Outdated Granite Colors to Avoid for Kitchen Countertops — and What to Pick Instead for a Fresh Look (2024)

Aditi Sharma Maheshwari

·3 min read

Various kitchen trends have come and gone but granite's a material that has some longevity — if you pick the right one. There was a time when this material was such a staple, that people would call the process of choosing countertops “choosing your granite.” While today quartz and other engineered stone have favored materials for counters, there's still a lot to be said about the stain-, scratch-, and heat-resistant granite. People who love it, really love it.

And so, if you plan on using this kitchen countertop material and want to ensure it looks both modern and timeless, then experts suggest you avoid certain colors, and choose others instead. Here's a list of granite tones that have fallen out of favor.

1. Avoid overly speckled granite, choose white instead

Outdated Granite Colors to Avoid for Kitchen Countertops — and What to Pick Instead for a Fresh Look (1)

Durable, beautiful, and unique granite has for decades added value to modern kitchens. Since it's a natural stone, it's available in many colors and combinations, and can easily complement any type of kitchen cabinets and other interior details.

But amongst the wide choices, experts suggest the days of overly speckled granite are over.

'Currently, granite colors that tend to be perceived as outdated include overly speckled or heavily patterned varieties, such as busy browns and golds,' says Liv Conlon, CEO of ThePropertyStagers. 'These colors can often make a space feel dated and clash with modern aesthetics.'

'Luckily, there are a wide range of granites out there with some of the best durability in natural stone,' says Kyle Dutton, founder of Kyle Dutton Homes. 'When selecting granite, look for the neutral earth tones with more of a solid color. If you prefer some movement in your stone, there are some great options that can mimic veining that add drama and/or interest to your space. Some of our favorite ones that are still on trend include Stream White, Virginia Mist, and New River White from MSI Surfaces.'

2. Avoid caramel, choose black instead

Outdated Granite Colors to Avoid for Kitchen Countertops — and What to Pick Instead for a Fresh Look (2)

While remodeling a kitchen, another color to steer clear of is the commonly seen caramel, brown tone.

'Granite slabs with uniform speckling of brown are not in trend anymore,' says Kyle. 'They bring back memories of builder-grade countertops that were installed in every home across America at one point in the past. Stay away from anything with splotchy or spotty patterns such as coffee brown or caramel.'

A bold yet highly durable kitchen color to go for is black. In fact, the black kitchen trend has recently been picking up a lot of steam, and a counter in this color is a lovely way to bring in this tone. Plus, black counters easily hide scratches and make the space always feel fresh.

'Sleek and minimalist granite countertop colors are currently on trend,' says Richard. 'This includes shades like gray and various shades of black. These colors offer a timeless elegance that complements modern kitchen designs.'

3. Avoid pink, choose beige instead

Outdated Granite Colors to Avoid for Kitchen Countertops — and What to Pick Instead for a Fresh Look (3)

'Generally, our office avoids granite countertops in kitchens,' says Jeff Sherman, co-founder of DELSON OR SHERMAN ARCHITECTS PC. 'This kitchen countertop material performs well, but most patterns and colors are an eyesore. The ones that feel particularly dated are the shiny ones in pink.'

'When it comes to choosing granite for homes or even for resale value, neutrals reign supreme,' says Liv. 'Shades like soft whites and subtle beiges offer a timeless appeal that can complement a wide range of design styles. Neutral granite countertops create a blank canvas for potential buyers, allowing them to envision their own style and decor preferences. Plus, these colors tend to make spaces feel brighter and more spacious, enhancing the overall appeal of the home.'

3 products to protect your granite countertop

Outdated Granite Colors to Avoid for Kitchen Countertops — and What to Pick Instead for a Fresh Look (4)

Natural Stone and Stainless Steel Sealer

Compatible material: Metal, marble, stone
Price: $48

Outdated Granite Colors to Avoid for Kitchen Countertops — and What to Pick Instead for a Fresh Look (5)

Granite Gold Daily Cleaner

Compatible for: Granite, marble, quartz
Price: $5

Outdated Granite Colors to Avoid for Kitchen Countertops — and What to Pick Instead for a Fresh Look (6)

GOKOTI Counter Vacuum

Type: Cordless
Price: $16

Outdated Granite Colors to Avoid for Kitchen Countertops — and What to Pick Instead for a Fresh Look (2024)


Outdated Granite Colors to Avoid for Kitchen Countertops — and What to Pick Instead for a Fresh Look? ›

“Quartz goes with everything,” Haynie adds. “When you have a specialty granite, especially like a reddish-brown granite or a yellow-brown, it's just so out of style.”

