happens when finances are debased?markv7687.DC Residents GO HELP!David Artman7689.[PTA] Anyone want to join our weekly Skype/Vassal game?Brennen Reece7690.Does people being captured make everything suck?Sean Musgrave7691.[PSI=RUN] Run! Psychic Runners with Amnesia Escape - Part Oneophidian_flux7693.[3:16] An Idea and a QuestionSimon_Pettersson7694.Dreaming in character / in-character dreamsMatthijs7695.Hot War & Cold City: We had problems, but we're back!Malcolm Craig7696.[3:16] What Colour is a MandelBrite Suit?Simon_Pettersson7697....Was: Filip Luszczyk7699.[H\u014dL] The First Story Game?David Artman7700.[Trinoc*coN] Indie Games TrackDavid Artman7701.[Misery Bubblegum] 3 Playtest reports & my thoughtsFlynn7702.Terrible Convention NamesMeserach7704.To draw elfsAnders Larsen7705.[extension] Community ModerationNickNovitski7706.How do you know a scene has ended?James_Nostack7707.[Dust Devils] DownriverMalcolm Craig7708.How to develop a strange fantasy cosmology?Andy7709.How can toolkit games help players communicate expectations to each other?Ry7710.Actual play report from Werewolf, The Apocalypse (9/21).Sean Nittner7711.The characters are part of the setting, right?Judd7712.Play Vignette from Werewolf, The Apocalypse (9/21).Sean Nittner7713.Wanderer version 0.1akooser7714.HELLAS: available for PreorderJerry D. Grayson7715.Help! How do I pitch story games to non-gamers?pedyo7716.NOT seeking intensityTonyLB7717.[Shhhhh!] Sneak Like a Ninja Day! 3:16 and Solipsist only $8Gregor Hutton7718.Please tell me about roleplaying poems!Johnstone7719.Reliably awesome games that don't get enough lovewundergeek7720.[W:tA] Storyteller's reportbuffaloraven7721.Games/ways to practice "creativity"SeleneTan7722.I need to know how to GM InSpectresMarshall Burns7723.Games/ways to practice "creativity"SeleneTan7724.[Geiger Counter] Advice from the 'veterans'?Mortality7725.Sorcerer with 1 Player, Good Idea/bad idea?Rustin7726.Help me with my RPG tool / sandbox therapySean Musgrave7727.Latest version of Seance roleplaying poemCaesar_X7728.What expectations can the customer have?Matthijs7729.Actual Play Report - Houses of the BloodedSean Nittner7730.F\xf8ringerMatthijs7731.Mythological Astrologyharleqwn7732.[D&D4] D&D Insider: status? (and alternatives?)DevP7733.Maid: A Very Short APWillow7734.Why I'm Loving Burn NoticeSean Nittner7735.[IAWA] Idea for less intensityRy7736.Posting Files and DocsChristopher Kubasik7737.[Star Wars D6] why do you like it?jenskot7738.Help with Wanderer, Book 1akooser7739.So, I binged and bought a bunch of new games!!!jessecoombs7740.Using a Story Game to (what else?) create a storyNumber6intheVillage7741.One foot in the wild, a roleplaying poemTomasHVM7742.[PTA] Your Best Issues, Edges, and ConnectionsJason_Morningstar7743.Let's talk about the social footprint againMeserach7744.[3:16] Adjusting for one-shotsTomR7745.[Playstation 3] PS3 S-G Friends NetworkAndy7746.Wuthering Heights - how the heck do you play it?Per_Fischer7747.Starting virtual gaming groupSBoone7748.[Scion] Actual play reportbuffaloraven7749.[Grey Ranks] I, Too, Am Out of Books!Jason_Morningstar7750.Don't Forget to Talk about Gamingtony_dowler7751.Omnihedron Games releases Duty & HonourNeil Gow7752.Round-Robin GM-ingScottOden7753.a boy and his dogMarshall Burns7754.Story gamers in BrazilDaniel Yokomizo7755.A game to last three sessionsGraham7756.Games to Play in a Car, PART I :: What do _you_ do?Blue7757.Games to Play in a Car, Part II - My Initial Brainstorming IdeaBlue7758.Replacing My 4E Campaignjhosmer17759.Favorite Testbed Systemsbuffaloraven7760....Was: Filip Luszczyk7761.Traveller -- using rules from Sorcerer & SwordChristopher Kubasik7762.Houses of the Blooded: My TragedyJesse7763.3:16: My First Times Playing, and Some Rules QuestionsWillow7764.4e w/o classes, races? What's left over?Ry7765.[The Game of Immortals] Dirty Hippy Game from White Wolf!fnord31257766.The game that f*cks up your social dynamicsMatthijs7767.Paying attention to the game, or The Focus ConversationMeserach7768.Any Story Games (or gamers) at Essen 2008?Yokiboy7769.The Big CampaignJason_Morningstar7770.I like long games, I put in an effort and I'm pissed offRy7771.[Fastaval 2009] What would make you go play \xc5rhus?Frederik J. Jensen7772.You are a social engineer [Many, many links]Levi Kornelsen7773.[IAWA] Discworld(esque) OraclesDoyce7774.Stuff to Watch: October 2008Justin D. Jacobson7775.Story gamers on Monday night in LondonIan Cooper7776.Please stop the virgins laughingPaul_T7777.Stakes Medium RarePaul_T7778.Star Wars - Grand Theft Speederkevperrine7779.[The Hammer Falls] Playtest - The FolkPooka7780.Advice on putting Play Unsafe on IPRGraham7781.[PTA] The Big StoreJason_Morningstar7782.An experience from last night.Meserach7783.Light-hearted incestGraham7784.Know Thy Players, FAST!Simon_Pettersson7785.[Conspiracy of Shadows] Character Sheets?!Gregor Hutton7786....Was: Filip Luszczyk7787.[techniques] How do you roleplay rage and yelling?Mcdaldno7788.The Many Little CampaignsMcdaldno7789.Generating "Culturally Rich" NPCs.Simon_C7790.[Dogs in the Vinyard] Why is getting dice from "Fallout" bad?kevperrine7791.Games That Capture a Moment in HistoryScottOden7792.Recommend a Story Game for a traditional roleplayerbarna2847793.[4e] So now I'm running 4e...Ry7794.Cute Digital Story Creation Toy-ThingAndy7795.Regarding IPDavid Artman7796.[TMW] Share Your Abilities & BangsLor the Swede7797.The Intellectual Property Availablity PledgeBrennen Reece7798.[DRYH] Nightmares only in the Mad City?Ludanto7799.[Githyanki Therapy] Something you are aching to play.Judd7800.Bottling Experience: The Real Reason Matt's Decision Scares MeJesse7801.[Murderland] Game Design Contest, Deadline Oct 10thJ_Walton7802.The "Screw all of y'all anyway" PledgeTonyLB7803.[PTA] The Hiveagony7804....Was: Filip Luszczyk7806.Ending Games without Endgame ConditionsPaul_T7807.[3:16] ORK, Norwegian campaignMatthijs7809.Game design, charity, and taxesRobert_Bohl7810.Poison'd over SkypeGraham7811.Invitations and disputesGraham7812.Story Gamers in Bristol?phredd7813.How I Made A Calexico Song Into A nWoD GameJDCorley7814.[lost games] what does the spine of Inspectres look like?jenskot7815.[4e] Good-bye Content Authority!Rustin7816.[Sea-Changed] The Setting Is Part Of The Characters.Levi Kornelsen7817.Create a scenario based on these picturesHinterWelt7818.[violence future] What was it like?spookyfanboy7819.Do you ask for reviews after game?kevperrine7820.Incorporating elements of dancingDaniel Yokomizo7821.[3:16] Carnage on the Rhine - Alternate settingsHaakon7822.Fastaval 2009: Invitation to contributeFrederik J. Jensen7823.Modes and SettingMax Higley7824.Need advice on applying SG techniques to D6 Star WarsGrant Davis7825.[Vassal] Let's talk about modules!Brennen Reece7826.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 17: Judd Karlman on Dictionary of MuRobert_Bohl7827.[technique] making the game environment "safe" - what do you think?kevperrine7828.Norwegians, I don't get your games!Simon_Pettersson7829....Was: Filip Luszczyk7830.Actual play report from Werewolf, The Apocalypse (10/5).Sean Nittner7831.Bullwinkle & Rocky Role-Playing Party Game?Matthijs7832.October: Jason Morningstar's In ChargeAndy7833.cancelled: JiffyCon Lowell, November 8Emily_Care7834.[W:tA] Storteller report, session 1buffaloraven7835.[3:16] First Session revieweruditus7836.Is Free-forming a Failure?E.T.Smith7837.Don't Lose your RageSean Nittner7838.Are there Sim Games?AlexS7839.[RAVEN -claw and beak] discussing itTonyLB7840.With Andy gone...Matthijs7841.Recommend a game for middle-aged womenBrennen Reece7842.Take a GNS and see me in the morning - theory as a magic pillGB_Steve7843.Illusionism? Wassat?kevin.weiser7844.What I've Learned: 4th Edition DnD and Why It RulesKen Sentowski!7845.[4e] Modern thoughts?Ry7846.[Engle Matrix Games] Tell Me MoreJason_Morningstar7847.[Solar System] Playing tomorrow, with a few questions....Alex F7848.How We Came to Live Here questionsakooser7849.[Geiger Counter] ColliderMortality7850.Minimum dice for Bliss+Grey+Breaking+3:16+MLWMJoe Murphy7851.Banking on a game's futureTonyLB7852.[Umbra] Shadowrun using AgonCarl7853.Blue Planetolepeder7854....Was: Filip Luszczyk7855.Selling failure (another spinoff!)PaulB7856.Lord Humungus, and Awards for adding detail to actions in gamingAndy7858.Actual Play: Spirit of the Century (10/6)Sean Nittner7859.[Trail of Cthulhu] Making Making a Campaign Fun AgainMike_Sands7860.How We Came to Live Here PlaytestersBrennan_Taylor7861.More blogging about improvisationGraham7862.[Story Engine] Let's discuss itBrennen Reece7863.ANNOUNCEMENT: Living Shanri (Houses of the Blooded)John Wick7864.D&D 4th Ed: The TenguWillow7865.Someone write for me the Persona 3 RPGElizabeth7866.I need help making more advanced savagesRy7867.Murderland Entry WordlesBenhimself7868.Story logic: Metaphoric vs. Speculative.Sean Musgrave7869.[Guitar Hero] Which one do I want?Eric Provost7870.The Present Tense with Me and ChristopherJohnstone7872.Valravnar for \xc1sagrimmrEero_Tuovinen7873.Channels in meatspaceMeserach7874.I need characters to drawBrennen Reece7875.[Duty & Honour] D&H Almanac#1 now availableNeil Gow7877.Help me awesom-ify / fine-tune a mechanicPaul_T7878.Concerete Cow 09: 14 March 2009, Milton Keynes, UKNeil7879.Ganakagok-ified D&D 4eBill_White7880.A Playtest For MurderGraham7881.The female NPC challengeMatthijs7882.More Gen Con Design Seminar Recordings courtesy of Son of Kryos, Jeff LowerJudd7883.RPG scene in prison...jenskot7884.Fiasco MoviesJason_Morningstar7885.[D&D 4E] Death RulesAdam_Dray7886.Two free generic city maps availableDan Bell7887.Good reverse Keys?Ry7888.Bliss Stage TCG open playtesting call!Elliott Belser7889.What skills are important to GMing?Simon_Pettersson7890.[Dead Space] My game is in storesBen_Johnson7891.GMing Effective Campaign, Story, & Character ArcsFlynn7892.Character creation: some Nordic thoughtssven7893.roleplaying with an detailed, established settingMarshall Burns7894.Songs for games challengeGraham7895.So Kills Puppies, AgainLogos77896.I am grasshopperMatthijs7897.Any Story-Gamers in the Las Vegas area?Jarvis7898.[4E] Escape tokensmerb1017899.NoVA GameSmiths! (MD, DC and VA)Apeiron7900.this Spellcaster thing gives me an ideaMarshall Burns7901.Games: Not Very Booky Books....SambearPoet7902.Beowulf ashcanakooser7903.[Ice Station Nerdly] Dirty SecretsMel_White7904.How to get things done in the dystopian futureSimon_C7905.Apeiron's Coin of Fortune, a Meta MechanicApeiron7906.[PTA] Con Session/One Shot MethodologiesMark_Causey7907.Spellcaster online link and discussion topictobiasopdenbrouw7908.Onward to Africatoilet psychic7909.Keeping Secrets in Storygames: A Thought Exercisekevin.weiser7910.[3:16 + Poison'd = 40K] 3:16 in the Mirror UniverseNumber6intheVillage7911.[Bleakworlds] Angry worldGraham7912.Story Lounge Blurb Helpscottdunphy7913.Mist-Robed Gate PDF Now Availableshreyas7914.Starting A GMless Anime Fantasy GameKropotkin7915.Need a name for a mechanicHituro7916.Final Fantasy: TSOY with CardsMark_Causey7917."Quick Primer for Old School Gaming" is blowing my mindClinton7918.GM sheetsSimon_Pettersson7919.Gen Con 08 Game Design Seminar: Vincent Baker and Robin Laws talk about writingJudd7920.Open-Booking Old-Skool modules?komradebob7921.[Grindhouse Game Contest] Horror/Exploitation Gamesreaction7922.Levi: How do we use Amagi?Andy7923.[3:16] Range AbstractionLordEntropy7924.Emerald City Gamefest, Nov. 15 in SeattleAnemone7925.Why are you a game-smith?Logos77926.[Escape from Tentacle City] Tranny Strippers and Tentacle SantasJoli7927.[3:16, again] Strengths are too strong?mans7928.[Video games] Survey about storytelling in gamesRafael7929.Geek Girls Rule! Podcast #7 - Emerald City Game Fest with Sophie LegaceGeekGirlsRule7930.Gaming from IraqWolfe7931.Wikis: Useful to you?Malcolm Craig7932.WerewolfJason_Morningstar7933.[Fiasco] The Bag Plant BluesJason_Morningstar7934.[Poison'd] Necrophilia: Is it rape?Graham7935.[Poison'd] Two wonderful thingsGraham7936.Seeking Durham/Chapel Hill (NC) GameDavid Artman7937.What happened to RedBox Hack?jdrakeh7938.Mountain Witch "zodiac" Character sheets?Doyce7939.Halloween Sale: InSpectres & Darkpages: Sketchbook, suckersJared A. Sorensen7940.1,000 True FansDaniel Yokomizo7941.Playtesters needed for Rules-light PDQ-based RPGaeonite7942.[Illumination!] How goes it?spookyfanboy7943.[Darkpages] Hellboy and the BPRDMalthusian7944.In a Wicked Age Rules QuestionPaul_T7945.[3:16] Fantasy Hack discussion on Collective EndeavourGregor Hutton7946.MargaretCon IIJason_Morningstar7947.Halloween gaming plans?merb1017948.Rhetorics as ResolutionTristan7949.Ashcan hard-copies...why?agony7950.Questions on Cursed/Crimson EmpireGraham7951.Little indie support for customizationRy7952.Playtest Swap CirclesJudd7953.Games of samurai?vini_lessa7954.Conquer The Horizon - i can has typoez?!JDCorley7955.Bringing Down the Pain from a Position of PowerPaul_T7956.Seeking a system for incompetent heroesColin_Fredericks7957.[3:16 Hack]- Carnage Amongst the Rockstarswhiteknife7958.Give me your best advice for running DogsCaesar_X7959.Give me your best advice for running PTAJason_Morningstar7960.[Bliss Stage] Atlantis vs. West CambridgeJ_Walton7961.[Amber Diceless] So. . .were we LARPing?Kropotkin7962.[Geiger Counter] Zombie Zoojackson_tegu7963.What do we need to know about the roach?mans7964.Anyone Curious About Icehouse?David Artman7965.[Dust Devils] Last Minute One-Shot Game HelpSimon_C7966.The reward cycle - who else doesn't give a sh*t?GB_Steve7967.Why are gamers so anal about their dice?Caesar_X7968.[NaNoWriMo] Is anyone else participating next month?Brennen Reece7969.Pimp my Baby Shower!Joli7970.What are you doing with Steal Away Jordan?toilet psychic7971.[DITV] Splitting up the DogsJames Jeffers7972.[Geiger Counter] bang-bang-bang-click-click-throwBen_Robbins7973.[Sbab-al-hiri Roach] Actual Play ReportSean Nittner7974.Handling Multiple Sides in Conflict - A Collection of ProfilesPaul_T7975.[DitV-newbage AP] Nazareth Summitkomradebob7976.Reel Adventures - Ironing out the kinksihmcallister7977.[maps] For the Love of Dungeontony_dowler7978.Most suitable games for two?Reprobus7979.[Writers and NaNoWriMo Participants] How have story games made you a better writer?Brennen Reece7981.[Archipelago] Push and pull, pull, pullMatthijs7982.[Blog] Rogues Gallery of Games and Geekeryjhosmer17983.Investing NPCs with life and solidityFlynn7984.[NaNoWriMo] No plot? No problem!Paul_T7985.Give me your best advice for running IaWAjason7986.Dogs... Actual Dogs...David Pidgeon7987.Talking about the topicGraham7988.Three-Sided Stakes through my headPaul_T7989.Best mechanics for... Belief shapes Realityvini_lessa7990.[Sorcerer] Aesthetics In ActionJesse7991.Using other things for OraclesRy7992.Small Press Indie RPG Community IdeaBlake T. Deakin7993.Werewolf/Mafia: The RPGNathan_H7994.Failing Conflicts vs. Whiffing TasksJesse7995.Quasi Old Schoolify and IAWA some 4eRustin7996.The Hammer Falls - Gaelcon PlaytestPooka7997.[Books of Pandemonium] Economic Turmoil Halloween Sale!Rafael7998.Farkle as a resolution mechanic?Rafu7999.[D&D 4E] Making skill challenges fights over narrative controlJogesh EZ8000.[orphan mechanic] Personal Scoring in non-Gamey Gameskomradebob8001.In a Wicked Age... with stakes!Paul_T8002.[Under the Hood] Dogs in the VineyardPaul_T8003.[Under the Hood] Sorcerer and IaWAPaul_T8004.[3:16] Back in stock in print at IPRGregor Hutton8005.[Grande Finale] Alpha Discussion (Final Fantasy style game)Mark_Causey8006.[3:16] Hatred of Home QuestionDInDenver8008.Crafty question about creating game tilesCaesar_X8009.Cool things to do with 4eRy8010....Was: Filip Luszczyk8011.Soundtrack for Dictionary of Mu?James_Nostack8012.[IaWA] Rules Question: ConcessionsPaul_T8013.IAWA - Gaelconcthulahoops8014.[Mist-Robed Gate] FORBIDDEN TIGER MANUAL Now on Saleshreyas8015.[Go-Play Ottawa] - November 8Darcy Burgess8016.Good experiences porting pieces of games?Ry8017.GOD Level Superheroes: What game would work best?jessecoombs8018.Serenity in Raleighsol8019.Lulu binding optionsHituro8020.IAWA - Northeast US / Ontario weekly online game?Ry8021.Playing PassionatelyPaul_T8022.Teach Me to Relationship MapSimon_C8023.Stuff to Watch: November 2008Jason_Morningstar8024.With Great Power - Some Sheets are Brilliant, Others Are TerribleJDCorley8025.PSI * RUN at Margaretcon IIMark_Causey8026.A Birthday Present To MyselfJesse8027.Powers in RedBox HackJerome8028.Advice for Unpublished Game DesignersSimon_Rogers8029.We need help focusing discussionRy8030.Eekamouse in AtlantisHituro8031.[Beast Hunters] Making up more stuff and any other suggestions...Scurvy_Platypus8032.For Spookyfanboy (et al)... Project Donut's name unveiledJared A. Sorensen8033.Stakes and negotiation - oh, my!Paul_T8034.Is theory dead?Neko_Ewen8035.How a story-game GameMaster creates an adventure?vini_lessa8036.Burning Empires: Get me startedMatthijs8037.Anger at bad designMatthijs8038.Where to find statistics/odds on cards?Mark_Causey8039.[IlloDeli] Creator Owned Artists WebsiteGregor Hutton8040.Let's talk about logisticsRy8041.Publishing gamesBlack8042.[DRYH] How do you kill PC's?kevin.weiser8043.[Relationship Map] Detective style for CoC game?kevperrine8044.Have you played Werewolf for $?Nathan_H8045.[GRiM] Lemme borrow your ears for a bitMarshall Burns8047.[PTA] Star Wars at GenCon '08orklord8048.[3:16] Quote of the momentgreatwolf8049.Mouse Guard RPGScott8050.Game Design & Publishing Workshop - Sun, Nov 23rdguildofblades8051.Bay Area/South Bay looking for players for a D&D 4th story-gameJogesh EZ8052.Sweet Agatha, now available for saleKevin Allen Jr8053.World War I refrence adviceKingstonC8054.Forge Midwest 2009?kevin.weiser8055.Speak to me of BoardGameGeektony_dowler8056.[One Can Have Her] Underappreciated GameJesse8057.Jiituomas: Tell me about "Stalker"Andy8058.Share Your Wisdom - NPC Stand-insPaul_T8059.Straight to damagechearns8060.Usability testing my pdf?Eero_Tuovinen8062.Dogs cheat at cardsPaul_T8063.[The Walking Eye] Grey Ranks Review and Task, Intent, and Stake Settingkevin.weiser8064.A damn cool place for a fightRy8065.A dichotomy I find usefulRy8066.[Black Cadillacs]Konigsberg, swathed in Redagony8067.[Game in a Jar] Game Design for Kids by Kidsjdrakeh8068.Has anyone run an IaWA PBEM?D-5038069.Dogs eat cards. No, not real dogs. Card-playing dogs.Paul_T8070.Questions about GNS and the 3 questionsakooser8071.Blog Aggregator?Simon_C8072.Gaming via text-messagingDavid Pidgeon8073.Dreamation 09 Planningzipht8074.[Grande Finale] Home PageMark_Causey8075.The best Conan-themed RPG has just been released...Andy8076.[DitV] Using Relationships for better playPaul_T8077.The Biggest RPG Manual ever!Claudia Cangini8079.Die roller for Maptool with In A Wicked AgeRy8080....Was: Filip Luszczyk8081.Dreamlands & dreamskevperrine8082.ConQuest Seattle Indy GT -- what is it?Alan8083.Bliss Stage - any news?Pooka8084.Big Model Questions from Ara: Part IIakooser8085.[Fiasco] Leopards and diamonds in 1913 New YorkCaesar_X8086.What Games Use Only Cards, Not Dice?E.T.Smith8087."Do not become like tabletop RPGs"Matthijs8088.[3:16] Promotion And Demotionkaptainkobold8089.So... any story games published in 2008 worth having?Domon8090.The Collective Endeavour Journal, available soon!Rich Stokes8091.Fear and Loathing at the Dinner TableDavid Artman8092.Roshambo Dice NAR SystemDavid Artman8093.Prince of ChaosDavid Artman8094.What changes have you made to the rules of games you've played recently?Andy8095.Help me with... Everwayvini_lessa8096.Creative uses of blogsMikeRM8097.Looking back at looking forwardRoger8098.[4E] Scripted Encountersjohnzo8099.Genre Redesign Madness challengemadunkieg8100.Entry Level GamesHituro8101.The Meekmok Turkeyshoot, 22 November 2008Jason_Morningstar8102.[Grande Finale] Something Alien ...Mark_Causey8103.Die roll favors PCsRy8104.Straight from White Dwarf 1akooser8105.[Thou Art But A Warrior] Temporarily out of print on IPR. More copies soon!wundergeek8106.Seattle Story Games Meet-up!GeekGirlsRule8107.Murder Mystery/Thriller - 'SE7EN'kevperrine8108.Solipsist RPG on Un-Store & with its own companyHituro8109.Situation Generation as PlaySimon_Pettersson8110.Left 4 DeadJason_Morningstar8111.Apart from Cat, which game should I use for a game about cats?Graham8112.[Annalise] Sell me on AnnaliseMark_Causey8113.Go Play Peoria Fall Minicongreatwolf8114.Speaking of Google Adwordstony_dowler8115.(Mu) character sheets?Steerpike8116.Beowulf feedbackJoshua A.C. Newman8117.Seasonal gamesgreatwolf8118.[Indistinguishable] --> [InSufficient] = InSpectres + Sufficiently AdvancedChris Peterson8119.Tell me about Control: The Game of Absolute Corruptionchearns8120.Dogs (itV) and religionPaul_T8121.Player participation in design? (or, designerless games)timeLESS8122.Getting Detailed Success out of 2d6+X vs. Y (PDQ etc.)Ry8123.[Archipelago] Hot aliens that look like Liv TylerCaesar_X8124.What's up with Afraid?Paul_T8125.DragonmeetD-5038126.Emerald City Game Fest = Hotjohnzo8127.[Bad Moon] Final Playtest Draft!JasonP8128.teen sex gamemarkv8129.No time to gameRayston8130."Free games get played less" - Why do you believe this?Sean Musgrave8131.4e LostSean Musgrave8132.Game stores in Miami and OrlandoSimon_Pettersson8133.[Bliss Stage] Non-dreamworld MissionsScott Dorward8134.How Useful Is classic literary Narrative Structure?E.T.Smith8135.Coming of Age Playtesters from Dreamation '08wyrmwood8136.The care and feeding of emergent campaignsgreatwolf8137.Help me Story-Games-Kenobi, you're my only hope.Wirebrain8138.Commitment for free gamesSimon_Pettersson8139.[Mechaton] Victory is Inevitable!Simon_C8140.Dragon Warriors?Matthijs8141.[Don't Rest Your Head] Don't Lose Your InnocenceDouble King8142."Buy it in Commitment, and in Marketing."Levi Kornelsen8143.Soap Operas Are GreatJDCorley8144.Dreamation 2009 Meets the IGEwikiKat Miller8145.You bought my game - Can I email you now?tony_dowler8146.nanowrimo for games anyoneglshade8147.D&D: Buffing Monster Manual MonstersWillow8148.12 RPGs to play before you dieGraham8149.I want to make a fantasy game with 100 levels.Andy8150.Looking for a recording of Universalis actual play...Call Me Curly8151.[Fiasco] Billsborough NocturneJason_Morningstar8152.Good Game Stores in Atlanta?Scott8153.Help Me Run [Gotham Academy: The Long September]J_Walton8154.[Black Cadillacs] - unLive and unCensoredDarcy Burgess8155.nWOD Vampire/Requiem: What are the Awesome Books for that line?Andy8156.Amber Diceless doesn't make the top 12 Bucket Games?!?komradebob8158.Maid in the ShadeMike Montesa8159.Collective Endeavour games running at Dragonmeet: Sm\xf6rg\xe5sbord of AwesomeRich Stokes8160.Starting an Indie/Story MeetupRoger8161.[3:16] Killing PCs and NPCs QuestionsEric_J_Boyd8162.Tomas, tell me about "Until we sink"Adam_Dray8163.Eekamouse in Atlantis AshcanHituro8164.[Demon Hunters] What do you think?DInDenver8165.Tell me about Wilderness of MirrorsGraham8166.[Diaspora] Cool diagramsBrad_J_Murray8167.Why I love IAWA (and Final Fantasy III)Ry8168.Save my gaming!! (teens and gaming)hemepositive8169.Issues in low-structure, co-operative gameskomradebob8170.[Idle Musing] Indie designers, what would it take to get you to Austria?Lord_Minx8171.[House] by CrackedBurr8172.Questions about story and role-playingEpsilonMinus8173.Solar System PDF now availableEero_Tuovinen8174.Plot arc engines & oral storytellingjason8175.Cool character concepts for a feral, post-civilized worldjason8176.Alternate Sorcerer die mechanics?Ry8177.Split from the Amber/Bucket games list...(Elfworld and other high-power games)spookyfanboy8178.Games to design before you dieMatthijs8179.[MSGtm] So I made a gameWood8180.[Cold City] So, about the French...komradebob8181.[A Dirty World] Dark times and hard rain.KingstonC8182.[InSpectres] ZZZ Large Pest Control and the nanobotsChris Peterson8183.Games to play after you dieMatthijs8184.Afraid of the NightGraham8185.[Shock] Do robot politicians take electric bribes?WillH8186....Was: Filip Luszczyk8187.An experiment in interpretation: TV/FilmKevin Allen Jr8188....Was: Filip Luszczyk8189.Obscure Card Gamesguildofblades8190.An online con scheduling app?Matthijs8191.What Would An Internet Friendly RPG Look Like?Daztur8192.[API] Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. ON SALE NOW!!!First Oni8193.How do you nuture your creativity through the day?Ry8194.Games to Design Until You DieJason_Morningstar8195.[PTA] [Quasi-AP] Fringe's The EquationRoger8196.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 18: Luke Crane on Mouse Guard RPGRobert_Bohl8197.Writing IaWA oraclesPaul_T8198.[GMless Wheel of Fate Hack] Xavier's School By Way of HogwartsKropotkin8199.Indie Games Explosion at Dreamation 2009Michael S. Miller8200.I got to the part of my design that needs math. Stupid math!wundergeek8201.Doubt - "Is a heterosexual game"Pooka8202.Alright, 'Mericans, what gaming are you thankful for this Thanksgiving season?Andy8203.Basic Bang Card idea -- for creatively challenged players --Rustin8204.[SotC / Superhero] Godlike styleTonpa8205.[PTA] "Eternal"wombleton8206.[Hot War] New Downloads AvailableMalcolm Craig8207.Fast Cuts for Action in RPGs?JasonP8208.The Perfect System for Star Warsagony8209.Sell Me On: Nothing Happening (i.e. Rolling to Hit)J_Walton8210.The coolness of the Gorkamorka Dok.Levi Kornelsen8211.The Fantasy Trip, how good is it?Tulpa8212.[Mechaton] The green d8Eric Provost8213.Detailed RPG DatabaseSean Musgrave8214.Worldwide RPG sites to advertise onRaphael Sadowski8215.[PSI=RUN] Psi-Ko Criminals - Part Oneophidian_flux8216.A Holiday Miracle: Cafe Game Exchange Is in Full EffectEpidiah_Ravachol8217.Highstakes: A superhero game using cards and Messengershighstakes8218.Eekamouse in Atlantis Ashcan : Buy nowHituro8219.[Abstract Nova Sale] Point me out some good Key20 buysAndy8220.So I got the gamist Bits down, What about the storyLogos78221.Unpacking FudgeBret_Gillan8223.System Influenced Story Direction Techniques (Think Encounter Table)JasonP8224.The Collective Endeavour Journal is available now!Rich Stokes8225.Stuff to Watch: December 2008jenskot8227.[Mouse Guard RPG] Preorder on IPR!Mark_Causey8228.Story Made SimpleMarshall Burns8229.[3:16] New Play AidNomdePlume8230.When IKEA and Gaming Intersect...Andy8231.[Murderland] Pie ReviewsJ_Walton8232.[Mouse Guard] Rules QuestionsValamir8233.CC3 and 3:16 Mash UpSimon_Rogers8235.[TCW] Revised. Paused. Thinking.Levi Kornelsen8237.Burning Wheel: The Peasant SwordsmanBret_Gillan8238.[D&D 4e DMG] The Reality Vault talks about an approach to the D&D Campaigneruditus8239.Uncommon Valor (A Vietnam Story)Mike Montesa8240.[Forbidden City] Conflicts that you always winGraham8241.Big Road to Glory: is this as neat as I think it is?E.T.Smith8242.Using Name CardsE.T.Smith8243.Bringing Attention to the Other CategoriesE.T.Smith8244.Selling your game product - distribution chains?kevperrine8245.[MtG] Help me be creativemerb1018246.[Don't Rest Your Head] DRYH at the OfficeBlue8247.Setting up a great place for a fightMeserach8248.Double Entendre Magic ItemsJason_Morningstar8249.DitV - Sees and Confusion (rules questions)Paul_T8250.[Mouse Guard] Make my first game awesome!Caesar_X8251.[Burning Wheel] Second game complete - Left with some questionsSean Nittner8252.Translation Help Needed!Jason_Morningstar8253.Elevator Pitches and One Sentence Campaign Idea SeedsMark_Causey8255.Small strategy game neededColin_Fredericks8256.101 Uses for Index CardsE.T.Smith8257.A Crime Oraclegreatwolf8258.The Indie Game Company Game Design ChallengeJared A. Sorensen8259.Humor Gametimonkey8260.Roleplay my LARP NPC from the comfort of your own home, Take 2NickWedig8261.The official Sea Dracula web sitejake richmond8262.[Mouse Guard] Tough first sessionCaesar_X8263.So my Italian translation of Covenant arrived, it's very prettyMatt8264.The Riddle of SteelLxndr8265.Myspace Moods?Nathan_H8266.Burning Portland, Mouse Editionrafial8267.Burning Portland, Wheel Editionrafial8268.How much do mechanics affect playDInDenver8269.Verb/Noun magic systemsefindel8270.Need Game Systemgmdice8271.Burning Thievesnoclue8272.[Fiasco] Showdown in Cornish CreekJason_Morningstar8273.[PDF] Handheld PDF readers?Mark_Causey8274.Assault on individuality - Game theoryDInDenver8275.[Misspent Youth] Rules tweakRobert_Bohl8276.Body CountBooks Burner8277.[4e] Sharing campaign artworknemomeme8278.[SHELL SHOCK] How far will you go to survive ?Kobayashi8279.Shock: The Masquerade.jackson_tegu8280.Do you seek the story, or does the story seek you?egamad8281.What game would you use to play Battlestar Galactica?David_Berg8282."The way people use products..."Matthijs8283.What is Metagaming to you?kevin.weiser8284.Hello I'm backAjax_Aldwyne8285.How important is advancement to you?Robert_Bohl8287.GM coupon for playerskevperrine8288.PTA In the Middle DistanceJason_Morningstar8289.[InSpectres] exploring the cosmos with InSpaceBen_Robbins8290.What 'attributes' should a story have?Lxndr8291.In A Wicked Age: Need help with game for might learning magic make you matter?David_Berg8294.What games are you *parsing* now?Andy8295.Fluid, fast-paced combat mechanicsMeserach8296.[BW] A few questions on social conflicts.Jarvis8297.My friend's game is great!Matthijs8298.Ending a SceneBryan8299.Let's Talk About ReplaysJason_Morningstar8300.[Dread] The paramilitary problemIgnotus8301.The Reading -> Parsing -> Playing cycleJudd8302.[IAWA] The Royal Undertaker and the Magical CoinBrian_Minter8303.Starting a series of playtests for The Shadow of YesterdayEero_Tuovinen8304.[D&D 4e] Unpacking my experience with itBrad_J_Murray8305.Looking for an article: Abstracting equipmentakooser8306.[Annalise] When "Rome" meets "The Wire"EarthenForge8307.My Life on Wall StreetEldir8308.My friend's game is great! (redux)Wolfe8309....Was: Filip Luszczyk8310.[IAWA] The Tyrant and the HeroEldir8311.Code of UnarisHans_c-o8312.What country are you from?Matthijs8313.What's a cool iPhone app for gamers?Matthijs8314.Top 5 Indie (PC) games, plus a new Gregory Weir gameAndy8315.[Play Challenge] Passionate Play - The PrequalJesse8316.What are your rules' innovation?Robert_Bohl8317.Is there any new ground left to cover?whiteknife8318.Loss of Control for Control FreaksElectricPaladin8319.What makes a good Scifi game?jmhpfan8320.What is(n't) Innovation?tony_dowler8321.The Strange Relationship Between Anime and RPGsNeko_Ewen8322.The S-G Forums: Tired, Sick, or Dieing?David Artman8323.[Therapy] The Coolest MomentJason_Morningstar8324.Explaining yourselfBrad_J_Murray8325.movies (and other source material) about badass, dangerous chicksMcdaldno8326.Periodic Table of Awesomentskevin.weiser8328.Happy Calvinballing?Levi Kornelsen8329.So, anime games, once againWas: Filip Luszczyk8330.[Book Club] Rules Teach Us How to Break ThemJ_Walton8332.[recruiting] Iron Kingdoms campaign 2009 - Seattle, WAkevperrine8333.4e is dead. Well...tomg8334.[3:16] How serious?manatic8335.What is your favorite McGuffin?Johnstone8336.[MASK] ordinary villains vs. extraordinary heroesMarshall Burns8337.Mystery + Multiple GMs - Can it be done?whiteknife8338.Driving with interrobangsMatthijs8339.Steal Away SantaGraham8340.GOB Ecom & Your Brand on Custom Poker Decksguildofblades8341.Player Agency and System [a bit long]Maedhros8342.We All Started in One Place - but Now...JuddG8343.Quick IaWA question (recurring characters)Paul_T8344....Was: Filip Luszczyk8345.Wanderer: Looking for some helpakooser8346.Hit Points: How do I get rid of them?ScottOden8347.AD&D Modules with hippy system...?agony8348.Mouse Guard hack: The a Player's Packagekevperrine8350.Google Sites & Campaign Bible Wikikevperrine8351.Vampire: The ReluctantGraham8352.Burning Wheel + My Life with Master Mash up. Paying for Success?Sean Nittner8353.Who's going to Forge Midwest?kevin.weiser8354....Was: Filip Luszczyk8355.If I owe you a copy of Play Unsafe from Game Chef...Graham8356.CNN quiz tells you your "gaming style"PaulCzege8357.A Flower for Mara makes the Ogre Cave gift listgreatwolf8359.[3:16] One campaign, one day, all awesomewhiteknife8360.Who's pimping Sim these days?Joli8361.Another new term neededMatthijs8362.IaWA: Not Fighty Enough?Adam Biltcliffe8363.OrcCon 2009 - What Are You Bringing to the Table?Eric_J_Boyd8364.Sundered Space RPG launches - free to download!omnifray8365.PUSH: New Thinking About RoleplayingHans_c-o8366.TrackMania Buddies?algi8367....Was: Filip Luszczyk8368.Acts of Evil: Curious about any progress...spookyfanboy8369.GURPS vehicles and other mathmatic horrorskevin.weiser8370.Sell me on Smurfs story gamesBooks Burner8371.IPR Certificate (Nevermind)JuddG8372.[Greater Seattle Area Gamers] Storming the Wizards Tower.KingstonC8373.So Speculative FictionLogos78374....Was: Filip Luszczyk8375.Beast Hunters is the best!Books Burner8376.I like Skill ListsGraham8377.Sexy Deadly... only 3 days away!Mcdaldno8378.2008: A review of Your GamingAndy8379.So Maid, In the beginingLogos78380.[NC Gameday XVIII] January 31, 2009Mark_Causey8381.Prepping one-shots for long-ass gamesJason_Morningstar8382....Was: Filip Luszczyk8383.Come to STAPLE! The Independent Media Expo in Austin, TX, on March 7, 2009PaulCzege8384.[MASK] I need some help with this character's backstoryMarshall Burns8385.What Did I Miss? (Or, Where Did the Blood Gods Come From?)MPOSullivan8386.Play narrative is not linearBrad_J_Murray8387.2009 New Years' Resolutions!Jarrod8388.System Nominalism (me getting stuff out of my head)Jonathan M8389.[Showdown] Seeking blind playtesters for two-player RPG of narrative combatgreatwolf8390.The Foreign Style book: Interest?Matthijs8391.Scene FramingJohn Anderson8392....Was: Filip Luszczyk8393.Unknown Armies - Its prep instructions are sexyBret_Gillan8394.Unknown Armies: Keeping the Weirdness WeirdBret_Gillan8395.The Branching Corridor, a thought experimenttony_dowler8396.INDIE GAME DESIGN COMPANY GAME DESIGN CHALLENGE ENTRIESJared A. Sorensen8397.[Slime Story] Monster Hunters Around the WorldNeko_Ewen8398.(DEAD OF NIGHT) - Persuade/Dissuade?Nathan_H


8399....Was: Filip Luszczyk8400.intro, ensemble castderthnada8401.Game-texts as a literary genreEero_Tuovinen8402.RPS in role-playing and story gamesmerb1018403.The perfect horror game (for me)?agony8404.The International Journal Of RoleplayingGraham8406.Recomend a systemVernon R8407.The Cursed Dicebag - A Vile ProjectJuddG8408.Techniques for Illusionist, High Myth, Sim Trad Play?James_Nostack8409."Better": How it has hindered growthTonyLB8410.Has anyone heard from Alexander Cherry?spookyfanboy8411.Advice: Is this the right place?Lynne H8412.How much room is there for personal interpretation within a group?Arminius8413.Who wants to live forever?Deliverator8414.Solo (or not so solo) Dungeon there a Jason Ganser out there?David_Berg8416.Dreamation 2009: Which airport should I be flying to?DanielSolis8417....Was: Filip Luszczyk8418.Going to be in Houston next week.Gaerik8419.The Aspects BugElectricPaladin8420.San Francisco and the Bay Area?ElectricPaladin8421....Was: Filip Luszczyk8422.[Sorcerer] Berkeley 1968Christian_Griffen8423.Faery's Tale Prerequisite Skills?vertigo258424.[Fiasco] I Speak for the PenguinsJason_Morningstar8425.[Advice] [d20] What should I do with E6?Ry8426.Tip: Style Guides for ArtistsDanielSolis8427.That Crazy Sim ThingAdam_Dray8428.Railroading... by accident? By weight of authority?Pete8429.Going to Spiel Essen in 2009Eero_Tuovinen8430.Were-Mafia Design Challenge!Paul_T8431.What's wrong with GM determination?Clinton8432.Burning Wheel Web StoreLuke_Wheel8433.Paint Minis with Us!Dave Younce8434.I will not abandon you?GB_Steve8435.Livejournalers: You better back up your archives. They've just had massive layoffs.DanielSolis8436.[Polaris/TABAW] How To Be AwesomeJason_Morningstar8437.Comprehensive list of English RPGs that came out in 2008Andy8439.Is tender play really scoffed at all that often?TonyLB8440.In what way is Passive, Reactive, Uncreative Play not inferior,Logos78441.Tell me about Cereal Homicide UnitGraham8442.Small GroupsJudd8443.Indie Gaming in Richmond, VAcrharnish8444.[Pictures] Misery Bubblegum - Showing OffTonyLB8445.[Showdown] Playtesting with Paul T.greatwolf8446.[DRYH] Madness Talents for my game next weekDoyce8447.Perfect System to Run Star Wars: A New Hope through Return of the Jediwyrmwood8448.Systems Good Enough for Star WarsJohn_Powell8449.What systems SUCK for Star Wars?Adam_Dray8450.Perfect system for Star TrekDavid Pidgeon8451.The Star Wars movie good enough for the Perfect SystemJosh Roby8452....Was: Filip Luszczyk8453.[Kingdom Of The Something] What is a roleplaying game?Graham8454.I would kill for: the Ars Magica of Mad Scientist gamesspookyfanboy8455....Was: Filip Luszczyk8456.Where are the Centers of Indie Gaming?Blue8457.New Geek Girls Rule! Podcast - Girl Gaming Podcasters Podcast Part IGeekGirlsRule8458.Enough with the Sell me on... threads!Alan8459.Sell me on Warhammer Story GameBooks Burner8460.[Cold City] Help with conflict resolutionkevin.weiser8461.Games featuring OrcsScottOden8462."All Play Is Customization", why do I think that? Am I dumb?JDCorley8463.Players for Serial Homicide Unit (Play-by-post)Per_Fischer8464.Indie Gaming TorontoLogos78465.[Galactic] Is it available? What's the Gist of It?JuddG8466.[Monster Marionette] Village of DeathDeBracy8467.[and cast no shadow] Dracula as an example of playefindel8468....Was: Filip Luszczyk8469.[Showdown] Questions for SethPaul_T8470.How would you do a game about racing?Mike Montesa8471....Was: Filip Luszczyk8472.RPGs on a rockstar budgetwhiteknife8473.Out There - Beyond Club SGJasonP8474.[Storming the Wizard's Tower] Character types and so onBrian_Minter8475....Was: Filip Luszczyk8477.Coming to life through gamesDeliverator8478.Process vs Product, Rpgs, Their Texts, Customization, And YouLogos78479.[Make] A Fantasy TownJason_Morningstar8480.How to Host a Dungeon Time Lapse PhotographyBryan8481....Was: Filip Luszczyk8482.[Have Games, Will Travel] Worth listening to?ptevis8483.Are you a gamer stereotype?Matthijs8484.Beginning a Capes CampaignBret_Gillan8485.Is it a conspiracy?Brennen Reece8486.Otherkind Dice - More Face Stabby!Paul_T8487.[Misery Bubblegum] Is this clear/understandable?TonyLB8488.My Trouble with Connections (and Tribbles)fnord31258489.Does anyone sell Burning Wheel dice?Ry8490.Go-Play Ottawa: February-ishDarcy Burgess8491.I need a term for the Big BadMarshall Burns8492.Computers CAN roleplay, thinks the U.S. militaryPaul_T8493.[Grande Finale] Chargen HelpMark_Causey8494.gaza- game imitating life (well, death)markv8495.Achievements!Rustin8496.Inspiration from the PlayersDemocritus8497.Serial Homicide Unit--Physical Edition Preorder availableMichael S. Miller8498.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 21: Luke Crane and Jared Sorensen on FreeMarketRobert_Bohl8499.[Camping/Gaming] Who's in Alabama, W Georgia, E Mississippi, S Tennessee or N Florida?Brennen Reece8500.Ritual-minded people?Matthijs8501.2 years old\u2019s GNS modesAjax_Aldwyne8502.[Summerland] Any word on this?Josh Roby8503.[Out There] first episode: were-cat X-Files in 1800s BostonDavid_Berg8504.[ReCoil] first impressionsMarshall Burns8505.What RPG should I try with my New Gaming Buddies?fnord31258506.Is there . . .ScottOden8507.Pirated 3:16edheil8508.Sons of Kryos go Video!!Storn8509.interesting dynamics in video gamesMarshall Burns8510.Scheduling a Story Game nightGrant Davis8511.A discussion of FiatValamir8512.[Off Topic] Wii Tech AssistValamir8513.[Confession] I hate campaign playkomradebob8514.[Fallen] Background and linksLynne H8515.RPGs without character sheetsjessecoombs8516.The Hammer Falls - Playtest AP - "A Small Singularity"Pooka8517.Cooling IronJack the Quick8518.Help me to poison peopleGraham8519.Solar System Prep?agony8521.[Dark Days] Character Creation PlaytestGeorge_Cotronis8522.FoundryMUSHAdam_Dray8523.[Fallen] A Star is Reborn...Lynne H8524.Practical tools for helping actual playD-5038526.[The Independent Insurgency] Tapped out on materialRobert_Bohl8527.So Much Japan in RPGs, Why?Andy8528.Relationship maps: How have you used them?D-5038529.Games that are based on relationship maps?JasonP8530....Was: Filip Luszczyk8531.It's all Emily Care's faultTristan8532."Super Gachapon Fighter Omega Infinity!" What do you know about it?Andy8533.[What Game For] Dragon BallNeko_Ewen8534.Fastaval-Knutepunkt Travel FundFrederik J. Jensen8535.What's the fuss about Android?tony_dowler8536.Local Convention wants more Story Games and Story Gamers!Jarvis8537.Barcelona Storygamingfrikardellemand8538.UnSpeakable Character Sheets?Jesse8539.Unexpected relationship map...Roger8540.[Neverwood] brainstorm with me: implications of setting detailsMarshall Burns8541.Tell me about a time when ...Simon_Pettersson8542.I'm a game designer now!Simon_Pettersson8543.Mortal Coil Actual Play ContestBrennan_Taylor8544.New ways of sellingGraham8545.Limited Multiplayer Online RPGjmhpfan8546.The Mountain Witch with non- and lapsed gamersfnord31258547.Looking for VCU (Richmond, VA) Students for Gaming Organizationcrharnish8548.Loose CanonsMikeRM8549.Who owns D&D monsters?Richie8550.[Capes] Early Industrial SuperheroesBret_Gillan8551.[Dreamation'09] Help requestArturo G.8552.The joys of implied settingsD-5038553.[IAWA] IAWA + Prep in advanceRy8554.The Indie Game Company Game Design Challenge IIJared A. Sorensen8555.[Misspent Youth] Conflict map available for downloadRobert_Bohl8556.Character Creation ChaptersElectricPaladin8557.Zombie Cinema variantsEero_Tuovinen8558.Zombie Cinema player limitAnarchangel8559.[Grey Ranks] at GenCon 2009Grant Davis8560....Was: Filip Luszczyk8561.Spreading the Gaming Love, Mediocre StyleMPOSullivan8562.What setting details inspire you?madunkieg8563.GoPlay/Minicon, how?MountZionRyan8564.[andcastnoshadow] Character Creation - Vampires and Victimsefindel8565....Was: Filip Luszczyk8566.Mahjong as the resolution and the storyDavid Pidgeon8567.[Solo Dungeon] A few questions before the delvingakooser8568.[Solo Dungeon] Part I the map and things withinakooser8569.Looking for InDesign CS3 HelpJ_Walton8570.Story-Gamesifying Savage WorldsBrian_Minter8571.[Misspent Youth] The Walking Eye Plays Misspent Youthkevin.weiser8572.[D&D 4E] Transit CityAdam_Dray8573.[the five, mixtape version] On Sale NOW, $1Kevin Allen Jr8574.[Gamestorm in Portland OR] Apples to Apples saturday night.Ogremarco8575.[Panty Explosion] The DemonStoruggla8576.Seattle meetup Jan 31 11am-3Alan8577.[Sufficiently Advanced] SA in CCColin_Fredericks8578.What's cool about Star Wars?Robert_Bohl8579.Games for Girls (small ones)GeekGirlsRule8580.[Solo Dungeon] Part II where we discuss and seek clarityakooser8581.My character is not a...Ron Hammack8582.Can anyone tell me about the Warcraft CCG?Ry8583.[For the Love of Dungeons] The Haunted MineClinton8584.Coping with Spotty Attendance -- How do you do it?Charlie Gilb8585.[Kingdoms of the Heartbroken] Beyond "Say yes..."thor8586.Dungeons as Mystic Otherworldsunlikelylass8587.[The Five] Post Your Favorite PlaylistsThor_O8588.Tournament RPGRadaghast8589.Twittering from ConceptionGraham8590.Mountain Witch character sheetsgreatwolf8591.Verge RechargedAdam_Dray8592.Techniques for a campaign of journeyagony8593.[Out There] first beta playtest, reported on RPGnetDavid_Berg8594.[Thy Vernal Chieftains] conversation trackerPaulCzege8595.[Nerdly Beach Party] NBP IV, Apr 24-26, 2009Albert A8596.Awesomify Sanity MechanicsGeorge_Cotronis8597.[Mouse Guard] The Raven who Fears MiceAlbert A8598.[Mutant City Blues] is good, in my opinionGrant Davis8599.Games that feel restrictivefnord31258600.[Solo Dungeon] Playtimeakooser8601.Translations of your game - under what terms?tony_dowler8602.Mutant City Blues Promotion and Pre-OrderSimon_Rogers8603.[AGON] Request for help/answers?fnord31258604.[Thy Vernal Chieftans] Post Pics of Your Token CollectionMickBradley8605.[Wed Box Hack] Cuffbewt and Ewic win! Huwway!!Joli8606.[Kingdoms of the Heartbroken] Are you meaner than Graham?thor8607.[Forbidden City] from Genre Redesign Madnessmadunkieg8608.[Dreamation 2009] Roommate wantedDeliverator8609.Stuff to Watch: February 2009PaulCzege8610.Indie Games Explosion T-shirts now availableMichael S. Miller8611.Sell me on... SuperbowlAdam_Dray8612.Flags?Logos78613.Sell me on American soccerWas: Filip Luszczyk8614.[Make] Situations in HenfordJason_Morningstar8615.CanGames 2009 - IGE wants to Sell your GamesDarcy Burgess8616.Save the Date! Camp Nerdly is May 29-31Clinton8617.Please recommend a book on story structureRobert_Bohl8618.[AGON] Looking for advice from expertsfnord31258619.Story/Board Game HybridsBrennen Reece8620.INDIE GAME DESIGN COMPANY GAME DESIGN CHALLENGE: CONCLUSIONJared A. Sorensen8621.Sons of Liberty rocks on toastMarshall Burns8622.Are you going to GenCon?Graham8623.Do you live in Portland, OR? And do you want to play In a Wicked Age?jessecoombs8624.Houses of the Blooded: Bloody good funGraham8625.Are there any Non-fiction Indie RPGs?howandwhy998626.Oracles? What are they?Democritus8627.[3:16 Hack]: In the serene brilliance of the far future there is only peacewhiteknife8628.Pre-order Lacuna Part I. (second attempt), get a Lacuna DeviceJared A. Sorensen8629.Why didn't you buy Out There?David_Berg8630.[Camp Nerdly] Why You Should Be ExcitedRemi8631.Where do you usually hear about games that grab your interest?David_Berg8632.[Shell Shock] Shell Shock in GazaAnttiKi8633.Fast and furious fighting with tactics/guessing but no scriptingKaare Berg8634.Seattle meetup -- Thou Art But a WarriorAlan8635.Valentine's Day Gamehack Challengewyrmwood8636.Please Tell Me About MMORPG CommunitiesNeko_Ewen8637.Awesomifying Star WarsJoshua A.C. Newman8638.[Write my game for me!] What should the inactive players do?Wilhelm8639.Sharpening your storygames skillzkevin.weiser8640.Arch-Enemies game?chris_moore8641.[DitV] Demonic influence vs relationships with demonsccreitz8642.[MG] Spring 1153: The Carolingian LeagueJ_Walton8643.Hyper-KeysJason_Morningstar8644.Good games to play during a car trip (?)Ronaldo8645.[TSoY] So, you think you know how Harm works?Paul_T8646.Mist-Robed Gate Back in Print, with a Recession Special!shreyas8647.New Houses of the Blooded Game in AtlantaScott8648.Story Wargamemadunkieg8649.SF Concept ShipsCaesar_X8650.[Breaking the Ice] Gaming with a non-gamer SOHans_c-o8651.Traveling Circus as the Adventuring Party?Greentongue8652.Now available: Montsegur 1244Frederik J. Jensen8653.Exalted: Anathema ruleset - where can i find it?Domon8654.What else should I buy on LuluCaesar_X8655.Second Half of the Attack of the Girl Gaming PodcastersGeekGirlsRule8656.3:16 NPC Squad/Platoon/Company/etc. management toolWolfe8657.I'd really love it if the Durham 3 started podcasting againbuzz8658.[Wiki] Please fix this woefully inadequate wiki page of RPGsnoclue8659.[AP] Kill Puppies - once being enoughmorgue8660.Old School for Story Gamers - what's your experience?GB_Steve8661.Looking for a system recommendationLuo Swuo8662.For Science: tell me what these attributes mean to youMarshall this an RPG?Marshall Burns8664.[Intellectual History of RPGs] The Origin of XP?J_Walton8665.I like CharismaGraham8666.The Dream RenaissanceJesse8667.16.67 percentnemomeme8668.Buy my art for your game!George_Cotronis8669.Was: Finding gamers locallyWas: Filip Luszczyk8670.The Dragonslayer Challengetony_dowler8671.Sim up my D&D4shreyas8672.System for Legacy of Kain / Soul ReaverMark_Causey8673.Portland Oregon, what to do?jenskot8674.[Levi Kornelsen] What is up (down) with Amagi Games?Brennen Reece8675.Ganakagok FreeformBill_White8676.[MSGtm] Executive Edition on the Unstore at indie-rpgs.comWood8677.[Trail of Cthulhu] support my dream more!David_Berg8679.[Misspent Youth] Ashcan-to-final thoughtsRobert_Bohl8680.Did something happen to Mike Holmes?Denys8681.[shreyas] Question about an older game (?) of yours..spookyfanboy8682.Dreamation 09: I offer you cheap hotel spaceDavid_Berg8683.Help me find the right con!Matthijs8684.Invitations to the world of interactionPaulCzege8686.[Dreamation] Looking to interview character sheet designersRyan_Macklin8687.[otherkind] Tips, tricks and adviceDInDenver8688.[Dreamation] Early Arrivalsptevis8689.[Dreamation 2009] The Indie PartyRobert_Bohl8690.What's Next on your Playlist?Andy8691.Universal Hit PointsJason_Morningstar8692.[Warcraft] Servers and UsernamesJosh Roby8693.GOD at Conpulsion 09Per_Fischer8694.Richard Flynn/Gregory Philipschadu8696.role of situation in Simulationist playDavid_Berg8697."Guess the group"JCunkle8698.Story Games, Level 2Brennen Reece8699.[Defiance] Bringing out the worst in all of us.MJGraham8700.[Burning Wheel] My White WhaleBrian_Minter8701.What future games are you excited about?Graham8702.[Stabbing Contest] Episode 23 up.Ogremarco8703.Framing Cards and Aspects-only FATEBrennen Reece8704.[Burning Wheel] Online Lifepath Browser/Character Generation Toolkruug8705.Meetup Seattle -- Zombie Cinema!Alan8706.GHOST/ECHO: Oracle Game Experiment and wizard is in love with my girlfriendDeliverator8709.RandomCon in Phoenix ArizonaRayston8710.[Oskrivna blad] Martians meep-meep'ing!Wilhelm8711.Engaged enough to care about the interests of other players?Graham8712.[Dreamation 2009] What Are You Playing?Jason_Morningstar8713.[Go Play Peoria] 2009 schedulegreatwolf8714.A Taste For Murder: HelpGraham8715.[Dreamation 2009] Public Transportationpeccable8716.[Dreamation] Under the radar gamingKevin Allen Jr8717.PTA Enhanced - Meta PTAMark_Causey8718.Indie Games in a Not Particularly Indie Game Context Sightingedheil8719.Beast Hunters PDF SaleChristian_Griffen8720.[Dreamation 09] resurrecting Geiger Counterzipht8721.Has anyone played Yellow Dawn?Wilhelm8722.[Camp Nerdly 3] Logo art contest!Eric Provost8723.Delta Green: Eyes Only. Can you comment on it?Andy8724.[GPNW] Announcing Go Play NW 2009tony_dowler8725.[Dreamation 2009] Anyone flying into Newark on Thursday around 11:30 AM?DanielSolis8726.Making Things Hard on your Character: the Boundary of the Czege PrincipleJosh Roby8727.Durable gamesMatthijs8728.Looking for the Nine Worlds Player Kitgreatwolf8729.Mouse Guard on sale at my local comic shopD-5038730.DIY Scifi/Fantasy Art show - Denton, TxTrey Greer8731.[Dogs in the Vineyard] Best resources for first-time presentation?Joli8732.Is publishing fun?Matthijs8733.Swedes suck at promotion!Matthijs8734.[Dreamation 2009] Fitness center and pool!jenskot8735.[Dreamation 2009] When are you arriving?jenskot8736.I love AlignmentsTristan8738.Little Game Chef: 20th to 29th MarchGraham8739.Making Playing Cards Suits into sword&sorcery challenges.Rafu8740.To boxed set, or not to boxed set, I there's the pointMJGraham8741.Story Games Lounge at Genghis Con XXXscottdunphy8742.There and Not A Whole Lot of Back AgainNathan_H8743.Portland/Oregon Story Gamers... Anyone planning on going to go to "Kumoricon"?Andy8744.Anybody try the new Skype?Ry8745.[3:16] A Couple of Shiny Thingsdhorstman8746.The Fruitless Structure.Levi Kornelsen8747.Any indie goodness at ConNooga?Brennen Reece8748.What future games can you tell me about?Wirebrain8749.Dreamation Updatestomg8750.HeroQuest: First session?Matthijs8751.Interview w/ improv-guru Tony Totinoolepeder8752.[and cast no shadow] playtest rules and web siteefindel8753.Games without "external" opposition?fnord31258754.[Spite] Pre-orders!Rafael8755.[Dreamation 2009] What were your favorite moments?peccable8756.[3:16] Help me run this in World War 2!!Caesar_X8757.[bad bindings] how's the new InSpectres (etc)?jackson_tegu8758.One Cool Thing I Saw At Dreamation 2009Jason_Morningstar8759.Two-Sided Dice and Fudge DiceBrian_Minter8760.User-defined Core Stats?fnord31258761.[REIGN] Supplement 12 Ransom needs your helprafial8762.A game for Pavlov and his dogs.Burr8763.[How to Host a Dungeon] Problems.Hans_c-o8764.Dwarf FortressLogos78765.[Solipsist] Damm you Solar-powered Pope!Hituro8766.PlaytestingSimon_Rogers8767.[Montsegur 1244] Beautiful and TerribleJason_Morningstar8768.[Nominally JRMM] A Short Arc/Con-Game Idea; "Truth Inc."?Thunder_God8769.Things I Regret Missing at DreamationAdam_Dray8771.How to a Host a Dungeon as prep for what games? I remember why PtA feels like writer's brainstorming (to me)David_Berg8773.Cold War/Hot War: War stories wantedD-5038774.distance and comedyAlex F8775.PTA is so difficult I could cryRoger8776."Doubt it a Heterosexual Game", take 2Tobias Wrigstad8778.[Summerland] Writing Game Text: Tell us what you mean!Valamir8779.[Host a Dungeon] Creative Solutions To Digital Dungeon DesignBret_Gillan8780.[Storming the Wizard's Tower] My First TownWillow8781.(GenCon) Indie Games Explosion, Games on Demand, or something elseScott8782.[Troll] Any Troll experts in the house? Help!fnord31258783.Building a Social Environment for CriticismJ_Walton8784.Fight On! wants subs from you arty story-game typesCalithena8785.Zone-based movementRy8786.The indie contractMatthijs8787.Lowering the Bar (While Raising the Bar)J_Walton8789.Breaking the Point of Sale FocusJonathan M8790.Theatre people: Plays written to affect the actors?Matthijs8791.Players of Games are Rock Stars, an online eventJudd8792.[Mouse Guard] The Carolingian Chronicle (My Game Rocks!)J_Walton8793.[Rustbelt] de-ashcanification stage one: I need your eyes!Marshall Burns8794.[Dreamation AP] Drug zombies, exploding melons, tanks, gov't pimps, and more!Robert_Bohl8795.[How To Host a Dungeon] Wetter Rules Expansion IdeasDyson Logos8796.[IaWA] The MacGuyer OracleBrandon A8797.Lulu vs. OthersHans_c-o8798.What is the lite-est of all ingeniously designed games?Burr8799.PDQ# Character Sheets?JuddG8800.[Dreamation AP] Figuring out how to make Ganakagok do what I wantAndrew Morris8801.[Dogs in the Vineyard] Avarice and Blood Debt!Joli8802.M*A*S*H: The Story Gamejason8803.(GenCon 09) What games are you running?Scott8804.[Playstorming] Anyone got any advice for for my first attempt?fnord31258805.JiffyCon Boston 09, March 21stndp8806.Different methods for introducing different forms of comedic contentAlex F8807.[Dreamation 2009] PicturesRobert_Bohl8808.[DitV] The First GameHans_c-o8809.That new RPG about killing legends, or somethingspookyfanboy8810.[Dreamation 09] Did you record the Fisherman's Wife session?Parthenia8811.Big Brother Zombie!jrmariano8812.Maid, first thoughtsGregory8813.horrid combos (warning: may be offensive)Deliverator8814.Sea Dracula at ArconBret_Gillan8815.As a GM, 1 thing I would have done differently...jenskot8816.Crappy movies make awesome games!jenskot8817.[Montsegur 1244] The unknown sinners among the CatharsArturo G.8818.Switzerland role-playing (in English...) do i run pokemonshreyas8820.Building a Rooftop NecropolisJason_Morningstar8821.[carry] What makes a good burden?EarthenForge8822.Stuff To Watch: March 2009Graham8823.Story Gamers in the San Fransisco Area (March 5, 6, and 7th)Scott8824.[d20] E6 trimmed SRDRy8825.[GenCon 2009] GoD needs a hero!Michael S. Miller8826.[Grey Ranks] TPK from Dreamation 2009EarthenForge8827.[DRYH] One-on-one play?daw658828.Using Grey Ranks for Terminator: SalvationRyan_Macklin8829.GenCon: VIG?Matthijs8830.Story Gamers in New York City on Sunday March 8Ben_Johnson8831.Ways of doing "Game Support"Andy8832.Anybody own a Kindle?Rafael8833.any RPGs of challenging puzzles?David_Berg8834.Agora v3.0.2 Beta Playtest OpensJosh Roby8835.[Other Worlds] Editing and Layoutsoviet8836.A game-poemColin_Fredericks8837.[Ghost/Echo] The Wordle Setting DocumentBrandon A8838.Synthesis => Gamepoems and how to build a rooftop necropolis.Logos78839.[Anima Prime] Beta Version 1.2 ReleasedChristian_Griffen8840.Old School = New SchoolGB_Steve8841.What Cultural Elements Result in Melodrama?Daztur8842.Indie Board Game Design Communities?Jason_Morningstar8843.Being invested with no control or impactRy8844.What games do you enjoy preparing?Ry8845.[Towerlands] Reward systemAdam_Dray8846.What have you done with the d6 System?Mark_Causey8847.Narrative postpartumRafael8848.What's so cool about Trollbabe?Paul_T8849.Podcasters, I propose a tradeMarshall Burns8850.RPG-related RSS feedsAndrew Morris8851.[3:16] Am I missing something?Caesar_X8852.Changing systems in the middle of a storyOmar_Ramirez8853.In a Gygax Age (In a Wicked Age Old School D&D)jhosmer18854.Mechanics and NarrativeErik_Battle8855.Gaming for a week.TomR8856.A Soundtrack for Lacunawhiteknife8857.Name a game you like. Name 1 thing you would change about it.jenskot8858.HELP! Balancing Deep Story with Tactiacal Combat (nWoD)Omar_Ramirez8859.Beggining with Story-GamesOmar_Ramirez8860.[Storming the Wizard's Tower] New powers for monstersshreyas8861.[Gamers] and [Gamers 2: Dorkness Rising] are on YouTube!!!JLow8862.Mexico and South AmericaMatthijs8863.Sea Dracula: Is Awesome!whiteknife8864.I Want to Implement Fishing, any Advice?Omar_Ramirez8867.Eero, Joe -- Sorcerer Demon List - I have a questions for you!Christopher Kubasik8868.The All New, All Different Canon Puncture Showorklord8869.Burning PlanescapeHans_c-o8870.[E6 d20] Disentangling the SRDRy8871.[DitV] Fallout Problemalgi8872.Recommend me a system for Dark Supernatural Soap OperaSean Musgrave8873.Melbourne 1890: An Educational SimulationBercilac8874.[3:16] Some questions from a first-timerLord_Minx8875.[PTA] Episodic PlayJason_Morningstar8876.[Fearmonger] Why didn't someone tell me this was out?spookyfanboy8877.Techniques for inspiring people?Krippler8878.[Montsegur 1244] It Continues to be AwesomeJason_Morningstar8879.[Murderland] Quoth the Raven PlaytestEric8880.Relationship Maps and Story changing powerOmar_Ramirez8881.How was STAPLE?Jason_Morningstar8882.[Actual Play] What Didn't Happen?J_Walton8883.[3:16] My First ExperiencesNPC8884.[DitV] We're just talkin', but it's gonna hurtccreitz8886.Fastaval 2009, \xc5rhus, Denmark, April 8-12Frederik J. Jensen8887.MacGuyvering stuffMarshall Burns8888.[Storming the Wizard's Tower] Magic Reduxgraypawn8889.Cash for HoardJason_Morningstar8890.(GenCon Indy 2009) Indie Games Explosion and Games on DemandScott8891.ORIGINS 2009: Event Deadline is coming up (March 31st)Andy8892.What does a Game Text need to be 'complete'Logos78893.Big Brother Zombie needs playtesters!Rui!8894.Gamer Culture As ReadershipJesse8895.The Camarilla soft resetGraham8896.Aspects and Fluff Skills on the Flycczernia8897.Imagine your perfect setting...jenskot8898.Where is your fortune?eruditus8899.How could Cho-han be turned into a resolution mechanic?HerpestesFantasticus8900.Great Media that Wouldn't Make a Great Gamemadunkieg8901.Seattle meetup March 21 at the WaywardOgremarco8902.[GothCon] April 10-12, Gothenburg. Who's going?George_Cotronis8903.[Shock: Actual play] Upstairs Downstairs 2116Maedhros8905.Story gamers in San Francisco, 30 March and 4 AprilNeil8906.Cthulhu without monsters?Mark_Causey8907.How would you story-game Unknown Armies?jessecoombs8908.some help with investigation rules pleasesean20998909.What are the functions of setting?Matthijs8911.horror and nightmare settingstomg8912.Mouse Guard actual playShosuro Kando8913.Character Art Offering (Now with Mices!)dhorstman8914.4e: The MMOHans_c-o8915.Camp Nerdly registration is open!Clinton8916.Ryuu Tama RPG bookakooser8917.and over at enworld\u2026jim pinto8918.When/Where can i get GanakagoktimeLESS8919.Superheroes: Do they just wait around for trouble?John_Harper8920.How would you design this game?MikeRiverso8921.[DitV] The Second Game: Investigation...Hans_c-o8922.[In(the)Spotlight] House: The Game of the TV SeriesJames_Mullen8923.KNRPG Productions is re-forming (PLUS, Empire of Dust news)Clint Krause8924.How do we change the perceptions of the GM role?scottdunphy8925.[DitV]First Game - De-Escalating Conflics?Omar_Ramirez8926.I don't want to f*ck my mother againGB_Steve8928.Megadungon - What Systemtony_dowler8929.Game First then Theory?outsider8931.MidSouthCon - Anybody Going?Tim Boser8932.Recurrence and Continuitysoundmasterj8933.[Spite] Art previewRafael8934.[Game Chef 2008] Calling Donna K. Fitch and David Bove!Joli8935.Skywalker Paradigm for GamestormJoli8936.[P.Y.X. 4E Hack] Skill Attackswyrmwood8937.Help me with my fantasy Michael JacksonPaul_T8938.Which games stay, unplayed, on your shelf?Andy8939.(IGE) Deadline Approaching for Gencon Event SubmittionsScott8940.[A Penny For My Thoughts] Were You A Playtester?ptevis8941.[Tristat dX] Does anyone have experience with Tristat?Mark_Causey8942.[Cyberpunk/Shadowrun] Standard story format?Mark_Causey8943.Turning celebrities into VillainsDevP8944.Lets talk Conspiracy of Shadows.Sean Musgrave8945.Obsidian Portal: Why Should I Use it?E.T.Smith8947.The Exit InterviewJason_Morningstar8948.military designations and modelsMatt Wilson8949.I only enjoy GMing like you do in PTARobert_Bohl8950.The Simplest Little RPG EverJosh Roby8951.[Apocalypse World] What is your vulnerability?GB_Steve8952.Game-specific recipesGraham8953.Sorry, son, you're BardGraham8954.Everything is a bangMatthijs8955.[Fiasco] Man-Tool of the Spivey ClanJason_Morningstar8957.I got dungeon feverMarshall Burns8958.[Cannibal Contagion] zOMG. pre-Order time! I'm so excited I'm tremblingNPC8959.Little Game Chef: Theme and ingredientsGraham8960.Mundane rpgs, what's out there?D-5038962.Publishing Help: Static International Shipping CostsNPC8963.[In(the)Spotlight] Doctor Who: The Unofficial GameJames_Mullen8964.Gaming with my kidsOmar_Ramirez8965.[Pathfinder] What do you think of my character background?mgbeach8966.Anyone's Game Chef thread (Judges warned)Ben_Lehman8967.[Mouse Guard] Thoughts and ramblings after test-sessionTomasHVM8968.[Li'l Game Chef] Voluntary critiquelachek8969.[Blazing Rose] Coming Soon! Ashcan Preview availableSabreCat8970.How did you think you came's to seen out when you are wery old?shreyas8971.You are your favorite game's only promotional avenueJoshua A.C. - a handy tool for genre conventions in media, fiction and gamesgamera_spinning8973."Fables of Forgotten Things", a short filmgamera_spinning8974.Fortune without FailureNathan_H8975.Story Gamers at GDCBen_Johnson8980.Favorite Monster: Owlbears don't count. GO!Andy8981.[TSoY] Crazy min-maxer alert!Paul_T8982.Playing Against TypeJason_Morningstar8983.Conspiracy of Shadows - First Time Advice?Mark_Causey8984.[Snikt]OK, WTF Is Up With Owlbears?David Artman8985.Dungeon Crawl Fantasy Should Be HorrificDavid Artman8986.[Annalise] Interim Edition now availablendp8987.Best New Contest Ever: Now with Trust Mechanics!Jared A. Sorensen8988.[TSoY] Help me Key a superstitious cowardPaul_T8989.[Skywalker Paradigm again] Help me, you're my only hope!Joli8990.A ride to Camp NerdlyDave Cleaver8991.[TSoY] masoch*stsPaul_T8992.When we play the game, it has this coverGB_Steve8993.[Covenant]The "Not the end of the world" sale!Matt8994.The history of the Danish roleplaying traditionFrederik J. Jensen8995.Game-useful Philosophies (i.e. Races and Cultures)Ry8996.Favorite Owlbear: Other monsters don't count. GO!JCunkle8997.The FREE RPG BLOG. How come you haven't mentioned this before!Andy8998.[Grey Ranks] yo, where is it?Hans_c-o8999.Music for GamingMatt Wilson9000.Speed gamingGraham9001.Advice for a first-time Convention GM?NPC9002.Methods for Easily Integrating Music and Effects into Your GamesNPC9003.Need a name for my Firefly gamewundergeek9004.The Composer Metaphorsage9005.coming with semi plausible backstorysean20999006.Announcing XXXXtreme-o-phile Magazine!Ben_Lehman9007.4e/Empire of Dust/Tactical Combat Games: "Game Over: RETRY"Andy9008.Take this Concept to the Next StageMark_Causey9009.[The Rustbelt] slang collection projectMarshall Burns9010.[Fiasco] Settling scores on the Gulf Coastccreitz9011.[NC Gameday XIX] April 25-26Mark_Causey9012.DungeonMaking & DungeonWarDave Younce9013.[The Path] Anyone played this thing?fnord31259014.Keys with Subjects (TSoY/Solar)Paul_T9015.[Storming the Wizard's Tower] Edgar's DeepBrian_Minter9016.How to communicate a game's themeCalvino9017.What Game Should I Give to Monte Cook?kevin.weiser9019.[In(the)Spotlight] More Unofficial Doctor WhoJames_Mullen9020.Your First Story Games Experience - Reading or Playing?scottdunphy9021.Favourite Little Game Chef gameskevperrine9022.[Dream Palace] In Need of Some HelpKeith Sears9023.What is Scene Farming?Simon_Pettersson9024.RuneQuest III: The Vikings are awesomeImperator9025.Online vids of game theory coursemerb1019026.Game Designers... Give Up! You've been outdonePaul_T9027.[Mouse Guard/Continuum] Your Yet is BurningJ_Walton9028.Create Your First Indie RPG Cover!David Artman9029.[Kiss A Dude] Official Errata and FAQBrendan9030.[Mouse Guard] First game! Success! QuestionsMike Montesa9031.With Just Over A Day To Go, Fight On! In Second PlaceCalithena9032.First game of InSpectres coming upRoy9033.A setting idea i want to flesh out but can't seem to...signoftheserpent9034.Thoughts about Prep -or- Why I shouldn't run D&Ddeadlytoque9035.Any S-G readers from Calgary, Alberta?deadlytoque9036.[Gamestorm] 2009 Indie Hurricane ReportCarl9037.The Story-Games Open Dungeon Tile ProjectDave Younce9038.Generating Deep Culturesshreyas9039.(Mouse Guard) Dunedain Rangers HackScott9040.know any good names for geographical features?David_Berg9041.Preparing next session (Long post, but you can skip to the end)(Psychic abilities, goverment agents)Omar_Ramirez9042.Portmanteau Critters - alternatives to the OwlbearGB_Steve9044.[Camp Nerdly Three] Culinary Exchange and Swap Meet!Mark_Causey9045.[Perfect] Joe is the new playtest doc up somewhere please.Brendan9046.[IAWA] The "Human Contact" OracleRobert_Bohl9047.S-G Lounge in Colorado Springsscottdunphy9048.Stuff to Watch: April 2009misuba9049.[Little Game Chef] Harper Award, feedback, top five and winnersGraham9050.New Burning Wheel Campaign in AtlantaScott9051.[S7S] Logo Remixdhorstman9052.Question about PDF creationRafael9053.Old-School play, challenge-based adventuring, and avoiding that FiatPaul_T9054.If you won a medal for Story Games, what would be on it?Destriarch9055.Sorcerer & Sword - how much initial proprosed situation?grey.spiral9056.Is Nixxing "Advancement" in Long-Term "Campaign" Play Taboo?NPC9057.[JotSS/PDQ] Difference between Downshift & FailureLudanto9058.Random RPG Cover Competition Tap-In ThreadDavid Artman9059.Games Information's 100 rpgs you should play before you die.Ogremarco9060.Quarantine - Story Ideasol9061.[Land of Nodd] Paul T., check out the Bang's Brothers threadDavid_Berg9062.Canon Puncture, I like the new younoclue9063.Fruitful Void and work processes?Matthijs9064.Story Games' RPGs to Play Before You DieJason_Morningstar9065.iPhone Player's/GM's aid app - what should I put in it?seanhess9066.Do Layout, in return for Game? [Barbarians of Lemuria]Andy9067.Oracle Game: Codename Eliezersage9068.[Reel Adventures] Playtesters sought!ihmcallister9069.Players controlling GM pacing, Dave, tell us more...jenskot9070.[SPITE] You can use my game to pound nails into cinderblockRafael9071.Swagjim pinto9072.[The City Burns At Midnight] Post-LGC Designer Commentary & DiscussionBen_Johnson9073.[Polaris] The Fall of TallstarGuy Srinivasan9074.Indie RPG Awards Registrationjhkim9075.[Puppetland] past-tense narrationDavid_Berg9076.Beast Hunters Patch 1.5 and SRDChristian_Griffen9077.Alternatives to LuluRafael9078.TheRPGHaven, another (!) new RPG discussion siteAndy9079.So hey guys I wrote this game, um what now.Logos79080.Malware WarningWolfe9081.[D&D4] "Skyship Galactica" (recruiting - Seattle)kevperrine9082.[Defiance] The Black Rat ComethMJGraham9084.What's "Structured Freeform"?timfire9085.dungeony hack: QuickDelves into the Ruins to allow for episodic campaigns?DevP9086.Help me make some index cards / play guidesDevP9087.Two Session Grey RanksWillH9088.[Archipelago in the Midnight Sea] - Touchstone For Broader System DiscussionJesse9089.Paranoia RPG - games for few peopleRpgBR9090.[3:16] First play and impressionsdeadlytoque9091.New Options for 3:16, Page XX, and the Dying Earth DiesSimon_Rogers9092.I wrote a scenario for Trail of CthulhuGraham9093.Bad Playership - VentMark_Causey9094.50 Totally Free Lessons in Graphic Design TheoryDanielSolis9095.The Canterbury Dungeons - or - Let me tell you about the time...deadlytoque9097.Dave Arnesonblankshield9098.Knutebook Online PublicationMatthijs9099.The Influence of CCGs on RPGswhiteknife9100.Little Game Chef - when's the next one?kevperrine9101.TerpCon X - April 18thterpcon9102.My Brute Will Beat Up Your Brute!Josh Roby9103.Pushing Pixels: An Introduction of SortsJ_Walton9104.[PTA] Handling binary conflictsJason_Morningstar9105.[Risus] Hellgirl and the Class of 2013 - Help!Mark_Causey9106.Seattle meetup at the Wayward April 18Ogremarco9107.A name for my campaign (Got the name, thanks! n_n)Omar_Ramirez9108.Fastlane: ChangesLxndr9109.Story-Gamers need Character Illustrations too.Omar_Ramirez9110.Paying a tribute to Dave Arneson.Omar_Ramirez9111.boardgame learning: relationship maps, chess, and goshreyas9112.[WorldWorks] Gonna make me a die-oramaMark_Causey9114.Ken Hite seeks GenCon Hotnessptevis9115.Tightly Structured Game Lengthwhiteknife9116.[Spite] Hot Coffee and Dead Hookerswhiteknife9117.[E6 d20] Struggling with the SRDRy9118.There is nothing new under the sunMatthijs9119.[Defiance Draft] Front CoverMJGraham9120.A Braunstien Contest? No- "Workshop"?komradebob9121.[d20 Modern and now Tweaked nWoD] Agents of Shadows (so far)Omar_Ramirez9122.Games for Beginners: A Manifestochearns9123.[Agora] Anyone interested in playing online?fnord31259124.Fastaval 2009: Under My Skin Wins Audience AwardFrederik J. Jensen9125.Meme: Nicholas Sparks RPGsJared A. Sorensen9126.Favorite Games/Mechanics for any genre?seanhess9127.I only play with the best players.Matthijs9128.Using Web Collaborative Tools: Your ExperiencesJason_Morningstar9129.Games of Complete Informationsage9130.(Gencon Indy 2009) Indie Games ExplosionScott9131.Sometimes RPGs are like foodjenskot9132.when does using mechanics for advantage produce good color?David_Berg9134.Sea Dracula audio now up.jake richmond9135.The state of paid digital subscriptions?Ry9136.24 Hour RPG Competition - win amazon vouchers!Rob Lang9137.Help me find this old Game Chef entry!Frank T9138.[Ganakagok] how much setting to establish during set-up?David_Berg9139.Lady Blackbird: Intro Game PDFJohn_Harper9140.RPG Contest ContestDavid Artman9141.Yaruki Zero Games PodcastNeko_Ewen9142.Compendium of non-Caucasian Fantasy (/SF) ArtworkDaniel Levine9143."Stranded and Hunted" PDQ# SciFi Game Actual PlayJuddG9144.Day of Games - Wellington, NZsophmelc9145.Jason Godesky is a Goddamn Gaming HeroAndy9146.Sea Dracula FREE!jake richmond9147.Apocalypse World: Clapham Common to ClivedenGraham9148.Concrete Cow 09\xbd: 19 Sep, Milton Keynes, UKNeil9150.Zombie outbreak team recruitmentGraham9151."The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."whiteknife9152.[Interdimensional Adventures] If the party isn't optimal for campaign playalgi9153.Story Gamers near Denville, NJBrennan_Taylor9154.Can't Think of a Cover (not Cover contest related)madunkieg9155.Including a New PlayerNathan_H9156.Camp Nerdly 3 - Board Games?Nathan_H9157.[Lunar Notes] my crack at this "oracle game" thing or whatever it is we're calling themMarshall Burns9158.Playing Lady BlackbirdJudd9160.Table for TwelveJames_Mullen9161.Photos that put character concepts to shame.Burr9162.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 24: Julia Ellingboe on Tales of the Fisherman's WifeRobert_Bohl9163.[Semi-RPG-related Street art] Some images from Oslo (& Knutepunkt)olepeder9164.Real Victorian SubmarinesJohn_Powell9165.Mouse of the Rising Sun. [Mouse Guard]fragmad9166.The, err, "Story-Game Form" project, whaddya think?timfire9167.JiffyCon June 6, Greenfield, MAEmily_Care9168.Adobe InDesign vs QuarkXpress: Fight!MikeRM9169.Help Me Find a Good Price for Big MagicJosh Roby9170.The Progressive Teaching GameJason_Morningstar9171.Camp Nerdly 3 - Roleplaying Games?Jason_Morningstar9172.Free / Creative Commons RPG digital texts?Matt Snyder9173.[Seven Leagues] Used it for any other genre?norbertgmatausch9174.Games for a Bloodthirsty Ten year Old GeniusJason_Morningstar9175.Do you prefer your RPGs to read like books or manuals?whiteknife9176.Indie games passport/map?Scott9177.Levenger Paper: RPG Brain CanvasAndy9178.[Summerland] Clearing up assumptions...Evil Doctor9179.[Montsegur 1244] Relationship MapJason_Morningstar9180.Shirime and Other Lovely ThingsJosh Roby9181.Using Keys in other gamesfnord31259182.Book vs. Manual: A Worked Example, Burning EmpiresJesse9183.Suggest a game/games to a YA librarian for a tween anime group!Chiv9184.Nickname your fellow Camp Nerdly attendeesAndrew Morris9185.Looking for a wiki or thread detailing some of the best innovations of story gamesgamera_spinning9186.DexCon 12 PlanningAndrew Morris9187.[Combat Diaries: Operation Overlord] Playtest draft availableOgremarco9188.[Montsegur 1244] Why, Garnier, Why?Jason_Morningstar9189.Vanguard: Shrine of the Aegis (AKA I want to be more like John Harper)Matt Wilson9190.[Panty Explosion] Schoolgirl name signs!DeBracy9191.Genres Everybody UnderstandsJason_Morningstar9192.Another couple oracle gamesKaare Berg9193.Wisdom from the Book of Life, in ItalianJason_Morningstar9194.Car WarsJoshua A.C. Newman9195.[Roach] Noobs playing tomorrow!timeLESS9196.[Defiance] How can I make sabotage fun?MJGraham9197.Dogs in the Vineyard : Red Rockjim pinto9198.[Knutepunkt 2009] Scenes from a pervasive gameBill_White9199.[Shock] The craziest thing the Benefactors have requested of youelegua9200.How to roleplay in the Korprulu Sector?Krippler9201.Shogi: Japanese Chess Book is a great dealAndy9202.Check out my crazy dungeonsKropotkin9203.[4e] Where are we at on Skill Challenges?Ry9204.One Cool Thing From Nerdly Beach PartyWillH9205.Alternatives to the standard character attributes in adventure games...Jon Hastings9206.Remembering foreign namesAndy9208.Game Designers needed in MA/CT arealittlemel49209.RPGs applied to collaborative novel writing?timonkey9210.3:16 The Movie?whiteknife9211.[Lady Blackbird] Three Chris' and a SnarglerockCaesar_X9212.[Hot War] The Law of Supply & DemandJames_Mullen9213.Pandemic RPGGraham9217.Genres nobody understandsColin_Fredericks9218.Two pages is a wonderful number of pages, but...Ry9219.InterNosCon 2009Claudia Cangini9220.Do you use a composition notebook as a part of play/design? [Composeum]DanielSolis9221.[Camp Nerdly Thrizzler in Prince Wizzler] CabinsMark_Causey9222.[GPNW] What do you want to run and play?tony_dowler9223.What programs do you use?Kyle Hand9224.Creators and RecognitionMatt Snyder9225.Genres everybody understandsptevis9226.[Horror] "And so we will fight, and so will our children."egamad9227.Making up cultures--how and what?Joli9228.Relationships as batteries and experience mechanics? Help!DanielSolis9229.What Are You Working On?Jason_Morningstar9231.Montsegur 1244bishop0269232.Exceptional Fantasy - My NotionsJesse9233.Camp Nerdly 3 - S'mores?Nathan_H9234.Conflict versus other behaviourSimon_Rogers9235.Giant character gamingVeav9236.Task and Conflict Resolution in the same game?simjames9237.Story Gamers in Santa Fe, New MexicoPaul Hedrick9238.Do you play 4th Edition like a tactical boardgame?Graham9239.[4E D&D] Justifying MurderMark_Causey9240.Lend me your brains! (need help with a math formula)Seth Drebitko9241.let me tell you all about Dirty SecretsMatt Wilson9242.Rave about an indie game you didn't createMatt Snyder9243.Camp Nerdly Countdown News and QuestionsClinton9244.Setting Creation - It's just a nameagony9245.[4e D&D] Trust Mechanic for 4EMark_Causey9246.rrrrrRRRRRACEFANS!!!!Joshua A.C. Newman9247.The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Non-Player CharactersAndrew M9248.[Camp Nerdly] Ganakagok at Dawn? Gut CheckBill_White9249.[Reel Adventures Playtest Report]DainXB9250.My problem with Actor stanceHans_c-o9251.Guerilla Televisionvulpinoid9252.[4e] 1 combat with roleplaying before afterward...jenskot9253.Stuff to Watch: May 2009tony_dowler9254.[4e] Skill Challenges Thread 2: Better guidelinesRy9255.Special Present for Tony Dowler [Let's Make It!]jackson_tegu9256.[The Mountain Witch] Terminator: DamnationMike Montesa9257.Theme Dancing (a "training-game")komradebob9258.Escuadr\xf3n CalabozoJason_Morningstar9259.[Camp Nerdly] Crowdsourcing name badgesClinton9260.Are you designing a cyberpunk RPG?madunkieg9261.Vocabulary Help NeededValamir9262.[3:16] Of Oozes and ApesRalf9263.Working for Nazis?Steve_Segedy9264.[Lady Blackbird] Adventures in the Age of Sail!oreso9265.[Mridangam] Gimme some loveHans_c-o9266.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 25: TTMN: Vincent Baker on Clouds and BoxesRobert_Bohl9267.How would you want to search for RPGs?fnord31259268.How would you do ghost bustersLogos79269.Sell me on PathfinderAdam_Dray9270.I Need A Classic Traveller Character SheetJason_Morningstar9271.Buried Without Ceremony: A blog about story games, interpretting experience and communicationMcdaldno9272.The Codex: If you liked this, you may also like...Graham9273.Challenges that Violence can't solveDemocritus9274.neo-benshi and story gamesmarkv9275.[Classic Traveller] Ditched on Daslon-2Jason_Morningstar9276.What blogs do you read? Link?Matt Snyder9277.Whatever Happened To GPSE?Tim Boser9278.Games that you really like... except for the deal-breakerAndy9279.[nWoD] Hunter-Changeling game: any advice for me?fnord31259280.GM Judgment, or: Why is Jason Morningstar a Coward?John_Harper9281.Things which are Inherently UnfairGraham9282.[Other Worlds] Playtest Feedback and Analysissoviet9283.Exalted Heartbreaker?Chris Peterson9284.Wanderer: A rewrite and the three questionsakooser9285.A collective memory of Dungeons and of people playing games and having funMatt Wilson9287.Traveler fans: Have you tried Thousand Suns?merb1019288.In A Wicked Age + RPA??Ry9289.[Strategicon] Who's Running What at Gamex, May 22-25, LAX SHERATON?Josh Roby9290.Blood Red Sands Beta V3.0 is now availableValamir9291.GPNW Scheduling Idea -- L33t Ninja SkillzBen_Robbins9292.[PTA] Star Wars: The Sith TriumvirateDaniel_M_Perez9293.Making Car Wars More Awesometony_dowler9294.[Camp Nerdly] Hoping for the Kindness of OthersRyan_Macklin9295.I don't like the term - Story GamesJudd9296.Sympathy vs empathy in classical rpgsvulpinoid9297.It Came From The Czege PrincipleJason_Morningstar9298.ITT: Crowdsourcing and don't mention the forge.Logos79299.Clyde Rho*r's secret identity?merb1019300.What is it about this hobby?Chris McNeilly9301.[Githyanki] Illithids are awesome!Ry9302.[Actual Play] It goes Thud-ud-ud-ud-udGB_Steve9303.The Community - How do I "break in"?deadlytoque9304.Derived-event games versus derived-effect gamesBrad_J_Murray9305.[Actual Play] Lady Blackbird, but not Lady Blackbirdsage9306.[4E D&D] Justifying EatingEpidiah_Ravachol9307.Death Before Mind-Control!JDCorley9308.Making Flow Charts?dyjoots9309.Randomness: What works (for you)?sage9310.Character Background Question Generator [Abulafia]DanielSolis9311.D&D 3.5 Full Point System?seanhess9312.Historical GamingScottOden9313.Agon: Some questions!PaulB9314.[Stabbing Contest] episode 24 is finally up.Ogremarco9315.Let's think about fun character creationHans_c-o9316.World of Warcraft (my ignorance and a search for an online story game)Pandelume9317.The advantages and disadvantages of character identificationJoshua A.C. Newman9318.Story Gamers in Houston, Texasophidian_flux9319.Game Design CollectiveGeorge_Cotronis9320.Forgotten Indie GemsChristian_Griffen9321.ISBN's for indie/story gamesLogos79322.Go Play Deep South!Brennen Reece9323.Dungeon Crawl: Ablative Character Sheets and Otherkind Diceakooser9324.Gaming haikusAdam_Dray9325.[Chronica Feudalis] Playtesting, Feedback and DiscussionJeremy Keller9326.Detailed Gaming Props!Andy9327.Looking for artist who posted as "one false move"Matt Snyder9328.Small Press Games of the EightiesJason_Morningstar9329.Theory as applied to game designGraham9330.AP: Lady BlackbirdWillow9331.One Magic ThingJDCorley9332.The 2009 Collective Endeavour SurveyNeil Gow9333.What would you like Robin Laws to write about?Simon_Rogers9334.[Proteus] Searching for an elegant/intuitive combat system.Natai9335.Dice and Clouds and SotC and D&D 4ERoger9336.[Reel Adventures] Actual Play - Jungle of Madnessihmcallister9337.[Because No Meme goes Untouched] SG Motivational PostersDavid Artman9338.You have a day's work to do and two hours in which to do it. [Timebomb Games?]DanielSolis9339.Lifepath Diagramsshreyas9340.Tall TalesErik_Battle9341.What became of Psi Run?BastardToadflax9342.Master Plan #47 is up: "Tangibility in Mechanics"Ryan_Macklin9343.Fantasy Supers, or, something cool about HotRshreyas9344.[Mouse Guard] Mission BurnerJ_Walton9345.[A Dirty Job] Sanity mechanic helpMarshall Burns9346.My game is cool, let me tell you why!deadlytoque9347.Optional Rules - Threat or Menace?soviet9348.GMs - Do You Sit or Stand?Nathan_H9349.Story Games on TV TropesSeleneTan9350.3:16 Delivers the Goods YET AGAINMatt Wilson9351.Scales for Character Definition: Example - Steam PunkBlue9352.Something... Wonderful? Horrible? Is It A GAME?!David Artman9353.Google Down?David Artman9354.How do you assert your authority as GM?Graham9355.Dice and Clouds: Now with IIEE and GNSRoger9356.[nWoD] Hunter-Changeling: What about that goddamn Mask?fnord31259357.[In A Wicked Age] Liars, and the Lying Lies They TellBrian_Minter9358.[Seattle Meetup at the Wayward] Lady Blackbird or Something ElseHans_c-o9359.23 pages... (of player notes)kevperrine9360.[D&D 4E] More tokens!Eric Provost9361.[Ribbon Drive] Artist and Layout ReccomendationsMcdaldno9362.The Open ModelMcdaldno9363.8 ways to layout rules + examplesmarkv9364.Help me remember the names of these two gamesAndrew Morris9365.My Way or the Highwaytony_dowler9366.The Phenomenology of Roleplaying.MJGraham9367.[Game Writing Pact] 1000 Words a DayJ_Walton9368.[Jeepform] The Upgrade! UpgradedJason_Morningstar9369.On the Fly Character Creation?Nathan_H9370.[Fear the Boot] How to Host a DungeonHans_c-o9371.Roles for the GMGraham9372.[Mouse Guard] Read it, but unconvinced that I get itjason9373.Let's compare games to food.DanielSolis9374.Fantasy- Help Finish My PantheonWillow9375.Gen Con--Whose Going?commondialog9376.[Lady Blackbird] Giving Lady B the BootCaesar_X9377.My art for your words (Looking for a writer)George_Cotronis9379.Game mechanics that de-protagonizeCharlie Gilb9380.The USB Flash Drive : The Gaming Geek's Portable BatcaveAndy9381.I asked my marketing friend to talk about marketing for RPGsNeko_Ewen9382.Playing Card probability help?Matt Snyder9383.[4E D&D] The Oroboros PathMark_Causey9384.Tell me about long term play with light settingbankuei9385.Embryonic game idea: The Shape of Things to Comevillum9386.How to be a playtester.tomg9387.[GPNW] Countdown to Go Play Northwest 2009!ping9388.Please Help: I don't know the game, but I have to GMalgi9389.Help Me Out by Playing the Best Chinese Card Game EverJ_Walton9390.Erol Otus Art Challenge - The Winner's Circle! maps aid or break your immersion?David_Berg9392.Starting from scratchMaster of the Game9393.[CrowdSourcing] Virtual Tabletop for Savage WorldsDInDenver9394.Directed promotion of Elizabeth ShoemakerGraham9395.Go Play Monkey King Shirt 09John_Harper9396.[Chronica Antiquus?] Brainstorming MentorsJeremy Keller9397.[4E] Metrocalypse: Oxford 1605 -- first gameAdam_Dray9398.Mathy folks, I have a doozy of a probability experiment for you.DanielSolis9399.Can anybody help me find Enenra stories?Josh Roby9400.2 kewl I'm old schoolLogos79401.Building a new campaign setting/world (what do you provide?)kevperrine9402.[Mouse Guard] Mirrorshaded MiceJesse9403.Medical Hospital... WTF?reaction9404.On Race in Writingakooser9405.[PTA] Ironwall (Apocalypse Faeries)Doyce9406.On Race in RPG Design and RPG PlayEric Provost9407.[DitV] New NPC rules?Temple9408.from the good causes dept...edheil9409.Solo Games - One Player - One GMJudd9410.[Game Group] Central PlanningJason_Morningstar9411.[Pentasystem] A toolbox story-game of changing the world because you careMikeRM9412.Go Play Peoria Summer minicongreatwolf9413.[Mouse Guard] House rulesWilhelm9414.clever RPG mechanics from a Midsummer Night's Dream LARPDevP9415.[Seattle Meetup May 30]Alan9416.Mountain Witch Print StatusSean Musgrave9417.[nWoD (and others)] NPC character creation. I hates it!fnord31259418.Building one-shot scenario-games from the ground up?komradebob9419.What do your non-RPGing partners and friends do while you play?simjames9420.Burning Wheel vs. Mouse Guardrpgfoo9421.Game Design ProtipsBrennen Reece9422.Cracker barrel: whites in RPGsdroog9424.Mountain Witch Group ConflictsMule9425.Dostoevskyan Murder BalladMcdaldno9426.[AP/Playtest] Mexican Horror-Action Braunsteinkomradebob9427.[Barbarians of Lemuria] Played it? How is it?Charlie Gilb9428.[SteamPunk Crescendo] Multi-player conflict ideaDInDenver9429.The Jealous Godsdeadlytoque9430.Embark! My West Marches-inspired gamedeadlytoque9431.Culure in Design and Play (SoY and StWT)akooser9432.My RandomRPG looking for FeedbackLogos79433.[Virtual Play] Episode 39: Is Trail of Cthulhu Broken, or Is It Just Me?Bill_White9434.You wake up on a trainGraham9435.[Mafia/Werewolf] Are You The Traitor?David Artman9436.[Super Action Now!] a crazy-ass advertisem*ntMarshall Burns9437.[Best Friends] Cool/Weird stuff to do with itfnord31259438.Dexcon 12 and the IGEKat Miller9439.Licensed content sitessven9440.Convention Demos How much Prep?zipht9441.[IAWA + Paizo] The Harrowing OracleRy9442.Cho-Han, what's the deal?MountZionRyan9443.[The Waste] my new game -- have some questionsCharlie Gilb9444.A Penny For My Thoughts is coming soon (updated: pre-order open)ptevis9445.[Annalise] The Voyage of the Auspiciousndp9446.[Owlbears] So I guess we're the ones being distracted?Brendan9447.Gamex 2009 RecapJosh Roby9448.Dogs taught me...jenskot9449.What did they do to make you feel awesome?Matthijs9450.Making Characters the Fun WayJason_Morningstar9451.New post over at This Modern Death about Skill ChallengesJBMannon9452.Graham Walmsley's Very Fine Dice RollerMatt Wilson9453.[Stabbing Contest] episode 025 with Zeke from Brilliant Gameologists.Ogremarco9454.[Theory From the Closet] Live interview w/ Vincent Baker May 30thClyde L. Rho*r9455.Why I Love Werewolf/MafiaNathan_H9456.How do you handle NPC bystanders mixed up in combat/action areas?kevperrine9457.Commenting on Stuff to WatchRemi9458.How would you do Battlestar Galactica?Frederik J. Jensen9459.combats: more fun when chaotic, or well-informed?David_Berg9460.[Raspberry Heaven] Playtest Draft v 0.3King Turnip9461.With apologies to Jared Sorensen... who wants to be a sample character?Dyson Logos9462.Google WaveScott9463.One Cool Thing I Saw At Camp Nerdly 03Jason_Morningstar9464.When everything seems lostGraham9465.Layout Contest during June 2009Matt Snyder9466.[CN3] PDQ# Space Opera (Favor)chadu9467.Give me your Camp Nerdly Blog Posts and OpinionsMark_Causey9468.Do You Play MMOs?Neil Gow9469.[IAWA] Still stuck on social mechanicsJoe_Beason9470.I need a photo from your game libraryKevin Allen Jr9471.