Nutritional Benefits of Butternut Squash & 10 Recipes (2024)

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Nutritional Benefits of Butternut Squash & 10 Recipes (1)

Fall is right around the corner, which has me craving all things pumpkin, soups and butternut squash! I love the upcoming season because it usually means cooler weather (which here in Florida is never predictable!), hearty soups, and pumpkin spice everything.

One of my favorite fall fruits (yes, it’s a fruit!) is butternut squash because of its rich flavor and versatility in the kitchen. While we all know butternut squash is delicious, did you know it’s also insanely good for you?

I’m uncovering the nutritional benefits of butternut squash and sharing some of the butternut squash recipes I’m looking forward to trying this fall below!

Nutritional Benefits of Butternut Squash & 10 Recipes (2)

The 411 On Butternut Squash

You may have wondered why butternut squash is usually available year-round in your local market, even though it’s considered to be most abundant in the fall. This is because the harvest times for butternut squash are during the summer and fall, but because this vegetable stores so well, it is available almost year round.

If you’ve had butternut squash before, you are familiar with its sweet, decadent and slightly nutty flavor. One of my favorite characteristics of this winter squash is that it can be a star ingredient in both sweet and savory dishes!

Fun fact: Did you know that in Australia and New Zealand they refer to butternut squash as “butternut pumpkin”? This makes me love this winter squash even more. Butternut + pumpkin = the perfect fall duo.

Nutritional Benefits of Butternut Squash

Now that we know a little history behind my favorite fall fruit, let’s talk about the many nutritional benefits of butternut squash.

Butternut squash is low in fat and full of dietary fiber, making it a great addition to your diet for optimal heart health! The fall favorite also contains a high amount of:

  • Potassium which helps lower blood pressure, aids in heart health and enhances muscle strength
  • Vitamin B6 – a crucial nutrient for optimal functioning of the immune and nervous systems
  • Folate, which is also important for bone health and helps guard against brain and spinal cord-related birth defects (Pregnant? Bring on the butternut squash soup!)
  • Vitamin C –One cup of butternut squash provides 50% of your daily needs of this ultimate immune system fighter!

What do carrots and butternut squash have in common? They are both orange in color, which indicates that they have an abundance of the powerhouse nutrients known as “carotenoids”, specifically beta-carotene, which your body automatically converts to Vitamin A. This specific vitamin helps to prevent heart disease and macular degeneration, as well as improves eye health.

Nutritional Benefits of Butternut Squash & 10 Recipes (3)

10 Delicious Butternut Squash Recipes

-Carly Paige

Post Tags

  • butternut squash, butternut squash chili, butternut squash recipes, fall produce, fall recipes, pumpkin, squash

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94 Responses

  1. Yum!! I love butternut squash and eat it at least once a week… I knew it was good for you, but didn’t realize it was THIS good for you! All the more reason to eat it!


    1. It’s basically a fall superfood… ha! I’m so glad the post was informative for you, Liz!


  2. Yum! I so look forward to the fall for only one reason! Butternut Squash! 🙂 I’m not a big pumpkin fan, even though some people say they taste somewhat similar. I love trying new recipes with butternut squash. Thanks for sharing!


    1. That’s so interesting! They do have unique flavors though. I LOVE all things butternut squash, but my husband doesn’t – otherwise, I would eat it almost every day!


  3. Yassssss to all things squash! I’m actually on the lookout for a fool proof butternut squash soup recipe because I’m horrible at making them for some reason! It never ends up tasty right to me, but I love butternut too much to give up trying!


    1. Butternut squash soup is my favorite! I have found the key is to get it SUPER smooth, which I can achieve using an immersion blender. If you try the recipe I included in the post, let me know how it is!


    1. I love butternut squash and it is so good for you! There are a million ways you can use it in your cooking, too. Enjoy!


  4. It’s that time of year and I love it! Butternut squash is one of our faves.


    1. Mine, too! Now it just needs to get a little cooler here in Florida to truly feel like fall.


  5. I had no idea butternut squash had potassium! That’s awesome and a must when you train hard! Thanks for sharing these tid bits 🙂 xo C


    1. You’re welcome, Courtney! Butternut squash has so many good for you nutrients 🙂


  6. Yummy! I love butternut squash. I made acorn squash the other day and it just doesn’t compare to butternut! So many great recipes here!


    1. I know, right? I can’t wait to try them all! Yeah, acorn squash doesn’t have as much flavor and it’s not as sweet. Butternut squash definitely wins!