What color granite is out of style? ›

“Quartz goes with everything,” Haynie adds. “When you have a specialty granite, especially like a reddish-brown granite or a yellow-brown, it's just so out of style.”

What color granite is timeless? ›

Classic white granite, like Kashmir White or Colonial White, imparts a timeless elegance and pairs well with various design styles. Beige and tan hues, exemplified by options like Giallo Ornamental or Santa Cecilia, offer warmth and versatility.

What is the most timeless kitchen countertop color? ›

White marble will always be an elegant choice for kitchen countertops.

What is the best color granite for resale? ›

Neutral and Earth tone Granite colors work best

The vast majority of home buyers prefer neutral or earth tone granite colors in their granite countertops, and since you know this won't be your home very much longer, it's better to invest in the countertops the buyer wants than the countertops you personally like best.

What color is vintage granite? ›

For a long time, the trend with granite was soft shades of cream, gray, beige, and brown. Incorporating these colors into your granite countertops will take your kitchen to an age of nostalgia at the turn of the century and for a few decades afterwards.

What is the most popular granite color for kitchens? ›

4 Most Popular Granite Colors
  • White, Soft White, & Flecked White Granite Kitchen Countertops. Variations of white colored countertops are often the most common and desired finished. ...
  • Mid-tone, Earth-tone and Gray Kitchen Countertops. ...
  • Dark, Onyx, and Black Granite Kitchen Countertops. ...
  • Exotic Marble and Granite Countertops.

What color granite is in for 2024? ›

With a wealth of options available, neutral granites have an important place in 2024 too. Neutrals can set the stage for additional color elements, and they can also provide a stunning juxtaposition to their own veining. Take, for example, granites that offer a gray wash, with gorgeous blue veining patterns throughout.

What color granite is most expensive? ›

One of the rarest types of granite the world is Van Gogh Granite known for its aqua blue and mint green color with burnt orange veining. Since the combination of blue and red granite specifically is so rare in nature it is the most expensive.

How do I choose granite color for my kitchen? ›

Neutral tones, such as beige, gray, and white, are a popular choice for granite countertops. They create a timeless and classic look and complement a wide range of decor styles. Warm-toned granite countertops, such as brown, gold, and cream, can add warmth and coziness to your space.

What color kitchen will not date? ›

Stick to neutral colours with cupboard doors – while you may love bright, zingy colours right now, the appeal might have faded in a couple of years. White and light woods have stood the test of time and remain as popular now as 20 years ago.

What color kitchen never goes out of style? ›

"White, black, browns, and grays have been historically integrated into both traditional and contemporary designs, proving that these colors are universally ageless."

Should countertops be lighter or darker than cabinets? ›

Experts recommend working with a lighter countertop than a cabinet for the perfect color blend.

What granite never goes out of style? ›

White granite countertops are a classic choice that never goes out of style. However, they can easily be incorporated into a modern, minimalistic kitchen design.

How can you tell if granite is high quality? ›

Quality granite can be identified by being about an inch thick, free of cracks and blemishes, having a beautiful pattern, and having low porosity. The three grades of low, medium, and high-grade granite are determined by these characteristics and how rare the color pattern is.

What looks like granite but is less expensive? ›

Quartz countertops are some of the most popular alternatives to granite countertops. Generally, quartz counters combine the crystalline mineral with rock binders and a polyresin resulting in a natural stone look. This type of countertop is well-suited for contemporary spaces.

Is granite out of style in 2024? ›

The world of interior design is constantly evolving, especially when it comes to the kitchen. In this sense, the trend for the year 2024 is leaning towards the elegance and durability of natural stones. As a result, experts indicate that the trend points toward granite countertops as the protagonists.

Is black granite coming back? ›

Twenty years ago, when filmmaker Nancy Meyers featured a honed black granite countertop in her movie Something's Gotta Give, she set off a design trend that reverberated throughout kitchens across the U.S. Two decades later, and interior designers are reporting a black countertop resurgence.

Why is granite not popular anymore? ›

Everything from white granite and black granite countertops to granite slabs has fallen out of style. The second reason granite countertops have lost their appeal is that the preference for light, simple kitchens has replaced the trend of dark, warm kitchens. Designers quit wanting “movement” and instead wanted peace.


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