[Origins] What should I write about?merb1019473.Stuff to watch: June 2009Adam_Dray9475.[4E] I'm looking for a few unusual character portraitsEric Provost9476.What converted you/your group?Seth Drebitko9477.Gen Con - What are you going to play? And can I join you?dyjoots9478.Gaming Table Questionstomg9479.[Fiasco] Hockey Night in BuffaloJason_Morningstar9480.Artist/Craftsman business modelMatrixGamer9481.Who likes to draw Spaceships?thor9482.The N\xf8rwegian Style book is available NOW!!!Matthijs9483.[D&D Metrocalypse] Camp Nerdly post-mortemAdam_Dray9484.Questions about: Jaws of the Six Serpent / Dictionary of Muakooser9485.How do you plan to adapt oracle games?Seth Drebitko9486.Blog about small game elementsSean Musgrave9487.The BPG Aeromachine ChallengeJason_Morningstar9488.[The Shab-al-Hiri Roach] Why does everyone keep bursting in?Brian_Minter9489.A PrejudiceCalithena9490.Cimmeria! Lankhmar! What do you recommend for Pulp Fantasy?deadlytoque9491.Selling RPG books, including some unusual stuffMatt Snyder9492.[DitV] Assassin's Creed, please?Omar_Ramirez9493.Another cheap stock-photo cover! (This time it's RADIANT)Elizabeth9494.David Carradine is deadchearns9495.Pulp Fantasy Name Generatordeadlytoque9496.DexCon + Agora ... interest?Josh Roby9497.[and cast no shadow] playtest at Camp Nerdlyefindel9498.China Mieville and GamingJudd9499.Mortal Coil vs. SorcererJames_Nostack9500.Play Aids for Kills Puppies For SatanLogos79501.Detailed character histories as coping mechanismHans_c-o9502.Female Figures from the Renaissancetony_dowler9503.[XXXXtreme STREET luge] What I learned from Jack ChickHans_c-o9504.Most Formally Challenging Scene You've GM'ed? ("GM Stunts")James_Nostack9505.[Wilderness of Mirrors] -- Clones, Koreans, and Crazinessdeadlytoque9506.Making connections at DexCon 12/Young adult gamesAndrew Morris9507.Kagematsu: pretty cool!jenskot9508.Playing a VampireGamerChick9509.[Burning Wheel] What do I NEED to know?merb1019510.DeathGraham9511.Death is DumbKen Sentowski!9512.Dream game goalsClinton9513.Beer and pretzels generic #16352Veav9514.Empire of DustAmy Garcia9515.Interact With The Setting... Because The Rules Say So!Andy9516.[Tears in Rain] A mechancial way of answering the 'Are you a Replicant?' questionAdrian P9517.Playing in publicBrian_Minter9518.What are your favourite unfunny gaming-related threads?Graham9519.Social Rules at your TableDarcy Burgess9520.[Stabbing Contest] Episode 26 with Luke Crane.Ogremarco9521.[SotC] Muzzle-loading gunsNeil9522.testTeslas Death Ray9523.Which social rules don't work for you?Graham9524.Glossary/index: is it MADNESS?!Robert_Bohl9525.[sink]The SG CommunityC_Edwards9527.Building a Monstertown election Braunstein-Request helpkomradebob9528.[Joy-Joy Chocalypse] Board/RPG HybridJ_Walton9529.The Homeworld and the Pendulum (Re: Paul Tevis, Dreamation Indie Round Table)wyrmwood9530.[microscope] Make history, mock chronological order, then tell me how it wentBen_Robbins9531.DANGER PATROL: Help me invent special abilitiesJohn_Harper9532.Playing a Memedeadlytoque9534.[Dream Palace] The Need for GenreKeith Sears9535.Seeking some pretty specific artworkColin_Fredericks9536.In media res or not?GB_Steve9537.Story Games Forum: The Ignore FeatureAndy9538.Story Gamers in Washington DCBrian_Minter9539.Transparency at the table: How much do you prefer?Shoggoth9540.Bloodlust : le retour de la vengeanceboulet9541.[The Mountain Witch] Tips and Tricks?Jason_Morningstar9542.Playing with my kidsMatthijs9543.[Gamestorm 2009] The Jesus Camp Massacre, AP ThreadNPC9544.How to run a play contestMcdaldno9545.Contest Culture and Small GamesJason_Morningstar9546.Archiving Mechanics: Recording events as part of the process of playNeko_Ewen9547.[Unknown Armies] Make me some NPCsSimon_Pettersson9548.Pie in the SkyKen Sentowski!9549.[Cheap Gaming Accessories] A dish fit for your diceJeremy Keller9550.Do you ever use a chorus in your games?GB_Steve9551.Shock:1.2 Pre-OrderJoshua A.C. Newman9552.Heroes vs. hero playersRobert_Bohl9553.Elements of Epic Hero Adventures Include...Andy9554.Gaming MonogamyJudd9555.Social Rules at *their* TableChris Peterson9556.Defences against seduction tacticsGraham9557.[Seattle] Dragonflight XXX approachesShosuro Kando9558.[A Penny For My Thoughts] This book is amazingHans_c-o9559.Hack City: Tell Me About Your Hack or HomebrewJ_Walton9561.The free development contest...Seth Drebitko9562.Just ran an insane Dogs game...jenskot9563.Nordland: Returning HomeFrederik J. Jensen9564.My Shoemaker-esque CoverJeremy Keller9565.[FDC - Moleskine RPG] Berets & BongosBrennen Reece9566.Story Gamers in Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvaniajason9567.[CthulhuTech] Anybody know about different editions?Johnstone9568.[Forum Discussion] Problems signing in with Google ChromeGraham9569.Any Good Games to Play Con Artists?Omar_Ramirez9570.Art for Forthcoming GamesSimon_Rogers9571.Best way to handle Out of Scene Players?Jarvis9572.[IAWA] What makes for the BEST oracle elements?Ry9573.[Ribbon Drive] Are You A Musician?Mcdaldno9574.Player Authorship in Traditional Games?fnord31259575.[Wilderness of Mirrors] How to handle betrayal?E9576.Are there too many contests around these days?Destriarch9577.[Lady Blackbird] Turdus MaximusRoger9578.multi-task-masters - GMing styles/techniqueskevperrine9579.[hack] Sorcerer -> Star Trek TNGGeorgios9580.A Wiki... But for One Contributor/Viewer?Andy9581.Who makes the tea and how do you take it?Graham9582.Copyright on personal useScott9583.A Penny For My Thoughts now shippingptevis9584.[PTA] Do you expend Edges and Connections outside of conflicts?Guy Srinivasan9585.VR/Alternate Reality and GamingDavid Artman9588.[GPNW] Looking for spaceblankshield9589.Help me pin down The KidJason_Morningstar9590.Opera UniteVasco Brown9591.[Doppeleffekt] Console-Style 4EJ_Walton9592.Do you game in the car?Ogremarco9593.This ought to blow some minds: RPG Gamebook on the Nintendo DSAndy9594.Free RPG Day 2009Hans_c-o9595.4e as pure wargameHans_c-o9596.[When Bad Things Happen to Good Magicians] The Practically-a-slu*t Princess vs. The Great DanglerJames_Mullen9597.The Red Dawn of Cthulhumerb1019598.Will you CC some old junk with me?Ry9599.Origins 2009Marhault9600.[Misspent Youth] Owning the terms; if not "scene," what?Robert_Bohl9601.Favorite Mythender momentsRyan_Macklin9602.(TSOY) Buddy Keys?Nathan_H9603.Tales of the Fisherman's Wife Cover PreviewParthenia9604.[No Dice] Is this a Narrative Heartbreaker?Brennen Reece9605.Ask Graham Walmsley...Simon_Rogers9606.Who's going to DexCon 12?Robert_Bohl9607.[American Wizards] need a term for un-corruptionMarshall Burns9608.[4E] Anyone entering the Ultimate Dungeon Delve?merb1019609.Phillip K. Dicksian mindf*ck: what would you use to run it?deadlytoque9610.Any Idea How To Fix This?David Artman9611.A Game about Explorationjason9612.[Challenge: Play This!] Rebellion in the Mushroom KingdomMarshall Burns9613.The purpose and value of signature characters [Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple]DanielSolis9614.Ars Magica - Which books for color and details?ColinC9615.Blue Ocean Strategies and RPGs?Neko_Ewen9616.Training wheel rulesBrian_Minter9617.Make ThisKen Sentowski!9618.[GHOST/ECHO] {Camp Nerdly 3} Betrayal in New Hong KongMark_Causey9619.Tardus Vs the Powerfighters. *the cat9620.Swordworld 2.0 Has anyone actually considered translating it?the cat9621.[Game Development] dedicated, slow, and methodicaljenskot9622.Tell me the story.Joshua A.C. Newman9623.[Twilight Blackbird] Crazy Pollacks, BMPs and teapotsCaesar_X9624.Paul Schrader about 'narrative exhaustion'Per_Fischer9625.The Mix-and-Match Anti-Contest!Destriarch9626.[GPNW] straw poll about badgesBen_Robbins9627.How does character emotion become PLAYER emotion?Jarvis9628.MP3 Experiment as RPG [Blue Ocean]DanielSolis9629.A Show of Solidarity: Exploring the Current Iranian Unrest in PlayJ_Walton9630.Visuals inspiring storytellingdeadlytoque9631.Player Agency - the heart of "indie" game designBeth_in_Virginia9632.rpg player demographicsEmily_Care9633.[HQ2] Worldwide Release DateBrennen Reece9634.[Lady Blackbird] How do the ships fly?oliof9635.Help me come up with fantasy backgroundsClinton9636.[The 9th Division] Our Sci-Fi Police Noir GameKropotkin9637.GenCon Indy 2009 - anyone need a room, still?wundergeek9638.Twitter role playingJacob9639.Send congrats to Ryan Macklin!DanielSolis9640.Extrapolate from this.Mcdaldno9641.[GPNW] sneak peek of the venueping9642.FlowSimon_Pettersson9643.Game Design Concepts - online courseJoe Murphy9646.[Virtual Play] Do We Really Know GNS When We See It?Bill_White9647.Super-Easy Adventure RPGdeadlytoque9648.[Rajah Spiny Rat] Initial Exposurevulpinoid9650.[Carolina Death Crawl] Haunted by ContrabandsJason_Morningstar9651.The Pilgrim Name Game [Do] [Twitter]DanielSolis9652.[Ribbon Drive] Road trip this song.Mcdaldno9653.FINN FORCE FIVE! REPORT TO HELSINKI!Joshua A.C. Newman9654.Where does Burning Wheel fit along GNS/Big Model Lines? Does it?Hans_c-o9655.The Hellenes - hitting a wall with Greek adventure designBeth_in_Virginia9656.Announcing Weird Enclaves and Black Pits!Calithena9657.So T-15 mins more or less until I start the 24 hour rpg challenge - SuggestionsLogos79658.I come in peace...this time!Seth Drebitko9659.A Heuristic for creating a 24-Hour RPG?Number6intheVillage9660.How do you come up with cool cultures?Democritus9661.The Gods Must be CrazyJBMannon9662.GNS isn't that importantAdam_Dray9663.The Lesson of the Duck BrothersLevi Kornelsen9664.Shock:1.2 PDFsJoshua A.C. Newman9665.Tiny DetailsJudd9666.How would I test the Big Model?Graham9667.My worldbuilding game thingySimon_Pettersson9669.[2009 origins awards] Wow, Mouse Guard beat D&D 4E!jenskot9670.Alien Invasion: help!jenskot9671.Design Contest; The Long StairLogos79672.How can I tell the Creative Agenda of the people I play with?Graham9673.(A Penny For My Thoughts) Alternate SettingsScott9674.Looking to hack Pendragondeadlytoque9675.Jason Morningstar completes cancer rideRoger9676.[GPNW] The worst thing about Go Play Northwest 2009moleculo9677.Aerobic vs. Anaerobic - a meaningful distinction for Story Now?Beth_in_Virginia9678.Guys, the wiki's being spammed again.T-Boy9679.Thoughts/Ideas/Games for PushLogos79680.Free pot of gold idea for D&D 4EClinton9681.Drawing a blank (need a spy game)Ry9682.[GPNW] Give us your feedback on GPNW 2009ping9684.[Seattle] Meet & Play July 11 -- Nine WorldsAlan9685.MonkeyDomejenskot9686.[Cargo Cult Danger Patrol] Attack of the Plutonian Apes! #gpnwBrendan9687.Canon Puncture Show - A Penny for Paul Tevisorklord9688.Story Gamers in Oklahoma City Arealord_goon9689.Story Games in the Capital/Bay Corridor? (N. California)Beth_in_Virginia9690.Lady Blackbird @ Dragonmeet South WestPaul Drussel9691.[3:16] Assualt on Degassnikle9692.[GenCon Indy 2009] - What games are you looking forward to picking up?gamera_spinning9693.[Big Model] Help me design a surveyGB_Steve9694.One Cool Thing I Saw at Go Play Northwest 2009Jason_Morningstar9695.Thoughts on the Long Stairs and Moldvay D&DBen_Lehman9696.[Social Engineering] Inclusivenesss at ConsJason_Morningstar9697.Hey, Graham! A Quick Dice Roller Question, PleaseDavid Artman9698.Tell me about your Idea GraveyardNPC9699.[Principia] Steam Tank versus Marble Army #gpnwBrendan9700.How do I apply constraints on conflict resolution?Charlie Gilb9702.The AI-Box Experiment RPGNickNovitski9703.Spione vs. Wilderness of Mirrors ?komradebob9704.[Independent Insurgency] Episode 27: John Stavropoulos and Jim Sullivan on MonkeyDomeRobert_Bohl9705.Let me tell you all about Danger PatrolMatt Wilson9706.[GPNW] Photographic evidence.IceCreamEmperor9707.[Combat Diaries:Omaha Beach] GPNWOgremarco9708.HeroQuest 2 has been released - let's talk about itBrennen Reece9709.[Swords & Wizardry] Shedding Some Light on The Darkness Beneath [GPNW]rafial9710.[GPNW] AP: Geiger Counter - The Edge of Darknessping9711.[The Hellenes] mental/social wounds and player choiceBeth_in_Virginia9712.Aborted Projects of Yesteryear (was Hack City Podcast Episode 0)frozenwastes9713.[Fiasco] Four games at GPNWJason_Morningstar9714.Stuff to watch: July 2009Adam_Dray9715.Seeking critique on initial layout for Do: Pilgrims of the Flying TempleDanielSolis9716.Go Play Portland, anyone??John_Powell9717.[Lady Blackbird] Actual Playbhartzell9718.Dream TechniciansMcdaldno9719.[Lady Hackbird] Help Me With KeysJason_Morningstar9720.You're a revolutionary. Which authority would you overthrow?sage9721.Master Plan #50: Paul Tevis on A Penny For My ThoughtsRyan_Macklin9722.Tell me about Gamestorm Free Game DayJohn_Powell9723.[Principia] Playtesters wanted: Vampire Machiavelli vs. Leonardo's Steam Tank FIGHT!tony_dowler9724.[GPNW] Thread LinksChristian_Griffen9725.[GPNW] Montsegur 1244 AP and thoughts on the gameWillH9726.DexCon 12: What's on your plate?Robert_Bohl9727.[PTA @ GPNW] Slot 9: Show about a low-budget Detriot children's showRyan_Macklin9728.[ORIGINS] Kinda fun, kinda a total f*ckup...Andy9729.[Lady Hackbird] Card based resolutionJohn_Powell9730.[GPNW] Steal Away Jordan: The death of master HaywoodKingstonC9731.[GPNW] Thanks, you mad horde of Microscopers!Ben_Robbins9732.Show me the way to... Document LayoutTorquemada9733.[Microscope playtest AP]DainXB9734.Use simple wordsGraham9735.Annoying Housemates and She's Worth It - My Two New IdeasDavid Pidgeon9736.Atomic Array interviewed us about Dogs in the Vineyard!jenskot9737.Bubonicon Aug 28-30 Albuquerque, NMakooser9738.[DitV] review at Gnome Stewdeadlytoque9739.[Pirates] Things they want to do to each other.Levi Kornelsen9740.[Best of Story Games] Submit your threads/bookmarks for the "Best of" CategoryAndy9741.Playing with wordsdeadlytoque9742.[GPNW] Spectre of the BeastJoli9743.[Lady Blackbird] Saga of the Goblin Headbag #gpnwBrendan9744.[GPNW] Ribbon DriveMcdaldno9745.[GPNW] Mythender -- Ending ThorRyan_Macklin9746.[Car Wars/PTA] I-70agony9747.[GPNW] Microscope AP & Post-mortem: Mutants, apocalypse cults, elections and colony shipsping9748.Archipelago 2 is out.Matthijs9749.Double Crossing Charactertomg9750.Hacking OD&D (and clones) magic systemakooser9751.Game Sell/Trade/Swap 2009!Andy9752.Collecting Opinions on Licensed ProductsDestriarch9753.Jackson, what's "The Smoke Dream"?Matthijs9754.Story Gamers in the North of England (UK)Millsy9755.Anyone ever played TALL TALES?lord_goon9756.Go Play Deep South Condensed - July 12Brennen Reece9757.Scott Pilgrim: The Flippin' Sweet Game!Orlando_Wilson9758.Games to Reach Playersmadunkieg9759.What bad gaming habits are you trying to correct in yourself?Robert_Bohl9760.[Danger Patrol] Alpha Playtest AvailableJohn_Harper9761.Why doesn't Fanmail suck?Simon_Pettersson9762.Lonely fun activities?Ry9763.Irreconcilably Broken Games That You Will Forever HateMcdaldno9764.The organization of HolmCon (a house con)Matthijs9765.Playtesting with strangers mostly unfamiliar with your game. Any tips?DanielSolis9766.How do they redact pdfs?Ry9767.Why don't Anchors suck?shreyas9768.[Black Cadillacs] Making background worth moreDyson Logos9769.DistribuCon I - Would this work?Jason_Morningstar9770.Demon Ring: My Pokemon Game for Bretshreyas9771.Story Gamers in Austin, TxTrey Greer9772.Who's in the Greater Toronto Area?Ry9773.Horrible, horrible diseasedeadlytoque9774.[IAWA] Bringing Back NPCsscottdunphy9775.[GPNW] Quotes and Games Playedphilaros9776.[Europe] Up and coming RPG ConventionsDarran9777.Story/Board Game (that are available)Scott9778.[Geiger Counter] Scarlet ChechnyaTristan9779.Copyrights, remixes, and the new mediadeadlytoque9780.My cat is violating the Czege PrincipleColin_Fredericks9781.Dirty Secrets of the Mad CityJesse9782.[2nd Edition] Fixing Irreconcilably Broken Games That Other People Hate.Mcdaldno9783.Workshops and Seminars at GenCon IndyEmily_Care9784.Making It Up As You Gorafial9785.[Danger Patrol] Nth Dimensional Chaos in BostonJ_Walton9786.Julian's Current DesignsAntiquitus9787.[Danger Patrol] Danger at the Gravity Ballet of DangerJason_Morningstar9788.Danger Patrol: Terror of the StygiansMatt Wilson9789.Tell me your ideas for creating starting relationshipsSteve_Hickey9790.request for anecdotal experience: Mythic GM Emulatoredheil9791.[GPNW] Nine Worlds APAlan9792.[Tyler's awesome fantasy game] player contractTylerT9793.[The Hydra] The Canyons Between UsEpsilonMinus9794.Jake's Awesome Fantasy Game Contestjake richmond9795.Oceanjake richmond9796.Skulduggery PlaytestSimon_Rogers9797.Asinine technologies of the futuremerb1019798.[Black Cadillacs] - Backgrounds do matterDarcy Burgess9799.Seeking criticism/playtest of Slayer of Dragon RPG: 2nd Ed.threegee9800.[4e] Simplest possible character sheet?Ry9801.[4e] Teaching 4e - levels between 0 and 1?Ry9802.Dexcon 09 reportDouble King9803.RPG Geek open beta announcedgreatwolf9804.[Perfect] Using Genderless Language in Play DescriptionsMcdaldno9805.Wanderer *Rough Draft*akooser9806.Examples of Swim Lane Flow Charts?DanielSolis9807.Ennies 2009 nomineesmerb1019808.[Nerdly Beach Party V] Sept. 25-27. Save the Date!Albert A9809.Danger Patrol co*cktailsMatt Wilson9810.(Casual Research) Touch Typing?Nathan_H9812.[Dexcon 12] character authority in Montsegur 1244David_Berg9813.[Camp Nerdly?] Who organizes CN?Deliverator9814.[Senet] Ancient APHans_c-o9815.False GM/player rivalry as a useful techniqueAndrew Morris9816.On Mighty Thews - Now with Moor co*ck!Simon_C9817.[Mouse Guard] Playing Without Advancement RulesJason_Morningstar9818.Public domain mapsGraham9819.Making The Roach a shorter gameBrian_Minter9820.Wish you were hereGraham9821.[Puppetland] Drift, hack, runccreitz9822.VANGUARD alpha playtestMatt Wilson9823.Lacuna Los Vegaswhiteknife9824.Microscope: The Rat-eningJCunkle9825.[Actual Play] Night in Nan MadolColinC9826.+[ENnies] What would you have liked to get a Nomination?Gregor Hutton9827.[Fastlane] Can somebody explain how favours work to me?David Pidgeon9828.[GURPS Rome] A return to trad gaming and importing indie techniques.Ogremarco9829.Bold assertions and podcast audience measuringsalvagebar9830.[4e] Bringing on the awesomeDavid Pidgeon9831.Where do I find 'X' at GenCon 2009?viktor_haag9834.[Mortal Coil] Difference between editions?Joli9835.Ribbon Drive - Available NowMcdaldno9836.Status GamesLuke_Wheel9837.The Normal Kind of AwesomeJ_Walton9838.[Lady Hackbird] The Bloody Forks of the OhioJason_Morningstar9839.An Old Tradition: What're you playing, what've you liked, what do you want to play?Clinton9840.Best solo games?Seth Drebitko9841.Donate Your Game To RinCon!JDCorley9842.[FreeMarket, Project Donut] Site down ?boulet9843.Blake: Ars Magic with HeroQuestChristopher Kubasik9844.The grass is SO much greener somewhere elseRy9845.[Yuuyake Koyake] Help me populate Hitotsuna TownMark_Causey9846.Hammercon: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada - October 17thlachek9847.[My Fairy Tale game] what kinds of problems do heroes have?Joli9848.I like drifty fudgeGraham9849.Aprender Espa\xf1ol con MagiaClinton9850.Narrative WargamingErik_Battle9851.What's "adventure"?Ron Hammack9853.I bought and played Pandemic yesterdaychearns9854.Help me find a particular site I've lost track ofDave Younce9858.[Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries] Sold Out, Any Suggested Revisions?Eric_J_Boyd9859.[Brainsourcing] Skills lists written by a 14-year-oldBrendan9860.joepub: What's the Status on Don't Rest in the Shadows?Steve_Hickey9861.[PTA] - confused over contradictionkakupacal9862.Downloads Original D&D Rules -- Where can I get them?Christopher Kubasik9863.Shock: PDF promotion is about to end. Then things will be different!Joshua A.C. Newman9864.[Seattle] Meet & Play, Aug 8Alan9866.Game writers: What is the best sentence you wrote today?Graham9867.What's wrong with Zorceror of Zo, joepub?Sean Musgrave9868.joepub, could I perhaps ask you a question in a discussion title?IceCreamEmperor9869.[Jeep] Here we go!hoog9870.[Story Games Wiki/Codex] Is it used?Andy9871.Joepub, why is your handle "Joepub"?Joli9872.[RBH] Are you still playing?Eric Provost9873.I need advice on weaving/weave-playBrennen Reece9875.[joepub] Any hack ideas?moleculo9876.[Irrevocably Broken Games] the idiom of faux-Exalted?Joli9877.[Thought Experiment] Silent film as a gameplay devicethreegee9878.[Danger Patrol] For Neptune! For Freedom!Ben_Robbins9879.[City of Heroes Article] Playing by the Rules vs. Playing With Others?Remi9880.Labyrinths & Lycanthropes - has arrived!JJ Prince9881.[Call of Cthulhu] Rules Gap - Preparing AdventuresBret_Gillan9882.[Lady Blackbird] New Player Character!John_Powell9883.Stealing cool stuff from old game booksBrian_Minter9884.[Gencon] If you have a car, live in Indianapolis, or live between there and Portland...Mcdaldno9885.Who's at fault in this scenario?lachek9886.Free PDFs, Creative Commons and DonationsMJGraham9887.Several Ideas, Seeking CommentsMacLeod9888.[PTA] Primetime Helmet SorcererBret_Gillan9890.Why are we wedded to writing down character descriptions?lantern3149891.Still Love Your Kindle? OK, How About NOW?David Artman9892.[GenCon] Help! I'm attending GenCon!Deliverator9895.Does great con play = a great gameValamir9896.[Microscope] The MonstersBret_Gillan9897.[Lady Blackbird] The Long FallJeremy Keller9898.Survey: Margin of Success/Failure, or +/- numbers?Wolfe9899.3:16 the irony of a nice cover...kakupacal9900.Playtest methods.Ogremarco9901.Dinner at Gencon?Scott9902.Are you writing down your Lumpley Principle stuff?komradebob9903.Pirate Jenny at GenConEmily_Care9904.[Radiance] Preview Available NowMJGraham9905.[3:16] alien range attackkakupacal9906.[GenCon] Braunstein On DemandBen_Robbins9907.Oh, Probability, you fickle overlord!Darcy Burgess9908.[Danger Patrol] The Highlight ReelJason_Morningstar9909.[Danger Patrol] The Jeweled Throne of SATURNMatt Wilson9910.Where do you go for inspiration?Ry9911.Drowning, Falling and.... ?Marhault9912.What would you do in a Mech RPG?agony9913.Day Of The LaxativeGraham9915.DragonCon Independant RPG ForumScott9916.[Danger Patrol] in... The Soul Stealing Saga.Mcdaldno9917.Aggressive scene framing: What is?Robert_Bohl9918.ASMBE Dice Design - Feedback?HinterWelt9919.Friends don't let friends write Fantasy Heart Breakers?Rustin9920.[Misspent Youth] I want to credit youRobert_Bohl9923.[Microscope] Greater Earth Co-Prosperity SphereJAR9924.[the Smoke Dream] another mailoutjackson_tegu9925.[Radiance] Internal ArtworkMJGraham9926.The Walking Eye Episode 11: Seeeeeecretskevin.weiser9927.Trying to find a voice.Seth Drebitko9928.[Defiance] Preview Available NowMJGraham9929.[Danger Patrol] Danger NOW!nemomeme9930.My game has reverse flagsSimon_Pettersson9931.[ENnies] The ENnies Voting Booth Is Now Open!tonylaw749932."Uncle Christopher, I shoot him in the eye with an arrow!"Christopher Kubasik9933.[3:16] combat questionskakupacal9934.[A Penny For My Thoughts] Q&Aptevis9935.[Danger Patrol] fiddly analysis of power balanceBen_Robbins9936.DANGER PATROL: let's talk about SCENE TWOMatt Wilson9937.DANGER PATROL: Dark Rockets from PlutoMatt Wilson9938.NerdSoCal Needs a Maintainer (Who Isn't Me)Josh Roby9939.Game texts on your cell/mobile phone.MJGraham9940.[Danger Patrol]: Titanic Trouble!nemomeme9941.[Radiance] Preview of CoverMJGraham9942.Should I go to IndieCon?Matthijs9943.[NBPV] Nerdly Beach V Registration is open!Albert A9944.Gaming Group/Reading Group: What should we read?Brennen Reece9945.Baron MunchausenZuki9946.Experiences with Annalise?Andy9947.Let's S-G Up the d6 system a littleAndy9948.[3:16] healing questionkakupacal9949.Overheard in the Book StoreJason_Morningstar9950.[Call of Cthulhu] My first shotBret_Gillan9951.Overheard in the Game StoreJ_Walton9952.Tell me about Capes.BastardToadflax9953.[ENnies] The ENnies are now on Twitter!tonylaw749954.[Video Games] Warsaw Uprising, 1 AugustJason_Morningstar9955.PbP Rats in the Walls playtestWolfe9956.[Sufficiently Advanced] It looks pretty cool. Have you played it?Matthijs9957.Hey Pa, why do we live next to the husk of an enormous interplanar ship?Ry9958.The Tuscon Gamemaster's Conference: Tell Us More!Andy9959.Help me Story-Games! Can you caption this image?wundergeek9960.[Ikuisuuden Laakso] This Looks AwesomeJason_Morningstar9961.[HotB] mein googlefu ist kaputtboulet9963.Games that generate situation mechanicallytony_dowler9964.The 2009 Diana Jones Award shortlistPaulCzege9965.Sell me on... wait for it.... the Palladium system (I kid you not)Millsy9966.Play This Thing! July 27deadlytoque9967.A little Narrative-control Hack for NWoDdeadlytoque9968.Let's make Metagaming Keys for TSoY/Sweet20Brennen Reece9969.[CoC] John Wick's 'Curse of the Yellow Sign, Act 1.'Caesar_X9970.What does a cover really need to do for an indie game?Simon_Pettersson9972.Tips for a Good Jeep Form?AnttiKi9973.In search of YA-appropriate resolution/fate cards in the style of Archipelago 2DanielSolis9974.[ENnies] A quick update from the ENniestonylaw749975.[MLWM] Shawshank Redemptionhoog9976.How many hacks are there of Redbox Hack?kiznit9977.Forcing Goals/Conditions on playersagony9978.Sell me on Cthulhu TechKevin Allen Jr9979.What do I say when random people ask what we are doing?jenskot9980.[TSoY] The Finger of AzerelBrennen Reece9981.Storygame up my Middle Earth camp!Joli9982.Introducing new people to the hobbyDemocritus9983.Virtual gaming... recommendations neededkakupacal9984.The World of Near, better than everEero_Tuovinen9985.Billy Mays' 5-Step Guide to Game DemosDanielSolis9986.Lookin' for a good two-person storygame for a long road-trip.kiznit9987.[Let's make a pamplet!] What is Story Gaming?Brennen Reece9988.Protodimension Magazine Issue 1 is Livetadk9989.[InSpectres] How's UnSpeakable?Simon_Pettersson9990.Chaosium's Cthulhu license?Robert_Bohl9991.Sortition/AllotmentMJGraham9992.[GenCon] What's coming out this year?Albert A9993.Let's Play a Game...Wolfe9994.Writing About My Game Mechacommondialog9995.Your Character Would Not Do Thataeonite9996.How readable is your text? is live... and now so is Chapbook #3Josh Roby9998.Your Experiences with Freetony_dowler9999.[LACUNA] There is no static on the line. Control Out.whiteknife10000.Who should win the Diana Jones award?Graham10001.Loose LeafMJGraham10002.[The Dance and the Dawn] and introducing Lady AkalDevP10003.Indie RPG Awards Voting - Games of 2008jhkim10004.Tag's Folly: A Toronto Gaming BlogRy10005.Stuff to Watch: August 2009Adam_Dray10006.[Is this a good idea?] whatarestorygames.comBrennen Reece10007.[ENnies] Meet your 2010 ENnies judge nomineestonylaw7410008.Dragoncon Indie GamesScott10009.Are you designing games for seniors?James_Nostack10010.Help needed from Harry Potter-philesBrian_Minter10011.Playtesting ContestClyde L. Rho*r10012.[Metrocalypse / 4E] Conveying atmosphere (also: ANT SWARM)Adam_Dray10013.Coffee & Cigarettes Live Action RoleplayMarshall Burns10014.[4e] Firearms rules?Ry10015.Can playing story games help you be more creative?jenskot10016.Playtester Roll Call [Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple]DanielSolis10017.Look what I found - Pocket Civilization!James Jeffers10018.[Other Worlds] Any news?Manu10019.A small game: your gaming futurepedyo10020.MACE 2009 - Shall We Coordinate?David Artman10021.Play behaviour in creativity and designdeadlytoque10022.Anime Game Art that's Ethno-riffic!Andy10023.For aeonite - 4E and Player EngagementLeonard Balsera10024.Psychological Research on the Effects of Story GamesAntiquitus10025.What weird indie game should I run at GASPcon?NickWedig10026.[Iron Game Chef] Chairperson?DevP10027.What is JeepformNomdePlume10028.Design Matters 2009ndp10029.Elegy of the Battlefield: Tactical Mecha RPG/ The PrototypeSilicon God10030.[DitV] Help me get the best out of my gamedeadlytoque10031.Be cynical and squeeze money out of the customer. Any tips?Matthijs10032.What kind of story is "Roll X successes before Y failures" good for?DanielSolis10033.Cool Stuff Repurposed for GamingValamir10034.Lego diceRobert_Bohl10035.Washington DC area folks: November 20-22nd Anime/Gaming ConAndy10036.[ENnies] Announcing the 2009 ENnies Dream Date Auctionstonylaw7410037.Cliffhanger EndingsBlue10038.GenCon Metrocalypse (D&D 4E)Adam_Dray10039.Suggestions on a light, fun, GM-less one-shot game?fnord312510040.[] do you want your group listed?Brennen Reece10041.[Radiance] Or What do these game have in common?MJGraham10043.NecronomiCon - Oct. 23-25, Tampa, FLDaniel_M_Perez10044.[Geiger Counter] A little help writing a 1950s noir / slasher style sheet, please?Steve_Hickey10045.Free Games to Run at a ConventionLogos710046.What do THESE games have in common? (different from the other)Robert_Bohl10047.Arrr! It's so close I can almost smell it.Wilhelm10048.Games on Demand Table CustodiansScott10049.Bite-Size AP: August 2009J_Walton10050.Let's Play 'Catch up the H1N1 Guy'!Kuma10051.[] I need your help!Brennen Reece10052.[Misery Bubblegum] Mercenary spirit comes full circleTonyLB10053.Please help! Out of the following, which should I make next?Antiquitus10054.[Vice & Virtue] My Attempt At Creating Roleplaying MechanicsMacLeod10055.[House of Cards] What do you want in a heist/caper movie game?Eric_J_Boyd10056.Diaspora hits the roadBrad_J_Murray10057.Outage: Reset all themes to the defaultAndy10058.[Markets] Got a little supply vs. demand mechanic here. Maybe you can come up with a game for it.DanielSolis10059.[Biosphere] Designing educational gamesAntiquitus10061.Games on Demand BannerScott10062.Strategicon: Gateway 2009 \u2022 Sep 4 - 7 @ LAXJosh Roby10063.How comic books got taken seriouslyMJGraham10064.[LACUNA] Team #601 is continuing to be a [CLASSIFIED]. Action must be taken. Control Out.whiteknife10065.This is how I run...oreso10066.[Gen Con] Designers: Do you want GOD to run your game?Robert_Bohl10067.Dark/Gothic Investigative Fantasyagony10068.[Danger Patrol] Zombie Kong and the Lightning ZombiesJudd10069.GenCon- What are You Bringing to Play?Willow10070.Conspiracy of Shadows - Dirty Handsagony10071.[Webwinding] A play-by-forum game of manipulation and maneuveringDave Younce10072.Share your gaming juveniliaBrennen Reece10073.Using content from the SGNPSimon_C10074.Games that work best with three playersSimon_Pettersson10075.[Danger Patrol] The Stygian Gambitkaptainkobold10076.[Stabbing Contest] Episode 27 Shoulda been a call-in show with Scott DunphyOgremarco10077.[Games on Demand] Help needed creating signs/flyersScott10078.[Western City] anyone heard of this? any good?Millsy10079.[DitV] Musketeers in Les TuillieriesCaesar_X10080.[LACUNA] Seven Drops, The Static StoryDyson Logos10081.[Happy Birthday, Robot!] A family storygame inspired by Wall\u2022E [REVISIONS]DanielSolis10082.Anyone have a good iPhone .css url?Ry10083.Designer's PhotographMJGraham10084.The Poison'd cabin boyGraham10085.[Microscope] - The Return of Magic (aka Shadowrun revisited)deadlytoque10086."Storyjamming"jason10087.Pair two traits, make a character.Mcdaldno10088.Story Gamers at Burning ManZuki10089.Epigraph your favourite games...MJGraham10090.I need a good post about cooperation for my D&D gameRy10091.Rules hinder roleplaying?jenskot10092.Anyone here from RPG.HU?Matthijs10093.[Anima Prime] Would the playtesters please stand up?Christian_Griffen10094.Dogs in the Vineyard anagramsAdam_Dray10095.[Spectre of the Beast] Read it? Played it? Want to?Joli10096.Spectre of the Mushroom Kingdom!Joli10097.[Geiger Counter] Dirty StarsSteve_Hickey10098.Anyone seen some postapocalyptic steampunk art?Ry10099.Externally-powered magic?Colin_Fredericks10100.Help me finish my storyMatthijs10101.Introducing a fantasy shock around the time of the black deathmigo10102.This Just In...From GenCon!Ryan_Macklin10103.[Dust Devils] Frost Devils and how to pace the gameJason_Morningstar10104.Targeting Game Complexity to AudienceDavid Artman10105.why would you make a deal with the mad gods?Marshall Burns10106.A player botches 100% of his rolls, what makes the game still fun?migo10107.I'm suddenly urged to play a decapitated head on a pike.Burr10109.Labyrinths & Lycanthropes: Duck Roll CityRich Stokes10110."Reverse Death Spiral" examples?Charlie Gilb10111.Gaming in Jacksonvillekfitzpatrick10112.Character Types in Western SerialsBlue10113.Action vs Activity.MJGraham10114.It can make us dream moreGraham10115.Help With a Cold City Scenarioskinnyghost10116.p*rn: The RPGmerb10110117.Non GenCon Awesome: 2009Marhault10118.Aeternal Legends GenCon GiveawayDigitalRaven10119.First critique deadlineJoshua A.C. Newman10120.[WGP] WTF?Simon_Pettersson10121.Another take on vampiresmigo10122.High, Mid & Low level game designsJohn Anderson10123.Cold City - Mechanical Fail?skinnyghost10124.Crowing about Dark Sunshreyas10125.On Dungeonsakooser10126.The FarmNathan_H10127.How do you get non-RPGers to try an RPG? Just ask!migo10128.Robot wakes up and checks his fluffy pink cellphone, but the battery is dead [Happy Birthday Robot!]DanielSolis10129.Lady Blackbirdhieronymous10130.A ForewordC_Edwards10132.Brainpixels plays 'Happy Birthday, Robot!'nanenj10133.looking and learning the bbc codeKat Miller10134.Indie RPGs Awards winners?Moreno R.10135.[Burning Wheel] How prepared do I have to be?David Pidgeon10136.[Lady Blackbird] Naomi and Vance\u2019s escape from The Hand of Sorroworklord10137.Gencon: culture vs. systemjenskot10138.Re-imaging classic D&D racesmigo10140.What're you working on right now?Destriarch10141.(Games on Demand Gecon 09) FeedbackScott10142.The MECHA Quickstart Guide!Clint Krause10143.Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd ed.Ogremarco10144.[Labyrinths & Lycanthropses] NPC StatsLudanto10145.Reconnecting after GenConAdam_Dray10146.[Gen Con] Confessions of a First TimerJeremy Keller10147.[Gen Con Awesome] Well, look who came craaawling back. . .Joli10148.Gen Con 2009 photosRobert_Bohl10149.Playing [Happy Birthday Robot!] at GenConMarc_Majcher10150.[Danger Patrol] Giant Ants from Mars!James_Mullen10151.[GenCon OZ] Anybody coming?David Pidgeon10152.Nope! Japan! (Help me start a meme!)wundergeek10153.[PTA] Any word on the next print edition of Primetime Adventures?daw6510154.[Sufficiently Advanced] Planescape HackAik10155.Age as a character statmigo10158.One cool thing I saw at Gen Con (sans Morningstar)GB_Steve10159.I want to interview you about using iStock in your designs (RPG or elsewhere)Elizabeth10160.[Houses of the Blooded] music and ambience suggestions?Charlie Gilb10161.The Play Generated Map and Document Archivebevedog10162.A new threat for your Mouse Guard characters. Plants!DanielSolis10163.Encountering the Scarecrow upon the road, and what it said about meRobert_Bohl10164.Playing Smoke Dream?Caesar_X10165.Google-Chat Unknown Armies game anyone?Elliott Belser10166.Distinguished & disambiguous discourseJosh Roby10167.ActantsMJGraham10168.[Ribbon Drive] Radion-Accelerated Drive, or: my Firefly hack.Mcdaldno10169.[Lady Post-Apocbird] Bringing Down CleggJason_Morningstar10170.GB Steve: How do you demo Trail of Cthulhu?Jason_Morningstar10171.Tell me what you like about your favourite podcastGraham10172.Pagosa Springs, CO (Labor Day)akooser10173.Is Nothing Sacred?David Artman10174.[The Pool] Medieval Horror / Apocalypse Game With New PlayersKropotkin10175.The Anarcho-indie Craftsman AwardsMcdaldno10176.Indie RPG AwardsBrand_Robins10177.Challenge: Rock Death Band StakesGuy Srinivasan10178.[Houses of the Blooded] Not In Print?skinnyghost10179.Hands Up, Montreal! (Are you there? It's me, Jackson.)jackson_tegu10180.[The Smoke Dream] Card Write Ups?Omar_Ramirez10181.Are there even Single Player RPGs?Omar_Ramirez10182.[Help!] Game Chef ArchaeologyJ_Walton10183.Re: Looking for Coldstart Playtesters/GroupsLogos710184.[GenCon] Tramp Stamp: A Game Designed, Written and Played at GenConsage10185.[Hikikomori] A Single-Player RPG with Exeptional NarrativeOmar_Ramirez10186.Good stuff on LuluScott10188.I have one day to excite a group of traditional RPGers. But I'm an indie RPG newbie myself!amoeba10189.[Homecoming: one soldier's story] Playtest documents available!Elizabeth10190.Tim Koppang is a Good Guyshreyas10191.[SteamPunk Crescendo] Who are the major players?DInDenver10192.It's Complicated: the movieJosh Roby10193.Let's Play! How to Host a DungeonWillow10194.[Zombie Cinema] What kinds of conflicts happened?dyjoots10195.Brainpixels plays 'How to Host a Dungeon'nanenj10196.You're a vampire. Why don't you just kill yourself?Simon_Pettersson10197.Karma based saving throwmigo10198.[Danger Patrol] Lean, mean and power-freeBen_Robbins10199.[Happy Birthday, Robot!] on our lunch hourbevedog10200.[Game Chef 2009] Aug 31 (Website Launched!)J_Walton10201.Minor but annoying whisper bugboulet10203.HikkomoriElliott Belser10204.[PAX] why I love my flgs.Ogremarco10205.[Hikikomori] Now With 100% Less Weeaboo.T-Boy10206.Interview with Dogs in the Vineyard Designer Vincent BakerNarmical10207.Good Uses of Randomness in Character Generationshreyas10208.Comedic gamessven10209.Why I don't like board gamesRobert_Bohl10210.Dealing with gaming ADDagony10211.Danger Patrol, WFRP3 and Quality ComponentsJames_Mullen10212.[Experiment] Make me a paragraphJason_Morningstar10213.Random Dungeon - Unnamed Canyonakooser10214.Blurred and lifeless colours at Lulu?Wilhelm10215.[Hoard] Help me make this bit not-dullLevi style explanation for my gameJohnstone10217.How to bring depth to a game no one will read?threegee10218.My Incredibly Controversial Definition of RPGsLuke_Wheel10219.Games On(line) Demand?Brennen Reece10220.316 ADmordheim10221.Ontolosna: Genre, Mythopoetics and the Big Dumb Narrative Objectnysalor10222.2009 GenCon Big Releases: Rogue Trader, Eclipse Phase, etc: Thoughts!Andy10223.Hard-coded ethicsmerb10110224.[Engle Matrix Game] Starting a PBEM playtest of a new horror game "Salem's Creek"MatrixGamer10225.Chinese Language HelpWillow10226.[SEATTLE] Game stores?skinnyghost10227.Person versus Pawnwyrmwood10228.Are You Your Character?Bill_White10229.[Virtual Play] Live from Gencon!Bill_White10230.2009 Layout Contest winners announcedMatt Snyder10231.D&D Re-education CampClinton10232.[Mars Colony] Green Corruption, Yellow TerrorismBen_Robbins10233.Is Play EthicalLogos710234.My Games base conflict mechanic?thadrine10235.Players are afraid of Narrative Control?thadrine10236.Pickup IRC games: #playnow on Magicstar.netBenhimself10238.Distinguishing players and charactersGraham10239.Do direct competition and carrots-and-sticks impede creativity?DanielSolis10240.Have you played The Gods Must be Crazy?JBMannon10241.[Geurilla Interview] Keith Senkowski, tell us about Conspiracy of Shadows: Dirty HandsAndy10242.[Misc. Fantasy] Your Reinventions of Elfs and Dwarfs and so onshreyas10243.[Happy Birthday, Robot!] Robot Saves the Day, a two-player testKing Turnip10244.Shreyas, what is it that bothers you about the Fantasy Flight Games logo?Ogremarco10245.[Lady Blackbird] In the Wild Blue, Everyone Can Hear You ScreamSteve_Segedy10247.#Playnow's First actual play now!nanenj10248.Game Chef war storieselmago7910249.GASPcon 10 - Pittsburgh, PA, Nov. 13-15jason10250.Changing the Face of DreadJoshua A.C. Newman10251.[Dust Devils] AP (2 sessions) and a reviewMountZionRyan10252.[ENnies] Introducing the official ENnies Blog!tonylaw7410253.[Controversial] The Ethical Responsibility of PlayersPaulB10254.Oo! Let's Make a Game!Joshua A.C. Newman10255.[Storming the Wizard's Tower] The Temple of Nine BellsBrian_Minter10258.Ethics and Game Design [for serious, Luke]Johnstone10259.Want to play a game now? Then #playnow on!Elizabeth10260.What game to use for Full Throttle?fnord312510261.Dice roller syntaxIskander10263.Thread Fork Toolshreyas10264.Fighting FantasyBrennen Reece10265.Thread Swiss Army Knife ToolAdam_Dray10266.[Fantasy Craft] Has anyone got this book/played it?Mark_Causey10267.Con RPG panel topicslachek10268.How would you define the levels of "Step Into Story Games?"DanielSolis10269.[Polaris] - conflict without numerical comparison & its limitationsvonkorff10270.Wanderer Update and Two Questionsakooser10271.[D&D 4E] A two player gamemerb10110272.How does your LGS\u2019s earn your business?Seth Drebitko10273.Interview Sugestions for Season 3 of the Ninja Vs Pirates PodcastNarmical10274.HeroQuest... is infinitely mutable.Matthijs10275.fantasy Civ/worldbuilding gameMarshall Burns10276.Gaming coop/communeChristopherWeeks10277.[Sufficiently Advanced] Long Honking Review and ThoughtsPaulB10278.The Void: What's so Fruitful about it?Simon_Pettersson10279.[Happy Birthday, Robot!] Bloodthirsty kittens demand victory conditions?DanielSolis10280.The Gamer Lifestyle Projectjenskot10281.Playing HeroQuest 2e? If so, how's it going?buzz10282.Removing XP from Fantasy GamesMark_Causey10283.Shock: 1.2 in print and PDF (finally!)Joshua A.C. Newman10284.L&L - first play - cool but rocky; lots of questionsDeliverator10286.Played Kagematsu again. Even better the second time!jenskot10287.I ran a really awesome game of Red Box Hack last nightkiznit10288.Dinky DragonsNathan_H10289.What's Happening at PAX?tony_dowler10290.What's a word for "thing in the world that needs to be changed"?Ron Hammack10291.Eclipse Phase and Creative CommonsAndy10292.(Ganakagok) Tell me more!pedyo10293.Stuff to Watch: September 2009merb10110294.Game Design Studio: Two Weeks to DeadlineJoshua A.C. Newman10295.[D&D 4E] My worst session, and I didn't even know.merb10110296.Question for the "I don't play opposite gender" personRobert_Bohl10297.Fight On! #6 is outJason_Morningstar10298.Generic Fantasy Twosie?James_Nostack10299.Bad Gods: Ear SeekerJohn_Powell10300.[Hoard, 2nd Ed] An overhaul/release thing. Input wanted.Levi Kornelsen10301.The Fruitful Void and Sorensen's Big Three Questionsdeadlytoque10302.[Vancouver] VGG Sunday game days in SeptemberJohnstone10303.Role-playing Characters vs. Authoring CharactersBrian_Minter10304.[Seattle] Meet & Play Sept 12Alan10305.[Lacuna] Rookie team.phargle10306.Authoring Characters, Interpersonal Connectedness and Dramatic QualityJan10307.SteamCon Seattle Oct 23-25 2009vae_editor10308.I have a ludicrously high ratio of games designed to games played :)markv10309.Part 2 of the Interiew with Dogs of the Vineyard Designer Vincent BakerNarmical10310.How Do You Care for your Character?Mark_Causey10311.I enjoy acting against my character's interests.jenskot10312.[S/Lay w/Me] Asad at the Monastery.edheil10313.D&D 4E: Skill Powers!jenskot10314.[4th edition] Someone told me whether I hitGraham10315.If PC death ends the game, why play a system that allows it?migo10316.[4E] I\u2019m playing it wrongjenskot10317.80s cartoon toy mashupRichie10318.Biblio the card gameRichie10319.Havoc: Playtesters Needed.Levi Kornelsen10320.Diaspora morselsBrad_J_Murray10321.Board Game?Nathan_H10322.What Does Your Therapist Think?Nathan_H10323.Dogs is D&D.Paul_T10324.[Danger Patrol] Agent Provocateur!James_Mullen10325.Gaming In Retrospectcommondialog10326.Cross-Game Comparison of Stat IncreasesAnttiKi10327.McGyveringJason_Morningstar10328.[AD 316] Any news? Playtest stories?mordheim10329.Create-A-Setting: The Tarrascoid Parasiteshreyas10330.Bite-Size AP: September 2009J_Walton10331.I'm a man, and I'm torn between vengeance and fashionMarshall Burns10332.[ENnies] Support the ENnies via eBay!tonylaw7410333.[Mist-Robed Gate] I'm missing something hereBrian_Minter10334.[4e] We had funRy10335.I need alternative terms for Introverted and ExtrovertedTristan10336.Need help with a made up Anagram!Seth Drebitko10337.Pennies randomizerboulet10338.OK, Maybe A Kindle Ain't So Bad...David Artman10340.[Ribbon Drive] [Actual Play] South of the BorderJoe_McGuffin10341.Dogs with Star Wars Sauce (Or, How Do You Make a Town into a City?)Paul_T10342.Using Mortal Coil's Magic Systemcra210343.Apartheid SimulationBercilac10344.[Dark Days] [Actual Play] The man that never wasGeorge_Cotronis10345.How many indie RPGs have sold 1000+ on their own?jenskot10346.[DC AREA] Anything going on over Labor Day?songsaboutrainbows10347.[4e] Experiments in (and ideas for) faster playRy10348.Ripping off Dominion for Story GamingJosh Roby10349.Our 10th season of GGG starts tonight!jenskot10350.[Vancouver] Announcing... Story Games Thursday.Mcdaldno10351.Oracles for OutdoorsmenJoli10352.Lengthening combat in Lady BlackbirdZartes10353.[Design Matters] No Demosndp10354.Reinterpreting settings by rules systemsSimon_Pettersson10355.[Make] I need some slick photos.Mcdaldno10356.Fighting Fighters Fight! [A Fighty Mini-Game inspired by Burning Empires and Jet Li's "Warlords"]DanielSolis10357.How do I make conflictless solo scenes interesting?Simon_Pettersson10358.Games and StoriesSimon_Rogers10359.Work Starts on Omnifray Liteomnifray10360.Lady Blackbird - The Escape from Sorrow and A Haven for Old TroublesZartes10361.Indiana Jones, Death, and Game-Role Rotationkomradebob10362.Recommend me a new gamepedyo10363.What game for stories like Haibane Renmei?Burr10364.Feedback in game competitionsGraham10365.Random event-driven gamesGeorgios10366.[Canon Puncture] Am I Just Dumb?Hans_c-o10367.Why Weren't You At PAX Running Games?Luke_Wheel10368.[Know Thyself] Does it still exist?Hans_c-o10369.Investigative Game IdeasSimon_Rogers10370.Following the Rules and Forgetting to playJan10371.The next ZOMBIE/Vampire!!!Seth Drebitko10372.Setting-less Rules SetsMark_Causey10373.Following the rules and not having time to playMatt Snyder10374.[Lady Blackbird] What's the current status?Destriarch10375.[Fudge] New 3d6 Methodjlcsusara10376.I object !boulet10377.ACTION CASTLE -torch wavey hands-skinnyghost10378.[Burning Empires] "I've been studying this book for a month, and...Hans_c-o10379.Lulu for Board Games!Jarvis10380.Tell me about Apocalypse WorldSimon_Pettersson10381.New Page XXSimon_Rogers10382.Where do You Get Gaming News/Info on New Products?dhunton10383.[GLASS] Lonely Fun: Build A "Broken" PCDavid Artman10384.Whatever happened to "Vikings, Introducing the Pool"Brennen Reece10385.Game Design Studio: Five Days to DeadlineJoshua A.C. Newman10386.Is it a crime that I don't want to play your PLAYTEST edition?jessecoombs10387.[Phoenix] RandomCon Gaming Convention needs Indie GamesRayston10388.[Danger Patrol Hack] My notes for Action Squad!Jarvis10389.Misspent Youth GM screenGraham10390.[RPG Scholarship] SW/TX ACA/PCA Call for PapersBill_White10391.Toronto, what to do?jenskot10392.Ashcans Belong in the Ashcanshreyas10393.[Darkpages] Degrading/Advancing Imprint Elements?Daniel Levine10394.Mini surveyboulet10395.Making Failure Fun (or "Making Failure Exciting")Andy10396.Seeking Question Sugestions for Ninja Vs Pirates Podcast Season 3Narmical10397.Needed: Online Resources for Gaming via SkypeColinC10399.AssholeryBrennen Reece10400.There hasn't been a game as polished as My Life With Master recentlyGraham10401.weird post-order bugshreyas10402.Ashcan > final game examples?Robert_Bohl10403.[The Smoke Dream] OMG! It's finally here!Omar_Ramirez10404.Mass Combat plug-in inspired by Art of War: Finished!Jarvis10405.[Misspent Youth] Better than Lifepseudoidiot10406.Why not mention that we're playing Cops and Robbers?Jan10407.New AD&D 2nd edition hack rpg needs players!LordZoma10408.Houston/Austin things to do?anansigirl10409.Well, it's post Gen Con. Must be time for some fussin' and fightin' and then the group hug.Ogremarco10410.[Chronica Feudalis] Pinging Your Radar, MedievallyJeremy Keller10411.Grizzly Bear vs. Owl BearBret_Gillan10412.I just bought Ganakagok and...Lord_Minx10413.Working hard is funMatthijs10414.When is a game complete?ptevis10415.[HotBlooded] Quick Versions Questionskinnyghost10416.[Let's Make This] Ye Olde Assholery TavernBrennen Reece10417.[A Penny For My Thoughts] Do you find the book usable?ptevis10418.Everyone Thinks "RPG" Means Computer--Let's Leverage That In Development!David Artman10419.[Boardgame] Haven Notes.Levi Kornelsen10420.All we need is love!Seth Drebitko10421.Whisper at me. Please.Sebastian10422.Game Designers in Dublin?Sebastian10423.Make Your Own Magiclordgoon10424.[Other Worlds playtest] The Infectedsoviet10428.[Cops & Robbers] The Grand Caper StorySebastian10429.Solving Collective Action Problems Creates Culture (In Play)Levi Kornelsen10430.[HotBlooded] character creation session tomorrow: advice?Charlie Gilb10431.RPGs can be flexible and inclusive!jenskot10433.[Host a Dungeon] Greengoat's Animated ExampleJames_Nostack10434.[Dust Devils] Supporting Characters In The Crossfirenemomeme10435.What I am running at RinCon 09, Part 3: The EndJDCorley10436.Capes : It's that good.Jumanji8310437.Dirty Secrets at a ConventionJumanji8310438.Theory From the Closet: hom*osexuality and RPG\u2019sjenskot10439.Need secrets / puzzles / noncombat for Step-on-up SandboxRy10440.[Stabbing Contest] episode 28: Nicotine Girls with joel Shempert and Mickey SchulzOgremarco10441.What makes the Dogs V conflict mechanic awesomeChuck Henebry10442.[The Smoke Dream] First Impressions, Exploration and a little Trick.Omar_Ramirez10443.They're Discussing my Game--Should I Jump in?tony_dowler10444.[Gaming History] Player designed traitsGB_Steve10445.[ENnies] Announcing the ENnie Awards Fan Surveytonylaw7410446.Game Design Studio is open!Joshua A.C. Newman10447.Dirty Dungeonsdeadlytoque10448.Developing a Voice in Writingmjbauer10449.[Bliss Stage: Visual Stage] Help me come up with a FAQ!Elliott Belser10450.[4e] Procedure for encounter distance?Ry10451.The GM is a characterjessecoombs10452.Story Gamers in Northern New JerseyBrendan_Conway10453.[Right to Dream] Concrete Examples?Hans_c-o10454.[How to Host a Dungeon] Confused in the DeepJ_Walton10455.[Archipelago II] Gold Rush-era MysticismCaesar_X10456.Any S-Gers in or around New Orleans?komradebob10457."Defatigable"?omnifray10458.[Amber] Using characters from fiction in other fictions.Ogremarco10459.[Everway] Multiple participants in Karma resolutions209710460.MMOs breakin from XP/levels? Maybe not.deadlytoque10462.[Sorcerer] Status of the upcoming stuff?Ry10463.Storygames Munchkinwhiteknife10464.Dice Mechanics, Yay or Nay?MacLeod10465.Groove 2007 is pimpSeth Drebitko10466.[Diaspora] Free stuff -- what next?Brad_J_Murray10467.Situation Report! : a free supplement for Full Light, Full SteamJosh Roby10468.[3:16] Bugs, Mutants or Robotsskinnyghost10469.XP or Pass/Fail advancement for Narrative control?thadrine10470.How do you pronounce "Archipelago"?Matthijs10471.[Heroquest 2.0] Transformationsnikodemus10472.Need opinions on Story Game pamphlet introSeth Drebitko10473.Who Loves Entourage?Ken Sentowski!10474.I suck at giving my game's IIEE teeth...Teataine10475.I need advice on running Swords & Wizardry!Caesar_X10476.Three sentences about your Archipelago playMatthijs10477.[Perfect] Building New Settings Through PlayMcdaldno10478.Game about external pressure changing your character?agony10479.[Empire of Dust] What makes it awesome?Charlie Gilb10480.JiffyCon (November 14th) seeks GM's!Parthenia10481.Weather generator?akooser10482.[GM Advice] Pacing the Sandboxkiznit10483.[Stabbing Contest] episode 29 South Philly Garbage Match with John WickOgremarco10484.[3:16 - Carnage Amongst the Stars] Story-Games Meetup Play Thoughtsskinnyghost10485.Movie Genre Analytics for my cinematic gameEero_Tuovinen10486.When is Robot's and Rapiers Going to Be Done?????Ken Sentowski!10487.Who needs "teeth"?timfire10488.Desert ShipsMark_Causey10490.[Reality Cops] rough draft play aidsblankshield10491.Looking for games about piratesRichie10492.IIEETeeth Issue vs. StoryboardingJesse10493.The Story Gamers as a Community?Espynwislyn10494.Responses Out of order in ThreadsJudd10495.[Annalise] Help me help you (and the Italians)ndp10496.Pedagogy --> "Fluency Play"Joli10497.Podcast about accents?Ry10498.[FIXED!] CAN'T LOG INTO STORY-GAMES BECAUSE OF PASSWORD ISSUES? READ THIS!!!Andy10499.Free Fudge dice. No really!Brad_J_Murray10500.[Empire of Dust] I Am Not The Autumnstaragony10501.[Dead of Night] Fun with House RulesJames_Mullen10502.[Delta Green] Green shootsGraham10503.Changing the gamealgi10504.[How to Host a Dungeon] The kids are all rightbevedog10505.So I played Poison'd...jason10506.One Cool Thing I Saw in ChivassoJason_Morningstar10507.[Happy birthday, Robot!] ... never came back again.Wilhelm10508.Mechanics-driven games?Georgios10509.Moment - new short generic rules noodlingTim_Gray10510.[Lady Blackbird] How would *you* handle...?Tom C10511.[Change] Faction-based worldbuilding gameDWeird10512.[Adventures of Baron Munchausen]deadlytoque10513.[Fiasco] Showdown at Air Quotes RapidsJason_Morningstar10514.[Sufficiently Advanced] Au FrancaisColin_Fredericks10515.Hey PDF publishers! (a minor rant)kiznit10516.SO MANY GAMES - What Do I Play First?skinnyghost10517.(Fiasco) Of Miniature Golf and Marmeladepedyo10519.[The Black Spot] Comments Requestedlordgoon10520.Anyone want to WATCH a twitter-based HotBlooded game?Josh Roby10521.Lord of the Flies rpgChuck Henebry10522.Using Intermissionsnikodemus10523.[The Babel Watch] Free Form Super Power CreationMacLeod10524.Brennen coaches me on layoutGraham10525.Tabletry!James Jeffers10526.Emotions evoked by a d20 rollGraham10527.How is Game Chef going?Jason_Morningstar10528.[Silly Forum Game] Make up an RPG Idea From the WTF Picture Above YouNeko_Ewen10529.[Sharing Techniques] Organizing Design NotesColinC10530.Games without Magicforlorn110531.Ridiculously Awesome Things That Actually ExistJason_Morningstar10532.How to host a Intellivision DungeonCedric P10533.Balsamic FistGraham10534.What is "Story-Boarding"?Andy10535.[4E] Metrocalypse: Oxford 1605 -- bullywug passion playAdam_Dray10536.[Bliss Stage: 1st & Final Act] If I were one of the Blissed, what swag would I buy?Elliott Belser10537.[Bliss Stage: 1st and Final Act] Yaoicon Meetup Ideas?Elliott Belser10538.Concrete Cow 10: 20 March, Milton Keynes, UKNeil10539.[Blowback] Playtest my Burn-Notice inspired spy game with me!Elizabeth10540.Story Game Pamphlet re-thoughtSeth Drebitko10541.[Lady Blackbird] The Flight from Sorrow's Clutchtheloneamigo10542.Cross Pollination: Gaming and Other Social GroupsJason_Morningstar10543.DC Gameday: October 24th-25th, 2009Tom C10544.DC area playtesters wantedBeth_in_Virginia10545.Young Hero Origin GeneratorDanielSolis10546.Danger Patrol: Zombie Kong and Plan 8 from Planet XDoyce10547.Anyone played the retro-Gamma World clone 'Mutant Future'?Caesar_X10548.What game does right by this guy?Ry10549.What's in a (Forge-derived|indie|story|whatever) game?Robert_Bohl10550.[How We Came to Live Here] Getting Close to Having a Physical Game!Brennan_Taylor10551.[Lady Blackbird] Continuing Nematronorklord10552.[Diaspora] Space combat chapter free for downloadBrad_J_Murray10553.[Unity Underground] My first stab at open designClint Krause10554.RPG Design Patterns UpdatedJohn Kirk10555.[Hackbird] My Darn Ex-Wife (She Done Gone and Run Off with a Spaceman - And Took the Kids With!}theloneamigo10556.Cap and TradeJason_Morningstar10557.GenCon OZ - I GMed!David Pidgeon10558.[Lady Blackbird-by-post] In the Belly of the Beastlachlan10559.[Help with obscure historical stuff] Sailing in the 16th & 17th centuriesMarshall Burns10560.[Solar System] Character sheet anywhere?forlorn110561.Burning Question about Gnomeslordgoon10562.[the Smoke Dream] The End Of The Pre-Final Editionjackson_tegu10563.Endgame Minicon - October 3rdJogesh EZ10564.[GameFarm] New IRC Chat on Game Designjlcsusara10565.[No Press Anthology] Still Available?Hans_c-o10566.[Steampunk Crescendo] Notable PeopleDInDenver10567.Players initiating new scenes - anyone heard of a game like that?Beth_in_Virginia10568.Research for writing seminar at Gen Con OzTimothy10569.[Portland, OR] The Will to Game!Hans_c-o10570.[Minneapolis Story Gamers] Do you exist?Charlie Gilb10571.[Other Worlds] Looking for a cover designersoviet10573.Draconis : Montreal's Gaming ConventionJumanji8310574.Adding a feature to a WIP game, could it make it incoherent?Suna10575.Looking for a heartbreakernikodemus10576.[CoS] Concerning certain Matters that occured upon the Death of the Kale Kesusndp10577.I'm going on tour with my band, down the west coast.jackson_tegu10578.Children's Teethnemomeme10579.[NBPV] After-action reportAlbert A10580.Morality in an age of print-on-demandHans_c-o10581.I'll be in Japan tomorrow!oreso10582.Anyone play Metal, Magic and Lore?merb10110583.The Dance and the Dawn available in Printndp10584.Marshall Burns How Have You Done It Before?Ken Sentowski!10585.John Harper: If he's up this early, it's because he's still going from last nightGraham10586.Are indie games postmodern? It's hard to know for sureGraham10587.Ghost/Echo Generator (now with Wraith and Echo generators)Sanglorian10588.Chicago Indie/Story GamesScott10589.Techniques for postmodern design/playccreitz10590.[Expendable] A Few Little Ideasmjbauer10591.Subterranean Design blogDave Younce10592.Indie gamers in LondonGraham10593.why it's so hard, sometimes, to relate to non-gamersDeliverator10594.Stuff to Watch: October 2009Thunder_God10595.Summerland Something else instead of TraumasPaul8810596.Burning Empires Is GreatJDCorley10597.AGON ex MachinaDyson Logos10598.[Blowback] Want to know how to do spy stuff? Ask me!Elizabeth10599.How can I ask for dietary requirements while dissuading people from giving them?Graham10601.The indie model in different countriesSimon_Pettersson10602.See the StoryNathan_H10603.[Primetime Adventures] "Last Stand" Great pitch... but then what happened?Sebastian10604." is permanently closed"DanielSolis10605.D/AGON weapon/skill/god questionspeccable10606.What would you do with $1000Valamir10607.[Inspectres] Losing your cool...kakupacal10608.[#f1re] a twitter game - playtest!Ry10609.Bite-Size AP: October 2009J_Walton10611.Help needed with Adobe PagemakerMJGraham10612.How do you make an encounter "Pulpy"?kiznit10613.I'm looking for situation-based play in the Shadowrun settingDenys10614.Delta Green: Alternate Systems?moleculo10615.[Apocalypse World] is pretty freaking choice.Orlando_Wilson10616.Four Days in Toronto; anybody want to throw dice with (or at) me?deadlytoque10617.[Vampire Chronicler's Guide] Sorensen's version of VampireHans_c-o10618.Show me the game you want [image dump]Kevin Allen Jr10619.[octaNe] Hey, Jared!spookyfanboy10621.I-Phone rpg?Seth Drebitko10622.Gaiman's The Graveyard Book: Year-Long Best Seller while FREE on InternetJosh Roby10623.Do you cheat on your rolls in solo games?Cedric P10624.Two Games One Name Design Challenge (Now with Prizes!)ndp10625.[Sweet Agatha] Actual Play?Hans_c-o10626.Books: lower prices or we will steal them?jenskot10627.[Shotgun Diaries] how many dice?L.Trenti MrVALIS10628.Steamdance Playtest availableSuna10629.Unfinished games with cutesy titlesGraham10630.Why clever titles for a game suckMatt Snyder10631.Ninja vs Pirates Podcast interviews!mike_the_pirate10632.Money for Finished Games?tony_dowler10633.Help! I am going to teach D&D4E to 7+ people.johnzo10634.I run IAWA. I am not your bitch.Ry10635.[3:16] Recommend me some Symphonic Metalkiznit10636.Are indie games postmortem? It's hard to know for sureJ_Walton10637.Making Magic: design mistakes & designing for an audiencejenskot10638.Do you have "game designer" business cards?Ry10639.Persona-style TRPGMark_Causey10640.[Google Wave] Who's in? What do you think so far?Brennen Reece10641.Making Magic Magical (or: Help! I created a D&D 4E addon)sage10642.[Microscope] A Story of a Boy and his DinosaurBen_Robbins10643.[Actual Play] Annalise - The Deep VoidSuna10644.[In A Wicked Age] One-Shot Thoughtsskinnyghost10645.Art, Games, and MoneyElizabeth10646.Report: My panel on game designMcdaldno10647.National Gaming Day @ Your LibraryWirebrain10648.How Long Are Your Sessions, And Why?David Artman10649.[4E] Why I think H1 Keep on the Shadowfell suckedAdam_Dray10650.[Virtual Play] How To Run GanakagokBill_White10651.So good you can't sleep afterjenskot10652.Value of RPGs compared to other entertainmentjenskot10653.I ran IAWA. I was no one's bitch.Ry10654.Shirt Fight! The Game You WearJustin D. Jacobson10655.Halloween gamesmerb10110656.JiffyCon Greenfield, November 14: pre-registration open!Robert_Bohl10657.[S7S] Character Generation During PlayBlue10658.Who's going to Ubercon (November 6-8 in Edision, NJ)?Michael S. Miller10659.["Webcomic Model"] How to use this for RPGs?Charlie Gilb10660.Damn You, Chapters, For Perpetuating Stereotypesskinnyghost10661.Who wants to play In A Wicked Age? No kidsGraham10662.Has anyone ever made an instruction video for a game?komradebob10663.[System Seed] The Roll Under-Over System!TheRoleplayer10664.Story Games Monster Manualswhiteknife10665.Uk & European RPG conventions 2009/2010Darran10666.[4e vs Savage Worlds] Roles in Savage Worlds?Ry10667.A Story-Games monster manual.Ogremarco10668.[Musings] When are indie scenes necessary?Valamir10669.Classic Pop-Culture Hero Fighting Gamemjbauer10670.Marketing To People Who Don't Know What They WantJesse10671.My Games on Demand FlyerWillow10672.Video Killed the Demo StarJ_Walton10673.Story games optimised for 5 players (or 6 GMfull/less) play?Cedric P10674.[Annalise] New Guided Play & Character Sheetndp10675.In X, you play people who YRobert_Bohl10676.How to make pie on the DonutLuke_Wheel10677.A new concept for publishing & marketing RPGsMatt Snyder10678.[Two Games One Name] Tapping Inndp10680.Incredibly Unsatisfying MechanicRustin10681.[Paranoia} Any GM-ing advice?lordgoon10682.[D&D 4E] Sneaking through the dungeonmerb10110683.[Replays] To answer Jason's question...Andy10684.[Ideas List] Prices at the goblin marketforlorn110685.Teaching games to new playersBrian_Minter10686.Embracing frustrated authorsjenskot10688.44: A Game of Automatic Fear - new free RPG!Matt Snyder10689.[NaNoWriMo 2009] Who's participating this year?Brennen Reece10690.Your Poetry, my Vox PDFaeonite10691.Risk + GURPS Supers = Heroes?David_Berg10692.Ice Station Nerdly III (Washington DC Area Mini-Con)jhosmer110693.[Engle Matrix Game] HELP! I need to get story now going in my game!MatrixGamer10694.[Perfect] Are aspects necessary?Mcdaldno10695.Everything that's wrong with indie gamesGraham10696.Will Trade PDFs for Icon Design WorkJustin D. Jacobson10697.[Make] Dystopias!Mcdaldno10698.Frankenstein Game Designjessecoombs10699.3:16: Mutiny and Tuff GuysWillow10700.[Redbox Hack 2] Four Classes: Haunt, Grim, Moon and SeraphSanglorian10701.Call for games, Fastaval 2010Kristoffer Rudkjaer10702.Mathlete PuzzlerJason_Morningstar10703.Which of these are the least interesting?Jason_Morningstar10704.One Cool Thing from RinCon '09Ryan_Macklin10705.[Design] The Journal of Negative ResultsAndy10706.What would you do with $50?Mcdaldno10707.Whisper links don't take you to your whisperPaulB10708.The Creator Owned Publishing (COP) Model and ControlSimon_Rogers10709.[Final Hour of a Storied Age] Help me playtest my gameDanMaruschak10710.The Free Games-by-Mail ProjectBen_Lehman10711.From Joel to Mick to JuddJudd10712.The state of webcomics and its similarity to indie gamesElizabeth10713.[44][AP]If you can't beat 'em, join 'emIgnotus10714.Do you want to proofread The Space Game?Wilhelm10715.[Hackbird for Halloween] Rag 'n' BoneJoey10716.Updating Classic Modules for D&D4?kevperrine10717.Videogame/Anime character creation gimmicks?Ry10718.Google Wave for collaborative editingGraham10719.Tiered Ransom - Pay for What You Want to See!Thunder_God10720.Everything Old is New Againrafial10721.Playing With Google Adwords, AmusedLevi Kornelsen10722.Street Level crimebustin': Best System Help.Stigg10723.Someone has put a hex on everyoneKrippler10724.How complicated is gaming?Hans_c-o10725.My wife and the Rust Monster!jenskot10727.where can I buy Lacuna Part 1Paul8810728.Why are RPG preferences so finnicky and specific? (Are they?)DevP10729.Taking the game beyond the table, or Roleplaying and the Transmedial StoryDeBracy10731."Mission Control" Testing out Matt's "new" business modelSeth Drebitko10732.[WGP] Am I supposed to be winning THIS much?James_Nostack10733.The Vancouver Gaming Guild - Sustainability PlanningMcdaldno10734.Thornes: A Swashbuckling Film Noir about Sex and Violence Dressed Up in Lace and Steel, Alpha 1.0Jesse10735.The GonzometerDanielSolis10736.Creator Owned Publishing - How to not do it all and still winGB_Steve10738.[Paul's Marketing Webinar] Notes are available!Elizabeth10739.Take a picture, get a free PDF!Elizabeth10741.[Two Games One Name] Name Assignments!ndp10742.Sell me on NPC StatsJarvis10743.DivNull Lark #01 awardedWordman10744.Children's stories and wondrous landsGraham10745.[Show Me The Game You Want] What Did We Show?Jason_Morningstar10746.Changeling: the Lost via My Life with Masterfnord312510747.Style and SubstanceJesse10748.Interesting data on "Pay-What-You-Want" sales model.DanielSolis10749.[Heart of Ashes] Marrying a ghost?Mcdaldno10750.I Am Going to Use the Webcomic ModelWillow10751."Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"DanielSolis10752.the joss whedon quote in PTA v2Mcdaldno10753.Anyone Interested in Playing over Skype?noahtrammell10754.[Misery Bubblegum] Dear Tony, you need helpEero_Tuovinen10755.3:16 fansite Carnage Amongst The Webmordheim10757.[2G1N] Constraint Discussionsartexercise10758.Who makes blank d6s with inset square faces for stickers?komradebob10759.[Hell for Leather] A bit of creative help? - PC StatsSebastian10760.Dissecting the DragonNathan_H10762.[Bliss Stage] Love Is My WeaponMark W10763.[Dungeon Construction Kit] Playtesters WantedLee_Short10764.Probability questions for gamersGB_Steve10765.[Fat Chance!] Feedback needed, pleaseMichael Tangherlini10767.[Exercise] Min/Max Your Family Tree.Mcdaldno10768.What do you want to know about probability?Wordman10769.[Wordplay] Wordplay Core Edition is now availableFirst Age10771.A message for Timothy Walters KleinertSuna10772.what IS roleplaying, exactly?Beth_in_Virginia10773.[Hell for Leather] How to shift the GM role?Sebastian10774.[2G,1N] The PlantJason_Morningstar10775.Archetypal Questionsvulpinoid10776.[Primetime Adventures] Folk NoirAdam Cerling10777.[The Elfish Gene] Games, Art, and falling through the cracksHans_c-o10778.Steam-and-Sorcery Settings, and Rechargeable Moneysnej10779.[DitV] My First Town: Wisdom Creektheloneamigo10780.What do we have to look forward to?whiteknife10781.Give me your best advice for running HotBHans_c-o10782.[Techniques] The Setting is a CharacterDWeird10783.Building Relationships (good and bad)Ru_Baraba_Dom10784.Master Plan #53, on Horror DesignRyan_Macklin10785.Recruiting for a game of Lexicon: an RPGMountZionRyan10786.[Danger Patrol] Those Darn Stygians!Jeremy Keller10787.[Ribbon Drive] Halloween Sale.Mcdaldno10788.Shock: for Riddle of SteelJoshua A.C. Newman10789.[Dread] I'm running a session inspired by The Mist. Any advice?DanielSolis10790.[PTA] Finding the Lost Boys at MACEJBMannon10791.Anyone else get an error when they click their profile?whiteknife10792.Text as reference onlyBrand_Robins10793.[MADCorp] I'm posting class handbooks on my blogMarshall Burns10794.People who bring laptops to the gaming table: should we gently admonish them?Graham10795.Why I don't game online.jessecoombs10796.[2G1N] In Repose - Need Some Help Working Out Detailsmjbauer10797.[Love In Winter] Innocent Children Fight Faux-Communist Goblins For Justice.Mcdaldno10798.On Consistent Visionptevis10800.[Hell for Leather] One last smidge of help?Sebastian10801.[Lady Blackbird] Pool Guard of Yesterday!Ry10802.[Velocity] Development Blog Up!Destriarch10803.[Actual Play via Twitter] An Urbanimus HalloweenJeremy Keller10804.What are GM screens for?Marshall Burns10805.What's a good superhero game to play with Skype?Sebastian10806.Serial Game Design challengeSeth Drebitko10807.[HotB] Party for a young WolfHans_c-o10808.Write me a circular German poem in a single wordGraham10809.Only 30% finish GTA4jenskot10811.Bakugan Ultimate Battle Tour: Footage from a parallel universeDanielSolis10812.The Praxis Design Forum Demo - In Beta NowAndy10813.If not the GM Screen, then what would make a great rules reference?Andy10815.[Game flaws] playing with friends vs. strangersjenskot10816.[Dread] Stephen King's The Mist + Japanese HorrorDanielSolis10817.[The Smoke Dream] My first playValamir10818.Halloween Dreaddeadlytoque10819.[Stabbing Contest] episode 30 with Brennan Taylor.Ogremarco10820.People who bring dice to the gaming table: should we modify their thread titles?Mcdaldno10821.[Used Games] Sell 'em.Hans_c-o10822.Stuff To Watch: November 2009ndp10823.S\xe4vCon IXWilhelm10824.[Fifth World] I need playtesters!jason10825.[The RPG Haven Podcast] interview with Barbarians of Lemuria's Simon Washbournewalkerp10826.[Iron GM result] the Path from BloodZartes10827.[FreeMarket] Something's UpHans_c-o10828.Multigenerational RPGs?Pjack10829.[City of Refuge] Very early draft for 2G1NThe Bunyip10830.[Designing in My Sleep] Mechaton: The Gathering iphone appJ_Walton10831.WAR! (Ha! Good god, y'all.) What is it good for?Colin_Fredericks10832.[Poison'd] Was this an Ashcan?Adrian P10834.Help me create a Treasure Hunter oracleMatt Snyder10835.Help me tweak these 4th Ed powers.Mcdaldno10836.Character creation sessionsGraham10837.[Hell for Leather] Interested in reading the 1st draft?Sebastian10838.Board Games (classic) as a mechanic for Role Playthadrine10840.Campaign Cartographer 3 Half-Price PromotionSimon_Rogers10841.Interview with Paul Tevis on A Penny For My ThoughtsNarmical10842.Seasonal GamesJason_Morningstar10843.Bite-Size AP: November 2009J_Walton10844.Social Networking Games and Revenue ModelsDavid Artman10846.Indie Games at Lucca Games (with pictures)Moreno R.10847.The battle wheel what's your thought?Seth Drebitko10848.Hero Wars. vs. Hero *Quest*Beth_in_Virginia10849.West Virginia, what's it like?GB_Steve10851.Traditional gamers: more committed?jenskot10852.Establishing SettingJudd10853.Calling All Free GM-less Story Games!mulrah10854.[PTA] Anyone know what's going on with 3rd Edition?lordgoon10855.Little Fears on Canon Punctureorklord10857.Paying artists a % of the profits instead of a flat fee?walkerp10858.[Two Games, One Name] The Piper at the Gates of DawnBill_White10859.Nerd in New YorkNathan_H10860.Need a suit of cards.Colin_Fredericks10861.The Smoke Dream is dreamy. Possibly also smoky.Joli10862.Need a new Game, is it Chronica Feudalis?MountZionRyan10863.People with Kindles, iPhones and similar: how do you buy ebooks?Graham10864.Please Complain about [the Smoke Dream]!jackson_tegu10866.[2G1N] Status Report! (also, some names up for grabs!)ndp10867.MACE RoundupJason_Morningstar10868.[DitV hack: Afraid] remember it? Some advice, please?Omar_Ramirez10869.[Ramen Profitable] Isn't this what the indie business model has been all along?DanielSolis10870.Hybridized gaming?Sam!10871.The Australian gaming sceneMatthijs10872.[Diplomacy] System mattersBrian_Minter10873.How do you define a successful gamegladen10874.Illustrating your characters.Omar_Ramirez10875.Subverting 16-bit... need some consultation...Ry10876.[MySQL Help] Anyone really awesome with MySQL?Andy10877.Gabe (Penny-Arcade) "Quick Time Event" Email roleplaying challengesAndy10878.How Do You Define a Succesful Evening (or day) of Gaming?Storn10879.Cheating in non competitive gamesJacob10880.The use of "you" in game booksTroy_Costisick10881.Veterans Day/Weekend Promo: Sales for NVVAM!ndp10882.[Diaspora] Friday Night Science FictionJudd10883.Save the world or a soul?MatrixGamer10884.[PtA} Small Rule Tweak IdeaJesse10885.Universalisvertigo2510886.Tell me about a song and a gameRy10887.TusCon 36 (November 13-15, 2009) -- Anyone going?Peter_Aronson10889.Space Warwhiteknife10890.[D&D Insider] First Impressions.Mcdaldno10891.Rock Paper Scissors Lizard SpockRy10892.I Wanna Wave Game!David Artman10894.It's Graham's birthdayGB_Steve10895.[4E] Mercenary platoon vs. iron dragon encounter design.johnzo10896.FreeMarket - (Beta 11.12.09)skinnyghost10897.Using House of the Blooded die mechanic in SotCthadrine10898.Just-dead-blogging from Indiecon [includes Steal Away Jordan]Alex F10899.Any games with bunches of attributes?Seth Drebitko10900.I wonder if tables work?johnzo10901.[Lady Hackbird] making it a Generic rulesetIrishvince10902.[Contenders] ImageRustin10903.Wave GamingDavid Artman10904.PbW - Suitable vs. Unsuitable Systems?moleculo10905.Announcing the MULRAH Tournament for the Best Free GM-less Role-playing/Story Game!mulrah10908.Great Chargen Questions!DanielSolis10909.Abstract distance in 4th edSeth Drebitko10911.What's stopping you from finishing your game?George_Cotronis10912.MACE - Pirates of the Burning SeasJBMannon10913.[Rifts] Hack What?Hans_c-o10914.[Burning Sands] This Made Me Sad a LittleTroy_Costisick10915.[Freemarket] rules questionsKingstonC10916.On Mighty Thews 2E: Limited-Edition BetaSimon_C10917.Please Participate! MULRAH Mini Tournament for Free GM-less Role-Playing/Story Games Now Underwaymulrah10918.[Burning Sands: Jihad] Is it too much to ask to play a terrorist?Sam!10919.How important are tag lines?Sebastian10920.letterpress business cards?PaulCzege10921.[Polaris] Anyone have the Star Names and Example Aspects PDFs?fnord312510922.Thoughts after playing the Warhammer FRP 3rd Edition DemoJogesh EZ10923.Advice for my first session of PTA?noahtrammell10924.Slashed To Ribbons - a ribbon drive hackMcdaldno10925.Billions of Strange Planetstony_dowler10926.[Kingdom of Ice] Art preview!Mcdaldno10927.What did YOU learn at Ice Station Nerdly?Beth_in_Virginia10928.Shall I release play advice as little PDFs?Graham10929.Sharing an Exploratory StoryR_Alan10930.[While the World Ends] Everything about the game.Wilhelm10931.I hate transporting this stupid meat bodyRy10932.I made a really tiny game.Colin_Fredericks10933.Do Boffer LARPs need the Story Games treatment?vulpinoid10934.Collaborative stories: How to end them in joyful convergence?Matthijs10935.Uml\xe4ut: Game of Metal is now in layout.Rich Stokes10936.Please Complain about [Red Box Hack]Ry10937.[FATE] Examples of zone mapsbuzz10938.Accountability Check In [What's stopping you from finishing your game?]MatrixGamer10940.Question about "Accountability check in"MatrixGamer10941.[D&D] Getting rid of the d20jaw610942.[Trail of Cthulhu] Playtesters WantedBill_White10943.Dear Santaboulet10944.Are there cooperative GM-less games?phargle10945.Montsegur 1244 :: IndieConPete10946.[MD] Looking in the BWI areaSam!10947.[Diaspora] A Mini-Game Con Scenariojhosmer110948.Polaris Estate: Chavilric Tragedy at the Utmost North LondonGraham10949.Dumbphone-friendly web dice roller?Ron Hammack10950.This plus Mechaton - what would you do?Rustin10951.Characters and ConflictSimon_Rogers10952.In Media ResJumanji8310953.Mysteries are hardJumanji8310954.Running Dune with PTA or the likeChuck Henebry10955.Playing a lazy cowardJumanji8310956.Ways to punish a slave (this thread is rather unpleasant)Graham10957.Account picture extension?Sam!10958.How many of you live in Qu\xe9bec?Jumanji8310959.can specific threads be blocked?Beth_in_Virginia10960.Omnifray Lite Core Guide Free to Downloadomnifray10961.The Drifter's Escape is now for saleBen_Lehman10962.a lucifer comic RPGBeth_in_Virginia10963.AmberCon NW 2010 - Is it worth checking out?gamera_spinning10964."...and take their stuff" should be as fun as "kill monsters..."Ron Hammack10965.[3:16] What if I can't think fast?Sam!10966.Story Games Secret SantaMcdaldno10967.Someone's annoyed and won't admit it: what do you do?jenskot10968.[Dune] Fremen hooksSam!10969.OD&D: How much should I mess with itakooser10970.A Penny-Farthing For My ThoughtsJDCorley10971.What's the problem with immersion?Hans_c-o10972.What is YOUR immersion like?Matthijs10973.Top five unplayed games?Sam!10974.(Non-Story) Games that get you excitedmerb10110975.[Wasatch Gamers Club] Utah Indie/Storygames NightRustin10976.[orphan mechanic] Secrets&TroubleCausing Cardskomradebob10978.Romantic Fantasy play (Blue Rose? Any success?)Ry10979.Dragonmeet this SaturdayGraham10980.What do you enjoy about the GM role?Graham10981.Burning Podcasters - Tell me about Intent!JDCorley10982.I have Google Wave invites to give awayDenys10983.[Robotech] Hack What?Cedric P10984.I think all RPGs should be boxed sets.jessecoombs10985.Designers: How would you Box it up? (Or would you?)jessecoombs10986.Gaming ZeitgeistSebastian10987.Rules telepathy, pleaseMatthijs10988.How do you learn games from books?Matthijs10989.On immersion, and how to break itArminius10990.[Stabbing Contest] episode 31 with Hans OttersonOgremarco10991.[Hell for Leather] Terrorise Kuala Lumpur?Sebastian10992.(People Who Love Pandemic) - Please Explain Your LoveNathan_H10993.What version of Gumshoe can I fraudulently claim to be playing tonight?Graham10994.I think all RPGs should be html.Ron Hammack10995.Making a list and checking it twicejason10996.[Perfect] Sneak Preview of the 2nd EditionMcdaldno10997.[Shotgun Diaries] & [3:16]Number6intheVillage10998.[Cribbage] How would you make it into a role-playing game?Hans_c-o10999.Hell for Leather RPG - Help Required (Ireland/UK/Beyond?)Sebastian11000.[3:16] Suitable for Nu Earth?Sam!11001.when you see a game just like one you've thought about...artexercise11002.Tom Gauld is a source of inspirationOgremarco11003.Chat yapletnoclue11004.New POD service in the UKJohn Anderson11006.Polish story gamers, tell me about Wydawnictwo PortalGeorge_Cotronis11007.CCGs/TCGs - [Guardians] lives again!Beth_in_Virginia11008.[Apocalypse World] What about MY needs?!?Sam!11009.Uml\xe4ut: Game of Metal now available as PDFRich Stokes11010.I think all RPGs should be presented in my preferred mediumBen_Lehman11011.OD&D - Grinding Gear - APakooser11012.[Perfect v2] Seeking Playtesters (prizes)Mcdaldno11013.Games for PreschoolersJaroslav11014.Gamer QuestionairesRy11015.Bliss Stage - Obsession Stage, you hikikomori otaku loserElliott Belser11016.Old School Hack = RBH2 tweaked + adventure generation goodieskiznit11017.[Canon Puncture] We want to talk to Game Advocatesorklord11018.Dreamation 2010 - Fun Stampede in FebruaryMichael S. Miller11019.[dreamation 2010] Event Team upsKevin Allen Jr11020.Tell me one thing you love about one game written by someone elseRobert_Bohl11021.Stuff to Watch: December 2009Andy11022.How do you write a game?mjbauer11023.Playing a human monsterSam!11024.Justifying $100 for Warhammer Fantasy RPG 3EAndy11025.Warhammer 3rd is the new shiny.jessecoombs11026.The Game Design Studio, critique #2Joshua A.C. Newman11027.Gamer Dudes Afraid of Fashion (Shocking!)John_Harper11028.Make them Cry!!! and tell me how you do it too.Omar_Ramirez11029.Stickers for diceSebastian11030.Computer/Console Game Settings on the TabletopAndy11031.[Chronica Feudalis] The Source BookValamir11032.Diaspora is backBrad_J_Murray11034.Rewards in Dungeons and Dragonsakooser11035.Sapient animal-analogs in science fiction gamesElliott Belser11036.[Discussion] There is no evolution in gamingDInDenver11037.What are you wearing right now?Matthijs11038.EPICS game systemAdam_Dray11039.Decemburns - AIDS awareness fundraiserdeadlytoque11040.[Microlite20] Anyone used it? Any better rulebook for it?snej11041.[Dreamation] THIS is my year!Ry11042.[Diaspora] Sunday Night Science Fictionnemomeme11043.I'm looking for a game that models political intrigue wellDavid C11044.Death's Door on sale (and being discontinued).blankshield11045.[Hell for Leather RPG] Taser in the face? - ADULTS ONLYSebastian11046.Naming the Boss: Traditional, Tasty, or Accurate?Jason_Morningstar11047.Naming the Bosses!Krippler11048.[Apocalypse World] The form of your apocalypseSam!11049.[Diaspora] The Source BookJeremy Keller11050.Jason M: give me the Last Train-experience!Jason_Morningstar11051.Wicked Nights: Vampires via the Anthology EngineWillow11052.Describe a room in a dungeonGraham11053.How long has it been since you PBeM'd?Sam!11054.[Two Games One Name] The Results!ndp11055.[Dreamation] who wants to room with me at Dreamation?Deliverator11056.circular gamesNathan_H11057.[Shock] How do we stay on topic?deadlytoque11058.Gay biker sexSam!11059.[Dreamation] Considering hosting some Happy Birthday, Robot! Any interest?DanielSolis11060.Veni Foras: Vampire on Google WaveGraham11061.Sartar Book ContestIan Cooper11062.Recomend me a 1 on 1 story game!FigureFour11063.Story Games with Virtual TabletopsMurgh_Bpurn11064.Courtingjason11065.Bite-Size AP: December 2009Brian_Minter11066.Dear Fighty People, I need some terms.Mcdaldno11067.FlashbacksGraham11068.Corrida de TorosSam!11069.Gwiezdne WojnyJason_Morningstar11070.[Gamer fashion] The MANual of StyleElizabeth11071.Need an online deck of cardslachek11072.What do I want that fits in a stocking?Colin_Fredericks11073.A Very Special Epimas SpecialEpidiah_Ravachol11074.GM Keys: A Fun TechniqueJ_Walton11075.Bob, the Chaos-BringerSam!11076.Let's Laugh at our 2010 Predictions!JDCorley11077.Have you used "Hard-Boiled Cultures"?Matthijs11078.[Legends of Alyria]How is it?Jumanji8311079.[The Black Spot] PDF now available!lordgoon11080.2009 Game of the YearGraham11081.To good to be true!Irishvince11082.[3:16] Battlefleet GothicSam!11083.The Golden Age of RPG Podcasts: Has it come and gone?BastardToadflax11084.Weird Spammy Sites Linking my Stuff?tony_dowler11085.What would you PBeM?Sam!11086.New Year's Eve, a Bunch of non-player friends: any Ideas?Albi_SG11087.My First Session of Ghost/EchoSanglorian11088.How deep is your roleplaying game?Sam!11089.Uml\xe4ut: Game of Metal Now available in Print!Rich Stokes11090.Creative constraints, Minis-use, and LARPskomradebob11091.[Committe for the Exploration of Mysteries] Gear questionlantern31411092.Games you own, but will probably never playColin_Fredericks11093.Last Train out of WarsawMatthijs11094.Give Me A Game Recipenoahtrammell11095.Looking for horror movie recommendations.reaction11096.[Dragon Age TTRPG] a brief reviewValamir11097.Local Gaming Forumsjessecoombs11098.Newsletters take them or leave them?Seth Drebitko11099.[Dr. Who] US Distributor or PDF Version coming?JuddG11100.Addams Family/Pitchforks and Torches sort of gameBeth_in_Virginia11102.[Everway] doesn't workccreitz11103.[Warhammer 40,000] How do you get your 40k on?Sam!11105.Help me with a New year's resolutionWordman11106.Modern Day Monster bustingartexercise11107.[Vincent Baker] doesn't workGraham11108.[Hell for Leather] Competition - WINNER ANNOUNCEDSebastian11109.I fear emergent gameplay.Sam!11110.A Brief Tour of the Indie GamesJames_Nostack11111.Tell me more about Montsegur 1244Andy11112.[Solar System] Good for one-shots?Arvid11113.[D&D 4th] inspired by Sam H's thread on emergent gameplayBeth_in_Virginia11114.Where does the Red Box Hack live?Bret_Gillan11115.[D&D 4E/FATE] Translating compels into D&D 4Ejason11117.Let's Play Bliss Stage.Elliott Belser11118.GM's, what games are you comfortable with?jessecoombs11119.Montsegur 1244 - Expansion Set: Invitation to participateFrederik J. Jensen11120.Montsegur 1244 \u2013 Expansion Set: ContributionsFrederik J. Jensen11121.Taoist game designMatthijs11122.New RPG based on fighting video gamesdrkrash11123.What do you bolt stuff onto?Ry11124.The craft of the self-contained, one-shot game?komradebob11125.You'll never play them, but I have.GB_Steve11126.Wanted: Tips for portraying a Vietnamese woman in AmericaMatthijs11127.Ujamaa Pokernemomeme11128.GAMING FAILAndy11129.[Apocalypse World] NecromundaSam!11130.Trade me RPG stuff for my old video gamesMarshall Burns11132.Trying out new stuff: Would anyone like to run a Last Train out of Warsaw game on Google Wave?Reprobus11133.The monster's weaknessGraham11134.Presentation tool: PreziPer_Fischer11135.Of snipers and ninjaSam!11136.FoodGraham11137.[Google wave] Need more French gamersIrishvince11138.Google Editions: New Electronic Distribution Method?J_Walton11139.What game for teen sex comedies?Mcdaldno11140.A hack for Transfomers?Suna11141.[Burning Wheel] - Why dice pools?Nathan_H11143.Atlantis Legos for MechatonWordman11144.Book 1 - Wandererakooser11145.Manowar: The Roleplaying GameSam!11146.[WFRP3] Indie influences/nu-skool upgradesPaulB11147.Impulse Settingsvulpinoid11148.[Lady Hackbird] Making the Bigs (a baseball rpg)orklord11149.What are those zombies doing?!Mcdaldno11150.Terminology - Mental SteadinessJustin D. Jacobson11151.World Traveller!deadlytoque11152.Settlers of MidgardBeth_in_Virginia11153.continued from [Dragon Age TTRPG] a brief review: GM Fiat and FudgingJudd11154.Playing Outside Your BeliefsSanglorian11157.Last fudge, and why?lachek11158.[Hell for Leather] Cosmetic Surgery with fuel rodsDanielZKlein11159.[Show me the game you want] Games that would require a Devishly clever GMDavid C11161.Avatar as a Bliss Stage mod?Zuki11162.Songs that inspire... what?Sam!11163.Help me spend some money!fnord312511164."Roleplaying Dice are Dead"Teataine11165.Wars we've foughtSam!11166.An Open Letter to Story Games ...Brian_Minter11167.I love being a geek dadJohn_Powell11168.[Board gamers] Best Board Games for a Nascent CollectionBrennen Reece11169.RPG Desktop WallpapersSimon_Rogers11170.Our seemingly opposing viewpoints are equally valid.Matthijs11171.Gaming the west without the weird.Sam!11172.[Lady Blackbird] First time running it tonightsolabusca11173.Fiasco is now available!Jason_Morningstar11174.My favorite bit of [Diaspora]PaulB11175.We wish you a...Marhault11176.[1KM1KT] What fresh bananas have you found?Sam!11177.New Podcast: Designer vs. RealityDanMaruschak11178.Fight On! #7 Now Available in Print and PDF!Calithena11179.[Beast Hunters] SRD Now With Many More Examples!Christian_Griffen11180.[Time & Temp] Powerpoint Prop?Roger11182.Holiday-themed gamesSam!11183.What did you get for your gift-holiday?deadlytoque11184.A single-race environmentSam!11185.Our seemingly complementary viewpoints are in dire conflict.lordgoon11186.My Grandma Kicked My Ass in Bendominos!Nathan_H11187.Genericon XXIIIColin_Fredericks11188.[Dreamation 2010] To party or not to party?Michael S. Miller11189.[Apocalypse World] The Perfect SettingRoger11190.Games Free To Good Homes!ndp11191.Reality Gameshows/Bloodsportsvulpinoid11192.An American apocalypseGraham11193.Games that uses the TarotJumanji8311194.One setting, lots of systemskfitzpatrick11195.[Sufficiently Advanced] Calling fansColin_Fredericks11196.I Ching diceWordman11197.ApocalistNathan_H11198.Thornes: Need A TermJesse11199.[Bully Pulpit] Tell us how it worksValamir11200.Share your #playnow games hereMillsy11201.[Rogue Trader] How should I get my 40K on?Tavis11202.Montsegur 1244 - Expansion Set: Vote for scene cardsFrederik J. Jensen11203.A new old war.Sam!11204.[Apocalypse World] TearDWeird11205.[Shab-al-Hiri Roach] Some questionsLuca Veluttini11206.Weekend Project: Story DiceDanielSolis11207.Machine-Gun Machetes: How would you stat them up?Andy11208.Joan of Arc, the Templars, Gender, and CultureBeth_in_Virginia11209.What makes you want to GM?David C11210.Death and the Eternal MercenarySam!11211.Here comes 2010!Bret_Gillan11212.Not what you say\u2026 what you dojenskot11213.[Annalise] The Wake of Zenas Quantum now availablendp11214.My shipping nightmare (and the bright spots within).deadlytoque11215.[Fiasco]The Fiasco Love ThreadTim Boser11216.Necromancer Shovelfight! Best fun you'll ever have with 40 whacks!Joli11217.[polaris] a therapist tries Story NowBeth_in_Virginia11218.My kid plays WUSHU.Sam!