  7. That’s definitely some knowledge-addition! Thanks for sharing. 🙂


    1. You’re welcome, Aishwarya! Thanks for stopping by.


  8. I love butternut squash! All of it’s awesome nutritional properties are perfect for a post-workout recovery paired with some lean protein 🙂


    1. Yes, I totally agree! I’ll use any excuse to add butternut squash to my meals 🙂


  9. What a great little post for a Fall day! I love butternut squash and will be saving this post for future reference. Will be needing more ideas 🙂 happy Monday, my friend! Xoxo


    1. Thanks, Jess! Hope you are having a great week. I can’t WAIT for fall and to try all of these yummy butternut squash recipes!


  10. Butternut squash is a favorite fall veggie. Thanks for including the recipes.


    1. Mine, too! Hope you enjoy some of the recipes 🙂


  11. I love butternut squash!! From soup to pasta and everything in between, showcase the versatility of these healthy and delcious ingredient.


    1. Yes! I will put butternut squash in anything. Thanks for stopping by, Ludmilla!


  12. I had no idea that butternut squash was packed with so many nutrients…Thanks for sharing and pinned to hopefully make some of these recipes later, when I can find the time…LOL!


    1. I know, right? It’s like the superfood of fall produce! I can’t wait to try some of these recipes, too. They all look so delicious!


  13. I love butternut squash! Thank you for sharing some recipes!


    1. You’re welcome, Stefanie! Enjoy 🙂


  14. Great post! Butternut squash is definitely one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing all the nutrition too! <3


    1. Thanks, Ashley! I hope you enjoy some of the recipes. I can’t wait to make them myself!


  15. I am a spaghetti squash enthusiast myself but you have me convinced to branch out. 😉 Nicely done on the nutritional benefits as well.


    1. Thanks, Heather! Butternut squash is definitely worth a try and more versatile than spaghetti squash, although I love it, too!


  16. yay more reasons to eat my fav veggie! Thanks for sharing!


    1. Yes, totally! Thanks for visiting, Rachel 🙂


  17. I’m really looking forward to using my slow cooker to make some soups this fall. I’m totally making the Butternut Squash Quinoa with Kale recipe! Thanks for sharing!!


    1. Yes! This recipe is next on my list 🙂 Enjoy!


  18. I love butternut squash, although it’s always a pain for me to cut into Lol! I had no idea about all the nutritional benefits. Thanks for sharing this!


    1. You’re welcome, Evi! Sometimes I cheat and buy the pre-cut kind or choose a smaller butternut squash 🙂


  19. Thanks for sharing my recipe and great round up for butternut squash recipes!!


  20. Love butternut squash! The maple roasted butternut squash and beets recipe sounds delicious!


    1. I agree! I had never thought of putting the two together in a dish, but it totally makes sense!


  21. I love butternut squash, but I actually find it to be a bit too sweet as a normal side for me (unless it’s in soup form for some reason) so I prefer to incorporate it into some type of dessert.


    1. I love butternut squash for dessert. I totally understand where you’re coming from… it is on the sweeter side, but oh so good!


  22. Butternut squash is HANDS DOWN my favorite – sadly, it caused me to go to the hospital a few weeks back (long story) so…. I haven’t eaten it in awhile, but I totally miss it! 🙁


    1. Oh no! I hate when a bad experience results from a food I love. Hopefully you can return to the butternut squash soon!


  23. Yum! I love butternut pumpkin, and even more now that I know how much goodness is in there 🙂 Thanks for the info!


    1. You’re welcome, Donna! Enjoy 🙂


  24. Yum! I love butternut squash and I actually just picked one up at the store on Saturday! Can’t wait to try some of these ideas. 🙂


    1. Perfect timing, Shannon! Hope you enjoy them!


  25. I LOVE butternut squash! Especially for fall! Yum!


    1. Me too! By the way – your baked onion rings look SO good!!


      1. Thanks Carly 🙂


  26. I always see it in healthy mac and cheese recipes- Im tempted to try it out


    1. Me too. I tried it once last fall and it did not disappoint. Hope you love it!


  27. yummy!! I love butternut squash (or butternut pumpkin) : ). My husband makes delicious squash soup, and I look forward to trying the recipes you listed.


    1. Oh, yum! You’re so lucky your hubby cooks in the kitchen 🙂 Enjoy the other recipes!


  28. Yummy! I am a huge fan of butternut squash and I finally got my kids and husband to jump on board too! Thanks for sharing all the nutrient info.