11219.[Stuff to Watch] January 2010Andy11220.I killed Hitler.Sam!11221.[The Black Spot] Now Cheaper Than Ever!lordgoon11222.Game Mechanism of the Week Indexvulpinoid11223.[Hell for Leather] Steal the Prime Minister's eyeballsSebastian11224.[polaris] more than one protagonist in a single sceneBeth_in_Virginia11225.what do you call this kind of fantasy?Marshall Burns11227.[The Dance and the Dawn] Is it getting play?Hans_c-o11228.[RPG= Role Playing Girl] Available?Hans_c-o11229.Announcing my new podcast Actual People, Actual PlayWillH11230.Generic story gamesPotemkin11231.Sad, Lonely Little GamesPotemkin11232.Historical Resources for Last Train Out of Warsawnoahtrammell11233.[Suggestions please] Games about thieves?Johnstone11235.Montsegur 1244 - Expansion Set: Vote for story cardsFrederik J. Jensen11236.[#playnow] A Dollar a BulletSam!11237.[Happy Birthday, Robot!] Freaky FridayDanielSolis11238.(Seattle Area Gamers) FreemarketKingstonC11239.Villains! And other memorable NPCsBrian_Minter11240.Bite-Size AP: January 2010John_Harper11241.Atarashi Games Uniform Design Contest Deadline Jan 31stjake richmond11242.[IRC] Division of funSam!11243.Light always winsGraham11244.Scenes and scene-framing.Potemkin11245.Nerd by Nerd East > NerdNYC > Jan 30-31...jenskot11246.Spartacus: Blood and SandSam!11247.[Props] Penny Arcade likes West MarchesEric11248.[MG] Advice for running Mouseguard for the first timekfitzpatrick11249.Different Perspectives about D&D editionsAlbi_SG11250.Playing the Italo-WestSam!11251.[Podcasters] How do you record your skype conversations?Brennen Reece11252.Is this Diaspora resource legit?Jabonko11253.[A Penny for my Thoughts] Penny "Campaign" PlayBrenton11254.N+n OracleBurr11255.Ritchie's Holmes - tagging and compelling aspects like there's no tomorrow...but not invoking?Teataine11256.[GHOST/ECHO] Session 001Sam!11257.12 Games in 12 Months: Playing Every Game I Own and Then Somejamsthehobbit11258.What do city-gods do?DWeird11259.[Apocalypse World] Things To DoRoger11260.Update: [The Scenario] & (new!) [The Wanderer] - A S&S featuring logicozbot11262.Layout geeks need opinions on scribus plug-ins?Seth Drebitko11263.Democracy in games.Potemkin11264.[Final Hour of a Storied Age] Kingdom of False StarsDanMaruschak11265.[NWoD] a hack to the morality system (making them go mad)Omar_Ramirez11266.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 2 is outWillH11267.Diplomacy-system rpg?zygomar11268.Marshall Burns I need your address, so we can complete our tradenick3.011269.[Diplomacy] SG Game 2C_Edwards11270.Full Light, Full Steam rules questionsNeil11271.Give me some English recipes to writeGraham11272.[Apocalypse World] Help me make the Preacher.Sam!11273.Diaspora AP: The Adventures of a Prince, a Doctor, a Pirate, and a Jerkjhosmer111274.Poisons... Problematic in classic tabletop playAndy11275.Hanging in San Francisco before the Endgame Minicon this weekendkfitzpatrick11276.[Knight Club] Playtesters Wanted!Destriarch11277.Playing in the canonSam!11278.Layout for BegginersTanya Fyans11279.Next Week On...Jason_Morningstar11280.Legend and the CharactersAlbi_SG11281.[Diplomacy] Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Altering old classics.Potemkin11282.Did some updating to my TSoY pageEero_Tuovinen11283.Looking for 6x9 blank boxesakooser11284.How does WHFRP handle combat terrain?Arvid11285.Magical Girls [4th Edition D&D]wyrmwood11286.Gencon 2010Scott11287.I want to play a chartered accountant!Sam!11288.[3:16] Star Wars: The Clone WarsJohn_Powell11289.Give me your WavesLogos711290.I Am a Rootless WandererLuke_Wheel11291.[A Penny For My Thoughts]We played it UnpreparedAnttiKi11292.Which heroes die and are reborn?Graham11293.Pushing into the atrocity zone.Sam!11294.[Dreamation 2010] GM Delve for meDavid_Berg11295.Model UN MegathreadJDCorley11296.One-Shot Advice Neededlordgoon11297.[Fiasco] Playset of the MonthJason_Morningstar11298.[Diaspora/SotC/Fate3] Accommodating variable play groups?PaulB11299.Haitian Earthquake fundraiserBen_Lehman11300.Thou Art But A Warrior page downBastardToadflax11301.most sophisticated roleplaying ever? (IM chat)David_Berg11302.[Lady Blackbird] Needs your help with new traits & tagsJohn_Harper11303.I'm starting an ARG!whiteknife11304.Make Macklin Cry at Dreamationchadu11305.[Polaris setting-hack] Dark Knight of the StarsBeth_in_Virginia11308.[Diaspora] Nutty Clusters v1.3 software released!Destriarch11309.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 3WillH11310.[swords and wizardry] experience point awardsBeth_in_Virginia11311.[Dreamation 2010] Is someone willing to run the roundtable?Michael S. Miller11312.Behold the City of BrassLogos711313.Gaming Wikis/Community Pagesagony11314.[Xenoraptor] Sharing a {pseudo-board}game, looking for feedbackTeataine11315.A different kind of Vietnam storySam!11316.Gaming and mental illnessRy11317.My first norwegian gameEsarel11318.Gaming AustenBill_White11319.Writing in Web Pages not Word Processorsmadunkieg11320.Game Design Blog for DICEClaus11321.RPG Blogs and Forums Information OverloadClaus11322.JRPGs... are they all like this?wundergeek11323.How do Setting Elements Inspire?madunkieg11324.How do the elves and orcs spread? mega bundle for Haitian Relief!Seth Drebitko11326.[Go Play NW] Save the Date! June 18-20, 2010tony_dowler11327.Ancient Odysseys: Treasure Awaits! Pre-Orderbrettmb11328.[Requiem] San Jose by WaveBret_Gillan11330.Meet me at Arcanacon (Melbourne)Matthijs11331.[Dogs in the Vineyard] Good River (formerly known as Rio Bueno)gamefiend11332.Nine Worlds character sheet somewhere?Ryan_Macklin11334.One shot with home brewed rules and pregen characters.Nameless11335.[Hell for Leather] Playtesting with your local Univeristy games societySebastian11336.WotC interviews 5 DM'sJudd11337.So, Maid isn't creepy?Judd11338.the other form of academic attentionPaulCzege11339.What I'm done with.Hans_c-o11340.[Diaspora] Tell me about stakes and systems creationPer_Fischer11341.Los Angeles \u2014 November 2019Sam!11342.2010 Gaming Goals/Wishes/ResolutionsColinC11343.Sagas at home not cons [Canon Puncture 84]Robert_Bohl11344.The Comic Book GuyTristan11345.TerpCon XII - April 3rdterpcon11346.Spellstorm 2010, TORONTO RPG ConLogos711347.Craziest thing you found in the RPGNow Haitian relief bundle?buzz11348.[Microdungeons] I roll to see if I have shoes on!DWeird11349.Show me the game you want [video edition]Teataine11350.ratings on RPGsMarshall Burns11351.Genuinely Sexy Art In GamesMcdaldno11352.Wherein Houses of the Blooded gets debriefed.Hans_c-o11353.What game do I play at 2am with a beautiful woman who isn't my girlfriend?Mcdaldno11354.Culture and the Psudeo-HistoricPotemkin11355.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 4WillH11356.Suggest a system for cold war between angels and demonsDenys11357.Patiently awaiting this great game.jackson_tegu11358.a Character Sheet for GMsDouble King11359.Looking for Gumshhoe Settingslordgoon11360.Is 3d Art that bad?vulpinoid11361.[Trail of Cthulhu] The Black DropJason_Morningstar11362.Let's end the world in the 1930sGraham11363.How To Ignore SomeoneJason_Morningstar11364.Would you read a blog on roleplaying design, psychology and impro theater?Arvid11365.Skulduggery SettingsSimon_Rogers11366.Gaming in PrisonJason_Morningstar11367.That's a story game?Sam!11368.Giant Detailed Settings And Story-Gaming!JDCorley11369.It's time for a big hugKobayashi11370.Story Gaming The NewsAnttiKi11371.My Son the Future Game Designermjbauer11372.Barriers to EntryRoger11373.Playtesting at ConceptionGraham11374.Melbourne freeform rules.Matthijs11375.[The Scenario] Short actual play/playtest reportMatthijs11376.Megacon 2010 - Orlando, FloridaDaniel_M_Perez11377.Gaming prison lifeSam!11378.[How We Came to Live Here] Now Available for Preorder!Brennan_Taylor11379.Dwarf Fortress in SpaceBret_Gillan11380.Unpleasant and destructive forum behaviorwundergeek11381.[FreeMarket] Lifeboat capacity at 100%Jared A. Sorensen11382.My Orbital Death Lasers Have Gone RogueJason_Morningstar11383.[ENnies] 2010 State of the ENnies Addressreveal11384.Barriers to ExitRyan_Macklin11385.Tools for New Gamemastersmadunkieg11386.Show me your business cardsRobert_Bohl11388.AP: JoeyCon 2010 - Of Mice and MashupsJoey11389."Next week on..." in other gamesAnders Larsen11390.Help me!Nathan_H11391.Geek Behaviors Present During GamingCaesar_X11392.Pleasant and Constructive Forum BehaviorsAndy11393.The World's Longest Fiasco GameBrennen Reece11394.How do you end a campaign?elenius11395.Remember the time you explained roleplaying all wrong?Sam!11396.Camp Nerdly: Anyone have pictures?Andy11397.Kagematsu now availableDanielleLewon11398.Methods of gaining xpDionysus11399.[Fiasco,hack] FiasCON!max.lambertini11400.Must characters be mechanically different?Sam!11403.[The Gauntlet] Forum Playtestlordgoon11404.A Penny for my Thoughts is awesome!deadlytoque11405.Montsegur 1244 - Expansion Set: Vote for charactersFrederik J. i going mad, or...? [ghost/echo]Beth_in_Virginia11408.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 5 A Victory for HumanityWillH11409.Near-Future Setting: Anyone Want to Make Some Predictions?mjbauer11410.Secret Games at DreamationLuke_Wheel11411.Sensitive playersagony11412.Help me figure out a Dollhouse-inspired one-shot I can runbuzz11413.Dragoncon Indie Panels, Games, EtcScott11414.Lazy Bastard Radio [podcast]deadlytoque11415.Raven's Nest: A Requiemvulpinoid11416.[Stuff to Watch] February 2010AnttiKi11417.My First Story Game EverAlbi_SG11418.How Was Nerd By Nerdeast?Jason_Morningstar11419.Chronica CthudalisIgnotus11420.So, D&D Isn't Gratuitously Violent?PaulB11421.Miami Games and StuffScott11422.[My Orbital Death Lasers Have Gone Rogue] The DiaryJames Jeffers11423.[Houses of the Blooded] Thoughts After One One-on-One Session...Jesse11424.[NBPVI] Announcing Nerdly Beach Party VI: The Undiscovered CountryAlbert A11425.Would love feedback on a Lady Blackbird style game's mechanics.Nameless11426.DelugeBrad_J_Murray11427.Story Games Contest: Draw an Actual Play ExperienceAndy11428.How do you con?David C11429.Tying it all together when there's no GMMatthijs11430.[Danger Patrol] ...suddenly becomes Danger League???stupidgremlin11431.How much history do my players need?Sam!11432.[Paradise] Serialized game design w/ a crapton of playing cardsCharlie Gilb11433.What Game for Church Politics?Daniel Levine11434.[The Great Purge of 2010] Get your Macklin stuff while the getting is good.King Turnip11435.DC Gameday VI: March 13th, 2010Tom C11436.AGON for a Classical Greek Campaign?ScottOden11437.Ribbon Drive at ConceptionGraham11438.Give me a dream! (If you feel like it).Matthijs11439.[Hacks] Ideas for a CoC vs Atrocity Archives / Carnivale ?Maitresinh11440.[video games] Heavy RainTulpa11442.[#playnow] War Inc!: Episode 304, Novosib\xedrskSam!11443.Is if Functional? Is it Fun? New D&D Boxed set.Troy_Costisick11444.Weirdo IndiesPaul_T11445.Bite-Sized AP: February 2010Sam!11446.[Players' Best Game] January 2010 - Apocalypse WorldSebastian11447.What is your job, and how has that affected your gaming?Andy11448.[New D&D Red Box] MarketingBrian_Minter11449.Is there a game that focuses on manning a vessel?David C11450.For those who were waitingEmily_Care11451.Camp Nerdly 2010 [CANCELLED! BOO!]Mark_Causey11452.[#playnow] Come and play now!Sam!11453.Why can't you mix Conflict and Task resolution?agony11454.Observations on the gamemastering rolePaulB11455.[Trail of Cthulhu] players' "end scene" power?David_Berg11456.Idea for a WWII era strategic wargame/story game hybridChris_Goodwin11457.[HeroQuest 2] An Experience Running it Off-the Cuffzomben11458.Good Android PDF reader?rafial11459.Qualitative Karma (or, Formalized Qualitative Judgments)J_Walton11460.Questioning purposes - Avalanche meets BWpells11461.Investigation: with or without deductionDavid_Berg11462.My first play of [Ribbon Drive]deadlytoque11463.[Trail of Cthulhu/Other Cthulhu Games] Sherlock Holmes and the Great Old OnesAlbi_SG11464.Adapting difficult media properties for gaming.Sam!11465.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 6WillH11466.'Story' Miniatures GamesSanglorian11467.Free video editing software?Robert_Bohl11468.[Happy Birthday, Robot!] Public Story at Dreamation?DanielSolis11471.Snakes and Ladders: Is it Buddhist?Graham11472.A question for Probability Monkeys.Hans_c-o11473.Great Moments in DiceAndy11474.[Trail of Cthulhu] Castle Bravo Playtest at DreamationBill_White11476.New York State, Montreal, Toronto and OhioGraham11477.Snakes & Ladders, the Deluxe Advanced EditionMcdaldno11478.[Camp Nerdly] I Need Some QuotesJason_Morningstar11479.Your GM would never let you do this.Paul_T11480.Mini-Workshop: Convert Dogs-Style Stakes to Afraid-Style StakesPaul_T11482.Seeking examplesWordman11483.[Archipelago II] Subway Dogs of MoscowJason_Morningstar11484.Games with Shared Characters?14thWarrior11486.[Go Play NW 2010] Event Registration is Open!ping11487.GMing 3:16mjbauer11488.How do I share the rulebook?Sam!11489.Shock:Human Contact at DreamationJoshua A.C. Newman11490.[Books] What are You Reading?Jason_Morningstar11491.[Cogs, Cakes and Swordsticks] Release of free online steampunk RPG and request for feedbackLynne H11492.[Diaspora] The Good, the Bad, and the Alien...jhosmer111493.[Dreamation] 1 slot left for playtest of DelveDavid_Berg11494.Orccon/Barcon this weekendAnarchangel11495.Reminder for a game?Dionysus11496.Recommend to me some investigation/detective RPGsClinton11497.Heart of Ashes - check out ma style guideMcdaldno11499.[The Black Drop] Jason Morningstar, help me you're my only hope.John_Powell11500.Movie and a GameDaveC11501.Dreamtion Schedule is Up... It's ON!MPOSullivan11502.What is your biggest challenge running Apocalypse World?Caesar_X11503.Micropayments and the Webcomic Modeltony_dowler11504.Warhammer Fantasy RP at DreamationMPOSullivan11505.Curious - International (German) Perspective Sought on KODT comic.edheil11506.[Dreamation 2010] Who's going? When?jenskot11507.Is narrating combat at odds with tactical combat?David C11508.[Annalise] At The Crossroads of Sanctuary & Salvationndp11509.Pay to Play?John_Powell11510.Have you checked the Oracle generator lately?Caesar_X11511.Snail's Pace: Dead or just resting?Sam!11512.[Happy Birthday, Robot!] Download the PDF!DanielSolis11513.Play Now! We need a few guys to play InSpectres right now!Brennen Reece11514.InterpretationPotemkin11515.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 7 Serial Homicide UnitWillH11516.Tam Lin at DreamationEmily_Care11517.Help me find a list of points about game designGraham11518.Deadwood creator on the Right to DreamDavid_Berg11519.Tell about the game you want someone else to designRobert_Bohl11520.Format WarsSimon_Rogers11521.Narration Rights in ODDakooser11522.What does "Magic" mean to you?Troy_Costisick11523.Burning X UK Summer 2010John Anderson11524.Playing unabashedly good charactersDWeird11525.[Witch Quest] A neglected genre: 'Everyday magic'Potemkin11526.Indie Games Directory, or The Travails of the Curious, Parte Ye FirsteSquidLord11527.ENWorld Chicgao Gameday 25 is Feb 27th, plenty of story to go aroundbuzz11529.Smaller VoidsJ_Walton11530.[Dreamation] Looking for a Fiasco facilitatorJason_Morningstar11531.Ravenkult Stock Art Store (buy my art for your game re-launch!)George_Cotronis11532.Play Now - Primetime Adventures presents Bliss Stage: The Animated SeriesElliott Belser11533."Dungeon Mastering" GamesScott11534.The TV Guide Entry for Your (Favorite) GameElliott Belser11535.[Bliss Stage Visual Novel] Call for ArtistsElliott Belser11536.Resolving the fiction without abstractionDavid_Berg11537.An Indie Monster ManualGraham11538.Playing characters versus Telling StoriesPotemkin11540.D&D with p*rn Stars and Canon PunctureZak S11541.WotC's podcasts, professional DMs, and marketing?kevperrine11542.Ghost/Echo--What do you think?teckno7211543.Artists Seeking Writers - Do They Exist?Destriarch11544.[Danger Patrol] The Planet X Bluesjccohen11545.Games Sell/Trade/Swap 2010tomg11546.What's your gaming skill?Mcdaldno11547.[In a Wicked Age...] How best to move scenes toward conflict?deadlytoque11548.What's someone else's gaming skill?Mcdaldno11549.On being a terrible roleplayer. [Exalted semi-AP]Potemkin11550.[Up Go the Heads] Have you used it?Sam!11551.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 8WillH11552.[Old-school D&D] Alignment languagesBrian_Minter11553.Collaborators for your Story Game (Hobby/Amateur Edition)Erik_Battle11554.Cold City: have an idea, need opinions..vini_lessa11555.Barrow on the Hill: Soloakooser11556.[44] Some rules questionsbuzz11557.Onomatopoeia or it didn't happen!DWeird11558.Resources for the old-school renaissance.Potemkin11559.The Domino EffectPeter Silk11560.[FASERIP] The perfect generic ruleset?Sam!11561.[ENnies] Submissions Form Now Onlinereveal11562.[Dreamation] So, how was it?ndp11563.Missed Connections from DreamationDanielSolis11564.[Dead Weight] Brainstorming (and some eating)DanielSolis11565.One Cool Thing I Saw At Dreamation 2010Jason_Morningstar11566.Read an RPG Book in Public WeekWordman11569.[FreeMarket] wait, what did my Flow change mean?David_Berg11571.Games for Goblinsvulpinoid11572.A word for "create" and "discover"Matthijs11573.Narrative Prose and Games DesignSimon_Rogers11574.[Origins 2010] Ready To ExplodeKat Miller11575."I'm in love with ______"DanielSolis11576.Re-Sell Me On: GenconMcdaldno11577.[NBPVI] Nerdly Beach Party VI Registration is open!Albert A11578.Real Names and User NamesBrennen Reece11579.Help me finish this game idea: ancestral magic & community protectors.Mcdaldno11580.[AP] It's Complicated: "Hipster Massacre" at DreamationDevP11581.[Fiasco] Post-Dreamation Special!Jason_Morningstar11582.Dreamation Playtest RundownJason_Morningstar11583.Luke's(okay, Thor's)Secret GameNathan_H11584.Rules & Precepts for Creating FantasyMarshall Burns11585.tying up loose endsxenomouse11587.[Delve] combat - decisions, detail, transparencyDavid_Berg11588.Shock:Human Contact Dreamation 2010 Preview \u2014\xa0a few left!Joshua A.C. Newman11589.Worship Me as a Godchadu11590.Gaming Asimovlordgoon11591.[Poll] How much do you game in person?Ben_Robbins11592.Beyond the Beyondshaneknysh11593.Gaming with garbage men...jenskot11594.[UK]Con-Quest Midlands ShowDarran11595.[UK] Continuum 2010Darran11596.[4E] is overEric11597.Dave Berg: Spill the BeansPaul_T11598.[Bliss Stage] How do a relationship malfunction transfer into the waking world?Cedric P11599.[Happy Birthday Robot] Variations and alternatesHarlequin11600.[Delve] The Curse of Vatndale: did I rig the ending?David_Berg11601.Wow - Apocalypse World MC bookDionysus11602.Does Thou Art But A Warrior work if you don't have Polaris?Tanya Fyans11603.The Blue-Arsed Monkey BonusSimon_Rogers11604.Talking it out as a groupGraham11605.Forge Midwest 2010reaction11606.[ENnies] 2010 ENnies Booth Volunteer Recruitment!reveal11607.[IaWA] Slapstick comedy and Plucky BirdsPaul_T11608."Try a different way!"Matthijs11609.[Unspeakable] Contact with the unspeakable chartCedric P11610.GM does a tap dancedroog11611.[Sorcerer] Naked Tangiers + Lessons Learned.Johnstone11612.History of RPGs & what the future holds [VIDEO]jenskot11613.[GM Screen] best way to make one?jenskot11614.[Con Pickup Games] best way to organize?jenskot11615.Innovations Of The 90s!JDCorley11616.Society of Dreamers is in playtest.Matthijs11617.[Apocalypse World] The Sacred Mentality and its Thousand EyesSteve_Segedy11618.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 9WillH11619.GM does a lap danceMatthijs11620.Translating and publishingJumanji8311622.Where to get more diceJumanji8311623.[Stuff to Watch] March 2010misuba11624.Interaction methods in Games and ArtsSanttu11625.Sometimes you just want to kill Commies.Sam!11626.[The Final Girl] The Grisly Demise of Stephanie MeyerBret_Gillan11627.Happiness, or other human conditionsJason_Morningstar11628.[Maid] The Softest SheepBret_Gillan11629.Operation Fallen ReichClint Krause11630.[Freemarket] "Here, drink this gray goo"Bret_Gillan11631.[Players' Best Game] February 2010Sebastian11632.[Swords without Master] Curse of the Panther GodMark_Causey11633.[Hell for Leather] Sh*tting on the ancestors - ADULTS ONLYSebastian11634.[Sleep Is Death] Let's Talk About ItJason_Morningstar11635.[ENnies] Get To Know Your 2010 ENnies Judges!reveal11636.Sometimes you just want to kill crackersdroog11637.[Make it so] Exploration TeamJared A. Sorensen11638.Sometimes You Just Want To Kill Krakensskinnyghost11639.[Europe] Up and coming RPG ConventionsDarran11640.Bite-Sized AP: March 2010Brian_Minter11641.Commies want you to kill just sometimesTulpa11642.Some krackens just want to kill timeDevP11644.Some garbage men just want kraken to lap danceChristopherWeeks11645.Resource request: obnoxious propaganda and adsRobert_Bohl11646.Political intrigue done easyanansigirl11647.learning new games: lose the battle to win the war?David_Berg11648.[DC/Baltimore] Baltimore Museuming and Gaming! (This weekend or later)songsaboutrainbows11649.Iron gamemasteringGraham11651.Passions of the TideSam!11652.Wednesday: S-G/Praxis Slowness: Looking into it nowAndy11653.Custom Castle, Built for YouPaul_T11654.[Trail of Cthulhu/Modules] I am terrible at running prepared adventuresPaulB11655.Aphorisms and MaximsDouble King11656.[Ghost/Echo Actual Play] Oracular Steampunk Fairies!dyjoots11657.[Bang] Matt Wilson revises PTA or runs Apocalypse World?jenskot11658.[3:16] Need input for new Levelling systemmordheim11659.[Misery Bubblegum] Some questions before I run it this weekendwundergeek11660.[Survey] Help Me Cull Some CharactersJason_Morningstar11661.My favorite game ever... (that many hate)jenskot11662.Simple Question[Apocolypse World]Logos711663.[Apocalypse World] Preparing to PlayPaul_T11664.[Solipsist] Italian VersionHituro11665.[Canon Puncture] I started a Web Comic!orklord11666.RPGirl Zine 2010Emily_Care11667.What is this?ChristopherWeeks11668.[Apocalypse World] Where did things go wrong?Caesar_X11669.Lend me some strength.Ogremarco11671.I Am The Enemy of Fun and AwesomeJesse11672.Why there is no Muslim fantasydroog11673.[ENnies] On accepting PDF versions of printed productstonylaw7411674.Guys can we speak in English rather than StuckupStorygameforumseseLogos711675.Reiner Knizia + Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and SpaceDanielSolis11676.Geekfest March 6th-7thJumanji8311677.Psychology o making choicesTylerT11678.Desert Island D&DSimon_Rogers11679.Playing characters inspired by real people you knowRobert_Bohl11680.Guys, can we speak in Ork rather than English?Mcdaldno11681.[Dogs with new players] love talking, don\u2019t like fightingjenskot11682.[NYC, NY] Second Annual Dave Arneson Memorial Gameday, 3/27/10Tavis11684.Tales/Tails From Fish-EndSam!11685.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 10WillH11686.MARCH 20TH - DRACONIS GAME DAYJumanji8311687.[WFRP 2nd Ed] Zero Prep Trad GameSebastian11688.The Goal & Product of Game DesignHans_c-o11689.An epic ending for a campaign, as described by one onf my playersImperator11690.[Contest] Write 7 lines in 10 daysSebastian11691.[Recruitment, Play Online] Revisionist Historynoisms11692.Deck of Cards Program?MacLeod11694.[Trail of Cthulhu] Best PracticesPaulB11695.'Film Director' as a mechanicQueex11696.How are "indie", "mainstream" and "trad" games similar?nikodemus11697.Interesting, if old, post by M. John HarrisonTeataine11698.[Diplomacy] SG Game 3DWeird11699.Tangible Puzzles and Tactile TasksJason_Morningstar11700.I *really* like the term "Best Practices Guide"Andy11701.Need some story elements for Planescape Lady Blackbird hackBrian_Minter11702.[Fiasco] BoomtownPaul_T11703.[Blowback, Contest] Give spies a tour of your hometown!Elizabeth11704.What system for aDark Tower (Steven King) game?thadrine11705.Last Train Out of WarsawFrederik J. Jensen11706.Montsegur 1244 & 1001 Night, Italian editionsMoreno R.11707.The John Wick Mantra (on "Game Balance")Andy11708.Dominoesvulpinoid11709.[Canon Puncture] Episode 88 - PTA Pitch and Missorklord11710.[Sorcerer, Schism] prepare a gameNocker11711.[Preplay] Character concept vs. Character creationjenskot11712.[Fiasco] The Big Lebowski and D&D AlignmentDanielSolis11713.Why is violence so easy?Nathan_H11714.On Identity, Karma, and Being IgnoredDavid Artman11715.RetCon (a new Long Island gaming con)Wordman11716.Bite-Sized AP: March 2010GB_Steve11717.Art and Layout IIEE questionsoviet11718.[Chronica Feudalis] Playing Pendragon with CF, age issuesdeadlytoque11719.[4E] Best practices for paragon tier DMing?johnzo11720.What does your mother think of your games?Graham11721.[Cyberpunk Stereotypes] Culture and Training (AKA Nature and Nurture)vulpinoid11722.[Danger Patrol] First session!shimrod11723.I want to rock.Sam!11724.Please run this unwritten Charles Stross novel as a campaignsnej11725.[SOTC] Spirit of the Century is coming to Italy!renatoram11726.When Five Adventurers Meet at an Inntony_dowler11727.Casual Narrative Video GamesDavid Artman11728.How would you kill Religions?Tristan11729.Idea for a con: The Box is a LieMatthijs11732.We're Looking for a Few Good GenelinesLuke_Wheel11733.The part of Cyberpunk 2020 that I rememberJudd11734.Stereotype vs. archetypeRobert_Bohl11735.PAX East and Shock:Human ContactJoshua A.C. Newman11736.They're more like... guidelines.Potemkin11737.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 11 Montsegur 1244WillH11738.Badass with a ten-foot sword.Sam!11739.Fiery the angels fell....Sam!11740.The Coupon BookJason_Morningstar11741.Best Practices for Hacking GanakagokNickWedig11742.NC Gameday XXII - April 23-25 - Raleigh, NCMark_Causey11743.Half-Chicken Monsters? (or: Logo Ideas)Mcdaldno11744.Apocalypse World 2nd Session: Less Suck, More BodiesCaesar_X11745.Roleplaying dates calendarWordman11746.What is your spirituality and how does that affect your gaming?Hans_c-o11747.[Need] Help with working out possible outcomesAnders Nygaard11748.Metro 2033Sam!11749.[Happy Birthday, Robot!] Played by 5-year-oldsDanielSolis11750.Video games that inspire... what?Sam!11751.Ritual Space in GamingWolfe11752.[Masters of Chess] Create custom chess pieces.Mcdaldno11753.Human Contact: Alone at PAX EastJoshua A.C. Newman11754.Best Fiction in RPGsSimon_Rogers11755.Why do a lot of games use ability scores?migo11756.20 sided d10s and 12 sided d4s and the likemigo11757.[Paranoia XP] Getting Back into RPGingNick_Dalton11758.How do you test your crunchy bits?Ron Hammack11759.[Fiasco] The Insta-SetupJason_Morningstar11760.Let's make a monsterWordman11761.Game Design Buddy System for Progress!Fang Langford11762.Theives and ThuamaturgistsZartes11763.[Love in the Time of Sei\xf0] ready for playtest!Matthijs11764.What are your politics and how do they affect your gaming?Sam!11765.[4e] Harry Pottermigo11766.[Parsely] Jungle Adventure debuts at PAX-EastJared A. Sorensen11767.[Apocolypse World] So Running the One Shot [Blindblue] this weekend? Any last minute suggestions.Logos711768.[Canon Puncture] Technical DifficultiesHans_c-o11769.[Montsegur 1244] Has anybody LARPed this?deadlytoque11770.[Winner Announced!] Write 7 Lines in 10 DaysSebastian11771.[Hell for Leather] Leprecon Playtest: We found the WMDszakpzazz11772.I Hit It With My Axe (on the Escapist)Cedric P11773.[Brainstorming] What are some climactic conflict archetypes and exemplars?Burr11774.[Lady Blackbird] Darkening Skies, an Unofficial SequelSanglorian11775.The Post-Modern Post-ApocalypsePotemkin11776.Mouse Guard - any newcommers to the hobby?migo11777.Social Combat in SAGA System (DL5A)migo11778.What do you bring to the table?Seth Drebitko11779.Help me choose the perfect digital formatDarcy Burgess11780.Need a Skill Name: Runnin', Jumpin', ExploitsMcdaldno11781.[Gut-Punching Fairy Tales] Need a name, stat!Joli11782.Why the 30s is the only valid decade to set a game inGeorge_Cotronis11783.Stylistic question on bolds and italicsgamera_spinning11784.[Dragon Age] Has anyone played/read it?migo11785.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 12WillH11786.Gaming Each Decadendp11787.[Apocolypse World] Playtest ReportLogos711788.[Lady Blackbird Hack] Alien SurvivorWill_Hindmarch11790.[Microdungeons Game] Enter the Dungeon!Johnstone11791.[Happy Birthday, Robot!] Thank you.DanielSolis11792.[Games for Goblins] The Book Revealed.vulpinoid11793.[Twitter] CYOAJames Jeffers11794.[OpenRPG and MapTool] Anyone ever tried these?lordgoon11795.Building civilizationsWordman11796.[Cool Decades To Play In] How Much Information Do You Want?Jason_Morningstar11797.What is the US equivalent of the Daleks?Graham11798.Using Tarot to turn a railroad into a character study.deadlytoque11799.need two Attribute names (dodging, lock-picking)David_Berg11800.You Suck GM! / You Rule GM!Omar_Ramirez11801.[Dragonlance 5th Age] First Playmigo11802.[Nine Worlds] PDF is now available for freeMatt Snyder11803.The genre no roleplaying game can emulate?Sam!11804.Classic ghost storiesGraham11805.Selling Games to Non Gamers is like...A Musuem?DanielleLewon11806.[Sometimes they Win] Early Alpha Copy Up for ReviewJBMannon11807.[D&D] iPhone AdventuresJBMannon11808.Mouse Guard for Watership Down rabbits?kevperrine11809.Mouse Guard rule stumpers?kevperrine11810.Gamestorm Exile!nemomeme11811.SG-ers at Knutpunkt?Matthijs11812.#3factplanetsDanielSolis11813.Race For the GalaxyQueex11814.My video game storiesJackwriter11815.[Practice] Don't Rest Your Head - Moving The Situation ForwardJesse11816.Prezi is a fairly keen toolLevi Kornelsen11817.A bunch of free old games and stuff in NYCTodd_L11819.Diaspora PDF is outBrad_J_Murray11820.Danger Patrol: some questionsRoy11822.[How We Came To Live Here] Just arrived! :)elenius11823.Ground Up Rewrite of Silent SoundJesse11824.[Derelict Delvers] Old School Plus (Semi-Traditional)Silverlion11825.Can I start a trade old things for new things thread ?nick3.011826.The Watchers In The SkyGraham11827.The Character Concept You Wish You Thought OfEpidiah_Ravachol11828.The Beauty and the BagPaul_T11829.Pre-system character sheet?Burr11830.Dogs in the Vineyard Initiation QuestionPaul_T11831."Story-first" gaming.Potemkin11832.Montsegur 1244 at Gamestorm 12johnzo11833.[Fiasco] Promise HillMatthijs11834.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 13WillH11835.First Time with Solar Systemnoahtrammell11836.[Danger Patrol] Mystic suggestions?dyjoots11837.[Bogeyman] Who's Coming to Get You?Destriarch11838.Why Weren't You at PAX Again?Luke_Wheel11839.[Gamestorm] Sea Dracula Finale 2010 VideosChristian_Griffen11840.Gamestorm 2010 was a damn fine time.Ogremarco11841.Managing your inventory of gaming stuff (miniatures especially)viktor_haag11842.[Danger Patrol beta] "In the Halls of the Dwarf King"stupidgremlin11843.Any Interest in a Seattle Story Games Meet up Saturday April 10?GeekGirlsRule11844.Spring 2010 trading old stuff for new stuff threadnick3.011845.[Danger Patrol] AXE COP at Gamestorm 12Brendan11846.Gamers Outside of the U.S.: what's your culture like?Hans_c-o11847.there is no foundational difference between board games, card games, and rpgsTylerT11848.Concrete Cow 10\xbd: 11 September 2010, Milton Keynes, UKNeil11849.Right to dream: lets do somedroog11850.Dungeon AlphabetGraham11851.[FATE] Is there room for yet another FATE fantasy game?Destriarch11852.RPG-in-a-Month!Queex11853.New Contest: Design an RPG in 365 Days!Luke_Wheel11854.New Geek Girls Rule Podcast - Interview with Emily Care BossGeekGirlsRule11855.Game systems as sex positionsMike Montesa11856.Magic Item Creation as Story-frameworkdeadlytoque11857.Actual People, Actual Play Bonus Episode 1WillH11858.Building Communities of Play.Levi Kornelsen11859.Memento Mori announces its latest game license!Jared A. Sorensen11860.[Stuff to Watch] April 2010Calithena11861.Fight On! magazine takes an interesting new directionwalkerp11862.[DnD] Know Thyself, WotCDan Eison11863.RPG Haven Podcast episode 8: an interview with Neil Gow, designer of Beat to Quarterswalkerp11864.Want to be an Art Director? This is your chance.George_Cotronis11865.FreeMarket's cover unveiled, for real's yoJared A. Sorensen11866.Danger Patrol: Our first session- Captured en route to Science City 13!Roy11867.[The Flowers of Evil (formerly The Libertines)] Playtesters wanted!Brennen Reece11868.[Cogs, Cakes and Swordsticks] Conpulsion Scenario ReportLynne H11869.Bite-Sized AP: April 2010sage11870.Starting a Game Store in a Small TownMcdaldno11871.Any S-Gers in New Orleans?Caesar_X11872.[Apocalypse World] One-shot adviceHans_c-o11873.New Contest: Design an RPG in 365 Seconds!whiteknife11874.[Danger Patrol beta] Danger Troop!stupidgremlin11875.Player Character Authoring: Wind Up And Play?Big_J_Money11876.RandomCon Gaming Convention in ArizonaRayston11877.Luke, tell me more about your contest so I can learn stuffMatt Wilson11878.Portland, Oregonians!Joshua A.C. Newman11879.Location-based GamesNathan_H11880.[Fiasco] Playsets you'd like to seeMatthijs11882.Pandemic - why is it so fun to lose?wundergeek11883.iPad for Gamingsage11884.[Hell for Leather] New playsheet designSebastian11885.[Super Supremacy King 64]: A game in 365 minutes.Potemkin11886.4th Graders play Happy Birthday, Robot!DanielSolis11887.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 14 Zombie CinemaWillH11888.Shock:apediaJoshua A.C. Newman11889.[Fiasco] - Fast Food FiascoNathan_H11890.[Endgame Oakland Minicon] How did it go?Jason_Morningstar11891.[Breaking the Ice] Latisha and IanBret_Gillan11892.Q & A/Problem Troubleshooting with Nine WorldsAndy11893.LARPing your way to luxury and wealthPaul_T11894.Considering selling my gamesMatthijs11895.[Danger Patrol] War Gods of Atlantisnemomeme11896.Swedish Story Gamers, help a brotha out!Pooka11897.Paranoia - I actually hate the rulesQueex11898.(what the hell, right?) Joe Pub Crawl dungeon design competiton!jackson_tegu11899.Playing Trad Games Like a Story GamerSanglorian11900.[Danger Patrol] With my 4E groupBrendan11901.[Fastaval] How Did It Go?Jason_Morningstar11902.Looking for Story Gamers in London, EnglandGraham11903.I need some fun .rss feedsRy11904.[Apocalyps World] Bunker Bay BeginningsKaare Berg11906.[Hell for Leather] (IN STEREO) Satire Strikes Back!Sebastian11907.Variant of Blood Red Sands to support traditional role playwburdick11908.The traditions of "trad" gamingPaulB11909.[Hell for Leather] Vietnam -> I'm glad I didn't play this oneSebastian11910.The frantic confusion of combat!deadlytoque11911.(Apocalypse World) 1st Session BluesSteerpike11912.Meeting San Francisco S-Gers, first week in MayNeil11913.People who know sh*t about websites?wundergeek11914.Would Fiasco and Google Wave Mix Well?orklord11915.How to Host a Murder?kevperrine11916.Character based odds vs opposition based oddsmigo11917.The Book of the Courtierlordgoon11918.[ENnies] Only One More Month to Submit Products!reveal11919.Hollow Accomplishmentmarknau11920.[Fiasco] We failed.Per_Fischer11921.[Gun Thief] Playtest over skype tonight, 8pm PST?Mcdaldno11922.Saturday - April 10th (this saturday) Seattle SG Meet upGeekGirlsRule11923.[Go Play NW 2010] Horrible Roach VariantBrendan11924.The new Archlord Episode 4 for Webzen Gamescarri311925.Report from the Indie gaming lounge at GothCon XXXIVWilhelm11926.[Imagonem] Zine and blog looking for materialAnders Nygaard11927.Podcast Recommendations - I want somemjbauer11928.FreeMarket launchesJared A. Sorensen11929.Spectre of the Beast final playtests!Joli11930.Danger Patrol: Martian CollisionsJudd11931.[Blood Red Sands] low vs high numbers in clasheswburdick11932.Traditional gaming at its finest -- with wrestlers instead of p*rn starsPaul_T11933.[How We Came to Live Here] River Canyon VillageBrennan_Taylor11934.[Fiasco] Christ, can't you people even f*ck Up correctly?!! ;-)Todd_L11935.[Up Go the Heads] Crofton FCSam!11936.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 15 Grey Ranks The Uprising BeginsWillH11937.Wax Museum LaundromatNathan_H11938.Playing Geiger Counter with CartoonistsMatt Sheridan11939.How Forge-derived-y is Savage Worlds?Robert_Bohl11940.Spectrums & descriptions of "Indie-ness"Mcdaldno11941.Shifting Forest Storyworks Parlor Larps released to worldAlbert A11942.[Go Play NW 2010] Game Sign-up PlanBen_Robbins11944.[A Flower for Mara] Why does Mara go first?Brenton11946.Here's where the lines are for me (indie/trad)walkerp11947.what's your favorite part of GM prep?David_Berg11948.What "traditional gaming" will always mean to memarknau11949.Setting Fidelity vs Progressing Toward Meaning(hey Eero!)marknau11950.character death and player investmentDavid_Berg11951.The traditions of "trad" boardgames...jenskot11952.Develop a GM's Notation System?Anders Nygaard11953.[Blood Red Sands] Elemental magic and power typeswburdick11954.Player Advocacy, what does it mean?elenius11955.I'm the murderer!! Zero Prep Murder Mystery LARP ideaNickWedig11956.The Game Design Studio, critique #3Joshua A.C. Newman11957.[Fiasco] a VoIP Fiascoorklord11958.Bimbo Points, a feminist mechanic? [FemForce]Todd_L11959.Mos Def teaches us how to actRobert_Bohl11960.Running Shadowrun for \u201creal life Shadowrunners\u201d is hard!jenskot11961.[Gun Thief] Any interest in play-by-post?Mcdaldno11962.A Curious Episodic DisasterJason_Morningstar11963.A terrible playtest report of Danger Patroljessecoombs11964.[Adventure Time] Let's talk about childhood fantasies!Potemkin11965.[Polaris zombie hack] Polaris meets I Am LegendRaquel11966.Make this game, or tell me how you wouldJBMannon11967.Hypothesis: Players and designers tend to want whatever the game they're playing doesn't supportmigo11968.Looking for art like this:Colin_Fredericks11969.[Dogs] Splittin' the Dogs Ain't So Easy, SometimesPaul_T11970.Dogs game on Google Wave: player wantedNeil11971.Combining story telling with role playingwburdick11972.[Hell for Leather Preview] Dice, marbles and hyperviolence.Sebastian11973.What do I say about *myself* if I buy, and play, your game?Levi Kornelsen11974.[Apocalypse World] Help With The f*ckeryNoahTheDuke11975.Forming a gaming group/club?Dionysus11976.[Nerdly Beach Party] How Did It Go?Jason_Morningstar11977.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 16WillH11978.[Down in the Hole] You're PoelicePer_Fischer11979.What could you use to define an RPG character besides occupation?anansigirl11980.What is the anatomy of a wildly successful Lacuna campaign?Andy11981.[Fiasco] How To Find A Frozen Alien Body In AntarcticaJesse11982.What gaming milestones are you proud of?Ry11983.[Time and Temp] Villains and ParadoxJuddG11984.When being wrong was more fun.MJGraham11985.I'm running [Society of Dreamers] at Knutpunkt...Matthijs11986.[Apocalypse World] Depot -- Playtest Reportdhorstman11987.Deliberately separating the Player and GM even more than everBig_J_Money11988.[Blood Red Sands] Resisting pain with a trait (skill checks)wburdick11989.[Before Questing] Leaving the Village of MomberMcdaldno11990.Which retroclone to use?deadlytoque11991.What do your game habits say about you?Mcdaldno11992.To jump into PDF sales or not?wundergeek11993.Southern GothicGraham11994.Faking intentional continuity from incidental informationwburdick11995.Need some good Prep-Less Fun!!! advice?Albi_SG11996.Need a low-prep, 2 player friendly RPG, stat!Ron Hammack11997.Amusing Summation of AD&Dskinnyghost11998.Backpack gamesJumanji8311999.[Solar System/World of Near] Using Key Elementsd.anderson12000.Do you deceive your players? I do. And they love it.wburdick12001.What would you like in a preorder?Graham12002.[Danger Patrol] Saving up Danger pointstravis12003.Online Dungeon Mapping Tools? this you heathens - little warsTylerT12005.Let's play some CalvinballTristan12006.Charnel Gods: where?Hans_c-o12008.Lightly Structured Magic SystemMacLeod12009.The GM's ChoiceBenhimself12010.Narrating the finales to a competitive RPGBig_J_Money12011.OD&D prop help but not really propsakooser12012.What's "Player Skill"?Ron Hammack12013.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 17WillH12014.[Call of Cthulhu] The Central Economyccreitz12015.Learn to Play the Mountain Witch in 30 Minutestj33312016.I suck at role-playing... can you help?GamerChris12017.Big, Detailed Settings in Playjason12018.What do dead players do in old school games?Krippler12019.Economics In Shared GMing Gameswburdick12020.Tabula Rasa characters...Dionysus12021.Anyone with conflict resolution experience answer some questions?Big_J_Money12022.Portland Visit - Nerdy Places?skinnyghost12023.[Go Play NW 2010] Forums & Game Scheduling are go!Ben_Robbins12024.Should I write games set in the American South? Should you write games set in London?Graham12025.NY Times Op-Ed on probabilityTodd_L12026.[WotC] D&D for kidsTeataine12027.An RPG-Intro for younger kidsQHudspeth12028.Gaming blogsEmily_Care12029.Have "Bite Size AP" threads killed more complete AP reports around here?Andy12030.D&D For KidsNathan_H12031.Cool powers as Story catalystsnemomeme12032.Clocks or clouds?Matthijs12033.[Fiasco] Firan styleAdam_Dray12034.Ice Station Nerdly (DC Area Mini-Con) Google Groupjhosmer112035.[Ghost/Echo] For Money, For Glory, For ChalkMcdaldno12036.[Society of Dreamers] Actual play at KnutepunktMatthijs12037.What do you want in a new font for game designers?vulpinoid12038.[Triangle] Regional Event of Some Kind for May 21-23David Artman12039.Mashing up 4E and TSOY/AWMichael Pfaff12040.[Danger Patrol] Enter...the Danger League!Josh_Unruh12041.Are old-school systems good for me?Ry12042.Traditional Screen Printing on demandSeth Drebitko12043.Very Brief Design Contest - With Prizes!Destriarch12044.An interplay model of roleplayingArvid12045.Roludo! A bilingual (french/english) gaming discussion site in Montrealwalkerp12046.[Stuff to Watch] May 2010Double King12047.[D&D For Kids] The Wildlings Intro GameJohn_Harper12048.[Danger Patrol] Schr\xf6dahedron Of Doom!nemomeme12049.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 18 MaidWillH12050.[Hell for Leather] Statham, Jones & Diesel? (with UCD Games)Sebastian12051.[Danger Patrol] Alternate Threat Movesnemomeme12052.Mystery game for large numbers of 6-12 year oldsTimothy12053.Example of Play Layout: Feedback, please?DanielSolis12054.Bite-Sized AP: May 2010nemomeme12056.Preorder A Taste For Murder and get free chutneyGraham12057.My problem with "investigative" gamesPaulB12058.Game Theory 101 - John Harper's "GO PLAY" rules for inspiration on supers gamingkevperrine12060.[ENnies] Important Dates Announced!reveal12061.What was your favorite game released in 2009?Jason_Morningstar12062.[Solar System] Spanish translationTristan12063.Conflict Resolution vs. Negotiated ContestsJohn Kirk12064.[Otherkind Paranoia] - A Trombone Through the LetterboxQueex12065.[Apocalypse World] Provocative Questions?Michael Pfaff12066.Character EmpathyClint Krause12067.A Booth at Spiel Essen 2010Eero_Tuovinen12068.Micro Magazines and the Future of MediaCaesar_X12069.[GPNW 2010] The t-shirt is here! - order your own onlineping12070.Starter RPGsjprussell12071.[Danger Patrol] Monkey Brainsmarknau12072.[Planescape] "I'm Gonna Talk About Every Planescape Monster."Brendan12073.Awesome sh*t Your Characters Can DoBenhimself12074.PBP with a TwistAumpa12075.What's your favorite game from 2000?Matthijs12076.[Hell for Leather] Lenin & Socrates, Chrono VigilantesSebastian12077.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 19 DiasporaWillH12078.[In A Wicked Age] DIY boxed setRy12079.Seattle Needs Beer! (Sunday, May 23)Ben_Robbins12080.Gun Thief: for saleMcdaldno12081.campaign players: new game or new add-ons?David_Berg12082.Collaborative story telling with FATE, D&D, and stuffwburdick12083.Foldable character sheetsNickWedig12084.Fantasy Artist Frank Frazetta, Dead at 82.vulpinoid12085.Cubism Theoryryoken12086.ConCarolinas (a runner up for Nerdly?)Harlequin12087.On Fastlane's Favors and FutureLxndr12088.Inspirational Art From My ChildhoodJesse12089.Volunteer voice actors for a free Bliss Stage computer game demo?Elliott Belser12090.(Inquiry) In depth GNS based analysis0bs0133712091.Does anyone have a one-shot we could play tonight?Graham12092.[Sorcerer's Symposium] When Egos CollideQueex12093.Yesterday's Tomorrow (John Wick's)Valvorik12094.[AGON] Advice for One-ShotsWill_Hindmarch12095.Knife FightHans_c-o12096.(GNS) Primetime adventures0bs0133712097.Play before play!DWeird12098.[InterNosCon] How Was InterNosCon?Jason_Morningstar12099.[Paranoia XP] Mister BubblesNick_Dalton12100.[Actual Replay] Episode 1: Structured Freeform in the Indie RPG Design CommunityBill_White12101.An Entirely New Gaming GroupMark_Causey12103.[Apocalypse World] Deadwood, Wild West and Apocalypse WorldMichael Pfaff12104.[Doctor Who] The neutron flowGraham12105.[HfL] A game of Polish betrayal in WWIISebastian12106.Anyone in Cape Town, South AfricaGaerik12107.[Nerdly] Mini-Nerdly Triangle NC Tent Bash (Fri May 21)Jason_Morningstar12108.Interesting Bits from American Science and SurplusJason_Morningstar12109.MOVIESjessecoombs12110.GNS theory: does simulationism exist?Eero_Tuovinen12111.[New Hope] Playable Alpha Version!marknau12112.Movies: Children of MenRoger12113.GNS Theory - What kind of stories are we telling?Beth_in_Virginia12114.[GNS] Please Stop.Brendan12115.Cool App For Instant Moviemakinglordgoon12116.[Geiger Counter] Archangelnemomeme12117.What would a story game of Law & Order look like?Denys12118.If I traveled from Seattle to Portland right after GPNWCaesar_X12119.[Fresh Air] Which gamer/designer do you want Terry Gross to interview?Hans_c-o12120.Starting Online Playtestjprussell12121.[Killer7] - Master. We're in a tight spot!Nathan_H12122.Genre Expectations, Movies and Games (Spolier Alert Central!)marknau12123.[Playtesting] BWHQ Playtest ReportsLuke_Wheel12124.(Gun Thief) Diesel comes to a bad endbuddha12125.WHYpells12126.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 20 Diaspora A Space OdysseyWillH12127.Echo Bazaarsnej12128.Forum-based freeform roleplaying?Ron Hammack12129.[DRYH] Online session propositionSelah12130.[ Hell For Leather ] Tokyo Network MassacreHasimir12131.[ Hell For Leather ] Zombie ApocalypseHasimir12132.RPG recommendations for a small furry non-gamerGraham12133.Playing RPGs with people who don't play RPGsBrian_Minter12134.Non-gamers and narrative authorityPaul_T12135.Day of Fudge - June 5th, 2010jlcsusara12136.Lost Roads of LociamRasmus12137.[Dream Game] Star Wars AdventuresJ_Walton12138.[Trail of Cthulhu] Castle BravoBill_White12139.Ninja Burger + InSpecters = Awesome?jprussell12140.[Ganakagok] How can I recover as a GM once the players win all the early conflicts?NickWedig12141.Wanted for trade/buy Dead of Nightdragonkev12142.Movies that Inspired Gamesskinnyghost12143.[InSpectres] Losing franchise dice: how?Neil12144.[Apocalypse World] FrontsDionysus12145.[WFRP3rd] Anyone summarize the rules in a page or so?Ry12146.Player Character AntagonistsNathan_H12147.[See Page XX] Luke Crane Interviews PeopleHans_c-o12148.[DEXCON 13] Indie Games ExplosionMichael S. Miller12149.The Valedictorian's DeathColinC12150.[Disposable Heroes]marknau12151.[Dead Weight] Survival. Horror. Parkour.DanielSolis12152.[Rivers and Lakes] The Quay and the KeyQueex12154.MechaphorDanielSolis12155.[D&D4E] Replacing Rests with Keys/Aspectsfrozenwastes12156.Ribbon Drive on the Roaddeadlytoque12157.[Camp Nerdly] What did you do instead?EarthenForge12158.Hard Science World Buildingtony_dowler12159.[Radiant] Where can I get the .pdf?Beth_in_Virginia12160.Dirty Secrets in CanadaJumanji8312161.Book XX Required For PlayBeth_in_Virginia12162.LITERATUREPotemkin12163.[S/lay w/Me] The corpse-strewn battlefield and the last place of worship of the first godHans_c-o12164.Looking for players in Gothenburg, SwedenArvid12165.Breaking creativity blocks (Also review of Fantasy Genesis)Erik_Battle12166.[Mystery of Life] Law & Order for the Recently DeceasedJames_Mullen12167.[Dresden Files] Dark Nova, a Scenario set in Washington, DCjhosmer112168.Survey: What's your go-to game?Matt Snyder12169.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 21 DiasporaWillH12170.[Society of Dreamers] Bonus games in booksMatthijs12171.Burningcast - a show about Players and Luke Crane's Burning gamesJBMannon12172.AVATARNathan_H12173.For Fun: Game Design Team Up?Matt Snyder12174.[GPNW 2010] GoCake Northwestshannon12175.[McDaldno] Have You Seen This Dog?philaros12176.[Gen Con] Design Matters 2010 (Check out the Booth Menu!)ndp12177.Mortal Coil - Old GodsJDCorley12178.Arrested Development and Apocalypse Worldnoahtrammell12179.So, Burning Ramshead?jessecoombs12180.[Hell for Leather] Run & Rest - 70s NarcsSebastian12181.How I draw dungeonsSimon_C12182.JiffyCon Boston June 26Emily_Care12183.Our Summer-Fall LineupJason_Morningstar12184.Caillois/Edwards Creative Agenda Mash-UpBill_White12185.[Society of Dreamers] out now!Matthijs12186.Experiences with multiformMatthijs12187.Neat card tricks in game designDanielSolis12188.Building "lasers"Wordman12189.Any Story Gamers in the Muskogee/Tahlequah area?Marshall Burns12190."Shot you!" "Did not!" "Did too!"Paul_T12191.Thou Art But A Warrior pdf?Guy Srinivasan12192.Crisis Ready for Playtestoutsider12193.[Hell for Leather] FreeSebastian12194.Experiencing vs RememberingRustin12195.What do You Mean by "Gimmicky?"noahtrammell12196.Don't remember? Neither does your character!jenskot12197.Economic theories of gaming?Wordman12198.{Problem Player] Advice from the more experiencedHarlequin12199.Dice Fight!mjbauer12200.Morningstar and Newman Cage Match: Locked in Lucca!!!Joshua A.C. Newman12202.The Surrealist Technique Challenge!Matthijs12203.[Annalise] [Contest] Winner Announced + Art Previewndp12204.[Final Hour of a Storied Age] Seeking Skype PlaytestersDanMaruschak12205.Computer game for me and my sister to play?Arvid12206.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 22: DiasporaWillH12207.Comic teaches LARP dos and don'ts!jenskot12208.Oh, hey, a new forum...(for Alps-Adriatic players)Teataine12209.[Remember Tomorrow] SomewherePer_Fischer12210.San Fransisco Bay Area Story Gamers Unite!framweard12211.[Danger Patrol] Four-colors Supers?Irishvince12212.SomnambulanceQueex12213.Stuff to Watch: June 2010Andy12214.How Do You Become an Awesome GM?noahtrammell12215.John Wick's Blood and HonorAndy12216.[D&D 4E] Fun with Elminster's Ecologiesjason12217.Bite-Sized AP: June 2010sage12218.[Gamer Fitness] Pushups for Daniel SolisBrendan12219.[Apocalypse World] Thoughts from the Maelstromnemomeme12220.Any ideas for a good game to use as a wedding favor?DanielSolis12221.[Kublacon] How was Kublacon?Carl12222.1 year, 3 year, 5 year goalsHans_c-o12223.Scrum and role-playing gamesMatthijs12224.[How to Host a Dungeon] How to Expand the Dungeonmarkpank12225.[Happy Birthday, Robot!] Firan-styleAdam_Dray12226.Actual People, Actual Play Bonus Episode 2: Diaspora MiscellanyWillH12227.Life After People - broke my post-apocalyptic settingkevperrine12228.[Mortal Coil] Happy and bubblyGraham12229.[Apocalypse World] The Chapters We Are WritingOrlando_Wilson12230.Matt Snyder?mjbauer12231.[Keystone Crimewave] Help Me Expand My Inspirational Sources List14thWarrior12232.[How to Host a Dungeon] Collective Gametony_dowler12233.The Pleasures of Imaginationdocholaday12234.[ENnies] Awards and Fans and Publishers! Oh, my!reveal12235.Best approach for a Maid one-shotwalkerp12236.The probabilities of rolling multiple d20'sjessecoombs12237.[Fiasco] Playing online for those who don't like Google Wavewundergeek12238.[Gun Thief] The Ballad of Sledgedeadlytoque12239.[Love in the Time of Sei\xf0] Now in PrintJason_Morningstar12240.[PDQ/Jaws of 6 Serpents] Need HelpStorn12241.Shock: Back in The WorldJoshua A.C. Newman12242.The Burning Wheel Adventure BurnerLuke_Wheel12243.Do you care whether it's playtested?Matthijs12244.A Design Challenge: The Uniform Room.Levi Kornelsen12245.The Dreaming Crucible: gut-wrenching fairy talesJoli12254.Games which have successfully used Tarot for resolution?PeterBB12255.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 23 The Drifter's EscapeWillH12256.ENWorld Chicgao Gameday 26 is June 12th; sign up to playbuzz12257.The Furious Five: Positivity in RoleplayingJ_Walton12258.[Cold City] The FacilitySimon_C12259.[FUBAR] In which I try to fill some of the gaps in John Harper's Ghost/Echovulpinoid12260.[Mix & Match] Contest Over! Vote for the Winner!Destriarch12261.Constraints - What are they in your game?GB_Steve12262.Hackbird: Otherkinding Lady BlackbirdPaul_T12263.S-G Wiki Currently DownAndy12264.The Handmaiden's TaleDeliverator12265.Two player update?deadlytoque12266.Sebastian, how do we make YouTube demos?Graham12267.[Lady Blackbird hack] Tea Partywundergeek12268.Help Me Learn Go!Thunder_God12269.[Apocalypse World] AP - I think i'm doing it wrong...Dionysus12270.[Fourpenny Touch] How much do you need to know about the background?GB_Steve12271.Into DreamsRaphael Sadowski12272.Lady Blackbird APdacj50112273.CNN: Dungeons & Dragons tries to lure back playersjenskot12274.Classic Story Engine Plus Editionbrettmb12275.Underdeterminancy [Warning: Theory]J_Walton12276.Calls for PlaytestersSimon_Rogers12277.[Geiger Counter] Hey Jonathan...Brendan12278.Does what you say affect your chances of success & failure?jenskot12279.Magazine editor needs tools! And experiences!Matthijs12280.I Need Advice on What to Play (possibly includes art + music)Johnstone12281.Apocalypse World ForumMichael Pfaff12282.[Dead of Night] is out!Andrew Kenrick12283.[TSOY] Modeling Vehiclesnoahtrammell12284."oh crap, I need art for this game before GenCon."edheil12285.Help me get my head around Blood & HonorDoug Bonar12286.[FreeMarket] The Boxed SetJared A. Sorensen12287.[Apocalypse World] The Prep, The Pitch & The ProcedureMcdaldno12288.The Opposite of Awesome - how GMing can go wrongGB_Steve12289.[Happy Birthday, Robot!] Proofs!DanielSolis12290.[Freemarket] The Dystopia of FreemarketRoger12291.Shoulda Been CalledNathan_H12292.Cold City - # of players?Deliverator12294.Stuff you do in a dungeonBrian_Minter12295.How do I host my torrent?Sebastian12296.[Canon Puncture Show] Almost 100orklord12297.[Recursive Tales of the Infinite Multiverse] French ExpressionismMatthijs12298.How to be a good Guest of Honor?Matthijs12299.[Gun Thief] Now In Print! (and in pictures!)Mcdaldno12300.[Hell for Leather] Typo hunt!Sebastian12301.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 24: The Dresden Files RPGWillH12302.Plot Structures as Creative ImpetusMillsy12303.[GHOST/ECHO] Gameplay datapointcentauri12304.I'm in Seattle this week!DanielSolis12306.Burningcast Episode 0JBMannon12307.[Hell 4 Leather] Roars into print!JJ Prince12308.the fiction: individual player visions -> shared group vision?David_Berg12309.Weird Invisible, Tiny Link on Discussions PageDavid Artman12310.Where are they now? - Goldleaf GamesThunder_God12311.A Taste For Murder: PDFs and UpgradesGraham12312.[Love in the Time of Sei\xf0] Witch-Queen of the BarrowsBrendan12313.[Love in the Time of Sei\xf0] Ragnar's Ruinnemomeme12314.[Go Play: co*ckatoo Island] Name Subject to change...vulpinoid12315.Say Yes/Roll Dice/Roll Dice/Say YesPaul_T12316.Is "roll dice or say yes" GM-specific advice?Mcdaldno12317.[MADcorp] open for alpha testingMarshall Burns12318.Origins - What story games will be there?MatrixGamer12319.Portland/Seattle bonus gaming before/after GPNW?Carl12320.Vulpinoid and other Aussies: Any ex-Raven's Nest contacts?komradebob12321.I'm going commando to GPNW!!Caesar_X12322.[PTA] Dawn LightJason_Morningstar12323.[GPNW] Out of towners flying inRyan_Macklin12324.[fb Group] Story Gamers in ScotlandTanya Fyans12325.What do you want to know about minorities in roleplaying games?Graham12326.Indie Games of 2009/2010jhkim12327.[Go Play NW] Pickup Game Roundup!Joli12328.[Final Hour of a Storied Age] Kindred Blood and Kindled FlamesDanMaruschak12329.[ENnies] So you want to be an ENnies judge...reveal12330.DOJ and Indie Press RevolutionDarren Watts12331.[Journeys to Another World] Structured Freeform in the Indie RPG Design CommunityBill_White12333.[Doodlerama] A complete storytelling game for children and adultsJames_Mullen12334.Playtesting VirginMJGraham12335.[GPNW] ONE MORE SLEEPSOrlando_Wilson12336.[IGE/Games on Demand] Improving VisibilitySteve_Segedy12337.You go to a traveling carnival. What do you see?ndp12338.[ZILLA!] Tales of Destruction, Mayhem & Love - An Oracle GameMockingbard12339.[MADcorp] A quite mad playtest reportwhiteknife12340.Reality Cops?jessecoombs12341.The Long GameKeith Sears12342.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 25 Dirty Secrets: With p*rn StarsWillH12343.Vox Custom Character Sheetwhiteknife12344.Playtest my game throughout your day! (text-msg rpg)Hans_c-o12345.Cool Monster ArtRon Hammack12346.[The Questing Beast] Maximum Motifs\u2019 BonusDaniele Di Rubbo12347.[GPNW] Tell Me What You DidJason_Morningstar12348.[Hell for Leather] Good co*ke, bad taste (80s fun)Sebastian12349.Announcing Little Game Chef 2010Jason_Morningstar12350.[Steampunk Crescendo] First big playtest!DInDenver12351.Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Coping with RPG Blue BallsEarthenForge12352.[GPNW 2010] Photo Threadnemomeme12353.Suggestions for Dogs in the Vineyard rookieRoy12354.[Actual Play] Italian gamers play Do: Pilgrims of the Flying TempleDanielSolis12355.[Misery Bubblegum] Two games in a rowNocker12356.[Defiance: A Discourse on Civic Tyranny] Promo VideoMJGraham12357.Games as magical ritualsMatthijs12358.Story Games Play Contest ideas?Andy12359.Blowback info?dyjoots12360.Laser Princess Go!DanielSolis12361.Fight On! Issue 9 is out, and a big summer sale!Calithena12362.Diana Jones Award 2010Tim C Koppang12364.A big little thing happens in WoW.Iskander12365.[Mist-Robed Gate] The Jade Pin and the Clockwork DragonflyBrendan12366.Looking for Cold War superhero comicsreaction12367.Iconica: Help me make this Card game a Role-Playing gameNihilistic Mind12372.Dogs in the Vineyard, meet Random Character CreationPaul_T12373.[Dresden] Looking for players for Skype GameDInDenver12374.Seeking: pixel / retrogame artistsDevP12375.[Hearts, Clubs & Murders] Ashcan/throwaway copy on luluTeataine12376.[Micro Publishing] my experiences with Gun ThiefMcdaldno12377.[Origins 2010] Where is Jason MorningstarBrennan_Taylor12378.player titles, dungeon master, game master, player, character, facilitatorTylerT12379.Tell Us About Your Best Dogs' Trait14thWarrior12380.[Home printing tech support] My grayscale is green!Joli12381.[ScoobyThulhu] Which House? Witch House!Ben_Johnson12382.[GPNW] Auntie Maim: First PlaytestKingstonC12383.[Apocalypse World] How to fit into 4 hour slot at conventions?Carl12384.[Thou Art But A Warrior] Learn from our mistakesGuy Srinivasan12385.[Micro Publishing] Games that are $5 or lessndp12386.[Maschine Zeit] Anyone had a look at this thing?Sam!12387.Indie / Story Games PAX Contingentskinnyghost12388.Who's game is it? - And which one will sell most?GB_Steve12389.[Story Games Roadshow] A Brainstorm SessionMcdaldno12390.Hey, Drifter's Escape ownersBen_Lehman12391.beginning-middle-end, the procedural gameTylerT12392.Thinking more about "Primordial Gaming"komradebob12393.[Fluency Play] Explain in 5, learn as you goJoli12394.[Annalise] Final Edition Thread (Proof Pictures Up)ndp12395.Setting over rules in theme heavy boardgamesalgi12396.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 26 Dirty Secrets: A Murder of Titanic ProportionsWillH12397.who is going to DexCon?Deliverator12398.[Talecraft] Familiar to anyone?lordgoon12399.[Origins 2010] How Did it Go?Steve_Segedy12400.[Escape from Tentacle City] PC sheetsDaniele Di Rubbo12401.Online shopping cartsGraham12402.A storytelling game just won the Spiel de Jahres!DanielSolis12403.One Cool Thing I Saw At Origins 2010Jason_Morningstar12404.Money, Publication, and PlaytestingElizabeth12405.Fixing OriginsJason_Morningstar12406.[Fiasco] Better with 3 or 5?Joe_Beason12407.Shock: at DexConJoshua A.C. Newman12408.[Apocalypse World] Naming conventions?framweard12409.One Cool Thing from JiffyCon Boston, June 2010Robert_Bohl12410.[Hearts & Souls 2E] Character Sheet Prototype..Silverlion12411.[FUBAR] Version 3.2 - Stable do you defeat the mastermind?woodelf12413.HAPPY CANADA DAY! any gaming in the long weekend?thor12414.The RPG Haven Podcast episode 11 - Josh Roby and the Smallville RPGwalkerp12415.Bite-Sized AP: July 2010noahtrammell12417.[Mouse Guard] Number of Tests?ChristopherWeeks12418.[Nano Publishing] Games that are $0 Or LessJason_Morningstar12419.Stuff to Watch: July 2010John Kirk12420.Ryzom: An Open Source MMORPGJohn Kirk12421.Playtest documents vs. Free gamesElizabeth12422.Victoriana is so much better outside of EnglandJDCorley12423.A.P Podcasts?Potemkin12424.Mouse Guard paper puppets/miniaturesJohn_Powell12425.Where is 1st Quest?Nameless12426.[Nobilis] Bonus character: Max Lamner posted by Jenna Morangamera_spinning12427.[Ribbon Drive] on sale. Pay (cost + what you want to).Mcdaldno12428.[L5R] Making etiquette funjason12429.[7th Sea] Problem Solving versus(?) other Roleplaying thingsBig_J_Money12430.Actual People Actual Play Episode 27 Dirty Secrets: Round One Fight!WillH12431.[GPSE 2010] Call for Attendees - NC Mountains October 15-17Mark_Causey12432.Roleplaying Tips (.com) Issue 500!trechriron12433.[Apocalypse World] Help with custom moves and junkframweard12434.Story Gamers in North West London?Shadowmourne12435.[Pop n' Locke] "It's 'Happy Birthday Robot' meets 'The Lost Room' meets 'Harry Potter'"DanielSolis12436.[MADCorp] GOFER at City ParkDWeird12437.The Story Never! ManifestoYasha12439.Blowback is open for pre-orders! (Now with PDF-only sales!)Elizabeth12440.So I went to TraconMatthijs12441.[101 Zombies!] A Report on Two GamesJames_Mullen12442.[Sawmill] Escape or DieJames_Mullen12444.[Mystery of Life] What is it with pirates anyway?James_Mullen12445.Productivity and creativity - some factors in my lifeMatthijs12446.[Fiasco] Speed FiascoJason_Morningstar12447.SG Diplomacy League, Game 4Brian_Minter12448.[Dvreem] New free diceless 2-player RPGDavidVS12449.[Dread] Would appreciate feedback on questionnaireskaladhan12450.Floorspace at DexCon?TonyLB12451.Number of players per gmless screenSkage12452.Lady Blackbird One-Shot: RefreshingPaul_T12453.[Dream Game] Apocalypse World Semi-Solo Semi-LarpJ_Walton12454.Welcome to the 2009 Indie RPG Awards!chearns12455.What would you like to play at GenCon?Graham12456.[Apocalypse World] Apocalyptic WaveChristopher12457.[Nobilis] Third Edition: Elegant Anticipation Threadgamera_spinning12458.[ENnies] Announcing the 2010 ENnie Award Nomineestonylaw7412459."Love Mythender, love me true..."Kobayashi12460.[Little Game Chef] The ResultsJason_Morningstar12461.Graham on The Game's The Thingtomg12462.[Blowback] Looks great, but some questionsdyjoots12463.Hero Wars, HeroQuest, HeroQuest 2...Trevis12464.[It wasn't Me!] Tonight: Lady Gaga and the Freemasons!Jaakko Koivula12465.[New Hope] first(?) playtestjdfristrom12466.[GenCon] Anybody staying on Sunday night?DanielSolis12467.Legend of the Five Rings 4th Edition: Pretty slick!Andy12468.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 28 Dirty Secrets: The Big Confidential FalconWillH12469.[Mecha] It's Out... Finallycommondialog12470.[A Taste for Murder] Damning with faint praiseMatthijs12471.[A Taste for Murder] Games at ContinuumNeil12472.[Ring of Changes] Make a character!Queex12473.RPG = Role Playing Girl: August 2010 International Update - available for pre-order!wundergeek12474.[ENnies] Announcing the 2010 ENnie Award VIP co*cktail Receptiontonylaw7412475.The Gaean Reach is your playthingSimon_Rogers12476.[DexCon] How Was it?Jason_Morningstar12477.[ENnies] Are They Broken?Luke_Wheel12478.Naming fantasy gamesMarshall Burns12479.immersive fantasy (rethinking missions)David_Berg12480.[Society of Dreamers] first session - how kosher was that?Ina12481.Mini-Con and contacting Ben Lehmanmadunkieg12482.[PtR] Play Pilgrims to Ruin with me over WaveTeataine12483.So what's your ideal RPG award?Elizabeth12484.Blackest Revenge! [Now WIth Survey!]Jason_Morningstar12485.Gaming as Complex ContagionLevi Kornelsen12486.How long is too long for an RPG book?DanielSolis12487.Harvey PekarNathan_H12488.Global ConventionJason_Morningstar12489.South Bay Story Games Day, 28 August 2010ccreitz12490.[Blowback] Forgive Me, I Am Confused. And New. But Mostly The Other Thing.bitteroldjoe12491.Ambitions of shared narrative gamesMatthijs12492.[Quite, Indubitably] Making it more Roleplaying than Parlorstupidgremlin12493.eReading Devices and Book StoresSimon_Rogers12494.The Wind-Up Toy School of DesignJason_Morningstar12495.What are your favorite games for creating backstory at the table?Caesar_X12496.Recommend me a game I'd never play otherwise.Matthijs12497.Solo Wargamesakooser12498.[Mouse Guard] Play Aids?Lee_Short12499.[Polaris] Any way to get this game?MummyKitty12500.The Music of Apocalypse Worldframweard12502.Austin, Tay-hhasJoshua A.C. Newman12503.[Trollbabe/Hack] Vampahrs!Bret_Gillan12504.[A.W. Hack] A Perfect WorldMcdaldno12505.Critique me this (Rustbelt) character sheet!Marshall Burns12507.[Dead of Night] Endangered Species: A CampaignJames_Mullen12508.Another Kickstart-born RPG: "Early Dark"Andy12509.[ENnies] The voting booths are now open and Dream Dates are a go!tonylaw7412510.High Valor: Dark Ages Fantasy RPG ReleasedSilverlion12511.Inspirations and Strange IdeasSilverlion12513.[Apocalypse World] love and brutalityKayfall12514.Be a cell leader in Underground NetworkRobert_Bohl12515.WildlingsScott12516.[ENnies 2010] Coordinated forgehead votingRafu12517.[Apocalypse World] Apocalypse World's Agendanemomeme12518.The Brisbane Indie SceneAik12519.[Blowback: Inception] A Quick Hack (SPOILERS)J_Walton12520.What do you look for in an RPG intro?DanielSolis12521.[Beyond the Wire Productions] some little $2 PDFsMarshall Burns12522.Brass Tacks: Which free RPG do you play the most?Andy12523.[The Zantabulous Zorcerer of Zo] Buying it off the shelf to playing in 20 minutesmigo12524.The RPG Haven Podcast epi 12 - interview with ENnies judge Jay Peterswalkerp12525.Why don't people like playing healers?migo12526.Polaris' Ritual Phrases and L5R's Etiquettemadunkieg12527.Suggest some gaming blogs for me to readmigo12529.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 29 UnSpeakable InspectingWillH12530.Serial Homicide Unit: For two?chearns12531.[Awards] Story Games aids: isolated or interspersed with instructions?David_Berg12533.How do you make character death not suck?migo12534.Help me name a radio show.Mcdaldno12535.Salman Rushdie, Osama Bin Laden, L.D. Salinger, Ben LehmanPooka12536.[Lady Blackbird] at Ancient City Con 4orklord12537.[Ribbon Drive] Excitement and QuestionsDavid Pidgeon12538.Tell me about Secrets & Liesmigo12539.Portland, OR: UK gamer seeking games, etc. 8 AugustNeil12540.[ENnies] The RPG Haven interviews Jay Peterstonylaw7412541.Tearaway Pads & Folios -> Whacha call'em?Sebastian12542.Magnitude of randomizerlantern31412543.It's Not What You Can Do...Will Edge12544.[Mars Colony] Now Available (and on Sale!)Tim C Koppang12545.You're Not There- Shut Up!Queex12546.Actionable Setting vs. Non-Actionable SettingDanielSolis12547.[How We Came To Live Here] Outsiders & Monsters & APJason_Morningstar12548.Dice pool systems like Donjon (success = fact)migo12549.Combining licenses (CC and OGL)migo12550.[Truth, Inc.] TrustJasonP12551.Settings: Familiar vs. Innovative vs. GenericKayfall12552.[Hell for Leather] On Sale!Sebastian12553.Chad's sales numbersPaulCzege12554.2010 Diana Jones Award shortlist announcedJason_Morningstar12555.Making Mountains Out Of Molehills(Making Molehills Out Of Mountains)Nathan_H12556.Do certain types of games attract jerks?migo12557.[Zorcerer of Zo] net chat vs salesDavid_Berg12558.[Boardgame] Chaos in the Old WorldBret_Gillan12559.[Happy Birthday, Robot!] Happy Parole, Joker!Comrade Andrew12560.[Danger Patrol] Isometric ResolutionKeith Sears12561.Playing the Roach over Skype?wundergeek12563.Jackson's new band plays in PDXjackson_tegu12564.Looking for a gameweaverchilde12565.Perfect is up on Kickstarter! Fundraise and pre-order now!Mcdaldno12566.Alternatives to kickstart?Seth Drebitko12567.[Gen Con] Indie Games Convention MapSteve_Segedy12568.[Suggestions] Three Player Games (Remote Gaming)Sebastian12569.Chaos-Tolerant DesignsJason_Morningstar12570.I got pictures of the delivery of my first ever game. Yay!Sebastian12571.[Hackbird Help] Keys to a good Lady Blackbird-style mini-game?DanielSolis12572.[Apocalypse World] PDF QuestionsAndy12573.Awesom-i-fy RiskPaul_T12574.Dollhouse Useslordgoon12575.[Blowback] Advice on Relationship ConflictsSteve_Segedy12576.[Hell for Leather] One Frame to Rule Them All!framweard12577.Character Sheets & Gaming NotesNathan_H12578.Suggest to me short games that strongly represent the Story Game memeDestriarch12579.Chosen ones type concept noodling, triggered by 'The Lions of Tomorrow'Tim_Gray12580.[Ring of Changes] Playtest draftQueex12581.[Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple] Everything Has a VoiceDanielSolis12582.Why create for creators?TylerT12583.[FASA Star Trek Second Edition] First Lookmigo12584.What happened to Age of Legends 4e?migo12585.[DFRPG] Character sheet editablethadrine12586.WANTED: Original CoC convention scenario!lachek12587.Is there talk about growing the hobby among players of D&D?migo12588.[One Roll Engine] Mixed Martial Artsmigo12589.Lamentations of the Flame Princessframweard12591.Fiasco: Where do you Tilt in the fiction?Robert_Bohl12592.What Happened to GC2009/Icon IntrigueDarcy Burgess12593.Box Ninja, Prince of Darkness & Cobweb Games bundle - $9Sebastian12594.[Thy Vernal Chieftans] Where Is It?Hans_c-o12595.Person with drawing skills, help me make this cool gameMatthijs12596.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 30 Drifters Escape Redux: Drifting Through Time and SpaceWillH12597.What do you read?framweard12598.[Dogs in the Vineyard] For Two?Hans_c-o12599.[Afraid] Making/unmaking Victims/Slaves...christoffer12600.I want to use games to inoculate us against stupidity.Matthijs12601.Games & SoapboxesMcdaldno12602.Lacuna - where to buy the pdf?Dionysus12603.[Hot War] Hot War Transmission in Full Colour Print SpectacularMalcolm Craig12604.[Geiger Counter] Advice for playing over Skype?jdfristrom12605.[A Taste for Murder] Second time's the charmMatthijs12606.Story Games on Boing Boingsage12607.[Question] Are you willing to make stuff?Jason_Morningstar12608.GenCon 2010 Shopping ListMichael S. Miller12609.Good flaws/hinderanceslantern31412610.[Happy Birthday, Robot! at GenCon] Official ScheduleDanielSolis12611.[Don't Rest Your Head] Question about the Coin Economydocholaday12612.[Society of Dreamers] Madame Blavatsky's Birthday OfferMatthijs12613.Gaming the Awards/Special Game DaysHans_c-o12614.[How We Came to Live Here] Reviews and Play ReportsBrennan_Taylor12615.InceptionDanielSolis12616.Mondo 2000 History ProjectRyan_Macklin12617.[How We Came To Live Here] Tell me about it!Matthijs12618.[Fiasco] Does it tend to turn out...silly? What to do about that?jdfristrom12619.Games on Demand TwitterScott12621.the roles of damage in RPGsMarshall Burns12622.DW Bradley's Wizards and Warriorsframweard12623.Kremlin Designnemomeme12624.Deafness and RPGsJoshua A.C. Newman12625.[Uprising] From the ashes of GenConOz...Comrade Andrew12626.Just got Ribbon Drive...Matthijs12627.Want to have some good D&D-like fun, but without D&D: Advice?!Albi_SG12628.[Sherpa] Anyone know anything about this game?merb10112629.2010 Podcast Listeners Survey Discussionscottdunphy12630.[Contest] 2010 RPG Geek 24-Hour RPG Design ContestHoratio12631.Noob tackles military action in PBeM/PBP formatSam!12632.Of snipers and hackersSam!12633.A Report of My Experiences Running Swashbucklers of the 7 SkiesPeter_Aronson12634.[Purchasing Decision Poll] What's cool on Lulu?Joli12635.I want IPR in Europe!Matthijs12636.How much for Robot Dice?DanielSolis12637.[Gen Con] I wish I was playing....Sam!12638.The Role of Combat in RPG'sE.T.Smith12639.Love letter to Jason Morningstarjackson_tegu12640.Dark Sun: The First Days of Free TyrDevP12641.My two itches - Inception and Dungeon CrawlingDavid Pidgeon12642.Smallville?Matthijs12643.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 31 Lady Blackbird: Still FlyingWillH12644.[Dark Heresy] Inquisition for one?Sam!12645.[Ring of Changes] Out now!Queex12647.Last Train Out of Warsaw :: Download The Map?Pete12648.Issuu for game publication?Nathan_Frund12649.[Dresden Files] Resisting CompelsBrendan_Conway12650.roleplaying requires vulnerabilityDeliverator12651.[Lady Blackbird] in SpanishFrankCastle12652.Relationship Maps? game kits - custom finds/creations/tools to make gaming more funkevperrine12654.Stuff to Watch: August 2010Peter_Aronson12655.Lady Blackbird with Linguists!framweard12656.Bite-Sized AP: August 2010Jason_Morningstar12657.[Hot War] Gangsters of LondonMalcolm Craig12658.The name's Pitt. Dirk Pitt.Sam!12659.File Sharing and YouDMGnome12660.GenCon Runners!DanielSolis12661.Fairy ta!mease1912662.DragonCon 2010Brennen Reece12663.Why Keys are better than AspectsKayfall12664.Yes and/but, etc.derthnada12665.FATE Aspects, Pay Before or AfterTrevis12666.Love in the Time of Sei\xf0 :: Download Sheets and Cards?Pete12667.[Love in the Time of Sei\xf0] Good News and Free StuffJason_Morningstar12668.Keys, aspects, beliefs, etc - are they really all that?jdfristrom12669.Broken players?Marshall Burns12670.Non-GenCon 2010 AwesomeNeko_Ewen12671.[Deathwatch] Is this what you've been waiting for?Sam!12672.When the role is a real personSam!12673.[Max Headroom] How did it influence your cyberpunk?Sam!12674.[GnoccoCON II (2010)] - Another Italian ConventionLuca Veluttini12675.Writer's BlockSilverlion12676.Rincon 2010JDCorley12678.Gencon Awesome - I assume there is some?Mike_Sands12679.Diaspora just won a Gold Ennie for best rulesbuzz12680.Other words for "reincorporate"?Matthijs12681.[The Rustbelt] taking pre-orders now!Marshall Burns12682.My own personal OSRLee_Short12683.MapsLee_Short12684.[Gen Con] Games On Demand - How Did It Go?Jason_Morningstar12685.[Afghanistan: d20] Then and nowSam!12686.Using Maps during games.Judd12688.[Remember Tomorrow] How does it play, anything to watch out for?Adrian P12689.[Fiasco] Hospital Playset Design Help?DannyK12690.Sagefight!DanielSolis12691.[Society of Dreamers] Try before you buyMatthijs12692.[Microscope] the ultimate playtest round beginsBen_Robbins12693.[FreeMarket] What do you do?Jared A. Sorensen12694.[AW] Apoc World Best Practices (I don't care if it came to you in the mail or not)PaulB12695.Adam Dray, Speak Of The Indie Sm\xf6rg\xe5sbordJason_Morningstar12696.Burning Con 10 10 10jenskot12698.Gencon 2010... on pain killers!jenskot12699.Games for Science? Or about sciencey things?akooser12700.S/lay w/me: flat-out, hands-down geniusElizabeth12701.DC Gameday VII, October 9 & 10, 2010, Wash., D.C.Tom C12702.Tell me of "The Ten-Blade Samurai"Sam!12703.Composition game design advice (Symposium of Greek Philosophers)Monte Johnson12704.The Art of the Short DemoCamBanks12705.Blood & Honor + The Riddle of Steel ?vini_lessa12706.Nine games for nine years or catch me up on story games!mease1912707.Living With File Sharing: What Now?Jumanji8312708.Indie RPG Awards Ceremony (Video)DanielSolis12709.One Cool Thing I Saw At Gen Con 2010Jason_Morningstar12710.Didn't get to play Blowback at GenCon? I'll run it for you on Skype!Elizabeth12711.Con on the Cobanansigirl12712.[Dread] Creepy things that could happen in a haunted apartment building.DanielSolis12713.Distributed Private Patronage -- how would you make it work?ChristopherWeeks12714.Annalise Final Edition now availablendp12715.If you fancy, HFL is ready-baked (Or try before you buy)Sebastian12716.D&D editions .. You must choose, but choose wiselyBrian_Minter12717.[Design Matters] Gen Con 2010 Resultsndp12718.H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival?Nathan_H12719.Scenic views traveling down the River Styx?kevperrine12720.Gaming habitsJumanji8312721.[HfL] Heir to the Spy ThroneSebastian12722.[Selling via Booths] Selling Your Game at GenConGregor Hutton12723.The Annual Post-Gen Con MeltdownJason_Morningstar12724.HammerCon - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada - November 6th, 2010lachek12725.Any StoryGamers in N\xfcrnberg?Teataine12726.T shirt branding?TylerT12727.Bad Translator, Cultural experience in the human body goal 5!masqueradeball12728.[gencon] Where Are Your Keys?blankshield12729.[Gen Con] Entrepreneurs' Avenue?Mcdaldno12730.Bleed in other genres and other wordsMatthijs12731.[Game Tasting] Reviewing games like wineSebastian12732.Member map?Seth Drebitko12733.GenCon Photo Album on io9idle daedal12735.Selling your game via the GPAGraham12736.I want to explore the "Everyday Magic" genre.Cedric P12737.Some very basic Lady Blackbird questionswalkerp12738.Blowback: SPECIAL OPSElizabeth12739.XP and PacingJDCorley12740.PAX PRIME role callTylerT12741.[Annalise] The Mountain Witchndp12743.Kinda having trouble with this criticism thing.Matthijs12744.[Seriously] Meltdown 2010: Issues of the YearJ_Walton12745.[DC Gameday VII] Rusty GM seeks encouragementSam!12746.[GenCon 2010] Sagas at cons, not homeHarlequin12747.Anyone else having problems getting to purchasing based on author's personal viewstimonkey12749.Play Testingmasqueradeball12750.A Changing Crew of PlayersBrendan_Conway12751.Making a "Bonus CD" for a gamemease1912752.Elitist Gamer Videoscottdunphy12753.[recruiting] Seattle - D&D4 Fridays 5:30-11pm, "Retro-Modules"kevperrine12754.[UK and Europe] I'm selling stuff I liked from GenConGraham12755.Living with File Sharing: The Gamelachek12756.[Fiasco] In the suburbs, with seven players!anansigirl12757.Call for games for the danish con Fastaval 2011Kristoffer Rudkjaer12758.Ghosts and Geist: The Sin-Eatersnemomeme12759.hacking In a Wicked Age for comic book adventureLula12760.[Fiasco] All The Damn TimeWill_Hindmarch12761.The Game Design Studio, critique #4Joshua A.C. Newman12762.Design By Wiki?jdfristrom12763.Help! Any Advice for Playing Donjon Well?QHudspeth12764.GMs who are frustrated by Trad players.Nameless12765.[Blowback] A Member of the ConstableryDevP12766.MuuTylerT12767.London based storygamingD-50312768.The discrete charm of the quotidianD-50312769.Gaming and Real Life: Our SolutionJason_Morningstar12770.First time you GMed?jenskot12771.WANTED: translators for REVE: THE DREAM OUROBOROShieronymous12772.[Mist-Robed Gate] Forbidden Tiger Manual?Sam!12773.What do you say to customers when you're on an exhibitor booth? And does it work?Graham12774.[NBPVII] Nerdly Beach Party VII! (Sep 17th-19h)Ryan_Macklin12775.The Kobold Wizard's dild* of Enlightenment +2Matthijs12776.PA games discussionnemomeme12777.PAX Flyerssage12778.The Adventure Burner & characters in crisisBrian_Minter12779.what games have you played with their designers?Deliverator12780.1001 Nights hack for Mouse GuardJumanji8312781.Slickest wiki to use for putting together an SRD?kiznit12782.People who avoid AP: why?Per_Fischer12783.[Happy Birthday, Robot!]Mr Sitouh12784.I've blogged about gender and roleplayingArvid12785.Testing, testing. Ignore.Matthijs12786.What's your news-o-sphere?Robert_Bohl12787.For Sale at Dragon*Con?Harlequin12789.[Game Tasting] A Taste for MurderSebastian12790.Games classical and modernTeataine12791.Looking for Specific Manga RecommendationsAndy12792.[Parsely] FLAMING GOATJared A. Sorensen12793.Stephen Colbert stats "Stephen Colbert" old schoolokiran12794.[Misspent Youth] Call for torrent seedersRobert_Bohl12795.[Apocalypse World] Who's Gonna Run This Town Tonight?nemomeme12796.w00tStock in San Fran on 9/17/06Brandon A12798.[Society of Dreamers] Design notesMatthijs12799.[Apocalypse World] First Session and Beyond (Edited)framweard12800.A campaign? With *that* game?Jumanji8312801.InspirationsSilverlion12802.Turning your booth into a den of pillows: Pitfalls?Sebastian12803.[Lamentations of the Flame Princess] Some ThoughtsJason_Morningstar12804.Sneak and HideRustin12805.[S/Lay w/Me] S\xe6hr\xf3kr and the Elixir of the Undyingnemomeme12806.[Do] Removing Character CreationDanielSolis12807.Drunk Jungle Speedjenskot12808.Penny-Arcade Frontpage Links!skinnyghost12810.Stance towards the futuremasqueradeball12811.[How We Came To Live Here] Some Thoughts After Extended PlayJason_Morningstar12812.Story games in China and other culturesKayfall12813.[Hells 4or Leathers] Uber PromoJJ Prince12815.Action Castle from memoryDeliverator12816.RPGirl 2010 is OutJason_Morningstar12817.How would you handle a player who's "not into it"jdfristrom12818.Interesting Retail Discussion: "Is Indie Dead?"Andy12819.What are Dice for again?Irminsul12820.[SEED RPG] yet another read my blog discussionTylerT12821.In brightest day...Silverlion12822.The Bag Wars Sagawalkerp12823.Help me unlearn: Running combat in Apocalypse WorldMatthijs12824.Transcendent mystical role-playMatthijs12825.The Hunger GamesDanielSolis12826.[Game Designers] HammerCon convention support wanted!lachek12827.[Universalis] skype / remote gimmicksjdfristrom12828.Fiasco - The Debtdeadlytoque12829.[Apocalypse World] ToneJason_Morningstar12830.Shock: In the science classroomakooser12831.Shock:Human Contact PDFs for free!Joshua A.C. Newman12832.[Mars Colony] "Find a doctor, Roberts!"Bret_Gillan12833.HWCTLH: Kinda of for Graham and othersakooser12834.Thou Art But A Warrior PDF now available!wundergeek12835.Synapse RPG becomes Free Public Betaryoken12836.Free advertisingSeth Drebitko12837.Apocalypse Portland and KumoriconCarl12838.Ron Edwards Vs Tobias Wrigstad at InterNosCon 2010!Moreno R.12839.[Apocalypse World] Weird West Hack: Let's do it!framweard12840.[3:16] Astartes! 3:16 in 40KChris Gardiner12841.The Game Design Studio, critique #4: Doors openJoshua A.C. Newman12842.RPG StackExchange - Incredible structure for gaming Q&ARy12843.Can anybody tell me what this game book was?Marshall Burns12845.Best game for 2, at most 3, people?SimpliCity12846.B\xc4M -- new oracle-style rpg online nownorbertgmatausch12847.The Cult of the Designer/Creator/WhateverJudd12848.Hope and Beauty in Apocalypse WorldKayfall12849.What games have you played without the designer?ndp12850.Autumnal GamingJudd12851.Pandering for Feedbackmasqueradeball12852.f*ck Yeah, Obscure Gamer!Mcdaldno12853.[Apocalypse World] A good first session.Matthijs12854.Castles and GamesBig_J_Money12855.Show your workBrad_J_Murray12856.Freemarket with one playerBret_Gillan12857.[Hell for Leather] To Infinity, and Beyond!framweard12858.Letting the players create and kill npc's in 3:16Rune12859.Can everyone design games?Matthijs12860.Make an Influence MapNeko_Ewen12861.[Fiasco] First Impressions from South Bay Story Games Dayjhkim12862.[Mouse Guard] MG as a one-shotjhkim12863.[My Supernatural Romance] free open-source RPG for couplesjdfristrom12864.Yet another D&D hommagemigo12865.[poll] did you GM before you were GM'ed?Ben_Robbins12866.FreeMarket: unboxing... what's inside? [PHOTOS]jenskot12867.Do you find yourself inexplicably pushed towards a certain system?migo12868.(A Poem for Mr. Morning) From first playtestcwilbur12869.What do you want from dice?TylerT12870.Different contexts of game designnikodemus12871.Banter Mechanics for in-combat RP: how do they work?DevP12872.[SageFight] Solis vs LeNaireDanielSolis12873.Real life feeding into the fictionMoreno R.12874.Roll as you go stat generationmigo12875.[Freemarket] Post your WTFs here!PaulB12876.I hate diceLorrraine12877.Game Chef 2010: Sept 11th-19thJ_Walton12878.Make-Believe NostalgiaMcdaldno12879.The Fallout from Brian's Culling...Andy12880.Parasite: story games beyond the tabletopJeph12881.The personality profile of a gamermigo12882.Targeting Mainstream Roleplayers (was: Hunger for More Change)J_Walton12883.Can everyone please design games?David Pidgeon12884.Playtesters Wanted for The Final Girl, the horror movie RPGBret_Gillan12885.How do you demo Freemarket?sage12886.Derelict DelversSilverlion12887.[Apocalypse Word] S-G Custom Move discussion threadframweard12888.Apocalypse World VS. FreeMarketjessecoombs12889.Scott Pilgrim RPGLula12890.Conflict resolution without disturbing flowRobert_Bohl12891.Eucatastrophe and RPGsmasqueradeball12892.Design Challenge Thing: Feel-good game about animalsDavid Pidgeon12893.D&D Essentials just started looking better.migo12894.[S/Lay w/Me AP] The troglodyte realm where mushrooms are the source of life and deathdocholaday12895.[Remember Tomorrow] Not-so-Lucky LouAdrian P12896.Interview with a Norwegian role playing artisteolepeder12897.[Levity - For schools]: Pharsalus - Night Missionrgrassi12898.Dear designer, what currency do you get paid in?Matthijs12899.Idea: Story Games Collection Hardcoverscottdunphy12900.Offering an infinite number of responsesTyler12902.Embossing, foil etc. on small press games?pedyo12903.Dread House availableEmily_Care12904.[AW] What's so different about MCing?Neil12905.A Strong Hand or a Light Touch?E.T.Smith12906.Paid AP: Threat or Menace?jprussell12908.[FM] - What's stuff made out of?Nathan_H12909.[Apocalypse World] - Whys?Nathan_H12910.whats your game design OCD?TylerT12911.An interesting new take on interactive booksmordheim12912.UPDATE: Embargo for Android Beta (0.9)DanielSolis12913.Do you send review copies? Do they get reviewed?Graham12914.[Diaspora] Help make my free iPhone cluster database and creation tool a reality!Destriarch12915.Geek WearDavid Artman12916.How do you name "that" thing ?Maitresinh12917.Stuff to Watch: September 2010rafial12918.Classes cuing other classes to be awesome.DanielSolis12919.How do you organize a game on Skype, including the very first steps?johnquixote12920.[My Supernatural Romance] self-serving APjdfristrom12921.Help Me Soundtrack My GameLevi Kornelsen12922.RPG Haven Podcast episode 13 - the Diaspora teamwalkerp12923.Your First LoveBret_Gillan12924.Beta Testers Needed for a universal, CC-licensed RPG systemelectricshepherd12925.SageFight at PAX 2010DanielSolis12926.Does your Dictionary of Mu have marginalia? Can I copy it?Ry12927.D&D CalderaAdam_Dray12928.Story Gamers at PAX - Read Thissage12929.[Amaranthine] Initial Design and Relationshipsmachineiv12930.Bite-Sized AP: September 2010Andy12931.[Hell for Leather RPG] Available in the US from IPRSebastian12932.The awesome thing about Shadowrunmigo12933.Story Games and Design vs. PlayElizabeth12934.[London, UK] Anyone interested in a Story Games group in London?GB_Steve12935.It's all about class and racemigo12937.A great thing about Smallville, and some questionsJDCorley12938.Best AP Everjdfristrom12939.[Sunshine] The Development ForumMalcolm Craig12940.Of Sky & Sea art previewsJBMannon12941.[Dungeon World] - Printing Instructionsnemomeme12942.My first run as a player in 4emasqueradeball12943.What would you do Ravenloft with?agony12944.The Extractor Reviews: EORIS: ESSENCEThe Extractor12945.Speed and rhythmmasqueradeball12946.Questions before first 3:16 playalgi12947.Tell me about Smallvillemigo12948.What made you start designing and what made you finish?jessecoombs12949.The Road to Caracorumbisnikodemus12950.The Leftovers - A slapstick fantasy storytelling gameDanielSolis12951.Songs inspired by RPGs?jenskot12952.[ENnies] Announcing a new series of interviewstonylaw7412953.[Fiasco] Gentler FiascosJason_Morningstar12954.[S/lay w/Me] Gideon the Scholar and Lukuls the SavageBret_Gillan12955.Mundane World/Awesome Characters; Awesome World/Mundane CharactersAndy12956.Babycastles: An Indie Arcade in New York CityBen_Johnson12957.Seattle Story-Games Meetups?JayLoomis12958.[4E] Skill challenge risk and crisisjohnzo12959.[Unknown World] Unknown Armies using Apocalypse WorldRyan_Macklin12960.AW - next session questionSteerpike12961.Gaming & AutismHans_c-o12962.Games Available as Free PDFsongsaboutrainbows12963.Lacuna mini-AP: "We have to go deeper!"Deliverator12964.What game supports this laundry list of fictional featuresccreitz12965.File sharing vs filesharing: How do groups make purchases?mease1912966.[Shock:] Questions before first playframweard12967.MACE 2010 Coordinationforlorn112968.Designing with Science! Or Hierarchy Theory for DummiesJason_Pitre12969.Apotheosis Blues---wither the author, and is there anything beyond the PDF?spookyfanboy12970.Google ScribeGraham12971.brainstorming afflicting conditionsDavidVS12972.Incentivized RP vs Parlor Narration and similar issuesDevP12973.[Society of Dreamers] Free download window coming upMatthijs12974.Culture in's Complicated purchase queryD-50312976.[Apocalypse World] Tell me about your psychic maelstromChris Gardiner12977.Getting TogetherNathan_H12978.Embracing retcons for surrealismRobert_Bohl12979.Ice Station Nerdly, Fall 2010jhosmer112980.Why does this man want you dead?Queex12981.GMliness f*ck (or, Question GMliness)Robert_Bohl12982.What do you look for in a long-form Example of Play?DanielSolis12983.[Zombie Cinema] Sesame Scottish dwarves?Marshall Burns12985.[Maps] Mapping Weird Things in Dungeonsakooser12986.[Steal Away Jordan] The DiceHans_c-o12987.Want to play Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple with me on Skype?DanielSolis12988.from unrefined record of a session to radiophonic style drama ?Maitresinh12989.Last Nightnemomeme12990.[Freemarket] Cheat Sheet?skinnyghost12991.Game Chef: feedback groupDavid_Berg12992.Hell For Leather more versitile than a grenade.mark2v12993.Making PAX More Awesomesage12994.[Shock:] AP Report: Private Individuals in a Public Ageframweard12995.[S/Lay w/Me] The raven-haired beauty of songjdfristrom12996.Game Chef: Edge CityHans_c-o12997.Genre Fluency: Your Campaign Is A Genre?Sebastian12998.[Danger Patrol] The Oceans of MarsJames_Mullen12999.The producer of TNT's "Leverage" is a fan of Fiascobuzz13000.[Diaspora] iPhone Cluster Creation Tool: Sneak PreviewDestriarch13001.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 32 The Dresden Files RPG: City CreationWillH13002.The Flow-er ModelArvid13003.[game chef groups] Game Chef: Team FremenMcdaldno13004.Smallville Bolt-On: Balzac and BendisJDCorley13005.[Dictionary of Mu] The Hard of ThreeRy13006.[GHOST/ECHO] First time, via Skype, too late at nightMatt Sheridan13007.Warm and Fuzzy: A Story Game For The Whole Family14thWarrior13008.Story Gamers in or near ZRH?traeki13009.about player activity and formatTylerT13010.ePub CSS SuggestionsSimon_Rogers13011.Tolkien Internet Nerd Pedantryjprussell13012.What game/system would you suggest for a fantasy sandbox?Teataine13014.Burning SandboxBrian_Minter13015.[Unnamed Road Trip Game Chef Game]Tractor pull in Flagstaffjdfristrom13016.Yo San Francisco Story Gamers!Christian_Griffen13017.Shock:shirt is perfect for alarming your co-workers!Joshua A.C. Newman13018.Ribbon Drive - questions before playIna13019.Narrattiva interviews Graham Walmsley & The Coolest Thing of GnoccoConClaudia Cangini13020.Directed Promotion?Nathan_H13021.[Escapist Interview] why 4E didn't click with older D&D fansjenskot13022.[Webcomic Model] My Webcomic Model Yeartony_dowler13023.[Fiasco] GenConwundergeek13025.It's fun to be the one not to have with libertine Humours [Man-of-Letters, Man-of-War]Double King13027.Game Hack: Sandboxy, player empowering time saving playmigo13028.[Fiasco ] A Fiasco in Amber - Beta PlaysetPjack13029.Drawing and scanning mapsGraham13030.The Visit - A microgame.Queex13031.Explainin' Games for Visual LearnersAndy13032.[Diaspora]Desperately Seeking APboulet13033.Celstyle is temporarily downjake richmond13034.Setting up a grid of cards on a table to facilitate strategy-focused RPGepweissengruber13035.Art Show with freaky game art NYCTodd_L13036.[Dread] Dungeons and Dreadkobutsu13037.Last Minutes for Larp SymposiumRafu13038.[Nowhere Road] 2 player APjdfristrom13039.[Remember Tomorrow] Some questions and comments after a gameAdrian P13040.[Game Chef 2010] World RiddleShadowmourne13041.Neoncon... anyone going? anyone ever go?jenskot13042.Mixed-game storieskobutsu13043.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 33 The Dresden Files RPG: Character CreationWillH13044.Makin a dirty, burnt mapmerb10113045.[Washington DC area] Lullaby of Broadway LARP needs playersDaveC13046.[Game Chef 2010] Which entries are you excited about?Beth_in_Virginia13047.Remember Edo - a hack/reskin for Remember TomorrowPooka13048.Devil's Night: a Fiasco playset for HalloweenTim Jensen13049.[Ubercon] anyone going? anyone running RPGs?David_Berg13050.City in Darkness - Do you want to play a game?DInDenver13051.[Map-mania 2010!] Where's a good source of CC maps, quality no object?DannyK13052.[Dread] Best PracticesLinnaeus13053.Work Flow?Double King13054.[Never to Die] The Jeremy Kyle RPGJames_Mullen13055.Novel Game Mechanicsworldnamer13056.Dungeon BluesBenhimself13057.If not then what?Nathan_H13058.Indie Game CasinoBen_Johnson13060.Where should IPR be looking online?Darren Watts13061.Smartphone Barcode Scanner + LARP = ???NickWedig13062.[Apocalypse World] Saturday is a good Day for the ApocalypseTrevis13063.New Burning Wheel Scenario: Dinner for OneLuke_Wheel13064.How was the Night of Fiasco?Jason_Morningstar13065.4e Action PointsGaerik13066.Actual Play of Do: Pilgrims of the Flying TempleDanielSolis13067.[Happy Birthday Robot] Attention Spans, etc.ChristopherWeeks13068.Offers on Roleplaying GamesSimon_Rogers13069.[Dream Game] Non-Linear Bourne/Portal Spy ThrillerJ_Walton13070.real names from the real world...ChristopherWeeks13071.[How We Came to Live Here] Starting a game Sunday 26 Sept 10!framweard13072.maybe not indie anymore = indie games will never be popular?TylerT13073.Mage: the Awakening game noodlingJDCorley13074.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 34 The Dresden Files RPG: That's What Sidhe SaidWillH13075.Looking for PlayersElastrius13076.Actual IRC GameElastrius13077.Relationship mechanicskobutsu13078.PDF -> KindleNomdePlume13079.[Mortal Coil] Desperate reactions, I'm confusedelenius13081.Apocalypse World lies!jenskot13082.Collaborative, Creator-Owned Publishing: How Do You Do It?J_Walton13083.[BASH!] Narrator Aid of Iconic Marvel & DC statskevperrine13084.Making characters... more fun than playing them?jenskot13085.[Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay] Cool StuffJason_Morningstar13086.[Trail of Cthulhu] Playtesters WantedBill_White13087.Fighting for Something Meaningful in a GMless Gamemjbauer13088.geek culture lit in the New Yorkerjdfristrom13089.[Final Fantasy] Anyone doing anything new?Mark_Causey13090.Your First Love Revisited: Bride of Frankenstein EditionBret_Gillan13091.[Love in the Time of Sei\xf0 AP] The Fern FlowerIna13092.[Apocalypse World]Helping/Interfering do you prep to run a game you've never played before?jdfristrom13094.If We Were Wizards Playing Story Games...Mcdaldno13095.Someone contact a xerox sales rep for more information!TylerT13096.Lo-prep, rules-light system for old skool dungeon-crawl?pedyo13097.[The Leftovers] Working on new dungeon maps... Any Requests?DanielSolis13098.[Final Hour of a Storied Age] Seeking PlaytestersDanMaruschak13099.[Game Chef] Danger Mountain!: The Deadly CloudJason_Morningstar13100.PDF of Challenge and Tech Cards for FreeMarketMatt Kauko13101.[ChefCon 2010] A GameChef Playoff ConventionSebastian13102.[Apocalypse World] Let's Play It Wrong!DannyK13103.[game idea] Dungeon/Donjon - French fantasy comixBeth_in_Virginia13104.Storifying 0e, maybe? Losing loot = losing XPBeth_in_Virginia13105.Calling all adjectives!Ryan_Macklin13106.Renewable GamesJason_Morningstar13107.ashland OR Gamers...glshade13108.A thought for a campaign with a dark twist...Andy13109.[Apocalypse World] Custom Moves make the game!mease1913110.Interviewing Mr. WalmsleyL.Trenti MrVALIS13111.How can I stop players triangulating a radio signal?Graham13112.Stuff to Watch: October 2010wundergeek13113.[Rivers and Lakes] Night of the Sevens out now!Queex13114.[In A Wicked Age] rules questionsjdfristrom13115.How can I trace a zombie plague to its source?Graham13116.Preparation: to do, or not to do?kobutsu13117.[Unnamed] Pics from our first playtestBrad_J_Murray13118.The next DivNull larkWordman13119.How We Came to Live Here: A Nordic Hack-in-progressframweard13120.Relationship mapmerb10113121.The Golden Geek AwardsEpidiah_Ravachol13122.[G/E] First session playingRustin13123.Bite-sized AP: OctoberDoyce13124.[Fiasco] split from Meaningful GMless GamesBeth_in_Virginia13125.Whatcha workin' on? (Play/Prep/GMing/Lonely Fun)Andy13126.Success in PbPboulet13127.October 10th is Abandon a Game DayWordman13128.TerpCon XIII - November 13thterpcon13129.Combo board & story game con, Spring '11 in Olympia, WAjackson_tegu13130.Bloodshadows (OpenD6) Available Againbrettmb13131.[AW] Metalocalypse WorldLula13133.Shock:Human Contact Kickstarter is live!Joshua A.C. Newman13134.CharCon Oct.22-24, Charleston, W.Va.merb10113135.[Twenty-Four Game Poems] Three of those, plus some other games.Matthijs13136.Knife and Candle, The Echo Bazaar RPGScott13137.South Bay Story Games Day II: Sunday?ccreitz13138.It's Always Sunny In SmallvilleJDCorley13139.Fortune in FictionNathan_H13140.[Apocalypse World] Custom (character) moves make the game!framweard13141.[European gamers] Playground Magazine wants writers & photographers!Matthijs13143.Arabian Adventures - Little Details to Spice It UpMark_Causey13144.Emerald City Gamefest: any of y'all going?jdfristrom13145.Montsegur 1244 - expansion - playtesters wantedFrederik J. Jensen13146.IPR Forums goneDarren Watts13147.Vanilla Ghost/EchoVasco Brown13148.Paizo's Pathfinder vs WotC 4E salesTeataine13149.[ghost/echo] the works of fritz lieberBeth_in_Virginia13150.Feature request?boulet13151.Codify your GMing, Apocalypse World style!jdfristrom13152.Otherkind Dice vs Moves: How are they different?MikeRiverso13153.[therapy] Story Games NightmareDouble King13154.Fluffy Nonsense and Who the f*ck Caresmasqueradeball13156.[Vampire] I summon Jason Corley, again!Imperator13157.Free Downloadable WargameValamir13158.a different charity game designBeth_in_Virginia13159.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 35 The Dresden Files RPG: Mab MenWillH13160.[Scottish Indie Gamers podcast] Episode Zero: WTF?Tanya Fyans13161.[Archipelago] The glory hole of Nordic roleplayingCaesar_X13162.Keys and Aspects vs Drives from CapesNameless13163.The Zero ApproachCaesar_X13164.[Mouse Guard] experiment at 10 10 10...jenskot13165.Where can I find the Go Play icon?ldd2313166.Mouse Guard box set!jenskot13167.Nordic Larp SScene in the newsTodd_L13168.Indie vs. Mainstream Games, Innovation and the Modern GamerDannyK13169.[Apocalypse World] Apocalypse Islandframweard13171.[Rulers] Help me find the situation in this setting?DanielSolis13172.Portland Oct 13-21OrangeDice13173.Ideas for Design ContestsSimon_Rogers13174.Pathfinder and D&D are tied, but don't forget that Dresden is #5!jenskot13175.Just over a day left to claim your chance at $1000 to make your gameWordman13176.Trade System ODD?akooser13177.Universalis Monthly Sales Data since 2002Valamir13178.Computer Hardware Recommendation StationJDCorley13179.[Fiasco] - Mentioned in Penny ArcadeEric Provost13180.When do you feel uncertain, lost or insecure?Arvid13181.e-book formatting for the SG Names ProjectDevP13182.The Art of the RPG Demo?Big_J_Money13183.GMs wanted in January in Western MassachusettsParthenia13184.MineCraft: MineGuard? MiceCraft?Teataine13185.[Penny for My Thoiughts] Playing with Large GroupsBrenton13186.Conspiracy of Shadows Closed Beta TestKen Sentowski!13187.What is a hero?Robert_Bohl13188.The Steps to Design an RPGJason_Pitre13189.Sexism in Gaming: A list of links...jenskot13190.[Primetime Adventures] One player?David Pidgeon13191.[Apocalypse World] Ways Not to hack it?Ry13192.[Galecon 2010] Hell for LeatherSebastian13193.Where's the moral dilemma in Dogs?algi13194.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 36 The Dresden Files RPG: It's a Mab Mab Mab WorldWillH13195.[fiasco] dwarf fortress playsetBeth_in_Virginia13196.[Don't Rest Your Head] Mad City Nightsframweard13197.Hey!! Can some one Help Me!!MoonLoveDust13198.Split Decision: Tempting dilemmas in RPGs and Story GamesDanielSolis13199.Graham, I got those big diceSebastian13200.Group Size and Campaign typesDionysus13201.For what settings/genres would you choose In a Wicked Age over Fiasco or vice-versa?jdfristrom13202.SG Team Fortress 2 Night: Mmph mmph mmph!Bret_Gillan13203.[Apocalypse World] visited by the AcademyJoshua A.C. Newman13204.[Apocalypse World] Reference Sheets?MikeRiverso13205.DriveThru Pakistan Flood Relief Bundle ($725 for $25)Christian_Griffen13206.[B/X DnD] What should happen next?Johnstone13208.The Golden Satsuma design award: Logo ContestSimon_Rogers13209.[Dying Earth RPG] Recordings of actual play?The Bunyip13210.[Fiasco] A Gorilla, a hot tub and a half ton of Meth... On the IceKraken13211.Planning any Halloween games?merb10113212.[Apocalypse World] The Quarantine: Are you kidding me?!Ry13213.[craft] Furoshiki (wrapping cloth) + GamingAndy13214.League of extraordinary designers.Seth Drebitko13215.inquiry: name recognition of obscure indie RPGsPaulCzege13216.[Old School Renaissance] What should happen next?Ry13218.Roleplaying Rewards!Andy13219.I present thee m20#Seth Drebitko13220.[InSpectres: the movie] Cast pictureJared A. Sorensen13221.[Diaspora] Pocket Clusters iPhone/iPad Tool Now Available!Destriarch13222.[Fiasco] Love ChildJason_Morningstar13223.[Apocalypse World] DIY AW Artmease1913224.[IndieCon] Callout for demo helpSebastian13225.Games that don't tell you how to playMatrixGamer13226.A Message From IPR\u2019s Warehouse GuyJasonSWalters13227.What's with Abulafia? I want to look at IAWA Oracles.jackson_tegu13228.Streaming Demos from EssenJason_Morningstar13229.[The Farm] Advice for GMing, please?fnord312513230.[Rulers] What are your rules?DanielSolis13231.into the obscure indie RPGs inquiryPaulCzege13232.RPG Texts: Going Beyond Minimum InstructionJesse13233.Top five games you want to play *again*jdfristrom13234.Layout and DesignTully30513235.Zazzle vs CafePress vs ?Seth Drebitko13236.Help me with a little game for my weddingDavid Pidgeon13237.Obscure indies - killer apps?Ry13238.Dread House Coloring Book for HalloweenEmily_Care13239.Role playing in large groups.Paul8813240.[Split Decision] MultiverseTanya Fyans13241.[Parsely] Deathtrap Dungeon!NickWedig13242.Full Light, Full Steam - Narration PassingJDCorley13243.My Dance of the DamnedCorone13244.Lady Blackbird - Best Fun Evar!warjna13245.Seinfeld + D&DDanielSolis13246.Your experiences with WraithTristan13247.Map Resources, Anyone?stupidgremlin13248.[Generic Fantasy Settings] Survey What Player EnjoyDavidVS13249.NaGa DeMonvulpinoid13251.Dungeonslayers: suggestions from APPaolo D.13252.Are you playing RPGs less or more?jenskot13253.Would you want to advertise / sell at my convention?jackson_tegu13254.Two player as good as playing with more - is it possible?jdfristrom13255.How far do you and your gaming group(s) travel to game?The Bunyip13256.I want a GM-less Indie Starship Enterprise. Please advise.Sebastian13257.[Apocalypse World] PbPChristopher13258.Qwixalted = Streamlined Exalted inspired by the Quickstart. And it works!Jarvis13259.First Move AdvantageNickWedig13260.[Lady Blackbird] Question about Traits, Tags, and Fictionjprussell13263.Resources for solo play?Caesar_X13264.The Games of SatanAnders Nygaard13265.[Video of...] Giant dice at Galecon 2010.Sebastian13266.What do you do in prison?David Pidgeon13267.What are your top indie game cliches?Jesse13268.November art contest!Seth Drebitko13269.Where's the crowd?boulet13270.Registration Ends May 14! [Camp Nerdly May 20-22 2011]Mark_Causey13271.[In A Wicked Age] A House Rule that didn't workRy13273.[Lucca 2010] How Was It?Steve_Segedy13274.Concrete Cow 11: 19 March 2011, Milton Keynes, UKNeil13275.[Cold City] Priming the Awesome - Extra Covert ActionsLor the Swede13276.Wordplay Basics releasedNewt13277.[Cold City] Question on the use of negative traitsRune13278.[Archipelago] Improving Play for Total Newbies (and Oldies too)willem13279.Groundhoggoth Rises! Free indie RPGs and scenarios!James_Mullen13280.Out, out brief candle - The end of Incarnadine PressMichael S. Miller13281.[PTA Hack] Fan Mail for the GM?jenskot13282.Dungeons & Dragons in Contemporary Art, NYC, NY 11/6Tavis13283.[The night face up] Playtesting versionsomething13284.Stuff to Watch: November 2010Mcdaldno13285.[Shock:] Hacking in History?Albi_SG13286.[Fiasco] Up in Smokedoho12313287.The Forge moves into its Winter phase...jenskot13288.[Lacuna] A few rules questionsRune13290.[Memento Mori Theatricks] Its current state...Jared A. Sorensen13291.Limited scope magic systemsJacob13292.[How to Host a Dungeon] Adventurers trashed my dungeon!Adrian P13293.Bite Sized AP: November 2010Mike_Sands13294.Games you're not actually writingColin_Fredericks13295.Looking for readers and folks that like to playtestTyler13296.BEYOND THE MIRROR: playtesters needed!Suna13297.Where are the great FATE conversations?Caesar_X13298.I just dropped out of hyperspace...Matthijs13299.Running my first session of Lady Blackbird on Saturday..Advice?David Sandey13301.Scholarship on Gameskobutsu13302.Five Years From NowRy13303.The Human Contact Kickstarter's Last Day!Joshua A.C. Newman13304.We Found A New Stance!David Artman13305.[Apocalypse World] Skype game in the worksJoshJordan13306.[What's it called?] Narrative tension when you know what happensJohnstone13307.I Have No Words & I Must Design... RPG Toys = Bad Design?jenskot13308.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 37 Fiasco: The Big Irish AppleWillH13309.ideas for bringing story-game-ness to crpgs?jdfristrom13310.Any Experience with De Profundis?Valvorik13311.[Dresden Files] FATE isn't doing it for meKeith Sears13312.Game Texts that support Right to DreamTeataine13313.More on Minimum Rules - Teaching conceptsMatrixGamer13314.Player rolls, GM describes...jenskot13315.[Indiecon] How Was It?Jason_Morningstar13316.[Delve] resolution transparencyDavid_Berg13317.A game you would like to see...Andy13318.If gaming be the food of souls...Matthijs13319.[Hell for Leather] Dracula!!Sebastian13320.Agendaless Zilchplay and How It Works For MeGrymbok13321.follow up from "a game you would like to see": brainstorming a game ideaSuna13322.[Down In the Hole] Call for playtestersPer_Fischer13323.What's your creative agenda?Mcdaldno13324.The Podge Cast plays Do: Pilgrims of the Flying TempleDanielSolis13325.[A Reason for Blood] Lead Poisoning, Violence, and Ancient RomeBeth_in_Virginia13326.Minions, Inc. Game PDFBrandon A13327.Gamestorm PDX 2011: come join the Indie Hurricane!Joli13328.Conventing to Old School Hack from an existing campaign.Zartes13330.Stats on D&D Character CreationKynnBartlett13331.Character record sheets for Basic D&DDeBracy13332.Need advice - How to get non-gamers into a story game?iluxan13333.[Online recruitment thread] It's hard to find people to play games with over Skype. Want to play?David Pidgeon13334.[Solar System] Crunch landscape for a space opera?Arvid13335.Game Design Contest CalendarDanielSolis13336.The Golden Satsuma design award: Game Design Contest discussionSimon_Rogers13337.Pre-Play Questionnaire?Nathan_H13338.[Fiasco] Best practices for playset creationRobert_Bohl13339.[Dead of Night] Where's the stuff?Sam!13340.Outcome Dips or, More Does Not Equal BetterJames_Mullen13341.[#playnow] UnhallowedSam!13342.[Fiasco] Holly Jollydoho12313343.Of Wizards and Wookiees: A Panel Discussion on Gaming & FandomTavis13344.[Montsegur 1244] Unboxing the Italian editionJason_Morningstar13345.Echo Bazaar player ID exchangeNeil13346.[Smallville] Best Practices?Leonard Balsera13349.Harlequin/Arnold, tell us about Indie by Storm at MACEAdam_Dray13350.[How We Came to Live Here] Hero pools - conflict ideas needed3Jane13351.Automated public shame and deadlinesWordman13352.101 adventure ideasnick3.013353.[Firenze, Italy] Anyone? Anyone..? Bueller?Georgios13354.[Mortal Coil] Is it cool?Matthijs13355.[Canon Puncture podcast] Not Yet Dead! Ep 101 is outorklord13356.RPGPromo - 7 exciting Games for one Low Pricebrettmb13357.Dumb Question - What do you call...StevenW13358.[Dead of Night] A question of Survival PointsSam!13359.Story Games Halo Reach Day!framweard13360.Pay-what-you-want PricingBen_Lehman13361.When have you cheated in a roleplaying game?Graham13362.Playing for unsympathySam!13363.Games where players only use the traits of the group?Wordman13364.[Sorcerer] Tips for action-packed Sword?Ry13365.Vote with Your Play!: 2010 Game Chef PlayoffsJ_Walton13366.[Final Hour of a Storied Age] Heart of the FireDanMaruschak13367.Keeping tensionobgoblin13368.New Games for RetailEero_Tuovinen13369.What games are coming up for release?Graham13370.[RPG Music] Grooveshark PlaylistsSebastian13371.New Geek Girls Rule! PodcastGeekGirlsRule13372.Riddle me this...XanatosChimera13373.Savage Worlds InvertedHarlequin13374.Pay-what-I-want pricingMatthijs13375.MiniSix RPG, or "F*** the d6 License!"Andy13376.[LAN party] The annual TurkeyshootJason_Morningstar13377.[Apocalypse World] OhmRy13378.Die2NiteBret_Gillan13379.Holy Crap, Paul Elliot's been busyValamir13380.People who have trouble reading the game's imaginary spaceTeataine13381.Game MashupsBenhimself13382.What settings are the Tekumels and Gloranthas of today?vini_lessa13383.[HeroQuest/Heltelyst/Archipelago II] Mending the campaign - showing, not talkingMatthijs13384.Are there any indie RPGs/story games in epub format?Colin_Fredericks13385.[Fiasco] The Abortion That Didn't Take (link to the Forge)DanielZKlein13386.[playtesting] sources of adversity - rethinking the Czege PrincipleBeth_in_Virginia13387.(CRPG) Winter Voices on Steam: Tactical Emotional Wargaming... ... 10 heroes of legendDavid_Berg13389.Viewing characters beyond the situationSavageHominid13390.PAX EastDarren Watts13391.[Apocalypse World] Firefly Hack!framweard13392.Active Podcastsmcphersonrants13393.Help needed: an AP example of the term "Positioning".Suna13394.Favorite two-player rpgs?Bloomfield13395.[playtesting] Dwarf Fortress skills - projects vs. harvestingBeth_in_Virginia13396.[designstorming] Corrupting a Dwarven CityJ_Walton13397.indie games with japanese settingMaitresinh13398.World of Conan - a free AW hackSimon_C13399.[Castle Blackbird], a hack of Lady Blackbirdstupidgremlin13400.Quick question for Japanese speakersTeataine13401.[S/lay w/me] Any AP audio recordings?Ry13402.Actual knowledge ruining/poisoning a setting or game...Andy13403....why Japan?Andy13404.Steve and Jason, tell us about Horse Fever!Graham13405.Tom Baker - Best Doctor Who? or Sexiest Man Alive?Nathan_H13406.Help with Diplomacy Needed. (Strategy!)Paul_T13407.Do you want what you get?JDCorley13408.Cream of the OD&D material on RPGNow?Caesar_X13409.[Apocalypse World] Just a couple of questions...Paul_T13410.[Down in the Hole] Streets of LondonPer_Fischer13411.[Fiasco] Congratulations, Mr. Morningstar!Kinetic13412.NaGaDeMon + Split Decision + Moorco*ck = The Million Spheres (looking for feedback)Tanya Fyans13413.[Fiasco] trying to run a game with my parentsBeth_in_Virginia13414.What makes a great old school D&D/OSR supplement?DeBracy13415.[Dust Devils] Words of AdviceNathan_H13416.When to rollDavid_Berg13417.How promiscuous are you?rafial13418.A Supplement for Polaris (and Supplements in General)Sanglorian13419.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 38 Gamma World: The Quest for Army MenWillH13420.[Sign In Stranger] When is it coming out?David_Berg13421.Any good indie games, maybe even yours, on amazon?Seth Drebitko13422.1,001 Battle SimsDeliverator13423.How do I deal with this?David Artman13424.[Montsegur 1244] What is the sweet-spot?Wilhelm13425.An idea for social stats and direct speech dialogueomnifray13426.[Call for Papers & Games] "Magic Missile" for GoPlayNW 2011J_Walton13427.Give me Lovecraftian advantages and disadvantagesGraham13428.[Fiasco] T-Shirt Holiday PromotionJason_Morningstar13429.What should I buy at the LULU 25% off sale?DannyK13430.1:1 Horror Gaming: Whistle and I'll Come To YouMattJohnston13431.Old-skool techniques for consideration in story-gaming?David_Berg13432.Lovecraftian thoughts while preparing a Cthulhutech scenarioJDCorley13433.Stuff to Watch: December 2010Troy_Costisick13434.Handmade Games, Etsy, Crafting Books, Etc.Jason_Morningstar13435."Diplomacy"-inspired design in a story game mediumPaul_T13436.Pay What You Want Polaris and Bliss Stage: End of the MonthBen_Lehman13437.The annoying "what is a roleplaying game" sectionSuna13438.Men who don't like cheesecake art. Do you exist?wundergeek13439.[Fiasco] All their plans went up in smokedaw6513440.In a Wicked AgeDSchmitt13441.Collaborative design software?YunusWesley13442.A game for every occasionJumanji8313443.Youtube LacunaMcdaldno13444.Largest number of playersJumanji8313445.Hero's Banner for a historical gameJumanji8313446.How to Train Your Dragon?Ry13447.[Diplomacy] Story Games Diplomacy League, Game 5 GunboatMel_White13448.[Diplomacy] Story Games League, Game 6Mel_White13449.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 39 Gamma World: Gammacraft the GatheringWillH13450.Diaspora Rules Questionsagony13451.RPG Newsolepeder13452.Game Mechanics Don't Tell Stories, People Tell Storiesjdfristrom13453.[Supercrew] Does anyone know of any future for this awesome little indie supers RPG?kevperrine13454.[Mars Colony] Do you see any red here?!David Pidgeon13456.Forum NeighborhoodEmily_Care13458.A better way to represent discussions?Ry13459.Secret roles and motivationsdoho12313460.Social Scripts and In-game ActionLevi Kornelsen13461.Bite-Sized AP: December 2010Jason_Morningstar13462.What game does "What Is Reality?" fiction best?jdfristrom13463.[MinionsInc]/[AW] Custom Lair MovesBrandon A13464.[Hot War] Soviet Mobile Biological Weapons - what do you think they are?Adrian P13465.[The Hellenes] mercurial heroes (or should that be hermetic?)Beth_in_Virginia13467."How to Play [This Game] as a Player" in 5 bullet pointskomradebob13469.Indie Games Explosion at Dreamation 2011Michael S. Miller13470.When switching stances in SageFight, when do you stop moving?Graham13471.What do you write when you sign your games?Graham13472.Artist in search of a projectJoshua A.C. Newman13473.Problems Planet Story Games RSS FeedTroy_Costisick13474.The Power of ListsBrendan_Conway13475.Comedy and Story GamesPotemkin13476.Do you have a YouTube Channel or RPG Video Cast?Troy_Costisick13477.Nicotine Girls: Creating painfully unsuccessful failuresSteve_Hickey13478.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 40 The Dresden Files RPG: Road TripWillH13479.Did you ever play a game that was obviously translated?Wilhelm13480.GMing: like buying Christmas gifts?jenskot13481.[Genghi Con] Games on Demand made it in the Event ListDInDenver13482.More diplomacy advice.Seth Drebitko13483.I give you- Our New Neighborhood, if you want it.Troy_Costisick13484.The Twelve Games of EpimasEpidiah_Ravachol13485.SageFight at Dreamation. Help me figure it out?DanielSolis13486.Roles in a Squad/Group/Teammjbauer13487.Marginalia and SGRy13488.[AW] Getting from good to greatPaulB13489.[proto-roleplaying]School me on Breyer Horses, dollhouses, & smurfskomradebob13490.January RPG-in-a-monthQueex13491.A "Book Club", but with RPGs?Andy13492.[FIASCO] Muppets!NinjaPete13493.Games sold as art @Gen Con's artist alley?jenskot13494.Sexiness and GamesOrlando_Wilson13496.Cyborgsanansigirl13497.More Nerd InsultsWillow13498.[Apocalypse World] moves for a high-school drama hackjdfristrom13499.Thinking about AP threadsJudd13500.Bite-Sized Mediocre AP: December 2010jdfristrom13501.Which games should I play with my father?Graham13502.Modifiers for a hackRy13503.JiffyCon Northampton, January 23, 2011Emily_Care13504.Smallville Bolt-On: The MissionJDCorley13505.A new generation; will they kill us softly?Wilhelm13506.The Constancy of "Story Gaming"GB_Steve13507.I Now Present: The RPG Crossroads (formerly "the neighborhood")Troy_Costisick13508.Timing your one-shots to fill your session - how do you do it?jdfristrom13509.Handling Aspect-grubbingJ B Bell13510.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 41 The Dresden Files RPG: From Dusk Til A Fistful of DollarsWillH13511.Game Chef: Sojourner 2010 Winners!J_Walton13513.New Page XX webzine is outSimon_Rogers13514.Customizable d12s?komradebob13515.RPG Solitaire ChallengeEmily_Care13516.who is making the star wars rpg? my money is on LukeTylerT13517.Soul's Calling RPG - out 2011omnifray13518.Solitaire - say what?Per_Fischer13519.Learning from Game Chef 2010J_Walton13520.Permission without Pressure?jenskot13521.Tiny rpgsstupidgremlin13522.Soloing a game by creating a mock troupeRy13523.Playing With Great Power over Skype?wundergeek13524.How do you banter? Cheat cheat cheat!JDCorley13525.[storming the wizard's tower] fun with a DriftingBeth_in_Virginia13526.Catering to multiple tastesmigo13527.[Time & Temp] AP reports?elmago7913528.Shopping in the Pastelkin13529.[Game Designing] on the shoulders of giants... frustrating?Suna13530.[Dresden Files] Avoiding the systemwundergeek13531.Star Wars RPG : how would you do it?Jumanji8313532.What games are you giving or getting for Christmas?Graham13534.[Epiphany] Actual Replay #2: A Story-Game at Sunday SchoolBill_White13535.Montsegur 1244: The ExpansionFrederik J. Jensen13536.[In a Wicked Age] Tarot Oracle (No Setting)Eldir13538.[My Brothers' Keepers] You're invited to Episode 1Tyler13539.Objection! The RPG: The Game of Courtroom DramaEldir13540.[Hold 'Em Scene Generator] What Genre Next?vulpinoid13541.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 42 The Dresden Files RPG: A Few Vampires MoreWillH13542.Bride of Social Footprint: Social AgendaRy13543.Tell me about campaigns you loved.Ry13544.What did you play over the holiday break?DanielSolis13545.Soccer-themed RPGRonaldo13546.So I got Gamma World for Christmas ...merb10113547.problems roleplaying games face because they lack tasteTylerT13548.Tales of the Arabian Nights, and "Is it a Board Game? Is it an RPG?" gamesAndy13549.[supers] Frankenstien a new Supers Rule systemkevperrine13550.[Misery Bubblegum] Q's: 2 player? And, am I missing something?jdfristrom13551.Help with Free Marketmasqueradeball13552.Collective Responsibility Game ChefGraham13553.How to Host a Murder MysteryBrian_Minter13554.The Story Never SetsWordman13555.Call for play testers for Death of the Velewburdick13556.engagement cycles and visions for playDavid_Berg13557.Who's gonna keep working on their game chef game?jackson_tegu13558.Andy's RPG Book ClubGraham13559.A feminist scenarioMatthijs13560.For your ears: who should I interview about what?Robert_Bohl13561.[Dreamation] Planning Accomodation and RidesRy13562.Paul Elliott's Travelling Lightakooser13563.Fiasco-in-a-Bagframweard13564.[Minions, Inc.] Explain for me how to playkevperrine13565.How do people describe your game?kobutsu13566.[Danger Patrol] My First Experience with the Danger Patrol BetaTheWhaleShark13567.Stuff to Watch: January 2011droog13568.[A Taste For Murder] - A First Outing For Inspector Chapelkaptainkobold13569.RPG Solitaire Challenges AnnouncedEmily_Care


13570.Does anyone have the Montsegur printouts? is downDanielZKlein13571.Diaspora/FATE - GM gets unlimited Fate points?agony13572.[Perfect, Unrevised] Finished, at long last!Mcdaldno13573.Bite-Sized AP: January 2011Bret_Gillan13574.MasterBook Reprint and MasterDeck Downloads Availablebrettmb13575.[ENnies] An Announcement and a Questiontonylaw7413576.Videos as a larp propNickWedig13577."Not for Everyone"Luke_Wheel13578.[Question] Hacks/Copies/Originals?k.graz13579.Man and Ubermensch (Hackbird) (previously: It Came From the Wide Blue Yonder!)Sanglorian13580."My favorite game console is a table and chairs." [T-Shirts Available]DanielSolis13581.\xa32 and \xa34 games for charityGraham13582.Fantasy Game Encounter Setting ListNameless13583.My problem with 'story' or 'nar' or 'hippie' gamesalgi13584."RPG Book Club": January-February 2011Andy13585.What People Want and How to Deliver ThatJ_Walton13586.[Trail of Cthulhu] Many FiresJason_Morningstar13587.Fighting my consumerist urgesJumanji8313588.French story gamesJumanji8313589.[Diaspora] Dying during character creationGraham13590.The means of production - and other alienating topicsMatrixGamer13591.Raleigh "Indie Games Meetup"David Artman13592.[The New World] What Are Your Favorite Alternate History Breakpoints?Bill_White13593.Real life dungeon crawlingakooser13594.Would it actually be fun to play?Graham13595.[Games on Demand] Origins 2011anansigirl13596.categorically looking for playtestersBeth_in_Virginia13597.10% off my stuff at LuluJason_Morningstar13598.The right game for the right crowd.Jumanji8313599.Best RPG 2010 purchase...jenskot13600.Everyone look at the Elder SignGraham13601.Lacuna rules questionlachek13602.One-Hundred-And-One Ways to avoid Actual PlayAlbi_SG13603.InterNosCon: Call for papersGraham13604.[Primetime Adventures] Rules Hacks, Pleaselordgoon13605.Give the GM what they want!David_Berg13606.Covers to games Jason Morningstar hasn't made yetCaesar_X13607.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 43 A Taste for Murder: Lord Edward DiesWillH13608.Civ World do hacks compare to the d20 boom?TylerT13610.[Montsegur 1244] caused me physical pain. [WTWE] healed me.Wilhelm13611.Just for fun: a Ghost/Echo Transformers reskin.Cedric P13612.[podcast] Finding the Game: Improv & Roleplay at thecollectivegames.comTyler13613.I'm going to run FreeMarket in a ~5h con slotccreitz13614.[Tales of the Arabian Nights] Obstacles to Success?Brendan_Conway13615.A Taste for Murder and Dirty SecretsPaul_T13616.[Final Hour of a Storied Age] Looking for beta playtestersDanMaruschak13617.RPGs inferior to novels?Jason_Morningstar13618.A Gloomy Taste For Murder [Gloom/ATFM Mash-Up]Jesse13619.Help with a board gameValamir13620.A Thousand and One Night party!Jumanji8313621.What's in a name?kobutsu13622.Gencon 2011Scott13623.[Love in the Time of Sei\xf0] Playing with 3 or 4 playersFrederik J. Jensen13624.Post-Snow White Horror AdventureEldir13625.[A penny for my thoughts] 3 hour home game - doctor vs. patient?Ry13626.Is there such a thing:A Random Timer Program?komradebob13627.Slow day.Ry13628.More Diplomacy: Simple Variants for Fewer PlayersPaul_T13629.[Non-North Americans] Coming to an American convention in 2011?Jason_Morningstar13630.The Shadow of the Apocalypse World Thought ExperimentPaul_T13631.How would you re-spin D&D?merb10113632.Criticizing shock: social science fictionSuna13633.Downtime; what do we do with it?Suna13634.Story Games people on Identi.caRafu13635."audience" time -- love it, hate it, indifferent?David_Berg13636.What do we have to learn from Super PSTW RPG?jdfristrom13637.Tell me about the game "Dung & Dragons"DanielSolis13638.[Beast Hunters] Conversion, healing and other magicSodzilla13639.Nook Reportsomelady13640.[Lady Blackbird] A sixth character?David Pidgeon13641.[Fiasco] Play session report: Toil & Troubletofarley13642.Game Chef '09 entry Of Sky & Sea is now for saleJBMannon13643.What do you do on the Space Station?deadlytoque13644.METAL SHOWCASE 11PMJason_Morningstar13645.I got my SageFight shirt!DanielSolis13646.Shock:Human Contact preorders are live!Joshua A.C. Newman13647.Random Ritual PhrasesMatthijs13648.AP podcast of Conspiracy of ShadowsTyler13649.[RPG Book Club Discussion/AP] AnnaliseAndy13650.[my ronnies entry] the armor of law - suggestions?Beth_in_Virginia13651.MAGfest 2011MollyxEdge13652.On tempo and rhythm in rpgsDavid Artman13653.When to give up on a designJBMannon13655.[EndGame] GMs Seminar, March 19Mike Montesa13656.Expanded Indy Convention Center opens todayMatrixGamer13657.Orccon 2011 (LAX, Feb 18-21)Anarchangel13658.Indie/Small Press Panel at Dragoncon 2011 (Atlanta, Sept 2-5th)Scott13659.Gaming in New Orleans Feb 4-6thScott13660.[Old School Hack] Basic Game finally released!kiznit13661.NerdNYC's Recess: How Did it Go?Paul_T13662.South Bay Story Games Day II - The Quickening, 26 Feb 2011ccreitz13663.Stories as Settingsk.graz13664.Playground Magazine: This is what it'll look like.Matthijs13665.A good hack-n-slash game for 2-6-year-olds?Matthijs13666.White Wolf and "system doesn't matter"Tavis13668.Purely Superstitious SorceryFuseboy13669.[Lady B/AW Hack] Escape From Thanatos!Shadowmourne13670.[Rock of Tahamaaat] jiffyconTodd_L13671.Some things I have learned about FiascoBrian_Minter13672.Advice for recovering boardgamers?stet13673.What is "system"?Andy13674.Tell us about Jiffycon last weekend!jenskot13675.[Final Hour of a Storied Age] An Empty Throne BeckonsDanMaruschak13676.[Opus] Cooperative Story CreationPaul DuPont13677.theory and my goals in learning itDavid_Berg13678.[From WW & System] Design is structure not affectOrlando_Wilson13679.Commissioning Art + Writing Submissions = Productkevperrine13680.Story-Gaming D&D 4eBill_White13681.Is fiction the aim of it all?jhkim13682.[Hell for Leather - Library] *NEW: Martyrdom of Gaius FlaviusSebastian13683.How To - Dogs in the Vineyard in 2 hours?jenskot13684.Jacksonville, FL March 4-6Harlequin13685.Dungeons & Dragons in art and literatureRich Forest13686.Selective tension in Burning WheelGuy Srinivasan13687.Design Matters GenCon 2011sage13688.Gencon 2011 - Forge? Design Matters? Pirate Jenny? Burning Wheel? IPR?jenskot13689.[Other Worlds] Editor needed... with a twistsoviet13690.Clinton's Traveling-the-World-SaleClinton13691.Story Cubes (again)GB_Steve13692.Post-apoc wanderlust (events wanted!)Veav13693.[Sagas of the Icelanders] Viking Iceland AW hack, playtest!Teataine13694.[Project:Black] MIB Ghost/Echo hackstupidgremlin13695.Ignoring whole threads?Jason_Morningstar13696.[Apocalypse World Hack] How can AW be hacked for long-term campaigns?theg33k13697.Gaming as Driving: Thoughts on Narrative AuthorityEldir13698.Campaign Settings from AD&D2e that you playedTroy_Costisick13699.[someone else's hack] Ghost/Echo - FlashbEchoBeth_in_Virginia13700.Japanese Indie RPG about housewives: "Families"Andy13701.More structured goal / best-interest / motivation / dream / belief / destiny settingjdfristrom13702.[Dream Game] White Wolf's New Boxed SetsJ_Walton13703.Avoiding Heartbreakk.graz13704.Solitaire Challenge judging extensionEmily_Care13705.Anyone going to WonderCon in San Francisco?jessecoombs13706.Steampunk SuperheroesPaul DuPont13707.Templecon in RI this weekendTodd_L13708.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 44 FATE for Convention Games: Hail to the King BabyWillH13709.Games without a Fruitful Void?Fuseboy13710.[IAWA] Oracle Generator app for AndroidDavid Artman13711.[Unity Underground] Beta PlaytestClint Krause13712.[Lady Blackbird] questionsjohnzo13713.Morality Mechanics in RPGstheg33k13714.Cthulhu Dark at ConceptionGraham13715.[Love in the Time of Sei\xf0] Playing With Only 4 PlayersPete13716.Stuff to Watch: February 2011Troy_Costisick13717.Bridging gaps in cultural context and actual knowledgeTeataine13718.Dogs in the Vineyard -> Battlestar Galacticajenskot13719.What game should we play.... tomorrow?jenskot13720.Fastaval, Aarhus, Denmark, April 20-24: Early bird offerFrederik J. Jensen13721.dramatic conflict resolution "rules of drama"stefoid13722.Game Theories as Movie PostersDanielSolis13724.RPG Solitaire Challenge FeedbackEmily_Care13725.[Go Play NW 2011] Save the Date! July 8-10tony_dowler13726.this rpg solitaire thing...Suna13727.Tailored ImaginationJason_Morningstar13728.Hosting a Remember Tomorrow game tonight : any last minute advices ?GregPogor13729.TerpCon XIV - March 12th - College Park, MDterpcon13730.[Trail of Cthulhu] The Big HoodooBill_White13731.[ENnies] Announcing our first 2011 Sponsor: Indie Press Revolutiontonylaw7413732.[Andy's RPG Club] Annalise APndp13733.[Apocalypse World] The writing style bothers meTodd_L13734.[ENnies] Announcing our second 2011 Sponsor: DriveThruRPGtonylaw7413736.[London] Fiasco Playset Design DayPete13737.[Apocalypse World] uncertainty and immersionDavid_Berg13738.Geek Girls Rule! Interviews Felicia DayGeekGirlsRule13739.[Fury's Vengeance] Win conditionsGraham13740.Would you do arts-and-crafts prep to playtest a game?jackson_tegu13741.what immersion is good forDavid_Berg13742.[Smallville] New Mutants and hacking ValuesJoli13743.Mystic Empyrean: Kinda interesting-looking!Andy13744.Community - Advanced D&D episode...jenskot13745.[Apocalypse World] Why the Text is AwesomeJason_Morningstar13746.Is Leverage out?jenskot13747.The Thousand-Year Game Design ChallengeDanielSolis13748.Competitive SpectrumFuseboy13749.Promoting our game design blogkobutsu13750."Try A Different Way" - anyone seen it abused?jdfristrom13751.Midnight SageFight at Dreamation - Tournament? Format? Ideas?DanielSolis13752.Kickstarting a conventionmease1913753.Tools we developed for a recent gamebottlesorter13754.Opinions on "Hamlet's Hit Points"buzz13755.Mundane Games?whduryea13756.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 45 InSpectres: Laissez Les Zombis RoulerWillH13757.Angry people don't often shoutGraham13758.Mundane games; what's the bait?Jason_Morningstar13759.Bite-Sized AP: February 2011nemomeme13760.Seeking a game that handles stealthfully manipulating NPCs really wellWordman13761.Dungeon World: The Great Abysmal SwampSteve_Segedy13762.Dialog and game mechanics in more freeform gamesjdfristrom13763.Design Contests for Games Already in Development?whduryea13764.Why is that game text awesome?Will_Hindmarch13765.Allons Jouer Montr\xe9alOrlando_Wilson13766.RPGGeek RatingsPaul_T13767.Answer Deck - a useful toolbottlesorter13768.I've never played an RPG before...where to start (indie games)?Check13769.No/Little-prep gamesDionysus13770.Peplum & ancient rome : games or most suitable games to hack ?Maitresinh13771.Festival of Flawless Victory II: Finish Him!J_Walton13772.Grand Strategy Roleplayingryoken13773.the best of GM adviceLula13774.[Lady Blackbird] One of those moments that reminds you why you game...theg33k13775.Reading Dagon / Recording SongsGraham13776.[Smallville] Capabilities?Brendan_Conway13777.[Dungeon World / Apoc D&D] Dingledale's finestNoofy13778.Give me your best alien and sci-fi technologiesCaesar_X13779.KickstartersSilverlion13780.[Fiasco] Ricky Masters Goes To HellJason_Morningstar13781.I need suggestions/advice for a new game for my groupjbristow13782.[Fiasco] Touring Rock Band OmissionDavid Artman13783.Archipelago II... I keep seeing it mentioned positivelyjenskot13784.Does anyone remember this?Marshall Burns13785.[Fabricated Realities] con in oly,wa// Press Release & Tickets!jackson_tegu13786.Grand Predictionsjackson_tegu13787.johnzo-con 2011: post-gameBen_Robbins13788.SoloPlay Contest: Any Crowdsourcing Mechanics in a design?komradebob13789.Indie Bazaar at DreamationJoshua A.C. Newman13790.Playground Magazine: Four pages from issue 1Matthijs13791.[Apocalypse World] how I learned to stop worrying and love sex movesjdfristrom13792.Story Game guide to GenCon?Seth comer, old ground - nature of a premise have to be a question?stefoid13794.Burning Empires, FATE, Star Wars and lots of the D&D at Chicago Gamedaybuzz13795.Disconnect in play styles?Dionysus13796.[Fight On!] Roll the Bones Available in Print and Digital Formats!Calithena13797.Games on Demand / Indie by Storm Signs and SignageHarlequin13798.[La Sociedad de los Durmientes] Society of Dreamers in Spanish!Matthijs13799.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Season 2whduryea13800.How do you build a functional setting?Jason_Morningstar13801.RPG Crossroads Will Now Host Your Group's Forum!Troy_Costisick13802.I Hate d20mjbauer13803.[Go Play NW 2011] Registration is Open!tony_dowler13804.Why is d20 a great system?Marc_Majcher13805.[Engle Matrix Game] Guilty Moneybags play session on The Gutter SkypesMatrixGamer13806.D&D Alignments: How They Make for Great GamingPaul_T13807.Empowering More Game Designers In Africa ContinentAdebowale13808.[Gems] A Simple Gamehappysmellyfish13809.Mayhem Academy [RPG-in-a-month]Queex13810.Ludic Peripety? Know it? Like It? Miss It?epweissengruber13811.RPG Solitaire AwardsEmily_Care13812.Bridging a player from board games to RPGsRafe13813.[Lady Blackbird] First time playing.Chrysalis13814.Narrating towards interactive flowstefoid13815.[Leverage] Playing a more serious crime story, ala Starkreaction13816.Eclipse Phase - big Success!jenskot13817.Would a TV series bible make a good RPG?DanielSolis13818.Worst MC EverBret_Gillan13819.Dundracon 2011Darren Watts13820.[Re-examining] Techniques as Rules, Mechanics as Toolskomradebob13821.Amazing Retcon moments - any better system than IAWA?Ry13822.Good endings for game design eventsGraham13823.[Fiasco] Gentler aftermaths?Dionysus13824.Alignment, un-American styleWordman13825.Playtesting: Stop - guest post on anyway by Ben Lehmanjenskot13826.Start Playtesting?john13827.Play, Design, Talk - what percentagesworldnamer13828.[Gen Con Oz 2011 - Cancelled]Comrade Andrew13829.The proceduralization of roleplayingTavis13830.Awesome old unfinished way to record play sessions?David_Berg13832.What is your process, start to finish.TylerT13833.What do we really need an RPG about, but don't yet have one?sage13834.Burning Wheel, FATE, and indie interest in/near Aurora, IL?buzz13835.Polaris Group in Santa Cruz, CA seeks one moreframweard13836.Dead Island trailer (Zombie video game)--best game trailer ever?okiran13838.[Apocalypse World] Barf me apocalypticahalski13839.The Storkdreampunk13840.The Games of 2010jhkim13841.[DitV] Alternate NPC stat method?Rustin13842.How would you go about reviewing an entire game line/system?migo13843.Bar Karma TV series with crowd-sourced story gimmickTodd_L13844.Playing Dungeon World Hack tomorrow; advice please?framweard13845.The 1851 play challengeGraham13846.Systems for Currying FavorColin_Fredericks13847.Fastaval 2011: Registration is open!Frederik J. Jensen13848.[Scion] Percy Jackson & the Olympiansmigo13849.Setting-toolsQueex13850.[Happy Birthday Robot Free version] is now Joyeux Anniversaire Robot !Maitresinh13851.[Knudepunkt] After-Action Reports, PleaseJason_Morningstar13852.PLAYTESTING: AMMOTodd_L13853.Ransoming the Trail of Cthulhu character generatorGraham13854.Utara - Compass Dice GameDanielSolis13855.AMMO: PLAYTESTERS WANTEDJason_Morningstar13856.My untitled zombie RPG rises from the grave...AlexMayo13857.Cinematic action game: playtesters wantedstefoid13858.Hearth & Hunt, a New Game to Play in Prison [Storystory]Sanglorian13859.[Archipelago] The Game Crafter cardsjdfristrom13860.Get 6 hot games and a NEW exclusive AW splat for $10! Help a young woman who's going blind!Elizabeth13861.[Playground] News \u2013 What\u2019s cool on the RPG sky?olepeder13862.[Ring of Changes] A Habgarian OdysseyQueex13863.EOS Press returns with a new websitegamera_spinning13864.Moral Preceptstheg33k13865.[New Zealand] RPGnow/DriveThru RPG bundle to help Red Cross NZMalcolm Craig13866."Microscope? I've heard of you. I heard you were dead."Ben_Robbins13867.Know any good drupal developers?Seth Drebitko13868.[Dreamation 2011] any fans of Magic: the Gathering?David_Berg13869.Narrative Cage Match House Rulespolm13870.Lady Blackbird Companiontimonkey13871.Main characters in Montsegur 1244Graham13872.Dilemma: Debating Which Game to Developwhduryea13873.Love for humanity?happysmellyfish13874.[InSpectres] Dealing with bad luck on stress rolls.netwomble13875.Incomparable old-school D&D one-shot ideasEero_Tuovinen13876.Mecha by Chris Perrin: still supported?Cedric P13877.The first role-playing game to...Wordman13878.Has a story game made you cry?jdfristrom13879.[Apocalypse World] LE PlaybooksKlingKlangKlatch13880.Mechanics of player empowermentmigo13881.[Apocalypse World] What makes a good move?Sanglorian13882.PLAYTESTING: AMMO seriouslygraypawn13883.NEED HELP: Re Free (or low cost) Wiki site; moving the CodexAndy13884.I want your wizardselkin13885.How would a GM screen work for an indie game?Graham13886.[Nerdly Beach Party] Friday, April 15th through Sunday, April 17thJesse13887.combination probabilities, anyone?Emily_Care13888."RPG Book Club" March-April 2011: Archipelago IIAndy13889.[DREAMATION 2011] How'd It Go?Jason_Morningstar13890.[Apocalypse World] Custom Moves!Orlando_Wilson13891.One Cool Thing I Saw at Dreamation 2011Jason_Morningstar13892.rpg geek has the most boring picturesTylerT13893.Indie Hurricane PDX March 24-27! Run games, play games!Joli13894.[GnoccoCON III (2011)] - An Italian ConventionLuca Veluttini13895.[HWCTLH] The Curse of Antelope WomanJason_Morningstar13896.[Microscope] Prezi FunRustin13897.[Board Games] Reviewers - Who?Jason_Morningstar13898.[MidSouthCon 29] Who's Going?Tim Boser13900.Potent vampiresGeorge_Cotronis13901.PAX EastJoshua A.C. Newman13902.Crowdsource me this: Stop the Press - the journalism RPGPer_Fischer13903.How do you pitch a game?Matthijs13904.Fun Little Gamer Quiz- Come Play!Troy_Costisick13905.As a player, what helps you get your head around a convention game with a new setting or sytem?gamera_spinning13906.Stuff to Watch: March 2011merb10113907.One Cool Thing I Ate At...DanielSolis13908.Tell me about Under the BedFuseboy13909.I hate the internet, but I like Camp Nerdly...Nathan_H13910.Bite-Sized AP: March 2011Joli13911.Behind the Scenes: Shipping Costsframweard13912.One Page Dungeon Contest 2011kensanata13913.Fun Little Gamer Quiz2- Come Test Your Knowledge!Troy_Costisick13914.STAPLETrey Greer13915.[Origins] Let's Make PlansJason_Morningstar13916.Archipelago 2009 - How to resolve when PCs are at odds?Ronaldo13917.Why I love the setting for Warhammer 40KGraham13918.Looking for Playtestersjim pinto13919.Increasing clarity of FATE systemsmigo13920.[Dreamation 2011] Dungeon World Actual PlaySteve_Segedy13921.[Dungeon World] Mini Session!framweard13922.The Challenges of Generic Game DesignJason_Pitre13923.[AW-hack] Interesting cyberpunk motivesParadoks13924.Cthulhu DarkGraham13925.Good mission-based RPG?Matthijs13926.Apocalypse World: Have you used the sex moves?Matthijs13927.Applying FATE's ladder to AD&Dmigo13928.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 46 The Dresden Files RPG: Gods and MobstersWillH13929.Smallville Abilities: when do you have to spend a Plot Point?jenskot13931.[Advise?] Hankering for a west-march style gameDionysus13932.[ENnies] 2011 ENnies Booth Volunteer Recruitment!tonylaw7413934.Hell for Leather: how to make rest scenes work and feel engaging?Cedric P13935.FISC : yet another oracle gameGregPogor13936.PAX East: I have an extra 3 day badgejenskot13937.[Casefile: Zodiac] I'd like to play, but...spookyfanboy13938.Playtesters Sought : Story Game about Memories (not like Penny)jim pinto13939.[The Alchemist] Pixie dust, a newt and an elephant. Oh, my.Bryan13940.Making Our Awesome-O-Fied Dark Sun Come True!Troy_Costisick13941.AW convention demo advicePer_Fischer13942.[ENnies] Win an RPG Cruise for two!tonylaw7413943.[D&D 4e] Saturday Morning D&DBill_White13944.Official live action Shadowrun video promo from 1991...jenskot13945.Let's Make 2011 PredictionsJDCorley13946.Smallville: The Scion LifepathsJDCorley13947.The Academy - AP, Design, Boasting and everything - In print, at last.Wilhelm13948.Potent werewolvesCaptain_Thark13949.One Paragraph GamesSanglorian13951.[Fiasco] So how do you play? Act it out, or narrate it out?Check13952.Games (Play Styles) by trust levelRy13953.E-Pub whats the big deal?Seth Drebitko13954.Why are Indie games suddenly down on Gen Con?MatrixGamer13955.The Taste of Blood: An Anthology of 30 Short Roleplaying Story Games about Vampiresmasqueradeball13956.Editors: How would you improve my writing?Graham13957.[Nobilis] Third Edition is out!nikodemus13958.Party GamesRoss_Cowman13959.[Seattle] RECRUITING New Group: Seattle/Ballard areakevperrine13960.[Apocalypse World fanzine] Luxe Eternal: Call for SubmissionsMcdaldno13961.On the Ecology of the Mud Dragon now on saleBen_Lehman13962.Contact info for White Wolf and WotC?Matthijs13963."Why are you doing this? It doesn't seem fun to me!"Matthijs13964.I love zines.Matthijs13965.[Mars Colony] "Questionable Methods" optionBen_Robbins13966.[Love in the Time of Sei\xf0 ] Giving Birth to Your MotherDouble King13967.Witness Movie Gamejim pinto13968.What are the best cons?buzz13969.So, is Ironclaw any good?Captain_Thark13970.How Perfect!Seth Drebitko13971.The Unspeakable Oath / JapanGraham13972.Sargasso - playtest invitebottlesorter13973.[Dogs in the Vineyard] Kingkiller + DitVframweard13974.Improv: what do you do when you "got nothing", and how to avoid it.stefoid13975.[Contest] Vieux pots, Nouvelles soupes, a redesign contest of francophone 80's RPGMaitresinh13976.Using great art from not-great gamesWordman13977.Child's Play Charity AuctionEpidiah_Ravachol13978.Ending a scene as a bennie.jessecoombs13979.1 kewl thang... PAX East 2011... video linkTodd_L13980.Theres only three types of intetresting conflict?stefoid13981.Reactors, Kennas and Caloric ContentNatai13982.Maid RPG for Japan Relief DonationsNeko_Ewen13983.If you could do it all again.Seth Drebitko13984.Fight On! #11 Now Available in Print and PDF!Calithena13985.f*ckushima FiftyVernon R13986.New Concept: Impressionistic Narrative Modulesryoken13987.How do you make combat not suck?Neko_Ewen13988.Backstory Narrationlordgoon13989.Ideas for Message Board Play?lordgoon13990."RPG Book Club" Archipelago Discussionjdfristrom13991.On editing (Or: hey Elizabeth, can we quit freaking talking about editing already?!")Elizabeth13992.A Live-Action Vampire: The Masquerade Rewriteryanchaddock13993.How would you make a game for $2.99?NickWedig13994.What was your worst idea?Ally Nauss13995.everything you needed to know about game design can be summed up here...jim pinto13996."There's no time to explain..."jim pinto13997.Taste of Blood 2: Playtestingmasqueradeball13998.Book idea: Pocket-sized pick-up-and-play anthologyMatthijs13999.Art inspired gameMaciej Sabat14000.Hungry&Angry&Tired&Tired&Injured&Sickskinnyghost14001.[Group Activity] Tiny Undead British Rockstars!Ryan_Macklin14002.Things I made for less than $2.50Graham14003.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 47 Action Castle: You are in a cottageWillH14004.Recommend a game to keep my group from falling apartagony14005.[Online] Indie Games on demand, bi-weekly, LFPthadrine14006.Critique My Shock FacilitationParker D Hicks14007.[Dungeon World] The Twin Perils of RadithorJason_Morningstar14008.Can 2 players successfully share the same 1st-person narrator in a competitive storytelling game?johnfiore14009.[Microscope] Age of the Dragon Kingsnemomeme14010.[Whatdoyouknow] Maracon XXVI is in two weeksEero_Tuovinen14011.Hard-copy of Amber RPGThe Bunyip14012.Looking for someone fluent in Spanish (mexican dialect especially)Kevin Allen Jr14013.Choose a Photo, Pitch your GameSteve_Segedy14014."Flipback" BooksDanielSolis14015.Zynga Farmville Mafia Wars event 3/22 NYCTodd_L14016.[DRYH] Best GM tip for running as a convention gameComrade Andrew14017.What elements are required for a good RPG story? (improv especially)stefoid14018.AW with the charactersDeliverator14019.[Psuedo-Poll] Endless advancement vs End point in RPGsDionysus14020.Cthulhu Apocalypse: Win 13 postapocalyptic booksGraham14021.Magazine POD experiences?Matthijs14022.[Dungeon World] Tell me about your combatsage14023.My game Dark StarPaul8814024.Like people watching? Like structured free-form? Here!Ally Nauss14025.Year of Living Free -- Where Did I Go Wrong?Sanglorian14026.[Fastaval 2011] Special guests: Luke Crane and Jared SorensenFrederik J. Jensen14027.Spy Games?mjbauer14028."What a Fiasco!!" Event - Durham, NC - Saturday, April 2Steve_Segedy14029.[Microscope] BSG-alikePooka14030.Announcing a Contest for Random Tables!Calithena14031.Tell me about your experience using an RPG PDF on a tablet during a gameorklord14032.GM: nervous? Play a nervous character\u2026jenskot14033.[Fabricated Realities 2011] Registration Open! Website Up! Apocalypse World Playbooks!Ross_Cowman14034.Survey of in-play setting/genre generation techniquesjdfristrom14035.Darn! I read a good post here and now I can't find it...The Bunyip14036.Gaming with strangers rocks...jenskot14037.RPG burlesque show + D&D edition wars!jenskot14038.[Dungeon World] The Frontieragony14039.Forge Midwest 2011Willow14040.What system for an Italian Renaissance campaign?kurisu14041.[Dungeon World] TrapsJason_Morningstar14042.Helping people find other players\u2026 How?jenskot14043.[That's Drama] crowdsource generic story elementsjdfristrom14044.[That's Drama] crowdsource goals / motivationsjdfristrom14045.[PtA] In which we dissect the third season of FringeRoger14046.3 Games of Creative Story Tellingmjbauer14047.[Dungeon World] Magic ItemsJason_Morningstar14048.Moving away from Peer Reviewed RewardsJon Slack14049.Some simplifying house-rules for [Capes]1of314051.What to get the Gunlugger who has everything?Todd_L14052.Who is actually going to GenCon?Graham14053.Tell me about UK Games ExpoEero_Tuovinen14054.Besides Kobayashi's Shell Shock, any other tactical war RPGs?DaveyJJ14055.Rory's Story Cubesjim pinto14056.[Apocalypse World] Post first session MC advice/critiqueParker D Hicks14057.Help me identify a game!14thWarrior14058.Demon Thesis: a web-based tactical game / webcomic hybridDevP14059.[Apocalypse World] Balls I have knownRoss_Cowman14060.Cyberpunk Superheroes - Your Best ThoughtsJDCorley14061.Monsters with Letters/Runes/Symbols on themDavidVS14062.[Fiasco] A ten-minute sample?Jim_Crocker14063.What are the most flavorful playing cards?Robert_Bohl14064.What would you want to see in an Eclipse Phase rules replacement?Wordman14065.Long term play in Lady Blackbird?Kropotkin14066.[The Hammer Falls] Lots of Bacon and Scallop FalafelPooka14067.What do you want at PAX Prime '11?sage14068.[ENnies] Last Month of 2011 ENnies Eligibilitytonylaw7414069.5th Edition D&D Announced!ryoken14070.Bite-Size AP: April 2011J_Walton14071.[Apocalypse World] Outlook?Pooka14072.what's the thing called (not the uvula)..... ?jim pinto14073.The opening monologueGraham14074.Fiasco Insurance [Burst Pipe playset]Todd_L14075.Tell me if Polaris is brokenPer_Fischer14076.Sufficiently Advanced 2nd Edition QuickstartColin_Fredericks14077.System Matters in Cinematic DesignCamBanks14078.Fiasco mini-larp hackRivoClavis14079.How would you do Tron?Hans_c-o14080.Actual people, Actual Play Episode 48 The Dresden Files RPG: Sons of DresdenWillH14081.Things that can't possibly be fun in roleplayingMatthijs14082.Stuff to Watch: April 2011Esoteric14083.Grand Roludothon - June 11 & 12.Jocelyn Robitaille14084.Get a cool generic oracle-like deck of cards free ...jdfristrom14085.What should we call players that can't handle a GM?Graham14086.[DW] Rules Questions and Comments after a 3rd sessionagony14087.Help! Rat-men are invading.Mcdaldno14088.Get Ready For Con-Quest 2011Darran14089.Smallville Scenarios: DunevilleBrendan_Conway14090.Soviet Iconography and Gamestadk14092.Destiny of the Metal GodsQueex14093.Sooo...Sucker PunchTeataine14094.Perspective: Roleplaying is simply a tool for portraying fictionBig_J_Money14095.Making the internal external (or, I'm confused inside, so I fight orcs)Colin_Fredericks14096.(Smallville) So here's what you missed last week on the X-MenJDCorley14097.[FLFS] Full Light Full Steam rules questionsNeil14098.Fiasco: A Gender CensusSupplanter14099.Seeing player character control as irrelevant to storyjhkim14100.["Where Are Your Keys?"] Fluency play in Boston, MA April 14th-24thwillem14101.Dear Mathletes: is this messed up?ndp14102.[3:16] Carnage on Infrno.netriastradh14103.Any of you use Scribus to lay your games out?walkerp14104.Psychosis : Ship of Foolsjim pinto14105.[1KM1KT Movie Mashup] The Sound of AliensRoss_Cowman14106.Regina Needs a Wedding PlannerJason_Morningstar14107.Keeping a Mega Dungeon Interestingagony14108.Blur; the insidious demonJDCorley14109.Cortex Plus Generic RPG?migo14110.Creative Collaboration (Jazz Improv)Erik_Battle14111.Oceans RPG: An Eleven Page Free Heist Game with Eleven Attributesryoken14112.Cel*Style Wave 2: Tulip Academy, G X B and Panty Explosion perfect for pre-order!jake richmond14113.Non-sexist language in game textsSimon_Rogers14114.Proposal: GM roundtable/seminar podcastsTeataine14115.DC Gameday VIII - May 14, 2011 - Washington D.C.Tom C14116.Gender neutral singular "they"\u2026 Annoyed? Enough not to buy?jenskot14118.[Lady Blackbird] MerchandiseEric Provost14119.Anima Prime: Steambots and Megaswords -- Now Available!Christian_Griffen14120.TORONTO, Canada - New Retro/Indie RPG Meetup - Organizer - GM's & Playersophidian_flux14121.Social skill that isn't obnoxious game - match mechanics/techniques/rules to writer's advicejdfristrom14123.Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple - General UpdatesDanielSolis14124.Fiasco - What I do for games I really likerohoe14125.My Grey Ranks is double plus good.Wilhelm14126.High Valor now available at Indiepressrevolution! conflictstefoid14128.History of Danish FreeformEmily_Care14129.Does the singular "you" bother thee?Joshua A.C. Newman14130.New Double Exposure Convention in November- any interest?Darren Watts14131.Amaranthine: A Game About Forever and Nowmachineiv14132.[Conquer the Horizon] how many dice?Ben_Robbins14133.Fastaval goers, anyone hanging out AFTER the con?Alex F14134.Play Devil's Advocate Against Jeep Truths Herejdfristrom14135.Actual Play Report: "Vegas" at "What a Fiasco!" EventMatthew D. Gandy14136.Roleplaying in Danish Schools?cy14137.Asynchronous Play or! Skype games on GMT or!! Gamers in GhanaDaniel Levine14138.What's up with the tsoy wiki?orklord14139.[Lady Blackbird] Tales of the Wyld Blue Yonder: Chapter 0?Badger1stClass14140.Danish scenarios in Englishjohs14141.Me thinking about relaxing moreSebastian14142.A Beautiful Deathanansigirl14143.Immersion is narrativismeruditus14144.[Apocalypse World] Playing with a large group?Rooster1014145.Existing social conflicts for non-aggressive/pushy persuasionjhkim14146.My blog format idea - cool? Unreadable?Ry14147.How do I run a design event?jdfristrom14148.Ideas for how to run Nicotine GirlsSteve_Hickey14149.Bliss Stage Visual Novel questions? Ask here!Elliott Belser14150.Feedback/help with a Vampire: the Requiem Hackfrozenwastes14151.Where you draw the narrative rights line and what that does to the game / story.jdfristrom14152.Doing mental health problems right in gamesfrozenwastes14153.Play Unsafe and A Taste For Murder: Half price todayGraham14154.Anyone going to Gothcon XXXVnetwomble14155.Dramatically\u2026 lose more now, win more laterjenskot14156.A game of thronesstefoid14157.[Camp Nerdly 2011] Special EventsMark_Causey14158.Interest in the West Michigan Areajjafuller14159.[INGENERO] Spiffy draft and playtesters wanted (still)stefoid14160.Double Exposure's New November Event - Feedback Needed!Salvius14161.I'm stuck - who left an ice basilisk on the Hogwarts express? who scuffled with Prof McGonagall?jdfristrom14163.The Cult on the Outskirts of Town: A dangerous mash-up of Archipelago II and The ExchangeSteve_Hickey14164.[Microscope] [S/Lay w/Me] Strong and then No Authority. Alternately.nemomeme14165.Avoiding 'frigidity' in one-shotsjdfristrom14166.Let's recast A Game of Thrones!Roger14167.Dialogue techniqueskobutsu14168.Source Code / Limitless / Adjustment BureauDavid_Berg14169.[Dungeon World] First Session Questionsseanhess14170.Where to find Sons of Kryos?Esoteric14171.[Changeling] Help me with my Keys!framweard14172.'Freeform' Conflict Resolution SystemSimon_C14173.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 49 The Dresden Files RPG: Boba FettishWillH14174.Game Sous-ChefMeserach14175.Systems for the Passage of Timekobutsu14176.New Zealand RPGs - where's that web page?Matthijs14177.[Fastaval] Otto WinnersJason_Morningstar14178.Dogs in the Vineyard Cop Dramatwo_fishes14179.Cthulhu Dark - updated pdf questionsakooser14180.[lacuna] game proposalSelah14181.Apocalypse World Custom Moves Sitewombleton14182.AW hacking - Fantasy word for the Hard and Hot stat?Ry14183.Apocalypse World Review?Calithena14184.Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters... is it good?jenskot14185.[Lacuna] mission report. First game. "Going after the girl"Selah14186.[ENnies] Guest Presenters for the 2011 ENnie Awardstonylaw7414187.[Death Takes a Holiday] Help me see if character creation actually worksNickWedig14188.What do you get out of gaming?Simon_Rogers14189.Double Exposure is proud to introduce: METATOPIA - November 4 - 6, 2011Salvius14190.styles of freeformEmily_Care14191.MiniEnt: Gaming news in a single spot.Grant14192.IRC Gaming GroupElastrius14193.A Free Game to use as a tie-in?Eero_Tuovinen14194.Cool news on Engle Matrix Games - from the Australian ArmyMatrixGamer14195.What's your preference?Jason_Morningstar14196.Shock: In the classroom as a teaching toolakooser14197.[How Do I] Sell POD for charity?Johnstone14198.Gen Con Events... so many events... but so few indie gamesjenskot14199.GMing for 12 hours... how do you not lose your voice? about what freeform means hereEmily_Care14201.Fiasco Playset - The Lost RoomMark_Causey14202.History Panic?kobutsu14203.Concrete Cow 11\xbd: 17 September 2011, Milton Keynes, UKNeil14204.Mechanics? Procedures? Techniques? What's the difference? Does it matter?jdfristrom14205.'damage' ... performance...recovery - mechanics or guidance?stefoid14206.Danger Dice and Lady Blackbirdjoela14207.[aw hack] Societal vs. personal falloutBeth_in_Virginia14208.[licensed product RPGs] what do you DO in a star wars rpg?Beth_in_Virginia14209."I've always GMed like that" [split from Mechanics?]Beth_in_Virginia14210.Which characters do you want to play?jenskot14211.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 50 A Penny For My Thoughts: The Kitten PrincipleWillH14212.Language, as a design parameterJ_Walton14213.Last(?) "RPG Book Club" attempt: May-June 2011: MICROSCOPEAndy14214.DEXCON 14 - smokin' hot gaming in JulyMichael S. Miller14215."RPG Book Club" Microscope DiscussionJoe_Beason14216.New Squad and Mission for Pinnacle Empty QuiverBryan14217.player emulatorjdfristrom14218.[Competition] Narrativise an old game.GB_Steve14219.Translating Foreign RPGs into EnglishAysez14220.JD's Hobby Horse: Design vs. ImplementationJ_Walton14221.The Guardian of RealismGraham14222.Colour and situationGraham14223.[International Vincent Baker Day] Hurrah!GB_Steve14224.SG PrideRoss_Cowman14225.Bite-Sized AP: May 2011Jason_Morningstar14226.Awesome-ify The Fantasy Trip ... if you canjdfristrom14227.watching House via GNSDavid_Berg14228.A Booth at Spiel Essen 2011Eero_Tuovinen14229.Little game ideaJCunkle14230.[Competition] The pinnacle of the hobby (for advanced role-players only)Lula14231.character restraintstefoid14232.(Gencon 2011) Games on DemandScott14233.Keeping the Non-violent optionRy14234.[Fastaval] Otto NomineesFrederik J. Jensen14235.Teaching D&Djenskot14236.[Question] GM Veto Authorityk.graz14237.Starting a Campaign from the Endingstupidgremlin14242.Looking for an Australian writerMatthijs14243.Let us speak again of the blogsRy14244.PAX PRIME IS NEARLY SOLD OUT!TylerT14245.Inspiration for Danger PatrolJohn_Powell14246.Stuff to Watch: May 2011stupidgremlin14247.AW hack - court intrigue "Uncle Louis" anyone... anyone..?stefoid14249.On Mighty Thews - Now For Sale!Simon_C14250.The Pulpy Primer: Pulp up your game (for free!)Simon_C14251.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 51 The Roach Returns, Overlord: It's Raining MenWillH14252.3:16 mod - Warhammer 30,000 - The Great CrusadeSJE14253.Hacking Together a Game of Thrones RPGtheg33k14254.Stealing Cthulhu preordersGraham14255.[Camp Nerdly 2011] FoodsRobert_Bohl14256.Star Trek in 4e D&D- a vector for a more-than-combat system.ryanchaddock14257.Running Faery's Tale for four youngstersUserClone14258.What is Parlour Narration ?komradebob14259.Am I your ride from NYC-area to CAMP NERDLY ?Todd_L14260.Sufficiently Francophone?Colin_Fredericks14261.Let's talk about "fictional positioning"jdfristrom14262.On Mighty Thews - games niches, marketing and statusDavid_Berg14264.[Cthulhu Dark] Some observations and tipsJason_Morningstar14265.Hey Matthijs: Talk to me about f*ck Youthkomradebob14266.Using meeting procedures in RPGsjdfristrom14267.Optimists - Where do you see this hobby in 50 years?Nathan_H14268.RPG Texts: writing for an audienceDave Hallett14269.Pessimists - Where do you see this hobby in 50 years?Nathan_H14270.Open Game Licenses and Commercial SuccessSimon_Rogers14271.What are some essential graphic design books?Teataine14272.[Apocalypse World] Touchstone LE Playbook dealBen_Lehman14273.[Hero's Banner] Tybalt, Prince of RyeicBret_Gillan14274.[FUBAR] Director's Cut now availablevulpinoid14275.Amazing Feats! (3E Rewriting Exercise)J_Walton14276.Zero Charisma: Nerds and Neo-Nerdsskinnyghost14277.Double language (nope Japan)boulet14278.[GenCon] Room share?skinnyghost14279.traits, motivations & rewardsstefoid14280.South Bay Story Games Day III - Dream Warriors, 4 June 2011ccreitz14281.Hero Wars: Augments and House RulesChristopher Kubasik14282.GUMSHOE Mash-upsSimon_Rogers14284.Short Play Games at Go Play NWtony_dowler14285.AW InspirationJohn_Powell14286.The Saikoro Fiction Skill GridNeko_Ewen14287.[Werewolf/Mafia] Best rules and variantsJason_Morningstar14288.What do you play D&D with?Bret_Gillan14289.Players who just want to dick aroundagony14290.Having trouble with [Fiasco]Beth_in_Virginia14291.Creative jealousyMatthijs14292.[AW Hack] Cthulhutech anyone ?GregPogor14293.Actual People, Actual play Episode 52 The Roach Returns, Overlord: The Triumph of The RoachWillH14294.Support for playing multi-generation saga?Cedric P14295.Anybody have a game that needs playtesting?DanMaruschak14296.[Fiasco] Our First Gamejim would you do an RPG based on this video?Deliverator14298.Hey folks, remember to hit me up if you think a thread is Super InsightfulAndy14299.GoPlayPDX at Rainy Day GamesChris_Goodwin14300.Tell your tales of NemoCon\u2026Ben_Robbins14301.Amazing illustratorpedyo14302.How do you represent different character power level without tying it to powers?migo14303.Looking for hidden civilizations & strange native ritualsMatthijs14304.[Dungeon World] I Need Some Badass Monsters and TrapsJason_Morningstar14305.BattleTech based SRS for Mecha could use some feedbackWordman14306.Game Tasting Weekkobutsu14307.[Fabricated Realities '11] Raffle and PrizesRoss_Cowman14308.Want to playtest some games over Skype?DanMaruschak14309.Autopsy?Nathan_H14310.Podfaded RPG podcasts, which do you remember?bislab14311.Bulldogs! on KickstarterBrennan_Taylor14312.Tunnels and Trolls! Combat!Bret_Gillan14313.[Dungeon World] Trapssage14314.All day gaming in NYC... Saturday, June 18th 2011jenskot14315.PbeM/PbF Gamingmease1914316.Problem Player\u2026 were you ever one?jenskot14317.[Danger Patrol] Suspense Scenescy14318.PvP RPGNathan_H14319.Fantasy Classes You'd Like to Playtheg33k14320.Democratic Game DesignKayfall14321.And advice for website/bloggy templates or something?stefoid14322.[Apocalypse World] hack for prison drama ala 'Oz'stefoid14323.Webcomic Merchandise --> RPG StuffNeko_Ewen14324.[D&D Essentials] A new race you guys might likeLula14325.ElfQuest: the Comics and the RPGJ_Walton14326.Has a hack ever been truly successful?agony14327.Random Dungeons, Random HexcrawlsRy14328.[Shock]- science-fiction game proposal.Selah14329.Mythender Character Creation document is liveRyan_Macklin14330.Stormrift Goes Diceless for FREE - Limited Time Offerbrettmb14331.AlohaNathan_H14332.dangers/threats GMing - history ofjdfristrom14333.Seed RPG AP: 0 Hunters Playtest feed backTylerT14334.Claustrophobia reminds me of Fiasco in a good wayjenskot14335.Have you played TORG?jenskot14336.Awesome-i-fy Marvel FASERIPChris_Goodwin14337.[Ingenero] Good at scenario writing and want to get published? Submissions requiredstefoid14338.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 53 Dread: Catus InterruptusWillH14339."Most people don't know how to read comics"jenskot14340.AMM02: Deus Vs. Machinagraypawn14341.Which Would You Prefer: A Concise Rulebook, or a Linked Rulebook?Mcdaldno14342.JiffyCon Boston - Saturday 25 June 2011tresi14343.What would you like a historical setting book to be like?Graham14344.How was Camp Nerdly? [Survey!]jenskot14345.D&D and PhilosophyJoe_Beason14346.Why does too much freedom kill games?MatrixGamer14347.Boarsdraft Playtest DiscussionJBMannon14348.How do you learn to GM without driving your friends away?jdfristrom14349.Playing the operator, matrix-styleJonatanK14350.Story Games GM Techniques for Non-Story Gamesfurashgf14351.Looking for short (~1 hour) comedy or fantasy gameBen_Lehman14352.Awsome-o-fy PuppetlandTodd_L14353.[The Roach] The Writers' Conferencejohnzo14354.Slacker gamingRy14355.Do You Often use pop culture to teach a game?Harlequin14356.[A Taste of Blood] Behind Drawn CurtainsJames_Mullen14357.We kid because we loveColin_Fredericks14358.Tell me about [Yesterday's Tomorrow]MikeRiverso14359.State of iPad UsabilityDanielSolis14360.Where to find D&D 3.5 nowadays?stupidgremlin14361.Give me (generic) Adventure Hooks!Tristan14362.[Fiasco Companion] Now Loose in the Wild!Steve_Segedy14363.Let's ask Eero about Primitive D&DRy14365.Drifting Indie Games\u2026 do you do it? How? Why?jenskot14366.Parameters of an Archer/Frisky Dingo gameRobert_Bohl14367.1st time playing Fiasco ... and 1st time trying to get non-gamers into gaming.epweissengruber14368.Gaming at work?Mike Montesa14369.anyone using mindmaps?stefoid14370.Using Kagematsu to play Game of Thrones?jenskot14371.[Microscope] How complicatedScott14372.[Microscope] does anyone not like it?jenskot14373.Who's working on a "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Game?Hans_c-o14374.Forcing Goals on Players Part IIagony14375.The Last Character Creation QuestionRyan_Macklin14376.[ENnies] E-mail Address Updatetonylaw7414377.xkcd sums it upJohn_Powell14378.JiffyCon Logo ContestEmily_Care14379.[Design Contest] The Wonderful Stream of Indy GamesJ_Walton14380.Dungeon World - can I build a dungeon beforehand?Beth_in_Virginia14381.Going to the UK Games Expo?Eero_Tuovinen14382.Bliss Stage: Love Is Our Weapon! is now on Kickstarter!Elliott Belser14383.Terraria StoryGames ServerAndy14384.Usability Testing\u2026 how and why!jenskot14385.Fiasco: How's it selling?Matthijs14386.Character creation - (cont)stefoid14387.Do you consider rpg.stackechange condusive to the types of questions story gamers have?migo14388.Which upcoming games should I be excited about?Graham14389.Is character creation the most important part of an RPG?anansigirl14390.Video Game Designers talk about StorytellingJ_Walton14391.How would you do Persona 3 in an tabletop game?migo14392."Portal," the RPG -- How would you do it?Kayfall14393.Tell me about the joy of systemMatthijs14394.[Leicester, UK] Continuum 2012Darran14395.Viola Spolin on RoleplayingJason_Morningstar14396.Stealing Mechanics, how far is too far?agony14397.Tips for playing Grey Ranks?jenskot14398.Playground #2 is out!Matthijs14399.E-Readers are improvingmigo14400.Gaming with a jumbled pile of person (yours or another's) vs story games (experiment)stefoid14403.Original Red Box HackGeiger14404.5 minutes game-challengemease1914405.Stuff to Watch: June 2011jenskot14406.[Technoir] Open Beta and KickstarterJeremy Keller14407.Compare & contrast Kickstarter with IndieGoGomigo14408.Does the last scene of your game suck?jim pinto14409.Anyone here played Ashen Stars?buzz14410.[ENnies] 2011 Dream Datestonylaw7414411.[Sorcerer] Great play and the pain of 1 HumanityRy14412.[Dungeon World] Making sh*t upframweard14413.Death! Frost! Doom!Ben_Lehman14414.Good Smallville Conflicts and ContestsJDCorley14415.What's the best way?Todd_L14416.Ancient Chinese Game Design AdviceHans_c-o14417.Can you help some artificial intelligences destroy the world?Steve_Hickey14418.Chinese Mythology -- Help Me, Wise StorygamersChristopher Kubasik14419.Avoiding "Ching Chong Ting Tong" at the table: Culture/Language in EnglishAndy14420.I left my heart @ Fabricated RealitiesBen_Robbins14421.[Technoir] A couple issuesEric Provost14422.[Apocalypse World] Horrible to do miniatures combat?thadrine14423."I Will Not Abandon You" - what is it?jenskot14424.Tee Shirt RPGShadowmourne14426.Find FontNathan_H14427.Help me with a Stabbingcontest episode: the new rpg concepts recap.Ogremarco14428.[Everway] Doing more with the Fortune DeckBeth_in_Virginia14429.Everway - doing more with the Fortune deckBeth_in_Virginia14430.[Microscope] War of the Beast-Men!Jason_Morningstar14431.[A Taste for Murder] Boer Wars and chum guzzlingDouble King14432.Empire Strikes Back without Return of the Jedijenskot14433.Psychological Thriller Brainstormingtheg33k14434.Game signups @ Cons: how?jenskot14435.Seattle Gamers?Anakusis14436.Game Slots @ Cons: How?Jason_Morningstar14437.[The Dreaming Crucible] Actual Play at Fabricated Realities 2011 in OlympiaMathalus14438.[Project Dreamland] Looking for playtestersODDin14439.Photographs of stuffed animals playing RPGsGraham14440.[Sorcerer & Sword] SAVAGE BORNChristopher Kubasik14441.The Passive Player argument?Captain_Thark14442.Free RPG DayGraham14443.Exciting chase mechanics.Dionysus14444.Wanted: Pictures from Fabricated RealitiesMatthijs14445.Games for Office Environmentsndp14446.Epiloguesnemomeme14447.Responding to Lines & Being Shut DownMcdaldno14448.Please Read First Post Before Replying: history of silencing people of color and womenjenskot14449.Olympia (and in General) Online SG Community ToolsRoss_Cowman14450.A couple of really old dice rolling systems - for your rookie rpg as geocache giftjdfristrom14453.[f*ck Youth] At Fabricated RealitiesIceCreamEmperor14454.I wanna talk about doing cartoons, slapstick, and comedy in gamesNeko_Ewen14455.[Ashen Stars] So what's the skinny?PaulB14456.[LAN Party] D-DayJason_Morningstar14457.[Microscope] Killing the Gods and SPACE Robots!Emily_Care14458.Asymmetric PlayJames_Mullen14459.Bite-Sized AP: June 2011Mike_Sands14460.Games for Changejenskot14462.[Blood Red Sands] Playtester CreditValamir14463.Rational Emotive Behavior TherapyTodd_L14464.I do not wanna play in your story!thadrine14465.Discussion list font sizeboulet14466.Actual People, Actual Play Playtest Episode 1 Technoir: Contention Is A Harsh MistressWillH14467.[Technoir] 2nd session playtestEric Provost14468.Women & people of color, positive experiences on SG [Please Read Rules Before Posting]jenskot14469.Seattle: Emerald City Gamefest and Gamers Garage Sale coming July 2Anemone14470.Weird Bible me up (Judd's Bible Sorcery)James_Nostack14472.Left Coast: a game about writers; inspired by the life of Philip K. DickSteve_Hickey14473.The Wheel still BURNS! - Burning Wheel Goldjenskot14474.Game Mechanic - Altruism vs Self-InterestAlexMayo14475.D&D 3.5 + "Story Game" Hacksjenskot14476.[Help] Indie Predecessors, Influential Unpublished Games, and Fellow TravelersJ_Walton14477.Pass-Around Storytelling ... anyone else taken a look at it? What do you think?jdfristrom14478.Foldable game templateColin_Fredericks14479.GPNW down to the finish line!John_Powell14480.Fantasy Game Compare and Contrast HelpJesse14481.King Arthur Pendragon - Weirdness Before Weirdness Was CoolChristopher Kubasik14482.Railroading techniquesGraham14483.Scene Framing = Railroading?jenskot14484.Article on Player MotivesRobMcDiarmid14485.Hacking a ton of stuff to make a GMless/GMfull fantasy RPGWarriorMonk14486.Issues with my Apocalypse World group.Tristansaurus-Rex14487.Do you need a reward cycle?GB_Steve14488.[Fiasco] Close to HomeJason_Morningstar14489.Things that are fun in "railroading" gamesTeataine14490.Tell me about your GxB gamesBen_Lehman14491.Elder Scrolls: What would you want to see?Levi Kornelsen14492.[Announcement] Internatio\u200bnal LARP Academia ListJ_Walton14493.The Kick Ass Treasure Threadagony14494.Fiasco Logline That Made Me Smilejim pinto14495.Insanely good RPG dealsmigo14496.2011 Diana Jones Award Contenders!jenskot14497.What should I have bought in the last six months?Sebastian14499.Your Psychic Maelstroms?Ryan_Macklin14500.First Session, some Railroading required?thadrine14501.Heeeeeeeey...what about AW Supers?stupidgremlin14502.Which new games should I play at GenCon?Graham14503.Indie comics forum?Richie14504.[Lady Blackbird] Maybe my favorite single session of Lady B Everorklord14505.Angry Birds Polaris hack!Deliverator14506.[Microscope] the Question mechanicHans_c-o14507.[Lady Blackbird] Boningen plays Lady BlackbirdJocke14508.#LoveARG - would you like to invent it?GB_Steve14509.[ENnies] So you want to be an ENnies judge...tonylaw7414510.Advantages to play by email/forum?migo14511.Some RPGs are not terribly non-white friendlymigo14512.[High Quality RPG] Village of Piebaldstupidgremlin14513.A Game Against NatureJosh_Unruh14514.[Fiasco] My first sessionhalski14515.A Dirty World/Dirty Secrets/Noir games: Tell me of your actual playsD-50314516.StabbingContest episode 37 [Looking back at new concepts with Lukas Myhan]Ogremarco14517.Character Actions Governed by Game MechanicsHarlequin14518.Dr Who for a 10-year-old ?droog14519.Deus ex and the questions games ask usTylerT14520."I Will Not Abandon You" - How do you do it?Joli14521.Black fantasy vikingsMatthijs14522.[Twitter] What hash tags do you follow?Seth Drebitko14523.Three minute games!framweard14524.IRC games, and suchRob_Alexander14525.[Apocalypse World] Complexity and the MaelstromChristopher14526.[Principia] the War of IdeasBen_Robbins14527.[Dungeon World] *Sigh* Still not getting combatseanhess14528.[octaNe] Making conflicts more suspensefulnorbertgmatausch14529.Rage dice : "Violence is not the answer" mechanism ?Maitresinh14530.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 54 The Dresden Files RPG: Faerie TalesWillH14531.Remember Tomorrow: looking for inspiring experiencesCedric P14532.Story Now! - Workshop Series... Discussion Topics?Ross_Cowman14533.Describe an image, ask a question.Ogremarco14534.TABLE GAMESTomasHVM14535.Eye of the Tiger: A game of Passion and GloryDgreen122014536.Solitaire SummerEmily_Care14537.Aporia, a game.Hans_c-o14538.Priest-Specific DrivesSimon_Rogers14539.Mechanics for changing the worldRy14540.How you can help me market your gameWordman14541.Bliss Stage Computer GameGrant14542.[Aleph] Old School CRPGValamir14543.Make Stuff!Ry14544.Can you make a living working in RPGs?jenskot14545.RPG Con where violence isn't the answer?jenskot14546.Anime-Inspired Playsets for [Fiasco]!!stupidgremlin14547.When you identify the story-games Favicon...Ross_Cowman14548.Make me some character ritual phrases!Matthijs14549.Ask me your questions about this fully Kickstarted and operational Bliss Stage VNElliott Belser14550.We've got all the time in the world - slowing down gamesGB_Steve14551.Night's Black Agents Playtest and Your Playtest ExperiencesSimon_Rogers14552.Serious games which I stand a reasonable chance of playingGraham14553.Tips for first-time gamersRobert_Bohl14554.[Monsterhearts] Add To The Name ListsMcdaldno14555.Some Aussie Gaming Historyvulpinoid14556.Anyone know if One Can Have Her is still available?D-50314558.Gaming As A Servicelachek14559.Non scary threats & dangers for a 6 yojdfristrom14560.GHOST/ECHO Session and Questionscentauri14561.Rescue 911 project.Ogremarco14562.positive rpg exposure in mediajdfristrom14563.[Poison'd] Hints for rules summary + 2 questionshalski14564.The Wild Hunt movie trailer on youtubeorklord14565.I know what I want to run for the non-violence Recess!Deliverator14566.Pitch Movie Ideas: Movies that make RPGs Look GoodMcdaldno14567.Dance and the Dawn: LARP Variants in Beijing, NYC and elsewhereDevP14568.what are these "story games"?Hans_c-o14569.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 55 The Dresden Files RPG: Maeve we go to the party?WillH14570.Soul's Calling RPG freebie PDF intro guideomnifray14571.[Lady Blackbird] Some Fun at a Local Mini-Conorklord14572.[Podcast] New Stylescottdunphy14573.What RPGs don't assume violence?jenskot14574.In a Wicked Age as a Series RPG?Dionysus14575.Group Experience PointsMichael Pfaff14576.Portland GamersHWSoD14577.Players Furthering Their Agenda Between Sessionsagony14578.[JiffyCon Boston] How did it go?ndp14579.What Warriors do folks handle damage in SotC these days?Deliverator14581.Who Do You Game With? (survey question)graypawn14582.Help on creating "fronts"Dionysus14583.Salvaging Transhuman Space, Or "How do you play un-epic science fiction?"Zachary_Donovan14584.So, LarpJason_Morningstar14585.Pathfinder!Captain_Thark14586.Using Microscope to "re-write" pre-existing settingsDaz Florp Lebam14587.[Technoir] QuestionsLudanto14588.[Auscon II] Looking for GMsComrade Andrew14589.Infinite Worlds [Space Opera hack for Apocalypse World?]Elliott Belser14590.[The Smoke Dream] What happened to that?Ludanto14591.Ogun's Heroes multiform idea?komradebob14592.Games Taste Testvjwyatt14593.RPG Design: Mission StatementsCamBanks14594.Fiasco Again...?jim pinto14595.[Sorcerer] From Color To Mechanics and Back AgainJesse14596.Dangers & Dragons: Now with a working link!Mike_Olson14597.Expandy gamesGraham14598.Fiasco : Dallas 1963jim pinto14599.Blood Opera RPGs?scramble14600.Running an old-school campaign with a story-game feelagony14601.Do you even bother to explain it?Ry14602.[SPIRAL] Help needed differentiating player roleseruditus14603."RPG Book Club" July-August:KAGEMATSUAndy14604.[Microscope] Petition: please distribute it on Leisure Games.Suna14605.[Danger Patrol] Tweaks?cy14606.Clouds, Dice, and Disocciationjhkim14607.Evil Hat to make a Spirit of the Century board gamejhkim14608.[Remember Tomorrow] Condition Question and INF:8Ludanto14609.[Noumenon], why does it seem to be so unknown?Suna14610.Games on Demand Facebook urlScott14611.Fantasy; other ways of doing it?GB_Steve14612.Static - beyond [Lacuna]Marhault14613.Silent ProtagonistsJ_Walton14614.Stuff to Watch: July 2011jenskot14615.Creative Methods for Character CreationPaul_T14616.What's the name of that game with the thing?jim pinto14617.Larp, Jeepform, etc., where to begin?jonathanfuhrman14618.Nerdly Beach Party: Save the Date! Sep 23-25Ryan_Macklin14619.[Boarsdraft] Thoughts from our playtestDanMaruschak14620.Wrack & Wruin: New school old school D&DRy14621.Would anyone be up for another mini-contest?Destriarch14622.Mud Dragon unboxing photosBen_Lehman14623.IGNORE ME!Nathan_H14625.The most impressive prop I ever used in a game was...vulpinoid14626.[Lacuna/ Penny for my Thoughts] Blue City AP...kaibutsu14627.China Mi\xe9ville's challenge to Mark Charan NewtonPaulCzege14628.Awesome - D&D Essentials: Dungeon Master's Kit!jenskot14629.Threat (and idea for handling encounters)signoftheserpent14630.[+] [How to???] I want GM-Fun, for everybody, all the time, in a gamekomradebob14631.Larp brainstormingjhkim14632.[Heroica] Help me have fun with those Lego board gamesBrian_Minter14633.[Technoir] Beta Playtesting Write-Uprpgfoo14634.[ATTIKA]: A PRINCIPIA HackScottOden14635.character advocacy + narration rights ... problematic? What stops players from saying "I win"?jdfristrom14636.Dread in the Darkwhiteknife14637.Post World Games and Free Fiasco Playset : Dirt Peoplejim pinto14638.[Remember Tomorrow] Trouble in New DelawhereJocelyn Robitaille14639.Tell me of your GenCon Events!orklord14640.[TechNoir] Two Questionsskinnyghost14641.Wanna play Capes by Skype at 3:30 PM Pacific time, TODAY?Joli14643.Gen Con Exhibit Hall has moved!jenskot14644.Conviction house rule for my phantasmagorical AW hackRy14645.[SPIRAL] Need help from Lovecraft-phileseruditus14646.I'm Coming to Visit Post-Apocalyptics Seattle [Make!]tony_dowler14647.What does it take to make an NPC awesome?stupidgremlin14648.What does it take to make an NPC awesome?stupidgremlin14649.NPCs who are easy to playSimon_C14650.Game Chef 2011: July 15th-July 25thJ_Walton14651.What would make you leave a postapocalyptic community to investigate?Graham14652.Game night recipes from around the worldGraham14653.[Apoc. World] How do I show "Pockets of humanity?"thadrine14655.[Lady Blackbird] Quantum Entangled Causality or The Saga Snagrl\xe8's Baby-Daddyexploding_brain14656.[S7S] Intro AdventureScott14657."You're playing it wrong"jenskot14658.The Reality TarotRy14659.Art and very interesting setting (with pics)?thadrine14660.Dexcon: ride back to NYC?David_Berg14661.[Go Play NW 2011] This weekend! Important details!philaros14662.A syllabus for game designZachary_Donovan14663.[ENnies] Announcing the 2011 Nominees!tonylaw7414664.Lady Blackbird - what makes it so good for beginning players?jdfristrom14665.Is there a reason Smallville is getting no awards love?Denys14666.GPNW Actual Play!Christian_Griffen14667.Story Games - Must Read Listjjafuller14668.Nothing but static...zircher14669.Gen Con - Have Room or Want To Share?Justin D. Jacobson14670.State of the art Scene-Framing technologyivan14671.London Indie RPG Meetup: a great timeNeil14672.[Sweat, Smoke and Coffee] Sample Scripts RequiredJames_Mullen14673.[Lady Blackbird] Things Were Broken, Not the Funorklord14674.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 56 The Dresden Files RPG: Curses!WillH14675.Witness the Murder of Your Father and Be Ashamed, Young Prince - Now Availablendp14676.Is there a story games community on Google+?amazingrobots14677.Looking for help with oddsakooser14678.[Kickstarter] Adventurer Conqueror KingTavis14679.Boardy-Games.comLudanto14680.[Danger Patrol] is La Patrouille Danger !Maitresinh14681.[Remember Tomorrow] Drift? Hack? version 1.1?Harlequin14682.[FUBAR] Expanding on a free game with low cost supplementsvulpinoid14683.So I GM'd in front of a live audience last nightRy14684.Burning Wheel Gold Preorders Are GoLuke_Wheel14685.[AW] LLLLLLET'S get ready to ROLFBALLLL!!!!!misuba14686.Indie Game Award EligibilityScott14687.[GPNW] Cargo Cult Danger Patrol Gamma: Hive Queen of YoyodyneBrendan14688.{ VIDEO } What is Burning Wheel Gold?jenskot14689.[Smallville / Leverage / Cortex+] Why are they awesome?Orlando_Wilson14690.[Goblin World] Backstabbed by an ExtortionistWightbred14692.Calling all gaming podcastersthadrine14693.[Children of Fire] KickstarterValamir14694.Literary integrity, vetoing, vision, and having more funagony14695.Resolution through a series of board games?thadrine14696.Replacment for "Open your brain" in a Deadwook hack of Apoc WorldSean Nittner14697.Calling some more gaming podcasters, Play Style CritiqueMathalus14698.A question about AuguryTristansaurus-Rex14699.LFP - Northern NJ Monday Night RPG GroupChristopher Grau14700.algorithms vs recipesjdfristrom14701.Need a Japanese termMountZionRyan14702.Sorcerer discussion between Ron and Jesse?Deliverator14703.[GOTHIC/ECHO] Where are the rules?ivan14704.Split Decision - anyone use it?C.Jay14705.Pickets & Blinds, new game released, 2 promotions!Kevin Allen Jr14706.[Dungeon World] Hey GPNW players, we have a question for yousage14707.Is a GMfull/Gmless RPG like this possible at all?WarriorMonk14708.Game for some intense Western fun?MountZionRyan14709.Converting d20 ideas to AWRy14710.[Technoir] new beta revision postedJeremy Keller14711.[Portland] Diana Jones Award Game DayHans_c-o14712.[ENnies] The Voting Booth is Open!tonylaw7414713.Voting is open for the EnniesGraham14714.GM-full Danger Patrol. We tried it. It worked.jdfristrom14715.Simple Instructions...Awesome Gamevulpinoid14716.The joys of Traveller!Captain_Thark14717.The World Begins With You.Levi Kornelsen14718.Eight Things to Buy at Gen Con?Lisa Padol14719.[Fiasco] The IceChris_Goodwin14720.Alternative Game ChefGraham14721.Disorder at the tableSean Buckley14722.What can you tell me about controlling multiple PCs?k.graz14723.Chain World?Zachary_Donovan14724.Hollowpoint release and toe tagsBrad_J_Murray14725.New Fiasco Playset at Post World Gamesjim pinto14726.[Dungeon World] Shakespearean Bond Triangles!Benhimself14727.Actual People, Actual Play Playtest Episode 2 Technoir: C@ FightWillH14728.[Lady Blackbird] Keys and XP, Further TalesAsylos14729.[Paladin] How well does it do Jedi?jjafuller14730.Any game for doing "Story Now" with Picaresque Space Opera?epweissengruber14731.[Technoir] Locked AdjectivesMichael Pfaff14732.Story [Whenever] - Explain 'em to me.Jocelyn Robitaille14733.Sheets?Nathan_H14735.Selling Games with Secret ContentDevP14736.(Dust Devils) Rust DevilsNathan_H14737.Kind of a VTT, but kind of not?Mark W14738.Looking for a game that does soap operaDWeird14739.[Fiasco] Starting a PbF Tips?Bazin14740.[ATTIKA] Adding a Fear MechanicScottOden14741.[AW] You know what makes a startlingly good hack?Judson_Lester14742.Planescape... spiritual successor?jenskot14743.What system do you use for Shadowrun ?Nocker14744.Do you play totally in character without imagining being your character?omnifray14745.Bite-Sized AP: July 2011Jason_Morningstar14746.Mouse Guard Box Set: Unboxing!jenskot14747.Looking back at "Top Five Unplayed Games"Andy14748.Top Five Unplayed Games, 2011Andy14749.[Sorcerer] Also spielte ZarathustraJaakko Koivula14750.Need help with termsBryan14751.Second Taste?Lisa Padol14752.Becoming Heroes is availablekobutsu14753.Rules for a new supers game engine?kevperrine14754.simple RP game systems for (teaching?) kids?kevperrine14755.[supers] TOP 10 things to have and not have in a supers gamekevperrine14756.Nerdly Beach Party VIII! Registration is live! (Sep 23-25)Ryan_Macklin14757.In Flames releasedEvilD14758.[Gen Con] Wednesday night gaming, Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Templethadrine14759.[Game Chef 2011] What do men and women do in Shakespeare?Joli14760.Tokens as a Core Mechanic [Educate me!]Stephen P14761.Looking For Traveller (And other) RPG players!OliverWhitham14762.Object Based magictj33314763.What Workshops Should We Run at PAX 2011?J_Walton14764.[ATTIKA] Character CreationScottOden14765.Where are your Gencon booths?Scott14766.[AW] Replacing Weird move in a Conan hackGavinwulf14767.NEED PLAYER TONIGHT! Shinobigami (ninja story game), SKYPE, 9PM EST/6PM PSTAndy14768.Strength Through Adversity mechanicstheg33k14769.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 57 Wild Talents: One Roll Nazi HuntingWillH14770.[1000-Year Game] The Rule of Three: A simple storytelling gameSanglorian14771.My methodology for meaningful / empowered one-shots.Jocelyn Robitaille14772.Non-Fetish Artjjafuller14773.Could someone explain "Bangs" to me?UserClone14774.[Game Chef 2011] Games yr ready to playRoss_Cowman14775.Best surreal / dreamworld games?Ry14776.The Story Engine Plus Edition Softcover Pre-Order and PDFbrettmb14777.GeekGirlCon- Looking for folks to run gamesrian_bean14778.Keep talking, wyrmwood.Mathalus14779.Gen Con Logistics Advice (parking; maybe other matters?)edheil14781.Playing In London: Where? How? What? With Whom?Albi_SG14782.Games on Demand BannerScott14783.Open Gaming at GenconScott14784.Food @ Gen Con...jenskot14785.What games work with multiple groups?Mathalus14786.[Apoc World] Hx Worksheetshreyas14787.Who do you Talk about Indie Games with? (Survey Question)graypawn14788.[AW] How have you treated the "make a 2nd character" advance?jackson_tegu14789.2nd or 3rd Ed D&D: All specialist wizardsDeliverator14790.Fantasy World Bits!Levi Kornelsen14791.Dracon*Con 2011Harlequin14792.NOBODY HAS FACES - a bad dream addon for any gameshreyas14793.Gamifying Games on DemandSteve_Segedy14794.Post World Games Presents Two Free PDF Gamesjim pinto14795.I'll be at GenCon on Saturday; what should I do?buzz14796.[Other Worlds] Layout help!soviet14797.What dice do you want but cant find.TylerT14798.Let's think about spotlight hoggingJDCorley14800.Peter Adkison LOVES indie games!jenskot14801.How to Make an RPG on eHowTanya Fyans14802.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 58 The Dresden Files RPG: Faery BallsWillH14803.[Fiasco] Dysfunctions & DragonsChris_Goodwin14804.Thank you for coming to Italy, Ben!Suna14805.Danger Patrol at GenConlantern31414806.Put words in my mouth!DanielSolis14807.[Gen Con] Want a copy of Love in the Time of Sei\xf0?Jason_Morningstar14808.Q & - Can you test this in your browser?DanielSolis14811.Announcing Awards at GenConjhkim14812.The Death of GM Craft and the rise of non-traditional game designJocelyn Robitaille14813.Neat one-shot conceptsMillsy14814.Stuff to Watch: August 2011nemomeme14815.Help Me Find Cool Mapsshreyas14816.Fiasco : Dirt Peoplejim pinto14817.[Bite-Sized AP] August that tell me how to run themjessecoombs14819.[Apocalypse World] Help me out with a dragon, and a tougher dragonRy14820.Tables to improve play of the trad GMWordman14821.What's the deal with RinCon?Ludanto14822.Dragonflight, Bellevue, WA (Aug. 12-14) Story Games Lounge, Who's going? What are you playing?MummyKitty14823.Q & A The FamilyMathalus14824.Dianna Jones Winner 2011 - FIASCO!!!Sebastian14825.Non GenCon Awesome - 2011 editionMarhault14826.Legends of Anglerre - opinions?Deliverator14827.MC'ing Apocalypse WorldRy14828.Why hiring a [Gaming Tutor] is a bad idea:Mathalus14829.Certifying a paid [Gaming Tutor]Mathalus14830.Hypothetically seeking a paid [Gaming Tutor]Mathalus14831.#playnow Dungeon World [done for now]Calculus14833.GenCon: 4e/D&D/DungeonWorld News ThreadDevP14834.Who's going to Gateway and what are you running? (LAX, Sept 2-5)Anarchangel14835.LARP-on-a-card challengeDevP14836.[The Big Campaign] Actual PlayPiers14837.Star-Crossed Lovers (Game Chef Submission Feedback Thread)JaradFennell14838.2010 Indie RPG Awards Announced! hey, who won the ENnies?shreyas14840.Dungeonista !geordie racer14841.Traditional RPGs GMing best practicesJocelyn Robitaille14842.[Danger Patrol] By the Mystic Ritual of Maligor, I command you: ANSWER!Chroma14843.IndeiGoGo Help [Chronicles of Skin]Sebastian14844.The Cult of the Mystery GM and rotating GMswalkerp14845.Looking for a game to run at a local hobby shop.Cedric P14846.[My Life with Master] Playing the Long GameJames_Mullen14847.Here comes the "Boardiagram" !Maitresinh14848.I want GenCon podcasts and recordings! [2011]Johnstone14849.One Cool Thing I Saw At Gen Con 2011Jason_Morningstar14850.12 Things I Learned at GenConLisa Padol14851.[Agon]: how to handle defense against multiple opponents ?Udo Femi14852.[Kickstarter] The Dance and the Dawn: A Theatrical ExperienceDevP14853.[Gen Con] 2011 Wrap-UpJason_Morningstar14854.(Smallville) Uncanny is underway!JDCorley14855.Ribbon Drive AP: Undead 80s MixOrion Canning14856.[Technoir] Actual playbislab14857.SageFight Videos from GenCon 2011DanielSolis14858.Help staff the League of AnachronistsMountZionRyan14859.[People who shipped their games] What am I missing here?Levi Kornelsen14860.Current Kickstarter projects...?mattastic14861.Financial incentives for improving RPG play?Tavis14862.Types of Traditional Playjhkim14864.GM-never-rolls gamestraeki14865.D&D 3.5 Hack using Keys, Bonds, and Stickers!jenskot14866.[Lady Blackbird] \u201cJedi Blackbird\u201d Opening CrawlDaniele Di Rubbo14867.d20 system hack challenge thoughts?Captain_Thark14868.Where to host your documentsAndrew M14869.[An Experiment] Pay for games with purposeful acts of social good.Mcdaldno14870.(Apocalypse World) I'm like Plato Meets Ramborian_bean14871.[Technoir] How to heal a Broken Heart (etc)JuddG14872.What phase are story games entering?GB_Steve14873.Dungeon Tags (stealing from SWN)Benhimself14874.Hiding in the Mosque: a micro RPG experimentrandomeric14875.Making tools/programs/sheets to facilitate game playzircher14876.Fate 3.0 hack for "Sword & Planet" sci-fiAgemegos14877.[Fiasco] Online anyone?malachijohn14878.HOW: running 4 hour games in 2 hours?jenskot14879.Games on Demand: do players want 2 hour games?jenskot14880.[HammerCon III] WANTED: Original Cthulhu convention scenariolachek14881.[HammerCon III] Game Designers: Convention Support Wantedlachek14882.[Early Dark] PDFs are out!framweard14883.PAX Indie RPGs on Demandsage14884.A layout for Aspects in FATEAgemegos14885.Words Are Awesomegraypawn14886.[Technoir] Crowdsourcing pre-gens - your help appreciatedlachek14887.[Danger Patrol] Alien powers so strange, they're UNKNOWABLE!Chroma14888.Adapting Play to Circ*mstanceJason_Morningstar14889.[Danger Patrol] Three Problems I HadEvan_Torner14891.Fiasco - Passing the Dice?Ross_Cowman14892.Gen Con attendance increases by 20%!jenskot14893.Hobby Crossoveragony14894.[Fiasco] playset "Duplicity"stupidgremlin14896.[Question/How would YOU do it?]: Spacefighters and Ace Pilotsk.graz14897.Left Coast: Fun with Curtis and EldritchSteve_Hickey14898.I'm crowd sourcing a tarot deck for Witch Quest.Wilhelm14899.4 out of 7 criedjenskot14900.Fiasco: Science Comics APOrion Canning14901.Heyy-eee-yay, this is the Long CampaignJDCorley14902.Boredom, Emotional Impact and Design + GM-CraftOrlando_Wilson14903.Tell me what's out there for fantasy sandbox playDenys14904.Games That Don't EmulateDavid Artman14905.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 59 Leverage: The Recruitment JobWillH14906.Font SizeAnnalist14907.[The Regiment] Torpedo AlleyCaesar_X14908.Catherine Video Gamejim pinto14909.Humans and HabitatsBrendan14911.Simple games and long campaignsRy14912.Unknown Designer, sell me on your game.Matthijs14913.A Rantjim pinto14914.Stabbing Contest episode 38 {a very special episode with Clyde and Mickey}Ogremarco14915.Games Years Ahead of Their Timejim pinto14916.Story Gamesmalachijohn14917.How this Metaphor Relates to the "Industry" Cannot Be Ignoredjim pinto14918.Third Annual NYC Arneson Memorial Gameday, Oct 1 2011Tavis14919.If you could play one game with anyone living or dead...Hans_c-o14920.So I played Fiasco...D-50314921.Fiasco fictionmalachijohn14922.The Big List of GM-less gamesivan14923.Post World Games announces yet another free PDF gamejim pinto14924.Shipping overseas (i.e. not the USA): BWG vs. Bulldogs!Moyashi14925.Anyone ever have trouble with Fiasco?ChristopherWeeks14926.The Need for a User-Friendly Trove of KnowledgeJocelyn Robitaille14927.[Fiasco Playset] No Luck Atollcraggle14928.Help Me Decide on a Logojim pinto14929.[Dying Memoryes] Cover Conceptsjim pinto14930.[Fiasco] Free Playset : Roadtripjim pinto14931.Sympathetic Protagonistsjim pinto14932.Wanna play a game on Google Hangouts?Matthijs14933.Burning Apocalypse: NYC, Nov 11-12 (Luke+Vincent)jenskot14934.[Technoir] Mission Seed generationnemomeme14935.[Designers & Dragons]Valamir14936.Michelle Nephew Addresses Authority in RPGsjim pinto14937.PAX Designer/product/game/event Role call.TylerT14938.Creative Comfort Zones, Skills and Gamesivan14939.[Mystic Emperian] KickstarterValamir14940.Why is so little fantasy 'colonial', 'imperial' or 'New World'?Sanglorian14942.Harry Potter Game for my kidssol14943.[Cosmic Patrol] Any reports?Murgh_Bpurn14944.The Challenge : Design A Game Using This....jim pinto14945.Post World Games Announces Cookie Jarjim pinto14946.Which game for Elric?hoog14947.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 60 Trollbabe: Don't feed the trollsWillH14948.Big Bad Con - October 7-9 in Oakland, CASean Nittner14949.Story Gamers Atlanta!Remi14950.[D&D 4E] Extending Action Point Utilityjjafuller14951.[Dungeon World] Barbarian ClassDeliverator14952.What do I use to play this game?vulpinoid14954.[Apocalypse World] The Matrix hack?Guns_n_Droids14955.The feel of the 30sRy14956.IndieGoGo Pledge Rewards [Chronicles of Skin]Sebastian14957.Story Game Vows: August 2011agony14958.Conceptually justifying military rank, orders, and free form?thadrine14959.Introducing [Companies & Carpools]stupidgremlin14960.One sentence advice for people learning layout/typographyGraham14961.Tabletop Quest - Roleplaying via the Webjoelesko14962.Calcualting Odds - 2d6 take the lowest (or highest)wothbora14963.Menacing Missives - A postcard scenario competition.GB_Steve14964.The One Ring?Nathan_H14965.Epic AP: Suspended Animation by Ross Cowman - 24 pagesOrion Canning14966.The Shadow of DragonsLudanto14967.[Microscope] Techniques and House Rules to Make the Game Less Weird/TiringEldir14968.Dark Crystal RPG by Luke Crane!jenskot14969.Reviews of Games That Don't ExistBenhimself14970.[Technoir] Surveillance & first session thoughtsnemomeme14971.An actual-play experimentEldir14972.[Fiasco] Dice Hack For Additional Narrative GuidanceDavid Artman14973.Game Industry Club - Bloomington IndianaMatrixGamer14974.My Life for the Fleet!DanielSolis14975.Maps - help me with them.halski14976.What's this that arrived just in time for PAX?Ben_Lehman14977.How to play and enjoy freely narrated scenes?Cedric P14979.Help me figure out how to run Game of Thronestheg33k14980.Exploring Risk Legacy's Permanency in Other Gamesagony14981.GHOST/ECHO mashup: The VURTivan14982.Games for a power outageWordman14983.(Free, Short) Vocabulary of LocutionsRoger14984.Rules Use - When and Whyshreyas14985.[Podcast] Burning Wheel Gold APElf_NFB14986.Megadungeon - Artsy Projectakooser14987.[Capes] at Go Play NWSeth14988.Actual People, Actual Play Bonus Episode 3 Social Issues and TrollbabeWillH14989.Help my friend find a game to runDoyce14990.Updated Info: Little JiffyCon, Sept 17Emily_Care14991.[PAX Prime 2011] After-Action ReportJason_Morningstar14992.[Books for sale] Universalis and some othersSeth Drebitko14993.Tell me of GanakagokJocelyn Robitaille14994.[Poison'd] Accursing & Dirty TricksJudson_Lester14995.[Empire of Dust] Setting/Genre Conversion?MacLeod14996.Narcissist v0.9quincunx14997.Luck Dice Mechanicstj33314998.[IndieGoGo] 9 hours left... Goodnight Chronicles of Skin!!Sebastian14999.Special, Fancy Dice for Otherkind DiceRyan_Macklin15000.Crushed EarthKaneBlaireau15001.Scene-Framing Gamesjessecoombs15002.Fastaval 2012 \u2013 call for gamesFrederik J. Jensen15003.(I Saw U) How to do Horror in RPG's [PAX 2011]Mathalus15004.World building tools that also build storyJogesh EZ15005.[Fiasco Playset] Ossipee After Darkrohoe15006.GASPcon XII Pittsburgh Nov 11 - 13rohoe15007.[loudXclear] - communication-based superheroes (mild pun)stupidgremlin15008.Stuff to Watch: September 2011Sebastian15009.characterization is hard - spinoff from worldbuilding threadstefoid15010.How much would you pay for a boxed set game?Ben_Lehman15011.[Dungeon World] Elves of the Wood, Elves of the 'HoodDannyK15012.[I Am A Survivor] Free Self Contained Character Sheet and GameZachary_Wolf15013.Collaboration and Sci-Fi Tropes starting a gameJogesh EZ15014.GM Stance In Old School Sim Games (AKA How would you run Runequest?)Kropotkin15015.Beyond the MirrorSuna15016.Game K\u014dankobutsu15017.[Fiasco] Unmitigated Chaos VersionJason_Pitre15018.HELLAS: Wine Dark Void kickstarter is now live!Jerry D. Grayson15019.[Everway] Ideas for a driftDaniele Di Rubbo15020."GM, more like this" points to Space Marine video game...jenskot15021.Accountability Vows: September 2011J_Walton15022.[Microscope] Game prep, disagreement, and trustEldir15023.random tables for near-future world-gone-weird dungeoncrawlingMarshall Burns15024.[Smallville] Adding players to an ongiong gameJogesh EZ15025.[Advice?] A Flexible CampaignParker D Hicks15026.DC Gameday IX - 8 & 9 October 2011 - Washington, DCTomC15027.[Dungeon World] Playbooks?Hans_c-o15028.[Dungeon World] Don't Mess With the Paladinjjafuller15029.DIY eBooks and more?Parthenia15030.Goblin Tarotvulpinoid15031.[Dungeon World] Hand of Light actual playAJohandsome15032.Ye Oracles Found HereCaesar_X15033.The Long March, a non rules specific means for world creationMatt Kauko15034.Gateway 2011 recapmattastic15035.Online virtual playing card deck?AlexMayo15036.GM "Merit" Badgesjjafuller15037.[Dogs in the Vineyard] A question on d4 traitsODDin15038.[Dragon Con 2011] What Did You Do?Jason_Morningstar15039.My Daughter, the Queen of FranceBen_Robbins15040.Stars Without Number PBPCalculus15041.MADcorp beta version up and running! Get your dungeon on with a baseball batMarshall Burns15042.Tell me about your Planescape gamesTeataine15044.DND for 8 year old boys...jenskot15045.[Fiasco] Teaching the Gameotherdoc15046.Improvising Trail of Cthulhu scenarios from the Book of the SmokeGB_Steve15047.Nuanced ArtFuseboy15048.Crowd source Influencesstefoid15049.Kickstarter/IndieGoGo, RPGs and YouAndy15050.contextual design: Bedtime Stories gameivan15051.Boarsdraft 0.2 is up!JBMannon15052.[Dungeon World] The Bloodstone Idol!Hans_c-o15053.Chronica Feudalis - Print/PDF version queryD-50315054.[Fiasco] Introducing the Bully Pulpit Games WikiSteve_Segedy15055.[Bite Sized AP] September 2011DorkThoughts15056.[Do] The JournalDInDenver15057.Monologues only?Orion Canning15058.Cozy Con 2011Orion Canning15059.Cheating at story gamesJoli15060.What is Hollowpoint like?Graham15061.Help with new gaming group?framweard15062.Colonial Fabulazircher15063.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 62 Mschine Zeit: Horror in Spaaaaaace!WillH15064.G/N-S idle thoughtDavid_Berg15065.Film-noir style game?horn_head_o15066.hurrying to get Story Now?David_Berg15067.GNS and and making meaningful choicesstefoid15068.Oblique StrategiesMatthijs15069.Using one system to play another?thadrine15070.Campaign endingsrabalias15071.[CFP] Role-Playing in Games Seminar, Helsinki, April 2012Emily_Care15072.IPR webiste down?chrisshorb15073.