    1. You’re welcome, Teressa! I love hearing that your family is a fan of butternut squash, too.


  29. Butternut is one of my favorite fall fruits! I didn’t realize how many health benefits it had. Butternut pumpkin? I love that. Very interesting. I’m going to start calling it that too. 🙂


    1. Makes it even more appealing, doesn’t it? It’s like the fall superfood!


  30. I’m not really a squash person. And I have to admit, I did not know it was so healthy and had great benefits. 50% of your daily Vitamin C is awesome. Looks like I will be adding Butternut Squash to our grocery shopping list.


    1. It is so good for you! Try incorporating it into other dishes, so it’s not the star ingredient. Maybe you’ll like it better that way!


  31. i totally forgot about my squash bread! LOL!I need to make it again. thanks friend


    1. Ha! It looks so good and I can’t wait to make it!!


  32. Love butternut squash… I have a breakfast n’oatmeal recipe with it that’s delish!


    1. Oh yum!!! I’ll have to check it out. Butternut squash for breakfast? Yes, please!


  33. Squash is definitely in the top 3 favorite vegetables of mine! I can’t wait to go through all your recipes that you posted. I don’t even know where to start haha – Thanks!!


    1. Ha! I am equally excited since I haven’t tried some of them! I wish my husband loved butternut squash as much as I do, because then we would have it every night!


  34. I have yet to actually cook with Butternut Squash, but I love it! I need to eat more apparently.


    1. It is easy to cook with, especially if you get the precut kind and it’s so good for you!


  35. I love butternut squash, thank you for sharing the wonderful recipes. I’m looking forward to trying many of them!


    1. You’re welcome, Joanie! Enjoy 🙂


  36. I love butternut squash! My favorite thing about Fall is that it gets a bit cooler here and HALLOWEEN!!!


    1. Yes!! In Florida, the weather is so unpredictable, but if it’s still warm out by October, I pretend it’s fall indoors and turn my AC wayyy down lol


  37. im so glad to hear something I love SO much is so good for me! This Butternut Squash Turkey Chili looks incredible!


    1. Thanks, Kristen! I hope you love it! It makes a lot so be prepared to eat it for days 🙂


  38. I LOVE butternut squash!! Thanks for all of the recipe ideas. Who knew there were so many ways to eat a squash? I am excited to try them!


    1. I know, right? For breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, dessert – I have you covered!


  39. Butternut squash is my FAVORITE!! It’s so crazy that something that taste so good can ale be so healthy 🙂


    1. I know… it’s like a fall superfood!


  40. I loveee this post! I eat butternut squash allll the time!!! We love it because it can taste similar to a sweet potatoe! But less carbs. I didn’t know that it can prevent heart disease. Great to know!!!! Thanks for sharing
    Danielle Greco


    1. You’re welcome, Danielle! I’m glad you found the post informative 🙂


  41. I love butternut squash. I make them into fries and soup. I especially love that they last a long time.


    1. Ooohhhhh butternut squash fries sound SO GOOD!! Yum!


  42. I love butternut squash and have often wondered about it being available in stores in the summer so thank you for solving that mystery! My favorite things about fall are the crisp mornings with clear blue skies that warm up to beautiful afternoons. I also love to see the leaves falling from the trees that give you a sense that change is happening.


    1. I’m jealous of wherever you live, Carol, because we don’t really have a fall here in Florida!


  43. I love butternut squash! I had no idea it was soooo healthy! Thanks for sharing!


    1. You’re welcome, Ashleigh! Enjoy 🙂


  44. Love me some butternut squash 🙂 In the fall in winter we always stock up with the frozen cubes from Whole Foods 🙂 While it took forever to make I love butternut risotto!

    BTW I FINALLY remembered to hop on over here from instagram! Love you look! I’m in need of a new blog redo. Need to start looking more fresh and clean over on my blog 🙂


    1. YES! I love stocking up on frozen butternut squash. Great minds think alike! Butternut risotto is a favorite of mine – I add in white wine, mushrooms and brie cheese… OH MY. Thank you so much for the sweet compliments. I switched to wordpress recently and bought the foodie theme and am loving it.


  45. Love me some Butternut Squash. Especially in the fall. We stock up in the fall with the frozen squash from Whole Foods. So good and cheep 🙂 I made a butternut risotto last year, it was so good but it took forever to make!

    BTW I’m FINALLY getting over to your blog from Instagram! Its taken me way to long! Love the blog!

    Samantha Riley


  46. Awesome post Carly. I just made a butternut squad soup. All I knew is it tasted good! Now I know the extra nutritional knowledge!


    1. Thanks, Matt! I LOVE butternut squash soup. It’s one of my favorites!


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Nutritional Benefits of Butternut Squash & 10 Recipes (2024)


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