[InSpectres & Ghostbusters] DoubleheaderHans_c-o15074.Big Bad Con - Game Schedule is up!Sean Nittner15075.Kickstarter - show me how the game worksRoss_Cowman15076.Things that could (or should) be character sheetsRoger15077.[Beyond the Mirror] In that suburban houseMauro15078.Northern Exposure RPG / Storygame ?Maitresinh15079.Gee, Pop! (Give me a game that can do this)Bobo the Carpenter15080.Burning Wheel? or Eclipse Phase?chrisshorb15081.11 11 11Luke_Wheel15082.Cards, dice, stories and attentionkobutsu15083.GNS and Drifting gamesBeth_in_Virginia15084.[Final Hour of a Storied Age] New playtest draft availableDanMaruschak15085.[On Mighty Thews] Setting up the game with a pre-defined settingrabindranath7215086.Technoir hardcopyD-50315087.Flash Game Design ChallengeRyan_Macklin15088.[Last Train Out Of Warsaw] Has anyone tried this game GM-less?composertp15089.[Dungeon World] Two-Player Purple Worm GraveyardFelan15090.A game to play with my parentsivan15091.Actual People, Actual PlayEpisode 63 Leverage: The Set Us Up The Bomb JobWillH15092.The role of barter in AWCedric P15093.Please help support Kids Need To Game on Indiegogodaneofwar15094.[Retrocalypse] Does anyone have a copy?UserClone15095.An Oral History of Gaming - Interest?Hans_c-o15096.Dungeon World - my new go to pickup RPG!jenskot15097.More A Game of Thrones and Systemtodd15098.Want an ad? Write about something cool!Matthijs15099.[Technoir] Share Your Best Cyber Future IdeasSteve_Segedy15100.[Apocalypse World] \u2013 Evil Bus City. Oh, and some questions.Brian_Minter15101.[Lacuna] french, pre-sales have beganMaitresinh15102.Looking for players for The House, a Youtube based story gameOrion Canning15103.[Dungeon World] Basic Temple of Ungu Actual Playtest (long)Cneph15104.The Daughters of VeronaWilhelm15105.Wizards of the Coast rehires Monte Cook! - seeking game ideas for new blogMatt Snyder15107.GM's, how do you organize your character-snippets?James_Nostack15108.[IRL] Spears Are OP in Real LifeLula15109.In what order does one tell people things in a RPG text?Lula15110.[PtA] Primetime AugmentationsRoger15111.London Indie RPG Sat 8th Oct :: Our First BirthdayThe_Magus15112.Lucca 2011Teataine15113.TerpCon XVterpcon15114.It's come to my attention that the following games on my shelf are unplayed...Andy15115.What would you use to play Disgaea?Marshall Burns15116.Story Games to introduce to serious gamersJogesh EZ15117.Jedi x Sithjake richmond15118.[Fastaval] 2012 - Who's Going?Evan_Torner15119.story-games for the classroom ?azrianni15120.Terrible idea... embracing D&D's satanism!jenskot15121.Continuing Contentkobutsu15122.Dungeon World: The Rise and Fall of the Bloodstone Idol!Captain_Thark15123.Game Registration for Big Bad Con is openSean Nittner15124.Virtual Tabletop (Online) PlayMurgh_Bpurn15125.Nobilis/Magical BurstHWSoD15126.[Metatopia] Is anyone going?somelady15127.Dungeon World - players with no Move sheet?jenskot15128.RPGs: Why I stopped playing them and what I did about itDemiurge15129.Importing to the UKSebastian15130.[Universalis] Now Available as PDFValamir15131.The Drifter's Escape eBookBen_Lehman15132.[Dungeon World] An XP move based on BondsUserClone15133.[11 11 11] Who's going? What are you running? What are you excited about?Orlando_Wilson15134.RPG InsomniaFelan15135.Alternatives to Mouseguard's Stystem but Still Rocking the Miceepweissengruber15137.Everyone, meet Clover (CelStyle Wave 3 Alpha)Ben_Lehman15138.Where are the knutepunkt books?HerpestesFantasticus15139.Dresden Files + Fiasco = Awesomemalachijohn15140.More on Ryuutama, interview with the authorAndy15141.[Dungeon World] Using Keys instead of Highlighted Statsjjafuller15142.[AW Hack: 'hood] Moves for the Common ManJames_Mullen15143.[Nerdly Beach Party 8] How did it go?Jason_Morningstar15144.What clauses/conjunctions should go on a d6?DanielSolis15145.[D&D 3.5] So I'm THIS close to just getting rid of all my 3.5 books...UserClone15146.Classifying Games for Play a New RPG Monthjjafuller15147.Dungeon World - Hack v Red BookMurgh_Bpurn15148.Anyone up for a Dragon Age Skype game?AlexMayo15149.Ry's d20 "E6 Hack" What's all this then?Andy15150.[IAWA] Is anyone playing In a Wicked Age GMless/Peerfully ?ivan15151.Art of AnimationUserClone15152.[Danger Patrol] - Handling danger level effectscomposertp15153.[Dungeon World] Alternative Advancement: As a Partyjjafuller15154.Flames of Gold Episode 6.. an actual play podcastElf_NFB15155.[FATE] Representing the story as a characterexploding_brain15156.Q: Indie RPG Shop in San Francisco?ivan15157.Muse vs. Geiger CounterDemiurge15158.virtues of GM pre-playDavid_Berg15159.[Danger Patrol] - Questions after running my first session.composertp15160.[Fantasy Grounds] Dungeon World (midweek UK evening)Murgh_Bpurn15161.[Kickstarter] Don't Walk in Winter WoodClint Krause15162.[Dungeon World] Down the Goblin Hole...UserClone15163.Accountability vows for octoberzircher15164.Universalis one-sheet/quick referencePaul_T15165.[Dungeon World] How best to transition?UserClone15166.[Bite Sized AP] October 2011nemomeme15167.Nonconsensual collaborationMatthijs15168.[D&D4E] Making rituals more fun and usefulmerb10115169.[Norwegian Style] The Trouble with DemonsHans_c-o15170.Is freeform 'natural' or hard won with experience?ivan15171.[AW/Dungeon World] Highlighted Stats as Keys: What does the MC/DM do?Paul_T15172.Stuff To Watch: October 2011Andy15173.Immersion; method and contentivan15174.[How To] Confining the fictional spaceJason_Morningstar15175.[Durance] Playtests are winding down!Jason_Morningstar15176.What should I be running in Open Gaming at BigBadCon?Caesar_X15177.requesting feedback on dice designTylerT15178.having your players railroad themselvesDavid_Berg15179.[Kickstarter] BhaloidamCorvusE15180.Become a Bajjutsu Master! [Open Beta]DanielSolis15181.[Lady Blackbird system] Character design theory?composertp15182.Where do the Host a Murder games fit into our hobby?jdfristrom15183.Vision impairment and blindness, games, and accessibilityElizabeth15184.MonkeyCon Zero (a virtual convention and game day for Oct. 22nd)zircher15185.Are you in NYC this Saturday?jenskot15186.What is METATOPIA 2011 All About?Salvius15187.tell me what you've heard about the world gone weirdMarshall Burns15188.Story-telling/narrative RPG using "points" to move the story forward?DaveyJJ15189.Zombies Are CuteBryan15190.[Dungeon World] For combat do you ...Murgh_Bpurn15191.Immersion and playing with stangersw17615192.-deleted-Wordman15193.[Big Bad Con] The Aftershow Report!framweard15194.(dungeon world) The Wreck of the Grinning JennyKingstonC15195.Amazing character thread resolution moment in our Earthdawn / Lady Blackbird gameAlexMayo15196.GM-less games suitable for 6+ sessionsCorvusE15197.Some Of My Best Friends Are Game MastersNathan_H15198.Best new games with playing cardsjhkim15199.[Left Coast] Can you help me simplify the dice mechanics?Steve_Hickey15200.[Geek Girl Con] How was it?EnricPDX15201.[Lacuna] You Don't Have Clearance to Access That InformationEthan K.15202.Nerdinburgh IINeil15203.Teacher Resources for Gaming in the ClassroomDanielSolis15204.Tell Me About MagiciansSimon_Rogers15205.S-G Chat is Dead! Long Live S-G Chat!Andy15206.To set the DC, or not to set the DC? Malware warning?JDCorley15208.Why do we Roll? The meaning of randomness in making storiesivan15209.Javascripters at Christmas timeivan15210.How do you generate new directions in play?Silverlion15211.Quote the game text paragraph that most helped youWordman15212.Apocalypse GalacticaSean Nittner15213.Bards. Really?Simon_Rogers15214.Who Are the Roo Sack Gamers?Elf_NFB15215.[Universalis] Questions for Players of this GameDemiurge15216.why the Tarrasque is better than adviceDavid_Berg15217.Indians, negotiations and culture?RobMcDiarmid15218.Throw me a game idea based on SiriMatthijs15220.[Roleplaying Poem] Once I Was a WarriorNickWedig15222.What gaming events are happening on the East Coast of the US from March - June 2012?Steve_Hickey15223.Muse vs. UniversalisDemiurge15224.Orcs/dwarves/elves; can they be used?James_Mullen15225.Have you downloaded something, then purchased it?Graham15226.Character polygamy; is it dull, with null emotional investment?komradebob15227.De Profundis / Tweets from the AbyssMatthijs15228."Entombed" userMatthijs15229.High and low levels of controlw17615230.Dungeon World on Fantasy Grounds AP ReportMurgh_Bpurn15231.What games choose relationships during, not before play?Nathan_H15232.RPGs @ NY Comic Con... scheduled amazingly!jenskot15233.[SWN] Play by Forum Pacehappysmellyfish15234.Ode to *Play Unsafe*jdfristrom15235.A Story Games Documentary [Seattle Area Help Needed]JayLoomis15236.Concrete Cow 12: 10 March 2012, Milton Keynes, UKNeil15237.What's a good light-hearted 2 player game?DanielZKlein15238.[Shelter in place] game of "tag"L.Trenti MrVALIS15239.[Muse] Play Summary from Oct 16th at Roludothon 5Demiurge15240.The Bloodshadows Novels Returnbrettmb15241.Competitive RPGsJDCorley15242.Instead of putting your RPG into a book, could you do it as a poster?jessecoombs15243.[Lady Blackbird] Conditions with more oomphMark_Causey15244.[Prognosis: Death] Impro & RPhappysmellyfish15245.S-G outage upcoming...Andy15246.[Crossroads] The Booth at the End RPGJames_Mullen15247.Emotional content; working the imaginative fieldSodzilla15248.Flames of Gold 8: a Burning Wheel Gold Actual Play PodcastElf_NFB15249.[Starfish Games] SpiralMikeT15250.[NYC2123 RPG] Some Sample Character SheetsZachary_Wolf15251.Online tool handling simultaneous choices for PBP?Per_Fischer15252.Script writing theory and role playing.MatrixGamer15253.Emotional ContentWPTunes15254.Dungeon World - Questionschrisshorb15255.Writer's Dice - Now on Kickstarter!DanielSolis15256.[broadXcast] superhero storytelling (was loudXclear)stupidgremlin15257.Little Voices - Simple Game/SpellRobert Bruce15258.Indie designers: how long before you give up?Wightbred15259.[InSpectres/InSpace] "In Theory"NickWedig15260.[Dungeon World] Gunslinger: A New ClassSanglorian15261.Game Chef 2011Paul_T15262.Story Games Primerjjafuller15263.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 65 Leverage: The Misnamed JobWillH15264.The oldest "narrative" roleplaying game rules in the industry...norbertgmatausch15265.Q: Game Chef 2011 Innovations ?ivan15266.[Dawn of a New Tomorrow] a game about vampiresDavide Losito15267.[Enlighten Me] Games and ToysJocelyn Robitaille15268.The METATOPIA 2011 Complete Schedule is NOW POSTED!Salvius15269.Who is going to METATOPIA?jenskot15270.[Port Charlotte, FL] Trying to start a meetupthadrine15271.[Sufficiently Advanced] 2nd edition Alpha rulesColin_Fredericks15272.The Dirty Side of KickstarterJason_Morningstar15273.Make toys that others can use to build gamesWordman15274.Moving to Norfolk, VA: local gamers?UserClone15275.[Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective] 1981 Indie madnessJason_Morningstar15276.Somebody tell me of Ghost Murdered!komradebob15277.Things That Could Go Wrong On A SpaceshipDavid Pidgeon15278.Flames of Gold 9: a Burning Wheel Gold Actual Play PodcastElf_NFB15279.[Transantiago] The "Look" of Saints, Angels, and BodhisattvasJ_Walton15280.Let's talk about Stage One!Parker D Hicks15281.[DRYH] First Timeotherdoc15282.Microscope: 2 quick questionsazrianni15283.Bad culture developing?Hans_c-o15284.Yuuyake Koyake/Golden Sky Stories is Coming!Neko_Ewen15285.Supernatural Espionage[Deleted User]15286.Dead like me : games to hack ?Maitresinh15287.[Murder co*cktail Party] The "Serata in Giallo" formatL.Trenti MrVALIS15288.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 66 Leverage: The Baggage JobWillH15289.inaccuracies in wikipediaEmily_Care15290.Abrupt and rudeMatthijs15291.[lord of the rings] - playing GandalfBeth_in_Virginia15292.Role-Playing Game and Learning for Young People About Sustainable Development StakesGB_Steve15293.Apples to Apples NPC generatorAndy15294.[post world games] fiasco dirty copsjim pinto15295.South Bay Story Games Day IV - The Voyage Home, 5 Nov 2011ccreitz15296.Matriarchy: A Social Story GameBen_Lehman15297.Kevin Smith actual play podcast episodeTodd_L15298.Like Shakespeare? Check out The Play's The Thing on KickstarterMarkT15299.Is the Fiasco Companion for me?Matthijs15300.What makes you finish - or not finish - a project?Matthijs15301.Unknown Designer, I'm looking for your gameMatthijs15302.Why brainstorming doesn\u2019t workjenskot15303.Taking RPGs and Story Games to a Digital FormatZachary_Wolf15304.Facilitating BackstabsZachary_Wolf15305.My first published short story!Josh_Unruh15306.Challenge: a game about indiansD-50315307.The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries, now in frenchMaitresinh15308.[Starfish Games] Venus in FursMikeT15309.Orion's Armivan15310.Stuff To Watch: November 2011Jason_Morningstar15311.Flames of Gold 10: a Burning Wheel Gold Actual Play PodcastElf_NFB15312.Established Settings and Established StoriesDanMaruschak15313.[Bite Sized AP] November 2011johnzo15314.Milestones In Zombie GamesBryan15315.Different Act, Different TraitNathan_H15316.Designers & Dragons?PaulCzege15317.Looking for the owner of this web site for Gamers Workshop: Oakland, CA, January 14Jason_Morningstar15319.Women in Gaming Chat with special guest, Lisa Stevens, CEO of Paizojenskot15320.And this works how?majyc15321.Feedback on Kapow! The Super RPGmajyc15322.Pop n' Locke's Last Heist - Now Available with Writer's DiceDanielSolis15323.What do transhumans do?Orlando_Wilson15325.Art and Commerce in the Designer Game hothouseTodd_L15326.Open Source Map Symbols?akooser15327.Metrofin\xe1l/Transantiago [Beta] Released (Only Took 5 Years...)J_Walton15328.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 67 It Was A Mutual Decision: Lovin' You's a Dirty JobWillH15329.(dungeon world) Grinning Jenny three page released!KingstonC15330.Moves in Zombie GamesBryan15331.[Dungeon World] Chargen-through-actionJason_Morningstar15332.Exploring 'Explorers!'Sanglorian15333.Tell me about Random Mutation Tables!Johnstone15334.I have this romantic notion of scribbling a game by hand in a notebook.Jeph15335.METATOPIANS... report!Todd_L15336.Make D&D chocolate dice!jenskot15337.[Final Hour of a Storied Age] Help me improve my game's readabilityDanMaruschak15338.Tell me about your Favorite Monster Manual Monsters?Marhault15339.What's the middle ground between Scene and Session?Teataine15340.I want a game about making friends...jenskot15341.Mega Man teaches you game design...jenskot15342.What are the three fundamentals?stefoid15343.Help with Con scenariostj33315344.The Adventures of young [Lady Blackbird]MartinB15345.The Supercrew, Have You Played It?Epidiah_Ravachol15346.Looking for some sample characters (Swashbuckler..7 Skies, Diaspora)thadrine15347.another fiasco setjim pinto15348.Flames of Gold 11: a REAL argument interrupts play timeElf_NFB15349.At the Intersection of Gaming and FitnessAndy15350.Why Do So Few Games Have "Demo Kits?"jjafuller15351.[Groundhoggoth] New Games for NovemberJames_Mullen15352.So I posted all the games I've written over at RPG.Net.Jeph15353.What's Misery Bubblegum like?Steve_Hickey15354.A Standard Unit of ThingnessJames_Mullen15355.Play Unsafe: Upside-down copiesGraham15356.RPG dice kickstarterTylerT15357.Would you like to help design Playground #4?Matthijs15358.The Future of Playground MagazineMatthijs15359.Resources in Story GamesMarkT15360.Actual People, Actual Play Bonus Episode 4 Social Issues and It Was A Mutual DecisionWillH15361.[The Fog of War] My war gamemans15362.How would you rotate GMs for Apocalypse World?Graham15363.[In Camera] No Pets AllowedJames_Mullen15364.[Camp Nerdly 2012] Camp Nerdly Is On!Mark_Causey15365.[11 11 11] Post-Burning Apocalypse Con ThreadOrlando_Wilson15366.I just keep coming back to Mortal CoilJDCorley15367.[Lover letter to Vincent Baker] Running Dogs @Cons\u2026jenskot15368.[HOWTO] Play Fiasco FastJason_Morningstar15370.Other Worlds is on its way at last!soviet15372.Help with some plot hooks?Dionysus15373.[Muse] "The Man That's Been Erased" Play SummaryDemiurge15374.Blood and BronzeHans_c-o15375.Flames of Gold 12: a Burning Wheel Gold Actual Play PodcastElf_NFB15376.[WMHS] New version of Wandering Monsters High School comingKynnBartlett15377.[Pickets & Blinds] So Tell Me...C_Edwards15378.Might be moving to Perth. Any story gamers there?Comrade Andrew15379.Looking for a good excution of a "bait and switch" dungeonWordman15380.How do you define a "beat" in a story?DanielSolis15381.PTA - Reverse Screen Presence?Nathan_H15382.[Demo Idea] Intermission...Joey15383.[Settlers of Catan] As Fictionccreitz15384.[idea development] Workers of CatanBeth_in_Virginia15385.Ask an iPhone developerMatthijs15386.What are your tricks for creating places?Ry15387.Who is curating the internet these days?Ry15388.John Wick's The Aegis ProjectDenys15389.[AW] Opening Scenes for GunluggersRustin15390.[DW Moves] When you haggle for a small wonder in the Great Souk of the fabled City of Brass...Cneph15391.Anonycon 2011mis202715392.Games for OccupyZachary_Donovan15393.Elephant in the Room: Let's Talk SKYRIM!Andy15394.Volunteers to playtest my LB-based game?composertp15395.What games do REAL horror/fear well?stupidgremlin15396.[DitV] does the GM control Theme?David_Berg15397.[New to forums; New Game Design Project] Meta System for Narrative ControlSpartacus15399.The Revolution needs you!Ry15400.[Portland] Let's Playtest!Hans_c-o15401.Steal Away Jordan\u2014Last Defense of the Quilombosjenskot15402.Ridiculous\u2026 Vampire Police Diaries (Dogs hack)jenskot15403.Other uses for ndp's micro-game(s)Harlequin15404.What do you know about Superior POD? Are they any good?MatrixGamer15405.[world gone weird] benefits of fame, infamy, wealth, etc.Marshall Burns15406.Apoc World - MC-less?Matthijs15407.How can I try to delight them?Ry15408.Vestigial GMs and Shallow GM-LessnessJ_Walton15409.Books on showmanship and facilitationGraham15410.[Microscope] Can it be played online?woodster15411.How did you become a game master?Matthijs15412.Gaming sob stories from our youthjdfristrom15413.How was Dragonmeet?Jason_Morningstar15414.playing 'Kingdom of Nothing'Evil Genius15415.[DW] The Temple of Ungu - first play with DWgyroland15416.How Much Color in Your Color?Jason_Morningstar15417.[AW] My First Apocalypse World ExperiencePheylorn15418.Monster of the Week preorder/fundraising campaign is go!Mike_Sands15419.Do you use / read Praxis (Story Games' Design section)?jenskot15420.[NaGaDeMon] I made something! What did you make?Colin_Fredericks15421.Dungeon World --> KidVenture World? Goonies-type RPG?chrisshorb15422.A way to get notifications?chrisshorb15423.Best S-G system to hack for SF RPG?chrisshorb15424.[Microscope] Who wants to play?woodster15425.[Dungeon World] I Pad AppValamir15426.a game where the players play a piece of the setting?george15427.kickstarter for Heads of State: nine short games about tyrantsmarkv15428.Conlfict Resolution in Amber Diceless RPGdaniel_ream15429.[Dungeon World] Gaming for Elementary SchoolersParker D Hicks15430.[Online] Skype game Friday Evenings Eastern Standardthadrine15431.the easiest way to make maps and minis?Deliverator15432.Need inspiration for a competative game about rising to powerk.graz15433.[Kickstarter] THEY BECAME FLESH is CLOSEDshreyas15434.Dear John HarperSpartacus15435.Flames of Gold 13: Singing ElvesElf_NFB15436.Apocalypse World AP PbF (The Broken Lands)fogrob15437.[AW] My First GM ExperiencePheylorn15438.[Bite Sized AP] December 2011johnzo15439.There, Daniel Solis fixed it for you!ccreitz15440.NVMhorn_head_o15441.Dear GrahamSeth Drebitko15442.Unbagging Stealing Cthulhuakooser15443.Third party judging 'drama' scene?Marshall Burns15444.Why are we not talking about The Random Kindness Encounter Bundlenoclue15445.Story Games Minecraft server?ChristopherWeeks15446.[Kickstarter] "Always/Never/Now" Is GoWill_Hindmarch15447.[Mage:tA] Going to try with Conflict ResolutionBig_J_Money15448.Any gamers in Valencia, ES ?ivan15449.Storygamers in Santiago de Chile ?Maitresinh15450.Diplomacy: What to do when you're doing too well?Paul_T15451.Stuff To Watch: December 2011Joli15452.Using Google Docs to run a FATE gamerobg15453.Are maps bad?stefoid15454.[Danger Patrol] Give me your interesting Threats!Spartacus15455.The Key of Help/Hinder Gamesnemomeme15456.Victoria: A Roleplaying Game of Action and Intrigue in Victorian Englandhazard15457.Player countTylerT15458.[Ghost Pirates] need feedback on card designDavid_Berg15459.Stratis Imperia - nice production, what are your opinions?stonegrady15460.[Dungeon World] The BBC XP ExperimentAnarchangel15461.Remember Tomorrow / Deus Ex crossoverDevP15462.Games on Demand for 2012Steve_Segedy15463.How do you talk about theme?Nathan_H15465.A Poignant And Melancholy "Fiasco"Pnick15466.Info-systems in rpgsstefoid15467.[HotB] Monster Blood TattooNoofy15468.[Enola Gay] Uncomfortable (intense) GamingHans_c-o15469.[Planescape] What is it about for you?thadrine15470.Suggestions for games for a large group of non-gamers?Steve_Hickey15471.[BWG AP] Flames of Gold Episode 14Elf_NFB15472.The Trouble with Rose (new stuff, still free)zircher15473.Random tables for Sigil/Perdido-style city?Ry15474.explain to me the concept of & relaxation: bermuda in the 80s (heads of state)markv15476.Anyone who enjoys co-op gaming active on Xbox Live?hathegkla15478.Have you read the novel Caverns?Nathan_H15479.Design Help: Collaborative Arbitration System for PiratesTodd_L15480.Let's talk about mysteries of systemless internet roleplaying!Captain_Thark15481.[Dogs in the Vineyard] Some difficulties with the conflict systemODDin15482.Need help with the anti-demon manifestoRy15483.A game without conflictJason_Pitre15484.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 68 The Dreaming Crucible: Follow the RulesWillH15485.Resources for making foldable eight-sided one-page books?DevP15486.Google Earth?Nathan_H15487.The Walking DeadPaul_T15488.Engage/AvoidGraham15489.The Final Girl - the horror movie RPGBret_Gillan15490.Which non-fiction books should I read?Teataine15491.Fortune's Choice alpha for commentsazrianni15492.[Universalis] ... help this old guy find what's come after.DaveyJJ15493.[Faery's Tale] The Moppets' Intro to RPGsHexabolic15494.[Groundhoggoth] Dice in DecemberJames_Mullen15495.[The Murray Collection] Hidden GemsJason_Morningstar15496.a move from another playbook ...jdfristrom15497.12/22-23: NYC Night of Blood and DiceDeliverator15498.Floor Games - Building a miniatures story gameMatrixGamer15499.What are your gaming highlights of 2011?Andy15500.Voodoo Western Dime novel Kicksitarter launchederuditus15502.The ideal role of the GM (or lack thereof)Spartacus15503.[silver and white] Playtest window mysteriously open again!jackson_tegu15504.Bombs, Away! - A Dread-style dice mechanic for horror games?DanielSolis15505.[BWG AP] Flames of Gold 15: Lion CorneredElf_NFB15506.Accidental double post!The Convenient Skill15507.FU a great game nobody here's mentioned!The Convenient Skill15508.Closer to the dreamed GMless game?WarriorMonk15509."Reader Proxy" -or- "The Simple Protagonist"Big_J_Money15510.ACTION CASTLE ongoing PBP-by-consensusUserClone15511.[A Taste for Murder] Have you played it?Matthijs15512.TABA System: just starting, but let me know what you thinkvgunn15513.subversive words - billy the trapper - heads of statemarkv15514.[Dungeon World] Living Dungeon World: OrcCon 2012Anarchangel15515.Let's Laugh At Our 2012 PredictionsJDCorley15516.Legends of the WulinJoe_McGuffin15517.Story Game Street TeamsEthan K.15518.experiences with REALM GUARD (hack of MouseGuard)kevperrine15519.Criterion -- First Thoughtsvgunn15520.Mythic GM Emulator - solo gaming and automationzircher15521.BARBAREN! - The Ultimate Macho RPG - Available in EnglishFrank T15522.Can you help me come up with labels for four character roles?vgunn15523.[Lady Blackbird] Sky Squid! (and questions)Spartacus15524.Indie Games Explosion at Dreamation 2012Brennan_Taylor15525.Marvel Heroic Roleplaying - MilestonesNathan_H15526.advice for marathon GMing sessionsDeliverator15528.[Ingenero] Ok, let me have itstefoid15529."Anything, Anywhere, Anytime"John Anderson15530.Unformed idea: A new philosophy of cooperative playMatthijs15531.Holiday Gaming SpecialMarhault15532.nerdNYC RECESS - January 14th & 15thjenskot15533.stuff that people on space ships doMarshall Burns15534.It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like EpimasEpidiah_Ravachol15535.Player Driven Narration & PacingSpartacus15536.[Online] Fabletop - Web-Based Roleplayingjoelesko15537.1920s Archaeological Adventuring Partyelkin15538.[Gamestorm 2012] Who's going to Vancouver?Mathalus15539.[Chronicles of Skin] Have you played CoS?polarstjerne15540.[BWG AP] Flames of Gold 16: Dwarven BetrayalElf_NFB15541.[Mouse Guard] Hack Workshop: The Night's WatchPaulB15542.Okay, tell me if there is a system that does this.vgunn15543.A Holiday Fiasco Actual PlayElf_NFB15544.That Beowulf game ...Svante Landgraf15545.Story Play Ethos Triangleelegua15546.[AW] Ready to Barf...HyveMynd15547.[Minis Use] Reminder:Boxing Day=Cheap terrainkomradebob15548.[work in progress] A board for PolarisMaitresinh15549.Crossroads: The Booth at the End RPG - it's here!Per_Fischer15550.Reddit asks, "Has anyone played Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple? Is it any good?"DanielSolis15551.freeforms: links and referencesEmily_Care15552.pathfinder box setjdfristrom15553.What holiday themed game did you play?anansigirl15554.A Compendium of Techniquesivan15555.Creating a safe spaceMatthijs15556.Semi-live Play Techniques...jenskot15558.What are some neat things to do with Fudge dice?k.graz15559.Freeascojdfristrom15560.The Dream of the Awesome GameMatthijs15561.Coming of Age - Pre-Releasewyrmwood15562.Untrained artists needed!AlexMayo15563.Character Sheet Design and Layoutakooser15564.[Mouse Guard] Messing with BeliefsSpartacus15565.RPG for 2-challengeTylerT15566.[CAPES] Extended rules and modifications for a hackMaitresinh15567.[Game Design Challenge] Now With Prizes!UserClone15568.Dungeon World for two playersBrian_Minter15569.A system for quickly and easily creating complex, interesting characters.stefoid


15570.Game-design galore!ivan15571.[CAPES] Jivin' in the Big AppleSmZA15572.Stuff to Watch January 2012JBMannon15574.[bite sized AP] January 2012Millsy15575.[Endgame Fiascocon] How Did It Go?Jason_Morningstar15576.Steal this idea! The Tavern System of XP.deadlytoque15577.Forge Midwest 2012Willow15578.Fiasco hack: Fiasco Middle SchoolChris_Goodwin15579.I suffer from Character Naming Anxiety Syndrome!Andy15580.Indie rpg retailers in boston? (Or elsewhere?)kaibutsu15581.Guesstimating the Size of the SG Marketivan15582.[BWG AP] Flames of Gold 17: Leggo My Sword!Elf_NFB15583.Ways to Schedule Games? Reminders?jenskot15584.Story Games Yakima ValleyMLevad15585.[Jadeclaw] Resuming Chapter 2, some loaded questions to get people reinvestedHarlequin15586.Mornard D&D from Stuff to Watchakooser15587.What are you itching to play?skinnyghost15588.[Smallville] Kinda looking for a skype gameJosh_Unruh15589.RPGs in spaceKrippler15590.First time GM looking for some help planning her first campaigndldzioba15591.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 69 Star Wars Saga Edition: Sith HappensWillH15592.Canonical Fiction for Post-Apocalyptic Science-Fantasy?Calithena15593.How to write a free RPG - feedback please!Rob Lang15594.Congratulations! Welcome to the D&D design team!jenskot15595.Jump the Shark - Storytelling gambling gameMatrixGamer15596.[Technoir] Some questions on mechanics and playlin_fusan15597.Click the mighty arrowBrad_J_Murray15598.Games on Demand - Origins 2012NickWedig15599.Paging Cam Banks: Explain your model for marvel pleaseTylerT15600.RPG for a group of 10-15 studentsblackpaladin15601.[Steampunk Crescendo] Little HelpDInDenver15602.Today I learned about "Living Campaigns"ivan15603.Stuff Mobsters DoJBMannon15605.Unusable stock images...I don't think so.vulpinoid15606.Mouse Guard first time tips?Felan15607.Psi*Run - X-Men: Days of Future Past!jenskot15608.Floor Games - looking for a name of miniature game genreMatrixGamer15609.Fight On!: Hardcovers, Freebies, and Super Sales!Calithena15610.Musical interludesKrippler15611.[Dirty Secrets] of the Friends of HumanityJDCorley15612.Playtesters Needed for 2011 Gamechef Winner ForsoothSliberty15613.[Microscope] We are in agreement\u2026Ben_Robbins15614.What are factors to prioritize in resolving a conflict?k.graz15615.[BWG AP] Flames of Gold 18: Fighting and Elven GriefElf_NFB15616.NY Times D&D Article: Illustrative ContextE.T.Smith15617.[D&DNext crosspost] D&D Collageshreyas15618.[Story Games] List of Cool Free Stuff like Demos, Hacks, Games, Ect...Zachary_Wolf15619.Where to buy Lamentations of the Flame Princess?mattastic15620.The Five - what happened to it?theg33k15621.Games classical and modern[Deleted User]15622.Playground Magazine lives again!Matthijs15623.Nero: [Smallville] does HBO's RomeNeil15625.Any ideas on using Pinterest?merb10115626.Microscope/Changeling Mashup Madnesskhelek15627.Thank You Bully Pulpit GamesNathan_H15628.[Dungeon World] PlanescapeHans_c-o15629.[Fabricated Realities 2012] Scheduling?Ross_Cowman15630.Roleplaying fetishesZachary_Donovan15631.[Serpent's Tooth] the most important thingsRoss_Cowman15632.Reading aloud - Game designw17615633.[DitV] town creationdeadlytoque15634.[Houses of the Blooded] Unfinished game ? What isn't good about it ?Nocker15635.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 70 Star Wars Saga Edition: Character CreationWillH15636.Curious About Dungeon World Yet Too Lazy To Search The Forumnoisms15637.[Geiger Counter] Large Number of Players?Helix15638.Chromed-Out Story Games?Ross_Cowman15639.This is your cover art. Give me the title and elevator pitch. You have five minutes to type...UserClone15640.I want to write a Sci Fi game.Silverlion15641.Need World Saving Heroes for a Mashup Scenarioexploding_brain15642.X-Men's Gambit as Kagematsu...jenskot15643.Travel, seafaring, etc. in fantasy gameskurisu15644.Pure Participationist techniques and mechanicsivan15645.lets define what rpgs and story games are!TylerT15646.Romancing the d20Storn15647.OneShot: Help me define this thing I have createdJimD15648.[Camp Nerdly] May 18-20 REGISTRATION CLOSED, TIME TO ROCKRemi15649.System for community/town growth?Dionysus15650.Cthulhu Dark - Character Sheet (plus files to make your own)jenskot15651.Relationship focused gamesanansigirl15652.[sort of D&D Next] The Laws of MagicSanglorian15654.Card-Based Mechanics: The Legerdemain Betrayers - Playtest Releasewicked.fable15655.Shattered City/Shattered Skies (AW/Freemarket Mashup?)Esoteric15656.Flames of Gold 19: Into the Elven ClosetElf_NFB15657.Publishing your own stuff with Dark Symbols and Cthulhu DarkGraham15658.iBook Creatordoho12315659.[Mouse Guard] Convince me!Zachary_Donovan15660.[Contenders] Game length and general tipsmodsr15661.Games Galore 2012JBMannon15662.[Storming the Wizard's Tower] PlanescapeBrian_Minter15663.Let's Brainstorm a Game About Chinese Diplomats in Mystical Japan!noisms15664.So many Fiasco playsets, so little time ...Brian_Minter15665.[PDF] Psi*Run Hack... X-Men: Days of Future Past!jenskot15666.Doing what your character does is immersiveTavis15667.Academic paper on Fiasco and filmFelan15668.Headline! Newbies Have Fun With Danger Patrol!Zachary_Wolf15669.Fiasco Onlinemalachijohn15670.[IAWA] runnning in a wicked age Monday evening - any best practice tips?Millsy15671.Looking for RPGs and gamesakooser15672.Who's going to Solmukohta? (Knutepunkt)Matthijs15673.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 71 Beat To Quarters: Frenchmen, and Pirates, and Harems. Oh, my!WillH15674.[Skyrim] What elements should I port into my tabletop game?merb10115675.[Apocalypse World] Tips for running at a con?jenskot15676."Nope, that just doesn't work"Deliverator15677.[Void Vultures] Help!Noah_D15678.Will you help me with The Daughters of Verona?Wilhelm15679.The Groundhoggoth Day ProtocolJames_Mullen15680.Homestuck RPGJonatanK15681.Average session timeJosh_Unruh15682.[IndieGoGo] Monsterhearts, a story game about the messy lives of teenage monsters.Mcdaldno15683.Story Game(r)s at Kapcon (Wellington, New Zealand)Anarchangel15684.Eyecon 2012vulpinoid15685.[Fiasco] I want crooked cops \u2013 recommend a playset!DeBracy15686.What Kind of Game for a Promo Flyer?stupidgremlin15687.An rpg in flow charts [guinea pigs needed]Seth Drebitko15688.RPG Postersjenskot15689.LARP with QR Codesjenskot15690.How Barnes & Noble got into Games...jenskot15691.How long does stuff last?Nathan_H15692.The Parking Lot Movie - The Role Playing GameNathan_H15694.The Kanban CampaignMatthijs15695.School Daze Open PlaytestingTheOtherTracy15696.[DitV] First time GM, first Town creation. Advice?entropyblues15697.[Fiasco] Want to play Fiasco at Dreamation?Jason_Morningstar15698.[DitV] Creating Moral Greys, Help?horn_head_o15699.[Lacuna] Red GM Needs Help Badlylachek15700.[My Life With Master] can it manage GM-less play?Zachary_Donovan15701.[Apocalypse World] Shadowrun Hack ?vini_lessa15702.[Heroine] Playtesters NeededJoshJordan15703.[D&D / DW] Monks?Orlando_Wilson15704.[AD&D Reprints] Why Erasing Dave Arneson from History is the "Natural" ChoiceJohnstone15705.[BWG AP] Flames of Gold 20: Pegboy?Elf_NFB15706.Tell Us About Your Favorite Friendly Local Game StoresSteve_Segedy15707.Camp Nerdly - The Nerdly CodeNathan_H15708.looking for another term (help)jim pinto15709.Adverbsk.graz15710.Opportunity Cards in Various GenresJosh_Unruh15711.Anyone speak/read Chinese at a near native level?Silverlion15712.5E stuffakooser15713.experiences with Prince Valiant?James_Nostack15714.My first time playing Penny. Woah!jdfristrom15715.Tactical, Crunchy, NON-COMBAT Game IdeasMcdaldno15716.Gencon ExhibitorsMcdaldno15717.Indie Hurricane at Gamestorm: calling facilitators most felicitous!Joli15718.RavenDeathIacopo15719.App - Calculating Dice Probabilitiesjenskot15720.Setting TropesSpartacus15721.Morning HeadUserClone15722.[Walkabout] Images of your descendants.vulpinoid15723.Taking Back the City - I got a Campaign idea, need help with the rulesMatt Kauko15724.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 72 Dungeon World: Things Killed, Stuff TakenWillH15725.Lifting A Rock... in 40+ Games!jenskot15726.What can D&D 5E mean for Indie Games?jenskot15727.frustration and hope in 2012!TylerT15728.Dungeon World Actual Play (San Diego Games Day)Mike_Olson15729.[OSH Shadowrun] Street Samurai First-DraftZachary_Wolf15730.Useful gaming tablesCaesar_X15731.Monster of the Week at ConceptionMurgh_Bpurn15732.[Genghi Con] Games on DemandDInDenver15733.Playing Cards & Games About Explorationjason15734.what would you buy with "good GMing" points?David_Berg15735.[Mythender] Playtesting adviceBad_Santa15736.The One Ring, Round Onemasqueradeball15737.Do you want the game designer in your discussion?Matthijs15738.Gaming TED talks you'd like to seeMatthijs15739.[Monsterhearts] Queer Desire and IdentityEthan K.15740.[Survey Results] Games my Local Community wants...jenskot15741.A status thought experimentMatthijs15742.What's the word on PAX East 2012?mease1915743.Dreamation Indie BazaarJoshua A.C. Newman15744.Concerning SkeletonsJason_Morningstar15745.Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Gamejenskot15746.[Dungeon World] Age of WormsJBMannon15747.[BWG AP] Flames of Gold 21: Trait VoteElf_NFB15748.Stuff to Watch February 2012Wordman15749.[2/2/12] Hourly Game DayBen_Lehman15750.[bite sized AP] February 2012Peter_Aronson15751.What should Jackson Tegu talk about at a Workshop / Panel etc?jackson_tegu15752.[The Bell]New larp scenarioStephaniePegg15753.Strengthening Creative Muscles in Prep for 5Ejjafuller15754.[The New World] Ready for Playtesting!Bill_White15755.Who's in Toronto?madunkieg15756.Awesomize Expedition to the Barrier Peaksjohnzo15757.[Dungeon World Beta] Confused by Fronts and DangersDanMaruschak15758.Language galore!Harlequin15759.Concerning Sirensdoho12315760.[Dogs in the Vineyard] - Pacing the SessionPulpCruciFiction15761.Evolution of D&D's Influence on Player Behaviorjjafuller15762.Running games AS workshopsHarlequin15763.[Dungeon World] No move sheet for you!Brian_Minter15764.[Penny For My Thoughts] Hack - A Copper for my DungeonMathalus15765.What do you tell new players about character creation?biggles15766.[Solar System] Agora - A home-brew Space Opera settingJMendes15767.[Chronicles of Skin] Thoughts on the Final ProductJ_Walton15768.Mass Effect Tabletop?UserClone15769.[Monsterhearts] What's your playlist?kobutsu15770.[Psi Run] QuestionsValamir15771.The Game Crafter RPG-style challengeUserClone15772.RPG Gaming Survey \u2013 YOUR Help Needed!Blackrazor15773.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 73 Star Wars Saga Edition: Vector SithWillH15774.Indie Hurricane Panels and Workshops!Joli15775.the game struggle vs the fictional struggleDavid_Berg15776.Recent cyberpunk style game from kickstarter?kuato15777.Tell me about "Tactical" story games.thadrine15778.[Dungeon World: Planarch Codex] A Mini-SupplementJ_Walton15779.What's missing?PaulB15780.[DW] Making it feel like AD&D 2eDevP15781.Who's in Atlanta?roaring_mouse15782.MoatCon 2: Son of a Ditch (Raleigh, NC April13-15, 2012)Harlequin15783.People who read at work: What do you want in an RPG site?Ry15784.[Apoc World] Anyone from Kitchener/Waterloo areaPheylorn15785.Good fantasy games for one GM and one player?amazingrobots15786.(Monster of the Week) Playbook Trading and other HoopsThnxbrvknight15787.[Kickstarter] HELLAS: Swords and SandalsJerry D. Grayson15788.Best Game Design Practices from Board Game Designers...jenskot15790.[Smallville] First RunEmily_Care15791.Helpless orc childrenkurisu15792.[BWG AP] Flames of Gold 22: Burning Wheel Gold Practice RulesElf_NFB15793.Help to get my players on the same pageDionysus15795.Dungeon World XP and Situational ManeuveringHans_c-o15796.[Fiasco] Music for a FiascoJason_Morningstar15797.[AW/DW] and InitiativeDevP15798.[Dungeon World] Class / Alignment Association - POLL CLOSEDskinnyghost15799.Why is gender static in fantasy?jjafuller15800.[OMFG/GG-RPG] OMFG (previously - Gossip Girl: The Unauthorised RPG)Meserach15801.Right now! Dresden Files starting on Skype, need morethadrine15802.[Mist-Robed Gate] Creative Commons Release on Mondayshreyas15803.Sharing Games Pre-Publicationwhduryea15804.[Heroes of Oz] Instant Oz Quickstart Rulesjlcsusara15805.Gender Transformation in Story GamesEthan K.15806.Anima Prime / The One RingDionysus15807.Math help - rolling three or more 15+ scores on 4d6 drop lowest arrange by tasteJames_Nostack15808.I just made a Cool Thing for Bliss Stage players!Elliott Belser15809.Doing a lot of gaming stuff at Fanime this yearElliott Belser15810.Am I too old for this s\u2014?Sam!15811.[Bulldogs!] Movies about transporting things?Noah_D15812.[Microscope] The Dungeon OuroborosBen_Robbins15813.Valentines Day meets Game Store Product Marketing!Andy15814.Dreamation : hotel space Thursday & Friday night?jenskot15817.[Durance] Coming Soon to a Prison Planet Near YouJason_Morningstar15818.Any entry-level advice for playing Murderous Ghosts? (MC and Player are both new to it)jessecoombs15819.article: should games even bother trying to tell a meaningful storystefoid15820.[Sci-Fi Beta Kappa] Playtesters needed!catty_big15821.ENWorld Chicago Gameday 31 is 3/17: run some games for us!buzz15822.A Cool Thing Happened in my D&D SessionEero_Tuovinen15823.ANIMAL CRIME comic and gameBen_Lehman15824.[ idea ] Monster Manual with no Stats...jenskot15825.[apocalypse world] eulogy for a PCBeth_in_Virginia15826.Seattle needs games, badly!Ben_Robbins15827.[ idea ] Dungeons to Teach Gamesjenskot15828.Reading Games & Burning Caloriesjenskot15829.Congratulations! Making Dwimmermount backer rewardsTavis15830.Heroics - A Fiasco Playset of people playing at superheroismJogesh EZ15831.Choose Your Own Adventure Story Game GuidesPaul_T15832.3 Player FIASCO - So, why not two Needs?Nathan_H15833.[Geiger Counter] Maps? Maps? We don't need no steenking maps!Ben_Robbins15834.Connecticon - Anyone here gone / going?Mark_Causey15835.Star Wars Prequel re-write game: Engle Matrix GameMatrixGamer15836.Game Buy/Sell/Trade Thread 2012JDCorley15837.Professional game design vs. design whatever you wantMatthijs15838.[School Daze] Looking for PlaytestingTheOtherTracy15839.Northern NJ Gaming GroupChristopher Grau15840.[Dreamation] Newbie questions of all varietiesSam!15841.[Blood in the Mist] Beta draftTeataine15842.Attack the Block!Jaroslav15843.[BWG AP] RooSackGamers Episode 43Elf_NFB15844.Bargains with mechanical applicationsSliberty15845.Which D&D Basic Set is the best? Tom Moldvay vs. Frank Mentzer...jenskot15846.[Dungeon World] Within the Devil's ReachJBMannon15847.FATE Amber conversionScott15848.Indie Hurricane gaming schedule--player signups on Feb. 20!Joli15849.Character-playing games?AccountingForTaste15850.MegaCon in Orlando [2012]Harlequin15852.[microscope] tools for recording?Dionysus15853.[Dungeon World] Experience with High Level PlaySteve_Segedy15854.statistics of flaking and campaign gamesjdfristrom15855.[PAX East] Games on Demand - Running Games, Being AwesomeSteve_Segedy15857.Fiasco - Moby Dick?Nathan_H15858.[Google Hangouts] "with extras"Jason_Morningstar15859.D&D modules - what should I run?jenskot15860.Do Indie Games need their versions of Tom Moldvay & Frank Mentzer?jenskot15861.[0e d&d] stealing from Dungeon WorldBeth_in_Virginia15862.[history of gaming] Confessions of a Dungeon MasterBen_Robbins15863.Playing FASERIP Marvel with Apocalypse Worldjenskot15864.Visual details, style and "superficial" roleplayingUpstart15865.Unicorn Citymjbauer15866.Artists needed for High Quality RoleplayingBen_Lehman15867.Best Sellers of 2011Ben_Robbins15868.Roll up a random tale! [Group writing exercise with funny dice]UserClone15869.Which D&D Basic module is the best?Hans_c-o15870.GM + 2-3 hardcore PCs [spinoff from math and flaking thread]Deliverator15871.Want Dungeons Perfect for 1 shots? Done!jenskot15872.[The Aegis Project] What can you tell me about it?UserClone15873.[Monsterhearts] Media to help get into a good headspace?foulowl15874.Generic war! Good God, ya'll!Sam!15875.OSR ArtNoofy15876.[Fastaval 2012] Registration is now openFrederik J. Jensen15877.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 74 Star Wars Saga Edition: Sith Might Be A ProblemWillH15878.[Doctor Who] Simple resolution (and scenarios) for child's playSam!15879.[Shock] shiny new character sheetBen_Robbins15880.Two-Word Game Pitchesshreyas15881.[ D&D 3.5 Hack using Keys, Bonds, and Stickers!]...?UserClone15882.[Scattershot] Help! Hit a Creative Block :(Fang Langford15883.How Do We Play New Games?Fang Langford15884.V20 chronicle idea - "vampirepunk"Surfmonkey0115885.Locus Core Rules Beta + Kindling + any Q&Abiggles15886.Last Episode of the Voice of the RevolutionBrennan_Taylor15887.The Book of the SmokeJason_Morningstar15888.[The Regiment] Whatever happened to this thing?Sam!15889.Native Americans in Western Gamesmasqueradeball15890.[God-king] Playtest Releasewicked.fable15891.[Vampire] Did anyone ever start with the embrace?Teataine15892.[Mouse Guard] Animal Obstacles That Aren't ConflictsLinnaeus15893.Fiasco : House Callsjim pinto15894.What to do with old RPGs?Jogesh EZ15895.Concerning GoblinsPacmouf15896.[Kickstarter] School DazeTheOtherTracy15897.Plotto and Randomized Plot Generationpeccable15898.Rideshares to Gamestorm (Portland's suburb, Vancouver WA)jackson_tegu15899.Stanley Kubrick's List of Titles In Search of a ScriptJason_Morningstar15900.Any Mystic Empyrean APs?jjafuller15901.[currency from nothing] the glittering pathDavid_Berg15902.Indie Hurricane 2012 flyer!Joli15903.I Threw a Car at the HulkBret_Gillan15905.[Marvel RPG] What to use for Action Order markers?stupidgremlin15906.Mobile Frame Zero: Rapid Attack at Dreamation!Joshua A.C. Newman15907.Sopranos and Building To A Big Finishjdfristrom15908.Teaching which skills/techniques with which games - or which games thrive on which techniques?jdfristrom15909.A Tale of Two MapsLuke_Wheel15910.[Humoristic games] Designing games to make you smile (or laugh)Maitresinh15911.[First Issue] Collectible RPGsJames_Mullen15912.[Dreamation] What indie goodies will be for sale?Sam!15913.New Fiasco Playset: Hell's Highway!Elf_NFB15914.[Chronicles of Skin] Doodle your stories, while you play.Sebastian15915.Podcasts as teaching tools? (help me find some good episodes)thadrine15916.Beat Yourself Up About Your Bad GMing HabitsSimon_Rogers15917.The Worst Dice Mechanic Ever, do something with it.SavageHominid15918.[Lady Blackbird] More Characters?otherdoc15919.Rome: Every City Has Its Secret WorldAnarchangel15920.[Powered by Apocalypse World] Act Under Fire, 7-9 Result.Orlando_Wilson15921.[It's 2014] What're you playing these days?Mcdaldno15922.orcbabykilling, PvP, pickpocketing, antisocial behaviourPaul_T15923.Help me make my dungeon awesome and/or coherentBrian_Minter15924.5 minutes hack challengejdfristrom15925.Dealing with Bad GMing Habits: Better NPCsSimon_Rogers15926.[Doomquest] playtest document (draft)skatay15927.Player Determined Difficulty NumbersCT15928.[Action WIP] Dramatic structure of action shows/moviesJimD15929.Random Tables: Making Them Betterakooser15930.[Monsterhearts] Night of the DanceEthan K.15931.Story Games Seattle Has Expanded Eastwardjdfristrom15932.Persuasion and/or seduction of PCs and player-set difficultyjhkim15933.The Dark Roomdoho12315934.[DW] Confused by BondsFelan15935.Looking To Make A Wraith-Lite Hacknunboi15937.Story Forge vs That's Drama - green eyed monster attackjdfristrom15938.[One-Page Dungeons] The Analog versionUserClone15939.[Dreamation] "The other day I..."eruditus15940.So, what's the weather like where you live?doho12315941.[Competition] Vieux pots II: remakes of old RPGs with a "System does matter" approachMaitresinh15942.Do you have different groups for different games?Zak S15943.Playtesting Card Gamesjdfristrom15944.Play Lawful Evil @ Brooklyn, NY on 3/15, 3/17, or 3/24Tavis15945.Tell me of this "Stars Without Number"Andy15946.Story-Games Users: Stop Losing Your Posts!Andy15947.Survived Dreamation (and didn't lose my voice)jenskot15948.[Trash Meets Steel] 111 mphil mietitore15949.[Dreamation 2012] How Was It?Jason_Morningstar15950.Military action without all the fiddly bitsSam!15951.Help me adapt Castle Greyhawk/Zagyg for my D&D campaignEero_Tuovinen15952.The Dungeon of Unspeakable Horrornemomeme15953.Hey folks, new guy here!Rubbermancer15954.Help making a fan conversion of Amber for FATEScott15955.[Dungeon World] Initiativejeffwik15957.Are there any other Apocalypse World hacks out there?thadrine15958.[Dwimmermount] The God of AbortionTavis15959.[Marvel Heroic Roleplaying] Heroes and villains, assemble!Sam!15960.A Spelljammer Thing for Dungeon WorldSimon_C15961.What game changed your view about games? And how?thadrine15962.Metamorphosis Alpha WTFtony_dowler15963.[Dungeon World] DL1: Dragons of DespairDeliverator15964.Cleric & Paladin: really, what's the diff?Hans_c-o15965.[What Game Is This?] This image will forever haunt my nightmares...UserClone15966.Games that produce interconnected short stories?PeterBB15967.March is "Play games with other games" Month!jackson_tegu15968.XP for Exploration & Mapsjenskot15969.[The Mustang] Experiences and questionsSam!15970.Fiasco! (Strange correspondance)viktor_haag15971.Spy Lingo Glossary imported from Wikileaks!Andy15972."Is this the p*rn game?"Sam!15973.The WildlingsRubbermancer15974.[Online] Dungeon WorldMurgh_Bpurn15975.Help, my Characters are 6th Leveltony_dowler15976.[DexCon] Who's going and should I attend?Sam!15977.Have you ever met this guy?Zak S15978.Moldvay Lunch Hour - Wedakooser15979.The forgotten joys of high-prep gamingBrian_Minter15980.M.I.A. Driver (Bad Girls music video)Tavis15981.High Yield Prep Techniquesnikodemus15982.Demons Souls using Storming the Wizards Tower?thadrine15983.Buddy Film - The Role Playing GameNathan_H15984.Need an "analog" Princes' KingdomJosh_Unruh15985.ok, so I have 4ish High Schoolers, and 45 minutes...Deliverator15986.[DW] the current XP rules and Bond totalsDeliverator15987.Making gialli.Sam!15988.Dear That Guy,David_Berg15989.Cheap (easily stored) gaming table?Zachary_Donovan15990.Oslo, anyone?Rubbermancer15991.[Camp Nerdly] Parents with KidsDaniel Levine15992.Stuff to Watch March 2012Jason_Morningstar15993.[BWG AP] Witherscape 01: Here We Go Again!Elf_NFB15994.Marvel Heroic RPG - Rules Questions...jenskot15995.[D&D4E] The game informs the fiction informs the game informs the fictionjohnzo15996.[Sorcerer] Demons are FunBret_Gillan15997.Sleep is Death, anyone?Rubbermancer15998.What's your take on games written like this?Zak S15999.Hacking D&D - An EssaySimon_C16000.[Bite Sized Actual Play] March 2012Jason_Morningstar16001.I want THIS grocery list for a Fantasy campaign.Storn16002.[Psi*Run] Mage: The Ascension hackchris_moore16003.Help me make "Supers" make sense.thadrine16004.Marvel Launch Parties + Cheat Sheets!jenskot16005.Helped get our group playing again!Dionysus16006.Ribbon Drive: Poetry Hackjdfristrom16007.[Sagas of the Icelanders] Errata and discussionTeataine16008.[Blowback] Breaking Bad hackElizabeth16009.Wanted: cooperative, GM-free system for two playersSam!16010.1st Time ChargenNathan_H16012.New Meetup group - Cincinnati Story GamersAlexMayo16013.Adventurer Conqueror King - Anyone playing it?kksimons16014.D&D Experience as Fame?Peter_Aronson16015.A sad day for Australian game designvulpinoid16016.[Chronicles of Skin] Rules FAQSebastian16017.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 75 Star Wars Saga Edition: This Plot Is On RailsWillH16018.Virtual Play Podcast DreamationMel_White16019.What's so good about being a GM?WarriorMonk16020.[Danger Mountain] How to set this up (thinking of 2P but could be more)aaarg_ink16021.GM's Day Sales...WPTunes16022.Fan Fictions, Script Treatments, Reimaginings, and Being True to Character in gamesFigaro16023.100 gameszircher16024.[Dallas] I finally played it!Matthijs16025.Looking for a programer to work on a facebook story gameMatrixGamer16026.Mobile Frame Zero: Rapid Attack Kickstarter is live!Joshua A.C. Newman16027.Ok, GMing is fun. But why most people prefer playing to GMing?WarriorMonk16028.[The Regiment] Let's talk about hot warfare action!Caesar_X16029.[GHOST/ECHO] .Station-Hull! (not lol!)Maleficum16030.[Ghost/Echo] Station/Hull at HolmCon 8d6AJohandsome16032.Advanced Thieves & Thieves 2nd EditionLula16033.Grace: a small quiet freeform game about being thirteensilby16034.Chicago Gameday 31 is now signing up playersbuzz16035.Looking for a programer to work on a facebook story gameMatrixGamer16036.DriveThruRPG GMs Day salemerb10116037.Shatterzone: Next supplement you'd like to see...brettmb16038.Who wants to play a game on Skype/G+ Hangouts? Right. Now. [Spontanecon?]UserClone16039.[Sagas of the Icelanders] Tell me about itKeith16040.Jason Corley has a face and hands like a normal human.jackson_tegu16041.RPGs as Foodvulpinoid16042.Founding Fathers and Iron Mendoho12316043.House of Cards Pre-Order SaleParadoxBoy16044.The Play - interactive fiction that explores premise, hard choicesjdfristrom16045.[Dungeon World] - First Game Prep!RoninZombie16046.Powered by the Apocalypse T ShirtsMurgh_Bpurn16047.Copyright issues for a free projectScott16048.I want to play Alexander the GreatValamir16049.[The Boy and The Girl] playtest documentamazingrobots16050.WeD&D House RulesLuke_Wheel16051.Left Coast [Actual Playtest]Richie16052.a "personal canon" of story games for me to check out?aaarg_ink16053.Provocative questions and players who "block"Teataine16054.[Dreamation] Event Descriptions Misleading?Brennan_Taylor16055.[BWG AP] Witherscape 02: Engineer vs SorcererElf_NFB16056.Uh... why do I want this person at my table?eruditus16057.Registration time for the Indie RPG Awardsjhkim16058.Where to get MonsterheartsDionysus16059.D&D: how bad would it be if wizards wore plate?Troy_Costisick16060.[Play With Intent] Not us, sweetheart. We follow the stars.Matthijs16061.[The Regiment] Modern War Reading ListJason_Morningstar16062.OMG Tell me to Stop!!! [Rules Light Design Experience/Question]k.graz16063.The Regiment, Metamorphosis Alpha, and zooming across fictional levelstony_dowler16064.[People in the Northwest] Has anyone seen my copy of Apocalypse World?Joli16065.[Nerdly Beach Party] NBP IX! April 20-22Anarchangel16066.[dungeon world] making use of light sourcesBeth_in_Virginia16067.Story Games on AndroidSebastian16068.[duch*ess] We wrote a novel based on our campaign!peccable16069.[Tekumel] per request, getting past setting intimidationmalcolmpdx16070.D&D: Fear of a Dumb CharacterDevP16071.Can we have fewer thread posts per page?Fuseboy16072.Teach me about Wandering MonstersPaul_T16073.Wings and Tails: Age of Steam: Savage Fan WorldSp4m16074.Does Microscope work with two players?Ben_Robbins16075.So much paper!StephaniePegg16076.[Kashtlanm\xfcyal] Super light T\xe9kumel systemTeataine16077.Stalker is out in Englishnikodemus16078.[GHOST/ECHO] Highlights and HouserulesDavidTC16079.[Elmer Sapp] AP w/ *SPOILERS*Keith16080.Call of Cthulhu is a difficult gameEero_Tuovinen16081.Considering "teflon players" (long)Teataine16082.Thank you, Graham Walmsley.UserClone16083.Sword and planet \u2014 A story game solution?Sam!16084.Help Me Brainstorm Categories of Battle Map EncountersDavidVS16085.[GHOST/ECHO] 2nd session, 1st time GMingMaleficum16086.RIYL ROFLRoss_Cowman16087.2 player games?Dionysus16088.[OSR] Starting Equipment PackagesOla J.16089.Technoir advicePaul8816090.Why is GxB not weird for adults to play?UserClone16091.One Page Dungeon Contest 2012kensanata16092.[MHR] Silver Age playJames_Nostack16093.[Bliss Stage] What's the difference between the stages?Sam!16094.[Tekumel] 5 selves character creationmalcolmpdx16096.the value of a horse in D&D (type games)ChristopherWeeks16097.Are OSR-style play and Story Now play really antithetical?viktor_haag16098.The connection between abstract rules and game fictionUpstart16099.Relicensing the Story Games Names ProjectDevP16100.Anyone used the DTRPG POD service?Marshall Burns16101.[Montsegur 1244] Small-scale printing of Play Aids?Zachary_Donovan16102.Lady Blackbird conditions questionkakupacal16103.[The Afterborn] YA Fiction + Apocalypse WorldJ_Walton16104.We Played To Find Out What Happensjdfristrom16105.[The Regiment] Portraying the conflict.Murgh_Bpurn16106.Brightshadow Academy for Mary SuesBenhimself16107.[Names Project II] New NamesJason_Morningstar16108.[Monsterhearts] AP for brand new MCprincess_r16109.[Marvel] My first session; Milestones not a hit with the kidsbuzz16110.A new take on Mountains of Madnessmodiphius16111.[The Wildlings] Into the Ruins!Hans_c-o16112.[Go Play NW 2012] Registration is Opentony_dowler16113.[Tekumel] Awesome IM gamingmalcolmpdx16114.[Sagas of the Icelanders] An Unwelcome VisitorJason_Morningstar16115.Mechanics? Method!Eero_Tuovinen16116.[Hearts & Souls] Second Edition.Silverlion16117.SO that Game that was like "whats your take on games like this?" play report , and thoughtscrapprincess16118.[sagas of the icelanders] solo rpg achieved!!!11Beth_in_Virginia16119.[dungeon world] so a podcast wanders into the room. what do you do?Beth_in_Virginia16120.[LotFP] Don't Sniff the Green StuffBret_Gillan16121.Best Vampire TV show = the Wire! Vampire = AIDS. +More!jenskot16122.Fabricated Realities: June 15th-17th, 2012.jackson_tegu16123.[Stars Without Number] Your House Rules!PaulB16124.A bit of wisdom that really opened up gm'ing for memalcolmpdx16125.If players have rules, why GMs don't?WarriorMonk16126.Let's talk D&D 3rd Edition DMGTeataine16127.Story Gaming Atlanta?ennui16128.How Do You Play?Nathan_H16129.How Do You Play? IINathan_H16130.The weird objectMcdaldno16131.[Bring It] An Action & Adventure StorygameJames_Mullen16132.Hybrid Games: Computer Driven Social GamesSp4m16133.[13th Age] Playtesters needed for game by Jonathan Tweet and Rob HeinsooSimon_Rogers16134.[BWG AP] Witherscape 03: I Drank What?Elf_NFB16135.Techniques!WarriorMonk16136.[microscope] blind leading the blind, learning this game to othersaaarg_ink16138.[D&D4E, big] "NEXT TIME, GADGET!" - Techniques for Fictionful 4Ejohnzo16139.[The Sword of Deathsword] a module or somethingMarshall Burns16140.A love letter for Jason CorleyBeth_in_Virginia16141.Mouse Guard 'Principles'jdfristrom16142.[Tekumel] MAR Barker dead at age 83malcolmpdx16143.Apocalypse World: Example of Play?Sp4m16144.[DitV] What if I wanted to run Dogs in Dragon Pass?Robert Ahrens16145.[Monsterhearts] Toronto Teen Monstersdaftnewt16147.Tell me why I have to be a powerslave!Sam!16148.World's Most Disturbing HacksMeserach16149.[IaWA] Is it legal to pass?quincunx16150.[IaWA] Suicide in conflict?quincunx16151.Indie Games for kids (one in particular)jhkim16152.[Parsely] ACTION CASTLE PBP-by-consensus COMPLETE!UserClone16153.Scripts to teach and learn games: do you use them ?Maitresinh16154.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 76 Star Wars Saga Edition: Space RescueWillH16155.What Advice Do You Give Rookies?jdfristrom16156.The FATE Of Amber - Playtests at GenconScott16157.[Lady Blackbird] minimum number of PCs ?Yragael16158.Alternative dungeon designskuato16159.[Hero's Banner] Considering Passion and BreakdownsDavidTC16160.Character creation by remeniscenceColin_Fredericks16161.Mashup: Lamentation of the Flame Princess and Stalkerspookyfanboy16162.Bringing in the imagery and emotionmalcolmpdx16163.[Tabletop the show [Wheaton and Day]] Fiasco is in!Teataine16164.[Marvel] Breakout at Gameday 31buzz16165.Seriously? No one has heard anything about Degenesis? (German RPG)Andy16166.[Microscope] California Dreamingaaarg_ink16167.Suggestions for some low-level, free D&D modulesEero_Tuovinen16168.Tekumel author Phil Barker dead at 83MatrixGamer16169.GM tactical resources and playing to winjhkim16170.[Fiasco] [Antarctic] Great Photo Repository!David Artman16171.[NAME / 9P] Map Design AcrosticDavidVS16173.romantic comedy rpg...any suggestions? And 2P also?aaarg_ink16174.Randomizer for framing scenes / creating challenges / making dungeons and more!WarriorMonk16175.Garden of Eden Stories or How Once I - almost - Reinvented RPGs.ivan16176.[RPGs and the general public] A newb's first conventionJoey16177.Just Pretend - How do you pretend to be smart?Nathan_H16178.Indie Games Explosion/Games on Demand Gencon 2012Scott16179.(online/Infrno, Fridays @8pm EST) Fate based Space Opera gamethadrine16180.[FUBAR] Dead and FUBAR'd now availablevulpinoid16181.Games with an unusually small number of PCs?PeterBB16182.[BWG AP] Witherscape 04: Running Hot and HardElf_NFB16183.Miniatures Story Game: Once upon a time in Bosnia...MatrixGamer16184.[HELP]HELLAS symposium rulesJerry D. Grayson16185.Choosing to FailJames_Mullen16186.Archipelago Playset: The Proper PeopleAnders Nygaard16187.Running Lady Blackbird for the first timeDr_Stone16188.Old School ruleset vs Lasersharked SwordmagesDevP16189."Mass Effect RPG" - A Campaign Setting for Stars Without Numbergrmbrand16190.Kickstarter: Expectations, Best Practices, RisksMcdaldno16191.Running games for the first time and making one-page adviceTeataine16192.Donjon, en fran\xe7aisMaitresinh16193.[I Am Alive] How can we emulate this thing?Sam!16194.Plant Rules World Setting?wothbora16195.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 77 Star Wars Saga Edition: FREEdon Nad and the Sith Will FollowWillH16197.[Kickstarter] Aeranos RPGkksimons16198.4E Brain DamageDevP16199.Post-Monsterhearts text instance of playing [Shelter in Place] was dissapointing.jackson_tegu16201.OK, What was D&D 4E _TO YOU_? One Post, No Responses, READ THE THREAD RULES!Andy16202.Last Chance [Game Chef]: Coming Sooner Than You ThinkJ_Walton16203.I want to be a farmer?thadrine16204.- RPGs can change the world, says Norway's new Minister of International Developmentolepeder16205.OK, What was VAMPIRE _TO YOU_? One Post, No Responses, READ THE THREAD RULES!Zak S16206.Story Games at Emerald City Comic Con (yeah, this weekend)Ben_Robbins16207.[Kingdom] Do you change the Kingdom or does the Kingdom change you?Ben_Robbins16208.High-powered gaming, with character development, without crunchspookyfanboy16209.Indie-friendly Retailers want your Games (and your Kickstarters!)Jim_Crocker16210.[Spark] Stock leading questions for initial relationshipsJason_Pitre16211.[Donjon] AP and exemples of playMaitresinh16212.Stars Without Number and OSR tactical gameplay,Matt Wilson16213.[AW-derived] "Whispering Willows," fables went wrongMikeT16214.Twitter and talking about gaming?Ry16215.[Names Project II] What is your cat(s) named?Nathan_H16216.Existential Crisis and DragonsJumanji8316217.MonsterdriveGraham16218.Expectations About EnjoymentJason_Morningstar16219.Reverse advancement: from omni-everything to melodramatic mortalityBurr16220.Give me your best "Provocative questions"thadrine16221.Murderous Ghost - We must be wrong.Izraphael16222.[Kickstarter] Dog Eat Dog: a game of imperialism and assimilation in the Pacific Islandspigeon16223.[Gamestorm Feedback 1] How did play space work for you?Joli16224.[BWG AP] Witherscape 05: GET OFF MY BACK!Elf_NFB16225.[Serpent's Tooth]- Feedback RoundupRoss_Cowman16227.[Google+] Hangouts Now Support AppsDavid Artman16228.Tweet Your Adventure (twitter text adventure game)jontomato16229.Kickstarter - Aeranos App - What systems?gamerscortex16230.[Kickstarter] ParsecValamir16231.Story Games @Twitter?Dionysus16232.Cool ways to fast forward some years?Matthijs16233.Homestuck-Inspired Game - Who's interested?Jon_Shepherd16234.Games that work well with 5+ players?amazingrobots16235.Here's the cover art to your newest game. What's the title and elevator pitch?UserClone16236.[ap] monsterhearts is amazing! first sessionBeth_in_Virginia16237.How can we fruitfully unpack our game experiences as a community?Joli16238.Star Wars Roleplaying Saga Editiondaskittlez6916239.Misery Tourism Gameswhduryea16240.[Durance] Alternate Settingvulpinoid16241.Actual Play - Once upon a time in Bosnia - miniatures story game reportMatrixGamer16242.Dexcon 2012 - Indie Game ExplosionJennisodes16243.Personal Veil - Awesome new Story Game TechniqueRoss_Cowman16244.Stuff to Watch April 2012UserClone16245.[Bite Sized Actual Play] April 2012Caesar_X16246.The Adventures of Professor MunchausenAgemegos16247.[Bite-Sized AP] Your Favourite Gaming Experiences of All TimeMcdaldno16248.[The Venetian Tragedy] Status?C_Edwards16249.Making games for evilMatthijs16250.Who Are You? 2012~2017Andy16251.Argue About In A Wicked AgeRy16252.Story Games Seattle on Saturdays? No Wayno!Mathalus16253.Names Project - How much is too much?Nathan_H16254.Your favourite character 'type'stefoid16255.Belle of the Ball: A Fine and Dandy Card Game for 2-4 Players, Now in Public BetaDanielSolis16256.Uses for the Urban Tarot DeckDevP16257.[OSR] What do we like about Old School?Ross_Cowman16258.CarcosaZak S16259.What's a word?Nathan_H16260.Why do we care about game texts that are instruction manualsTeataine16261.Hunger Games: The GameWillow16262.Where did I leave my keys?Nathan_H16263.[Shooting the Moon] some clarifying questions for playJoli16264.Your Daily Game Chef SpoilerMcdaldno16265.GHOST/ECHO in spaaaaaaaaaaace!noisms16266.[OSR] Old School MechanicsRoss_Cowman16267.Old skool?Eero_Tuovinen16268.Here's the cover art to your newest game. What's the title and elevator pitch? [Week 1 April 2012]UserClone16269.You lost all your hit points! What now?Matthijs16270.A dash of Burning Empires in our MHRPGthadrine16271.An Archipelago chat on Google HangoutsMatthijs16272.[photo inspiration] Animated old-tyme-y Photosdoho12316273.Show me your favourite dungeons!FigureFour16274.Mid-length arcs in our D&D campaignEero_Tuovinen16275.Roleplaying a TrialKeith16276.Wolsamrgrassi16277.DeathMathalus16278.[Pocket Danger Patrol] Rise of Kahtru the Gestalt Warlord!!stupidgremlin16279.[UK]Get Ready for Con-Quest Midlands 2012!Darran16280.[Advice Please?] Non-Gamers Who Don't Know What They Wanthorn_head_o16281.[Dungeon World] Factions and mass combatwatergoesred16282.First Games + Play Style?J_Walton16283.Help finding a Pathfinder module coverakooser16284.[Danger Patol] Arkham Patrol !Maitresinh16285.Fanime Panels on CelStyle and Bliss StageElliott Belser16286.Motivational posters for Story Gamesolepeder16287.100 Horse RP Sites!!Snake_Eyes16288.Story Games @Pinterest?L.Trenti MrVALIS16289.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 78: A Princess of FATEWillH16290.RPG for late eighties / nineties messed-up, broken superheroes?jdfristrom16291.[PAX East] How did it go?Steve_Segedy16292.Story Games in the UK?Steve_Segedy16294.Why do we define RP?Snake_Eyes16295.[FGIICon] DW, MotW or TR?Murgh_Bpurn16296.Labels I give types of playersnightweave16297.Marvel - More Unlockables?JDCorley16298.[Gamestorm Feedback 2] How did game scheduling work for you?Joli16299.Making GMing fun: unlocking GM powers!WarriorMonk16300.Role-playing in Games Seminar - April 10-11, 2012Evan_Torner16301.[minis+] Step One: Look for the story in the minikomradebob16302.Cthulhu Dark scenario contest-deadline extended to June 15th, 2012jtbullet16303.How to run an investigative game at a con and it not suck?Millsy16304.[Madlands] What's the first thing you want to know?Marshall Burns16305.[Games on Demand] while waiting on line?jenskot16306.[PAX East] Games On Demand debrief...jenskot16307.Notation for "roll 2d6 take highest"sage16308.[Gamestorm] The SpielMathalus16309.Kickstarter ReportMurgh_Bpurn16310.Great 2 Player Games That Are Not RPGsNathan_H16311.Making Stuff for [Pocket Danger Patrol]!!stupidgremlin16312.Vigilante: Justified Revenge?Frederik J. Jensen16313.Ad-Hoc Story Games in Portland, April 20-29Ethan K.16314.[ACKs, Birthright, etc] How to keep from becoming a board-game?Ludanto16315.What should I do if a gamer starts bleeding?Mcdaldno16316.Cards to inspire scenesFrederik J. Jensen16317.Mouse Guard and the Roo Sack GamersElf_NFB16318.Props in RPGs, a good idea?kksimons16319.Almost the magic card game I've been looking forBig_J_Money16320.[Sci-Fi Beta Kappa] Now available as a free PDFcatty_big16321.[Kickstarter] "Roll20" Internet videoconferencing facilityAgemegos16322.GM: be partial, not neutralSimon_C16323.So no one came to my [Stars With Out Number] gameRoss_Cowman16324.Monster Party: a release party and mini-con at Endgame, for MonsterheartsMcdaldno16325.Why you shouldn't call them RPG anymoreMaitresinh16326.Any Story Game action in Omaha Nebraska?jenskot16327.How are you supposed to play [Thousand Suns]?Ludanto16328.Bleeding meta-threadjdfristrom16329.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 79 Star Wars Saga Edition: Robolution!WillH16330.What good is the Hero System?Eero_Tuovinen16331.[Parsely] Hardboiled!Jon_Shepherd16332.Shadowrun Returns Kick-Starter PageZachary_Wolf16333.Indy games about romance and sex.HWSoD16334.[Lady Blackbird] Reminding me that GMing is funTsed16335.Wicked Archipelago: Roll Your Own Seidjdfristrom16336.[Witch] Finally, some real Satanism!DanielZKlein16337.Post-Solmukohta 2012: The Idea PercolationEvan_Torner16338.Story games in other languagesSimon_Pettersson16339.[God-king] Game Release / $5 USDwicked.fable16340.[Kickstarter] 16th Century City Map - Matrix Game projectMatrixGamer16341.Empire State Novel and RPGMalthusian16343.[Danger Patrol Pocket] The Impact of One Tiny Ruledyjoots16344.Finnish Tabletop RPG RoundupJason_Morningstar16345.Running the Same Adventure More Than OnceSimon_Rogers16346.RPG Apparel?mease1916347.Identity PoemsMatthijs16348.HELP! Someone Pillaged My Design (Maybe?)RoninZombie16349.[Danger Patrol Pocket] Dungeon Patrol Special Abilitiesdyjoots16350.[Kickstarter] Hellas 2nd EditionSkywalker16351.Arnold's GMing advice (from Canon Puncture/Jadeclaw)Teataine16352.GMing Exercisessage16353.So I'm GMing for my 4 year old tonightRy16354.History of Stake Settingjdfristrom16355.[In Their Shadow] Anyone heard of (a) game(s) like this?David Artman16356.[Game Chef] Trading Review Assignments for JusticeMathalus16357.King for a Day Kickstarter Fantasy-Horror Project from Post World Gamesjim pinto16358.[The Bell]Actual play, plus character as facts/self/situationStephaniePegg16359.Roo Sack Gamers Attempt The Dresden Files RPGElf_NFB16360.[Theory] "Appeals" as game-design focusDavid Artman16361.Plot TwistsJon_Shepherd16362.MRG Revised: Gauging Interestshreyas16363.RPGs bundles as fund-raisersBrian_Minter16364.[Iconica] Has anyone played this?C_Edwards16365.[minis+] Want more story options? Buy more civilians!komradebob16366.Highly Awesome New York job opportunityGB_Steve16367.[Monophobia] Running 1 player cthulhu for my wife. Need Some twists. Help!Sp4m16369.Thoughts about a new forum (in Norway)Matthijs16371.The pride of GabrielKrippler16372.[Fin de Siecle] OK, it's a dog...James_Mullen16373.Marvel - Initiative For Allies?JDCorley16374.Planescape - Little IdeasPjack16375.Pocket Danger Patrol?Danger516376.Concrete Cow 12\xbd: 8 September 2012, Milton Keynes, UKNeil16377.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 80 Sorcerer: Love and Death in Mu's BedWillH16378.[Canon Puncture] CPS 128 - How We Play Dogs in the Vineyardorklord16379.The End of Miss a TurnSimon_Rogers16380.[Our Last Best Hope] Want to Save the World?MarkT16381.[Microscope] Modifying scenes for players with difficulty with freeform RPdaniel_ream16382.[Game Chef] Anybody feel like giving feedback?Keith16383.Camp Nerdly - I would really like a ride to Nerdly.Nathan_H16384.Mouse Guard - am I doing it wrong?jdfristrom16385.Turnsjessecoombs16386.Is there room in the world for another generic system?stefoid16387.[Solar System] Harm in normal Conflicts?Jan16388.The Financial Side of Indie Designamazingrobots16389.Is Facebook a game? If not, why?Nathan_H16390.[Kickstarter] curse the darkness - postapocalyptic RPGblackhatmatt16391.RPGs to learn languageskksimons16392.10-words scenarioJames_Mullen16393.Roo Sack Gamers Attempt The Dresden Files RPG: City Creation 2Elf_NFB16394.Killing or Not Killing charactersthor16395.Where to play Story Games?lizziestark16396.RetCon 2012 (Long Island)Wordman16397.[FATE Amber] Help Me come Up With Bangs for These AmberitesKropotkin16398.[GRIMDARK/GRIMDERP] Ideas, discussion and prep.Orlando_Wilson16399.[Kickstarter] Mecha Combinerscommondialog16400.[Psi*Run] Debugging our runjohnzo16401.The Intersection of Larp and TabletopJason_Morningstar16402.[EtrusCon, July 27-29th] Sun, food, wine & games in Montecatini, TuscanyRafu16403.I made a hack game for AVENGERS!Danger516404.[Pocket Danger Patrol] Double Feature!stupidgremlin16405.Dungeon World going CC-BY!PeterBB16406.Whether To Improve On Your Players' PlansAnduwaithe16407.How Would You Run Vault of the Drow?jjafuller16408.[Make Stuff] Spellbook ideas!Johnstone16409.Steampunk Musha: Victoriental AdventuresJasonStoffa16410.Inclusiveness in character designUserClone16411.[Game Chef] 2012 ResultsJ_Walton16412.[Perfect: Unrevised] JiffyCon Northampton April 2012Evan_Torner16413.[Game Chef] Cultural appropriation, racism and the trouble with coyoteMeserach16414.[Monsterhearts] What's Eating Allison?Jim_Crocker16415.[minis+] [excercise] I want a world playset collection like...komradebob16416.[TSoY] The Shadow of Arcadia (A Changeling: The Dreaming mod)John H16417.[Gonzo] Gators and co*keBret_Gillan16418.Wicked Age Best Interests Oraclejdfristrom16419.Why (some) trad games won't work (for me)WarriorMonk16420.Roll your Humanity? Designing a corruption mechanicthadrine16421.Low/No-Prep Single-Night Gameseanhess16422.[Lady Blackbird] Play Aids?Danger516423.[Traveller World] "This is Free Trader Beowulf..."Caesar_X16424.[Misery Tourism] Game of the Month: Mentorswhduryea16425.Timeslots at PlayconsWillow16426.How to use the players bodiesw17616429.[Dungeon World] Sanglorian's Stuff: 14 pages of content (CC BY)Sanglorian16430.Top Five Unplayed Games, 2012Zachary_Donovan16431.Shadowbird - Lady Blackbird/ShadowrunEmeraude16432.[A Taste for Murder] Live Action A Taste for Murder?EpistolaryRichard16433.Taking this cultural appropriation thing on the iterative design loop (and an approach to working with culture)DevP16435.So I want to run [Lacuna Part 1] as a pickup game...UserClone16436.Nerdly North: August 31-September 3, 2012blankshield16437.So how much of the D&D book is REALLY about combat anywayValamir16438.Stuff to Watch May 2012philaros16439.[Idea me!] A Wild West Show goes to Transylvania!komradebob16440.There are Now More ModeratorsAndy16441.Kickstarter did it! Video Games/Tabletop Split!Andy16442.In what ways are Jason, John, Kira and Zac awesome?Graham16443.Farewell to Fear Kickstarterspookyfanboy16444.[Apoc World] PC on PC actionPheylorn16445.[Story Games Seattle] Our Ground is Level and Our Table is RoundBen_Robbins16446.Dungeon World ePubjjafuller16447.[PAX] Prime is sold out of 3-Day badgesMathalus16448.tell techies to shut up!!DevP16449.Mekayana: I Will Play This Even If It's Racist and/or TerribleLula16450.Story-driven miniatures actionRafael16451.Bite Sized Actual Play, May 2012Jason_Morningstar16452.Dresden Files RPG: Character CreationElf_NFB16453.Jason & Rafael's Archipelago-in-space gamejdfristrom16454.Zen and the Art of Forum ModerationMeserach16455.Tell Us About Your Character!Rafael16456.[Idea me][minis+] Re-using Character minis in a campaignkomradebob16457.Play examples: real or fake?Rafael16458.Imaginary Realities (a magazine for text-based games)george16459.[My Trip to NYC] Manhattan, island of games?IceCreamEmperor16460.Mental models & how interchangable we areMatthijs16461.Lost original D&D manuscript revealedDHBoggs16462.Kickstarter project for Champions of ZEDDHBoggs16463.Key code : 1034Wilhelm16464.[D&D] Melee rulesSimon_C16465.[NemoCon] Keep It Sunny: The Gang Tests the Emergency Response SystemBrendan16466.Designing a GMless gameRafael16467.I'm SorryNathan_H16470.[Danger Patrol] Pocket Marvel Patrol!MarkT16471.Help me with Lady BlackbirdJim_Crocker16472.What does this game Reveal / Allow / Expose?Harlequin16473.Instant New GM EducationArpie16474.Magic 8-BallWPTunes16475.Ganakagok, Cultural Appropriation, and the New WorldBill_White16476.Lamentations of the Flame Princess - Death Frost Doom APAlexMayo16477.Writing A Monsterhearts ScenarioEthan K.16478.[Sagas of the Icelanders] Juicy GM TidbitsJason_Morningstar16479.Dragon*Con 2012 Games PromotionHarlequin16480.[Dungeon World] Spanterhook Thieves' GuildHans_c-o16481.From remixing to sampling: Beyond game hacksMatthijs16482.[Until We Sink] Observations and InsightsJason_Morningstar16483.[Archipelago II] 2-player suggestions or sessions?Grepth16484.D&D Heroic Threats Kickstarter is Live!Willow16485.Monsterhearts, First SessionWillow16486.The Best LARPs Everanansigirl16487.Keep It Sunny - first releaseMcdaldno16488.Kindle, Kobo, Nook, iPad: experiences?Rafael16489.Gen Con - Who's going? What're you doing?jenskot16490.[larp] The Solmukohta Book ClubRoger16491.Getting the most out of online gamingRafael16492.The positive post-apocalypseDeBracy16493.Advice on creating Goals, Motivations, Inner Obstacles and RelationshipsWarriorMonk16494.The sweet, sweet siren call of gonzoBen_Robbins16495.[Survey] Pretending to be a rodent...?Rafael16496.The Indie Game Developer NetworkMarkT16497.Here's your cover art [#4]UserClone16498.Help with some quotes on rules and emerging structure in RPGsivan16499.Fonts: print vs. PDFRafael16500.Here's your cover art [#5]UserClone16501.Take a bow, NemoCon!Ben_Robbins16502.Scene Economy and GM Principles for Heroquest 2.0: Feedback wanted?epweissengruber16503.Inspiration Needed: Fantasy Game Character Rolesgizmoduck500016504.[Minis] Publishing a minis game?Rafael16505.Professional Card Printers?UserClone16506.Is character advancement a requirement for long term play?Danger516507.[Monsterhearts] Strings and PrinciplesDavidTC16508.[Hong Kong] Any Story Gamers there?Evan_Torner16509.Story Games Canon and EvolutionLucas Garczewski16510."Dude, That Was Epic!"Jason_Morningstar16511.[minis+] Developing Play Goals other than a Victory Dance ending?komradebob16512.DexCon advicemarknau16513."Ugly Americans" as a ripe Identity Politics settingTodd_L16514.[Microscope] Does it work for larger groups?Sandster16515.Everybody gets a different storyRafael16517.[Funny Voices] My impressions of ladies are crap, help me out.Johnstone16518.Here's your cover art [#6]UserClone16519.Is this offensive?UserClone16520.[Lady Blackbird Hack] Gundam BlackbirdDarcadia16521.I think my group refuses to like things they enjoythadrine16522.[Camp Nerdly] Pre-pitch session, 2012Harlequin16523.Fiasco [LFG] In the Toronto Areamalachijohn16524.Marvel Heroic Roleplaying...malachijohn16525.[D&D] Summoning a Fish DemonSimon_C16526.[Chronica Feudalis] Soldiers of the CrossBill_White16527.Nordics, Swedish and identitySimon_Pettersson16528.Pretty sweet little Lady Blackbird game going on MythWeaversZachary_Wolf16529.[OTE] Now Under OGLKeith Sears16530.[Pocket Danger Patrol] Solo Playtestkaptainkobold16531.Burning Empires GenCon 2012 ScenarioElf_NFB16532.Swedish RPG TheoryEmily_Care16533.Early Essays on Collaborative (read "GM-Less"/"GM-Lite") Role-PlayingAndy16534.ATTN: Native American/First Peoples/IndiansUserClone16535.Victorian action-adventure tips?Zachary_Donovan16536.[minis+] Non-minis mechanics/methods useful for minis gamingkomradebob16537.D10zeroninja16538.[Monsterhearts] Just got my copyPheylorn16539.[Heroine] Call for PlaytestersJoshJordan16540.LARP of strange forest tribesKrippler16541.Here's your cover art [#7]UserClone16542.Vagrant Workshop picks up Itra's City and Valley of Eternityolepeder16543.Apocalypse World - Superhero playbooks?Evil Genius16544.[Microscope] Can you play small scale stories with it?CoveredInFish16545.[greek city-state idea] random event cards?Beth_in_Virginia16546.The Reinvention of Story-based Video GamesJon_Shepherd16547.The Emperor's New ClothesPaul8816548.Origins 2012merb10116549.Gamex 2012: Living Dungeon World Returns!Mike_Olson16550.Lizzie Stark Lecture Highlights!Jim_Crocker16551.Post Camp NerdlyEsarel16552.{Camp Nerdly] One Cool Thing I Saw At Camp Nerdly 5Jason_Morningstar16553.Tell me the bad things about Camp Nerdly!Graham16554.A game about economy?Suna16556.[Camp Nerdly] Swag!Bill_White16557.Heroine PlaytestJoshJordan16558.Storygamers in Richmond VAcrharnish16559.Mouse Guard splitting screen time rule?jdfristrom16560.[Within My Clutches] 4 protagonists, 4 separate stories?David_Berg16562.[NZ] Chimera 2012 - 24-26 AugustStephaniePegg16563.Fold Praxis Back Into SG?David Artman16564.[Initial Design Idea] TerrorformTheOtherTracy16565.[Shock] Story Games Seattle House rules?DavidTC16566.Prime Time Adventures Questionmalachijohn16567.[Design challenge] Color GuardRafael16568.A Functional Game Design Community: What Would It Look Like?whduryea16569.[sports] Incorporating a sports event into a game of MonsterheartsEpistolaryRichard16570.New Designers: What sort of feedback would you like on your games?Graham16571.Working as a GMJDCorley16572.FATE - Politics Bolt-OnJDCorley16573.My Oracle, the FetusRafael16574.Challenge: Lunch Break SerialJon_Shepherd16575.RPG ReviewersSliberty16576.I seek advice about layoutwhiteknife16577.Not playing forum games?Matthijs16578.{ Playtest } Why don't you. What would help...jenskot16580.Dexcon 2012 - Going? Running?jenskot16581.[Camp Nerdly] Post Camp Nerdly SurveyJule Ann16582.When is it appropriate to name games?wyrmwood16583.[Lamentations of the Flame Princess] The threat of death = funBrian_Minter16584.[Monsterhearts] The LessonEarthenForge16585.Incantorkksimons16587.[Kagematsu AP] The Story of KoHarlequin16588.Rambly post about something I'm calling [Narrative Inertia] for lack of a better termRoss_Cowman16589.[Dungeon World] Mass Battle Move SheetKaph16590.Roo Sack Gamers Episode 57Elf_NFB16591.Organized Crime HooksJDCorley16592.Hot and cold running cotton candyRy16594.Permission to Pretend: Learning from Lady BlackbirdEdmoo16595.[Nerdly] Crawl Jongg: Doug the Lich?Rafael16596.[agon] running non-combat battles?Beth_in_Virginia16597.Here's your cover art [#8]UserClone16598.[Apocalypse World] What is the system intrinsically good at?Kestral16599.[Shadow-Hack] Oldschool Hack Meets Mr. JohnsonZachary_Wolf16600.[Within My Clutches] actual play from Camp NerdlyDavid_Berg16601.Shopping the RPGjenskot16602.What games are in your gaming bag?Danger516603.New Story Games Rule: "SLOW DOWN"Andy16604.Cross-time / Setting Playskinnyghost16605.Fiasco - Metaphorical & Nautical PlaysetNathan_H16606.New Story Games Rule: SLOW DOWNJason_Morningstar16608.World Builder's Challengesolepeder16609.Black Armada and When The Dark Is Gonerabalias16610.[AW/nonpocalypse world] what are the AW hacks good at?Beth_in_Virginia16611.[Kickstarter] Serpent's ToothRoss_Cowman16612.Itras City (Itras By translated into English)spookyfanboy16614.[Monster Hearts] Continuing my game- Love Letters to my Players!Willow16615.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 81 Monsterhearts: Teacher's PestWillH16616.[The Regiment] Operation Market Garden Actual PlayPaul_Riddle16617.[minis+] Minis you bought "just because"...komradebob16618.[Monsterhearts] Darkest Self Sixty-NineJames_Mullen16619.[The Mountain Witch] PLAYER principles and techniquestimfire16620.Ryan Browning and Zeb Cook Talk RPGs and Art in BaltimoreTavis16621.Metamorphica: A Very Large Collection of System-Agnostic Random Mutation Tablesskinnyghost16622.Dresden Files RPG: The Game Starts!Elf_NFB16623.Apocalypse World + Marvel's Action Orderjenskot16624.Amercive gamingGB_Steve16625.[Kickstarter] Our Last Best Hope - An RPG to Save the WorldMarkT16626.[Kickstarter] The Dragonprince's Heir and a new patronageJosh_Unruh16627.Play an RPG, learn a languagekksimons16628.The Forgejessecoombs16629.[Getting There in Time] Help me test my character and adventure creation proceduresDanMaruschak16630.GRAPH A STORY WITH MR. VONNEGUTPaul8816631.[Spark] Spark RPG Open BetaJason_Pitre16632.WaRP/Over the Edge - what do you do?WPTunes16633.[In a Wicked Archipelago] Bloody and Sexy!Simon_C16634.Agile principles & roleplayingMatthijs16635.(Just Story) Stories With Mentors Becoming Lovers?Nathan_H16636.Bite Sized Actual Play, June 2012ColinC16637.Stuff to Watch June 2012Brian_Minter16638.[Misery Tourism] Welfare Queenswhduryea16639.[ndp microgames] issue #2 Vesna Thaw now availablendp16640.[Origins 2012] After-Action ReportJason_Morningstar16641.[mechanic] Can you help me develop this idea further?vgunn16642.Mom's Basem*nt Podcast: ep 43 Back to the ForgeAlex_Swingle16643.[I Am A Survivor] Norwegian Contest?Zachary_Wolf16644.[Fabricated Realities 2012] Online Registration Closed June 5thRoss_Cowman16645.Online Story GamingYokiboy16646.[Go Play NW 2012] Room and T-shirt Deadline Approaching!tony_dowler16647.Chicago Gameday 32 event planning is now open for volunteersbuzz16648.Here's your cover art [#9]UserClone16649.[Dungeon World] The Kickstarter Campaign has already Leveled Upmoleculo16650.[Dungeon World] Sarrenor Rules CompendiumMockingbard16651.JiffyCon Boston 2012! Who's going?Sliberty16652.[Slow Down] Slow Down: Let's try this out!Matthijs16653.Burning Wheel as a Subscription?Elf_NFB16654.Developing a Convention in Grand Rapids, MIjjafuller16655.Freemarket: What happened?Matthijs16656.Small Press Games Subscription?jenskot16657.My little design, how's it looking?vgunn16658.stats=skills=equipment=kewl powers=aspects=RESOURCES + MOTIVATIONSWarriorMonk16659.I long for Indie Press Revolution staff reviewers...Andy16661.Playing with your Toys Wrong: PublicArpie16662.My one-page game; could I get some feedback?Moyashi16663.Suggest a fantasy gamejhkim16664.[Walkabout] Apocalypse Think Tankvulpinoid16665.The cost of engaging a mechanicJackFractal16666.Roo Sack Gamers Episode 59: Dresden Files 6Elf_NFB16667.[Puppetland] Camp Nerdly 2012 Actual PlayHarlequin16668.[Primetime Adventures] Player required for play-by-forum gameStaxx16669.Free Games ListArpie16670.Non-Gaming Media's Influence on How You Play / Designjjafuller16671.Archipelago with diceRafael16672.Tell Me About Playing Archipelago IIJason_Morningstar16673.[Calgary, AB] UndergroundConephealy16674.RPGorbit: New Venue for Online SalesJon_Shepherd16675.[Triangle Area] Moving to Raleigh, what's the story game scene?heartinnarnia16676.I would like an honest critique of my d6 system.Malckuss16677.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Dude, we playtest your games!Alex_Swingle16678.[IndieGoGo] What You Wish ForGraham16679.GenCon 2012Rafael16680.ONE MORE OUTAGE, SATURDAY NIGHT! RAWR!!!Andy16681.Combat - best authorsrabalias16682.Short rules are good!silby16683.Stand-up comedy?EpistolaryRichard16684.Wuxia novels in translationStephaniePegg16685.Hit Seekers: High School Math LarpJason_Morningstar16686.[Apoc World] I'm not so braveorklord16687.[Chronica Feudalis] Adapting it for Song of Ice and Fire gamin'Pheylorn16688.[World of Dungeons] Anyone playing?ChristopherWeeks16689.Post Story Games/Vanilla 2.0 questions/comments/concerns hereAndy16690.[The Trouble with Rose] Iron Angel Sakurazircher16691.Web RPG chat series numbers?JDCorley16692.[TROPEZ] A teaser Tear Sheet for you!vgunn16693.[post-nerdly] northern virginia people, assemble!Beth_in_Virginia16694.Dungeon world, french version in-a-box => Jessica Hammer principles in action ?Maitresinh16695.Forsooth! is now available!Sliberty16696.Genres Covered by Existing Story GamesArpie16698.Player Skill vs. Character Skillkksimons16699.[Chronicles of Skin] What do doodles look like in actual play?Sebastian16700.Story Games: Post-Upgrade Bug ReportAndy16701.[World of Dungeons] My old campaign setting\u2014and nostalgiaSanglorian16702.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 44: Topic Wank 2 - Wank HarderAlex_Swingle16703.Snapshot: 1969 Hipie storytelling card game - KickstarterMatrixGamer16704.[Darkest Dungeons] Out there, somewhere?Hans_c-o16705.The Kobayashi Maru, or "Designing a Game to Mandate Cheating"NickWedig16706.[Lady Blackbird] I think we lost SnargleCoveredInFish16707.Nomenclature/Credit-Where-Credit is Due Question!k.graz16708.Roo Sack Gamers: DnDNext PlaytestElf_NFB16709.[MonsterHearts] Flesh and bloodTore_V16710.Any News on Primetime Adventures 3?voidstate16711.[Durance] The Kickstarter is liveJason_Morningstar16712.[Anima Prime] Unity Core: Solo and Coop RulesChristian_Griffen16713.[Make Stuff] Uncle Murgatroyd's BoxWPTunes16714.IndiePlus: An indie game convention on Google+, mid-July 2012.Neil16715.Running Dungeons for Large Partiestony_dowler16716.Go Play NW: any couches available?quincunx16717.[Tropez] alpha teaser summary and tear sheet.vgunn16718.Games that use Monster ManualsRafael16719.Who's playing what at Fabricated Realities?Joli16720.System for The Graveyard BookSliberty16721.What makes a good microadventure?ChristopherWeeks16722.[Fabricated Realities 2012] Sold OutRoss_Cowman16723.Roll20: anyone tried it?Lula16724.Advice on hosting a free rpgEpistolaryRichard16725.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 45: Magicians & EdutainmentAlex_Swingle16726.Writing "effective" background/lore/plot hooksseasparrow16727.Combat conundrum. How should I fix it.vgunn16728.[PTA Hack] Prime Time Sci Fiwyrmwood16729.GM'ing / Story help?Dionysus16730.[Monster Hearts] After Graduation - Set up ideas and tips?Noofy16731.[Fiasco] You Aren't Cleared for This, CitizenJason_Morningstar16732.[Pocket Danger Patrol] Mutant Patroljohnzo16733.Gaming the 1960'sMatrixGamer16734.Hackmaster Unbound.. Er... Rebound?Arpie16735.[Kickstarter] 'Pulse' FATE / FUDGE Dice (ends 07/14/2012)Noah_D16736.[Powered by the Apocalypse] How do the different games about wizardsBeth_in_Virginia16738.[Kickstarter] Hit Seekers: An edu-larp for an underserved high school math classAaronJV16739.Tell me of [Hollowpoint]Joey16740.[Anarktica] New free story game for ArchipelagoEpistolaryRichard16741.[Adventures Of The Space Patrol] Anyone played it?snej16742.Socratic Combativan16743.[apocaworld] doin' it rightBeth_in_Virginia16744.Free "Indie" RPG Day?stupidgremlin16745.Heavy GearFelan16746.Games/SystemsBushido-in-Glasses16747.[World of Dungeons] The Moppets Go DelvingHexabolic16748.Ideas Concerning a Necromantic Blade...Andy16749.What place do indie rpgs have in brick'n'mortar stores?EpistolaryRichard16750.[What System] For playing the movie ChronicleKeith16751.[DuPont, WA] Family Game Nights at Libraryephealy16752.Here's Your Cover Art #10UserClone16753.I left the human condition at [Fabricated Realities]Mathalus16754.[Psi-Run] Where can I get it?hoog16756.[Dresden Files RPG] I have no time to create a NYC-based 1-shot gameDevP16757.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 46: Shadowhack and InitiativeAlex_Swingle16758.What are your favorite adjectives when you GM sword & sorcery games?WarriorMonk16759.Full Names, Usernames and EmailsAndy16760.[Cthulhu Dark] Cthulhu Grey - A HackAaron_S16761.Long Form "Indie/Story" Gameswyrmwood16762.[Marvel Heroic RP] Transformers with the SG codexivan16764.Quickstarts - Quick games, Intro games, Zero-prep games.Orlando_Wilson16765.Allons Jouer Montreal 2012Orlando_Wilson16766.Hacking ArchipelagoMatthijs16767.[Marvel] feedback on advancement stickersTylerT16768.Reading [Remember Tomorrow]ivan16769.Build a micro-adventure on this skeleton?ChristopherWeeks16770.[Tropez] I'm looking for a dungeon designer. Anyone interested in writing the intro adventure?vgunn16771.Roo Sack Gamers 61: When Games DieElf_NFB16772.Irony in GamesNathan_H16773.[Games on Demand] Gen Con 2012 - Come GM Some Games!Steve_Segedy16774.Dungeon World Hangout game 30th June?Murgh_Bpurn16775.Watching other people playkobutsu16776.[Immersive Gameplay] Now Available in Print!Evan_Torner16777.[Olympia, WA] From Story Games Olympiaephealy16778.Please tell me about [Avatar]!Antisinecurist16779.Kickstarter Sedition WarsPaul8816780.Background Generation Tablesvulpinoid16781.Looking for a game to model City HunterEsarel16782.The Ongoing Artbooks-to-Watch for RPGs (and advocacy) ThreadAndy16783.Your Opinion of Apocalypse World (and its hacks)MPOSullivan16784.[3:16] Miniatures?Aaron_S16785.Define: Fantasy Heartbreakerworldnamer16786.[Steal Away Jordan] First session rules questionsjuliusz16787.[AW] Quick Con game at Q-Con, Belfastrobb16788.[BLOWBACK] Rules questionMyrkwell16789.[Design Issues] Narrative GameRyanDanks16790.Brood: a fantasy tropez. [alpha tear sheet]vgunn16791.The UnmysteryJon_Shepherd16792.[NAME / 9P] Shorten my game's core rules?DavidVS16793.Bad Ideas that Seemed Like a Really Cool Idea at the TimeArpie16794.Help Make This Just In... From GenCon 2012 happen!orklord16795.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 47: A Very Special Mom's Basem*ntAlex_Swingle16796.Do we risk Vissertown to get new tires for the Humvee?Fuseboy16797.DC, Capital Hill areaakooser16798.Games/Problems with Open-ended Trait MechanicsJasonT16799.[Dungeon World] Hack! Disassembling Dragons for Fun and Profit!mostlyjoe16800.In Apocalypse World, what is "hold"DaveyJJ16801.[Roach] HOA playsetjohnzo16802.Any fellow gamers in Tempe AZ?Rayston16803.Raleigh/Durham/Triangle S-Gers: Japanese RPG Meltdown this weekendAndy16804.Doll housingEmily_Care16805.2000 hoursRy16806.[FATE Amber] Should we be rolling dice more often?Kropotkin16807.YoGang Skills: Or the weird old/new tricks I learned from Cyber Generationmostlyjoe16808.[Tactical Ops] 2 player Cyberpunk missionHasimir16809.Help Making Plots into SequelsDavidVS16810.Dresdenhearts: New PlaybooksWillow16811.Weapons and RPGsRyanDanks16812.Please Critique this Resolution MechanicRyanDanks16813.[My Daughter the Queen of France] at Fabreal 2012Mathalus16814.Morbid Nostalgia: What I Learned from Traditional GamesArpie16815.Make this game!merb10116816.[Homestuck RPG] A technique to simulate flash animations - critique?Jon_Shepherd16817.The City of Fire & Coin: A Free Swords Without Master PreviewEpidiah_Ravachol16818.Chicago Gameday 32 is July 14th: Now signing up players for Dungeon World and morebuzz16819.Hello Tucson, I want to be nerdy with younick3.016820.[Other Worlds] d100 NPC Personality Traits tablesoviet16821.[SF Bay Area] Local game groups?dylanix16822.[Actual Play] Dungeon World in a strip clubsage16823.Online Indie Convention in July: INDIE+ utilizing Google Plus!Andy16824.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 48: Games Workshop ReturnsAlex_Swingle16825.Game Chef 2012: amazing things you should've seenDevP16826.Does this paragraph read clearly to you?vgunn16827.[Dungeon World] Discern RealitiesSimon_C16828.Because some things are worth it...vulpinoid16829.How do YOU as a GM prepare for a gameOnix16830.[WGP] GM Enrichments1of316831.[GoPlayNW] Legend of Korra hack: Episodes 1 & 2J_Walton16832.Dungeon World AtlantaScott16833.last days for educational gamesAaronJV16834.Visiting America, f*ck Yeah!Krippler16835.[Misery Tourism] The Needs of the Fewwhduryea16836.[Boston] Gaming/sci-fi bookstore needs GMsWordman16837.Story Games Names Project - Android app - feedback wantedinigo16838.Games with Crazy HijinxArpie16839.Visual Aids from Classroom Deathmatch at GPNWsickelf16840.[Go Play NW 2012] The GamesHans_c-o16841.GM-less/ful games without a dedicated settingEpistolaryRichard16842.Unicorn CityPaul8816843.Why do online GMs deserve any less than face to face GMsMurgh_Bpurn16844.[DexCon 15] Crashspace? Also, Games?AnonAdderlan16845.[Dungeon Crawl Classics] Adventure Time Hacktheg33k16846.[Stuff to Watch] July 2012Teataine16847.Bite Size Actual Play July 2012Mike_Sands16848.[LotFP all-star adventures thing] Chat, coordinate and maybe resident authors can say a thing or twoTeataine16849.Experimenting with RPG methods to make reader-driven comics...doplegager16850.Visual RPGsJon_Shepherd16851.CONcurrent, an online gaming con parallel to Gen Con - August 15-19Daniel_M_Perez16852.[Nevada City, CA] Where Are the Gamers?Evan_Torner16853.[Monsterhearts] The AngelMcdaldno16854.Help giving a game the option of being GMless or GM liteOnix16855.[Technoir] One on OneNoofy16856.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 49: GLASS and Not Safe For PlayAlex_Swingle16857.Opposed roll or TN, which one would you choose?vgunn16858.[Monsterhearts] Provocative Classroom QuestionsBenhimself16859.[Immersive Gameplay] Interviews with ContributorsEvan_Torner16860.Online Diceroller Fightbattle DreamlistDevP16861.Here's Your Cover Art #11UserClone16862.[Chronicles of Skin] Version 1.1 - Free PDF with nicer layout and (read more...)Sebastian16863.[My Life With Master] Help with pocket play and Fear vs. ReasonSebastian16864.[ndpdesign summer sale] IT'S TOO HOTndp16865.[Open Design] What's the alternative to a wiki?Sebastian16866.Roo Sack Gamers 63: Changes to Todd's GenCon GameElf_NFB16867.Diagramming App for ipad???Dionysus16868.Creative frustration: The shoehorn & a lucid angle of attackMatthijs16869.Manchester, NH?whduryea16870.Does this FRPG exist? Create-a-Phrase CharGenMacLeod16871.[Open Design - Branching Off] What does designing publicly mean (to you)?Sebastian16872.[Tactical Ops] Google Hangout semi-failureHasimir16873.[Brood] How does this summary sheet look to you?vgunn16874.[My Life with Master] Want to playtest a 3-hour convention scenario?Steve_Hickey16875.Kishotenketsu story structure & "The Mountain Witch"timfire16876.Does this idea work?vgunn16877.[PTA] Steal this idea: behind-the-scenes TV showFelan16878.[AW] Tell me about how you create FrontsDavidTC16879.Project Ninja Panda TacoJennisodes16880.[AW] Need advice for Worldapocalypse kickstarterLuke_Wheel16881.Games about JesusMatthijs16882.Missing Technology or Conceptsslliska16883.Mouse Guard - Shadowrun conversion issued.anderson16884.What five things should I buy at GenCon: 2012Lisa Padol16885.House of Cards Indie+ sale (now until July 15)ParadoxBoy16886.since there *are* so many AW hacks out there...Deliverator16887.How We Came To Live Here: Threat Track or Threat Tracks?quincunx16888.[Tactical Ops] SLA Industries HackHasimir16889.Tell me about PvP in Apocalypse World (and clones)Ry16890.[Monsterhearts] Online YearbooksJacob16891.The New Story-GamesNathan_H16892.Gamer Meetup in Iowa?harleqwn16893.What to do with [Monsters and other childish things]?Praion16894.[Old School Dungeon Crawl] Help me build a starting charactervgunn16895.Fiasco on Will Wheaton's show - A must watch!MatrixGamer16896.Violentina: a Tarantino rpg from BrazilTodd_L16897.The House Season 3Orion Canning16898.When you state a theorem, roll +Elegant.wyrmwood16899.Help Me Build an RPG - Bronze Age Shenanigansjacksonmalloy16900.[Animal Crime] squids, bats, baboons, blackmail and murderDavid_Berg16901.San Diego area game shops?dylanix16902.Zombie Cinema awaits the TARDISArpie16903.[Brood] Comment on this quick combat example.vgunn16904.What Does the RPG Scene Look Like in Your Country?Jason_Morningstar16905.What makes a good trad game?JimD16906.Fiasco Pirates?Evil Genius16907.Ghost/Echo in Dublinrobb16908.This World-Building Roleplay, and Hey - I'm NewTJByrum16909.Game Con in Bloomington IN?Ross_Cowman16910.[Rolling Intentions] Mouse Guard Actual PlayVicaroth16911.Apocalypse Water WorldPraion16912.[Danger Patrol] Pocket or Not?Keith16913.Cascading Character Creation?harleqwn16914.Playing Fiasco "wrong"Felan16915.[Brood] Old School Style Character Sheetvgunn16916.Heavy Gear / Silhouette - Tactical combat too deadly?Luke16917.[minis+] Have you read HG Wells' Floor Games?komradebob16918.Roo Sack Gamers Episode 64: Harbingers RockElf_NFB16919.Live by the Die, Die by the Die: An Actual Play podcastLivebytheDie16920.What are the cool game blogs and podcasts now?MatrixGamer16921.[Citywide] Anyone playing? Confusing parts?Mcdaldno16922.Voting for the ENnies is openGraham16923.StoryNames - Story Games Names Project - Android app - now updated and on Google Playinigo16924.Pride and Prejudice: A game for two playersrgrassi16925.Keeping The Final Girl SunnyUserClone16926.[LotFP Adventures @ Indiegogo] Anyone kick some cash in?epweissengruber16927.[S/lay w/ Me] AP & DiscussionKeith16928.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 50: 50 editionAlex_Swingle16929.[Fiasco] Playset: House of Ill Reputerabalias16930.[Monsterhearts] I made a skin: The AcolyteLula16931.Does this game exist? "As Told at the Explorer's Club"Keith16932.Don't Walk in Winter Wood is now available!Clint Krause16933.Let's make up headers for Story-GamesHans_c-o16934.Blood Red Sands Kickstarter is a go!Scott16935.New Internet Website: Call For Submissions!Hans_c-o16936.[Fiasco] Online Playgralegath16937.Problems with FanmailJason_Pitre16938.GenCon Game - Apocalypse World - A World Gone Wrong Parts 1 & 2. Are you one of my players?Pheylorn16939.The LotFP Grand Adventure Campaign: Ends July 31JimLotFP16940.[Bloodthorn Press] More Alpha Games For Your Amusem*ntJesse16941.Joe's Tattoo: Custom MovesWPTunes16942.Algorithmic GamingArpie16943.[Tacoma, WA] Game Dayephealy16944.[Academic] Society of Cinema and Media Studies Panel on RPGs (March 6-10, 2013)Evan_Torner16945.Burning Empires AP PodcastElf_NFB16946.[Witch - The Road to Lindisfarne] Release dates announcedMr Toad16947.1001 Nights: The Sultan's Own Cheflumpley16948.Game Design TEDx Talk (With bonus shoutout for[BOGEYMEN] My first published moduleSp4m16950.[AW] When you go hunting with Slicers GangPraion16951.Unity UndergroundMr Nay16952.Colombiaephealy16953.[Rolling Intentions Podcast] Lady Blackbird Actual Play - Session OneVicaroth16954.[Virtual Play] Episode 56: Dungeon World at Dexcon 2012Bill_White16955.Can Role Playing Treat?Nathan_H16956.[Dungeon World] Temple of Ungu/Bloodstone Idol MashupJasonT16957.A Grail EpochRafael16958.[Misspent Youth] Welcome to the DFI Network!VampTheUnholy16959.What could be the sweet spot for the number of procedures in a game?WarriorMonk16960.Lady Blackbird First time and narrativesSilverwizard16961.101 settingsnick3.016962.Social Injuries??WarriorMonk16963.Mouse Guard 1 on 1?Dionysus16964.[Monsterhearts]Skin Idea: The UserPraion16965.[Poison'd] Trouble with an extended conflicthalski16966.[PAX Prime] Need a badge? Come run games at Indie Games on Demand!sage16967.[FanExpo Toronto 2012] Anyone Going?epweissengruber16968.Nordic Larp: Mad About the Boy, US Runlizziestark16969.Games that make good use of maps?Neko_Ewen16970.The best books about Roleplaying...which aren't really about Roleplaying.Frax16971.[Misery Tourism] 6 Page Manualwhduryea16972.[Walkabout] Title Pagevulpinoid16973.[MotW/MH] So I signed up to run this mashup...Deliverator16974.[Shock:] Drastic PlasticGB_Steve16975.[Other Worlds HBO] When the Thunder Rollssoviet16976.[Night's Black Agents] Flows like bloodhalski16977.[Monsterhearts] The MirkshiresEvan_Torner16978.[Monster of the Week] Riff on The BroodBRennekamp16979.Bite Size Actual Play August 2012johnzo16980.[Stuff to Watch] August 2012Torquemada16981.[Cold Friends] A Spy Game ~ first lookvgunn16982.Snapshot: 1969 Video - A first for me.MatrixGamer16983.Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures: Playtesters Wantedjohn16984.(help find a small game) Looking for a fighter jet combat game that used d8'sthadrine16985.Are too many gimmicks a bad thing?thadrine16986.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 51: Unwholesome Tenancy & Gaming TextsAlex_Swingle16987.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 52: Shark Boning (aka Mega Epic Reef Off...With SharksAlex_Swingle16988.[D&D 4e] Why does D&D 4e move slowly?DavidVS16989.Is there a storygame that emulates French New Wave films well ?geordie racer16990.[D&D and Kin] Brainstorming TrapsDavidVS16991.Playtesters needed for ViewScreamRafael16992.tremulus - a story game of lovecraftian horrorMurgh_Bpurn16993.[I'll scratch your back if you ... ] write my fiction/design my cover/edit chapter twoSebastian16994.System problem - help!rabalias16995.Psychosis: Ship of Fools, John Fletcher, Craig Maher, Charles Ryan,Paul8816996.Trek World ideaDeliverator16997.Spy GamesRyanDanks16998.Players wanted for Marvel Heroic RPG Skype Gamecrharnish16999.[Apocalypse World] custom moves make the worldChristopherWeeks17000.Indie RPG Awards: A lot of games came out in 2011!Andy17001.[] Social Bartering Experiment - Join in.Sebastian17002.A moment to talk about my day job.Jim_Crocker17003.Games on Demand at Gen ConMatrixGamer17004.AW-IaWA PrinciplesRy17005.[Fastaval] Scenarios and AttendingEvan_Torner17006.[Apocalypse World] Bluffing vs. bargaining moves for a hackJasonT17007.[Villages] Brainstorm some dramatic, imaginative random encountersEero_Tuovinen17008.[minis+] What would you do with the Reaper Bones Kickstarter Collection?komradebob17009.Latest Roll for News features Blood Red SandsValamir17010.[Monsterhearts] One-Shot?Keith17011.Blowback questions! Help please!Deliverator17012.MonkeyCon One (a virtual game convention on October 19th and 20th)zircher17013.Roo Sack Gamers 67: Harbinger's Rock 19Elf_NFB17014.Fate of the Norns: RagnarokMountZionRyan17015.[] Create some Life Paths for Mage BladeWolfe17016.rhetological fallacies: what a game it could be...Maitresinh17017.Burning Con \u201912jenskot17018.[Witch - The Road to Lindisfarne]: Pre orders now open!oreso17019.Cryptozoologymease1917020.Burning Con 2012: Oct 26-28Luke_Wheel17021.Games on Demand Kitsjjafuller17022.[Remember Tomorrow] A bunch of questions on the mechanicsivan17023.Running a Freemarket one-shot at Gen Con - got tips?AlexMayo17024.Actual People, Actual Play Episode 82 Monsterhearts: We're BackWillH17025.Anxiety-Free PlayNathan_H17026.Anybody in the Columbia River Gorge?roaring_mouse17027.Serenity Verse (Lady Blackbird Hack)RyanDanks17028.Has anyone done a nicely laid-out Wushu Open PDF?hathegkla17029.[Mist-Robed Gate] \u201cWhat is the point of enlightenment if you do not survive to see it?\u201dKirkMitchell17030.[Fiasco] Boing Boing/Cory Doctorow mentionDavid Artman17031.Ghost/Echo How do you play it?RyanDanks17032.I need random tablesRy17033.[Fiasco] Play write-up -- Cat Me if You Can: A Suburban Nightmarejda197417034.[Brainstorming] Alternatives to Hit Pointsk.graz17035.D&D Next playtestJacob17036.School Daze, for sale and at GenConTheOtherTracy17037.Marvel Heroic - anybody got an editable character sheet?James_Nostack17038.[Monsterhearts] Losing consciousness and the "British librarian egg-shell skull" ruleEpistolaryRichard17039.Game of level 0 adventuring?daw6517040.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 53: Apocalypse Appalachia and HacksAlex_Swingle17041.Product Identity in Free GamesRyanDanks17042.It's Happening Again!!! Non GenCon Awesome, 2012 EditionMarhault17043.Player seeks lost blog post...FlashbackJon17044.I'm pretty sure I was just trolled...Harlequin17045.Help me pitch The Drifter's Escape... to Germans!Frank T17046.[Fiasco] Crowd-sourced playset: State Fair (working title)David Artman17047.A complete rule without a single word....Maitresinh17048.[] Log of WorkSebastian17049.Can I drive you to Big Bad Con?rian_bean17050.[Dungeon World] Indigo Galleon designer's notesjohnzo17051.Educational larp charity fundraiser inviteAaronJV17052.Games on Demand at Dragon*Con!pandajelley17053.Hacking the OGL toolset -- how far can it go?Chris_Goodwin17054.[Other Worlds HBO] A Crazy Handful of Nothin'soviet17055.[PAX] Should I come to your panel?Mathalus17056.I Want to Make a Game About SamuraiZachary_Wolf17057.[Comedy] Non-shock/gonzo humor in RPGs?Jon_Shepherd17058.Art for Free GamesRyanDanks17059.For authors: question on publishing strategiesSuna17060.[Fiasco] Japanese Blood Opera playsetHarlequin17061.[Dungeon World]: tell me about your best momentsMaitresinh17062.Tenra. Guys.Jeph17063.[Rolling Intentions Podcast] Lady Blackbird Actual Play - Session TwoVicaroth17064.Portland Game Store?horn_head_o17065.Here's Your Cover Art [#12]UserClone17066.John Wick/JDCorley livestreaming video show, Tuesday 8/21, 7 PM PacificJDCorley17067.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 54b: The Trouble With Rose Actual Play!Alex_Swingle17068.What did you buy at Gen Con?MatrixGamer17069.Dragon*Con have dissociated themselves from the Backup Ribbon projectGraham17070.Ice Station Nerdly, Fall 2012!jhosmer117071.[Dungeon World] Love Letters for Vampire Hunterspeccable17072.The Connection Between Story Games and Tenra Bansho ZeroAndy17073.Help Games On Demand!jenskot17074.Gen Con and HarassmentLula17075.[Gen Con 2012] RecordingsJason_Morningstar17076.Visualizing RPG GameplayIcel17077.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 54: The Trouble With Rose and Social MechanicsAlex_Swingle17078.[Chronicles of Skin] Star Wars: Rise of the Empire era (scenario)Daniele Di Rubbo17079."What Is A Roleplaying Game?", an archiveJDCorley17080.[Dungeon World] Druid blurb/symbolDanger517081.[Rolling Intentions Podcast] Mystic Empyrean "Bonus Session" - First to WakeVicaroth17082."you can't win with a single roll"Deliverator17083.[Metatopia] A surfeit of gameswyrmwood17084.[Intercon M], or Come to Boston and Larp!Evan_Torner17085.Living Dungeon World!jenskot17086.LARP inspired by Y The Last Man...jenskot17087.[Dungeon World] Two-Hour DemoJason_Morningstar17088.Serious themes in RPGsJon_Shepherd17089.[Accent Diner] 5am me finds the weirdest stuff funnyJon_Shepherd17090.[Petition] D&D art -> making it less white male-centricrabalias17091.A simple rpg I've been working onPheylorn17092.[Cachorros Samurai/Samurai dogs] Report game testHouseRules17093.Deck FeverWarriorMonk17094.PAX Prime Games on Demand (Aug 31-Sep 2)sage17095.Games on Demand at TactiConDInDenver17096.NerdNYC RECESS: September 15thjenskot17097.How do I bring a post to the notice of the moderation staff, and when should I do so?Story_Games17098.[Fiasco] Stonefalcon Manor: A Gothic Fiasco (custom playset -- feedback welcomed)jda197417099.Break my magic system!kksimons17100.[Rolling Intentions Podcast] Dungeon World "Poor Tristram"- Session 1 [Homage to Diablo] (AP)Vicaroth17101.[Fiasco]Run Lola Run Mode of PlayPraion17102.What was the First Exposure Playtest Hall like at GenCon?Graham17103.Situation generatorsNameless17104.[Apocalype World] Gunslinger-type playbook?horn_head_o17105.Portrait vs. Landscape for PDFs?Colin_Fredericks17106.[Mouse Guard] The Siege of Sprucetuckjohnzo17107.[D&D, Pathfinder, Etc.] Strategy in Map CombatDavidVS17108.[] Broad offer of hours for contributions to 'open gaming'Sanglorian17109.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 55: Basically...The Dungeon and how to pitch your gameAlex_Swingle17110.A Non White Male-centric game...[Walkabout]vulpinoid17111.[FanExpo Toronto 2013] Story Games and Games on Demand for Next Year?epweissengruber17112.Who is in Ottawa?Chroma17113.[Kickstarter] tremulus - a game of Lovecraftian horrorChroma17114.PAX Prime?coffeeswiller17115.Call for Mythender Playtester CreditsRyan_Macklin17116.[Blowback] Hack for one-shots / flexible CiviliansDevP17117.Types of RandomnessJason_Morningstar17118.Kansas City -- anyone playing Fiasco or similar story gamesjda197417119.Monsterhearts Cardsjenskot17120.Hey, game-in-progress "X", where you at?jessecoombs17121.Beyond "System matters." Does \u201cSeating and sitting matter\u201d?w17617122.Monster Hearts with Two neophyte playersJacob17123.[Dungeon World] More Living Dungeon World this weekend at Gateway!Mike_Olson17124.[Dead of Night] 'Die Faster' hackJames_Mullen17125.Spite goes Open SoresRafael17126.Why on earth would teenage (mutant) students go on dangerous missions!?Antisinecurist17127.[Apocalypse World] Pacing ourselves after our 1st sessionJasonT17128.non-character sheet progression?Dionysus17129.[Virtual Play Podcast] Cthulhu DarkMel_White17130.RooSackGamers 68: Burning Empires at GenCon 2012Elf_NFB17131.What was the best special ability your character ever used in a game?WarriorMonk17132.[Villages] Bring me loot from PAXEero_Tuovinen17133.[I Am A Survivor] Ashbury PlaysetZachary_Wolf17134.Recording a Skype sessionRafael17136.Whats the best system to retell the Star Wars 1-3 THE RIGHT WAY?Onix17137.New Story Game on Kickstarter: Story Realms!coffeeswiller17138.Are there any Eastern Washington Gamer Folks?Captain_Thark17139.HG Wells miniatures book ideasMatrixGamer17140.[Misery Tourism] The Dungeonwhduryea17141.[Fiasco] Setup vs. actual gameplayjda197417142.ViewScream: Temporal FluxRafael17143.[JRPG as TRPG] Static Battle GridsMacLeod17144.How can we pitch The Tavern?Graham17145.Black Seven - A Cool Stealth Action Game You're Not PlayingJDCorley17146.Lords Of Olympus: First Lookbrettmb17147.[Rolling Intentions Podcast] Dungeon World "Poor Tristram"- Session 2Vicaroth17148.[Wonderland] Such an exciting game and an appealing genreEero_Tuovinen17149.Bite-Size Actual Play: September 2012J_Walton17150.What about Gumshoe/Trail of Cthluhu for Doctor Who?Kropotkin17151.What was the best Item your character ever used in a game?WarriorMonk17152.Heart's Blood - Dracula goes by jeepL.Trenti MrVALIS17153.just moved to seattle area, looking for a groupjim pinto17154.[Kickstarter] The ArtifactOnix17155.[Excision] Broken EmpireJames_Mullen17156.Post-op: IGoD at PAXRyan_Macklin17157."Limited Edition" Playbooks and Tradingdyjoots17158.[Jamestown, PA] Game Dayephealy17159.Dragon*Con Games on Demand [What went right / wrong]Harlequin17160.[Danger Patrol] My first two gamesseanhess17161.Introducing a new AW HackBrendan_Conway17162.Time Traveler Seeks Advice On SwordsJason_Morningstar17163.[Stuff to Watch] September 2012Torquemada17164.[Walkabout] Worldbuilding 101vulpinoid17165.Burning Empires AP PodcastElf_NFB17166.Which games should I support at Dragonmeet?Graham17167.[Fiasco] Los Angeles 1936 A.P. from Dragon*Con 2012Harlequin17168.[Escapist Expo] Happening in Durham the 14th. Anyone going?Big_J_Money17169.[Just Heroes] Superhero Adventuring in an AW HackJames_Mullen17170.Help with Task Resolution MechanismSnake_Eyes17171.Do You Prefer to Declare Action Before or After You Roll them Bones?k.graz17172.Dark Worlds: A Cthulhuesque horror gameGraham17173.Talk to me about diceless gamesPeterBB17174.Vampire in a Storygame StyleRob_Alexander17175.[World of Dungeons] Strawberry Quest. Played with a seven-year-old kid.WeeTanya17176.Moatcon 3 - A minicon in Raleigh NC Oct 26th-28thHarlequin17177.Can you help me understanding [Apocalypse World] and [Dungeon World] philosophy?ivan17178.[Fiasco] Reality TV - custom playsetjda197417179.Concrete Cow 13: 9 March 2013, Milton Keynes, UKNeil17180.[Reaper Miniatures] Using cheesecake minis in a thoughtful way?PeterBB17181.[Fiasco] Live Action FiascoEpistolaryRichard17182.10 minutes challenge; DARK GAMErgrassi17183.[Games On Demand] IncentivesHarlequin17184.What are difficulty levels good for?Johnstone17185.Brag About Your Awesome GMing Habitsframweard17186.Playing sex-scenesJames_Mullen17187.A Verbis Ad VerberaTheOtherTracy17188.How much sex happens in your games of Monsterhearts?GB_Steve17189.Vicious Crucible of Verdigris ValleyNeil17190.Mario and Luigi need your helpRy17191.[HammerCon IV] How We Can Help You, the Game Designerlachek17192.The Big List of Apocalypse World HacksChris_Goodwin17194.[Ireland] Anyone here going to Gaelcon?robb17195.[Big Bad Con] Is Less Than a Month Away!Ethan K.17196.[Lords of Gossamer and Shadow] Anybody have the scoop?Jason_Morningstar17197.[Our Last Best Hope] Anyone played it?forlorn117198.Sex and Violenceskinnyghost17199.[Other Worlds} Example of Worldbuilding: Amarsoviet17200.[IndieGoGo] We'll Send It To Them projectAlex_Swingle17201.Are games dangerous?UserClone17202.[Fiasco] Check me on a PDF thing.Levi Kornelsen17203.So let's talk about Gangbusters!komradebob17204.10 Minute Challenge: LIGHT GAMEJon_Shepherd17205.Vampire the Requiem Overhaul: Wanting Thoughtsmachineiv17206.Ghost/Echo ParanoiaFlynn17207.Ways to modify [Ghost/Echo] or [Otherkind] dice rollsFlynn17208.Kickstarter: Dark Realms 1 Million RPG Book Give-awayguildofblades17209."No! Impossible! My character wouldn't end up in this situation!"czipeter17210.[Durance] Thoughts?jda197417211.Man Vs. HimselfOnix17212.Playcraftjenskot17213.Yearbook (GMing techniques)jenskot17214.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 56: Anarktica & We'll Send It to ThemAlex_Swingle17215.Fiasco Actual Play \u2013 Transatlantic Terror (warning \u2013 kinda dark)jda197417216.[AW] What happens when you run out of moves?robb17217.[B/X D&D] A Story Gamer Tries to Understand MoldvayDavidTC17218.[Metatopia] Hotel Share / Carpool?Adam_Dray17219.[Fiasco] Too many happy endings?semajmaharg17220.[World of Dungeons] Do we need MC moves?Ry17221.Hungry SuperpowersBrendan_Conway17222.[AW] Alternatives to the Strong hit/Weak hit/Miss trichotomyJon_Shepherd17223.Never played tabletop, looking for a group in Berkeley, CA/SF Bay Area to teach me the ways.Red_Fifth17224.Blade & Crown: 80s realism + modern indie designJiawen17225.My new favorite RPG technique...jenskot17226.Sandbox Campaign technique...jenskot17227.Character motivations, drives, goalsDanger517228.Help me tinker up some Mecha rules for Smallville RPG!Joli17229.[Rolling Intentions Podcast] Mystic Empyrean "Bonus Session 2" - First to WakeVicaroth17230.[NAME / 9P] Please critique my game's intelligent racesDavidVS17231.Hard Moves, Hard GMs and Hard LuckGB_Steve17232.[Archipelago] Now With Fancy LayoutJason_Morningstar17233.Indie Game Publishing ResourcesSimon_Rogers17234.Miss Trichotomy, running down the rabbit hole.zircher17235.Good cyberpunk gameDeliverator17236.Interviews with gamers from around the worldWilhelm17237.Where does Bordgaming stopPraion17238.[Dread] disintegration - zombie survival horrorAaron_S17239.[Kickstarter] Bluebeard! the GameKuma17240.[Kickstarter] 13th Age Last Few hoursSimon_Rogers17241.[Undying] VtM - AW Hack -- First Release!Paul_Riddle17242.What is your favourite narrating technique at the moment?Rickard17243.The culture of gaming - BBC podcastGB_Steve17244.Star Wars World - An Apocalypse World hack.Pheylorn17245.Story Realms - [Kickstarter]UserClone17246.Archipelago OnlineKeith17247.[Monsterhearts] Some questionsjda197417248.What game for the horror of becoming a werewolf (or other monster)?Burr17249.[FIASCO] "Character Creation" via Fiasco session??kevperrine17250.[Playcraft] Top TenJason_Morningstar17251.Atlanta Gamers?walterman17252.Marvel Heroic - Dr. Manhattan's Precognition?James_Nostack17253.Useful vs UniqueJim_Crocker17254.[Our Last Best Hope] Actual Playjda197417255.[Freemarket] People of the DonutHans_c-o17256.Who are you and what did you do with all that necromantic energy?Simon_Rogers17257.Apocalypse World - Gunslinger?Praion17258.I'm sure there's a game in here...John_Powell17259.Learning curve vs bad fittimonkey17260.GMless "Robin Hood" Heist GameArpie17261.[inklewriter] Anyone using it?Jon_Shepherd17262.Gaming BagsKeith17263.[Rolling Intentions Podcast] Dungeon World (Final) "Session 3" - Poor TristramVicaroth17264.The Female Gamer DilemmaTaoJeannes17265.What to do with all these dead legs?Wordman17266.Is the evolution of story games relationship map still available?Danger517267.Playtest [Slander] a parlor game for 3 or more gentlemen of loose moralsSp4m17268.List of Story Games for Educationdbrown17269.Playtesting Fiasco playsets?harleqwn17270.What makes/breaks immersion?omnifray17271.[Cthulhu Dark] Hacking Insanity for other themes/genres/gamesStephen P17272.Awesome NPC GeneratorKeith17273.Smallville rules questions and play techniquesJoli17274.Database of pregenerated charactersTeataine17275.Solo game for traversing/maintaining a memory palace?Ry17276.[Other Worlds] Review up at RPG.netHexabolic17277.Being open with railroading your playersRickard17278.Lady Blackbird: De-railed!Bifford17279.[Essen] Kotodama Heavy Industries' 3rd JRPG Translation! ~Ninja story gaming~ennui17280.[Metatopia] What's happening?Adam_Dray17281.[Kickstarter] OMG, WTF, IP BS.UserClone17282.Getting my game proofread.MJGraham17283.Bronte play formalization and craftinessStephaniePegg17284.RinCon 2012 was amazing!MarkT17285.New free font that is interesting: OpenDyslexicMatrixGamer17286.Stuff To Watch October 2012UserClone17287.[IndieGoGo] The Quiet Year: a map game about a post-collapse communityMcdaldno17288.Awesome Rails!Paul_T17289.[INGENERO] Its finished and available for print sale. Play like a HBO TV series!stefoid17290.AW Wild WestEvil Genius17291.2012 Golden Geek Nominees Revealed + Voting InstructionsMcdaldno17292.Pitch me a game for hi-color teenage power fantasyJon_Shepherd17293.KicktraqDavid Artman17294.Unnatural DisasterSnake_Eyes17295.Finding Common GroundNathan_H17296.Hedrality, is it an issue?catty_big17297.Your home between the trees and the deep.Burr17298.My players' characters is getting killed ... in a game that can't kill themRickard17299.For those familiar with Otherkind Dice: how to handle player vs player?TheRoleplayer17300.And, but, becauseRickard17301.What do you want to know about a game to make a decision to buy?stefoid17302.Bite-Size Actual Play: October 2012Keith17303.Challenge; EFFECTIVE GAME-TEXTKrippler17304.5 RPG from 1976 to 1991 now with "system does matter" insideMaitresinh17305.[IaWA / Wicked Archipelago] City-States of VenusDeBracy17306.Trying to find some OSR-ish blog postsRy17307.[Perilous] Procedure for Resting in Wilderness/DungeonZachary_Wolf17308.Say Something Nice About GURPSNathan_H17309.[INGENERO] PDF now available $9stefoid17310.Los Angeles gamers?Aval17311.The Beautifully Railroaded Game: Did you do it?Paul_T17312.Making GURPS work consistently for StorygamersDeliverator17313.[Bad Family] Playtest draft of a game about animated sit-comsSteve_Hickey17314.I want to learn My Life with Masterharleqwn17315.Tips for running [Lady Blackbird]?UserClone17316.[Apocalypse World] Dungeon Crawl in Gloranthavini_lessa17317.[Guncho] What should we be using this for?Jon_Shepherd17318.Help! Design a short activity/game for 11-yr-old girls in the park!Paul_T17319.Plot hooks in "Don't Rest Your Head" beyond rescuing family membersMoyashi17320.A Game to Teach Game Design?kksimons17321.Halloween Fiasco Suggestionsslliska17322.Card drawing online?rabalias17324.Magic for kidsmjbauer17325.[Fiasco Peoples] Help Me Test A Probably-Very-Stupid Idea.Levi Kornelsen17326.VORPS, a web-based system for writing and playing story games -- looking for feedback and GMs!stlhood17327.Help me make a Five- or Six-Scene "Big Reveal"Paul_T17328.Tables of Contents / Order of Presentationvulpinoid17329.[World of Dungeons] Dungeon Girls!Hexabolic17330.[What to hack?] Doctor WhoGeorgios17331.Jerry's game?ChristopherWeeks17332.The fires atop Mt Fuji are once again lit...timfire17333.What's Your Preferred Minimum Fun Per Hour (FPH)?Steve_Segedy17334.RPG Themed Web SeriesRyanDanks17335.I was the Last Man On Earthjenskot17336.[Wilderness of Mirrors] Strengths and Weaknesses discussioneruditus17337.Chicago Gameday 33 is looking for GMsbuzz17338.Mad About the Boyanansigirl17339.How does categories work?Rickard17340.Lacuna - Outskirts of Blue City (fan-made supplement)Colinaut17341.Help Critique my Kickstarter!kksimons17342.[Misery Tourism] Shadewhduryea17343.Casey Jex Smith art opening WED OCT 10, 2012Todd_L17344.What can you tell me about this map?Ry17345.Printing Big Mapsakooser17346.Non Roleplaying StorygamesRotting_Zombie17347.Hey, What's That Called? - Dice As Character SheetNathan_H17348.Using opaque secrets in a productive wayw17617349.[Forum Game - Please Join In!] The Outrider's JourneyZachary_Wolf17350.Starting my first Apocalypse World gameDr_Stone17351.[Kickstarter] One Shot, a Two-Player Game of Sacrifice and VengeanceTheOtherTracy17352.Need a Halloween Party Gamelordgoon17353.Lacuna Heart Monitor/DialHelix17354."You become the game. You are the game." About the dangers of D&D.Paul_T17355.Kismet: A game of Destiny And Karmamarkmeredith17356.Young-Adult RPGsJon_Shepherd17357.Etiquette about sharing charactersEmily_Care17358.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 57: Motivation, broAlex_Swingle17359.Names Are Important, Now If I Only Knew Howgtroc17360.Tips on "boardgamifying" RPGs for fast pick-up play?Ricardo Tavares17361.New Dungeon World racial moves (converting a DnD game)JonatanK17362.[Sagas of the Icelanders] Crowdfunding campaign is a-goTeataine17363.Recommend a Story Game for non-storygamersdaniel_ream17364.[Fiasco] Just in time for Halloween \u2013- Gothic-horror-themed Fiasco Actual Playjda197417365.Wild Strawberriesjenskot17366.GenCon GamesOnDemand - more successful than we realized!jenskot17367.Panel discussions at Metatopia 2012Darren Watts17368.[Rolling Intentions Podcast] The Burning Wheel (Revised) - Character Creation (AP)Vicaroth17369.[tremulus] Got my PDF copy!jda197417370.Psi*WorldNathan_H17371.[List] Small town events for 1920's TexasKeith17372.[Traveller World] Psis Like Us Campaign - Actual Playrobb17373.The impulse to do "just one more thing" before adressing your character's needsHarlequin17374.[Dungeon World/Burning Wheel] Using Thelons Rift for a One-ShotPraion17375.I Dreamt of a Railroad...Zachary_Wolf17376.The video game company I work for needs programmers...The Bunyip17377.Bored? Let's drum up a PbP gameJon_Shepherd17378.South Bay Story Games Day V: From Dustframweard17379.[Kingdom] Playtesting while the Kingdom burns\u2026Ben_Robbins17380.Instant StorygamesMarcolo17381.eastside seattle AWjim pinto17382.We played God-KingHarlequin17383.[Play With Intent] Guidebook ready for downloadMatthijs17384.A story-telling RPG with a real goal?NinjaWookiee17385.San Francisco area conventions?MLevad17386.[Ingenero] a reviewSp4m17387.Working On A Mage-Like Story Gamenunboi17388.ViewScream: Neural WebworkRafael17389.[Puppetland] Any advice for GMs?JohnScottTynes17390.Threads from the Dead!Ross_Cowman17391.Play-By-Post never worked for meJackFractal17392.[Monsterhearts] Anyone up for an online (Skype, Google Hangouts, whatever) game soon?jda197417393.Please help me with tips on promotion of my gamestefoid17394.What reasons to live does a character have?Paul_T17395.Houses of the Blooded - Four Years LaterJackFractal17396.[Where The heart Is] A roleplaying game about the families of tomorrowcatty_big17397.[Apocalypse World] Power levelsframweard17398.Essential Listening for Game DesignersRoss_Cowman17399.Fiasco! (Character Sheet?)Harlequin17400.Looking for suggestionsJumanji8317401.Paranoia as a story gameJumanji8317402.Blood and Honor Campaign (hack?) - "Integrity": The Gotham City Police DepartmentJDCorley17403.Want to Talk About It? (An AP Experiment)whduryea17404.The un-store un-willing to deliver?RasmusL17405.Learning the build-up [reflection]Rickard17406.[Dungeon World] AP: Don't stumble into the summoning circlePraion17407.[tMW] GM-less Mountain Witch (I summon Jonathon Walton!)timfire17408.Rewarding ReintegrationNathan_H17409.Clark Ashton Smith : any game to emulate Zothique Stories ? IAWA + Polaris = ?Maitresinh17410.Rule of the unspokenRickard17411.principles for "pulp noir"Dionysus17412.A World of Ice and Fire -An Apocalypse World hackPheylorn17413.Creating non-random obstructions for the playersRickard17414.Taking the Mc from MonsterheartsEpistolaryRichard17415.How do you handle note taking?JackFractal17416.Running games using a flashlightJackFractal17417.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 58: Kyle Simons & KickstarterAlex_Swingle17418.Flashlights (and other non-standard light sources)Aaron_S17419.Mechanics for a game about atypical family unitscatty_big17420.Start of Play RitualsJackFractal17421.Marvel - Sandbox Style!jenskot17422.Mages, Armor, Coolness, and EffectivenessZachary_Wolf17423.Why do you play storygames?Rob_Alexander17424.Campfire, a horror hack for A Thousand and One Nightsthetravatar17425.Ghost/Echo Inspiration and EncouragementJim_Crocker17426.There was a freeform play-by-forumChris_Goodwin17427.roleplay until you need to rollplayDavid_Berg17428.There's a method to itstefoid17429.[Legend of the Elements] Final 3 Days of the Kickstarter! Help Make The Last Stretch Goal! (8/27)horn_head_o17430.[Metatopia] 13th AgeAdam_Dray17431.Hacking Cold City / Hot WarHarlequin17432.[steampunk rpg] Umbrage of the AutomatonAaronJV17433.Horses and BayonetsBryan17434.Apocalypse World; one-on-oneC.Jay17435.[Fragrant Harbour] Looking for reviewersStephaniePegg17436.Dice saying IF + Player saying WHAT = Situation saying WHY. But HOW?doho12317437.Roo Sack Gamers Episode 76Elf_NFB17438.[Solipsist] Looking for GM advice, and general advice.quincunx17440.I cannot find the thread from a few years ago talking about different Mangatadk17441.[Michtim: Fluffy Adventures] My Cartoon-Style Storytelling Game about Fluffy Heroeszydake17442.[Mecha-Opera] Using Cortex+ for Mecha Gamingstupidgremlin17443.[Technoir] Some questions about Technoir and Mechnoirwatergoesred17444.On the Fraying Edge - An Apocalypse World HackPheylorn17445.[DitV] RelationshipsHimalayan_Salt17446.How do you 'Prove' a Fact in a Fictional World?MJGraham17447.World Collision: A game of possibilities.Macky17448.[Dust Devils] NPCs Recovery scenes?girolamo17449.The Etymology of the Term "Story Games"Hans_c-o17450.How to play Vampire: the Masquerade, First EditionJDCorley17451.[MICROSCOPE] Building a campaign setting through Actual Playjddennis17452.[Fiasco] Spooky double-feature, part 1: My Big Fat Zombie Lesbian Weddingjda197417453.[Monsterhearts] Darkest SelfPaul_T17454.Let's talk about TORCHBEARER (n\xe9e Dungeoneers & Dragonslayers), BWHQ's advanced backpack simulatorsilby17455.Indy rpg publishers in Germany, Netherland... ?Maitresinh17456.[IndieGoGo] Forest Keeper Action Role Playing GameDaniele Di Rubbo17457.[My Life with Master] Care to GM a game over hangouts / skype?Harlequin17458.Story Now - It's worth a revisitMatrixGamer17459.1 Unit of GM Control (trad play)Big_J_Money17460.Is the new Gamma World any good? And by new I mean 2010.Nathan_H17461.Critique My Magic SystemHans_c-o17462.[Dungeon World] Too many Hit Points?robb17463.[Vampire the Requiem] Mother of all Monsterszydake17464.South Bay Story Games Day V is a go! Sunday, 2 December 2012framweard17466.Apocalypse: Emergence - a different way to play Apocalypse WorldPaul_T17467.[Lady Blackbird] Experience, Translation & DMing at Conhamnacb17468.Chicago Gameday 33 is Nov 10: Sign up to play!buzz17469.What are the positive/non-mitigating benefits of a GM?Burr17470.We Are Lost In PlayHans_c-o17471.[Story Now] Egri is a straw mantimfire17472.Skills for You-Are-There do you feel when the fiction becomes a game?David_Berg17474.Scorn: Tenth Anniversary EditionRafael17475.Good slasher-movie story game -- Final Girl? Slasher Flick? Something else?jda197417476.Bite-Size Actual Play: November 2012Peter_Aronson17477.Awesome Modules/Adventures!Captain_Thark17478.Persistant tabletop RPG: how do you imagine it ?Maitresinh17479.Stuff to Watch November 2012Harlequin17480.Character Charisma vs. Player CharismaZachary_Wolf17481.What would 'Epic' [Dungeon World] Look Like?Sanglorian17482.Trouble at BurningWheel?Russell Hoyle17483.Mall of the DeadRafael17484.Atlanta Story Games MeetupScott17485.So...Nathan_H17486.[Kickstarter] HeroineJoshJordan17487.First plays in 2012robb17488.Gamebooks to RPGs to gamebooksSir_Knight17489.Have you ever had music inspire you to start a new game?NCLivingBrit17490.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 59: The Little Engine That Could, Steve MathersAlex_Swingle17491.Hacking Call of Cthuhu for Win and avoiding Failkomradebob17492.[LFP / Sarasota, Florida] Dresden Files and Burning Empires every Sundaythadrine17493.[Monsterhearts] Speed Gaming Monsterhearts at conventionslachek17494.[Portland] Technicolor DreamsHans_c-o17495.NaGa DeMon: I am having some issues with Fate and was looking for help.gtroc17496.Sweet-talking the guards: the compleat RPG experience!Deliverator17497.The Essential List of Story GamesAlex_Trepanier17498.Story Gamers in Wichita, Kansas?Andy17499.Game Ideas: Rethinking Old Tropeseruditus17500.[Metatopia 2012] After-Action ReportJason_Morningstar17501.Monsterhearts after graduationPaul_T17502.[Dungeon World] Magic Meatballs.blinks17503.Rules for character death with mechanical/narrative effectsFelan17504.Game techniques for writing a bookMatthijs17505.What have been your favorite non-conflicty things for which to roll?Burr17506.[Dungeon World] - kinda grindy?Fuseboy17507.Pick up gaming in PortlandSean Musgrave17508.Kult - Have you done anything with it?halski17509.Advice Animals as Fortune MechanicNathan_H17510.Role Playing Games For People Who Are Not Very BrightNathan_H17512.Crowdsource Christmas in NovemberBen_Robbins17513.[The Quiet Year] Pitch in, alla'y'allTildeSee17514.Consequences that don't bite, but gum really thoroughly.Burr17515.[Misery Tourism] The Oldest, Cruelest Swordwhduryea17516.Superspy RPGsCaptain_Thark17517.Random Word Generator System (Horror Game)Rotting_Zombie17518.[Fiasco} What is your favorite playset? More importantly, why is it your favorite?NickWedig17519.[The Quiet Year] Solo-game "Hold a Discussion" thread!framweard17520.What's your status?Matthijs17521.[Gormenghast...sort of...] One Room at a Timek.graz17522.DARKER SELF - a few suggestions, please?TheRoleplayer17523.[The Quiet Year] A question about ContemptDaniele Di Rubbo17524.OH Games! Weekend [Columbus, Ohio - Nov 30 to Dec 2]anansigirl17525.Basic Die Mechanic Based on AWBrendan_Conway17526.What Apocalypse World hack do you prefer?Silverlion17527.Dungeon World - "Spells" as Movesticktockman17528.Games on Demand at Winter Fantasy 2013jjafuller17529.Kansas City Game Fair - Nov. 15-18jda197417530.CHIEFS - free storygame in 5 pagesomnifray17531.PAX East Planninge4mafia17532.Analyzing Call of Cthulhu Module Chokepoints/RailroadingJDCorley17533.[Lady Blackbird] Has anyone seen the tea?TildeSee17534.Choke points are typical for railroading?Rickard17535.[Dust Devils] any best practice tips?Millsy17536.Indie Games Explosion at Dreamation 2013Kat Miller17537.Groundhoggoth: the New BatchJames_Mullen17538.[BareBones Fantasy] Shout-Out for a very slick d100-based systemgrmbrand17539.only the Hat is EvilDeliverator17540.Dungeon World -- Dark Sun?connallmac17541.Is there a name/tool for this type of discussion?Matthijs17542.Dungeon World for one player?ticktockman17544.Escapismw17617545.[Monsterhearts] Queen questionsjda197417546.AP: Changeling + MLwMBurr17547.Agenda and Principles for Vampire: the Requiem (Burning Wheel -style)Rob_Alexander17548.Writing in a non-gender specific wayRickard17549.RPG Design PanelCastJason_Pitre17550.[Apocalypse World & Hacks] MCing in other gamessbrplaysrpgs17551.The Guide to Glorantha KickstarterIan Cooper17552.The Morrow Project! Who's played it?Andy17553.Tell Me About GloranthaFelan17554.Playtesting your new, unheard-of game via G+ HangoutRafael17555.GM principles and agenda for Vampire (Burning Wheel -style)Rob_Alexander17556.[Monsterhearts] I made another skin: The GenieLula17557.[This Is Pulp] Not using "RPG" or "GM" in my gameRickard17558.Does anyone have a spare copy of In a Wicked Age...?jessecoombs17559.MonsterwartsDeliverator17560.Games to play something related with 4 of my favorites movies ?Maitresinh17561.[Monsterhearts] Shut Someone Down QuestionJackFractal17562.[Monsterhearts] Custom Skin -- The Visitor (feedback welcome!)jda197417563.[Rolling Intentions Podcast] Don't Rest Your Head- Character Creation & Session 1Vicaroth17564.[NSFMB]: 01 How To Make A Town...Like A BossAlex_Swingle17565.Not state of the art and not originalAaronF17566.World Building for Dungeon Worlddoppelgangdave17567.I like Sorcerer.Matthijs17568.Elizabethan WorldMurgh_Bpurn17569.Superheroes: Hearts & Souls2ESilverlion17570.[Monsterhearts] Basic moves and ambiguous fictional outcomesPaul_T17571.[Perilous Worlds] Primordial Ooze Edition!Zachary_Wolf17572.Adventure Time!Zuki17573.Need a catchy descriptorJamesWallis17574.Regular Story Games Meetups in the Boston Area?whduryea17575.Dungeon World: Modifying Rollsticktockman17576.Anyone looking for graphic design help?m_busuttil17577.Tips for playing FreeMarketRasmusL17578.[Dungeon World] Help for the novice GMsbrplaysrpgs17579.Improv storytellingbig_buddha17580.[Dying Earth] which rules do you use and why; the original or the "Revivification Folio" rules?asurber17581.What's good at Lulu?Keith17582.[Tremulus and Saga of the Icelanders] Missed the crowdfunding... where I find them now ?vini_lessa17583.My players dance to solve all of their problems!James_Fleming17584.Swashbucklers Story Games ?Nocker17585.Job opening: Paranormal InvestigatorBurr17586.has anyone tried [Bhaloidam] or [Mystic Empyrean] ?ivan17587.[Dungeon World] Replacing Bonds with StringsDanger517588.Apocalypse/*World games: Modifying Rolls... in the other directionPaul_T17589.finding a printer and choosing a form factorDavid_Berg17590.[Dungeon World] For the Eye ! For Freedom ! An extension/mini game based on "The last ringbearer"Maitresinh17591.Can someone draw me a "Triple Axe"?Andy17592.[Dungeon World] Beginnings of an index on The CodexSanglorian17593.Hey, So Did Fiasco Sell in Target?Hans_c-o17594.Where In The World Is Timothy Kleinert?JasonSWalters17595.Dear Paul Czege,UserClone17596.Choose your own adventures? In real time? While the author's writing?dkun17597.Secret Santa 2012Mcdaldno17598.Did Apocalypse World sell in Argos?Graham17599.Using Google Hangouts - disabling apps to keep players focusedjbinc17600.A fantasy RPG dice rolling mechanic - half bakedMatrixGamer17601.What can RPGs learn from board games?Neko_Ewen17602.Naruto Hack for Marvel Heroic RPGGargoyle198717603.Primetime Adventures third editiongirolamo17604.[Durance] Anyone up for some online (Skype, G+) play soon?huckabees17605.What to game design about other then what happens?w17617606.[Fiasco] for beginnersm_busuttil17607.Story Gaming in Educationhuckabees17608.[This Is Pulp] The structure of the rulebookRickard17609.Historical analog for a swamp-overrun city?Burr17610.Story Gamers in/near Ann Arbor?Zelbinian17611.[Danger Patrol] Welcome to Rocket CityGwathdring17612.[Pocket Danger Patrol] I want to run it; please help me get it!Robert Ahrens17613.Invasion of the ReptoidsNathan_H17614.[Rolling Intentions] Don't Rest Your Head - Session 2Vicaroth17615.RooSackGamers 79: The ONE RingElf_NFB17616.(A Question For Fiasco Players) Resolving vs. Establishing?Nathan_H17617.[Games on Demand] PAX East 2013 - Call for VolunteersSteve_Segedy17618.[Fiasco] Players getting to a scene resolution before a die has been chosene4mafia17619.List Your "Quiet Year" SettingsZelbinian17620.ignore, testing...WarriorMonk17621.Burning Wheel - Lifepath and Situation QuestionsJDCorley17622.[Animal Crime] Rules questionsczipeter17623.[Fiasco] Question on Establish and ResolvePraion17624.Stuff to Watch December 2012Herman_Duyker17625.Incorporating conflict resolution dice mechanics/narrative style dice mechanics into traditional rpgsbrplaysrpgs17626.[French] Explo[nar]rateursSaladdin17627.RPG Tutorials and DemosJason_Pitre17628.Which games do you think would work well for children (but aren't specifically written for them)?Graham17629.Solo or Two Player Story Gaminghuckabees17630.Games with community-building mechanicsRob_Alexander17631.[Microscope] iPhone apphuckabees17632.Bite Size Actual Play December 2012Mike_Sands17633.Looking for History story RPG'sPunchy7117634.What was your biggest challenge as a GM?WarriorMonk17635.[The Quiet Year] Some gameplay questionsjda197417636.Playing The Quiet Year soloCaesar_X17637.Fanfic - an erotic story telling gamesickelf17638.Had a Rough Time in Polaris - Help Me Figure Out What Went WrongZelbinian17639.Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back inagony17640.Historical events that might make interesting gamesvulpinoid17641.Soviet Russia storygamesCaesar_X17642.[World of Algol] Tales from the Green Griffin - Session 1robb17643.[Monsterhearts] The Angel, final releaseMcdaldno17644.Good RPGs to read while sitting on the looGraham17645.A Story Games how-to questioncatty_big17646.[Archipelago] How often do you wind up using the phrases?thor17647.interesting article on the power of storytellingjim pinto17648.[Growing the hobby] Getting new gamers their second gameEpistolaryRichard17649.[Virtual Play] Episode 63: Tenra Bansho ZeroMel_White17650.[IAWA] Character sheets and that one thing that one dude said that one timeBrian_Minter17651.Games for larger groupsxenophone17652.Apocalypse World for kids - The Bureau - An AW hack with different die typesPaul_T17653.[Ladies Night] Has anyone done this?Hans_c-o17654.RooSackGamers: Dungeon World 1Elf_NFB17655.New GMs get a Co-Pilot!Andy17656.[Apocalypse World] Loveletter advice please?Praion17657.Planning for a Story Games Event in Ann Arbor/Southeast MichiganZelbinian17658.Historical personalities that might make interesting gamesColinaut17659.[The Quiet Year] I have questionsthetravatar17660.Monsterhearts vs. Apocalypse World - Missing MC Advice or Procedures?Paul_T17661.[Dungeon World] Does HP loss have any sort of mechanical effect?Zelbinian17662.Ole Peder, tell us about Itras By!Matthijs17663.Dungeon World / World of Warcraft Conversionjbinc17664.Advice regarding Cortex Plus?AMBayard17665.Apocalypse World - a more descriptive/visceral approach to harmPaul_T17666.(Fiasco Players) How do you handle player character death?Nathan_H17667.Opening Doors of Perceptionhuckabees17668.Examples of games with different scenario creation processesJohnnFour17669.Looking to form a short-term game group in DC (Jan-Mar 2013)Clinton17670.Looking for gamers in the Dover/Portsmouth, NH areaUserClone17671.[Durance] Possible hack?huckabees17672.The Dark Tower - What system would you run it in?Zelbinian17673.Experiences with the Same Page ToolRob_Alexander17674.Opening Doors to the Futurehuckabees17675.Idea stemmed from the "Board Game teachy" threaddoho12317676.Gaming at Arisia: What Can I Expect, How Can I Contribute?E.T.Smith17677.[Marvel Heroic] What\u2019s the best way to teach it?Steve_Hickey17678.How Did You Come To Gaming?huckabees17679.Coming Up With New Abilities for a Game Using AWTheOtherTracy17680.What game for this premise?Praion17681.What Do I Read Next?huckabees17682.[Monsterhearts] Cool Classmates and Questions about themBiest17683.2012 Origins Awards: Not too late!Jim_Crocker17684.[Dungeon World] Why the semi-niche protection?Zelbinian17685.List Your Favorite RPG BlogsZelbinian17686.What's the 30,000 ft. view of differences in Fate Core vs. Fate 3Denys17687.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 60: Guilty! and Rules LawyersAlex_Swingle17688.Good games where players can drop-in and drop-out (during play)EpistolaryRichard17689.[The Legerdemain Betrayers] Game Release / Urban, Gritty Magic / $2.99 For First Week!wicked.fable17690.[Monsterhearts] I apparently can't stop making skins: The R\u0101k\u1e63asa\u1e25Lula17691.Cartooner Role Playing Game: "Looney Tunes like story and much more!"vasquas17692.RooSackGamers: Dungeon World 2Elf_NFB17693.Why Fortune Cookies and Nuclear War is a great gameRickard17694.One Shothuckabees17695.[Inspiration] Atlas Obscurahuckabees17696.Incentives for GMsmease1917697.Love vs Duty in feudal Japan (RPG gift)Ricardo Tavares17698.Game Poemshuckabees17699.Playing Story Games With My Studentshuckabees17700.[Dungeon World] Grim Portents 1 sent to contributors, soon public; suggest a theme for issue 2Sanglorian17701.[Dungeon World] Taking It SeriouslyKestral17702.Monsterhearts for MC + 2 playersPaul_T17703.[Dog Eat Dog] Initial ExperiencesHans_c-o17704.[Dungeon World] Ascending to Divinitydyjoots17705.Fiasco for 9?connallmac17706.Happy Epimas!Emily_Care17707.Live by the die, Die by the die: An actual play podcast. Looking for hostsLivebytheDie17708.[Project Ninja Panda Taco] Questions!Hans_c-o17709.[World of Dungeons] How do I play this thing?The Bunyip17710.Up, Up, and Awayhuckabees17711.Apocalypse World core / AW branching : need help to clear it a littleMaitresinh17712.More Story Gaming With My Studentshuckabees17713.Binging on Gameshuckabees17714.To make them thinkRickard17715.Who wants to admin the Story Games Wiki/"Codex"? Plus, Wiki MigrationAndy17716.Playtesting - Anyone Need Some?RoninZombie17717.Time & Temp: What's it like?Matthijs17718.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 61: Daniel Cruz Chan and The Legerdemain Betrayers (+Godking)Alex_Swingle17719.RooSackGamers 82: Round Table ChatElf_NFB17720.Who are you on Twitter?olepeder17721.L.A. Gamers: Announcing the Indie RPG ProjectDeadGamersSociety17722.[Covenant] The "It's not the end of the world" saleMatt17723.Fiasco: American DisastersJason_Morningstar17724.[Project Ninja Panda Taco] Play!Hans_c-o17725.10 Minute Challenge: Game Based on a Songhuckabees17726.Anti*WorldC.Jay17727.What was new and fresh in 2012?olepeder17728.What was old and good in 2012?Rob_Alexander17729.The Longest Night (First, Very-rough Draft)TheOtherTracy17730.10 Minute Challenge: Winter Holidayshuckabees17731.The Christ-Haunted Southhuckabees17732.[Monster of the Week] A Christmas themed mystery (and share your holiday RPG stuff)Steve_Hickey17734.Wyrd Con Companion e-book - free RPG/larp theory criticism tipsAaronJV17735.Wyrd Con Companion BookAaronJV17736.Essays on game design in Wyrd Con Companion BookAaronJV17737.Game of the Week/Month Anyone?huckabees17738.What do you do when your group self-destructs?m_busuttil17739.Cortex Plus Gundam DatafilesDarcadia17740.Itras By Chance Cards As GMhuckabees17741.Getting your game "Out there"kksimons17742.Dixit Cards...Other Uses?huckabees17743.24 Hour Challenge: Mike Davishuckabees17744.Is your gaming group a constant or does it change?Ogremarco17745.Mundane RPGshuckabees17746.Merry Christmas, everyonem_busuttil17747.[Monsterhearts] A New Skin: The ReverentPheylorn17748.Stuff Chris Sakkas has made [Polaris, Redbox Hack 2, Storystory, Otherkind, 4C System, WoD, DW]Sanglorian17749.Elevation of PrivilegeWordman17750.Who accompanies the dungeon boss?ChristopherWeeks17751.[End of the End of the World RPG Bundle] Pay-What-You-Want for 3 Games + Extras - Ends in 12 Hours!wicked.fable17752.[Sorcerer Upgrade Kickstart] Preview and critiqueRon Edwards17753.[Enter the Shadowside] Interested in a free playtest copy?DarkMoonINC17754.[Dungeon World] Playing with only two heoresJLHBurnett17755.[Star World] Apocalypse World hack for space storiesMarkT17756.RooSackGamers 83: Holly Jolly 1Elf_NFB17757.A 4-10 session run - what's that called?Rob_Alexander17758.Ravenloft Story Game?whataseamus17759.[World of Dungeons Hack] Streets of Mos Eisley PlaysetZachary_Wolf17760.So there is this new [Star Wars] gamesnej17761.Tooth and Claw: A Tiny Game for Tiny Heroesvulpinoid17762.Which games have you learned something specific from?Graham17763.[Monsterhearts] without monsters (Veronica Mars)WPTunes17764.[Monsterhearts] New players with interesting questions.StuMc17765.{World of _______________] Hacks of a HackKeith17766.10 Minute Challenge: Intoxication and Addictionhuckabees17767.[Kim & Marshall] Playtest a game about Eminem's relationshipHans_c-o17768.[Monsterhearts] MC-ing my first gamehuckabees17769.The Daughters of Verona available at IPR.Wilhelm17770.[World of Dungeons] World of Dungeons Resource Compendiumivan17771.Apocalypse DrugsPaul_T17772.10 Minute Challenge: Far Sidehuckabees17773.Good Board Game Design Community?seanhess17774.S-G Team Fortress 2 NOOB NIGHT - Friday, January 25, 7:30 PM EST - Instructions/CONTESTS InsideJDCorley17775.[Left Coast] A short-story game about sci-fi writers now availableSteve_Hickey17776.Starting a Monsterhearts game with a FiascoPaul_T17777.Happy New Year!StephaniePegg17778.[Legends of Andor] HOT HOT HOTTylerT17779.Disaster Strikes! Call for playtesters.rabalias17780.[Monsterhearts] Three new playbook drafts (The Doc, The Nightmare, The Cursed)Antisinecurist17781.What Breaks/Strains Your Immersion? [Poll on]omnifray17782.Let's Laugh At Our 2013 Predictions!JDCorley


17783.Soundtrack as gameplay mechanictofarley17784.[Unity Underground] Gamma Playtest Docs AvailableClint Krause17785.10 Minute Challenge: Resolutionshuckabees17786.[Game Design Event] WHALE CHEF: Passing off the Burden of Your "White Whale"J_Walton17787.Marbleshuckabees17788.(A Question in Two Parts) - Understanding Role-Playing GamesNathan_H17789.[The Quiet Year] Life on the Space Hulkhuckabees17790.[Dungeon World] New Years weekend one-shot and the Blue TowerJLHBurnett17791.Stuff to Watch January 2013orklord17792.[The Quiet Year] Who should answer open questions at the end of a project?ivan17793.Forge Midwest 2013 is a Go!Willow17794.[Looking for players] Doctor Who and the Orient ExpressMatrixGamer17795.(Genre) Emulation and the games that do it bestUpstart17796.Abyss v 0.0 -- Looking for Editing and Advice!Foroth17797.Let's make 2013 gaming goals.Orlando_Wilson17798.[Apocalypse World] Help me deal with an optimistic hardholder!Paul_T17799.Night Sky Games - Psi*RunNathan_H17800.Bit Size Actual Play January 2013Esoteric17801.[Sorcerer] If you show me your one-sheet, I'll show you minePer_Fischer17802.Fantasy apoc-world?Dionysus17803.How would you capture the Art of War by Sun Zi in a game?Arvid17804.Favourite RPG corebook coverRob_Alexander17805.The Riverghostwhistler17806.RooSackGamers Episode 84: Holly Jolly 2Elf_NFB17807.Do you remember Jake Norwood's "The Riddle of Steel"?IanPlumb17808.[The Mountain Witch] Advice for playing it!RasmusL17809.New on Story-Game - 2013 - Let's introduce ourselvesbrunobord17810.Converting your game to a new systemFelan17811.Dungeon World XPBrian_Minter17812.Post your TRoS House RulesDeliverator17813.[World of Dungeons/Shadows] Why I can't go backZachary_Wolf17814.Arrr! Bring me your pirates!Nifelhein17815.What the Games on Demand plans for Origins and Gen Con?MatrixGamer17816.Abyss v 0.3 -- Looking for Editing, Advice, and/or Playtesting!Foroth17817.[Slow Down] Racism and sexism in the genre of pulp fantasyEero_Tuovinen17818.The sad*stic GMMatthijs17819.[Chaotic Evil] Mwa-ha-ha-ha...catty_big17820.Who does Superman's laundry?Nathan_H17821.[Svart av kval, vit av lust] I will answer any questionsSimon_Pettersson17822.Can someone help out with Dungeon World?thadrine17823.[DEADWORLD] Help With the MathZachary_Wolf17824.The conversation in Apocalypse-Powered Games (APGs) and who gets to roll the diceRicardo Tavares17825.looking for Cell phone augmented reality murder mystery gamePaul8817826.[minis+] The Dungeon World Guide as a tool for Freeform Minis Combatkomradebob17827.[Gamestorm 2013] Who's goin'? + (Rideshares and Roomies)Mathalus17828.Lady Blackbird: An awesome game with new roleplayers and old handsBifford17829.The Quiet Year: A Cliffside Story and a Release AnnouncementMcdaldno17830.[Technoir] Making the Transmission at the table?Tensen0117831.[Dungeon World] Player perception of classes.ninthcircle17832.[Monsterhearts] When the Mortal's Lover dies?exploding_brain17833.Scorn RPG Quick-Play (after cutting out and sleeving stuff) setAndy17834.The Fruitful void = emergence?Rickard17835.Have you read Playing at the World? If so, was it good?Nathan_H17836.[The Quiet Year]OracleIgnotus17837.[Fiasco] Convention suggestionsjkl62017838.The OTHER Dungeon WorldPaul_T17839.Mechanics that evoke completely different social attitudesFuseboy17840.RooSackGamers 85: Dungeon World 03Elf_NFB17841.[Rolling Intentions Podcast] The Burning Wheel Revised - Character Creation (AP)Vicaroth17842.Stripping Away The Personal TouchZachary_Wolf17843.Porting bonds and stuff from DW into AW (crossposted from the AW boards)JonatanK17844.Boxes&Clouds model meets FATE AspectsPraion17845.Time for another discussion on professionalization of GMingDeliverator17846.Adults not normally capable of Gaming?Deliverator17847.[Rolling Intentions Podcast] Monsterhearts - Character Creation (ap)Vicaroth17848.[Dungeon Construction Kit] Custom Game Tiles & Game Boxes, on the cheap?Lee_Short17849.What is the point of "crunch?"AMBayard17850.gaming with "the third"ChristopherWeeks17851.Why I don't like FiascoRickard17852.Fictional Triggers and the Risk system of Houses of the BloodedJackFractal17853.Six InhumanitiesOrlando_Wilson17854.Format & Artistic Choices (Budding off of [Octo] in the stuff to watch Jan 2013)jackson_tegu17855.Lady Blackbird...In The Dungeons of Uriah FlintJames_Stuart17856.Your ideal fantasy rpgRob_Alexander17857.[Fate Core] GM EmulatorKeith17858.Path of the Oracle Live Action TrailerPathoftheOracle17859.Infiltrating the Lair of the Infamous Dr. No.Nameless17860.Guest Speaker for a Class in Trier, GermanyTractates17861.Has something gone wonky with "mark all viewed"?ffilz17862.Tips for speeding up fights in Marvel Heroic? (And a Marvel/Sorcerer hack)Steve_Hickey17863.[Dungeon World] Share with me non-core classes..Silverlion17864.[Indiepressrevolution] Customer Service Contact Infojklst1417865.Tremulus lore moves - ideas?Denys17866.Good leadership in classical rpgsRobMcDiarmid17867.Good gaming chairs (and other furniture)Matthijs17868.[Dungeon World] How do you handle player vs player situations?robutmike17869.Putting the Apocalypse World engine into a larpL.Trenti MrVALIS17870.Sword & Planet RPGs or source books?Orlando_Wilson17871.Has anybody written a Dying Earth playset for Fiasco?chutup17872.RooSackGamers 86: Dungeon World 04Elf_NFB17873.Stabbing Contest. Back. Again. Sorry.Ogremarco17874.[Remember Tomorrow] Help me put some swords in my sorcery!Ben_Robbins17875.I'm wondering why interest in play by forum games dwindles.w00hoo17876.[Tenra Bansho Zero] Setup and Zero Act thoughts!PaulB17877.[Rolling Intentions Podcast] Doubleheader! Monsterhearts / Burning Wheel Revised Session 1Vicaroth17878.Pass and Play Fighting Fantasy!Edmoo17879.Story Game Books As Physical ObjectsMarkT17880.[Apocalypse World] [Newbie] Why the Harm countdown clock?brunobord17881.Global Game JamHans_c-o17882.Ghost Constablesghostwhistler17883.Give me your best attempt at a capsule history of story-gamesazrianni17884.[IaWA] Imprisonment and Freedom of the Flame GodSerpentine_Cougar17885.Sam Chupp On Penny Red Ep. 50hazard17886.[Sorcerer] It's in the cardssemajmaharg17887.Westernshuckabees17888.Political Gameshuckabees17889.Ghost Lines: 4-page mini-game AW hackJohn_Harper17890.Urban Shadows - An Urban Fantasy RPG powered by the ApocalypsePheylorn17891.(Fiasco) - Please tell me about a time you used the Home Invasion playset? Did I mention please?Nathan_H17892.Alternating players in alternating weeks?m_busuttil17893.AW Barf Forth Apocalyptica ForumsNorthernWolf17894.[Dungeon World] Really awesome thread about DragonsJackFractal17895.How should I write my rules so people can grok them?Rickard17896.[Dungeon World] Compendium Class PlayBrendan_Conway17898.[FIASCO] Help with a Cyberpunk Playset?Tensen0117899.[Kickstarter] Alas Vegas is high-rollin'JamesWallis17900.Is there any other Indie goodness?vulpinoid17901.[Monsterhearts] The Doppleganger, Final PDF Releasedhorn_head_o17902.RooSackGamers 87: Dungeon World 05Elf_NFB17903.SG community near Minneapolis / St. PaulHarlequin17904.Would like so feedback on a game mechanic - Action CardsMatrixGamer17905.Happy Birthday, Andy!Rafael17906.A Design Challenge for Long Form Indie Gameswyrmwood17907.LOVE LETTER - a charity campaign and design auctionMcdaldno17908.How Do You Design a Dungeon?John Allen Reeve17909.Got dice for Bacchanal? Need a quick buck? Let's hook up.quincunx17910.Campaignshuckabees17911.StoryGames Team Fortress 2 - Not On A Friday Night Night - CancelledJDCorley17912.just a quick taste of storygamesazrianni17913.Shapes in Zombie mechanic idea: what would you give up your life for?chutup17915.Need some help with motivation for roleplaying and with Latin/old Italian terminologyelkin17916.Fiasco playset for High SchoolersPaul_T17917.Bite-Size Actual Play February 2013Irishvince17918.What's the biggest Kickstarter success for a story-game?azrianni17919.Gallery of Rogues: Solomon Guild Kickstarterjim pinto17920.Mandatory character changePraion17921.[The Quiet Year] Awesome Game. I have a few questions.MarkT17922.[Action Cards] A rules gloss that fits on the back of a cardMatrixGamer17923.Things you got wrong in the beginningPraion17924.[Action Cards] Fairy Tale Assassin League a dangerously sexy gameMatrixGamer17925.Stuff to Watch February 2013Steve_Segedy17926.Sandbox - Questions for Eeroakooser17927.Joe McDaldno - Writing MonsterheartsPaul_T17928.Game Design: Where did you start?Zelbinian17929.Goblin Uprising - A Fiasco PlaysetJason_Pitre17931.Help: Basic Formula for StoryPaul_T17932.[Emerald City Comic Con] Gaming Scene?Mike_Olson17933.[Fiasco] Shared NeedsPaul_T17934.Table Top's Dragon Age Game - What do you think?Zachary_Wolf17935.[Serpent's Tooth] Get on it!Mathalus17936.With What Game Can I Play This?Nathan_H17937.I'd like some feedback on some art - Action CardsMatrixGamer17938.[Monsterhearts] New Skins: The Oni, The Kitsune, and The Tengu [EDIT]HyveMynd17939.RooSackGamers 88: ChatElf_NFB17940.Scarcities and Abundances during The Quiet YearChristopherWeeks17941.Eero's Leverage, Propriety, and ScopeDanger517942.Who Loves Short Shorts?James_Mullen17943.Friday Topic:- Fiction-Oriented Gamingomnifray17944.The Pandemonium DeckWordman17945.I played Tenra Bansho Zero and had thoughts about it!FigureFour17946.Dungeon World & Creative CommonsYasha17947.Looking to contact Mark Vallianatosquincunx17948.Story Games at BASHcon (Toledo, OH February 15-17)JLHBurnett17949.Indie+ Gamenight: Fantasy Adventure Night!MarkT17950.Visual Representations of the Seven Deadly SinsKeith17951.[On Mighty Thews] Pre-existing magic/lore?snej17952.Issues with pulp archetypesjhkim17953.Curiosity thrilled the catRickard17954.A penny for my thoughts : 5 minutes demo, ideas ?Maitresinh17955.RPG Playtest Community on Google Plusharleqwn17956.It All Ends In Tears - Monsterhearts and FiascoPaul_T17957.[Kickstarter] Conquering Corsairs: Pirates of the Silver SeasAnarchangel17958.[Zombie Cinema] - 1st Time Play AdviceNathan_H17959.['hood] Big Fish in a Small PondJames_Mullen17960.Please recommend a proper RPG!VALIS1317961.My Plan for a Monsterhearts One-ShotPraion17962.The Codex is Dying, We Need to Evacuate!Andy17963.Running a game for a diverse groupnmceri17964.Shipping Time for Apocalypse World to US address?robutmike17965.The Duet and The Baguette: two collections of my small games! (by Jackson Tegu)jackson_tegu17966.(3:16 - Carnage Amongst the Star) - Where can I get a hard copy?Nathan_H17967.[Screenplay] Feedback for my movie-writing story game please!Edmoo17968.suggest a REALLY simple story game for someone who hasn't run a game in YEARSPandelume17969.Published RPGs Under One Hundred PagesNathan_H17970.Need names of RPG's for a projectZelbinian17971.Callan's Mechanical Tea & SympathyCallan_S17972.[Fairy Tale Assassin League] Actual PlayMatrixGamer17973.[Quiet Year] Let's look deeper at ContemptAlex F17974.[Dungeon World] Science FantasyJohnstone17975.Refresh in Lady Blackbird, scenes without conflictEsoteric17976.[Derby, UK] Con-Quest May the Fourth 'be with you'Darran17977.[On Mighty Thews] Any suggestions to track experience?ATXrds17978.[The Sorcerer's Apprentice] Weird Fantasy & Fairy TalesKirkMitchell17979.Indie+ Panels Live on G+ Hangout Saturday, Feb 16orklord17980.[Life on Mars - Beta] feedback / playtesters wanted!Ross_Cowman17981.[Monsterhearts] What's Mr. Black doing with all those Strings, anyways?Willow17982.[Monsterhearts] Graphical Analysis of Skins & Stats Combinations :)zydake17983.[Everway] What's it like in play?James_Nostack17984.[Ghost.Echoe] Purgatoryzippdementia17985.[Michtim] Play reports / hacks?zydake17986.[Undying] A diceless vampire role playing game of predation and intriguePaul_Riddle17987.So let's talk about [Monster of the Week] (Seriously, Ben, SPOILERS AHEAD!)UserClone17988.[Forsooth!] How are you are handling it?EpistolaryRichard17989.[The Quiet Year] Tangible vs Abstract resourcesEpistolaryRichard17990.[The Regiment] Putting down colonial rebellions on company worlds...MarkT17991.Organizations in a V:tR themed *W hackHyveMynd17992.[Gamestorm 2013] What are you bringing?Ross_Cowman17993.I ran Pheylorn's Star Wars World twice and it was GreatDenys17994.How do you create an objective for your character?WarriorMonk17995.Looking for a game about naval battlesJosh_Unruh17996.[Itras By] tell me about it!zydake17997.Are there any RPGs about planet colonization?Doc Halloween17998.Dungeon World gets a mentionDenys17999.What game would you make from these images?zircher18000.Itras By and Archipelago: A love storyMatthijs18001.[Play With Intent] About to do a heavy experiment...Matthijs18002.seattle eastside: help me gather to playtest my gamejim pinto18003.[Tenra Bansho Zero] Fate Mechanics - TBZ and Don HenleyJuddG18004.Will there be a Fabricated Realities 2013?jackson_tegu18005.[Monsterhearts] Playing scenes behind the MC's back!semajmaharg18006.What were the best mechanics for magic you've seen/used in play?WarriorMonk18007.Cards in playPaul8818008.Sometimes you need a reminder to keep gaming awesome...Andy18009.A "Men in Black"-style scenario for the BureauPaul_T18010.[Monsterhearts] This Game Starts at 11HyveMynd18011.When you clobber someone from behind... [Monsterhearts]JLHBurnett18012.[technoir] anyone know how to get ahold of Jeremy Keller?litebritedeath18013.Thundercats AW Hack?NYpurdy18014.Tinkering with AW/MH mechanics and principles in play with kidshuckabees18016.Stretch Goal - serious extra playtesting and revisionRob_Alexander18017.Anyone played Geasa like to talk to me about how it went?w00hoo18018.Play Sorcerer Backer RefundChristopher Kubasik18019.RooSackGamers 90: Deadlands Noir 01Elf_NFB18020.Fairy Tale Assassin League play testMatrixGamer18021.The Sexy Teenage Monster Show [Monsterhearts]JLHBurnett18022.What's in a character?Rickard18023.New games for a set of one shots?James_Fleming18024.(Fiasco) Plot Engine for other games?zydake18025.[Fiasco] Six-Player GameTensen0118026.Maximum Patrol size in Mouse Guard?VALIS1318027.Creating through playtestRickard18028.MarchroscopeJames_Mullen18029.[Dreamation 2013] What Did You Get Up To?Bill_White18030.[FATE] Scaling up encountersDeliverator18031.Small Town America?J_R_Walton18032.Lightweight/minimalistic Indie gamessbrplaysrpgs18033.The Second (Not Even Close To) Annual Noob Friendly Story Hyphen Games Team Fortress 2 Party Night!FigureFour18034.Delve is here!ParadoxBoy18035.Page design basics and beyondmatthelps18036.[Kickstarter] The Ultimate RPG Toolkit AppMadJay18037.The Post-Modern Masks of Nyarlathotep [Trail of Cthulhu]Aviatrix18038.Story Gamers of Asia!Ben_Lehman18039.Story Gamers from DE / AT / CH?zydake18040.[Don't rest your head] Degrees of successsamwise18041.[Sea Dracula] You got servedMathalus18042.What kind of live music do you guys like at Cons?Zachary_Wolf18043.The Dark TarotWillow18044.[The Quiet Year] Map Image & blurb.phronesis18045.[Monsterhearts] Holding Steady and ConditionsHyveMynd18046.Destiny Points for Wuxiaghostwhistler18047.[Apocalypse World] Graphical Analysis of Playsetszydake18048.[MH]Selkie sex and voting for Class-PresidentPraion18049.10 years' sales graphslumpley18050.[Michtim] TableTopDay: Game-Give-Away!zydake18051.Games as inspiration for ArtColinaut18052.RooSackGamers 91: Deadlands Noir 02Elf_NFB18053.Toledo Gamers, Saturday Sages open house !thor18054.[With Great Power] Does anyone know where to find it?Davidk18055.[Shadowfist] A Feng Shui RPG powered by the ApocalypseNick Doyle18056.[World of Superspies] Releasing my half-finished brain crackJimD18057.Apocalypse World - Rules QuestionCrimsonSquirrel18058.[Powers For Good]?huckabees18059.[Spark] Kickstarter Preview - Looking for FeedbackJason_Pitre18060.[Kitsap, WA gamers] Any gamers in Bremerton/Silverdale area?kevperrine18061.[Monsterhearts] Ending a One-Shotm_busuttil18062.[Camp Nerdly 2013] May 17-19 - REGISTRATION OPEN!forlorn118063.Variations in Call and ResponseJackFractal18064.Trying To Model Combatghostwhistler18065.Top Five Unplayed Games, 2013Keith18066.[Monsterhearts with non-gamers] Help me MC my first game... (also, trying out "It All Ends in Tears"Paul_T18067.Bespoke [Dungeon World] RulebookNoofy18068.[Fate Core]Magi beta test pdfgtroc18069.Stuff to Watch March 2013L.Trenti MrVALIS18070.IPR et alcatty_big18071.Fairy Tale Assassin League - play test with competitive gamersMatrixGamer18072.[Dungeon World] I made a class: The MonkLula18073.[Microscope] Who Watches the Watchmen (history seeds)Ben_Robbins18074.Post Apocalyptic Solar System - Help with Keysfrozenwastes18075.Tricky CharacterisationAxkidson18076.Wicked Fantasy / Dungeon World SupplementMarkT18077.Modern Myths can carry you to PAX EASTJim_Crocker18078.Hacking impairment in Psi RunGraham18079.[Technoir] Question about the basic rulesPheylorn18080.[Ghost Lines] Actual Play Session at Deafstar StudiosZachary_Wolf18081.Call of Cthulhu Module Railroading Survey ResultsJDCorley18082.Bite-Size Actual Play: March 2013Ben_Robbins18083.What elements make for functional kids' action-y toy play?komradebob18084.Shutting someone down [Monsterhearts]JLHBurnett18085.Lee's Lists Sales Numbers, for those curious about such thingsleeslists18086.[Dicing with Design] PodcastJJ Prince18087.[Fallout ???] What game system is best hacked into it?Chugosh18088.(Kickstarter) The Reward. Fund a fantasy animated series!pedyo18089.Comparing POD ServicesNeko_Ewen18090.RooSackGamers 92: Deadlands Noir 03Elf_NFB18091.Serial Spine Vs Lateral DislocateCallan_S18092.[Haunt Me] Game Releasewicked.fable18093.[Monsterhearts] Roll to gaze into the abyss!Paul_T18094.Games emulating "kishotenketsu" plot structurePaul_T18095.[Out-of-Play Advice] How to tell good gaming stories?Lula18096.[Durance] Unbreakable oaths: a question for Jason - as well as everybody elseRafu18097.[Dungeon World] Sandstorm!kurisu18098.[Elevator RPG] being stuck in an elevatorbrunobord18099.Twilight Imperium / Microscope / Archipelago mashup?semajmaharg18100.PAX East games?tpryan0118101.[Apocolypse World] Space Marine Mammal Play Book!litebritedeath18102.What is your design process? Share your secrets!MatrixGamer18103.[Monsterhearts] The Hot Messesanansigirl18104.[Go Play NW 2013] Registration OpenMathalus18105.[Hulks and Horrors: Basic Black Edition] Old School Dungeon Crawling . . . In Space!Chugosh18106.TorchesAMBayard18107.[Soul's Calling] Beta Playtest Launch - Free PDF (300+ pages)omnifray18108.The Spark RPG Kickstarter LaunchedJason_Pitre18109.(Space)ships as characters?Keith18110.Ready! Fight!RyanDanks18111.[D&D whatever ed.] Still not getting D&Dczipeter18112.Problem: Old Story, New PlayerMathalus18113.Injecting some story gamieness into more traditional gamesWes_the_mad18114.[Indie Press Revolution] Going to GameStorm? Is there anything you want for me to bring?JasonSWalters18115.Eternity Condensed Rules Release - March 2013MarkT18116.[Mouse Guard] The Player's TurnVALIS1318117.World of Dungeons and reacquaintance with the murkAlex F18118.What was I going to post again?Matthijs18119.Tips for playing DuranceMatthijs18120.[Monsterhearts] Some Rules QuestionsLisa Padol18121.Breake the friggin' fight!!WarriorMonk18122.Anyone need a PAX East pass?stlhood18123.Apocalypse World - Share Your Picture Galleries!Pheylorn18124.Generating demand for your con gamesTotallyGuy18125.[Monsterhearts] Form-Fillable PDF Skin sheetsPheylorn18126.Chain of notes gamecatty_big18127.Blackjack Resolution ChallengeJimD18128.What is your favourite number to roll on a die?Graham18129.Happy Pi Day (and D&D)Paul_T18130.RooSackGamers 93: Deadlands Noir 04Elf_NFB18131.[Microscope] You're no White Knight\u2026 (aka kids being awesome gamers)Ben_Robbins18132.Chef XWPTunes18133.Research in Torontomadunkieg18134.RPG publishers: Why are/aren't you charging hardcopy buyers extra for the PDF?UserClone18135.Choose Your Own Adventure books Dain Bramaged me!!!!komradebob18136.[Apocalypse World] The HagJackFractal18137.[Under the Bed] Characteristic Cardsquincunx18138.[WoDu/Planarch Codex] How the heck do I run this thing?Robert Ahrens18139.New to cons and gaming, how would I be received?rangerdanger2018140.Hippies don't always have it easy...Paul_T18141.Fate Points Episode 3: Jason Morningstar and Fight Firegtroc18142.Fate/Savage Worlds/Cortex Plushuckabees18143.Can you stay true to your character vision while maximizing dramatic contributions?David_Berg18144.Forge Influences on D&D4E, and market effectsPaul_T18145.What podcasts do you listen to?olepeder18146.Uses for Miniatures [Minis+]CarpeGuitarrem18147.Story Games Tampa, FLDoctorduckbutter18148.Partial success in d20 systemsFelan18149.Finding Groups for Online Playmasqueradeball18150.How do you run games?masqueradeball18151.Kickstarter: What projects are you happy with?Matthijs18152.Presenting role playing games in recorded media - best practiceolepeder18153.(Non-GM) Player Preptimonkey18154.introductory story games for a noviceDevP18155.keeping the fiction and the rules use in synchDavid_Berg18156.URL-based login glitches ( vs advanced Burning Wheel always produce epic politicking?David_Berg18158.When quizzed on gamer vocabularyTotallyGuy18159.Good areas in Seattle for gaming?Zak Arntson18160.Story-Games/Google+Nathan_H18161.[Fallout--OSH--Retrocalypse] Thoughts on running.Chugosh18162.Limited creative spaceRickard18163.MisubaTwine CompetiFest 20Bmisuba18164.RooSackGamers 94: Deadlands Noir 05Elf_NFB18165.[Psi*Run] The Chasers are far behind \u2013 what do I use to put pressure on the PCs/players?DeBracy18166.[Fate Core] Temple of Ungu conversiongyroland18167.[Knutepunkt] Who's going?Rafu18168.I found Apocalypse World in "Swords & Wizardry"Paul_T18169.I need a cartographerRafael18170.One-Page Dungeon Contest 2012 bookDeliverator18171.Ranting and rambling on. Thoughts on games.Chugosh18172.[Monsterhearts] Skin Emotional CentersSojobo18173.Firefly + A-team = Con Goodness?connallmac18174.[Monsterhearts] Sticky SituationsHyveMynd18175.[World of Dungeons] World of Miamihuckabees18176.Jason Morningstar - You had me at incestuous relationships.Nathan_H18177.What game can I use to play this? (the Rule of Two from Star Wars)Ricardo Tavares18178.[They Became Flesh] Feeling Lostsemajmaharg18179.Archipelago III - Isles of Ammanemomeme18180.Archipelago: Resolution cards and flowMatthijs18181.Good Convention Larp ScenariosStephaniePegg18182.How I'm recording my character's hurtningess at the momentbiggles18183.Jason Morningstar - Tell us all your secretsMathalus18184.Back to Basics: What was your most favorite character you played in the last 6 months?Andy18185.Where to Buy Dog Eat Dogjjafuller18186.[Dungeon World] Finally tried the Barbarian!Lula18187.Are there any other games like Final Stand?SoulGambit18188.[Dungeon World] Compendium Class: Drunken MasterLula18189.A Different Lost Continentmasqueradeball18190.[Psi*Run] How to Hack Psi*Run for GM-less Play?Dreamofpeace18191.[Fiasco] Bingo BabyJason_Morningstar18192.Pay What you Can Artist Looking for Comissionsmasqueradeball18193.A Beginning Is A Very Delicate Time ...alex_greene18194.RooSackGamers 95: Deadlands Noir 06 Part 1Elf_NFB18195.[Michtim] Free Michtim RPG for Tabletop Dayzydake18196.[DW] Adventures on Dungeon PlanetJohnstone18197.[DangerQuest] GM-ful procedureSeth_Magdich18198.Alternatives to writing sad things on index cards.Rafu18199.How Do We Stop JMS from Winning the DJA Every Year?J_Walton18200.[Monsterhearts] Shadows over Sporkssemajmaharg18201.More Story than Game...biffboff18202.Game Master Resourcesmasqueradeball18203.Another happy customer of Night Sky GamesVeav18204.[Screenplay] Comedy Sketch video to introduce my new game! Feedback?Edmoo18205.Actual Play Recordings: How polished do you like them?Biest18206.Kampucsirj (AW hack)hamnacb18207.Ghost/Echo + Dice Age + 1000 Blank Cards + Cartoon Network = God/ModuleOScar18208.Custom Cards Against Humanity CardsWillow18209.Abstract Dungeon: An Open Beta-TestMatthewJHanson18210.Stuff to Watch April 2013Steve_Hickey18211.What games do they play in Scarfolk?vulpinoid18212.Philosophical Divel: 52 ShriekBurr18213.The saddest possible things to write on index cardsLula18214.[Sci-Fi Beta Kappa] Ashcan launchcatty_big18215.Looking to start an Exalted game via Smallville in Portland, ORroaring_mouse18216.HOT GUYS MAKING OUT releasedBen_Lehman18217.I have renamed the term "Lonely Fun"jackson_tegu18218.ViewScreamRafael18219.Burning Empires - Invasion manuvers/sessions in other games?Dionysus18220.Burning Wheel Gold SubsystemsAMBayard18221.The Cosmic Trader - An old-school D&D moduleSimon_C18222.[Rolling Intentions Podcast] The Spark RPG - Character/World Building -VIDEOCAST-Vicaroth18223.Grimace , some kind of Rogue's gallery for Indy or Traditionnal games :)Volsung18224.Feral ClownsRafu18225.Bite-Size Actual Play: April 2013Rafael18226.Organization techniques for using G+ effectivelyChristopherWeeks18227.Game Designers Who Are Not Computer GeniusesNathan_H18228.GSV Blackbird (A Tribute to Iain M. Banks)Aviatrix18229.Game Chef 2013 - Volunteers & Translation Assistants NeededMcdaldno18230.RooSackGamers 96: Deadlands Noir 06 Part 2Elf_NFB18231.Fate points Episode 5: David Hill and Apotheosis Drive Xgtroc18232.Rate of DiscoveryTotallyGuy18233.[World of Darkness Add-on] for [Urban Shadows (AW Hack),] Would love feedback!revel91118234.[Grim Portents] Submissions for issue 3, 'The Thaw', close 24 June (and download issue 1 here)Sanglorian18235.[Games on Demand] Menu of GamesAaron_S18236.Camp Nerdly - How will this year be different? How will it be the same?Nathan_H18238.Go Play VancouverOrlando_Wilson18239.How many games have you run simultaneously?mjulius18240.[CRN Donjon] Traps !Maitresinh18241.Fairy Tale Assassin League at a conventionMatrixGamer18242.Establishing characters in collaborate storytelling gamesRickard18243.Fate Points Podcastgtroc18244.[Dungeon World] Archer/gunman classClinton18245.Have I missed Games on Demand threads?MatrixGamer18246.A Setting-Appropriate Thing that's Hard to Take SeriouslyTallPaul18247.[Camp Nerdly] Making new folks feel welcomeAdam_Dray18248.Introducing Microscope to First Time GamersAMBayard18249.The OSR in Vivid Colour - an Actual PlayPaul_T18250.The Dungeon Kids go Fey -or- The Return of ThistleHexabolic18251.Dungeon World - Greek Mythology?ticktockman18252.Anyone done tabula rasa / Amnesia game starts?Dionysus18253.Short Order Heroes (Story Cards)deinol18254.Plus one? "thanks"? "Me too"?Rob_Alexander18255.The Unstore is dead?Dionysus18256."Soft skills" in gaming and the "non-gamer."AMBayard18257.[Doodle Sage Press] Dreamscape OdysseyMaese_Mateo18258.Your favourite sources of information about RPGs?Cam18259.NVRPGs (NonViolent RPGs)LionPeace18260.RooSackGamers 97: FictionElf_NFB18261.Mazes and Pocket MonstersBret_Gillan18262.The most challenging possible things to write on GM's index cardsWarriorMonk18263.My little savagesRy18264.A New Sweet20, or, What can the games we play contribute to Dungeons & Dragons?Sanglorian18265.Dungeon World Character sheets...chaochou18266.Golden Sky Stories Kickstarter -- when?LionPeace18267.Teaching a classroom as an RPGPaul_T18268.Burning Wheel tales by the fireside?AMBayard18269.Tonight We Slay a Dragon or Die in the AttemptSimon_C18270.Off-hand penaltiesLula18271.Indie Superssemajmaharg18272.FAITH releasedhazard18273.Enjoy The Next Twenty Blissful MinutesNathan_H18274.[This Is Pulp] Playing while readingRickard18275.Talking 'bout GMless RPGs, Norwescon 2013Ben_Robbins18276.looking for playtesters for my Dying Earth Fiasco playsetchutup18277.Burning Wheel Gold -- picking a rusty lock . . .AMBayard18278.PAX Prime 4 day passes are sold outMathalus18279.[PAX Aus] Who's going? What games and panels will be there?Mockingbard18280.Write Dungeon Dilemmas for 5 year oldsRy18281.Origins of "ask questions, use the answers"Felan18282.[KristaCon] May 24th - 26th -- Marvel Heroic and *W Games GaloreBrendan_Conway18283.[Apocalypse World] When does advancement occur?RaconteurX18285.Tavis Allison Talks About KickstarterJohnstone18286.[Don't rest your head] Narow focus?samwise18287.Micro Games and design processanansigirl18288.Other kind dice games...Dionysus18289.Herding Omnipotent Cats or . . .AMBayard18290.Bacchanalia in the UKsemajmaharg18291.[TSOY] Memories long-forgotten resurfacer_donato18292.[DW/Planarch Codex] How to bring Dis to Life?DannyK18293.Storygaming in Berlin /pbp in GermanAlex F18294.Welcome to DisJudd18295.[Burning Wheel Gold] Unskilled tests . . .AMBayard18296.RooSackGamers 98: Dungeon World 06Elf_NFB18297.Dungeon World, the sales pitch to DnD players?EpistolaryRichard18298.[Stockholm] Seeking people interested in Story Games in Stockholm.ejnro18299.Thoughts on Dungeon World and XPjhkim18300.[Kickstarter] Arcana Rising: an urban fantasy roleplaying gameJArcane18301.Women in Gaming CommunitiesBen_Robbins18302.[design help] How to track a war map session to session?thadrine18303.Illusionism and Railroading: real game examples: basic help or a pointer to a friendly threadPandelume18304.[Game Design] Show me your interesting failuresDavidk18305.Our ground is level and our table is roundotherChris18306.rules for psychic powers?george18307.(Fear The Living) Please critique my game's character sheet/rules reference sheet.johnthedm700018308.Realistic gamesUpstart18309.[AW][AW hacks] Say yes or roll dice; or simply roll dice?JonatanK18310.Games with Hidden InformationDavidk18311.[Apocalypse World] Writing Playbooksnerdwerds18312.Making people feel useful in GM less gamesRickard18313.[Games on Demand] PAX East 2013 Breakdownjjafuller18314.Yo, writer types -- Scrivener is on saleDenys18315.[Game Design] 30 Miniature Scenario SeedsEdmoo18316.[AW] The Solace PlaybookWidundret18317.[Apocalypse World] New playbook in the works ... The Bluebloodslickhop18318.Fixing ThAC0 once and for allPaul_T18319.Top Ten Annoying RulesWarriorMonk18320.Differences between goals and planning aheadRasmusL18321.Burning Wheels in Brooklyn, NYVanguard18322.[DW/AW] Character Sheets and Multiple Sources of MovesCitizenKeen18323.Yes But, No ButMurgh_Bpurn18324.Ribbon Drive - we tell stories about letting go on the open road. (RE-RELEASED!)Mcdaldno18325.Help with creating first Dogs in the Vineyards towns please.w00hoo18326.[MonsterHearts] Monsters of the University of Victoriathornlord18327.Gamers in Toledo!VIM4018328.Hidden Information vs Non-Existent Information (was: Hidden Information vs Unknown Information)Dreamer18329.Games with High Character Differentiation?CarpeGuitarrem18330.Stuff to Watch May 2013robb18331.Concrete Cow 13\xbd, 14 September 2013, Milton Keynes, UKNeil18332.Advanced Search. Where is it?Simon_Rogers18333.Which story game would you recommend for someone new to the idea? with some dice math plzWarriorMonk18335.Regurgitating the Apocalypse (Help with Imagery)VIM4018336.It's not the Apocalypse, it's [International Vincent Baker Day]GB_Steve18337.[Kickstarter] Domains at War: Mass Combat for RPGs, Roleplaying for WargamesTavis18338.Mass Effect Noir, a Technoir hack set in the galaxy of Mass EffectPheylorn18339.RooSackGamers 99: Dungeon World 07Elf_NFB18340.How to use a Go Pro - amazing gamer videoPaul_T18341.A Stitch in Timeihmcallister18342.Making lots of characters, playing the interesting onesRoger18343.Lists, Creative Constraints, Suggestions - Helpful?Paul_T18344.Bite-Size Actual Play: May 2013Keith18345.Outdoor-friendly gamesFelan18346.Victorian heroines behaving badlyMatrixGamer18347.Best indie games of 2012?jhkim18348.Wax poetic about your NPCsmykelsss18349.[Apocalypse World] Using Missing Players as FrontsTallPaul18350.RPG Solo - Creating relationships with yes/no questionsErik_Battle18351.[Burning Wheel Gold] Reflexes Advantage in Bloody VersusAMBayard18352.Deniable Asset - New Espionage RPGrandomeric18353.Camp Nerdly, Whatever Number It's Currently Up To - I hope you have pleasant weather, and a greatNathan_H18354.(Fear The Living) Making Self-Defined Talents Workjohnthedm700018355.Game Chef 2013: May 17th-26th. Mark your calendars, sharpen your design brains.Mcdaldno18356.What games do you know of that integrate story tricks with the protagonist's perspective?Ricardo Tavares18357.Origins Indie Games On Demand 2013anansigirl18358.[TSOY] That was a great sessionr_donato18359.[Graph] Crowdfunded RPG reward tier prices for .pdfs and print copiesLula18360.RooSackGamers Episode 100: Dungeon World 08Elf_NFB18361.Mouse Guard story-blogKexizzoc18362.Needed: warm-up excersise/ice-breakerolepeder18363.Nordic Larp Limbo Comes To NJlizziestark18364.Worlds in Peril (Supers Dungeon World Hack)kksimons18365.Game of Thrones meets A Stag Do? (RPG feedback politely requested)jbinc18366.[Monsterhearts] Serious Emotional Bleed (Trigger Warning)HyveMynd18367.Killing off characters equals killing of characters' goals?Rickard18368.Does anyone know stuff about [OVA]?UserClone18369.DEXCON 16 Indie Games Explosion - call for games!Michael S. Miller18371.Dungeon World, any tips?catty_big18372.Larps/rpgs in a serious/artistic contextL.Trenti MrVALIS18373.[Do] Who Chooses the Letter? Who Writes the Letter?Michael_Hopcroft18374.GenCon vs Originscatty_big18375.Is there a Cthulhu Horror AW hack?MatrixGamer18376.[AW] Advice for making interesting play for Savvyheads/Angels (workspaces)robb18377.[Hell For Leather] Hell for Leather Demo in RIAntisinecurist18378.[Burning Wheel Gold] HesitationAMBayard18379.[Monsterhearts] Second SkinsMathalus18380.TSR Explains How To Write For AD&D In 1995JDCorley18381.Hackabilitycatty_big18382.Any good rpg library/cataloging systems out there?Zelbinian18383.RooSackGamers Episode 101: Dungeon World 09Elf_NFB18384.[Actual Play] From Camp Nerdly 2013Harlequin18385.Fairy Tale Assassin League videosMatrixGamer18386.[Maroons] Talking about Maroons in detail -- HERE BE SPOILERSAdam_Dray18387.[All Rolled Up] Launch of a new Gaming Accessory at UK Games ExpoPaulBaldowski18388.[Burning Wheel Gold] Lifestyle test failed . . .AMBayard18389.[Monsterhearts] I wrote another skin: The Tengu (Japanese crow-goblin/class clown archetype)Lula18390.[Monsterhearts] The Kitsune - Yes, Another ShapeshifterHyveMynd18391.[Saga of the Icelanders] Suggestions for more in depth moves(s) to go a-viking?Noofy18392.Cartooner RPG Looney Tunes, Hanna&Barbera and much more... Pay Wath you Want!vasquas18393.How the heck does movement work in Braunsteins and multiforms???komradebob18394.Promotional videoscatty_big18395.Layout newbieGeoffrey Martin18396.How did "advancement" become synonymous with "roleplaying?"Zelbinian18397.Go Play NorthWest 2013 - sign up now!John_Powell18398.[SPLINTER] This Is EntertainmentEndTransmission18399.What can you tell me about Early Dark?Maese_Mateo18400.Had a great 2-player game of The Quiet YearZelbinian18401.Critique My Sample MythenderZelbinian18402.[Mom's Basem*nt Podcast] Episode 62: Game Chef 2013 Part 1Alex_Swingle18403.Terminal City Story GamesOrlando_Wilson18404.[Dexcon 16] Room Share?AnonAdderlan18405.AGON... now in French !Udo Femi18406.Thoughts on Dungeon WorldMatrixGamer18407.What we've done with Hell for leather [not for the faint-hearted]Maitresinh18408."Pay What You Want" RPG Model: An ExperimentJimLotFP18409.[Monsterhearts Second Skins] Interview on Gaming As Women, showing off art!jackson_tegu18410.The Deep - A Cthulhu Dark AdventureAlejandro_Etsu18411.[Cartooner] Thomas & Jeremiahvasquas18412.RooSackGamers Episode 102: Dungeon World 10Elf_NFB18413.Any story games-minded people in the Netherlands?Per_Fischer18414.Fantasy InSpectresRob_Alexander18415.It needs more Vin DieselHarlequin18416.Sinister and Strange Occult Relics (and the cuilts and witches who have them)JDCorley18417.[Burning Wheel Gold] Beginner's Luck/Routine TestsAMBayard18418.Awesome Adventures and Escape from Tentacle City on Sale $2 Each!Willow18419.Fiction Last - What does it ruin for you?Nathan_H18420.[All Rolled Up] Store Online for ARU Gaming Roll & Dice BagPaulBaldowski18421.My Kingdom for a KickstarterBen_Robbins18422.How Do You Teach New Tricks to Old GMsAMBayard18423.[Origins 2013] Games on Demand June 13-16thEvan_Torner18424.Where should I go, in 1000 AD?Ry18425.How do I link to individual posts?Johnstone18426.[contest] Vieux pots III: Take an old RPG, turn it into a Storygame / Sdm RPGMaitresinh18427.Creating planets and their inhabitants...Maxcharbonne18428.What Games Teach Player Agency/Proactivity Really Well?Zelbinian18429.How could I use drinks for resolution, without creating a drinking game?Graham18430.What are the highlights of Game Chef 2013?Steve_Hickey18431.Mission Boston: a free D-Day paratrooper sandbox scenario for The Regiment.johnzo18432.Anybody up for gaming in Montr\xe9al?KirkMitchell18433.Looking for players in Norrt\xe4lje/StockholmRasmusL18434.[Monsterhearts] The Incubus: a new skin for test and reviewHitchco*ck18435.Designing new monsters for Lovecraftian RPGs /in general...Maxcharbonne18436.The Nighthawks - Gamer Focused WebseriesBerylliumProductions18437.Designing Games on the FlyBerylliumProductions18438.Damsels in Distress in GamesPaul_T18439.Story games in Greece (or the interwebz)Rakmakallan18440.Mystic Empyrean/FU hack for mortal heroesMorrius18441.[Want to Buy] Ashcan releases..beasterbrook18442.[Tenra Bansho Zero] One-shots, new to GMing TBZ, what I learnedanansigirl18443.Looking for English files for No Sign of Alexquincunx18444.[Monsterkarts] Racing with the DevilHarlequin18445.Computer-assisted table-top RPGs?ChristopherWeeks18446.Stuff to Watch June 2013TylerT18447.Stabbingcontest Episode 040 with Peter Adkison.Ogremarco18448.Giving mooks a modicum of individualityDeliverator18449.[Apocalypse World Hacks] Weird basic move alternativesJasonT18450.[Lady Blackbird] Two new characters!Leprenomichaun18451.RooSackGamers 103: Dungeon World 11Elf_NFB18452.Bite-Size Actual Play: June 2013 (something different)orklord18453.What should I leave by the cryotank?Ry18454.[Self-Critical Hits Podcast] Episode 037 - Choice Phrasesmilesgaborit18455.What if verbal rpgs are the future?benhamill18456.[Walkabout] Convention Debutvulpinoid18457.Cthulhu Noir - a nano-game based on Cthulhu DarkJohn_Powell18458.Hacking Mass Effect/Apocalypse WorldJasonT18460.[OSR D&D] Strategic scope of burning witchesEero_Tuovinen18461.I need advice! Game mechanics, scope and settings questions! Enjoy a wall of text!DnvnQuinn18462.The Ashcan Fight! (NOTE: Not Really a Fight)J_Walton18463.[TSOY] The army's herer_donato18464.The Three Musketeers - Best Movie Adaptation?Paul_T18465.[Singularity System] Setting Neutral Science Fiction RoleplayingEndTransmission18466.Brand new member, brand new game, brand new systemAkco18467.GM-less horror gamesJakob18468.[Monsterhearts] A New Skin - The Monkey Prince!deadmanshand18469.Dungeon World: d6-only hack?Morrius18470.communicating with fiction -- acting challenge or rules abstraction?David_Berg18471.[Carolina Death Crawl] Four Enter the Swamp, One Leaves the SwampJason_Morningstar18472.Beginning with the End (Dungeon World, Other Games)robutmike18473.[Society of Dreamers] Price dumpMatthijs18474.Story Gaming in Los Angeles (near Santa Monica)DanielZKlein18475.RooSackGamers: Nova Praxis 00Elf_NFB18476.[Playtesters needed] Nordic Freeform: "Bipolar Lush"olepeder18477.The Curse: A Freeform Game About Hereditary Breast Cancerlizziestark18478.Johnstone in SeattleJohnstone18479.SPQW/First Man in Rome. First attempt at an Apocalypse World hack (WIP, advice requested)Neonchameleon18480.Designing close to home: Games about your own lifeMatthijs18481.Making a Deathwatch/Apocalypse World HackIronjens18482.Games that deal with real life issuescatty_big18483.Starting a new game on RPOL: World of Dungeons!zippdementia18484.[Game Idea] The SpecialistMrPurple18485.More science fantasy stuff for Dungeon WorldJohnstone18486.[AW hack] Titan/Slave - robots and feelings, oh myKilly18487.Chuubos Marvelous Wish Granting Engine?Dionysus18489.Putting Games in Hard ModeTotallyGuy18490.Dungeon World: one book, two games?Ricardo Tavares18491.A Monsterhearts Questiondeadmanshand18492.Monsterhearts Second Skins -> 70 hours & $1,475 left!jenskot18493.Game Chef 2013 - Winner declared for the English language! Finalist feedback! Closing remarks!Mcdaldno18494.Finding out about crowdfunded rpg projectsWordman18495.POWER ZAP!AMBayard18496.[Self-Critical Hits Podcast] Episode 038 - Kingdom RPG with Ben Robbinsmilesgaborit18497.Adding more mystery to MotW Mysteries?HyveMynd18498.[DW] How to actually use Fronts in Dungeon Worldkruug18499.Tell me more about TechnoirRicardo Tavares18500.What kind of banana is this?UserClone18501.Grimtooth 3.0, tell us about your best "traps" storiesMaitresinh18502.HollowPoint: What can('t) it do?Volsung18503.Freemarket: Form-fillable User Profile and MRCZ sheets?TildeSee18504.[Virtual Play] Episode 66: Trouble For HireBill_White18505.Division of roles in Lady BlackbirdMartinEden18506.What did you learn from Game Chef?Dreamofpeace18507.DexCon Massive Boardgame Playtest (maybe a hint of LARP)eruditus18508.Fiasco - ending strongxenophone18509.Cards Against My Thoughts: A Penny For My Thoughts vs. Cards Against HumanityLula18510.Try Svavelvinter - award-winning Swedish RPG now in EnglishTomasH18511.Dungeon World at OriginsMatrixGamer18512.[Cthulhu Dark Hack] Overdeath Megakill!AMBayard18513.[AW/MH] Tell me about your queer content!halski18514.Feedback for Worldweaver?Morgan_R18515.[TSOY] Bringing down the pain is a painr_donato18516.RooSackGamers: Nova Praxis 01Elf_NFB18517.[B\xe0H] Some foreign covers of story gamesHeuhh18518.Little Games, on Buried Without CeremonyMcdaldno18519.Once more into the IRC, dear friends?Zelbinian18520.Spectrum of pre-planned to improvised gamesMartinEden18521.[Monsterhearts] A New Skin - The Sandmandeadmanshand18522.In Chicago for the weekendZelbinian18523.[All Rolled Up] Summer Solstice One Day Dice Bag SalePaulBaldowski18524.TECHNICOLOR DREAMS 2013 PORTLAND ORquincunx18525.[Monsterhearts] Succubus overpowered?quincunx18526.[Games on Demand] Origins Feedbackndp18527.Last Train Out Of Warsawbookscorpion18528.I need a fontJoshDemers18529.[Game Chef 2013] French winner needs native English speakers proofreaders...Saladdin18530.Free Game : Midnight Vigiljim pinto18531.Any Actual GM-less Gamesmadunkieg18532.[Hot Guys Making Out] Episode One: Maria's JealousyKirkMitchell18533.Using the X-cardcatty_big18534.[Monsterhearts] New Skin - The AgentAxkidson18535.[my nano game] Crash Into Youanansigirl18536.[SWN]Stars Without Number: OSR to get my new school fix.mostlyjoe18537.[Game Chef] The Little Emotions HuntersSaladdin18538.[Shock:] Games with 5 playerssemajmaharg18539.[Perfect, Unrevised] Games with 5 playerssemajmaharg18540.[Abstract Dungeon] The Orcish BakerMatthewJHanson18541.Good games for play-by-post?Morgan_R18542.[game brainstorm] guess what the GM is thinkingDavid_Berg18543.[Reaper Minis KS+] So I wrote a Braunstein Scenario to share (need help sharing it...)komradebob18544.[Self-Critical Hits Podcast] #39 - Damn it, Nerd Culturemilesgaborit18545.HOT VISIONS: Summer of Designquincunx18546.GMing and the importance of character to storiesjhkim18547.[Donjon] Low-Magic World with Weird Tales Feel?Tigranes18548.PbP of Ghost/Echo or The Mustang Anyone?Zelbinian18549.[World of Dungeons] What are you using for monsters?UserClone18550.What makes for helpful design criticism?lizziestark18551.Fate Core Aspects vs World HX/Debtrevel91118552.[freeform] Remember?bookscorpion18553.Tales of the Arabian NightsVeav18554.Tell Me About Your GM PalanquinEpidiah_Ravachol18555.Workshops, WTFlizziestark18556.[Spectrum] time travel role-playingAllanDotson18557.[Monster Box] Free! Short game of pet monstersAllanDotson18558.[fingerprints] Snow in the jungleAllanDotson18559.[DW|TBZ] Convention adventures/scenariosTorquemada18560.[Kickstarter] Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine: Nobilis Does Studio GhibliKestral18561.Buy It For Life - Role Playing GameNathan_H18562.RooSackGamers: Nova Praxis 02Elf_NFB18563.Who else discovered gaming as an adult?TotallyGuy18564.Montsegur 1244 Cardsjim pinto18565.Combat Resources (help needed with combat system)ghostwhistler18566.Player Agency and Witnesses to a MurderTigranes18567.Catalog of RPG card mechanicsMatrixGamer18568.SPSM Setting Plot Scene MomentTylerT18569.Death of the Japanese Emperor - any advice?bookscorpion18570.Spectrum - time travel rpgL.Trenti MrVALIS18571.People I became this weekend at Go Play NWJohn_Powell18572.KickStarter Revelations of Mars by Jeff CombosPaul8818573.The Final Jorney - Kickstarter is a goSteveDave18574.Free Game : Everyone Wants to be Sartrejim pinto18575.Designing a sessionRickard18576.Seattle downtown: Magicians RPG?Hanshan18577.[Tears of a Machine] Kickstarter has launched!RussellCollins18579.Color-first ?vini_lessa18580.Pathfinder NPC Codex: Awesome minis for 13th Age, other fantasy games with tactics!Andy18581.Group authorship of your character's personalityFuseboy18582.Resolution in Dungeon World vs. Amber DicelessFuseboy18583.[Game of the Gods] - First thoughts, need some adviceAllanDotson18584.My 4-hour con game still has no systemUpstart18585.Visual Clarification of Rulesvulpinoid18586.[pay what you want] I'll advertise Better Than Any Man, thenEero_Tuovinen18587.Kickstarter: International Shipping Dilemmawhduryea18588.Quick RPG survey for a class paper? Edit: Survey Closed!gapb18589.Karma and Melodramaghostwhistler18590.[Tenra Basho Zero] Help me quick-start TBZCoveredInFish18591.Archipelago III - How Many Sessions? Maps?Nathan_H18592.[Lady Blackbird] One-shot actual playJasonT18593.[Self-Critical Hits Podcast] #40 - Go Play NW + Zombies + Creepsmilesgaborit18594.Always/Never/Now - Actual Play [SPOILERS]Mark_Causey18595.Japanese Tabletop RPG Rodeo & ClearinghouseJoe_McGuffin18596.Tweak-a-boo!catty_big18597.Vast and Starlit - resolving scenes for focus charactersrobb18598.Printing books from DriveThruRPG?AllanDotson18599.Stuff to Watch July 2013bookscorpion18600.[SWN] Exploring Dead Worlds...for SCIENCE!mostlyjoe18601.What? You couldn't play X game? Why?WarriorMonk18602.Roleplaying with Edisonjim pinto18603.RooSackGamers: Nova Praxis 3Elf_NFB18604.Awesome-ify: Native American influence in Shadowrun!Andy18605.Resources for New DesignersJason_Pitre18606.[Golden Sky Stories] Houserules for the weaknesses/powers for use in oneshots?cucumberkappa18607.[World of Dungeons] Who's played the most?Ry18608.Fairy Tale Assassin League is in from the printer!MatrixGamer18609.Help a roleplayer convert to story gamesDrakon18610.Help me choose my con gameshalski18611.carry- any tips?catty_big18612.Durance with gamers (mostly) unacquainted with Story Games. It went well!zdorab18613.[ExiStanc3] Back after a three years leave from rpg : some context and questions for youpells18614.Monsterhearts - anyone played with teenagers?Alex F18615.RPG Movie ComparisonsJohnstone18616.[Monsterhearts] - FAE questionAxkidson18617.[Mouse Guard] Cult AdviceVALIS1318618.[Monster Chef] available in French looking for help for translationbrunobord18619.Life on Mars \u2013 Kickstarter - Fundified!Ross_Cowman18620.[European only] How to host a Dungeon, in-a-boxMaitresinh18621.Is The Pathfinder Setting Ethically Problematic?Willow18622.[Disgraceful] A roleplaying game about fear and loathing in 1920s Hollywoodcatty_big18623.[SLOW DOWN] Annual "Bigotry in RPGs" Thread - eventually to History/Fantasy discussion maybe?JDCorley18624.How to Hack Apocalypse World - a Google Hangout.Orlando_Wilson18625.[Rolling Intentions] It's been a while since we posted here but here is a session of DITVVicaroth18626.[World of Dungeons] - World of Falloutwaqii18627.RooSackGamers: Nova Praxis 04Elf_NFB18628.Post comic panels and the games you would use to play them!Felan18629.Words Without MasterEpidiah_Ravachol18630.Disaster Strikes!rabalias18631.Great Read on Nordic Larplizziestark18632.Escape from Tentacle City: cheat sheet?Dreamofpeace18633.Let's Play the Doomed Pilgrim [Sundered Land]Dreamofpeace18634.[Petition update] Making D&D art more inclusiverabalias18635.6-7 players in a park / 3 player Fiascosemajmaharg18636.[Pocket Danger Patrol + Gamma World = Gamma Patrol] at GPNW 2013Seth_Magdich18637.Abstract Dungeon Video and SurveyMatthewJHanson18638.The Bus: A quick minigameDreamofpeace18639.A mechanism for player driven foreshadowingvulpinoid18640.[Gamma Patrol] at Fabricated Realities 2012 (Saturday)Seth_Magdich18641.[Gamma Patrol] at Fabricated Realities 2012 (Sunday)Seth_Magdich18642.RooSackGamers: Nova Praxis 05aElf_NFB18643.What is everyone take on [Star Wars:Edge of the Empire]?mostlyjoe18644.RPGenesis design event is going international! Come join us in August.Ricardo Tavares18645.Dungeon Hearts: How would I mix Dungeon World and Monster Hearts?mostlyjoe18646.Techniques! Do we have a list of them?WarriorMonk18647.Need some feedback on training a new Dungeon World GMMatrixGamer18648.[Undying] Artwork for the BookPaul_Riddle18649.Anyone in Arizona, East Valley area?darksied8118650.if this kind of thing works for kickstarter, i may have cured polio\u2026jim pinto18651.[Nerdly Beach Party XI] September 20th-22nd 2013, Registration OpenJesse18652.S/Lay w/Me Kickstart - hack and slash my rough draftRon Edwards18653.[SKEW] Has been released!Hans_c-o18654.Looking For Playtesters For My Zombie Apocalypse Roleplaying Game (Fear The Living)johnthedm700018655.[Fiasco Playset] Introducing the Neverland Playset for critiquelomythica18656.[Kickstarter] Power Play: a competitive storytelling gamebuckyball18657.AW/DW Fronts for FATE, Dread, etc... ?Maitresinh18658.[Kickstarter] The Misery Index: Terrible Games about Terrible Realitieswhduryea18659.RooSackGamers: Nova Praxis 05bElf_NFB18660.Spy games: what's out there?m_busuttil18661.Extras and Stunts...I need to learn this FATE stuff more.mostlyjoe18662.What Five Things Should I Buy at GenCon 2013?Lisa Padol18663.GM vs players: collaborating to compete, competing to collaborateDavid_Berg18664.[ExiStanc3 - preparing a kickStarter campaign] - help me explains with I'm doingpells18665.Fairy Tale Assassin League cool newsMatrixGamer18666.To Build a Fire - The Role-Playing GameNathan_H18667.CandyworldDillskills18668.Started work on next year's game - Any feedback?MatrixGamer18669.[Self-Critical Hits Podcast] #42 - Life on Mars with Ross Cowmanmilesgaborit18670.Indie Games in CanadaAllanDotson18671.Teamwork and Dungeon Worldjhkim18672.Is AW suited to Gamist/challenge-based play?Paul_T18673.Stuff to Watch \u2013 August 2013Ross_Cowman18674.[The Faithful] A little game being released into the wildmarknau18675.[Tacoma, WA] Game Day at PLU on 9/28ephealy18676.Lacuna: what is it like ?vini_lessa18677.Cortex+!Felan18678.AW diceless/Undying Hack for Cold War spies?kksimons18679.Wil Wheaton recommends some story games!Jumanji8318680.It's the Indie RPG Awards this month!wicked.fable18681.Game Design: shared GMing in a cooperative game?Shiro18682.Seclusium of Orphone and making occurs to me this might be a better title to tell people about my kickstarter than the polio onejim pinto18684.Reading the Annotated Sorcererrobb18685.Difference between tabletop RPG, LARP, and jeepformAdam_Dray18686.RooSackGamers: Nova Praxis 06Elf_NFB18687.AP Monsterhearts: first-time GM'ing a gamezephyr18688.Inspired by childrenPaul_T18689.Numenera's setting is less the sum of its partsDenys18690.Armageddon Girl/New Olympus by C.J. Carellacjcarella18691.Rules or principles for in-character dialogJasonT18692.Themes and thesis in game settingsAdam_Dray18693.Please suggest to me RPGs that have clear rules that help define who a character isMartinEden18694.Exploding Kingdoms Playtest Packet is AvailableWillow18695.[All Rolled Up] All Rolled Up dice bag / gaming accessory at Gen ConPaulBaldowski18696.[Stars Without Number] Inspire me please.AMBayard18697.Posting the Indie RPG Awards at Gen Conjhkim18698.[The Quiet Year] Music for the game?barna28418699.Modern Day Magic Vices Help PleaseVirginian_John18700.What makes a good comedy game?Ultraberg18701.Monsterhearts: the Ghost ExplainedPaul_T18702.Looking for inspiration: Skills/abilities of a "Starfarer" careerArchangel3d18703.Bite-Size Actual Play: August 2013Felan18704.The Sprawl v.0.2Anarchangel18705.Audatia: medieval swordfighting gamenikodemus18706.[Undying] There's this one little thing and I hates it...Johnstone18707.Some Inspiration from Actor/Director Joseph Chaikin circa 1965epweissengruber18708.[Ghost/Echo] Actual play for a first-time groupJasonT18709.[The Queen's Cavaliers] Less than 48 hours left on TQC kickstarter!Caoimhe18710.Gencon 2013 News and AnnouncementsMatt Kauko18711.[Kickstarter] The Fastest RPG I've Ever Played - Abstract Dungeon (Last day!)MatthewJHanson18712.{Kickstarter Preview] About to Go Live with Armageddon Girl/New Olympus Kickstarter. Opinions Wantedcjcarella18713.[Kingdom] Battlestar OrionBen_Robbins18714.World of Dungeons - Your Basic MovesPaul_T18715.RooSackGamers: FATE Accelerated PrepElf_NFB18716.Monsterhearts: I don't know if this is going really right or really wrong (TW: Eating Disorders)Neonchameleon18717.[Lady Blackbird] Actual playMartinEden18718.[PAX Prime 2013] Roll CallMathalus18719.Want a four day badge for [PAX Prime 2013]?Mathalus18720.Art in Game ManualsSteveDave18721.[The Undying] Endgame and Flashbackssemajmaharg18722.Horror Stories in Two SentencesPaul_T18723."I just literally do not know how to play."Brian_Minter18724.Any game rules that you adopted as default ?vini_lessa18725.Indie RPG Awards for 2012 games announced!!jhkim18726.[Uncharted Worlds] A space-opera game of exploration and debtArchangel3d18727.Challange! Art only!SteveDave18728.Need Ideas: Spell BooksTroy_Costisick18729.[Higher Powers] A superhero RPG in 4 pagesCaoimhe18730.IndieGoGo vs. KickstarterRyanDanks18731.[SkipJack] Character-building gamecatty_big18732.[Kickstarter] Armageddon Girl/New Olympus Kickstarter is Livecjcarella18733.We know so little of our hobbyRickard18734.A little miniatures game experiementMatrixGamer18735.[Danger Patrol] So how do you run suspense scenes?MartinEden18736.If I like Witch: Journey to Lindisfarne, I will like...MartinEden18737.Myer-Briggs for NPC Creation?TallPaul18738."What is roleplaying games" or "Is roleplaying games theater?"pells18739.[Undying] Prototype Playbook - The DevilPaul_Riddle18740.Make your games easier to graspRicardo Tavares18741.Best Practices?: Giving plot-starter options, then winnowing them down?komradebob18742.Overcoming "I don't know"EpistolaryRichard18743.[Dust Devils] First time playingJasonT18744.Any kind of sweet Strings mechanics for that good old Apocalypse World?Volsung18745.[Kickstarter] Jadepunk: Tales From Kausao City - A Fate Core SettingRyanDanks18746.Hitting the reset button: Which games use it? Do you ever use it outside of those?EpistolaryRichard18747.Monsterparts: the Knights of Pemberton St.Marshall Burns18748.[Uncharted Worlds] Why *are* you on this ship, anyway?Archangel3d18749.Any Interest in Virtual Demo via Hangouts?MatthewJHanson18750.Best games for anime conventions?Orlando_Wilson18751.[Monster Trainer] The Roleplaying Game of Teenagers and Collectible CreaturesOMFGrhombus18752.Need Ideas: When townspeople see elemental mages as a resourceWarriorMonk18753.15mm Victorian Civilian FiguresMatrixGamer18754.Have any of you ever played a GMless game with a GM?D-50318755.Deeds and Doers releasedBen_Lehman18756.HauntedGraham18757.[Dread] Blade Runner: Off-worldAaron_S18758.[13th Age] Opal Empire -- Help me brainstorm different thingsAdam_Dray18759.Gaming Hors D'oeuvresMark_Causey18760.StoryGameWorld updatedNathanBlack18761.Deeds and Doers modules! (a2 Mountain of Swords and m2 A Desperate Gambit)Ben_Lehman18762.WTB: Space Gamer Magazine #1 and White Wolf Magazine #1beasterbrook18763.[indiegogo, African Fantasy Action RPG] AURION : Legacy of The Kori-OdanAndy18764.[Kickstarter] Fiction from RPG Writersslgable18765.[Monsterhearts] Forcing folk into/out of Darkest Self?Wizard_Lizard18766.DUNGEON WORLD - Italian EditionNarrattiva18767.Pocket Anima Prime 1.1Christian_Griffen18768.[Imp of the Perverse] Now Playtesting!ndp18769.{Monsterhearts} New Skin: the sh*t-Eater (trigger warning)Wizard_Lizard18770.Harry Potter and the Natural 20 - How Would You Play This?Paul_T18771.Solo Rpg Players: How often do you engage randomness for story needs?Dreamer18772.Bite-Sized Actual Play - September 2013Jason_Morningstar18773.Ideas on a card game combat system for Miniature Figure story gamesMatrixGamer18774.Chicago Gameday 36 is Oct 19, 2013: Upcoming dates and infobuzz18775.Stuff to Watch - September 2013NathanBlack18776.Donald Featherstone - one of the fathers of our hobby died yesterdayMatrixGamer18777.[Rolling Intentions] - Torchbearer - Session 1 Videocast!Vicaroth18778.[Elder Sign] is it a roleplaying game (?)semiomant18779.Story Games Weekly Newsletter: Rolling out soon!Andy18780.S/lay w/Me Kickstart launchedRon Edwards18781.Expeditions in the RainJoshDemers18782.[HVE Water] Open Beta is liveRoss_Cowman18783.[The Early Days] A card-based zombie RPGRian_Rezende18784.JiffyCon East, Somerville, November 9, 2013Emily_Care18785.Card combat Playtest - it worked!MatrixGamer18786.[Fiasco] Run, Fools, RunJason_Morningstar18787.Council of Five Nations XXXVI October 11-13, 2013 in Schenectady NYFeralkoala18788.A Story Games Guide?semajmaharg18789.Optimal number of players for play-by-chat? Tips?seanhess18790.Folks outside the US: USA --> Your Country Reshippers/Mail ForwardersAndy18791.In a Wicked (Postmodern) AgeAdam_Dray18792.The Quiet Year QuestionNathan_H18793.Game Chef 2013 - World Champion Declared!Mcdaldno18794.[Uncharted Worlds] First Playtest - Actual PlayArchangel3d18795.Virtual cons, what's the deal here?catty_big18796.Interesting Death ConsequencesBigDamnHero18797.Games for a road tripDragonfly18798.Best Character Sheet EvarNathan_H18799.Glorantha with Apocalypse World ?vini_lessa18800.Letting Go - playtesters wantedOrion Canning18801.[Highland Park, NJ] A Day of Nordic Live Games, October 5lizziestark18802.A Lovecraft-y PbP Donjon GameRushWright18803.Sagas of the Icelanders is officially on sale!Denys18804.Playbooks for Dogs in the VineyardotherChris18805.An Over the Edge tributeolepeder18806.How to narrate action scenes?zephyr18807.[Kickstarter] Accursed is dark fantasy for Savage WorldsJohnDunn18808.[Kosmos] Patching up EverwayLxndr18809.[First Issues] First time play for simple golden-age supers game.James_Mullen18810.RooSackGamers 113: Pirates of the Spanish MainElf_NFB18811.Side Hop 4: Getting into CharacterElf_NFB18812.Indie RPGs with Magic's "Golden Rule" combos?CarpeGuitarrem18813.Sure, we'll call it - The Griffen Principlejackson_tegu18814.Basic matrix for an Engle tactical-level story/RPG wargame, a mechanics question, and rights?DaveyJJ18815.[Trollbabe] Relationship costssamwise18816.AW with 1 player... how?hamnacb18817.Lady Blackbird - Flight of the Owlbookscorpion18818.HillFolk: larp?L.Trenti MrVALIS18819.[Kickstarter] GRIM WORLD: Dungeon World & Fate Supplement (Less than 19 hours left!)BoldlyRpg18820.[Always/Never/Now] Needs more bitters (spoilers)DannyK18821.Resources for online roleplayingRicardo Tavares18822.[MAYHEM] fantasy mass battles with sorcery 'Powered by the Apocalypse'Brent18823.What do people play for superheroes?JoshDemers18824.Fiasco - Class Reunion Playset?Nathan_H18825.[Ghost Lines] Now in Frenchbrunobord18826.More thoughts on card combatMatrixGamer18827.Critique my elevator pitchEric Provost18828.[Hero World] a Superhero Hack of Apocalypse WorldJoshDemers18829.We always play Primetime Adventures wrong.amazingrobots18830.Appendix N for making Grimm WorldUserClone18831.Norwegian Larpfactory Book Projectlizziestark18832.[ExiStanc3] Shadow and Light : presentation, play test and KickStarter preparationpells18833.Introducing myselfblackomatic18834.[*World] Question-and-Answer MovesJeph18835.[Cthulhu Dark] - Drinker from the Dark, an adventure.waqii18836.Procedures to create adventures?WarriorMonk18837.Rookvale: Gender?arscott18838.Games that create a thing as well as a story.TotallyGuy18839.General pointers in designing a story gamekronik18840.Need Help Hacking FU and Primetime AdventuresMeatball18841.Bribes and judgementRickard18842.Who wants the S/Lay w/Me soundtrack?Marshall Burns18843.Superlite Heroes!horn_head_o18844.Text mining of "What is a RPG?" threadakooser18845.[Fiasco] Planeta DrogaJason_Morningstar18846.RooSackGamers 114: Nova Praxis 7Elf_NFB18847.Games where world building is the heart of the gamekronik18848.Harry Power-Gamer and the Theory of Multiple IntelligencesWarriorMonk18849.[Make stuff, kinda of] Help with text mining What is a RPG?akooser18850.Level up or Die TryingIronjens18851.Dan Harmon's Story CircleNathan_H18852.So tell me of Technoir...Silverlion18853.New Identities "Witness protection program", now in english!vasquas18854.Games for a big group with kids?Kestral18855.Need help making up plotsMatrixGamer18856.Stuff to Watch - October 2013Rafu18857.International Fulfillment and Shipping serviceskksimons18858.Check out my multiplayer iOS game? Wizard Warseanhess18859.[Dread] Character QuestionsWes_the_mad18860.What was good about AD&D 2nd Edition?Felan18861.[Self-Critical Hits Podcast] Episodes 43 & 44 - Let's Talk About Korra!milesgaborit18862.KickStarter and rpg : is "compatible" with FATE, Pathfinder worth the trouble? Is it a must?pells18863.[AW] The Damned playbookJohnstone18864.[Dread] How do you pull?Chroma18865.[Vancouver BC] [Larp] Dockside DogsJason_Morningstar18866.RooSackGamers: Nova Praxis 8Elf_NFB18867.[This Is Pulp] An adventurous storytelling game - Blind playtestingRickard18868.Do I want Unknown Armies?MartinEden18869.[Ag\xf4n] Ar-Ag\xf4n: The FellowshipJeronimo18870.Neo-Trek: a fun game of adventure, discovery, aliens, by people from utopiaepweissengruber18871.[Shadow Patrol] Pocket Danger Patrol + ShadowrunSeth_Magdich18872.OMG! Amazing maps of Austro-Hungary 1870 to 1910MatrixGamer18873.[The Mary Sue] Tabletop roleplaying for the shy and cerebralsemajmaharg18874.How do you make your character story?WarriorMonk18875.[Fall of Magic]Ross_Cowman18876.The Stages of Aging: Games for Grumpy Old Folksepweissengruber18877.Dictionary of MU (and Sorcerer)vini_lessa18878.[Urban Shadows] We played a game using Google Docsseanhess18879.Recommend a domain management game of battles and baroniesgeordie racer18880.Really Short Story GamesRickard18881.Which other mid-life crisis games are there, apart from Apocalypse World?Graham18882.[The Quiet Year] Two great sessions at Escapist Expo!David Artman18883.Bite-Sized Actual Play - October 2013Mark_Causey18884.[The Magical Land of Yeld] Kidnap at the Carnival! or Wow! That's a Big Ride!Mark_Causey18885.[Self-Critical Hits Podcast] #45 - A Con We Went To (& Why We're Not Going Back)milesgaborit18886.Experiments with EPUB (now featuring: Redbox Hack and Enter the Avenger)Sanglorian18887.[Monsterhearts] The PrincessSile18888.Chicago Gameday 36 is Oct 19th: Sign up to play!buzz18889.[Self-Critical Hits Podcast] Spoiling Korra #3milesgaborit18890.How do you get people to review your game on[Self-Merciful Things] First episode of my Call of Cthulhu campaign actual-play podcastKexizzoc18892.Roosackgamers: Nova Praxis 09Elf_NFB18893.My Secret Cthulhu ConfessionE.T.Smith18894.[Agon] Heal / Orate / Interlude questionsGuy Srinivasan18895.SAGA (Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game, Dragonlance Fifth Age) resources/hacksVeav18896.EPOCHMurgh_Bpurn18897.[Sagas of the Icelanders] Engaging a group of all-female characters?Kestral18898.This Week's Controversial Focus of Debate: Rolling for how well you did.Paul_T18899.[TSOY] Ending a chapter!r_donato18900.Harm in Monster of the Week (and some other Apocalypse-powered games)jhkim18901.When is your character's problem not your problem?David_Berg18902.DramaSystem, how do we feel about it?catty_big18903.Austin Storygamers? Lets hang out!Ross_Cowman18904.Pulp AlleyPaul8818905.Free online course about Storytellingsbrplaysrpgs18906.[The Fog of War] Almost done, need your helpmans18907.Actual Play [Colonial Marines]Ironjens18908.Games Written To Solve Specific ProblemsJason_Morningstar18909.Another Solo RPing ThreadRotting_Zombie18910.Does anyone get the "Dagger Heart" Opt? Does anyone use it?Mcdaldno18911.[Self-Critical Hits Podcast] Episode 047 - Spoiling Korra #4milesgaborit18912.Attitude and approach, but no formalized rule setMatthijs18913.[Swords Without Master] Rules Questionsczipeter18914.RooSackGamers: Nova Praxis 10... the finaleElf_NFB18915.Do any of you know about the Solo Wargaming Association?MatrixGamer18916.Pang, The Wandering Shaolin RPGbencosta18917.Promised Land - an Apocalypse World Hack drawing inspiration from the setting of The Book of Mormon.NYpurdy18918.The false success/failure drama dichotomy?mans18919.[We The Jury] A game about truth, justice, and social combat.catty_big18920.[3:16] Some rules questionsVictorGijsbers18921.KS printingJerry D. Grayson18922.Catching upVictorGijsbers18923.[TSOY] How to make the SG's prep work easyr_donato18924.Anonycon 2013Mike_Seidman18925.2-participant story gamesazrianni18926.Looking for peeps to play with in Portlandroaring_mouse18927.Addicted to innovation?MatrixGamer18929.Technobabble Game IdeaTotallyGuy18930.Half baked idea about miniatures, social combat, and stories without role playingMatrixGamer18931.In Orlando, Florida for the weekMathalus18932.[Patreon] Monthly Monsters for DW and LLJohnstone18933.[Patreon] unPlayable GamesHasimir18934.Question about Cortex+ Hackers GuideRedwoodR18935.Another method to make prep easyWarriorMonk18936.Playlist Help (Trigger Warning: Self-Harm)WPTunes18937.I'm positive we've talked about this Narnia style game before but...w00hoo18938.RooSackGamers: Inspectres 1Elf_NFB18939.Problems in Two-Player GamesAdam_Dray18940.Foreign Element science fiction roleplaying is here.NathanHill18941.UKRP Design Collectivecatty_big18942.Sci-Fi Beta Kappa is here- Yay!!catty_big18943.[AmberCon Northern Ireland] Diceless Gaming, Amber, 28th - 30th March 2014KevinAtAmberConNI18944.Love in a time of revolution - a solo game with miniatures.MatrixGamer18945.[Houseless Hills] Bleake RebellionMJGraham18946.What Are Some? - Unreliable NarratorNathan_H18947.Truncheon World: The Truncated Dungeon WorldJohnstone18948.[The Quiet Year] Contemptmodsr18949.[Dreamwake] the challenges of EspionageHasimir18950.Rookvale - cards and books available!Mcdaldno18951.[Just Heroes: Redrawn]James_Mullen18952.RooSackGamers: Inspectres 02Elf_NFB18953.How to mechanically accommodate musical accompaniment?Lassek18954.My Call of Cthulhu audio-campaign reaches a milestone. Happy Halloween!Kexizzoc18955.[FATE] The Talinz Project blog: What happens when Asimov and Medabots meets NASCAR?James_Fleming18956.A Shadowrun Apocalpse World hackvini_lessa18957.Who wants to play an unfair game?SteveDave18958.Stuff to Watch - November 2013Antisinecurist18959.[GM advice] How do you run a road trip game?DannyK18960.UK RPGS in America?Simonpaulburley18961.Games with Historical Events/Context? Vikings? (Edit: Essay on History & RPGs finished, linked!)horn_head_o18962.I'm not Tibetan, can I write a game about Tibet?catty_big18963.Story Game Replay Videos - GxB, Sei\xf0, Witch, Forsooth!EpistolaryRichard18964.Adventures! at Dramatic GamesKeith Sears18965.What's that burning? Smells like\u2026 KingdomBen_Robbins18966.Suggest a game that Students (especially Japanese students) could useTroy_Costisick18967.[Don't rest your head] can character use his/her tallents deliberatly?samwise18968.Let's make a list of the Sherlock Holmes mystery games and their investigation mechanicsMatrixGamer18969.OSR stuff that is catching my eye.Judd18970.[Monster Force Terra] Godzilla meets Apocalypse World.James_Mullen18971.A look back at Collaborative Role-Playing Discussion, ca 2000-2003Andy18972.Story Games Weekly Aspect Contest!James_Stuart18973.Intrepid: A Storytelling Adventure - sale!John K18974.Bite-Sized Actual Play - November 2013Felan18975.Talk to me about OSRChristopher Kubasik18976.RooSackGamers: Inspectres 3 A Visit to WaverlyElf_NFB18977.Tapatalk support? about a new Life on Mars?Ross_Cowman18979.Ghost/Echo APjuleske18980.[Monsterhearts] The Kirincucumberkappa18981.Sweet Agatha hackkronik18982.Concrete Cow 14, 8 March 2014, Milton Keynes, UKNeil18983.[GameStorm 2014] I need your input!quincunx18984.What I would do with a Traveller/Apocalypse World HackChristopher Kubasik18985.Help with old school fantasy designvgunn18986.Sourcebook AdviceVALIS1318987.What I would do with a Cyberpunk 2020 / Apocalypse World hackAdam_Dray18988.['hood] Indiecon Face-to-Face PlaytestJames_Mullen18989.[Day After Day] Playstorm at IndieconJames_Mullen18990.Roosackgamers: Numenera 01Elf_NFB18991.Marquis of Ferrara - Release!oreso18992.[Technoir] Plot map explainedmodsr18993.Squadron: X - newly releasedSimonpaulburley18994.Old maps (17th - 18th and 19th Centuries) onlineMatrixGamer18995.PCs as animal companions + Watership Down style (Plauge Dogs, We3, or Animal Farm)kevperrine18996.[OSR] XP for treasure vs. XP for non-treasureOrlando_Wilson18997.OSR Alignmentcreases18998.Using Dread For War Stories.CynicalSleuth18999.Dogs in the Vineyard, how should I handle scripture decisions?w00hoo19000.[Dreamwake] the importance of saying "NO"Hasimir19001.Settings and Adventures for OSRChristopher Kubasik19002.Protocol Game Series Kickstarter Previewjim pinto19003.[AW Hack] Legacy: Building a new world from the ruins of the old **Now on kickstarter!**Wurzel19004.Negotiating with the GMSteveDave19005.[OSR] The mapping problemAntoine_F19006.The state of story gaming... or something like that seminarEpistolaryRichard19007.[Monsterhearts] Nerf the Witch! Nerf the Witch! Nerf the Witch!EpistolaryRichard19008.The Story Games Forum Transition Begins!Andy19009.[AW/DW] Asking Questions and Leaving BlanksJohnstone19010.RooSackGamers: Numenera 02Elf_NFB19011.[HEI$T_ACES] Looking for some help with my heist-crawl RPG.cybrasty19012.[OSR]: Encouraging players to think things through / ask questions / take careAntisinecurist19013."Pulled out" combat camera, vs "Over the shoulder"Archangel3d19014.How Fate 3 mixed the metaphors in Social Conflict + loose ends about weird stuff \u201cas characters\u201d209719015.Is the OSR naturally emergent?summerdown19016.[FIASCO] Announcing FiascoPlaysets.comJames G19017.If I were to buy either Durance or Perfect Unrevised...azrianni19018.Looking for feedback on my game's setting (The Dark Roads)johnthedm700019019.[SLOW DOWN] [OSR] Let's Talk About Race As ClassToddSpengo19020.[Pre-OS] Why D&D kicked ass as a wargame, and why those wierd early rules exist.komradebob19021.The Big Bad Thing: a bit of help, a bit of feedbackkronik19022.[My Life With Master] resisting the masterdoho12319023.Miniatures painted like black and white movies!MatrixGamer19024.World of Usagi Yojimbomatthelps19025.Evil Snowmen FiguresMatrixGamer19026.Background ReadingVALIS1319027.Hey, contracycle! Railroading? Illusionism?d.anderson19028.Pirate World: a Dungeon World/ Fate Core kickstarter! Ends Dec 3rd.Iain19029.I'm looking for a rules-light science fiction game - your advice is welcomesummerdown19030.Talking through Classic Traveller SkillsChristopher Kubasik19031.[ Cthulhu Dark ] How to run it GM-Less or PREP-LessHasimir19032.Stealing Cthulhu: Solving the codeGraham19033.Bite-Sized Actual Play - December 2013Felan19034.Newbie Here -- Critique my LARPish idea?wannaplaypretend19035.Setting passive opposition level in Fate Core209719036.Stuff to Watch - December 2013Jack Aidley19037.[playtest call] Announcing The Ladykillers RPGMatt Snyder19038.[The Houseless Hills] Bleake Rebellion is betterMJGraham19039.More Treasure Awaits! Now Availablebrettmb19040.[The Climb] "We're down to Prusiks and Munter hitches up here"Jason_Morningstar19041.Golden Crown Awards - Bleake RebellionMJGraham19042.Modeling social interactionAdam_Dray19043.Compel and Concession examples for Fate Core?209719044.[Feedback Wanted] Spirit of '77 - 70's Pop Culture Explosion!deuce19045.NPC Secrets209719046.Costume Fairy Adventures - anyone know much about it?Alex F19047.[Powered by the Apocalypse] Confusion about Going Agro.Golux19048.Roosackgamers: Numenera 03Elf_NFB19049.Dreamation 2014 Ride/Room shareforlorn119050.Jason Morningstar's "The Climb" - Yeti?Nathan_H19051.Why did you railroad?David_Berg19052.[OSR] Making mid-level combat interesting (Vs humans/mundane weapons)robb19053.Zines?SGTillings19054.Question TheoryGolux19055.[Blood & Honor] experiences?James_Nostack19056.Looking for lightweight generic games like PDQ or FAEsbrplaysrpgs19057.Success to Satisfaction Ratio?Golux19058.The Story Games (Digital) Secret Santa 2013!Zelbinian19059.Sell me a one-shot!gravity19060.Wargaming - The art of conversation - an academic articleMatrixGamer19061.1 hour games?bpm19062.[HVE Water] Feedback ThreadRoss_Cowman19063.RooSackGamers: Numenera 4Elf_NFB19064.Tension or suspense during internal conflictsDreamer19065.[Ocean] how much do clues cost?Ben_Robbins19066.Black and White painted zombie figuresMatrixGamer19067.Actual Play on YoutubeNathan23219068.Looking for stronghold/downtime gamesJakob19069.[NAME / 9P] Please critique my game's monstersDavidVS19070.[Want] Dungeon WorldMacLeod19071.Epimas - Give games this X-masWilhelm19072.Well, HelloJumper_019073.Golden Sky Stories: New Henge?mostlyjoe19074.London Story Gamers Wanted!Hope19075.Kingdomz [looking to test a new game]Jumper_019076.[spit take] My blog made the SG newsletter?!mostlyjoe19077.Forge Midwest 2014Willow19078.[One Last Night] Free PDFAbram19079.2013 London Indie Darling Award winnersEpistolaryRichard19080.Bad GMing that *isn't* railroading or illusionismDeliverator19081.RooSackGamers: Numenera Actual Play Episode 5Elf_NFB19082.What was that "Surgery" rpg called?thadrine19083.Rules Heavy can = Emergentmostlyjoe19084.[ExiStanc3] Seeking feedback on our promotional material for our KickStarter campaignpells19085.Ghost "The road to light"vasquas19086.Interesting gang banger minisMatrixGamer19087.Final Week for 20% Discount at Precis Intermediabrettmb19088.Does freedom ruin fictional positioning?David_Berg19089.[The Few] Game about Battle of BritainEcthelion19090.Happy Holidays all!catty_big19091.[Ars Magica] Recommend me an edition?James_Nostack19092.The Night Shift Before Xmas!James_Mullen19093.[tremulus] New PlaybooksGaladrin19094.What system would you use for a crime campaign?Biest19095.I Hate You!Dragonfly19096.RooSackGamers: Numenera 6Elf_NFB19097.What kind of cyberpunk game would you like to play?Upstart19098.Amidst Endless Quiet -- An American FreeformBen_Lehman19099.[Love Your Dystopia] Greetings!SGTillings19100.Dreamation 2014 - Last chance for GMsMichael S. Miller19101.First 15 Games in Protocol Series Are Completejim pinto19102.Rather than Kickstart, I'm asking fans of my Call of Cthulhu audiocampaign to answer a riddleKexizzoc


19103.[?]Player instructions: " So, I want you to play a villain who ultimately loses"komradebob19104.Let's Laugh At Our 2014 Predictions!JDCorley19105.Love in the time of Khvareneh - a loooong APolepeder19106.RooSackGamers: Numenera 07Elf_NFB19107.Publication formatscatty_big19108.[Kingdom] Covenant of Librum Nox (Ars Magica-style at GPNW)Ben_Robbins19109.Can I tradify my hippy? Or hippify my trad? And do I want to?catty_big19110.Gaming Style and how it informs system choice.StuMc19111.[The Quiet Year] Contempt tokensgravity19112.Video games you love and how speak to storyMatrixGamer19113.[Strange Fate] Best way to acquire it?RedwoodR19114.Is the d6 "Yes, and" scale enough?liblarva19115.[?] Methods of Player recognition in non-competitive/non-gamist play?komradebob19116.[solo gaming]\u201cChallenging the player\u201d in a solo game. Is it possible?Dreamer19117.Including people by excluding peopleMatthijs19118.What do trad players and indie players want/expect from a game?catty_big19119.Using TV script structure to help with story games...liblarva19120.PORPENTINE THREADJACK IMMINENT (was Why is Trad better than Indie?)David Pidgeon19121.Say what? You published your first game? Terrific!catty_big19122.Blood Boys, vampire game based on Czege's [Nicotine Girls]-EDIT: Final release now availableSanglorian19123.Short Order Heroes Contestdeinol19124.Getting Started with G+deinol19125.RooSackGamers: Numenera 08Elf_NFB19126.[VtR Strix Thingy] Story-Game-ish?James_Nostack19127.Knutpunkt 2014 - okay, I'm in!EpistolaryRichard19128.Assembling a Zine Reading Room for IndieCade East (2014)Ben_Johnson19129.Backpacking Role-Playing Games?TallPaul19130.On A Miss, Wolves.Brian_Minter19131.Clarity: a neat little rulePaul_T19132.Magician's Choice -- when is it good, when is it bad?David_Berg19133.Stuff to Watch - January 2014jcfiala19134.[Name / 9P] Rename my game? About naming games.DavidVS19135.Shindig Machine - A new storytelling party gameGilbert_Nicoll19136.[crowdfunding] Announcing Sixgun, new RPG zineMatt Snyder19137.Camp Nerdly 7 is May 16-18Harlequin19138.Upgrades and Experiencedragontologist19139.The End Of PraxisJames_Stuart19140.[Feedback] Two small projects - Would appreciate a few eyes on both!s_mcc19141.[Okult] The first reviewWilhelm19142.Story Games Weekly: Broadening HorizonsJames_Stuart19143.[OSR] Cult of the Skin DemonJürgen_Mayer19144.[Marvel Heroic RPG] Tell me about how it runsRobert Ahrens19145.[ExiStanc3] - Looking for a designer for a Savage Worlds [and FATE] adaptation (paid)pells19147.Tell me about how you pace your gamesJoshDemers19148.RooSackGamers: Numenera 09Elf_NFB19149.Best of 2013kronik19150.Looking for Story Gamers in Hamburg, Germanykerstinsnow19151.Avalanche: an epic campaign - presenting our KickStater pagepells19152.[Dog Eat Dog] Is this game kaput? EDIT: No! At least not entirely.David_Berg19153.Decision identification in unstructured playDavid_Berg19154.Mechanically expressing character motivationDirk19155.Making Stuff For DW, HELP!MacLeod19156.[Kingdom] The Happy Shiny Fate of the Plains Tribes and a Cyberpunk MegacorpEldir19157.Bite-Sized Actual Play - January 2014Ben_Robbins19158.Between: A role-playing game about the moment between life and deathdeinol19159.Upcoming Technical Shenanigans (SITE UNAVAILABLE THIS WEEKEND)James_Stuart19160.[World of Dungeons] Arkfall - Science Fantasy World of Mutants HackMockingbard19161.[Contenders] NPC Stats?donogh19162.Buying from DTRPGghostwhistler19163.Fight On! #14 released in Print and PDF!Calithena19164.Literally Hacking Games - Where else could you take the conceptSanglorian19165.Inherit the Wind "progress has never been a bargain" speech as applied to RPG designDeliverator19166.RooSackGamers: Savage Worlds Interview Part 1Elf_NFB19167.[TSoY] An interesting final exodus for my American supply of WoN booksEero_Tuovinen19168.Portland Story GamesTallPaul19169.Competing identities advancementBurr19170.Voidstone Chroniclesvulpinoid19171.PolyPrizearscott19172.Encounter CriticalVengerSatanis19173.Happy 40th birthday, Dungeons & Dragons!biffboff19174.[AW Hack] Wuxia World is a crappy name, but it's the one I have right nowsarkadark19175.I want to dance with an ear in my handIronjens19178.Starbound StoryGames serverJacob19179.Building a lower powered supers Magic City setting.mostlyjoe19180.[AW Hack] The World Of Our Desires, inspired by Unknown Armiesgodzi19183.D&D Caves of Chaos... In MinecraftWillow19184.Project:Dark - how does it playforlorn119185.RooSackGamers: Numenera 10Elf_NFB19186.Storywatch: virtual tabletop game system with (according to its creators) a differencecatty_big19187.Looking for feedback on the current iteration of Fear The Livingjohnthedm700019188.Games as creative writing exercises... apart from FiascoMillsy19189.Dream AskewOrlando_Wilson19190.Pooping Back and Forth ForeverOrion Canning19191.Encounter CriticalVengerSatanis19192.Quests and Adventures: Some InformationJack the Quick19193.[NAME / 9P] Is Nine Powers Neglecting Any Powers?DavidVS19194.[Apocalypse World] After the 1st sessionshimrod19195.[Dreamwake] a whole setting in one deck of cards - Pt.1Hasimir19196.[TSOY] Questions on combat and dice/pool economykurisu19197.SLOW DOWN [Shaintar Legends Unleashed] Classic Illusionism adviceAdam_Dray19198.Stuff To Watch - February 2014Jason_Morningstar19199.Awsome-o-fy: D&D MagicJacob19200.[D&D] Anybody uses Material Components for spells?WarriorMonk19201.[Anima Prime] Maneuver & Strike in the Fictional SpaceMacLeod19202.[*-World Games] "Cheating" in the Post-Apocalypsehorn_head_o19203.[Monsterhearts/PbtA] Rules Question: Highlights and off-stat movesNeonchameleon19204.Barebones Fantasy/Covert Ops d100lite systems?mostlyjoe19205.[Blood & Water] The Werespider ConspiracyJames_Mullen19206.Bite Sized Actual Play - February 2014NickWedig19207.Games as a creative writing exercise . . . manifested!AMBayard19208.Character motivation in "OSR" playMartinEden19209.[DREAMATION] Anyone know when event sign-up opens up?Pheylorn19210.Advanced Wizards and Wizards: Inverse OSRDeliverator19211.Is there a world record for most ongoing games per week? or most hours RPGing?Lula19212.Open the Pod Bay DoorBryan19213.Playtest wikicatty_big19214.Free Protocol Powered Deadlands Game Just in Time for Valentine'sjim pinto19215.Why would you play a game with a unique, deep setting?Hans19216.Aces & Eights: Shattered FrontierTallPaul19217.Five Phases ClassickingCrackers19218.[IAWA] First SessionHimalayan_Salt19219.Acceptance: a Game about Winning, Losing and why it Matters.Matt_Haines19220.(Monster of the Week) Post Your Awesome Custom Moves Here!johnthedm700019221.What makes an OSR game FEEL like an OSR game?jacksonmalloy19222.We played Warrior Poet... questions and feedback.Harlequin19223.[Tenra Bansho/Anima Hack] A piece of advice for game designers/hackers in general.WarriorMonk19224.Game Design blog / resourcestefoid19225.Translating brazilian gamesigorbone19226.The rules light dark drama game, what to play!?RasmusL19227.[Voodoo Western] Seeking some evocative termseruditus19228.[OSR-style games] Increasing Challenge through Hidden InformationPaul_T19229.PolyPrize Game Design Competition: Entry Deadline this Saturdayarscott19230.[Yet more OSR] The Beauty of Sub-systemsPotemkin19231.Does having to separate player knowledge from PC knowledge affect immersion for you? If so, how?Dreamer19232.[Pathfinder] Creative spell usesWarriorMonk19233.Literary Conflict: Man vs Nature in Roleplaying Gamesjacksonmalloy19234.Writing up Eero's Primordial D&DPotemkin19235.D&D Encounters: Scourge of the Sword Coast\u2014Is there a way to make this adventure not boring?Lula19236.Winter sports Fiasco playsetLarry19237.[The Fifth World] The public beta has begunjason19238.random thoughts: rotating GMstefoid19239.story games databasemleverich19240.Looking for feedback - the BioMet infection: a cyberpunk adventuredavidepignedoli19241.Dead Man Talkingcatty_big19242.Sitting in the D&D Fringemostlyjoe19243.[Marvel Heroic] How to speed up play?James_Nostack19244.How to play in a popular universe (or write a campaign for one)?DavidC19245.Sustainable Online PlaygroupsPotemkin19246.[Undying] Beta v3.5 Released!Paul_Riddle19247.Larp NewbieStuMc19248.[unPlayableGames] Infotech Team : Beyond Rage & BetrayalHasimir19249.Inadvertant Queer Content in a Dungeon World GameRob_Alexander19250.[Gumshoe/Ashen Stars] Sell me on itTensen0119251.A counterpoint to Greg Costikyan's article that story and game are incomaptiblestefoid19252.[OSR] Hexcrawl sandbox proceduresMartinEden19253.[Monsterhearts] The Outsider SkinSilverseraph19254.[Whitehack] The RescueJonas Ferry19255.[OSR, LotFP] Questions about Tower of the StargazerMartinEden19256.A few puppety gamesHarlequin19257.Emerald City Comic Con - Games on Demand (March 28-30)Mathalus19258.What do you WANT from me?!catty_big19259.[Monsterhearts] The Deep One - a missing piece of Queer ContentNeonchameleon19260.Stuff To Watch - March 2014Scott19261.How much character creation is not enough?DavidC19262.Show me your great game session! (video/audio recording request)DavidC19263.Buy/Sell/Trade Thread 2014JDCorley19264.[Camp Nerdly] Games and activitiesHarlequin19265.Campaign Managementjacksonmalloy19266.Delta Green in the Vineyard: tips ?vini_lessa19267.[Monsterhearts] New Skin: The GorgonNeonchameleon19268.Let's talk about The Clay That Woke!Marhault19269.[Monsterhearts] New Skin: The KitsuneNeonchameleon19270.[Pitch] Giants of England & Wales, historical fantasyPotemkin19271.[Watch the World Die] Live Forum PlaytestAsIf19272.[HVE Water] New playtest versionRoss_Cowman19273.A Descriptive Damage Hack for Dungeon World/World of DungeonsPaul_T19274.Bite Sized Actual Play - March 2014Harlequin19275.[Intrepid] The Shattered LightMartinEden19276.Dungeon Elementary: RPGs for Kids BlogLula19277.[Blood & Water] Houses of the WettedJames_Mullen19278.[Judgement]Tom_of_Bedlam19279.Let's talk about Surreal Sci-fi.Potemkin19280."Road of Kings": iOS app inspired by Barbarian Prince solo rpg/boardgame available on iOS for $.99Dreamer19281.Music that inspires visuals of your characters?zydake19282.Subnormality: A Roleplaying-Game About Breaking FreeTallPaul19283.Fall of Electricity: tRoG \u2013 48 hours leftRoss_Cowman19284.[Virtual Play] Episode 67: Dreamation 2014Bill_White19285.[Gumshoe] Against the UnknownCoalhada19286.Panem et Circenses - *World meets The Hunger Games (my first playable AW hack)Neonchameleon19287.First IssuesJames_Mullen19288.Game Chef 2014catty_big19289.Another card-based combat systemWarriorMonk19290.das Sonnenrad/Nimbus open playtest callhazard19291.LARPs for nine-year-olds? Do they exist?Lula19292.[Kickstarter] Questlandia - Player-generated fantasy worlds, no GM - One day left!!fly19293.Help with free-form sorcery mechanic?zydake19294.[L5R] Hacking Attributes & Skillszydake19295.Rokugan and Westeroszydake19296.[Watch the World Die >> Emergence >> AW]AsIf19297.Story vs games part IIstefoid19298.Detective hack for Apocalypse World?DaveyJJ19299.Concrete Cow 14\xbd: 13 September 2014, Milton Keynes, UKNeil19300.Historic Vs. ModernPotemkin19301.[Critique my Kickstarter] Worlds in Peril - Superhero roleplaying powered by the Apocalypsekksimons19302.[Avalanche] - Presenting our KickStarter video for the project.pells19304.[DayTrippers] - Opensource Game DevelopmentAsIf19305.When you wave a pencil around and speak in fake Latin and are trying to...Neonchameleon19306.PAX east 2014?tpryan0119307.Investigative Spends as "Invokes" [GUMSHOE]Aviatrix19308.[Dead Man Talking] London Indie RPG Meet-up, March 15thcatty_big19309.indyhippo design lab open for businesscatty_big19310.[OSR Actual Play] Greysands Campaign - call for IRC playersPotemkin19311.What's the best way to share my writing?Potemkin19312.edition wars ; ) Torchbearer vs. Dungeon World vs. D&DJames_Nostack19313.Fixed Traits vs Player-Defined Traits?zydake19314.[Michtim] Fetch yourself a free copy now!zydake19315.[KickStarter] - Avalanche, an epic campaign for TT rpg is now live and running!!pells19316.Doctor MagnethandsMartinEden19317.Would anyone like to do something with Great Ork Gods?Jack Aidley19318.Let players GM!WarriorMonk19319.The Living Ashcan - A Design/Funding Conceptvulpinoid19320.[Ingenero] I got a video camera so I talked about my game with speechifyingstefoid19321.[Michtim] New Core Actions more in line with *W game philosophy?zydake19322.Crazy books and free associationNiko19323.Artists on G+catty_big19324.Randomisers for non-prep GMingTom_of_Bedlam19325.Over 20,000 historical maps are now free to download from the New York Public LibraryJaroslav19326.[Silver Garden Games] April Game-a-Day Showcasewyrmwood19327.[Posthuman Pathways] Now Kickstarting a transhumanist story game!Jason_Pitre19328.A post Apocalyptic PBF (set up after the Chernobyl Incident)goofy_the_dog19329.Bite Sized Actual Play: Lady RiftsBirdJCunkle19330.A miniatures game story game videoMatrixGamer19331.[Kickstarter] Lusus Naturae, a heinous little bestiaryRafael19332.I would like to play The Grand Budapest Hotel...Nathan_H19333.Stuff to Watch - April 2014Harlequin19334.Play by ForumWPTunes19335.Text Mining 2.0 - What is a RPGakooser19336.The 'Hood is Open for BusinessJames_Mullen19337.[Apocalypse World] Help me build trianglesshimrod19338.[Brazilian Con] Laborat\xf3rio de Jogos#2Rocha19339.Bite Sized Actual Play: April 2014Harlequin19340.Star Wars FAEAviatrix19341.Binding mehanical character development and narrative character milestonesszp19342.Play-By-Posts - Still generally don't workJack the Quick19343.[Primetime Adventures] DELTA, Season OneJason_Morningstar19344.The "Thank you for Knutpunkt!" threadRafu19345.Pocket Guide to American Freeformlizziestark19346.DriveTHRU Cards- Huh? Wha?catty_big19347.Torchbearer*World?Archangel3d19348.A public gameworld wiki -- Kickstarter, Patreon, or what?Jiawen19349.Playtesters soughtcatty_big19350.a Steal Away Jordan module: Final Defense of the QuilombosLula19351.Game Chef - Mother SahraTom_of_Bedlam19352.[Whitehack] In the Jaws of the DragonJonas Ferry19353.Name Generator BrainstormJames_Stuart19354.Strip Action CastleDeliverator19355.Wuxia Space Opera - Reputation Economy Need Help Withghostwhistler19356.[Offline] and/or [Online] Tempe AZ looking for players willing to try lots of types of games.Rayston19357.[Vagabonds] Q&A, Other General StuffTinyAltar19358.Games for 8 PlayersSliberty19359.Playing in Public LibrariesNathan_H19360.[Watch the World Die] Rules, Mods & Alternate ApproachesAsIf19361.Leveling/advancement systems - Good, bad, ugly?Archangel3d19362.Privilege as constraint: The 'Hood, Rookvale, and other people's livesarscott19363.[D&D 4E] KaijuUrsus_Spelaeus19364.Shyness and Creating a Gaming Group that Appreciates Stories and Experimentationk.graz19365.Help me come up with 36 Archetypal Dramatic LocationsE.T.Smith19366.Storium's game system?liblarva19367.IT:BRB italian translation + Dreamwake Update!Hasimir19368.[PULSE] Winner of 2013 Game Chef - Indie Go Go!kobold19369.Procedural elements of scene framingDirk19370.English as Second Language Beginner Rpgcloa51319371.Game Chef 2014... International?szp19372.Drinking Story Game idea - feedback welcome!Level27Geek19373.[Bundle of Holding] $8 for Annalise/The Agency/Dust Devils/God-King/Mars Colony; ~$20 for 6+ mre gmsVeav19374.Legacies (Lady Blackbird Superheroes Hack) - Playtesters SoughtJames_Stuart19375.Agent Down: a short game about a dying spy.James_Mullen19376.[Help me] Kingdom: What is the incentive for creating opposition and tough choices?Steve_Hickey19377.Recommended Improv/Immersion Exercises?AsIf19378.Dream Job...phoenix18219379.Trail of Cthulhu ruleset for FGcscase19380.Microscope for movie/tv series creation?liblarva19381.100 dice pool game?liblarva19382.Delve: Dynamic Dungeon Adventure bundle updatedParadoxBoy19383.[DayTrippers] - Playtest #1 Logistics & CharactersAsIf19384.[Solo gaming] Automated GM tool...Dreamer19385.Whitehack QuestionsMacLeod19386.Game design goal hierarchyRob_Alexander19387.Dice pool whittle-downscatty_big19388.Ultimate list of GMless gamescatty_big19389.Mike's Sea Hex Advenure Guide (now with extra ramble!)Potemkin19390.Dungeon World/D&D/WoD - Story Elements!Paul_T19391.RPG Character Compendiums - High Quality Custom Illustrationsjeshields19392.[Patreon] Packs of Five RPG Character Illustrations for $5 Each - Made from YOUR input!jeshields19394.Game Makers' Guild RPG Meetup in BostonSliberty19395.Looking for a little "Warm-up" and "Debrief" advice for LARPSHarlequin19396.[Blogs Against Humanity] Gameplay QuestionsAsIf19397.Seeking Playtesters for Occult India RPGreverendbayn19398.Trying To Make a Random Table For Scene TypesDoc Halloween19399.[Lady Blackbird] Actual PlayAnduwaithe19400.Promo games at UK Games Expocatty_big19401.Research Survey for players of Tabletop Fantasy RPGsDevP19402.Malandros - a DramaSystem game of street life in old RioCoalhada19403.Possibilities versus Probability - Discuss how different games handle thisMatrixGamer19404.Characters Driven to SuicideAsIf19405.The Misery Index: Terrible Games About Terrible Realities is Available Nowwhduryea19406.Bugs of VenusMartinEden19407.[The Clay That Woke] How is it immersive?David_Berg19408.A Rather Odd Confluence of D&D and Apocalypse World, or, A Die Mechanic Late-Night AbsurdiumPaul_T19409.System Blending and Probability MappingAsIf19410.Possibility vs Probability - in actionMatrixGamer19411.Den of Thieves is a game I wrote (a draft of)Johnstone19412.Game Chef 2014!Mcdaldno19413.Quick Question about Creative CommonsTroy_Costisick19414.Stuff to Watch - May 2014zircher19415.[Meta] TapatalkMartinEden19416.When three professional screenwriters play Fiasco - a unique Actual PlayDenys19417.The Silver Dragon's Tear - Fantasy Apocalypse World for Kids (or Quick Play)Paul_T19418.Mental Health and Gaming, your stories.Potemkin19419.Storygames for Road Tripsozbot19420.[DW] Compendium Class by an Eleven-Year-Old: The GunnerLula19421.[Watch the World Die -- 700 Horsepower Edition] Post-Apocalyptic GM-less Game of Narrative DiscoverySquidLord19422.For the Reading List of those Designing Thriller/Suspense SGsepweissengruber19423.[Trail of Cthulhu] Pillars of sanity/stability as horror flagsDavid_Berg19424.Playing The Quiet Year with childrenelkin19425.[Torch Bearer] Supplies?AMBayard19426.Games of secrets and lies: Conspiracy and the OccultDarkMoonINC19427.Irony in your gamesRicardo Tavares19428.Promoting Hot Player-on-Player Action?Potemkin19429.Chicago Gameday 38 needs GMs/facilitatorsbuzz19430.Escape from Dying Earth: Phandaal's MeteorPaul_T19431.Crunch for Crunch's sake?liblarva19432.[Storium] Player activity?Matthijs19433.Kickstarting and Print-on-DemandJason_Lutes19434.Augmenting TTRPG with Hi-Tech/Home MediaAsIf19435.Burnout Mechanic for *W gamesAsIf19436.Intro/Replay Comic for Worlds in Peril (Supers Powered by the Apocalypse)kksimons19437.[OSR] Dersu Uzala: The Ultimate Wilderness Hexcrawl?kurisu19438.The Analog XP - Online Magazine about Brazilian design communityencho19439.Help me make more free games (I have a Patreon!)John_Harper19440.bite Sized Actual Play - May 2014NickWedig19441.Does my two page game make any sense? [epilogue]Rickard19442.Do you dream of writing a game for Fastaval 2015?Troels Ken19443.Can players sometimes contribute too much fiction?robb19444.Short stories and fiction within an RPG - suggestions (and proof-reading)davidepignedoli19445.[Dungeon World] Grim Portents issue 2 finally here! (And a new approach for future submissions)Sanglorian19446.Large player groups - Best practice to handle?Dionysus19447.200-Word RPGPASchaefer19448.Deeds and Doers Cardpanion!Ben_Lehman19449.Headline: Long Time Story Gamer About to be Iron Writereruditus19450.a Shadowrun Fiasco - to start a normal SR campaignkevinperrine19451.Short Order Heroes: Genre Packdeinol19452.How was this year's Camp Nerdly?Nathan_H19453.(Kickstarter) New horror tabletop RPG with an emphasis on character-driven dramaDeadEyedShadeGames19454.Good PbP forum/site suggestions?liblarva19455.Mostly Marvel Heroic Cortex+ playtest?liblarva19456.[Blackfly] A fly-on-the-wall documentary storygame about covert ops.James_Mullen19457.Several Questions About My Game DesignXarcell19458.Fanmail: limits and possibilitiesDavid_Berg19459.[Patreon] SLA Industries by DreamwakeHasimir19460.What do you do when you are stuck?Ursus_Spelaeus19461.The Elevator Pitch ThreadJames_Stuart19462.Worlds in Peril - Fight MovesNathan_H19463.Deniable Asset: Executive Copier session one (part 1)randomeric19464.D&D/OSR - Rolling Ability Scores and Semi-RandomnessPaul_T19465.[Virtual Play] Episode 68: Camp Nerdly!Bill_White19466.Dungeons & Dragons and PhilosophyBill_White19467.(Kickstarter) Fear The Living: Coming Soon to a Kickstarter Near You!johnthedm700019468.[Apocalypse World] Gigs, and changing them through play instead of advancementshimrod19469.[Whitehack] Seacrawling on the MedusaJonas Ferry19470.Three Different Groups Play Traveller Three Different WaysJohnstone19471.How about shortcuts to speed up gameplay?WarriorMonk19472.GoPlay NW 2014 - June 27-29, Seattle UniversityJohn_Powell19473.Gamers in Salt Lake City? Bloomington?mleverich19474.[Indie RPG awards] Paging jhkimcatty_big19475.[Help] identifying game about an affairR00kie19476.Games about Memory and PlaceShae19477.Playing a mystery RPG without railroading?BeePeeGee19478.Urban Shadows Kickstarter is LIVE!Pheylorn19479.Arthurian 24 hour RPG-esque thingy!CynicalSleuth19480.Optional methods to rules to create mode, and themeTrollkin19481.Can you bribe for better narration?David_Berg19482.[Kickstarter] Servants of the Cinder QueenJason_Lutes19483.[Game Chef 2014] What Are You Excited About?Jason_Morningstar19484.Proofreading my 4,5 pages game [done]Rickard19486.[Nod] What are its design influences?Steve_Hickey19487.[Theory] Designing with Desire LinesNeonchameleon19488.[Origins 2014] Games at IPRCarl19489.Tales & Tankards - a drinking story game needs your insight!Level27Geek19490.[bits and pieces] Scooby Doo background imagesdoho12319491.HeroQuest 2 updates and possible supers bookliblarva19492.InSpecters handoutsmjaker19493.[How Did the World End?] GM-less, Amnesiac, Post-Apocalyptic Exploration Game | Playtesters WelcomeOmar_Ramirez19494.Stuff to Watch - June 2014ChristopherWeeks19495.[DW] Everything Old Is New Again: Replaying Keep on the BorderlandsAviatrix19496.The City of Judas - AW hack with medieval mercenariesdavidepignedoli19497.Primetime Adventures Kickstarterliblarva19499.Barbaren! vs My Little Pony - System QuestionBeePeeGee19500.Designing a story games conventionOren19501.When you create the worldRy19502.[Kickstarter] Short Order Heroes: Locationsdeinol19503.Exploding Kingdoms- New Playtest/Open Beta!Willow19504.Double CrossNathan_H19505.Suggest some Creepy Scenes/Imagery for my alt history lovecraftian game.Wes_the_mad19506.[The Quiet Year] A hack - Tell the story of a high school graduating class with The Quiet Daysszp19507.[Recommendations] Looking for a monster hunting game (or hack), set around the late 1800's periodGilboD19508.Bite-Sized Actual Play - June 2014AsIf19509.Multi-game narrativesLevel27Geek19510.[D&D 5E Story Hack] Compels, Stakes and Currencymoonkid19511.Things Begging to be Used in a Game SomewhereAsIf19512.In Which I Attempt to Fix The Solar System(To My Liking)Nathan_H19513.[Alien\xf2r] a roleplay about devotion, love talk and friendship - your thoughtsmaracanda19514.Tech Support (and let's play it right here!)James_Mullen19515.Patent trolling comes to RPGs.JArcane19516.The Planescape ConspectusRy19517.Doraemon- How do a RPG for ESL?cloa51319518.Braunsteins for the 21st Centuryepweissengruber19519.Shonen Fighting AnimeMacLeod19520.[Traveller Dynasty] Designing a play-by-post universeAdam_Dray19521.[Nod] A very intriguing, but frustrating gameKeith19522.[The Shining Void] Version 0.2 Released, Finally! (1/20)horn_head_o19523.Howe do you feel about... Dice?Keith Sears19524.What rules could I use for this kind of zombie apocalypse game?MartinEden19525.[Gamemastering] I Want to be a MachineAsIf19526.[Pocket Danger Patrol + Weird WWII = Danger Platoon] at GPNW 2013Seth_Magdich19527.New steampunk larp: Tesla's WeddingStephaniePegg19528.[Monsterhearts] - New Skin: The BansheeNeonchameleon19529.d20 as a dice pool game?Ursus_Spelaeus19530.[Too Far?] - Pocket ThingsAsIf19531.Do You Prefer D20 Based Games?Xarcell19532.Rambling - what's wrong with GNS and how to fix itNeonchameleon19533.Fix the REAL Solar System with meRy19534.Musical TermsMacLeod19535.I actually have no idea about D&D next (done)Ry19536.Would like some input on my game idea, pleasemarksolino19537.Eclipse World ?vini_lessa19538.Tips on recruiting for a wordy pbp game. IE How to not scare players off with required reading.agentofchaos19539.Subgenresyudencow19540.Ideas On Mechanics To Encourage Emotional Investment (The Dark Roads)johnthedm700019541.[Kickstarter] A Land of Narrow Paths -- Edo period JapanTinyAltar19542.PC group with a powerful leaderBeePeeGee19543.The Island-exile instead of incarceration-setting conceptmarksolino19544.GM stuff BEFORE the PC stuffNathan_H19545.Scenario Typesyudencow19546.[Fiasco] playsets you'll never seePaul_T19547.Is there a term for "The Players Want to Impress the GM"?E.T.Smith19548.[The Quiet Year] I don't get itOren19549.[Dungeon World] 4E World, the Game inside 4ESanglorian19550.Donjon-like Games?dunlaing19552.[HeroQuest] Glorantha one-on-oneBret_Gillan19553.Killing Fun in Good Faith; Examples of Rules that Do This or Avert It?jinx19554.[The Wildlings] revised open playtest!stupidgremlin19555.10,000 Stars - Alchemic Heroesghostwhistler19556.Judge my mechanic: rich dice, kinda Powered by the ApocalypseHenning19557.Stuff to Watch - July 2014SeleneTan19558.(Kickstarter) Fear The Living Is Live!johnthedm700019559.I've been Building, Talking, PlayingMJGraham19560.[All That Glitters] Call for playtesterscatty_big19561.How To Run The DC Heroes Role Playing Game (1985)JDCorley19562.Bite-Sized Actual Play - July 2014AsIf19563.[SLOW DOWN] Story expectations vs gaming expectationsliblarva19564.[Watch the World Die] Possibly the Longest Timeline Ever Made Using This Systemigorhorst19565.The Institute - a living gameAsIf19566.[Microscope Union] Blood is thicker than water. And a lot messier.Ben_Robbins19567.Stalkervcarluer19568.Star Wars / Trek random tables?Ry19569.One Last Job Play sessionONE_SHOT19570.Card-based task/scene resolutionliblarva19571.Mythic RPG random pick generatorvcarluer19572.[Microscope Union] Play report - Beverage GeneticsAlbeyAmakiir19573.Australian Freeformerslizziestark19574.[Microscope Union] Play Report - Apocalypse VegasAsIf19575.Question about Fair Use for a Fan Fic Gamewhduryea19576.[Dead Man Talking] Call for playtesterscatty_big19577.[Kickstarter] Barbarians of Lemuria: Mythic EditionFiligreeForge19579.Concrete Cow 14\xbd: 13 September 2014, Milton Keynes, UKNeil19580.Calendar magicJonatanK19581.Chuubo 101?L.Trenti MrVALIS19582.Dungeon world: Trap expert questioncupbearer1119583.[Fiasco] "Degenerate"AsIf19584.New to Story Games \u2013 Looking for play testersDustinDePenning19585.Naming advice for a new publisherKhimus19586.Which PbtA game has the best combat positioning rules?David_Berg19587.What are the proud nails of D&D Next? (Done)Ry19588.Indie Initiative Bundle of HoldingBen_Lehman19589.[SkipJack] Call for playtesterscatty_big19590.System For Running Medieval Heists?icemaster10919591.Game rules that would fit in a tweetbrunobord19592.[Patreon][Dreamwake] - Art for the World Deck !Hasimir19593.[The Thought Police] A Short Game About PersecutionJames_Mullen19594.An idea for a solo tool.CynicalSleuth19595.[Sythicide] Google Hangout play testersDustinDePenning19596.(Fear The Living) Looking For That Final Pushjohnthedm700019597.The GameMaster's ApprenticeVirginian_John19598.What hooks you about D&D Next?Ry19599.IAWA and Red Box Hack - where are they now?Ry19600.[5:13] D&D 5E + 13th AgeAdam_Dray19601.DUNGEON WORLD: Hirelings questioncupbearer1119602.Is mixed company almost a requirementotherChris19603.Musings on Mechanics and ComplexityGaerik19604.Hillfolk Character Sheets-Where are they?Nathan_H19605.Elin, tell me about this game!Adam_Dray19606.Role Playing Games Without Conflict ResolutionNathan_H19607.System for Elizabethan Intrigue and Violence?icemaster10919608.Dungeon World: Elemental Masterycupbearer1119609.Does having a narrativist agenda necessarily == wanting to have a coherent plot?Dreamer19610.RPGenesis is back, giving birth and new life to RPGs!Ricardo Tavares19611.What are some of your favorite player handouts or props?gamera_spinning19612.Symbaroum - a Swedish RPG and I'm officially in loveDenys19613.[*World] Putting the points on moves, not statsRicardo Tavares19614.[Where The Heart Is] Call for playtesterscatty_big19615.Can we engineer a hypothetical RPG setup that's social yet essentially like solo? Let's find out!Dreamer19616.Idea: What if vamps sucked on victims because that will be their next host-body?Big_J_Money19617.Pre Order for PULSEkobold19618.Ornithopter World? Troupe play powered by the apocalypse.Jeph19619.Eastside Seattlejim pinto19620.The Analog XP - Issue #2encho19621.Explain John Fiore's 9QsSisterMachineGun19622.[D&D 5e] First Thoughts after PlaytestAdam_Dray19623.Escalation of intensity and drama as a game mechanicwingsofwax19624.Trying to rescue something from a dysfunctional GMing styleWarriorMonk19625.Are there any other games like IAWA? I.e. mixed power roleplaying?summerdown19626.[Games on Demand] PAX Prime 2014 - Call for VolunteersMathalus19627.Tent Cardsgamera_spinning19628.Need help editing an articleRickard19630.Bite-Sized AP: the RailroadingPaul_T19631.System for Racing?icemaster10919632.[D&D 5e] Compass directions?209719633.Analog Game Studies Journal - Volume 1, Issue 1Evan_Torner19634.Game play \u2192 Fortune \u2192 Desc209719635."Runica publishing" is alive!Khimus19636.NPC Character Traits Generatorstarmonkey19637.Stuff to Watch - August 2014Sanglorian19638.Please Critique My Game's First-Draft Official Character Sheet (Fear The Living)johnthedm700019639.thac10 shortcut for recent D&D-editions209719640.[DayTrippers] - Adventure TF-1 | Tabletop Playtest #1AsIf19641.Black orcsJeph19642.Made a Two-Page RPGUrsus_Spelaeus19643.Railroading Theory - A Functional AnalysisAsIf19644.NanodungeonDragonfly19645.[MonsterHearts/Second Skins] Snake or No Snakearscott19646.Encouraging players to be selfish/evil/chaoticRiovanes19647.Pay-What-You-Want, the wave of the future?Eero_Tuovinen19648.[Kickstarter] Psionics: The Next Stage In Human EvolutionEndTransmission19649.[Anathema] On The Wings Of MurderEndTransmission19650.Making of PULSE productionkobold19651.The History of Roleplayinglizziestark19652.Any queer playset for Fiasco?Khimus19653.Mike Mearls recommends failing forward in latest L&L articleDeliverator19654.Advanced Wizards & Wizards - asking Matt questionsJudd19655.Super RPG (a pocketmod Superhero RPG)Philippe Tromeur19656.[Gen Con 2014] Games at IPR Booth 2221Carl19657.I Am The __________ of Story-games.comAsIf19658.August 2014 Game SwapsiesThe Bunyip19659.[Bughunters] Unearthed AP - Jump Kicks and High FivesBret_Gillan19660.How much is too much?Silverlion19661.Zooming Out, Zooming InNikolai19662.The Book of Hard ChoicesNathan_H19663.[Synthicide] Character MotivationsDustinDePenning19664.Belly by Julia PottNathan_H19665.[Questlandia] - Eqnemmarr APAsIf19666.D&D AP: being a player209719668.Rails, rails and definitions209719669.Is asking about how a game works a "faux pas"?JDCorley19670.Come, we shall discuss Illusionism in a constructive lightEero_Tuovinen19671.Becoming RPG - Brian EngardVicaroth19672.Story Games has never been, is not currently, and will never be The ForgeJames_Stuart19673.Let\u2019s talk about the black curtain here209719674.[AW hack] Space Mission to Alien Worlds!Johnstone19675.AP: A rewind and redo moment209719676.[mod policy] [feedback requested] Participationism & IllusionismJames_Stuart19677.S-G hanging out at GenConDeliverator19679.getting people to roleplaycupbearer1119680.So, this game exists, I think? Why don't you two just **** already?WPTunes19681.Standard Rants on Illusory Play & PracticesAdam_Dray19682.Meta Discussion about the RULES of the Standard Rants on Illusory Play & Practices threadAdam_Dray19683.First attempt at solo game design. Brainstorming ideas.Dreamer19684.[Too Far?] - The Devil's RPG DictionaryAsIf19685.Genres and Systems for Large Groups?icemaster10919686.Play-by-email synopsis workshop for Fastaval submissionsTroels Ken19687.Role Playing Game with a Secret GM(antagonist)Nathan_H19688.Chick Tracts Back - In Movie FormPaul_T19689.Please Critique This Rough Draft Advantage Sheet (Fear The Living)johnthedm700019690.Guardians of the Galaxy: A frustrated DM watches as his players ruin his campaignliblarva19691.Something stupidly ambitious and filled with conspiracies and cults.DarkMoonINC19692.[My Fantasy RPG] Draw your swords and lace your boots, heroes, your journey beginsvasquas19693.Looking for OSR(ish) resources for random island generationDeliverator19694.I want to join the Norwegian indie sceneSimon_Pettersson19695.Find the rationale of a genre and create a new settingL.Trenti MrVALIS19696.A "natural difficulty" mechanicBig_J_Money19697.Sound EffectsNathan_H19698.Pitch/Feedback request - Space, bugs, bomb collarsVeav19699.Systems for conducting Revolutions?icemaster10919700.Hacking [Once Upon a Time]amphigorist19701.Checklists for a "good session" - what items could they have?Rob_Alexander19702.[Theory] A different axiomRoger19703.Recommend 2 hour RPG (Nano, Micro, lite)BeePeeGee19704.Read Dark Sun, Post Ideas ThreadJohnstone19705.[Dungeon World] Legwork: John Wick's Dirty Dungeons as a basic moveMorrius19706.Mechanics/System for taking control of a city?Dionysus19707.RPG Theory: Creation, Exploration, ParticipationNikolai19708.Rory's Story CubesRotting_Zombie19709.Coming out of retirementTrollkin19710.Molding play through rewards?Dionysus19711.Lines, veils and thought suppression209719712.[Moving] So, any story-gamers in Boston?Chroma19713.(Stuff to No Longer Watch) is no more, and I am sad.Nathan_H19714.Other Games You Don't Win(or Lose)Nathan_H19715.Anybody have a group online somewhere?CynicalSleuth19716.The endless night, an adventure for World of DungeonsKhimus19717.When should RPGs tell you the goal(s) of play?David_Berg19718.[Levity]: News and Updatergrassi19720.Pre-existing NPCscatty_big19721.[Virtual Play] Dexcon 2014 Recap EpisodeBill_White19722.A play session of Dungeon World turned into a Wizard of Oz esq dream sequenceONE_SHOT19723.100 games - 100 sad things on index cardsEpistolaryRichard19724.PbtA with a single playbook?MikeR19725.History of War Games - books - Strongly recommend!MatrixGamer19726.[Patreon] Power Play - Actual Playtest #1Hasimir19727.[Map of house] revisiting one's childhood house through imaginationStef19728.Battle of Verdundeinol19729.I was wrong about HillfolkNathan_H19730.Suggestions for a large group!Dionysus19731.Rebel Worldwingsofwax19732.[M\u2665] I made a really dumb skin: THE KAIJULula19733.An Analysis of Different Method of Adventure WritingRickard19734.Help I accidentally a math clubDeliverator19735.Brainwriting more Fair than BrainstormingAsIf19736.Methods for conveying starting info for a Not-Braunstein Story Gamekomradebob19737.Stuff To Watch -- September 2014Adam_Dray19738.[Tears of a Machine] is a free audio bookRussellCollins19739.The Carcass: At OrcConjim pinto19740.Moonmen from Mars: A Protocol at OrcConjim pinto19741.[Kickstarter] Spirit of 77 - 70's Pop-Culture RPGdeuce19742.Renegade Jennys and Boilerplate Jacks: Steampunk Roleplaying in the World Atlantis Brokejoshroby19743.System for Battle Royale?icemaster10919744.D&D 5e - GM TalkNikolai19745.[Kickstarter] The Sprawl: Cyberpunk roleplaying, Powered by the ApocalypseAnarchangel19746.Games where you don't fully control your character?Khimus19747.Protocol (review and actual play)ONE_SHOT19748.Ler's talk about our characters.catty_big19749.Awesome Rules Lite Horror Gamegizmoduck500019750.Geeking out on "Playing At the World"Ricardo Tavares19751.Design Philosophy issuesWarriorMonk19752.[Anathema] Anyone heard of it? or played it?icemaster10919753.Name the game please.CynicalSleuth19754.Hacking World of DungeonsMacLeod19755.Tips for newb Hosts (wanted)sogart19756."Agenda of play" counterbalancing mechanics in RPGs?Big_J_Money19757.Spokane, WashingtonNathan_H19758.Discussion About Thread "An Analysis of Different Methods of Adventure Writing"deinol19759.System for Firefighting and drama?icemaster10919760.Microscope: Setting Scenesdeinol19761.Last One Standing \u2013 Board Game Inspired RPG Powered by the Apocalypse on Kickstarter!whiteknife19762.Otherkinds Dice QuestionHopeless_Wanderer19763.D&D 5e "Inspiration" compared to Fate - Games DirectoryAsIf19765.Gamers Over 30 - How's Your Gaming Life?Nathan_H19766.Indie+ "Games in the Bar" September and OctoberAaronF19767.Interview with Bob Richardson - Spirit of '77 RPGVicaroth19768.[Back to the Start]James_Mullen19769.Running a Game via G+ HangoutsAsIf19770.Secondary Effects using a Jenga TowerJason_Morningstar19771.Habit, the RPGPaul_T19772.More to read on Brazilian indie games on The Analog XP #4encho19773.[18 Card RPG] Need design help!williamj3519774.The Golden Cobra ChallengeJason_Morningstar19775.[Advice for Game Designers] re: d6Hopeless_Wanderer19776.New in Fort Collins, COJabonko19777.Storifying The Resistance209719778.Narrative party games?williamj3519779.Been gone awhile \u2013 new round of play tests available! [Synthicide]DustinDePenning19780.Looking for a System to Run a Legend of Korra Game.Wes_the_mad19781.Apocalyptic Survival Games? (ala Jericho/The Day After)icemaster10919782.Spellgate Odyssey (Islands update)Deliverator19783.[New in town] Any story-gamers in Madison, WIwilliamj3519784.Indie+ YouTube Subscriber Drive and Anthology Launch!orklord19785.Any story-gamers living in China?Hopeless_Wanderer19786.[Ghost/Echo] List of HacksHopeless_Wanderer19787.'Chess is not an RPG' articlephoenix18219788.D&D 5e "House Interpretations"209719789.[D&D 5e, DW] \u2014 towards a more seamless initiative in 5e209719790.[Dungeon World] Are third-party playbooks too complex?Morrius19791.[D&D 5e] Level Zero Hero209719792.The X-card isn't enough209719793.TTFNcatty_big19794.Best system for outdoor survival horror?DrCop19795.The Twitching Curtain Episode Twosemajmaharg19796.D&D drowning in resources209719797.[KICKSTARTER] No Country For Old Koboldslogos19798.Attributes that are also resourcesRiovanes19799.Stuff To Watch -- October 2014Ben_Robbins19800.Midnight's Voice: A Whitechapel Drama [Cortex +]Aviatrix19801.[}> Kaleidoscope release announcement!jackson_tegu19802./|\\ Launch Day, Part One release announcement! (Free!)jackson_tegu19803.Combating Gender Bias in my NPCsRob_Alexander19804.Fate-like Aspects in 5th Ed D&D?liblarva19805.In-game social media usage (FB, Whatsapp...)BeePeeGee19806.The Dungeon Master in Popular EntertainmentNathan_H19807.Links to Cthulhu Dark adventures or seeds?komradebob19808.Roman Skirmish RPG?icemaster10919809.Apocalypse World as a cRPG [Download Included]TallPaul19810.Custom FAE approaches for Doctor Who?liblarva19811.The Delta Green RPG Beta Playtest RulesGnomadology19812.Brainstorming Thread on APs as Serial FictionAsIf19813.[Dungeon World] The Warlock, and best practices for class designMorrius19814.How to explain the joys of being distant from characters during play?komradebob19815.[The Golden Cobra Challenge] ImagineRickard19817.Vanilla 2.1 and YouJames_Stuart19818.[Planet Crashers] 48 Hour RPGPatrick_L19819.Good System for Shared Vehicle Combat? (i.e Tanks, Subs, Starships)icemaster10919820.Rashom*on-style RPG?whduryea19821.Remember TomorrowotherChris19822.Exploration in RPGsLudifex19823.[Night's Black Agents] Do you grock the skills?Ricardo Tavares19824.[Too Far?] - Being EeroAsIf19825.For Theory Heads -- Check Out Dice Mechanicepweissengruber19826.So, I make art. Abstract art?Nathan_H19827.[Monsterhearts Skin] - The InitiateNeonchameleon19828.Book cover/page layout design for three titles. Pay-what-you-want (or don't pay at all).press_f1319829.[AW] two characters playbooks for AW - the Giant and the Little Kiddavidepignedoli19830.Fluctuating Characters?DavidSchirduan19831.Primetime Adventures - title to be determined (swashbuckling A-Team)otherChris19832.Fantasy Comedy-of-Manners game: System ideas?exploding_brain19833."Fantasy Football"...I need a sounding board.thadrine19834.The Final Girl: Questions before the first sessionJakob19835.I need a name for the characters' jobDavid_Berg19836.Superlite Heroes! Version 2 Releasedhorn_head_o19837.[FIASCO] Camp Death: The Final ChapterJames G19838.Need people to help making a new Sherlock Holmes gameMatrixGamer19839.Making a Sci-fi Exploration sub-systemArchangel3d19840.Analog Game Studies Journal - Volume 1, Issue 4Evan_Torner19842.What should I expect from Metatopia?Nathan_H19843.Dice mechanic: Whose wheel have I reinvented?obgoblin19844.[Monsterhearts Skins] The Believer and The DreamLearnedKnave19845.10,000 Stars - Character Abilitiesghostwhistler19846.Power GrabJames_Mullen19847.When do you think it is necessary to create a new rule system for a gamechaiboy19849.Magic items in DWTrollkin19850.Can anyone give me pointers on my game pitch?ONE_SHOT19851.Help Designing an Educational RPG For KidsPatrick_L19852.Lost in the Rain - a short horror game from the French indie sceneMangelune19853.MetaThread on "Being Eero"AsIf19854.MetaThread on "MetaThread on "Being Eero""Adam_Dray19855.[9P] Discuss the Nine Powers core rulesDavidVS19856.[AmberCon Northern Ireland] Diceless Gaming, Amber, 27th - 29th March 2015KevinAtAmberConNI19857.Mythic Mortals, a Game of shifting Stats and fluctuating PowersDavidSchirduan19858.Game Concept and Player ClashDoctorduckbutter19859.AnonyCon 2014 is almost here!Aforgomon19860.Enter the Shadowside - DESTINYFableForge19861.[NaGa DeMon Game] Play Testers WantedPatrick_L19862.TSoY and Fate Core - Character AdvancementJohn H19863.[Online] Roll20 - Try all the Indie Games - Interest CheckRayston19864.The Score @ Indiecon '14James_Mullen19865.[9P] Discuss the Nine Powers economic rulesDavidVS19866.Lasers and Feelings Plus Battle Born MashupBryan19867.Stuff to Watch -- November 2014Adam_Dray19868.I lost my journal on Zont! Will you help me find it?snamo19869.[Imagine] Using my own theory to create itRickard19870.Sci-Fi Beta Kappa now on DriveTHRURPGcatty_big19871.Story Gamers in Jacksonville, FL areaMaitete19872.Showdown finally releases!greatwolf19873.Infernal Desire Machines - PlaytestAbstract_Machine19874.Concrete Cow 15: 14 March 2015, Milton Keynes, UKNeil19875.General trends and Listing of indie/story games released in 2014?EpistolaryRichard19876.Guidance on Shifting Powers and AbilitiesDavidSchirduan19877.Writer Emergency Pack by by John August - KickstarterVirginian_John19878.The Difference between Narrative and StoryAsIf19879.Vox Populi: Debating StorygameJames_Mullen19880.[ScenePlay] Playtest MetaThreadAsIf19881.Another Protocol Game Series Kickstarterjim pinto19882.[ScenePlay] Narrative Card System Playtest / APAsIf19883.A Sundered World (Dungeon World Campaign)mfisher19884.Can we make reading the GM's mind more reliably fun?David_Berg19885.Games with Fairy Tale SettingsHopeless_Wanderer19886.Microscope on the RPG-Gamer-Dad podcastkelmscott_press19887.Dream Palace Ready for PlaytestKeith Sears19888.[Gabardine] Fixing my Golden Cobra submission, a sorta hack of The Quiet Yearamphigorist19889.Wandering back inColin_Fredericks19890.I NEED a Scientology role-playing game.Nathan_H19891.Status Quo is GodNathan_H19892.My new skeleton of a gamefantomx1119893.Looking for simple larp scenario, 12-20 players, 60-90'Rafu19894.[Virtual Play] Episode 70: Night's Black AgentsBill_White19895.[Trials of the Magi] an ARG/RPG designed for NaGaDeMonPatrick_L19896.Jason Morningstar on the Night Witches Character SheetEvan_Torner19897.Stuff to Watch -- December 2014AsIf19898.[The Clay That Woke] race, or, the minotaur in the roomIgnotus19899.Boiling down the very core of Old D+DMatrixGamer19900.The illusory Game MasterHasimir19901.[Where The Heart Is] Beta launchcatty_big19902.[Poison'd] best practicesNoofy19903.Teaching game with roleplayingcloa51319904.Indie Games eXplosion at Dreamation 2015Michael S. Miller19905.FreeMarket rpg on G+?Maitete19906.InSpectres hardcopyMaitete19907.Podcast interview (wherein I say 'er' a lot)catty_big19908.Podcasts?tofarley19909.Forge Midwest 2015Willow19910.Monkeydome and "bad idea" gamesDranorter19911.What's hot in indie story games seminar + a review of 2014EpistolaryRichard19912.NineteenNathan_H19913.A game about catsDirk19914.Random Musing - Leveling up in the hands of the playersDeliverator19915.Spectrum - In SpaceAllanDotson19916.Prolific RPG Reviewersagony19917.Recruiting for Hillfolk on G+ HangoutsMaitete19918.Yes, another Lasers and Feelings Hack (Celtic Western)Cuchulainn19919.2014 London Indie Darling Award winnersEpistolaryRichard19920.[Virtual Play] Episode 71: TimeWatchBill_White19921.FU Freeform Universal RPG - verdict in 2014/15?BeePeeGee19922.(Blood and Parchment: Revised) Trying This Playtest Thing Againjohnthedm700019923.Please introduce me to G+ HangoutsDavidVS19924.Praxis?Silverlion19925.Appealing to Multiple Creative Agendas [GNS+]Patrick_L19926.The Retrostar "Lightspeed Adventure Manual" is Here!CynthiaCM19927.Tell me more about Different PlayBen_Robbins19928.[Great Minds] First draftcatty_big19929.Games that DON'T tell character's story.Level27Geek19930.Fastaval 2015catty_big19931.Abstract Dungeon - Storeygaming the Dungeon CrawlMatthewJHanson19932.[Cthulhu Dark] The Dance In the Blood APamphigorist19933.AP: Free and Clear in Dungeons and Dragons209719934.AP: A brief experience with A Penny For My Thoughts209719935.A game about making dungeons?WarriorMonk19936.The Fastaval Games of 2015Troels Ken19937.[Sword Without Master] con game best practiceMillsy19938.My new style of GM-less Play (10 Steps)BeePeeGee19939.Camp Nerdly 2015Joshua A.C. Newman19940.Games Galore Coming Back In 2015wyrmwood19941.How would you run something like Interstellar?icemaster10919942.That's a huge pile of actual play\u2026Ben_Robbins19943.Games in Playtesting & Development -- January 2015Steve_Hickey


19944.Stuff To Watch -- January 2015wyrmwood19945.Let's Make 2015 Predictions!JDCorley19946.[Tabijin] A new, rules-medium RPG under developmentDiscoSoup19947.Lacuna: A question to those who knowmarqos19948.Backseat Adventures: A Holiday Game (Now retitled "As the Worm Turns...")Paul_T19949.[5E] So, I wrote some Sex Moves for 5E...Deliverator19950.Actual Play of the City of Judas, with players new to PbtA gamesdavidepignedoli19951.[Brainstorming] "Wrong Place, Wrong Time" - Survival RPG.Level27Geek19952.Free Stock Art for Indie Game Developersjeshields19953.[5e] Microlite5E - a trim hack of 5E that's backwards-compatibleSanglorian19954.[The Quiet Year] AP on BGG: The Quietly Learning Yearconklins19955.[5E] Adding BW's Emotional AttributesDeliverator19956.Prime Time Adventures -- new edition - what do we know?Ian Noble19957.[3:16] Tweaking implied assumptions in Three SixteenKaj_Sotala19958.[5e] AP: TPK in B4 The Lost City209719959.[D&D 5th] The Adventures of Iron Thomas the Loco Motif, FinishedEero_Tuovinen19960.[As the Worm Turns...] Live Open Playtest! (formerly "Backseat Adventures")Paul_T19961.Does this game have potential or should I forget about it? (Cry of the Wilders from Game Chef)Dreamofpeace19962.Night Witches London Campaign - Open InviteHope19963.John Hill - Designer of Squad Leader and Johnnie Reb has died.MatrixGamer19964.What do you consider 'medium difficulty' in % ?BeePeeGee19965.[As the Worm Turns...] Live Open Playtest, resulting storyPaul_T19966.Dice mechanics as bikeshed paint209719967.Dice superstition209719968.My first RPG, AfroFuture, is crowdfunding via Different Play! Ask me things about it!Lula19969.Play AW diceless! - More Confluence in Design: Using the "As the Worm Turns..." Oracle in AWPaul_T19970.No Diceblackomatic19971.[article] Indie Games are Missing the TargetHasimir19972.Anybody Looking for a Gaming Group in Denver, CO?AMBayard19973.Number Distribution Table Help, PleaseVirginian_John19974.Any generic Freeform systems?BeePeeGee19975.[This is Pulp] Conveying a Structure of PlayRickard19976.System for being in a gang?icemaster10919977.[One Last Job] cyber-doubts and orbital-errorsHasimir19978.[Lasers and Feelings Hack] Guns and Mojo - a Spy Game (was Guns and Feelings)BeePeeGee19979.Neverending backpack: A hack of Doctor MagnethandsMartinEden19980.rpgs as toysDirk19981.My Big List of Games I Won't Play For Just One SessionDeliverator19982.Is Nordic larp gas?catty_big19983.Is Call of Cthulhu a toy (rather than a game), and does that matter?David_Berg19984.How much do you care for other Playing Characters?davidepignedoli19985.Are Gamers Used Gum?whduryea19986.Knudepunkt: any Storygamers going?Rafu19987.[Lady Blackbird] Confused about difficulty levelssnej19988.My Favorite Plaything \u2013 a Brazilian story game about childhoodeduardocaetano19989.Thinking about RPGs as Toys [+]komradebob19990.[Sandbox Design] Setting up problems without a (known) solutionBig_J_Money19991.How to be a Proper TrollPaul_T19992.\u201cThe people at the table are what matters\u201dBen_Robbins19993."Fiction is not Darwinian"Paul_T19994.RP poems for poetry readersscopperil19995.Alignments and XP in old-school D&DPaul_T19996.[Dungeon World] Level zeroMorrius19997.[AP, 5e] Down and Out in the Caverns of Thracia209719998.[Lady Blackbird] Magister Lor, from John HarperSanglorian19999.Stuff To Watch -- February 2015wyrmwood20000.Innocence: A Rashom*on-Inspired Storytelling Gamewhduryea20001.Monster of the Week (AW) basic questionBeePeeGee20002.Games in Playtesting & Development -- February 2015Steve_Hickey20003.Playing with Transderivational Search: Day Dreams and Roleplaying GamesRicardo Tavares20004.Polaris mechanics for PvPAMBayard20005.Fate of the Worldliblarva20006.[Kickstarter] The Last Days of Anglekite -- Final Week!Brendan_Conway20007.Advice for running Dogs in the VineyardDoctorduckbutter20008.Cobralingus #1 (game over)AsIf20009.Espionage in a Fantasy World: EncryptopediaSambearPoet20010.Is there an app for drawing stones?JCunkle20011.[The Misery Index] Price Reductionwhduryea20012.Compound: A Zombie Survival Social GameJames_Mullen20013.Cobralingus #2 (Game Over)JCunkle20014.The Dark Roads (Minimum Viable Product Edition) Looking For Feedback!johnthedm700020015.[Monsterhearts Skin] The Mad ScientistNeonchameleon20016.Cobralingus #3AsIf20017.CSS in the forumRickard20018.Cobralingus #4 and onwardsJonatanK20019.Metathread on CobralingusAsIf20020.New games!CynicalSleuth20021.World of Wanderers (draft)Cuchulainn20022.[Dungeon World] New class: The WarlordMorrius20023.Progressive Character Generation (PCG)AsIf20024.story game recs for mixed ages?adeniro20025.10,000 Stars - Junzi Guildghostwhistler20026.How do I price my game so that the most people will play it?DavidSchirduan20027.Gumshoe stripped down ... did that ever get released?DaveyJJ20028.System for Modern Martial Arts?icemaster10920029.Learning Multiplication Game?Nathan_H20030.[OSR] Hunting down a goblin raiding partyMartinEden20031.Gencon and indie RPGs ... any good?DaveyJJ20032.Burning Wheel Procedural Player Sheet (needs criticism)Ludifex20033.B4-U A Zorgonite! (Lasers and Feelings AP)Sean Nittner20034.Miniatures and Story Games - Special call out to KomradBobMatrixGamer20035.[Fate/FAE] Evolution Pulse free previewDreamlordPress20036.Setting stakes and abstract battlesMorrius20037.An idea based on "Machine of Death"Dranorter20038.[OSR] Help me pin down communties in my sci-fi setting.Potemkin20039.Uncharted Worlds Kickstarter - 1 Hour Left!Archangel3d20040.A borrower or a lender be?catty_big20041.Cinematic view on Dice resolve mechanicBeePeeGee20042.Good system/social mechanics for Entourage (TV dramedy, Hollywood career) d66+bonuses a viable system?WarriorMonk20044.Indiana Jones and the Temple of Elemental Evilphoenix18220045.[Luna System] Freeform Traits vs. Fixed AttributesKeith Sears20046.[Shadow & Light] Trait Definition and Game PDFLuzelli20047.Flashlight dropper!209720048.How do I make PCs grow without the "leveling up" mechanic?WarriorMonk20049.Eternal Lies: Masks of the Liar [Trail of Cthulhu]Aviatrix20050.Storyplaying for All Ages - What we can learn from childrenBeePeeGee20051.DW Hack weirdness; basic moves under other attributes.Cuchulainn20052.Rewards for roleplay!Potemkin20053.SWN Sector Generator relocated and open-sourcedgrmbrand20054.Thousand Descended Petty Lordlings - a GHOST/ECHO-inspired vehicle for an Exalted-y maneuver systemSanglorian20055.ERA Epic Storytelling - new Character Sheet & Scene SheetBeePeeGee20056.Is Role-Playing Intrinsically Fun?Patrick_L20057.Send me to Fastaval!catty_big20058.Short Order Heroes: Theme Packsdeinol20059.Ghosts Like Us. Anyone wanna play or review please?Ferninja20060.The PCs as local lordsMorrius20061.[dw/5e] The Volley move a bit tame?209720062.Stuff to Watch -- March 2015wyrmwood20063.Directions Storyplaying System, PreviewBeePeeGee20064.Games in Playtesting & Development -- March 2015Steve_Hickey20065.Turning a D&D campaign into GTA modeWarriorMonk20066.10,000 Stars - Jianghu Spaceghostwhistler20067.[Flashlight Dropper] the RPGLuzelli20068.The Compass (generic tool for scene context)- feedback appreciatedBeePeeGee20069.GM's Day Sale of Encryptopedia Fantasy EspionageSambearPoet20070.Actual Play Example - Directions Storyplaying SystemBeePeeGee20071.Is it possible to bypass the whole success and failure paradigm?Luzelli20072.Thoughts about "immersion" and players vs. GMs, inspired by a Monsterhearts sessionKhimus20073.[OOC issues] New player209720074.Where can I find Judd Karlman's 1st Quest?Sodzilla20075.Relativity in RPGsNathan_H20076.[OSR] Mass combat rulesMartinEden20077.[Trials of the Magi] Launching on Kickstarter on March 20th!Patrick_L20078.[Indie Game] Looking for dream-walking playtesters to operate independently.Ferninja20079.[OOC issues] Procrastinating on prep!209720080.[Roll for shoes] Setting: Daemons and DrudgesBig_J_Money20081.Storium - one year afterHasimir20082.Rory's Story Cubes Meanings Clue Set - Need Your HelpVirginian_John20083.Blades in the Dark - Game Mechanics & Functional DesignBeePeeGee20084.Fate Of Heroes: a FAE (Fate Accelerated) hack WIPdavidepignedoli20085.Groundhoggoth: Hacks for Dead of Night and InSpectresJames_Mullen20086.Rory's Story Cubes Meanings Original Set - Need Your HelpVirginian_John20087.Mobile-only RPG : "Autumn Leaves"doho12320089.The GM as Judge -- how to stop it without ruining their fun?David_Berg20090.Cyberpunk and Identitykksimons20091.Introducing Plotypusrandylubin20092."Delete me" (the game)WarriorMonk20093.(5E) Colleges of Leadership and FateDeliverator20094.System for: Witches and Warlocks of the Vietnam War?icemaster10920095.Concerning Campaign Length...Daxian20096.The (indy)hippo has landed!catty_big20097.Eero: Did they die?Paul_T20098.Cosmic Fighters, the first setting for Tabijin (now known as the Wanderer System)DiscoSoup20099.[Warrior Princess] an RPG for ages 4 and up.Luzelli20100.Random "Tables" vs Conflict ResolutionBeePeeGee20101.[There is Something in the Woods] - The Folly of HopeTim Ralphs20102.Journeyman Wizard, a game poemAdam_Dray20103.(Roguelike) Games that could name a subgenre?EpistolaryRichard20104.Updated RPG Design Patterns?randylubin20105.Most Unique Magic Systems?icemaster10920106.[Capes & Pocket Danger Patrol hacks] Bite-Sized APs from Gamestorm 2014Seth_Magdich20107.Magic as an OSR Skill?Palimpsest20108.Barbarians Versus... New Edition Availablebrettmb20109.What are the components of social combat?Luzelli20110.Structure of a Role Playing Game Manualjacksonmalloy20111.Scene Duration and Scenes-per-sessionAsIf20112.Examples of humanity mechanics?Colinaut20113.Setting Dev & System Recommendations: Vietnam War + Fantasyicemaster10920114.Fundraiser to translate the Swedish RPG Symbaroum to English and release it internationallypappa20115.During WWII, this man created a solo PbP RPG for which he received $340,000 in Nazi funds...Paul_T20116.Lasers and Feelings: The Space Dreadnought!kedamono20117.[Deadshot] a somewhat microsystemLuzelli20118.[Alien\xf2r] blog + discussion threadmaracanda20119.Primetime Adventures 2 - Protagonist Sheets?BeePeeGee20120.Stuff to Watch -- April 2015wyrmwood20121.How many ways to combine A, B, C and that pesky D?Potemkin20122.What skills are tested in RPGs?David_Berg20123.Burn Baby Burncatty_big20124.Mythic Mortals aims to solve the problems of simplistic one-shots.DavidSchirduan20125.Design conundrum: What's at stake?Paul_T20126.Running The Secrets of Cats at Maelstrom 2015Delvidian20127.Roleplaying as writers / I have a concept I have no idea what to do with.sarkadark20128.Ask me questions re: Awkward (don't have to be awkward questions)Rafu20129.Games in Playtesting & Development -- April 2015Steve_Hickey20130.In the Hot Seatcatty_big20131.Simplifying GUMSHOE for Cyberpunkkksimons20132.DicePalimpsest20133.A sci-fi game about pilots (with robots!) making war as their daily jobdavidepignedoli20134.Pocket Danger Patrol Playset [need help]Hopeless_Wanderer20135.Help us translate Holy Truth: a coffee is enough!vasquas20136.Group DateNathan_H20137.Reintroducing myself - I'm a designer coming back out of lurker thoughts on a style of Pathfinder playDavid_Berg20139.[Unnamable] - Thoughts?Aaron_S20140.Dealing With AuthorityBorogove20141.indyhippo spreads its wingscatty_big20142.In praise of "Skew" by Ben Lehman (and other self-explanatory games)L.Trenti MrVALIS20143.200 Word RPG ChallengeDavidSchirduan20144.Looking for Dave CleaverL.Trenti MrVALIS20145.Festival of Flawless Victory 3Steve_Hickey20146.Impressionistic dungeonsDirk20147.Oblique Strategies for GMsAsIf20148.[Where The Heart Is] Beta version on DriveTHRURPGcatty_big20149.Index Card AppsMorrius20150.[Where The Heart Is] pdf woescatty_big20151.'Laid-back' gaming: techniques to encourage this style of play?Steve_Hickey20152.How do you quantify talents or feats?Ferninja20153.Systems and Time Scales?randylubin20154.Short spell listsCuchulainn20155.Stuff to Watch -- May 2015wyrmwood20156.[Sea of Black Stars] What does it look likewyrmwood20157.Hacking together Shock and PTARafu20158.[Whitehack] Hackingallinonemove20159.System for Gurren Lagann?icemaster10920160.[Blades in the Dark] 2 player quickstart "The Water Rats"Maleficum20161.Need for Steed: Underground - an XXXXtreme Street Luge hack about illegal street joustingCoalhada20162.[Fall of Magic] Profound fantasy on a '5 Scroll - Kickstarter announcementRoss_Cowman20163.Dread on TableTop209720164.Non-traditional RPGs with less interactivity?Ricardo Tavares20165.On Playing D&D Alone, and the "Wish"Paul_T20166.Games in Playtesting & Development -- May 2015Steve_Hickey20167.Beyond the Wall (And Other Adventures): The Angered Faeshimrod20168.Wushu - Chi house ruleliblarva20169.[Whitehack] The Overrun Mines (solo)sbrplaysrpgs20170.Accidental First Playtest of my children's gamebrandon p20171.[Adventure Deck System] What I'm working on (comments and critiques welcome!)DavidC20172.[ADS]Another player took my character agency awayDavidC20173.New Games to watch - games published from May to August 2015Steve_Hickey20174.[Origins 2015] Games at IPR Booth 728Carl20175.[Virtual Play] Episode 74: Cards for Conflict Resolution in Fate Core and God-KingBill_White20176.What was the best combination of monsters you have seen/used?WarriorMonk20177.Parasite Gods: A Storytelling Metagamelord_goon20178.Game WebsitesAsIf20179.[Dungeon World] A Sundered World Kickstarter!mfisher20180.How has the Nordic scene influenced you?Rickard20181.Atlanta Intown RPG Day (Saturday, 6 June 2015)Werschabe20182.Castlevania - [hack of] The Mountain WitchHarlequin20183.The Blade and the Moon (an AW fantasy hack)davidepignedoli20184.King of the City - a chess-powered rpg of scheming & sacrificeHasimir20185.A Data Map of the RPG CommunityjKitz20186.Which PC does the monster attack?Jonas Ferry20187.Challenge: Suggest a game for this lapsed groupFelan20188.Concrete Cow 15\xbd, 12 September 2015, Milton Keynes, UKNeil20189.(Monsterhearts) New Skin: The AvatarNeonchameleon20190.2ED of The Murder of Mr. CrowRickard20191.An old school D&D season concludes, see the campaign arcEero_Tuovinen20192.WoDu: Skirmish + Slay: Does it stack, or are they for different situations?johnquixote20193.Powered by the Apocalypse - Do you fall prey to laziness?Paul_T20194.indyhippo and I at UK Games Expo, 29-31 Maycatty_big20195.Simple Superheroes KickstarterjKitz20196.Is a trad GM railroad just an unfinished hippie LARP?David_Berg20197.[Monsterhearts] New Skin: The Djinnblatoe20198.Stuff to Watch -- June 2015wyrmwood20199.Quickstart rules ok?catty_big20200.Podcasts about story / indie games?gravity20201.[Roleplaying Poems] Help Me Compile a List of 'Em!amphigorist20202.Gunslinger Knights of The DaylandsCuchulainn20203.The futuremarksolino20204.Real life experiments with lightingMartinEden20205.Infinite Worlds (Ultra-light/PocketMod *World)liblarva20206.City of Judas: PbtA Sword & Sorcery HackDreamlordPress20208.Ghost Ship Enyo: my girlfriend's first published gameDeliverator20209.[SkipJack] First playtestcatty_big20210.Storyplaying Guiding PrinciplesBeePeeGee20211.Recommend a game for someone new to roleplaying but doesn't like the concept of a GMquozl20212.Games in Playtesting & Development -- June 2015Steve_Hickey20213.[Pocket Danger Patrol hack at GPNW 2014] The Case of the Lunar SolutionSeth_Magdich20214.Soth: a game of cultists vs investigators is now availableSteve_Hickey20215.Dice Modifiers For Dungeon World (And I Guess Other *World Games Too)Andye20216.How much railroading was there in Dragonlance, exactly?JDCorley20217.Undying Kickstarter!Paul_Riddle20218.[DayTrippers] Adventures in SlipSpaceAsIf20219.Tools to help you make your corebookWarriorMonk20220.How I do insp in 5e209720221.Doctor Who: Game System and Setting/Property Disparityliblarva20222.Players are never satisfied (plus a PotA mini-review)209720223.[Feedback] It's a game, not a request...James_Mullen20224.[Gingersnap] A Game of Queer RomanceJames_Mullen20225.Narrating Coming of Age storiesNeil20226.[10 Roleplaying Poems in One Day Challenge] Actual Playamphigorist20227.Is Ron Edward's GNS player model still part of the discussion? Also, a good analogy for it.DavidC20228.Early D&D and the OSR - Perhaps the best sourcePaul_T20229.London Anime Con, 4-5 July 2015catty_big20230.Stuff to Watch -- July 2015wyrmwood20231.[Gen Con 2015] IPR Games at Booth 730Carl20232.Trying My Hand At Creating a Face-Paced Sword & Sorcery Type GameToddSpengo20233.Wanted: Convention Game Recommendations - Fast, Free, and new-player FriendlyMrPurple20234.Dark Heresy among Stars Without Number HackPalimpsest20235.[A Game of You] A Sundered Lands HackLudo20236.[Apocalypse World] I tweaked the Ruin Runner. Is it overpowered ?vini_lessa20237.The Compass - a meta rpg toolBeePeeGee20238.Let's Talk About MagicAsIf20239.[Terminal] Playtesters WantedRangerEd20240.Lady Blackbird RecordingYouDontMeetInAnInn20241.Chances of getting three successes209720242.Paladins immunity to blades etc --help me understand this !cupbearer1120243."Is my character good at anything?"James_Mullen20244.Giant Robots are Here. Watch.Paul_T20245.Hi, I'd love to keep up with The WarrenNathan_H20246.Connecticon 2015 - Cancel your Fantasy Heartbreaker Panelopen_sketchbook20247.[London] Meanwhile, in The Big Smoke.Potemkin20248.Psst! Hey, kid! Want to score some cool new ways to play Microscope..?Ben_Robbins20249.Dogs of the InqusitionPalimpsest20250.Hillfolk between sessions209720251.Mearls' insp houserules in 5e209720252.You can't kidnap Cordelia's husband because her player isn't hereRob_Alexander20253.What the GNS theory says (according to me)Eero_Tuovinen20254.[more theory] "What are the TA's?" OR "Can We Go For 9?"Deliverator20255.TitansGrave compared and contrasted to Roll20 AW209720256.Freeform Finger Flow Resolve TechniqueBeePeeGee20257.GDNS official, canonical theory!!209720258.Inception-based game sessionLudo20259.Adventure Deck System, first setting, "Luminosity" on Kickstarter now.DavidC20260.Arguments against GNS/Big ModelPaul_T20261.What Five Things Should I Buy at GenCon 2015?Lisa Padol20262.Virtuacon '15, October 23-25 2015catty_big20263.Why is Full Myth so awesome? I don't get it209720264.Intra-party drama: when did it start ?vini_lessa20265.Traps mechanicsJohnnFour20266.Other Good RPG ForumsLudo20267.EXALTEDHEARTS! (Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like)exploding_brain20268.Mutant: Year Zero is neatvini_lessa20269.Sneaking Story Game stuff in through the back door.Potemkin20270."Seven to Nine" results on a twenty-sided die209720271.Help me write a DW style move -- paying with weird money209720272.StackExchange - How does it work? Is it a useful online resource? Other thoughts.catty_big20273.The Big Model, RIPlumpley20274.DramaSystem + D&D mashup209720275.Shin Megami Tensei Persona's "Social Links" are scaringly similar to AW Hx, huh ?vini_lessa20276.Mechanic for finding someone?209720277.Eero: D&D, Gamism, and Character Death RatePaul_T20278.System for Survival Horror: The Frontiericemaster10920279.Anyone going to Board Game Bash in Austin?Nickel20280.Railroading and the illusion of choice...liblarva20281.ONE SHOT's "Art of Actual Play" panelONE_SHOT20282.summary of my consciously Simulationist game, Showdown: Action Movie RPGDeliverator20283.indyhippo wallows oncatty_big20284.Gencon Planning - Sunday Evening GamesScott20285.Games on Demand at Gen Con 2015Steve_Segedy20286.Unknown Armies 3: let's talk about itvini_lessa20287.The Laundry World: AW hack for Her Majesty's Occult Secret ServiceTybraal20288.Fear&Reason a Lasers&Feelings hack, Lovecraftian horrorJimllusionist20289.I need some AW-style Psionic powersRy20290.[The Warring Woods] Preview/ Finding a mechanic for fairness in story driven gamingDBalcaen20291.Where did modern GMless gaming come from?EpistolaryRichard20292.[Lasers & Feellings] I hacked L&F to Lovecraftian horror and called it Fear & ReasonJimllusionist20293.Tips and tricks for running a successful first play-test of a new game I am makingThe Bunyip20294.[DayTrippers] - "Shock the Monkey"AsIf20295.UED: You are the ResistanceCoalhada20296.Call for synopses for Fastaval AND offer of help for first-time Fastaval writersTroels Ken20297.[FateLess] BloodLess : Vampire Masquerade GM-LESSHasimir20298.Petitioner/Granter from Robin Laws209720299.Porte-monstre-tr\xe9sor as a guide to prep209720300.History of a Saga That Failed [SotI]Aviatrix20301.Stuff to Watch -- August 2015wyrmwood20302.Games in Playtesting & Development -- August 2015Steve_Hickey20303.Suggestion for Spy Tears Setting: Old-School-Euro vs Modern-Global-Tropicana?BeePeeGee20304.Necessary HypocrisyNathan_H20305.tremulus; a mechanics comprison to AWcupbearer1120306.Musing on non-linear playRushWright20307.Basic time travel paradoxAdam_Dray20308.Facilitation Advice for Jason Morningstar's Juggernaut LARPFlynn20309.[Where The Heart Is] New page on RPGGeek.catty_big20310.Good System for Pirates?icemaster10920311.[Touched by Evil] gm-less lovecraftian horror - Playtest OneHasimir20312.How would you play Little Fears today?BeePeeGee20313.Starting a Cthulhu Matrix game PBEM. Looking for players.MatrixGamer20314.Braunsteins: Methods for keeping things moving?komradebob20315.Warlock mechanics?209720316.Good D&D modules for sword and sorcery feelDeliverator20317.[Dungeon World] Please help me with my understandingMartinEden20318.Recommend a scary one-session game to play in the darkamphigorist20319.Call for Chapters: A Forge RetrospectiveBill_White20320.A Framework for interactive storytelling and roleplaying gamesrgrassi20321.[Lacuna 2nd attempt] Rules questionsSimon_Pettersson20322.MinLoco [Minneapolis LongCon] October 23-25 2015Harlequin20323.[AW, D&D] Model-view-controller and game models209720324.Quick Mythos scenarios / gamesIdiotSavant20325.Old trad modules with indie systems?hamnacb20326.RPG burnout209720327.[5E] A new campaign framework I'm proud of and want to shareDeliverator20328.Pocket Danger Patrol (AP discussion): A Question About ToneHopeless_Wanderer20329.No dice, but have a phone handy?Paul_T20330.Practical location aspects for fights209720331.Your top non-gaming book that sheds light on games, gamers and gamingRob_Alexander20332.Ryuutama Question(s)Nathan_H20333.How do you use gaming software?Jakob20334.[Dungeon World] Warlord Playbook with Illustration (C&C encouraged)freeforall20335.Premade Setting/situation/characters+Distanced Stances+GM-less play?komradebob20336.Vonnegut + ChalkboardNathan_H20337.Mecha post apocalyptic story gamechaiboy20338.Indie RPG Awards announcedjhkim20339.The value of game fiction when running a settingIan Cooper20340.Stuff to Watch -- September 2015wyrmwood20341."Freaks!" a game about teenage superheroes and their dramaJuneiperJazz20342.Old School Extreme Challenge ?Hasimir20343.[looking for feedback] #WritingWithDiceDreamer20344.[Minis+] Toy Joy: Understanding them as toys, not markers.komradebob20345.[Pocket Danger Patrol] Clandestine PatrolHopeless_Wanderer20346.[pbta] On "never speaking your move's name"Dirk20347.Where did asymmetrical GM-Player system come from?hamnacb20348.Join LARP Scouts NYC!Deliverator20349.[Great Minds] Nose to the grindstonecatty_big20350.On-line Interactive Story Gameepweissengruber20351.Books for playersKeylSunders20352.Buy/sell/trade thread 2015The Bunyip20353.AnonyCon 2015 in Stamford CT December 4th - 6th - looking for GMsAforgomon20354.Living campaigns: Best standards and practices?Morrius20355.Story Games and collective responsibilityEero_Tuovinen20356.Whatever Happened To...? Epsiode:1 Black CadillacsCynicalSleuth20357.Troublemakers: Satan's SleepoverJames_Mullen20358.Grimace the Rogue's gallery (V2)Volsung20359.[Inspectres]Nicholas_Caldwell20360.211 - an Apocalypse World hack about armed robberyCosr20361.What are some recent non-PbtA story games?Simon_Pettersson20362.[World of Dungeons] +1 Skills?Ludifex20363.OSR Folks! How do you do with D&D5E?Paul_T20364.[The Warring Woods] Release | Write stories through the eyes of animalsDBalcaen20365.Concrete Cow 16, 12 March 2016, Milton Keynes, UKNeil20366.Monsters on commissionCuchulainn20367.America's Next Top InSpectre - An Online Gameshow Hack for InSpectres RPGericvulgaris20368.[Touched by Evil] gm-less lovecraftian horror - Playtest TwoHasimir20369.[Great Minds] First playtest: post-mortemcatty_big20370.[Barsoomian Chronicles] what does a story game about Barsoom need?CreativeMage20371.HexCrawl ChessAsIf20372.Family tiescatty_big20373.Dungeon Wheel: A grittier DW hack using BW techGlowie20374.Character Traits Only Usable by the Game MasterRickard20375.New Dungeon World Playbook, The Cryptonium AlchemistDiscoSoup20376.Stuff to Watch -- October 2015wyrmwood20377.Best free story games around?Dragonfly20378.A New Kickstarter: A Guide to Playing GMLess Gamesjim pinto20379.Full Steam Ahead! - A steampunk homebrewVer_Spot20380.Comment on my Beyond the Wall hooksshimrod20381.Phasmagraph & Lally TulletJames_Mullen20382.The 2015 Golden Cobra ChallengeJason_Morningstar20383.Secret DossiersJames_Mullen20384.[minis+]Anyone play War of Ashes: Fate of Agaptus?komradebob20385.First Issues!James_Mullen20386.SkipJack character creation gamecatty_big20387.How to protect and handle NPC merchants?WarriorMonk20388.Monster Force TerraJames_Mullen20389.I've overcomplicated my item system and now I'm not sure what to do.Ver_Spot20390.Are there games where the GM has a "character sheet"?Sanglorian20391.Would anyone like to sell me a hardcopy of Murderous Ghosts?Antisinecurist20392.I need content, not systems, for playing with my kidsRy20393.The Quiet War of Mine -- A take on The Quiet Yearericvulgaris20394.PBTA moves capture what is fun about (A)D&D spellsDreamer20395.[Barsoomian Chronicles] draft of how to know what to includeCreativeMage20396.[sword-&-planet world-building] what does a game like this need?CreativeMage20397.Real Magic and the Czege PrincipleBurr20398.Microscope Recordingericvulgaris20399.November is Solo Gaming Appreciation MonthDreamer20400.New Story game Kickstarter - Fortunes WheelHybridartifacts20401.FFG Star Wars All Games Campaign PodcastFerninja20402.Jedi Blackbird / Moby Blackbirdticktockman20403.[Things Just Ain't Right] May I borrow your eyeballs?Eric Provost20404.I need to talk about my crappy game.gloomhound20405.My Archipelago III ThoughtsNathan_H20406.On Promoting Your Own GamesJames_Stuart20407."The League of Darkness" for Halloweenvcarluer20408.MY game is super interesting. YOUR game is totally boring.Ry20409.Feng Shui 2 Gameplay (audio w/music)Ferninja20410.Help Me... Please? Canon Puncture Interview?Nathan_H20411.Go Play LeedsMillsy20412.Silver Screen Nightmares!Version_Spot20413.Stuff to Watch -- November 2015Rafu20414.A Sundered World is out!mfisher20415.D&D 5 - a gem of story-oriented random character backgroundsBeePeeGee20416.What makes horror games scary?Hopeless_Wanderer20417.[Monsterhearts] Actual Play Recording: Currenton, New EnglandYouDontMeetInAnInn20418.[House Of Reeds] A Map Drawing Story Gameericvulgaris20419.Solo Gaming Appreciation Month 2015Dreamer20420.[Solo Gaming] Lady Luck Oracle, inspired by Apocalypse World and Supervillain YouDreamer20421.When the players try something and the GM knows more than they do...David_Berg20422.Larry Brom - Author of "The Sword and the Flame" diesMatrixGamer20423.[indyhippo] State of playcatty_big20424.Shinobigami Kickstartervini_lessa20425.RPGs where you play as young / weak characters?markwallace20426.Elven grown-ups are mean!Ry20427.World of darkness: Facets and alternativesmiedvied20428.[L&F] Magic & Mischief - a Lasers & Feelings re-skinChroma20429.CMYK separation vs RGB PDF for printBeePeeGee20430.Magical MagicBen_ONeal20431.What are your favourite persuasion mechanics?The Bunyip20432.[Great Minds] New systemcatty_big20433.[Apocalypse World] Reconciling MC Principles & MovesLuzelli20434.[Lady Blackbird] Actual Playsheilarah20435.Ameliorating the self-torture of prepRy20436.Malandros KickstarterCoalhada20437.[Atlas] A Genuine Mapmaking/Worldbuilding Story Gameericvulgaris20438.The role of story in RPGsDragonfly20439.[Dungeons & Bananas] It's finally here!Simon_Pettersson20440.Rules for "I try HARDER!"David_Berg20441.Interesting takes on healing potions/spellsFelan20442.Dungeons & Dragons World hack idea...liblarva20443.Open Beta Playtest: Scarlet WakeBen_ONeal20444.a fun $1 rpg kickstarterjim pinto20445.I really miss EN WorldRy20446.[Lovecraftesque] A GMless cosmic horror game.ericvulgaris20447.[Feng Shui 2] Actual play audio with killer soundtrackFerninja20448.[PBtA] Spell-less magic systemsmurphy_slaw20449.When do you call for a roll?Luzelli20450.FFG Star Wars (all books) actual play podcast third episode out.Ferninja20451.Crap, I came up with a good ideaStarblazie20452.A Gorilla in Manilacatty_big20453.Playing Toward Role - Starting Out BlankNathan_H20454.System for Vampire Hunter D?icemaster10920455.Precision Chaos Machine: Luz finally put out episode 5/5 of our Feng Shui 2 series.Ferninja20456.List of moral dilemmas as story game/RPG plots?BeePeeGee20457.[Great Minds] New character sheetscatty_big20458.Trends in indie rpgs & story games in 2015?EpistolaryRichard20459.What are your favorite PbtA threat moves?David_Berg20460.Stuff to Watch -- December 2015wyrmwood20461.[Cthulhu Dark and generally] Stability/anchor mechanics in horror games - help pleaseD-50320462.Brainstorming Ideas for Running a Small-Scale ARG for Friendsamphigorist20463.Fiasco on Amazon Deal of the Day!David Artman20464.[Apocalypse World] Love Letters & 7-9 Under FireLuzelli20465.[Apocalypse World] Two Simple Harm HacksPaul_T20466.AW uniqueness for 5E characters?Deliverator20467.[Mythic Mortals][NSFW] Capitalist Crusaders - Chapter 1Luzelli20468.Rewind: Temporal Taleszircher20469.Suggestions for mashing up Princes of the Apocalypse and West Marches?randylubin20470.Two player games for playing close to homeRasmusL20471.Playtesters Needed: THE ENCLAVElord_goon20472.System for Whaling (Or groups of people trying to kill one big baddie?)icemaster10920473.Dungeon Crawl Fury Roaddavidepignedoli20474.[Utpost] Mechanics explanationSimon_Pettersson20475.Who's the protagonist? Where's the protagonist?Nathan_H20476.Game went so well last night (self-torture follow-up)Ry20477.Our 4th FFG Star Wars Episode just came out! (MUSIC/SFX)Ferninja20478.How would you do American Football?icemaster10920479.[Fate Core/Accelerated] Evolution Pulse preview #2 - SciFi settingDreamlordPress20480.A little prep experimentRy20481.Monsterhearts - Alternate backstoriesEpistolaryRichard20482.Star Wars: DestiniesDeliverator20483.[Pendragon] It has lost part of its charm for mevini_lessa


20484.How would you do Hateful Eight? (or Tarantino gaming?)icemaster10920485.Inspectres LitePaul_T20486.Short article - How to help GMs like me (post-experiment)Ry20487.Some fantasy Pbta I just madeCuchulainn20488.[Hangout]: Pride and Prejudice Sessionrgrassi20489.[Hangout]: "The pool" Sessionrgrassi20490.Elements that help facilitate a barf of emotion3xJ20491.Fantasy! Grabby starting situationPaul_T20492.183 DaysJames_Stuart20493.Prep help tonight: Ry's Sandstorm Assassin BugsRy20494.Help the GM prep: EowynPaul_T20495.Challenges in (creating) descriptive-heavy gamesRickard20496.Looking for RPG related blogsMufn20497.Uses of the AlienRy20498.The Mindflayer's MatrixPaul_T20499.Microscope Explorer is ready and waitingBen_Robbins20500.Why does every response include a plug for your game?Nathan_H20501.Play DeadJames_Mullen20502.German story games and forum?Simon_Pettersson20503.How to bind the Players?Luzelli20504.gaming in Montana?David_Berg20505.Finding like-minded gamers and game designers/thinkers online! Times have changed...Paul_T20506.[Touched by Evil] gmLess lovecraftian horror - Playtest ThreeHasimir20507.My New Year Resolution: More Play, Less DesignBeePeeGee20508.Let's Make 2016 Predictions!JDCorley20509.[FIASCO] Escape from Cloud CityJames G20510.Math help! Most likely number of times passing thresholdDavid_Berg20511.[Touched by Evil] need help choosing a KEYHasimir20512.Indie Games eXplosion at Dreamation 2016 - Morristown, NJ February 18-21Michael S. Miller20513.Thus began the Adventures of Eowyn...Paul_T20514.Separate (incongruous?) challenges in the same scenebendutter20515.Big update to FiascoPlaysets.comJames G20516.Badass Women of World War IIPaul_T20517.[Wanted to Buy] Abbeta: Fantasy Role-Playing Rules for the Twinflare Solar Systembeasterbrook20518.Tangible rewards in roleplaying gamesRickard20519.RPGs, memory and musicdavidepignedoli20520.[article] Why Less is MoreHasimir20521.[Perseverant] My mechanics "work," but I'm not sure if they're "fun"bendutter20522.Does designing too much and playing too little make Jack a bad designer?catty_big20523.[pbta] More thoughts on descriptive harmDirk20524.Fiascomputer: create and visualize Fiasco setups (free web app)Jakob20525.FFG Star Wars All Games Campaign Podcast Ep 5.Ferninja20526.AR gamesWarriorMonk20527.[Kickstarter] The Name of God interviewHasimir20528.Story gamers in Amsterdamdavidepignedoli20529.Is Otherkind an atom to split?3xJ20530.A Beautiful D&D Story Appears on Reddit...Paul_T20531.Playtester Call for Implosion!omnifray20532.Concretizing the GM Moves in DW/AW/etc.Deliverator20533.[Dogs in the Vineyard] Actual Play Recording: On The Right PathYouDontMeetInAnInn20534.[Perseverant] Help me playtest?bendutter20535.What would a "Lumpley Principle" for Solo RP look like? (or, is creative writing & storytelling RP?)Dreamer20536.[Kickstarter] The Name of GodHasimir20537.A big thank you to all of you. (Uncharted Worlds published!)Archangel3d20538.Drawing the LineBen_Robbins20539.Which game texts audiobook / dictate well?Ry20540.Games about vampiric metamorphosis3xJ20541.Offworld : Freebooters on the Frontier, in space. More or less.chrispwolf20542.Kickstarting the Apocalypse - Q&A with Vincent and Meguey Baker about AW2olepeder20543.A Moderation Policy based on RPG Mechanics?AsIf20544.Grimtooth traps for Dungeon WorldMaitresinh20545.Anomalous materialsRy20546.Laying Out Threats & Improving Play [Pocket Danger Patrol]Hopeless_Wanderer20547.[Kickstarter] Era: Lyres - \xa31 RulebookSandworm20548.audiences know the arcsomnifray20549.[Era: Lyres] Gameplay!Sandworm20550.On a miss, you fall on a bear.Paul_T20551.What Do Monsters Want?James_Mullen20552.Recruiting for PBP via Discord Chat: Ron Edward's Sorcerer, Reskinned for DigimonUrsus_Spelaeus20553.Immersionist GM practicesWarriorMonk20554.Design Patterns List?JohnnFour20555.System for Ghost in the Shell?icemaster10920556.Dungeon ChoresHasimir20557.Hunt the Wicked now availablebendutter20558.Complicated Board Game YouTube videoPaul_T20559.Wizards of the Three Moons now availableParadoxBoy20560.Can't remember the name of this game.Age of Fable20561.[DayTrippers] Golden Age AdventuresAsIf20562.Overview/Skeleton of *World games [Apocalypse World]Paul_T20563.Paranoia with open secretsuolmir20564.Rogue & SlayerTiridates20565.Community centric campaign with rotating cast?YouDontMeetInAnInn20566.Topic: (A Penny For My Thoughts) Alternative SettingLorenZoM20567.Help refining 'Hackers + Hustlers' my Silicon Valley retheme of Lasers and Feelingsrandylubin20568.Range States, am I crazy?Luzelli20569.another ****ing kickstarterjim pinto20570.[Engine Heart Actual Play] RobolonelyYouDontMeetInAnInn20571.[Dreamlord Press] Ravendeath: a game of revenge!DreamlordPress20572.[Pocket Danger Patrol hack at Gamestorm 2015] The Menace of the Moon-MenSeth_Magdich20573.The SkeletonsJason_Morningstar20574.Diagnostic Ward and Liar's Dice: RerolledJames_Mullen20575.What games reward performance rather than choice or luck?David_Berg20576.Private Messaging ErrorJames_Mullen20577.[The Skeletons] Playing at a Story Games Meetupericvulgaris20578.Godbound: Review + Actual PlayMaese_Mateo20579.frame stories as part of the game?CreativeMage20580.Tolkien's worldbuilding, and GM's notesPaul_T20581.Era: Survival - on Kickstarter now!Sandworm20582.Skill Wedges: An RPG Subsystemrandylubin20583.What can skill advancement tell us?David_Berg20584.Vampires: Where are they? A BBC exclusivePaul_T20585.[Kickstarter] Ironclaw: the Book of Horn & Ivory (aka the Otter Man Empire)Lula20586.[Perseverant RPG] Help me playtest, round two: Jadid Sectorbendutter20587.[Apocalypse World] Fury Road Dust Storm MoveMichael Pfaff20588.What kind of Stories do you want to tell about Hollywood?Ultraberg20589.Betrayal RerolledJames_Mullen20590.Cthulhu: Moments of Madnesscatty_big20591.[The Ward] Medical drama powered by the Apocalypse - Looking for playtesters and feedbackChroma20592.The 2016 200 Word RPG Challenge has begun!DavidSchirduan20593.Tabletop Gaming has a White Male Terrorist ProblemPaul_T20594.Premise = Simulation = Planning?David_Berg20595.Belly of the Beast Kickstarterbendutter20596.[Malandros] - Other BordersAsIf20597.This is bigger than youHarlequin20598.advice book for gmless playjim pinto20599.RPGPundit Reviews Foreign Element...brettmb20600.[S/lay w/ Me] Postal play as literatureEero_Tuovinen20601.[Paranoia 5e Actual Play] Send In The ClonesYouDontMeetInAnInn20602.What games emphasise and support Role?Potemkin20603.FFG Star Wars All Games Mix Episode 6: Downfall (Epic Conclusion)Ferninja20604.PBTA: Opposing stat pairs and shifting numbers?liblarva20605.\u201cdecline of galactic patrol creates social equality\u2026\u201dBen_Robbins20606.[Levity]: Interactive Storytelling and Narration Frameworkrgrassi20607.Moderationghostwhistler20608.Stay in the moment. Make me believe it!Ry20609.Social Encounters handled as CombatLuzelli20610.Help me fix and expand my 200wordRPG.Level27Geek20611.Camp Nerdly 9 -- May 13-15, 2016 -- N. VirginiaAdam_Dray20612.Why Less is More #03 - world building in FateLessHasimir20613."Why Indie Games Are Missing the Target"Paul_T20614.Changeling: The Dreaming PBTAliblarva20615.The 'education' to storytelling and role-playingrgrassi20616.WoD to PBTA conversion conversation...liblarva20617.Problems with Assets/AdvantagesDavid_Berg20618.Something to HideBen_Robbins20619.Demystifying the Appeal of Trad Games for the "Indie" Zealotomnifray20620.Can't we just say "trad" and "indie," now?Dirk20621.Why do people internalize "Trad" vs "indie" and then choose the former? The JDC ImpressionJDCorley20622.What did you play this week? (2016)Ben_Robbins20623.How much playtesting is enough?DannyK20624.Learning from VideogamesWarriorMonk20625.Remember the Alamo!: Systems For Playing Out The Last Stand?icemaster10920626.Designing for a rules-lite, Immersionist supporting game?komradebob20627.[Kickstarter] Samjoko Publishing - The Veil: A cyberpunk RPGsoyosauce20628.What is your favorite game?soyosauce20629.How do I get attention/feedback? What are good places to go?TheCutestWug20630.THE AEGIS SAGA - BLOOD (4 chapter demo available)Charles_Parkes20631.What if Darth Vader wasn't Luke's father?Ben_Robbins20632.Games where only Player Characters have statsDreamer20633.Concrete Cow 16\xbd: 10 September, Milton Keynes, UKNeil20634.Hey Eero, tell me about your Princess play, minis using game!komradebob20635.Pitfalls of Exalted StuntingLuzelli20636.What are your Story Game Podcast Recommendations?Colin20637.The One Ring playthrough with music/sfx.Ferninja20638.Forget it's a playtestBen_Robbins20639.Omniscient Gaming: a Game Thought Experiment That Was a Real GamePaul_T20640.Understanding our players and their time.Potemkin20641.[Magister Lor Actual Play] Welcome to the SanctumYouDontMeetInAnInn20642.EFL, Story-Games, and Toys (minis+)Hopeless_Wanderer20643.[Minis+] LEGO Pirate MinifigsStephen P20644.Persona: Create Characters Togetherrandylubin20645.Hot new Story Games at GenCon?Michael Pfaff20646.Hillfolksoyosauce20647.Game design bibliography?Potemkin20648.[Minis+] Brainstorming techniques for more freeformy miniatures action and combatkomradebob20649.What is the proper term for a LARP with these characteristics?komradebob20650.Ribbon Drive PlaylistsColin20651.Feedback sort: A house near motherEris_Shrugged20652.Spatial relationships in verbal games209720653.[Sweet Agatha] Is this still possible to find in print? .pdf?RasmusL20654.Stapling one system to the end of another?systemtwin20655.Teaching the Big ModelHotchmoney20656.What's your agenda?Dirk20657.Game trade/sale thread 2016..beasterbrook20658."The Searcher" very simple 5e class209720659.Southern Way to larpL.Trenti MrVALIS20660.MinLoco 2016 [And entire weekend with the game of your choice]Harlequin20661.What's your ideal "RPG curriculum"?PatRowdy20662.Help me figure out a way to make Open Book info dumps for a "narr-stein"!komradebob20663.New Gods for an Old TownJames_Mullen20664.The One Ring: The Marsh Bell Pt. 2 (Music, SFX, etc)Ferninja20665.Looking for 4 players for Misspent Youth Every other Thursday at 7:00 PM CDTplotulus20666.Making a game, The Million Moons of Manza, looking for feedbackDiscoSoup20667.RPG - Bill of Players' Rights & Dutiesrgrassi20668.Weapon categoriesCuchulainn20669.Grounding in fiction vs grounding in lifeDavid_Berg20670.[The Quiet Year Actual Play] Spring AwakeningYouDontMeetInAnInn20671.I need some new game(s) for this weekendSimon_Pettersson20672.D&D Expert set - dice shenanigans?209720673.[Troublemakers] Field Trip to the MuseumJames_Mullen20674.Designing Cultures vs Games209720675.Things that could happen in a town when the PCs are not there.WarriorMonk20676.Dying? list your reasons to live and roll that may death savesWarriorMonk20677.1d4 hours, chance of waking up turn by turn209720678.[MacGuffin] The Quidnunc and the HoundsJohn Kirk20679.Wuxia Space Opera - Character Abilitiesghostwhistler20680."Life is Strange" - Narrativist Design comes to Video Games?Paul_T20681."Burned at the Stake": RPG ruleset for passionate characters at riskPaul_T20682.UnderfootJames_Mullen20683.Wuxia action series system (weapons of the gods/legends of the wulin)signoftheserpent20684.Mobile Frame Zero: FirebrandsFelan20685.[Evolution Pulse - Powered by Fate] out now!DreamlordPress20686.transparency of method vs invisibility of mechanics209720687.[Troublemakers] Past Bedtime at the Haunted roller Disco!James_Mullen20688.Tailoring Story Around Your PCs: The Warrior TypeFerninja20689.[collected thoughts] Assets, Transparency, Tables, Target Numbers, and ChoiceRickard20690.How I set target numbers in D&D209720691.[minis +] Collected thoughts on some broad categories of Hippy Minis gameskomradebob20692.[PBEM, PBP] Please recommend me a game for Play by EmailMartinEden20693.[Follow] Monks vs. The Stiff-PlagueSimon_Pettersson20694.Overheard on Twitter (nuggets for gamers, though not intended as such)Paul_T20695.Friends at the Table interviewFelan20696.[D&D] Costs and benefits for bedrolls, tents and campfires209720697.How would _you_ design a mechanically mainstream action-adventure RPG for 1 on 1 play?komradebob20698.So I made this Sci-Fi space hack... now what?Kenny_J20699.The teeth, such as they are, of D&D 5e's IIEE209720700."When someone turns to you and looks to you to say something", from Apocalypse World209720701.Random Harlot Table209720702.Gencon first timer; What is a mustsee (or do)?Kenny_J20703.GoPlay NW 2016 - what are you doing?John_Powell20704.Meridian: A Story Game of Journeys Wondrous and FantasticalChristian_Griffen20705.Era: Silence - Something a little different...Sandworm20706.Another reason indie RPGs are having a hard time finding a mainstream audience209720707.Fiasco + Kelly LinkJason_Morningstar20708.It all starts with freeform. (Maybe?)David_Berg20709.AW's Go Aggro triggerPaul_T20710.In a Wicked Age: Best InterestsScottM20711.Role-playing character advancement \u2013 "My rogue suddenly knows magic!"jangler20712.An interesting game from the pastrgrassi20713.[The Fifth World Actual Play] The Water BornYouDontMeetInAnInn20714.Medieval Melee CombatPaul_T20715.[Planet of the Week] (Gritty Sci-Fi Space game) Now with very* updated Basic MovesKenny_J20716.A Dialogue Concerning the Two *World SystemsAviatrix20717.Internal Family Systems mechanics?Guy Srinivasan20718.[HeroQuest] The Coming StormIan Cooper20719.Assumptions / ConventionsRickard20720.Questions to connect PC'sWarriorMonk20721.Nothing is original: who else had my mechanics idea?Potemkin20722.Diadem: A Roman Succession Crisishorn_head_o20723.Better initiative/turn systemsjangler20724.Oracle The One Ring Series Part 3. Conclusion - The Marsh BellFerninja20725.A Character's Personality Flaws & Character ImmersionDreamer20726.Hackers and Hustlers: A Silicon Valley (Mis)adventurerandylubin20727.Elegant mechanic vs Specific mechanic, finding the balanceKenny_J20728.Car/Roadtrip achievementsKenny_J20729.Blade Bind: Sword-Powered TragedyShiro20730.London by MoonlightKeith Sears20731.Monsterhearts: Examples of Great Uses of Basic Moves, Conditions and StringsColin20732.[Mermaid Adventures Actual Play] The Mean ReefsYouDontMeetInAnInn20733.Mountain-witching quests in the tavern and other tricksWarriorMonk20734.Fiasco, Story Games Appeal, and TabletopPaul_T20735.MatineeRickard20736.Complete issues of newsletterrgrassi20737.[Planet of the Week - Actual play] From the Boarder City Game ConventionKenny_J20738.[Blightburgh] A dark fantasy PbtA/BW hybrid RPGGlowie20739.I need more HQRP in my lifeRaisin20740.Losers of the ApocalypseSimon_Pettersson20741.Promised Land - a PbtA game drawing inspiration from the setting of The Book of Mormon.NYpurdy20742.Bonds and DWAndye20743.How to have tags/conditions matter in PbtA gamesHasimir20744.Blood & WaterJames_Mullen20745.another GMless game kickstarter.... you know the kindjim pinto20746.Matinee - MagicRickard20747.Dumb FunPotemkin20748.The Wildlingsstefoid20749.Inverting the capable, proactive adventurer paradigmDavid_Berg20750.Storygamers in Utrecht/NL ?ClaudioFreda20751.Description problem vs a Mechanics problemKenny_J20752.zooming in via mechanicsDavid_Berg20753.RPG RecommendationsJeff_B_Slater20754.Design Oddity: Imperfect CommunicationLuzelli20755."My laughter was Hideous and Uncontrollable"Paul_T20756.Motivation as Character ClassJustusGS20757.Dragon Con 2016 in AtlantaWerschabe20758.Has anyone tried folding the gumshoe skill list in half?Ricardo Tavares20759.Monsterhearts: academyDirk20760.fame/social status mechanicCreativeMage20761.Washington DC Area Conventionsrickr20762.[OSR and beyond] Tracking Time in Procedural PlayPotemkin20763.What does Engaging our 'Shadows' say about us?Rickard20764.Call of Cthulhu: A Time to Harvest Ep. 1 (Cult of Chaos)Ferninja20765.Robot Character Motivations and RelationshipsZacAGross20766.Intrigue in RPGsJeff_B_Slater20767.[Minis-'Steining +] Things to do in Innnsmouth when you're a Deep One Hybrid?komradebob20768.Vote on my RPG titleJeff_B_Slater20769.Storytelling Games in Edinburgh, UKsonicwaffle20770.Please list your favorite RPGsJeff_B_Slater20771.THE SUPER HACKSimonpaulburley20772.[London by Moonlight] The SystemKeith Sears20773.A critique of "Sagas of the Icelanders"Paul_T20774.Anyone have experiences w/ "Cryptomancy" RPG?miedvied20775.What RPGs Successfully Model Intrigue?Jeff_B_Slater20776.What is a game poem?Hopeless_Wanderer20777.Recommend a Game for Story Game VirginsPaul_T20778.Explain to me why Tremulus playsets are greatJakob20779.Worlds Without Master recommendations?miedvied20780.Mad Max: An Easy Apocalypse World One-ShotPaul_T20781.My Life with Master - how many players?Paul_T20782.John Harper's List of Games to Play (6 Years Later)Jeff_B_Slater20783.Recommend a story game for 10+ players.Potemkin20784.Help me to make Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger D&D prepWarriorMonk20785.The MustangONE_SHOT20786.What Are Your Favorite PVP RPGs or Story GamesJeff_B_Slater20787.[Muse] Actual Play - Proxima b Generation ShipDemiurge20788."When in doubt, imagine there is no table."Ben_Robbins20789.[Rogue, warrior, sage] Design and playtestingDirk20790.To Print or Not To PrintDemiurge20791.The Adventures of Tom Bombadilshipwreck20793.Era: The Consortium Kickstarter - Expansions!Sandworm20794.[DO: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple Actual Play] Whale MailYouDontMeetInAnInn20795.How to Successfully Playtest a Game?John H20796.What Are Some Great Sci-Fi RPGs?Jeff_B_Slater20797.Questions Regarding 13th AgeJeff_B_Slater20798.MASHED - A Korean War MASH RPG - now on Kickstarterplebotamus20799.Story Games And PC ImmersionJeff_B_Slater20800.Blade Bind KickstarterShiro20801.Short Games on Groundhoggoth... againJames_Mullen20802.A Happy Fiasco?Paul_T20803.Fiasco for 7 players? Or Suggestions for Another "Easy" Game to GM.Jeff_B_Slater20804.The Indie HackPaul_T20805.Printing Out a Copy of a RPG for Your Group?Jeff_B_Slater20806.How often is too often to promote a RPG on Story GamesJeff_B_Slater20807.What Are Your Favorite 2 Player RPGs?Jeff_B_Slater20808.Custom Playbook for Monster of the Week: The OrdainedKenny_J20809.Succeed in your action but fail your intent?Eero_Tuovinen20810.Has anyone played Itras By?Jeff_B_Slater20811.Ben Robbins' FollowJeff_B_Slater20812.[Other Borders] - General Info ThreadAsIf20813.[Dread Actual Play] Finger Lickin' GoodYouDontMeetInAnInn20814.Indie RPGs and Story Games Meetup SLC (This week: Follow by Ben Robbins)Jeff_B_Slater20815.Candidate Adam - A Quickie Storygamelord_goon20816.RPG's and novel writing?Kenny_J20817.Ghost CourtJason_Morningstar20818.[Totally off-topic] Web series recommendationsRafu20819.Types of scene framing?wdavidlewis20820.Swords Without Master Without Overplayer?Andye20821.System For Delinquent Gangs?icemaster10920822.Where did everyone go?Jeff_B_Slater20823.Indie RPGs and Story Games Meetup SLC (Lady Blackbird) Newcomers Welcome! No experience needed!Jeff_B_Slater20824.Help with "math" for battle minigameFelan20825.Metagaming RPG? Players as characters that are players?Kenny_J20826.I will be GMing Lady Blackbird this week. It is my first time GMing LB. Advice Please :)Jeff_B_Slater20827.Follow by Ben Robbins Kickstarter is up :)Jeff_B_Slater20828.What are you favorite John Harper games?Jeff_B_Slater20829.Bluebeard's Bride - hasn't anybody mentioned this Kickstarter?Rafu20830.Questions on Adam's APJudd20831.OtherCainscopperil20832.What are your favorite one-shot games? That can be played in 3-4 hours?Jeff_B_Slater20833.Adam's Traveller stuffAdam_Dray20834.Random Encounter TablesJudd20835.[Open Legend Actual Play] Flaming Monkey TornadoYouDontMeetInAnInn20836.City of Mist - KickstarterBeePeeGee20837.What are your impressions of Eden by Marc Hobbs?Jeff_B_Slater20838.Modern Swords & Sorcery Influences?wdavidlewis20839.Random Tables without... the tablesPaul_T20840.A Meat-grinder for your Halloween Gaming.Luzelli20841.Kickstarter Games ThreadJeff_B_Slater20842.Help! My NPCs are driving the bus.Paul_T20843.Mangrocalypse (1st ed. AW)Ironjens20844.Oracular: A Story Game for Nanowrimo 2016Valdus20846.Need an easy game with a GM. Please Help :)Jeff_B_Slater20847.Lady Blackbird RulesJeff_B_Slater20848.[OSR] Combat shifting round to roundJonas Ferry20849.Inclusion by default?JimD20850.Rooted follows a town built on top of a giant creature wandering through the worldMnniska20851.Feedback on my Mystery Men FAE PregensDelvidian20852.PVP Without TurnsJeff_B_Slater20853.What PbtA Game Would You Suggest To Best Learn The System?Jeff_B_Slater20854.7 expansions unlocked and just 6 hours left for Era: The Consortium - A Universe of Expansions!Sandworm20855.I Have Just the Thing -- A Card Game About Superspy GadgetsZacAGross20856.Gifting RPGs to KidsJeff_B_Slater20857.Getting Enough Facilitators/GMs for All the Groups at a Growing Gaming ClubJeff_B_Slater20858.Roleplaying the depletion of PoolsBig_J_Money20859.What is the Best Way to Search Story GamesJeff_B_Slater20860.What Are Your Favorite GMless Collaborative Story Games?Jeff_B_Slater20861.[While the World Ends] Crowdfunding artwork directly on DriveThruRPGWilhelm20862.Questions about running Bluebeard's Bridewdavidlewis20863.Dungeons and Dragons Inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame [News Link]Hopeless_Wanderer20864.Story Gamers in Bay Area Penninsula?EricJ20865.Has Anyone Played Serpent's Tooth?Jeff_B_Slater20866."Video Games Are Boring"Paul_T20867.Ways to transition between encountersJohnnFour20868.GMless Story Games with a GM feelJeff_B_Slater20869.[kickstarter] he's at it again. four games.jim pinto20870.[Original System] How does this read to you?vgunn20871.Magic and Steel - Introductionrgrassi20872.The line between GM and Player duties/roles; ; what separates an RPG from pure story telling?Dreamer20873.Attunement in 5EJohnnFour20874.Story Games Weekly to return?miedvied20875.Adding a soup\xe7on of "wonder" to vanilla D&D (5E)Deliverator20876.High Valor Revised: Will\u2022Faith\u2022Valor for the winbrettmb20877.Macchiato Monsters - The Black and White Hack - ashcan availablegeordie racer20878.Indie RPG That Are Less Than 20 Pages That Feature a GMJeff_B_Slater20879.Fixing the Risus Dice MechanicJeff_B_Slater20880.Has anyone played the version of Puppet Land being sold at IPR? Impressions?Jeff_B_Slater20881.Two Articles on Railroading (by Will Hindmarch)Paul_T20882.A resource for the "crunchiness" of RPGs and Story Games?Jeff_B_Slater20883.Davide's "xpandables"Paul_T20884.Non violent story games and RPGsJeff_B_Slater20885.Black TeethPaul_T20886.Spaghetti ConJunctionSimonpaulburley20888.OSR Failure StatesDeliverator20889.Please Help! with my Story Game design :)Jeff_B_Slater20890.Women in Historical GamingPaul_T20891.How to rotate cast?JohnnFour20892.Fall Of Magic recommends 2-4 players, has anyone played it with 5 or 6?Jeff_B_Slater20893.Indie Games eXplosion at Dreamation 2017, call for GMsMichael S. Miller20894.Rickard: Forge games focused only on conflict scenesAdam_Dray20895.[Solo-ish play] Audience participation?Dreamer20896.Tips for Running a Convention GameLuzelli20897.[The Pool] RPG QuestionsJeff_B_Slater20898.Social Combat System for 5EDeliverator20899.Games On TrialJames_Mullen20900.Tell Us About Your Favorite Gaming Session...EverJeff_B_Slater20901.Adventure Designghostwhistler20902.Does Anyone Know About "Death of a King" Played by Story Games Seattle? Where Can I Buy It?Jeff_B_Slater20904.The Unanswered Question (a Tatters of the King remix) [Trail of Cthulhu]Aviatrix20905.Up on the Housetop, Click, Click, ClickHopeless_Wanderer20906.AP: Realizing you might be the villain in the story (also, stumbling into a potential character arc)Dreamer20907.The Lord of the Rings Adventure GamePaul_T20908.Please help me figure out which games to keep and which to get rid of :)Jeff_B_Slater20909.Has anyone played Circle of Hands?Jeff_B_Slater20910.Just in time for Hanukkah: Maccabees and Menorahs (dreidel powered RPG)randylubin20911.Game that lets you play existing movies with your friends as main characters! Design Help.Ferninja20912.Monsterhearts with no GMAdam_Dray20913.Dungeons & Dragons & BitchesPaul_T20914.Retcon StudiosDranorter20915.Generating Factions for your gamePaul_T


20916.Spaghetti ConJunction: Birmingham, UK, February 11th 2017James_Mullen20917.New Lasers and Feelings Hack: Flamboyance and Finesse: In the Hall of the Party-KingDeliverator20918.What did you play this week? (2017)Ben_Robbins20919.Do people still play Fate?Jeff_B_Slater20920.The Ultimate List of GMless GamesJeff_B_Slater20921.[AW hack] Alpha version : Berlin XVIII cops in 2090Maitresinh20922.Released my first PbtA hack today (MASHED)plebotamus20923.Has anyone played Blood Red Sands?Jeff_B_Slater20924.[S/lay w/ Me] Yet More Pulp FictionEero_Tuovinen20925.What RPG/Story Game be a good match for playing a Star Wars, ASOIAF, and Middle-earth style game?Jeff_B_Slater20926.Towerlands setting for 5eAdam_Dray20927.What version of Left Coast have you played and which do to prefer?Jeff_B_Slater20928.What makes a competitive, player-versus-player game work?Jeph20929.Which creative needs go underserviced by story games?Eero_Tuovinen20930.System for Cops Hunting A Serial Killer?icemaster10920931.Jeff: Tell us about your gaming club!Paul_T20932.For Those of You Who are Game Publishers & Charge for Your Games...Jeff_B_Slater20933.What does "playing well" mean when playing in a collaborative Story GameJeff_B_Slater20934.Rafu's "Everway" ArchipelagoPaul_T20935.Advice on getting my game in front of a wider audiencerandylubin20936.Apocalypse Fuel - an AW toytsawac20937.A Hypothesis on Behavioral IncentivesRafu20938.[Kickstarter] Monkey the Roleplaying Game of the Journey to the WestNewt20939.I finally figured out why Fate and Fiasco don't work for meStephen P20940.Short form RPG problemsGlowie20941.How does your game fight fascism?kyleweems20942.Monasteries and Relics - random tables for medieval fantasy worldsDeBracy20943.Looking For Examples of Anti-Harrassment/Code of Conduct PoliciesAviatrix20944.Here is a Courtly Intrigue Story Game I Wrote: Feedback and Discussion Welcomeempowermint20945.Good Feedback Questions For Playtesters?kyleweems20946.What are the Differences Between Contemporary RPGs and Adventure RPGs (i.e. "Traditional" RPGs)Jeff_B_Slater20947.Contemporary RPGs with Collaborative Story Game ElementsJeff_B_Slater20948.For those of you who have played "While the World Ends," what did you think about it?Jeff_B_Slater20949.Bedroom Wall Press to donate proceeds to CAIRJArcane20950.Fighting Against Bullsh*tPaul_T20951.Bizarre and More: The Dogs in the Vineyard LARPPaul_T20952.Does Fables of Camelot work with few players?Guy Srinivasan20953.(FEB17) New games for sale, pre-order or crowdfundingRafu20954.What do you think about The Sprawl?Upstart20955.TITAN/child, A Struggle For Control While Disaster Loomshorn_head_o20956.System for CIA Dirty Wars? (String Pulling Clancy Stuff)icemaster10920957.Your favourite physical RPG productfrenzykitty20958.Small step towards an automated GM? Using predictive text algorithmsDreamer20959.Will there be a DnD 5E Slipcase set?frenzykitty20960.Polaris, Fellowship, Dream Askew, etc.mike_anderson20961.Hello, everybody. I come in peace.Rskennan20962.[minis+] Combat: Doll-play vs. Wargame style rules/mechanics/approacheskomradebob20963.Things I learned about GMing and things I'd like to learn.WarriorMonk20964.We had a disappointing session playing House of Reeds the other dayJeff_B_Slater20965.Disappointing Games: Who Failed?Paul_T20966.[Our Last Best Hope]: The Killer AsteroidDreamer20967.Has anyone played the Coriolis RPG, or the new Conan RPG?miedvied20968.Story Gamers Love D&D -- help me brainstorm an imageDavid_Berg20969.[Unbelievable Macho Bullsh*t Actual Play] Decadent American Capitalist ManYouDontMeetInAnInn20970.Please Help! with "The Society of Dreamers" play adviceJeff_B_Slater20971.Nobilis RPG - looking for MOONLESS NIGHTSSelyuna20972.On Politics And DramaJames_Stuart20973.Please Help Me Spend All My Money! (On Storytelling Games)Jeff_B_Slater20974.(Issue Solved) What do you do when an author...Jeff_B_Slater20975.Roleplaying as a Kid - where does the magic go?Paul_T20976.Help - can't remember name of (story) game one-shotcra220977.Has anyone played A Song of Ice & Fire RPG by Green RoninJeff_B_Slater20978.A convention devoted to playing the games of the futureSimonpaulburley20979.Spaghetti ConJunction 1bSimonpaulburley20980.Has anyone played Alessandro's "King of the City?"Jeff_B_Slater20981.[Fiasco] Black Neon, Neo-Noir playsetyetibigfoot20982.Are Games That Are Collaborative With Each Player Acting As A GM Called GMfull Games?Jeff_B_Slater20983.CAPITALISM! The comedy game of betrayal, sabotage and corporate indenturement.Ferninja20984.The narrative logistics of playing the Leaders and the Soldiers in the same campaignthadrine20985.Epic Amazing Thing (D&D 5e / City of Brass)Adam_Dray20986.Civic Games Contest 2017Adam_Dray20987.Does there exist an intersection between "no, but" and "yes, but"?Dreamer20988.What is good in old editions of D&D?Eero_Tuovinen20989.Birmingham Indie GamesJames_Mullen20990.[Fiasco!] Playset feedback/Artwork/AP Requestyetibigfoot20991.THE CODE OF SH\u014cJO AND SH\u014cNEN - new Kickstarter CampaignSimonpaulburley20992."Annihilation" on FictoplasmAsIf20993.[Microscope Actual Play] Making and Unmaking The WorldYouDontMeetInAnInn20994.Camp Nerdly X is May 19-21Harlequin20995.[Feedback/Critique] Subrosa, a one-shot PbtA gameapakalypse20996.Does anybody know of a community for wargame designers?madunkieg20997.Help Me Spend All My Money Part 2 (This Time On RPGs with a GM)Jeff_B_Slater20998.(MAR17) New games!Rafu20999.\xa35 RPG on Kickstarter now - Era: HitmanSandworm21000.I didn't mean to publish The Knack HackAdam_Dray21001.Another fun little technique: having two sessions in a four-hour slotDeliverator21002.Hard Sci-fi (like The Expanse) RPG powered by the Apocalypse?Dreamofpeace21003.[minis+] Combat: ReduxHopeless_Wanderer21004.A new policy: I will only GM for GMs (?)Deliverator21005.Running Darkness and Light LevelsPacmouf21006.Metaplot and World In MotionBedrockbrendan21007.Swords of Strange Aeons v3 released....jdrakeh21008.Recommend me a PbtA game for an Introductory One-ShotLord_Minx21009.Please help me understand the rules for "Love in the Time of Seid" ...I'm facilitating tonightJeff_B_Slater21010.Gaming Charity Event?Dreamofpeace21011.Seeking Critical Thinking/Civics Game Recs.Tigger2721012.Bag pick mechanics: Yea or nay?Morrius21013.Is there storytelling game with rules that can be read/learned in 1 1/2 hours for a game tonight?Jeff_B_Slater21014.[PbtA] Elemental *World MovesPaul_T21015.Trading or Selling RPGs and Storytelling Games on this SiteJeff_B_Slater21016.Has anyone played the PbtA game "The Veil" yet?Jeff_B_Slater21017.I have a game at 5PM today (3/20) what Story Game can I read/learn by 5PM works well with 3 players?Jeff_B_Slater21018.Help, Story Games! What Mechanics/Designs Give Good Direction to a Character Concept?Paul_T21019.Urban Shadows' Dark Streets; reviews?miedvied21020.Sword & Sorcery -flavored gamesUpstart21021.Has Anyone Played "Questlandia"?Jeff_B_Slater21022.Feeling like a clich\xe9 as a woman gamerBricoleur21023.Protocol Session Report: HOMEfrenzykitty21024.D&D Champion ElectedPaul_T21025.Has anyone played "Shock: Science Fiction" with 6 players?Jeff_B_Slater21026.[The Filthy Dozen]A darkly amusing game of goblin commandosMatt21027.[Pocket Danger Patrol hack at Gamestorm 2016] The Star-Spores of MykonnSeth_Magdich21028.Nobilis - Mechanics & Game Coherencemiedvied21029.Short / Little / Simple Storygames to be played by forumrgrassi21030.Indie hurricane at gamestorm 2017DanielZKlein21031.Where do you find games and gamers?Green21032.Models for encounter-level social mechanics209721033.Powered by the Apocalypse World, a PbtA *World gamePaul_T21034.Roleplaying/Designing in languages other than EnglishHopeless_Wanderer21035.Glossary of key phrases while DM:ing209721036.Beauty and the BeastCharlie_X21037.Examples of RPGs that are easy to play online?Steve_Hickey21038.Bigly's Crushing HandPaul_T21039.What is your favorite game written by Jason other than Fiasco?Jeff_B_Slater21040.[Feedback/Critique] Keep It Weird, Beach CityHyveMynd21041.[5e] Defense rolls, or AC?209721042.Night Witches help/errata?Pooka21043.Lovecraft PbtAAndye21044.Monsterhearts, Descriptive HarmPaul_T21045.What's your favorite system for characters doing projects?David_Berg21046.FAE Approaches boiled down to questionsHasimir21048.[One Ugly Motherf*cker Actual Play] Eggs and BreakyYouDontMeetInAnInn21049.Did anyone do a Paranoia hack of Lasers and Feelings?komradebob21050.The Sword, The Crown, and The Unspeakable PowerJeff_B_Slater21051."I just like saying 'overthrow the government'."Ben_Robbins21052.APR17 New Games threadRafu21053.Games with combat systems with no randomization/luckkyleweems21054.Types of PlayersPaul8821055.Karma > Fortune > Karma again > Drama209721056.Favorite online OSR resources?Stephen P21057.A funny thing happened on the way to the railroad...Deliverator21058.[Everway] Shared vision209721059.Fiasco four act structure209721060.Story Game Design Issue(s) AND/OR Not Building Upon Others Story Ideas And Sharing The StoryJeff_B_Slater21061.OSR and mapsHasimir21062.Online Play - How Much of a PDF Do You Share?miedvied21063.Using poster maps from the 2e era?209721064.[D&D 5e] Slot Grid209721065.Down With Player Types! Up With Player Motivations!Jonathan Nicol21066.The Best Things in Gaming - A Real-Time IllustratorPaul_T21067.Any news about any new GMless collaborative Story Games coming out or being crowd funded?Jeff_B_Slater21068.Why do you design games?Kenny_J21069.RISS official, canonical theory!!209721070.Welcome to Story Games!James_Stuart21071.Welcome! (Re)-Introduce yourself! 2017-James_Stuart21072.Critique My [Game] - Big list of games seeking input - Add your game to the list.Kenny_J21073.Four mirror scenarios and two groups209721074.OSR Question. How can come up with a player DEF roll with descending AC?vgunn21075.[D&D 5e] Four default NPC:s209721076.OSR Gaming ClockAndye21077.[May 2017] Currently prepping209721078.[Dungeon World Actual Play] Kobold SympathizerYouDontMeetInAnInn21079.Combat based on shocks? Looking for more shocks.David_Berg21080.[PODCAST] The Gauntlet Podcast Episode 97GauntletRPG21081.What Story Games have your Favorite Set-Up Procedures for Creating a World, Genre and Tone of Play?Jeff_B_Slater21082.Practical renaming of traditional D&D statsvgunn21083.Polaris WoesBen_Robbins21084.[META] Podcast ThreadsJames_Stuart21085.Advice or info on GMing an Episodic game?Big_J_Money21086.[PODCAST] +1 Forward welcomes Mark Plemmons and MASHEDGauntletRPG21087.Dramasystem questions209721088.Combining narrative play with cooperative goals, without a GM?yochaigal21089.I Need Some Suggestions for Fiasco Play-sets w/ Different Genres for a Session Tonight @ 5 PM (4/27)Jeff_B_Slater21090.Machineries of Joy: N\xf8rwegian SurrealAbstract_Machine21091.Against "Inflicting Social Damage" mechanics209721092."Fast-Talk" rolls, stance clash and disassociation209721093.The Improvising Referee209721094.Stance Glossary209721095.Custom Dice?Jeff_B_Slater21096.[META] Upgrade to 2.3James_Stuart21097.Hard moves, soft moves: How gear breaks or fails?Ry21098.KARMA: A Game About Consequencesfrenzykitty21099.About my Old School D&D skill systemEero_Tuovinen21100.I have a question about The ImpostersJeff_B_Slater21101.My take on RISSDeliverator21102.The Everway / RISS match & mismatches!209721103.The Spicy Dice Roll: salvaging something coherentJeph21104.[5e] "Messy Initiative System" (inspired by Kutulu)209721105.[Donjon, GURPS] More of 2097 90:s/00:s lamentations209721106.Howdy, friends.ValyrianSteelKatana21107.A Procedure to create a "controlled" inter-player conflictWarriorMonk21108.GM transparency toolDavid_Berg21109.A thin crescent moon hangs sickly pale...Paul_T21110.Unquiet Past Oracle for trollbabeRy21111.I need a name for an 'inventor' classvgunn21112.Story Game Mixtapes209721113.Microscope Union & Microscope Chronicles209721114.EXO-ADVENTURERS: A micro RPG about exploring an ancient alien space stationKenny_J21115.Tall Pines: A Surreal Murder Mystery Gamemilesgaborit21116.Looking for help from a mediator or moderator209721117.Microscope Awkward Silencesempowermint21118.Question about Infinite Galaxies ShipsPatrickRBG21119.[MECHANICAL ORYX Actual Play] The Houndhorn_head_o21120.OSR people, please recommend dungeon for 1-shotRafu21121.High v. Low Fantasy (game mechanics)Hopeless_Wanderer21122.Opinions on Shadow of the Demon Lordfrenzykitty21123.Adventures in SmoochesPatrickRBG21124.My favorite game design tool: a ThesaurusBeePeeGee21125.Setup Procedures and Design In Story GamesJeff_B_Slater21126.Microscope ReflectionsJonas Ferry21127.Harts & Minds: post-apocalyptic, psychic, cyber-deer (no, really)plebotamus21128.[5e] placing miniatures in reverse initiative orderWarriorMonk21129.[The Easiest PbtA Hack] A Custom Character Creation MovePaul_T21130.7th Sea 2e Mechanicsghostwhistler21131.Tunnels & Trolls: buying equipment for starting charactersRafu21132.Spicy Agenda and PrinciplesJeph21133.Era: Survival - Expansions into the Unknown Kickstarter!Sandworm21134.Skill Challenges, RevisedValyrianSteelKatana21135.Narrative Combat ResolutionPatrickRBG21136.[5e] Crazy idea for encounter balanceWarriorMonk21137.May'17 New Games Threadzircher21138.Any podcasters/bloggers around here? I could use some help...frenzykitty21139.The Spicy Roll/Agenda, Player EditionPaul_T21140.[Playtesting] Playtesting a Fiasco PlaysetJason_Morningstar21141.[world-building] Help with a evil secret society in a fantasy settingvgunn21142.Untold: Adventures Await by The Creativity HubVirginian_John21143.[Witch Quest] scenarios?Rafu21144.Structured/Free StoryplayingBeePeeGee21145.[Golden Sea Actual Play] The Liberty BelleYouDontMeetInAnInn21146.........................Lulu..........Jeff_B_Slater21147.Shh, they're watching me...James_Mullen21148.[Kickstarter] Trouble For Hire looks so amazingBricoleur21149.Old School D&D is about herd stupidityEero_Tuovinen21150.What's the state of the story-game scene?Upstart21151.Cthulhu DarkGraham21152.Setting and Keeping ToneJames_Stuart21153.Love & Darkness (a 200-word story game / RPG)markwallace21154.Request for Feedback: Revolution of CallistoIsaac21155.Summer RPG Book ClubJames_Mullen21156.Can you buy The Shab-al-Hiri Roach in the PDF version?Jeff_B_Slater21157.Can most live-action RPGs be played as tabletop RPGs? Juggernaut, for example?Jeff_B_Slater21158.[Elfs] Dyson's Delfs! - Actual Playpaganini21159.June'17 New Games ThreadTeylen21160.Interesting Concept for Debate Mechanics for RPGsRickDean21161.Who's Coming to Origins? (Columbus, Ohio)Aaron_S21162.A Game of Beads: Brainstorming (kinda long)Aaron_S21163.Lulu code BOOKSHIP17 gives free shipping and 10% off, until June 12.Wilhelm21164.How feasible is it to play Fate with just Overcome actions?ValyrianSteelKatana21165.Problem when playing "Fiction-last" style (Lady Blackbird, stacking tags...)BeePeeGee21166.Jeff's "Colored Bead" Story Game Design, Inspired by Aaron's postJeff_B_Slater21167.Thought Experiment: Society built around a megadungeonAdam_Dray21168.GM Techniques: important events off-screen - how do you do it?Paul_T21169.Sometimes the players should lose agency.ValyrianSteelKatana21170.I made a Discord Channelfrenzykitty21171.Special abilities with narrative rules instead of mechanical ones?WarriorMonk21172.Apocalypse World Demo?Hopeless_Wanderer21173.The proper website for an indie game launchEero_Tuovinen21174.Shameless Plug: Mirrorrim Player's Guide -- Free Preview (5e)Adam_Dray21175.[GPNW] Game Scheduling has started for Go Play NWtonydowler21176.[OSR] Lists of Things - help neededHasimir21177.[Dirty Secrets] Setup Questionpaganini21178.[Lasers and Feelings] A Very Silly IdeaDeliverator21179.CC and the consequence engines209721180.Looking for negative-feedback-loop systemsCarlosLuna21181.The Adventuring ContractWarriorMonk21182.Why do we play rpgs? Rewards and incentives.Rob_Alexander21183.[Dirty Secrets] Solo Story Gaming and Subverting the Czege Principlepaganini21184.G+ Story Games, how is it different?Kenny_J21185.Thoughts/"review"-ish Microscope Explorer from someone who had never played Microscope209721186.Why fights take a long time in Blades209721187.Kingdoms of Ooo, WoDu Hack [questions]Hopeless_Wanderer21188.I made a free RPG for telling stories like Stranger ThingsOrion Canning21189.A simple method for using items in D&D 5e skill checks.ValyrianSteelKatana21190.D&D 5e house rule: Arrow threat209721191.Shooting into m\xeal\xe9e is dangerous?209721192.Playing Conspiripedia on DiscordJames_Mullen21193.Fictional position vs. difficulty on an axis.ValyrianSteelKatana21194.What GMless/GMlite games have rules to pull together narrative threads and create great endings?Jeff_B_Slater21195.Pulp* Adventure and Disillusionment - Adventure stories get oldKenny_J21196.Resources on scene framing?Dreamer21197.Kickstarter - Era: Hitman printed version available now!Sandworm21198.What is the best, most polite, language to frame a "veto" in a Story Game?Jeff_B_Slater21199.Leveling should ONLY make you better at combat.ValyrianSteelKatana21200.Mind of MargaretJeff_B_Slater21201.Sell Me Your Games!Jeff_B_Slater21202.Freeform/Semi-Larp for 10-12 Teenagers Recommendations?BeePeeGee21203.Subscene that assumes GMs will hack but that strongly values designRob_Alexander21204.Dice set and simple mechanic in search of a gameAlexR21205.[minis +] There needs to be more Barbie in this DNAkomradebob21206.[Tangibility] Introducing elements209721208.How important is an advancement system in RPGs?frenzykitty21209.A Ruleset is an Intervention ToolRob_Alexander21210.Jul'17 New Games ThreadTeylen21211.Somewhere Between Archipelago and PbtAJeff_B_Slater21212.Low-prep dungeon models - what's your experience?Rob_Alexander21213.History Question: Earliest games with player-faced mechanics?JustinA21214.[Trollbabe] Critical Analysispaganini21215.[FUBAR Dungeon] game design article + actual playHasimir21216.Dissecting D&D combat.ValyrianSteelKatana21217.[Trollbabe] (I did it...) My Waypaganini21218.GMfull GamesJeff_B_Slater21219.[Mist-Robed Gate] is confusingSimon_Pettersson21220.What I like about Dungeon World, and what I do notRob_Alexander21221.Character/team advocation in RPGsUpstart21222.Story games heavily featuring maps?empowermint21223.Best new games of 2016jhkim21224.Campaign settings, worlds, or playsets - Do people use them?Kenny_J21225.D&D attributes, equal random generation, and LotFP skillsRob_Alexander21226.Story Games That (Just) Use Standard Playing Cards [list]Hopeless_Wanderer21227.Help with Brainstorming: Stranded on Island Freeform/Semi-LarpBeePeeGee21228.Help with Brainstorming: Superhero Wedding Freeform/Semi-LarpBeePeeGee21229.[Open Design] Guides for collaborative design using Markdown, git, etc.Lord_Minx21230.I finally launched my first game: Scarlet Wake!Ben_ONeal21231.Looking for some help brainstorming some weird encounter ideas!Jacob21232.[Tales of Entropy] Questions on marketingPetteriHannila21233.[Reflections] Played? What did you think?Jeff_B_Slater21234.Non-tactile sensation of mechanics.ValyrianSteelKatana21235.What are your favorite hidden gems?Jeff_B_Slater21236.Give it (the information) to me straight: knowledge checks.ValyrianSteelKatana21237.OSR design is stuck in the past ... and it is a pityHasimir21238.Let's talk about how OSR-style mechanics work.ValyrianSteelKatana21239.I'd love your advice on picking on a game to Kickstartrandylubin21240.Wagering games?ValyrianSteelKatana21241.My worries about the "indie" communityHasimir21242.The value of loose ends.davey21243.Aug'17 New Games ThreadTeylen21244.What hopes and fears do you have for the OSR scene?Eero_Tuovinen21245.Play by Post gamingValdus21246.Gencon!ValyrianSteelKatana21247.A dice-less RPG specifically created for Play by PostValdus21248.What place, if any, does 1st person immersion have in story games?Mongrel_GM21249.Story Games with Different Types of ScenesJeff_Slater21250.I have a game that plays out a chase scene with shared narration between 2 people.killertick21251.Anyone in Chicago area?Hasimir21252.Playtest & Feedback Templaterandylubin21253.Trying to Find New DirectionsColin21254.Where Else Do You Hang Out Online?Colin21255.Coordinating Storytelling in a Rotating GM RPGJeff_Slater21256.Spicy Dice Roll Actual PlayJeph21257.Beg IKEA to make an affordable tabletop gaming tableL.Trenti MrVALIS21258.For Those of You Who Like Almost Exclusivly Indie RPGs, What Mainstream RPGs Do I Need to Check Out?Jeff_Slater21259.[Agon, Second Edition], by Jason Morninstar and John HarperJeff_Slater21260.Games Designed for Play by PostJeff_Slater21261.Wardens of the Wildghostwhistler21262."Bounded Accuracy" and other things.paganini21263.Collision between "Playing passionately" and Bleeding. Any tips? Help!Edgargso21264.Do crunch & central narrative authority curb character?Mongrel_GM21265.Are there campaign gmless story games?davey21266.Best games that do the bildungsroman?ValyrianSteelKatana21267.Is the game concept punchy enough? Would you play it? Tips and Help, please!Edgargso21268.Golden CobraL.Trenti MrVALIS21269.[The Loop] A little gamepaganini21270.Era: Balam - Era d10, Savage Worlds or FATE - on Kickstarter now!Sandworm21271.six skillsCuchulainn21272.Let's do a list of sources (blogs, podcasts, websites, youtube channels, etc.) for indie RPG stuffJeff_Slater21273.Old habits die hard.ValyrianSteelKatana21274.The King is Dead - AP and questionsPaul_T21275.Measuring the impact of rules/crunchUpstart21276.Using techniques from experimental/improv music for story game designRickDean21277.Help! Need a system to wrap my magic idea.Guy Srinivasan21278.Where else do people discuss the art of story game design?davey21279.If you're having trouble logging in...James_Stuart21280.Short, small, fun gamesraytracer21281.The Design Space of Tabletop RPG Resolution Systems \u2014 an attempt to describe itRob_Alexander21282.What are the iconic Jeepform games?Ronaldo21283.[Magic And Steel]: A Fantasy Roleplaying Game, by Roberto Grassirgrassi21284.Themed CampaignsDannyK21285.Forest City Comicon, Sept 23rd, London, Ontario.Colin21286.Another Forge?Jeff_Slater21287.Sorcerer(s) in Space: Mad Science of TomorrowRafu21288.Top 5 Design Ideas 2001-2005 ForgeMongrel_GM21289.Participate in an Immersion Evaluation of the Video Game Experiencetankgirl281021290.[Exalted 3e] The Sun Will RiseJonathan Nicol21291.Looking for Suggestions: Story Games with crunchfrenzykitty21292.Shadowrun Anarchy: your thoughtsfrenzykitty21293."The Mountain Witch" Revision, finally!timfire21294.Sep'17 New Games ThreadTeylen21295.gmLess design spaceHasimir21296.[minis+] Can someone give me a synopsis of how Fate games use sketch maps and zones?komradebob21297.[The Mountain Witch] Abilities Help!timfire21298.Itras By: The Menagerieolepeder21299.[P & Q: Schism] feedback/play test s'il vous plaitMongrel_GM21300.[Paranoia: High Programmers] Lying to actual people is fun!DWeird21301.[Apocalypse World] Questions on health mechanicsNovbert21302.[gmLess] The Quiet Year - how I play itHasimir21303.Post-mortem of my first playtest of my first gamearmyofmeat21304.Anyone willing to play on the Fate system online?BellaFox21305.Why do you play?Tomen21321306.Sole: An Exploration Game for One PlayerJames_Mullen21307.Games for 2Rafu21308.[Apocalypse World] How to "Play to find out what happens"?Novbert21309.Challenges with the forums formatdavey21310.The new version of ParanoiaJeff_Slater21311.[gmLess] the Invisible-GM-Effect in FateLessHasimir21312.Playtesting MaximsJames_Stuart21313.Damn. I just got AW's stats.ValyrianSteelKatana21314.fictional causality vs resolving ambiguityDavid_Berg21315.How can D&D social mechanics grow? and should they?Jeff_Slater21316.[OSR] High-level Play ConcernsJohann21317.Recommend unto me a Spooky LARP!E.T.Smith21318.Tschai, planet of adventure, Dungeon world hackMaitresinh21319.[Unknown Armies 3e Actual Play] GhostbothersYouDontMeetInAnInn21320.Aleron's Lie - Story/Dialogue-Driven Drama Mystery GameRafu21321.Oct'17 New Games ThreadTeylen21322.[UnPlayable Fantasy PbtA] - Fictional Harm SystemHasimir21323.Via Hangouts - World of Dungeons - bi-weekly group on Thursdaysroryb21324.RPG Design Panelcast Reborn!Jason_Pitre21325.Reviewing Games in a Productive MannerJeff_Slater21326.I love Mind of MargaretBen_Robbins21327.How much power does the GM have in Powered by the Apocalypse games?Upstart21328.Games Where All of the Players Share Control of One Charactermike_anderson21329.Mechanic for signaling: "Invoke this aspect!"MisterS21330.[The Quiet Year] do cards override your (phase 3) action?Tygrinn21331.A rather silly idea about difficulty and task resolution.ValyrianSteelKatana21332.[UnPlayable Fantasy PbtA] - Violence MovesHasimir21334.Retrieving the Golden Cheese Puff \u2014 or an impromptu pen and paper RISUS RPG game with two ten y/o'sThe_Bearded_Belgian21335.My username seems to show up twiceThe_Bearded_Belgian21336.Subtleties in what we say at the tableWarriorMonk21337.[minis] Hey Bob, did'ya know about this one?Eero_Tuovinen21338.Playtest Serendipity & Triumph!RickDean21339.Shamanism, Divination, and Role-playing gamesNoctimaniaGames21340.The Uncanny Resurrection of Dungeons & Dragons (The New Yorker)Jeff_Slater21341.Kickstarter: Fantasy Stock Art for less than $1 eachjeshields21342.Poll: Which of my 2 last microrpgs would you want to see as a full game?frenzykitty21343.Combat methodologies in RPGs.ValyrianSteelKatana21344.Kickstarter: Storm Hollow: Call To Adventurecoffeeswiller21345.[OSR] Buffing monsters and entire modulesJohann21346.[UnPlayable Fantasy PbtA] Basic MovesHasimir21347.I need your help!Jeff_Slater21348.7th Sea 2e Mechanicsghostwhistler21349.Games for New Players?sprk373721350.Gardening / Day to day livingrhysmakesthings21351.[Examples Wanted] The Character Sheet is the GameHopeless_Wanderer21352.Metatopia rides: Philly or TrentonDavid_Berg21353.Is Fate Core resolution mechanic "bad" for emergent story?Hasimir21354.This and That, the GameDiscoSoup21355.Nov' New Games ThreadTeylen21356.[minis+] Have you ever made a "collection plan" for an RPG game setting?komradebob21357.Games like Our Last Best Hope?Dreamer21358.A short game about relationships on the brink, looking for feedback.killertick21359.Lite RPGs to Run a D&D-like Game SessionJeff_Slater21360.A diceless move for social interaction.ValyrianSteelKatana21361.Stop NotificationHasimir21362.[minis +] Fixes for problems in Planning & Developing a Fantasy Minis Collection ?komradebob21363.Regarding demonsGuy Srinivasan21364.Hacking D&D 5E ClassesJeff_Slater21365.[Unknown Armies 3e] uses conspiracy theorist corkboards for setting creation; here's ours!YouDontMeetInAnInn21366.How does tremulus fail in regards to Lovecraft and PbtA?ValyrianSteelKatana21367.Can you Story-Gamify a Trad RPG Without Changing the Rules?madunkieg21368.Terms : World and StoryDeReel21369.[Blades in the Dark] - What does PLANNING mean?Hasimir21370.Critical Role and the Rise of D&DPaul_T21371.What are you working on?Jeff_Slater21372.RPG Texts that are worthwhile as literatureEero_Tuovinen21373.[Swords without Master] Pulp-adventures in the Red DesertPetteriHannila21374.Need help writing in markupeseDeReel21375.Blackened Hearts, a pirate LARP scenarioLeprenomichaun21376.Go Aggro / Seize By Force and conflicting intents.ValyrianSteelKatana21377.Family friendly Fiasco playsets?davey21378.THE ENCLAVE - A Storytelling Game of Isolation and Resiliencelord_goon21379.From games to RPGDeReel21380.Indie RPGs/Story Games That Use Tarot CardsJeff_Slater21381.Random tables/flowchart for political power struggle?WarriorMonk21382.Prompt, an RPGtapgiles21383.The Dungeon in Dungeon WorldHasimir21384.A Reddit User creates a D&D TV show pitch... and it's goodPaul_T21385.WFRP: What is the game about? How could it be more focused?ValyrianSteelKatana21386.Dec' New Games ThreadTeylen21387.Using a Detailed Published Setting - How do you make the most of it?Paul_T21388.Principia Apocrypha: GM Principles for running OSR-style games in PbtADreamer21389.Dimensions of charactersDeReel21390.Adam Dray's City of Brass/MirrorrimPaul_T21391.It\u2019s time to buy a bunch of new games!Jeff_Slater21392.Unsubscribing from a Threadtapgiles21393.Any interest in LARP scenario \u2018boxed sets\u2019?Leprenomichaun21394.Patreon and meRafu21395.[A Taste for Murder] Influence questionPaul_T21396.Collaborative competitive storytelling game design examples and caveatsDeReel21397.[Muse] Deluxe Edition AvailableDemiurge21398.Plan a One-Shot for a CouplePaul_T21399.This is so bizarre I had to post it...Jeff_Slater21400.Fortune in the middle ( phrase origin, meaning?)Hopeless_Wanderer21401.A thought on making OSR games more story-based.ValyrianSteelKatana21402.Quick Question about Improv StuffJeff_Slater21403.Game Design Gal/Guy w/a Love/Hate Relationship w/ Retail & Fantasy RPGsNathan_H21404.[Apocalypse World] Crow's Flats: Skyfall, a Mini-campaign starterPaul_T21405.[OSR] Meta-experienceMartinEden21406.[Software] CrawlspaceMartinEden21407.[Tales of Entropy] I took a stab at farcical roleplayingEero_Tuovinen21408.[Breakers] Fire swamp of the whaleMartinEden


21409.What did you play this week? (2018)Ben_Robbins21410.Film, TV, and other media which provides lessons for gamingPaul_T21411.Konno Takashi on designing Nobinobi TRPGyukamichi21412.Hoping to Contact Mike WightHopeless_Wanderer21413.IGX at Dreamation 2018! Soliciting eventsMichael S. Miller21414.Archives of the Sky: epic sci-fi meets human valuesaaronareed21415.You know what would be a cool campaign (game + setting)Hopeless_Wanderer21416.Jan' New Games ThreadTeylen21417.Apocalypse World and PvP, sex, and goreMongrel_GM21418.What does a fantasy boom-town look like & who lives there?vgunn21419.Ghost/Echo play session13Clocks21420.I could use some help with some skill descriptionsvgunn21421.Save vs. hard move.ValyrianSteelKatana21422.Lady Blackbird play sessionLena21423.Game format / Agenda / ToneDeReel21424.[Dark Heresy] It\u2019s Probably Heresy - Actual Play PodcastTyruss21425.Pet GamesFriendlyAlienLocust21426.Apocalypse World Reskin: Drifting In SpaceRaticle21427.What are the best resources for learning how to best design a PbtA game?Jeff_Slater21428.Breakout 2018, Toronto, March 16-18Colin21429.Let's Talk About FriendsFriendlyAlienLocust21430.A short documentary on D&D in prisonPaul_T21431.I need help building a B/X Halfling/Leprechaun Hybrid Classvgunn21432.[OSR] How to decide how much XP a magic item is worth?MartinEden21433.[OSR] Prime requisites and XP bonusesPaul_T21434.[OSR, D&D, etc] Bad ExperiencesPaul_T21435.Characterization aidsDavid_Berg21436.[B/X] Hit Points and casting Cleric Spells, would this work?vgunn21437.[D&D 5e] Finished our campaign, I've got some comments about the game.WarriorMonk21438.Adept Play: Ron Edwards new websitePeter_Perry21439.[OSR] Passions, motivations, relationships and suchEero_Tuovinen21440.Who is Your RPG Consulting Dream Team?Jeff_Slater21441.Beam Saber V0.1 is here!YouDontMeetInAnInn21442.Wuxia vs The One Ringghostwhistler21443.Terror Hawks are the worst (Union)Ben_Robbins21444.[D&D] Class-based weapon damage and the best method to make it work.vgunn21445.What are your 3 favorite free rpgs?Jeff_Slater21446.I bought the domain gmless.comJeff_Slater21447.Dice aestheticsGuy Srinivasan21448.[Tales of Entropy] Movie AdaptationEero_Tuovinen21449.[OSR] Help me fill a Dwarven treasure vaultMartinEden21450.D&D5E and the Resource Economy - How does it work? [AP and question]Paul_T21451.[Game Design] How do you indicate purpose in a playtest document?Paul_T21452.Help me - i just had this idea - 4 player nordic larp come dine with me?dannyrklg121453.My understanding of old school D&DAdam_Dray21454.Hillfolk Series Pitch: Young Africachiarina21455.Movement and Position in the Theatre of the Mindghostwhistler21456.Story Games SLC just got our 100th memberJeff_Slater21457.General violence as a peripheral move.ValyrianSteelKatana21458.Feb' New Games ThreadTeylen21459.[Godjobs] Playtest DocumentsJames_Mullen21460.[D&D 4th] Some notes on my Chronicles of Prydain microcampaignEero_Tuovinen21461.Preferred stance to address premise?David_Berg21462.Ron Edwards New Website, Forgitism & Abstract Language and ConceptsJeff_Slater21463.Zap: roleplaying in the age of fake newsJakob21464.A D&D Parody of Game of ThronesJeff_Slater21465.Help building a less-Tolkienesque Dwarf class [B/X D&]vgunn21466.[OSR] The orthogonal dwarfKrippler21467.Question specifically for those of you interested in GMless collaberative gamesJeff_Slater21468.Cutting scenes : cost, conditions, proceduresDeReel21469."We're all Bozos on this bus" -- When all the PCs have the same activityDannyK21470.[OSR] A different take on the Elfvgunn21471.[Tales of Entropy] Intentionally breaking genreEero_Tuovinen21472.Need a Setting for 9-11year oldsHopeless_Wanderer21473.Podcasts of 2018Colin21474.A question for those who have played RyuutamaJeff_Slater21475.Quiet Year SettingsSkurvyninja21476.[LFP][ONLINE][Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls][Discord][Roll20][MST]Rayston21477.What Helps You Design Games?Dreamofpeace21478.[WH40k] The world as part of character effectivenessDWeird21479.[Sagas of the Icelanders] There's tech here I haven't seen used widelyvini_lessa21480.[Exchange of services] Make me a website?Rafu21481.Happy New Year!Hopeless_Wanderer21482.[House of Spiders] Design Process and DiscussionJeff_Slater21483.Cyclic Design for DungeonsPaul_T21484.[world-building] Help flesh out my fantasy settingvgunn21485.[DTP question] OD&D Cover FontHopeless_Wanderer21486."OUIJA: Mystifying GameMaster"davey21487.[OSR] Why do different classes progress to higher levels at different rates?MartinEden21488.The King is Dead PbPMichael Pfaff21489.I started a story games Meetup in Billings Montana!Kenny_J21490.Children of the Fall: Seeking Playtestersfrenzykitty21491.De ProfundisLeprenomichaun21492.Where do you go when you need art for your game...?WarriorMonk21493.Wrath of the AutarchSkurvyninja21494.[Utopian Chronicles] lightweight collaborative competitive story telling gameDeReel21495.[Misspent Youth] India's DaughtersAdam_Dray21496.Feedback Request - FONT (200 Word RPG)moconnor21497.Bully Pulpit Games now has a Drip page!Jason_Morningstar21498.[Tales of Entropy] Philosophy and PoliticsEero_Tuovinen21499.Any news from the pretend play front ?DeReel21500.Danger Below \u2014 What are some effects of dungeon delving?vgunn21501.CYBER//PUNK, a Lasers & Feelings Hack (Looking for Feedback)DBB21502.The Wide ConJason_Morningstar21503.Paying for Dogstucksravin21504.Peoples' thoughts concerning the D&D proto-setting?Big_J_Money21505.What browswer are you using to write on this board?Hopeless_Wanderer21506.[AW] A different take on the QuarantinePaul_T21507.Honorifics for a god13Clocks21508.Mar' New Games ThreadTeylen21509.The world\u2019s oldest d20Jeff_Slater21510.A Canadian RPG MarketplacejKitz21511.a collection of games, all in one bookjim pinto21512.[Anno Daemonum] GM-less story game looking for feedbackAPM21513.[Monsterhearts 2] NPC's using abilities?enricoboschin21514.One-page, one-sheet [explain, discuss, etc.]Hopeless_Wanderer21515.Safety in games, tools for same, and on the cutting of scenesPaul_T21516.Developing a functional random encounter checks mechanic for OSR-ish 5E Dungeon-DelvingDeliverator21517.Toward One questionsRafu21518.[Monsterhearts 2] Vegetarian Ghouls?Sadurian21519.[Monsterhearts 2] A question about the Vampire.enricoboschin21520.The Queen's MenMatt21521.[Rovers] The Catapult JobBill_White21522.[Monsterhearts 2] Questions about Monsterhearts 2.enricoboschin21523.[Monsterhearts 2] Danger of granulation in setting over time?Sadurian21524.[OSR] The players' advantages?Johann21525.[Dream System] Poll on a MechanicKeith Sears21526.Great Interview with the Creators of the Join the Party Podcast!DBB21527.Tabletop RPG Tutorialrhysmakesthings21528.What is your favourite system? [poll]Hopeless_Wanderer21529.[Monsterhearts 2] Keep your cool?enricoboschin21530.Reputation Economy/Sci Fighostwhistler21531.Why do RPG players often ignore the rules?Rob_Alexander21532.[Godbound] Be a Fandom of the Player CharactersDeliverator21533.[Don't Rest Your Head] The Three Fs of MadnessJames_Mullen21534.Safety, Consent, and Askingmanixur21535.Isometric Dungeon MapsHopeless_Wanderer21536.What exactly is the appeal of emergent narrative?EmmatheExcrucian21537.What do rules ever do for us?Rob_Alexander21538.GodjobsJames_Mullen21539.April Alchemy - Tabletop RPG Game Jam, April 1-30, 2018ParadoxBoy21540.What Are Currently Your 3 Favorite Modern RPGsJeff_Slater21541.List of game mechanics for a game jam?davey21542.We are looking for a List of game mechanics for a game jam...davey21543.What have I missed?Tanya Fyans21544.We are seeking some advice/resources for gamejam event we are organizing...davey21545.Neural Network makes D&D MonstersPaul_T21546.[Monsterhearts 2] How does Players take Strings on NPC's?enricoboschin21547.Blades in the DarkHopeless_Wanderer21548.Dead in the West - a storytelling-heavy Tabletop RPG set in the Mythic Old WestInfranaut21549.If I like PbtA games, what other games will I probably like?Jeff_Slater21550.Free-form moves or playbook moves, which do you prefer?Hopeless_Wanderer21551.Perceptions of Probability (Sherman-Kent)Big_J_Money21552.Multiple PCs - how to do it right(?)miedvied21553.Story writing vs Game writingghostwhistler21554.Burette and Beaker: A Diceless, GM-less Game Involving Chemical Synthesis13Clocks21555.[FEEDBACK] Gifted (Prompt, v3)tapgiles21556."On the Air" brings Old Time radio to your game tableCynthiaCM21558.Ensemble RPGTanya Fyans21559.Pre-Tolkien High Fantasy [recommendations]Hopeless_Wanderer21560.The King is Dead by Vincent Baker is up on KickstarterJeff_Slater21561.[Minis+] Somewhere between Rogue Trader, Inquisitor and Shadow War Armageddon...Chairman_Aeon21562.Story Gamers at PAX East?moconnor21563.Looking for good examplesIronjens21564.[OSR] Reaction RollsJohann21565.I discovered story gaming right when the Story Games Seattle meetup ended :-(Neurocaster21566.D&D style GMless story game experience?BeePeeGee21567.Any games which use this mechanic or similar?vgunn21568.New Apr' Games ThreadTeylen21569.Genre appropriate skill listsDeReel21570.Open and closed rule classes209721571.Help with conveying information without giving full meta-knowledge.ValyrianSteelKatana21572.[Trad+, RR-] A way to salvage linear modules209721573.Lifting Up and Using Magic on the Groundhoggoth BlogJames_Mullen21574.What three skills would every adventurer class character have in common?vgunn21575.Recommendations for Story Games for kids?aaarg_ink21576.How to railroad209721577.[Minis+] Maps, Bonds and SchemesSanglorian21578.A bit of railroading theoryEero_Tuovinen21579.What's the minimal amount of data needed for a character?WarriorMonk21580.Is there a glitch going on with uploading avatars lately?EmmatheExcrucian21581.2097 D&D House Rules (as per Paul's request)209721582.The Definitive List of Super Valuable Real Life Lessons Learned at the Role Playing Table.davey21583.Time ratio between GM:s talking : Players Talking209721584.[D&D 5e] In favor of Inspiration209721585.System for GM-controlled playDavid_Berg21586.Fear & Flame\u2014so what do you think of the logo?vgunn21587.La Laverie : PbtA version of The Laundry by Charles StrossMaitresinh21588.The importance of "Be a fan of the PCs" compilation ideajim pinto21590.Alternative history meta game ?Maitresinh21591.[Monsterhearts 2] If you are looking for an answer this is the right place!enricoboschin21592.What games implements D&D 5e inspiration style mechincs really well?Kenny_J21593.Archives of the Sky rules are up on DriveThru!aaronareed21594.I need a clear, concise explanation for three abilities.vgunn21595.When you hear that whistle blowing...Deliverator21596.Battlecruiser Alamo - a story-focused Tabletop RPG set in the universe of Richard Tongue's novelsSandworm21597.What even is a Fiction Firstmanixur21598.That 90:s game209721599."My girl" and other names for your PC209721600.Project Bathwater progress report209721601.Help wanted on suitable skill name [RQ/GURPS]Sadurian21602.Veins of the 5E Earth209721603.Viable storytelling without railroading?Adam_Dray21604.[Apocalypse World] Planescape?vini_lessa21605.[5e] Incorporating conflict resolution into a procedural, relatively crunchy game?ValyrianSteelKatana21606.Mostly [Apocalypse World] Disclaim Responsibility... When?manixur21607.Changing a traditional rules heavy campaign into a story gamechiarina21608.Why the DM is often the host of the game session:209721609.Is Dogs in the Vineyard no longer available even in PDF?Ricardo Tavares21611.5e inventory sheet209721612.I Find Dan Harmon Problematic, But Here's The New Circle Thing He and The Writers UseNathan_H21613.OSR Game RecommendationsJeff_Slater21614.A new newsletter: More Seats At the TableJames_Stuart21615.5e "tapping" to keep track of action econ209721616.The inimitable Caroline Hobbs to speak in Seattledavey21617.[Fantasy World] - Question 4 Eero about KEYsHasimir21618.Strange D&D StoriesHopeless_Wanderer21619.[The King Is Dead] Hacked into Dragon/Knight/PrincessGuy Srinivasan21620.Myth Arcs in GMless Gamesmabgriff21621.Influence mechanicsJohnnFour21622.200 worder... looking for feedback.davey21623.Location-based skill/trait categoriesvgunn21624.CHILDREN OF THE FALL: an apocalyptic story game is now live on Indiegogofrenzykitty21625.Pressing the skill buttons209721626.[Everway] A method of creating random stats for monster or NPC209721627.It ends with a smile (200 Word RPG)Rickard21628.OSR play, the draw - a concise formulationPaul_T21629.[The Mountain Witch] Countdown has begun..timfire21630.A technique to handle NPCs vs NPC arguments209721631.characters speaking of DC, AC, XP, levels, HP etc...209721632.+5 bonus vs. Advantage. Which do you prefer?vgunn21633.Any system that does this?vgunn21634.Taxonomy of dice systems209721635.[This may sound strange] I'm looking for Zak Arntson_B8_21636.The Coin Exponential SystemCarlosLuna21637.Spoilers make stories better....davey21638.Mobile Frame Zero VS Car WarsMaitresinh21639.D&D Separated in the wilderness?209721640.Great Cons for actually playing gamesvgunn21641.The Future of the Tabletop MarketHopeless_Wanderer21642.Why is "Say Yes or Roll the Dice" Gospel?Nathan_H21643.What can't you do gameing vs What can you do?Kenny_J21644.Flaubert Soap > Chekhov Gun209721645.How Has Math Helped Your Story?Nathan_H21646.[minis+] So, you say you need a medieval town...komradebob21647.the words "role-playing game"Nathan_H21648.[D&D] Wooden colored disks to sort out foraging for food & water209721649.[crunchy games, such as D&D] When an obscure feat limits the "try anything"-ness of default play209721650.Talislanta TSL world map distances?209721651.Habits of zooming in/outDavid_Berg21652.200 word rpg: "Each Player Brings Something"aaronareed21653.What is a Dragonlance-style adventure?DInDenver21654.Rules leading the fiction : what is it called ? is it ethical ?DeReel21655.[D&D] Gold vs. Silver coinsKrippler21656.[D&D] Assassination in 1e & 5e209721657.Krippler's D&D House RulesKrippler21658.Need another scoundrel for Blades in the Dark in NJDelvidian21659.Story games about collapsing civilisationsjamesPatton21660.Role Play Gaming Via Text Message (Again)SMSNovel21661.Using circular notes/letters of credit rather than coinsvgunn21662.Danger Patrol Hacks, the big listMaitresinh21663.(minis+) 3D printingHopeless_Wanderer21664.Please Help Me Find a Designer Who Makes Free Miny RPGs that Are 5 Pages or LessJeff_Slater21665.Cool freakin powersKenny_J21666.New May Games ThreadTeylen21667.[Apocalypse World] For Beginners: NPC Starter KitPaul_T21668.Animated D&D matsHopeless_Wanderer21669.Anyone in Colorado?themakokid21670.Otherkinding D&Dhamnacb21671.Help with ProbabilitiesJeff_Slater21672.[OSR] Survivability at mid- to high levelsJohann21673.How would you customize stock illustrations?jeshields21674.Bleakwood House Chronicles in Kingdoms of Not Ooo [AP]Hopeless_Wanderer21675.[Maybe in the wrong category?] Should I give away my 4E books?Deliverator21676.Show Us Your Rig: GM Edition13Clocks21677.Personal insight concerning player goals and the blame of 'playing it wrong'hamnacb21678.Check out my brand new, shiny newsletterRafu21679.[The Mountain Witch] Kickstarter in one week!timfire21680.Not Knowing - KnowingNathan_H21681.Long-Running, Multi-Generational Role-PlayingNathan_H21682.Children of the Fall - Now available on DTRPGfrenzykitty21683.Beam Saber: The CenotaphYouDontMeetInAnInn21684.TEENDOM is a RPG for teenagers to just be themselves_B8_21685.Matt Mercer Explains...Hopeless_Wanderer21686.Deconstructions & DragonsValyrianSteelKatana21687.[The Mountain Witch] Kickstarter is live!timfire21688.How to make ?epic? fantasy campagins?hamnacb21689.Utopian chronicles v1.3DeReel21690.Ideal length for a one -shot [opinions sought]Hopeless_Wanderer21691.resource management : ultralight tools compilationDeReel21692.[Tales of Entropy] Deadly SeriousEero_Tuovinen21693.Games with interesting use of Pre-gensHopeless_Wanderer21694.System Recommendation for Character-driven fantasymoconnor21695.[Stories From The Grave Actual Play] Terms And Conditions May ApplyYouDontMeetInAnInn21696.New Jun' Games ThreadTeylen21697.First Scene of Storytelling Game is Too HardZacAGross21698.Help me brainstorm a dungeon of the eight schoolsDeliverator21699."I was this NPC all along" OSR assassin209721700.Wizard's Forbidden List209721701.Has anyone tried adapting \u201cRivers of London\u201d as a RPG setting?shadowdance21702.Attendance (and why I should stop giving advice)209721703.[D&D] dance with your shadow209721704.RPG / Story Game Reviewersfrenzykitty21705.Unwanted outcomes209721706.I ChingNathan_H21707.GURPS: Jazz Age Mythos - an unofficial conversion/settingSadurian21708.Tiered Player Character Status(& Possibly Nontransitive)Nathan_H21709.Aberrant PBTA-like Principles we've followed, in retrospectRafu21710.Hacking 4E's Combat EngineTrent_W21711.[Inflorenza RPG Actual Play] The Highway of TearsThomas_Munier21712.Using 7th Sea 2e rules elsewhere?ghostwhistler21713.[Microscope Actual Play] Cyborgs and Furries IN SPACEYouDontMeetInAnInn21714.BRD and choices [D&D]209721715.The City: A City Management Game for 10-11 year olds in religion classThe_Bearded_Belgian21716.Designing rules for chase/escape scenes in PbtAonrigato21717.Is there a way to make [mundane] exploration tasks engaging?ValyrianSteelKatana21718.[Champions Now] Kickstarter in its final 48 hoursRobert Ahrens21719.Degrees of encounter-ness?David_Berg21720.Affordance markers vs usable rewards209721721.Post-session transparency of method -- best practices209721722.Who does the monsters attack?209721723.A tale of deception209721724.New July '18 ThreadTeylen21725.And story game conventions/events in mainland Europe?OniNinja21726.[D&D 5e] Starving209721727.Come Together - 'Ship BuildingNathan_H21728.Progressive PbtA elementshamnacb21729.Zendo and the puzzle maker mentality209721730.What "problem" does your go-to system solve and how does it do this?ValyrianSteelKatana21731.[D&D 5e] On an xp-curve built for two209721732.Interesting story decksWarriorMonk21733.Demos for GenCon / GenCan'tScottM21734.[D&D 5e] Three pillars XP, revisited209721735.Keep on the Borderlands question209721736.[OSR] Reaction roll: what's your favorite flavor of it?Rafu21737.limitations of scopestefoid21738.[Inflorenza RPG Actual Play] North, under the silent starsThomas_Munier21739.Farewell, inventory tracker?209721740.Any good experiences with starving / exhaustion / encumbrance?David_Berg21741.[D&D 4th] Developing a scenario negotiation overlayEero_Tuovinen21742.count up initiative / patchwork initiative209721743.The concept of a GM is the root of everything that is wrong with RPG games.stefoid21744."Choose Your Own Adventure" books are bad for DMs to emulate209721745.where my bloody like button?stefoid21746.What are the most important things that mainstream and indie RPGs can learn from each another?Jeff_Slater21747.Dread Techniquesmoconnor21748.What Are Games About?Nathan_H21749.[VtM] First look on the 5th editionTeylen21750.[Apocalypse World] Combat, when you call for a bunch of read a sitch'(s)?Kenny_J21751.WaRP - Two Player Game - Two TimelinesNathan_H21752.NYC Peeps?KirkMitchell21753.Enemy A.I.WarriorMonk21754.What's new in story gaming?deinol21755.two games set in the same world… the same house even…jim pinto21756.What makes OD&D a RPG and not a skirmish combat game? [comments & advice wanted]Hopeless_Wanderer21757.Favorite LARP warm-ups?Bricoleur21758.[EVENT] Story-Driven RPG - Kickstarter is liveDark21759.48 hours left on the Flotsam Kickstarter!rabalias21760.Stonehell dungeon, in fantasy Europe, rules by Eero and SandraJonatanK21761.Judgement in roleplayingstefoid21762.[D&D 4th] Chronicles of Prydain campaign notesEero_Tuovinen21763.Resolving Significant Uncertainty [Follow]moconnor21764.A moment in gaming that sticks with meKenny_J21765.What are your favorite “Mainstream” RPGs of the last decade?Jeff_Slater21766.GanttbearerAdam_Dray21767.Playing toward partially pre-established outcomesDavid_Berg21768.Where did the idea for playbooks originally come from?Hopeless_Wanderer21769.Rewarding Narrative Authority to Players for Roleplaying in a Specific WayJeff_Slater21770.What do published rulesets ever do for us?Rob_Alexander21771.How the heck do you actually PLAY more!Kenny_J21772.What is the point of basic Stats?Kenny_J21773.[One Missed Call Actual Play] The Vastness of SpaceYouDontMeetInAnInn21774.New Aug'18Teylen21775.The Definition of Story GameBedrockbrendan21776.Creating Satisfying Mysteries When Nobody Knows the AnswersDBB21777.Era: The Chosen - Story-driven Horror RPGSandworm21778.[Dust Devils] Forced Abortion Plot Ends in BloodbathJohann21779.Inflorenza RPG Actual Play #3 London Girls (+beta version + we recruit ! )Thomas_Munier21780.Volley Rounds (D&D)209721781.So where do I go to play RPG's/Story games online?Kenny_J21782.The 3d6 Constitution—OSR rules realised as a body of lawJonatanK21783.My Daughter, The Queen of France - Certainties questionhyades21784.Simon explains Nerver av stålSimon_Pettersson21785.[Showdown Actual Play] Though I Walk With The Valley Girl Of DeathYouDontMeetInAnInn21786.New Sep' 18Teylen21787.[PbtA] Hogwarts: An RPG (Updated: Finished Game Released!)DBB21788.Inflorenza RPG Actual Play : gaming sessions in septemberThomas_Munier21789.Story Gaming Star Wars (WEG/FFG)agony21790.How much Color is needed to create the shared imagined space in a Tabletop RPG?Edgargso21791.[AW] What's all this prep for?Simon_Pettersson21792.Anyone looking for games in Richmond VA (RVA)?Othrnavn21793.Robin gets more [director power] than BatmanGarbanzo21794.Looking for more LARPs about the vulnerability of the AI experienceBricoleur21795.Been out of the loop for 5+ years - Recs?Pooka21796.Kickstarter: Forest Hymn & Picnichalfjack21797.Starting a Meetup - Any advice you care to share?Gragoon21798.OSR Game: Bloodwraith, with story implicationsjim pinto21799.The Fourth WallJames_Mullen21800.Inflorenza RPG Actual Play #4 : The Caminos de SantiagoThomas_Munier21801.Feedback Request on the rules to my first game, Ardent!Machi21802.[Star Crossed Actual Play] Intimacy is TerrifyingYouDontMeetInAnInn21803.Populating a DungeonHopeless_Wanderer21804.[OSR] Replacing minor combats with streamlined consequencesJohann21805.Character Creation & Moves Playtest for my Fiction First Action RPG Ardent!Machi21806.Monsterhearts in Historical Settings (with bonus Lovecraft)Aviatrix21807.Middens & Morals ~ A Frankensteined Reimagining of D&DWizard_Lizard21808.[L&F] The Fire and the Well: A Lynchian HackAaron_S21809.Mastodon accountsRafu21810.Advice on prepping for a convention gamerhysmakesthings21811.So.... Google+ is shutting down...Marc_Majcher21812.Utopian Chronicles v2DeReel21813.Ryuutama - Colorful Characters?Nathan_H21814.Long Time Gone: A Thread for UpdatesJ_Walton21815.What was G+ like for you?Matthijs21816.Torchbearer Actual Playmoconnor21817.What's the OSR doing right that maybe the New School isn't?Nathan_H21818.(blog post) You Don't Have A Tabletop RPG Community (Probably) - Part OneJDCorley21819.DW GM Advicemabgriff21820.Accessible, Low-Key Ways to Design/Publish GamesJ_Walton21821.[Kickstarter] Itras By: German edition (weird, rules-light, small-press)olepeder21822.Multi-System Campaigns?J_Walton21823.Spiders and Sunflowers. My first Lacuna gameThomas T21824.Greg Stafford is Gone [RIP]Hopeless_Wanderer21825.I hate con games without pre-gen charactersBricoleur21826.Theban Sacred Band - the greatest GAY battalion in historyvini_lessa21827.Inflorenza RPG Actual PlayThomas_Munier21828.A year's worth of monthly handwritten RPGsEmojk21829.Interaction between PbP players & audiencehamnacb21830.New Oct' Games ThreadTeylen21831.Four Ways to Die in the FutureBen_Lehman21832.(I dreamt I played) SHOTGUN WIZARDJacob21833.[Solo-first design] Tarot Game Rules 0.1 (Full, dull, play test log included!)Dreamer21834.A City as a characterKhimus21835.Alternate Structures for open-ended "party-based, challenge-oriented" playJeph21836.What's going to happen to the Guntlet hangouts games?Kenny_J21837.Looking for Jesse's old [Practice: Sorcerer] threadsHans_c-o21838.Wherein I debrief 5eHans_c-o21839.[Murderous Ghosts Actual Play] Real Life Ghost StoriesYouDontMeetInAnInn21840.Looking for a way to balance skills in your game?WarriorMonk21841.Epilogues in a Single Rollmoconnor21842.Faster than Light Travel in a Multi Planar Cosmos (A fantasy hyperspace alternative to Planescape)Jacob21843.Methods of EscalationRickDean21844.Throw the horse over the fence some hay.Nathan_H21845.Larps w/LuckNathan_H21846.Does anyone know how to reach Clyde Rho*r?Hans_c-o21847.How do you use technology in your story games?Bricoleur21848.A basic question about escalation in narrative games with a GMMartinEden21849.New Games Nov'18 ThreadTeylen21850.[Advice wanted] Advancement systems that don't use XPHopeless_Wanderer21851.Beyond the DiceJames_Mullen21852.Has anyone done a non-horror hack of Ten Candles?Green21853.Critique my system for handling wounds (Discordance)johnthedm700021854.New award - the Playmakers - for those who make the spaces in which we playEpistolaryRichard21855.Any story games that use a standard deck of cards?zoomzilla21856.[D&D 5e] Dragon HeistJohann21857.[Blood Red Sands]Good substitution for massive amounts of dice?Khimus21858.[Geiger Counter Actual Play] Surplus Wax FiguresYouDontMeetInAnInn21859.Anyone trained in Music theory? Need some education for some game theory!Silmenume21860.Apocalypse World tragedy?Ironjens21861.Have you had a chance to try Fiasco In A Box?Green21862.When the die roll does *NOT* determine what happensDavid_Berg21863.Time, Trust, & Betrayal(Forgiveness?)Nathan_H21864.Lady Blackbird first sessionglasserc21865.Dissociated mechanicsThanuir21866.[Tales of Entropy] Actual Play and Sounding Board: Flame and ShadowPaul_T21867.The future proposed in Ray Winninger's Underground, now seems quaint.Nathan_H21868.Sloppy Ensemble Cast CreationNathan_H21869.King David Is Dying - Something I just wrote up on the train homeThe_Bearded_Belgian21870.Buying off a key / Challenging a valueDeReel21871.5E the Deliverator WayDeliverator21872.Spiking the Curve [D&D and others] and techniques compilationsDeReel21874.Sword & Scoundrel, an Open Beta looking for feedback.jacksonmalloy21875.Cut the brakesDeReel21876.priorities between fictional propositionsDeReel21877.Where does 'downtime' come from?hamnacb21878.OSR SurveyLudifex21879.The new Indie RPG Pipeline is live!EpistolaryRichard21880.Spicy rolls and princess playEero_Tuovinen21881.Pinpoint and use player's expectations?WarriorMonk21882.What do you design against ?DeReel21883.Asymetrical gameplayDeReel21884.New Games Dec'18 ThreadTeylen21885.Hot Circle RPGhot_circle21886.Destiny points use controlDeReel21887."Passions and Percentages": stripped-down, quick-playing BRP / MythrasDeliverator21888.Hunter X Hunter power puzzlesDeReel21889.Dramatic coordination techniquesDeReel21890.PerceptionAdam_Dray21891.Goblinville Designmoconnor21892.In-game time continuity vs scene cutsBeePeeGee21893.The older I get, the more I think everyone should build his own fantasy heartbreaker.ValyrianSteelKatana21894.Tabletop Games With Computer-based ElementsEero_Tuovinen21895.[S/lay w/ Me] Our play-by-post campaign continuesEero_Tuovinen21896.Optional Badnesshot_circle21897.[Ulule] Dominion : a PBTA game about politics, space opera and romance in frenchMatthieuB21898.mildly advanced searchDeReel21899.Immersion vs identificationDeReel21900.Santa Claus is Coming to TownHopeless_Wanderer21901.[Spindlewheel Festival Actual Play] It's The End Of The World As We Know ItYouDontMeetInAnInn21902.D&D is a bestseller this Holiday Season - a watershed moment?Paul_T21903.A game about a crazy parkour-esque sport team and their real-life struggles. Help! Am i crazy?Edgargso21904.Help me with my English abstract about RPGs and edu-larps!hamnacb21905.When a dice roll represents truth.ValyrianSteelKatana


21906.What did you play this week?Ben_Robbins21907.Playmaker awards winnersEpistolaryRichard21908.Facing the TitanGulix21909.What are weapons good for ?DeReel21910.1923 Public Domain game for indie RPGs in Boston?calm_max21912.Storygamey Mechanics that aren't Storygamey.GorinichSerpant21913.Ask David WeselyAdam_Dray21914.D&D in a boxMartinEden21915.New Games Jan'19 ThreadTeylen21916.Narrative wargamesakooser21917.15th Annual Indie Games eXplosion at Dreamation: Feb 21-24, 2019 in Morristown, NJMichael S. Miller21918.Best practices for playing FollowBen_Robbins21919.Kagematsu: the webcomicRafu21920.Otherkind CraftingGuy Srinivasan21921.End of Session Rewardsmoconnor21922.X-Card vs Pause-Button - or both?BeePeeGee21923.Witch: The Road to Lindisfarne - Actual Play DiscussionDemiurge21924.[Velvet Glove Actual Play] Stiletto SistersYouDontMeetInAnInn21925."Hearts in Antarctica" - a game on death and forgivenessMikeT21926.James & Lloyd Read Indie RPG Blurbs So You Don't Have ToJames_Mullen21927.Play Before Play, the Scripted ExperiencePaul_T21928.Origin of Pause button/card/mechanic (safety mechanic)BeePeeGee21929.In memoriam to a friend and fellow gamer of over 20 yearsSilmenume21930.No prep surpriseDeReel21931.TSoY - Fixing RefreshmentsNathan_H21932.The Era Zone - a Zine Quest Submission!Sandworm21933.Inside the LARPs that let human players experience AI lifeBricoleur21934.Safety Tools, the X-card, and the Spot Check analogyPaul_T21935.Small batch publishers/PoD experiencesmadunkieg21936.New Games Feb' 19Teylen21937.TSoY - HarmNathan_H21938.Relics and Rarities D&D streamAdam_Dray21939.Goblinville Kickstartermoconnor21940.Playing D&D With BeginnersDreamofpeace21941."A Procedure for Play" - from Into the Odd's creatorPaul_T21942.[D&D] The Insight Check (and other social skills)Paul_T21943.CatharsisNathan_H21944.Bonus Dice/Penalty Dice & Not Roll Under ?Nathan_H21945.Narrative Punt ReturnNathan_H21946.Framework for setting up a campaignbaldwin21947.7 players without masterchiarina21948.[GM troubles] Third session bluesDannyK21949.Questing for Push Your Luck examplesJohnnFour21950.Introducing novices to microscopeSkurvyninja21951.[Apocalypse World] Brainer with brain problemsHalexB21952.Uncertainty and DramaNathan_H21953.What is "dramatic"?Adam_Dray21954.Focused Design and Play - Is it worth it?Paul_T21955.Discordance Character Creation: Make A Character and Tell Me How It Goesjohnthedm700021956.Update to my 5E house-rulesDeliverator21957.Active vs. Instinctive Design ConsiderationsValyrianSteelKatana21958.[Near and Far] second expansion is a RPG?Hopeless_Wanderer21959.Beam Saber Beta now available!YouDontMeetInAnInn21960.Danger Patrol Pocket TweaksHyveMynd21961.Swords Without Master + Misspent Youth = ???NickWedig21962.TSoY - Ability Buyoff/Story Guide Access to Bringing Down the PainNathan_H21963.The Shadow of Yesterday - Harm & XPNathan_H21964.Why is D&D so popular you ask?Nathan_H21965.[Fall of Magic - Songs from the Axe and Fiddle] looking for playtesters!Ross_Cowman21966.How to Play an RPG Anywhere, Any Time [Lifehacker article]Hopeless_Wanderer21967.Weird, Specific LovesNathan_H21968.Inheritance at DreamationMel_White21969.The Bat Hack at DreamationMel_White21970.[Soth: a game of cultists vs investigators] The kickstarter is liveSteve_Hickey21971.Escape From Dino Island (A PbtA Survival Adventure)samtung21972.Forum culture: What is over the line?hamnacb21973.Usefulness of stereotype characters in roleplaying gamesKrippler21974.[Dust Devils] Using materials from Tales of EntropyJohann21975.[World of Dungeons] Class supplementMetaWheel5221976.Dragon and Warrior KickstarterOrion Canning21977.[London by Moonlight] Development in ProgressKeith Sears21978.Beings from Beyond KickstarterOmSwaOp21979.[Muse Actual Play] Azathoth ReturnsDemiurge21980.New Games Mar' 19Teylen21981.Ring Tales - a 9-card storytelling gameJocho21982.For the QueenMatthieuB21983.Critical Role Raises $6.95 Million on Kickstarter – Thoughts?DBB21984.RPG Design Publishing Costs SurveyJason_Pitre21985.The Sharp moves in Apocalypse WorldThomas T21986.Has anyone heard of the Die RPG?WarriorMonk21987.Systems That Drive Toward Inner Conflictmoconnor21988.New Mexicon in Aprilbuckyball21989.Getting the unexpected to happen [question]Hopeless_Wanderer21990.gumshow trekmatthelps21991.Help with a Planescape hackvini_lessa21992.Sit-Down Pretend Without Scene/Action ResolutionNathan_H21993.[MonsterHearts 2 Skin] The GalatheaMauro21994.Apocalypse World [Skinner Hypnotic Move]HalexB21995.Game about duellistsQuadrante_Isegrim21996.5e Chases209721997.Who does the monster attack? How about why?Nathan_H21998.Mapemounde map-game design jamL.Trenti MrVALIS21999.downloading Archipelago IIIHopeless_Wanderer22000.Help ID an indie, circular-format time-travel game?CSDare22001.6 characters zig zag, a PDF gameDeReel22002.D&D "fainting buffer"209722003.D&D 5e Wound Threshold209722004.Zine for Translated Gameskksimons22005.Learning curveQuadrante_Isegrim22006.Post G+ Story Gamer Social Media?Zachary_Wolf22007.Follow up (learning curve)Quadrante_Isegrim22008.Monoculture approaches to SFghostwhistler22009.A minor thing I never noticed about Story-Games.comNickWedig22010.Building my first Homebrew (a Supernatural Campaign)therealaliwa22011.Picaresque Designmoconnor22012.Confessions of a horrible DM209722013.Usage Die — when a rule is clever and popular but…209722014.Huge group/inconsistent groups [Apocalypse World 2]Kenny_J22015.Character powers, how to set them up right.Kenny_J22016.Low skill = poor assessmentDeReel22017.Anchoring = Situation X Ability specificityDeReel22018.New Games Apr' 19Teylen22019.Reading about Yes, and; yes; yes, but; no, but; no; no, andHopeless_Wanderer22020.Resolve vs. InterruptJames_Mullen22021.New Game Plus - What do you do when the PCs hit max level?BabyToad22022.Interrupt & InitiativeDeReel22023.[Apocalypse world] players having trouble knowing what to do.Kenny_J22024.Anyone in the Boston area want to meet up for a story game?calm_max22025.Introducing random strangers to non-trad gamesKenny_J22026.What games naturally link or feed into each other?Hopeless_Wanderer22027.Discovering story gaming in London, UKLarking22028.[West Marches] How do they get back home every time?209722029.Using singing as a storytelling tool in gamesBricoleur22030.[D&D] Replacement character's level209722031.[diy] D&D Adventure ZinesDirk22032.[D&D] Things I would've done different than 5e209722033.What if Mechanics were Subordinate to game play as opposed to Directive?Silmenume22034.[WARG] Playtest Document + Playtest CampaignZachary_Wolf22035.Is the Story Games forum an insular community?Kenny_J22036.of the Ancients209722037.Seeking advice on creating of better looking pdfsdrdrek22038.[DCC] Creating house rules for Dungeon Crawl ClassicsJohann22039.What could we do to make Story Games feel more welcoming to new contributors?moconnor22040.A Cold Forest Nightmoconnor22041.Before everything collapses - a solo RPG with a jenga tower and a smartphoneMatthieuB22042.Korea-Inspired Campaign Setting ~ The Koryo Hall of Adventures ~ On Kickstarter Nowhallofadventures22043.Meshing threads togetherDeReel22044.Your favourite adventure, module, or premise...Paul_T22045.In The Air Tonight is now available!YouDontMeetInAnInn22046.Is “play to find out” incompatible with certain genres?Paul_T22047.[Weekly Challenge] Start your week with a BANG!The_Bearded_Belgian22048.A Cool and Lonely CouragePlane_Sailing22049.Short GMless game recommendations?Caroline_Hobbs22050.Case Study: My Homebrew PbtA Campaign Called Catacombatanhamnacb22051.[D&D 2097e] My new fighting system209722052.dndtheoryJeph22053.Welcome! What to read at Story Games (2019)Paul_T22054.A Strange Little Hack I MadeZachary_Wolf22055.Crowdscourcing ideas: Adding Roleplaying to FluxxThe_Bearded_Belgian22056.Waiting for Godot RPGQuadrante_Isegrim22057.Designers to Watch!Hopeless_Wanderer22058.[D&D 2097e] Ammo recovery, Aiming & Charging up spells209722059.[Fantasy Craft Actual Play] No Rules In Opera Baby!YouDontMeetInAnInn22060.[D&D 2097e] Remapping diegesis, mimesis and all kinds of sis209722061.Kickstarter launch for “A Cool and Lonely Courage”Plane_Sailing22062.Scheduling game days in the grim dark future of the year 2097 where there is only D&D209722063.[Good Society Actual Play]lachlan22064.[Living Alchemy] Hooking players into a conflict instead of a settingEricJ22065.blades position effect advantage disadvantage translator209722066.Getting Players to Act in Suboptimal WaysDBB22067.[D&D5e] Without the action economy? in a hundred209722069.[Archives index] The horror paradox : playing to loseDeReel22070.[Archives index] Carrot, cookie, congratulations : external rewards in TTRPGDeReel22071.[Archives index] Probabilities, dice, cards, tarot : how do you like your Fortune in RPG ?DeReel22072.[Community Building] Random Setting Mega TableThe_Bearded_Belgian22073.New Games May 19Teylen22074.Where do you find or hear about "indie" games?Paul_T22075.[Meta] Character names in examples209722076.Why does Hillfolk feel so backwards?209722077."You can say what your character does in the first person or third person"209722078.Are there non-trad, non-d&d sandbox games?Kenny_J22079.Help Me Do Some Game Research For A Children's GameHopeless_Wanderer22080.[D&D] Quick resolution for skirmishes and large fightsJeph22081.Searching For Perfect GM [Online, Roll20]Only_plays_Ratfolk22082.A Weakness of Character Development in Player-Driven RPGsOnly_plays_Ratfolk22083.Five Room Dungeon?The_Bearded_Belgian22084.Scholarly/industry jargonChumofChance22085.[CJW] suggestions for "Other-Timely Intrusions"?209722086.The diegesis easily explained209722087.The predicate easily explained209722088.The Trad ReformationDeliverator22089.[Shameless promotion] Kuf - a gnostic horror OSR RPG - is now on DriveThruRPG.Wilhelm22090.[AW] Sword&Sorcery or Fantasy AWmiedvied22091.Neo-trad and Story Now!Neurotrash22092.[5e] the word "BIFTS"209722093.Monsterhearts: Strings Attached MoveLisa Padol22094.Paul's blorby Traveller misery209722095.Narrativism vs traditional techniques209722096.[minis +] A new, internet based phenomenon I'm seeing...komradebob22097.Etymology of blorb and gloracle209722098.The End of Story GamesJames_Stuart22099.Discussing The End of Story GamesJames_Stuart22100.[Next] Fictioneers.netAsIf22101.Medieval Hack of Mobile Frame ZeroHopeless_Wanderer22102.[Next] Archiving Story GamesJames_Stuart22103.[Next] Brainstorm the next forum/discord/whateverJames_Stuart22104.Rehabilitating " Story Boarding"komradebob22105.In-setting extra session gamesGuy Srinivasan22106.[Next] Let's talk about the Gauntlet ForumsPaul_T22107.[Next] Minis[+] Roll Call! Let us know who you are!komradebob22108.Picture PitchThe_Bearded_Belgian22109.Large LEGO "worlds"ffilz22110.It's our last chance to define "Story game"Graham22111.Messages Overheard on the Dungeon PA SystemVivificient22112.Reference, Common Ground, and the Shared Imagined SpaceJeph22113.When I was lost and cried out for blorb and couldn't find blorb209722114.Bad games209722115."Averway" Shell script to average two Everway scores209722116.Jon's (and friend's) more gloracular DW game209722117.New Games Jun' 19Teylen22118."Half-myth" (why Burning Wheel is a no myth game)209722119.Five-Man Band: Does it work?The_Bearded_Belgian22120.Klockwerk209722121.[Next] Moderating on Stack Exchange209722122.[Next] Where to find people, using wheretofind.meNickWedig22123.Hack & Slash (both attackers use a single roll) in a D&D game209722124.Heart Like A Clockthor22125.The Great Story Games ArchiveJeph22126.GM-less GodboundDeliverator22127.[D&D 2097e] Inspiration rules update June 2019! Goodbye Hillfolk spends!209722128.How to roleplay talking scenes209722129.What data-structure does your game operate on?209722130.[OSR ?] Has anyone done a big, multiplayer, Braunstein style campaign?komradebob22131.Random encounter tablesThanuir22132.Addressing the "Addressing the Premise" Premise209722134.A proposed alternate Hillfolk economy209722135.*edit : what I thought was SIS* Shared Imagination is impossible [solvedDeReel22136.[D&D] Two-Hour DungeonVivificient22137.Neurotrash thinks out loud...Narrative, Challenge-Based Play, No-Myth v. Blorb, etc.Neurotrash22138.Shared Imagined Space vs Game State; or, In-Game vs Real-World Cuesyukamichi22139.[2097e] Gettin ready to challenge some believes209722140.[AP] Prepping for Dogs in the Vineyard and blorb, Narrativism, and game statePaul_T22141.References on semiotics and no myth with respect to roleplayingThanuir22142.D&D Conversation mini-gameDeliverator22143.Safety tools209722144.A definition of game stateThanuir22145.[2097e] Oh, Injury! first release209722146.[2097e] House rule overview, June 2019209722147.An Invitation for 2097, Jeph, Thanuir...lumpley22148.Zonking and Vanking: (Zonking and Vanking Not Included)Neurotrash22149.CardsNeurotrash22150.Foley talks Fractopia on FictoplasmAsIf22151.blorb or not blorb?Guy Srinivasan22152.Distributing spotlight with an N-ary thue morse sequence209722153.Introducing Safety Tools for a Con — Rituals, Procedures, Scripts, Best Practices?BeePeeGee22154.Improvised Dungeon CreationBabyToad22155.We finally play My Life with Master: after game reportPaul_T22156.On Charitable ReadingSilmenume22157.Reference FramesJeph22158.Double Games Day!James_Mullen22159.My Preliminary Hypothesislumpley22160.Aligning GM's perspective with players' perspectivesKhimus22161.[2097e] Making torches!209722162.d20 math — deliberate failure209722163.The Blorb Model (with diagram!)209722164.SIS, MIS, PISAdam_Dray22165.New Games Jul' 19Teylen22166.randomization vs feeling realDavid_Berg22167.The dysfunction of unblorb209722168.Is this reality209722169.My unblorby love of the Three Tiers of TruthJohann22170.Diegetical Positioning—a key to blorb!209722171.Adam mines old LiveJournal posts about Game StateAdam_Dray22172.[Release] Blightburg, a PbtA intrigue-drama gameGlowie22173.Mythic Playstyle - Broken off from "randomization vs feeling real"Silmenume22174.[LUNA} Sock & Buskin Games Announces Open Alpha Playtest for Luna SystemKeith Sears22175.[Eero] My Post-SG Online PresenceEero_Tuovinen22176.[Kickstarter] Worlds Without Harmonyhorn_head_o22177.Dogs in the Vineyard with fewer dice?vini_lessa22178.Orchideliriumlux22179.New Games Aug' 19Teylen22180.Think I figured out skill checks in 5e.ValyrianSteelKatana22181.[Next] An infected discussion on BGG209722182.[Next] Good-Bye Story-GamesHopeless_Wanderer
SGI :: Story Games Index (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.