No meat, no problem: welcome 2019 with satisfying vegetarian and vegan recipes (2024)

So you’ve decided to eat less meat in 2019 (it is, after all, the one sure way anyone can help the planet). But if the thought of cutting back on meat leads instantly to concern over losing flavor, save yourself the worry. Here’s a roundup of satisfying, nutritious vegetarian and vegan dishes to start your new culinary adventure off right.

If you go vegan, can you take your meat-loving community with you?Read more

Roasted berbere vegetables and chickpeas by Yotam Ottolenghi

No meat, no problem: welcome 2019 with satisfying vegetarian and vegan recipes (1)

Roasts are perfect for the weeknights when fuss and bother need to be at a minimum. This North African-inspired dish will make enough for four, but no one will tell if it only serves one very satisfied chef.

Prep 10 min
Cook 40 min
Serves 4

½ tsp ground turmeric
½ tsp paprika
¾ tsp berbere spice mix
¾ tsp cumin seeds
¼ tsp ground cinnamon
2 sweet potatoes (about 1.5lbs), unpeeled and diced into ¾in
8.5oz cooked chickpeas (canned is fine here), drained, rinsed and patted dry
1 cauliflower (about 1.5lbs), broken into ¾–1-in florets
3 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
6 tbsp olive oil
4.5oz baby spinach
1 tbsp lemon juice

Heat the oven to 425F (218C). Mix together all the spices in a bowl. Put the sweet potatoes and chickpeas in one large bowl and the cauliflower in another.

Put two-thirds of the spice mix, half the garlic, three tablespoons of oil and half a teaspoon of salt in the sweet potato and chickpea bowl, toss to coat, then spread out on a 11in x 15in baking tray lined with parchment paper.

Put the rest of the spice mix and garlic, two tablespoons of oil and half a teaspoon of salt in the cauliflower bowl and toss to coat.

Roast the sweet potato and chickpeas for 10 minutes, then add the cauliflower to the tray, stir and roast for 15 minutes more, until all the vegetables are soft and golden brown and the chickpeas are crisp.

Mix the spinach with the remaining tablespoon of oil and an eighth of a teaspoon of salt, and spread out on top of the vegetables. Return to the oven for a final 10 minutes, until the spinach is crisp, then leave to cool for about five minutes. Drizzle over the lemon juice, gently mix together one more time, transfer to a platter and serve.

Potato gnocchi in sage butter by Anna Jones

No meat, no problem: welcome 2019 with satisfying vegetarian and vegan recipes (2)

Any type of pasta is a great filling meal for those nights when the stomach begs for more. The herb and butter blend of this gnocchi will ensure a delicious, savory meal.

Prep 10 min
Cook 2 hr 20 min
Serves 4-6

3.5lbs medium floury potatoes (such as maris piper)
1.75oz sea salt crystals
2.5oz “00” pasta flour
1 good grating fresh nutmeg
1 tsp salt
1 egg, beaten
1 small bunch crisp sage leaves (see below)
1oz butter or olive oil
1 head (8.8oz) cavolo nero or winter greens
2oz vegetarian Italian hard cheese
Zest of 1 lemon

Heat the oven to 390F (199C). Wash and pat dry the potatoes, then pierce all over with a fork. Scatter the rock salt into a roasting tin, sit the potatoes on top and bake for one and a half to two hours, until soft. When the potatoes are ready, take them out of the oven and leave to cool until you can handle them.

It’s important you do the next step while they are still warm – but be careful not to burn yourself. Halve the potatoes, scoop out the flesh, mash the potato flesh with a potato ricer or by passing it through a coarse sieve, then put on a clean work surface and sprinkle over the flour. Season well and grate over the nutmeg. Make a well in the center, pour in the egg and gradually work to a soft dough. Take care not to overwork the mixture, though: knead until everything is just-combined or the gnocchi will be tough.

Bring a large pan of salted water to a boil. Take a teaspoon of the mixture and drop it into the boiling water to check it holds together. If it doesn’t, you may need to add a little more flour and test your dough again.

When you’re happy, cut the dough into four pieces, roll each into long sausage shapes about half an inch thick, then cut each sausage into 1in lengths. You can cook your gnocchi straight away or store them in the fridge on a tray for up to 24 hours.

Follow the recipe below to fry the sage leaves until crisp, then drain on kitchen paper. Put the sage pan back on a medium heat, add a tablespoon of olive oil and the butter, then add the greens and cook for four to five minutes, stirring until wilted.

Reduce the pan of water to a brisk simmer. To cook the gnocchi, drop in batches into the pan and cook until they rise to the surface – about two and a half minutes. Use a slotted spoon to add the gnocchi straight into the greens pan and leave to take on some of the butter. Save some of the pasta cooking water.

Finely grate most of the cheese and lemon zest over the gnocchi, toss well, add 6 tablespoons of cooking water and reduce to a thick sauce. Divide the gnocchi between two to four plates, grate over the remaining cheese and finish with a little drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

Vegan rutabaga laksa by Meera Sodha

No meat, no problem: welcome 2019 with satisfying vegetarian and vegan recipes (3)

Rutabagas are definitely the unsung underdog of superfoods. Chock full of nutritional benefits, the fibrous root vegetable really gets a chance to shine in this spicy, warming noodle soup.

Prep 12 min
Cooking 45 min
Serves 4
6 garlic cloves, peeled and roughly chopped
1in ginger, peeled and roughly chopped
4 tsp Kashmiri chili powder
2½ tsp ground cumin
2 lemongrass stalks
, bases only, roughly chopped
1oz fresh cilantro, leaves and stalks
6 banana shallots, peeled and halved
4¼ cups vegetable stock (suitable for vegans)
Canola oil
1 x 33 fl oz tin coconut milk
1½ tsp salt
1½ tsp sugar
lb rutabaga (ie about ¾ of a large one), peeled
5oz rice vermicelli noodles
2 limes
, cut into 4 wedges each

Heat the oven to 390F (199C) and line two large baking trays with foil.

To make the laksa paste, put the garlic, ginger, chili powder, ground cumin, lemongrass, cilantro stalks and two shallots into a blender with 2/3 cup stock, and whisk to a paste.

Heat two tablespoons of oil in a deep-sided pot on a low flame and, once hot, scrape the paste into the pot. Cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring regularly so it doesn’t catch, then slowly add the coconut milk until it’s well mixed in. Add the remaining stock, the salt and the sugar, and simmer for 20 minutes until rich and flavorful. Season to taste, then take off the heat.

While the soup is cooking, halve the rutabaga, cut it into 1/2in slices, then arrange on one of the lined trays. Separate the remaining shallots into “petals” by halving them and removing the individual segments, and put these on the second lined tray. Lightly drizzle oil over both vegetables, toss with your hands so they’re well coated, and sprinkle with a little salt. Roast the shallots for 20 minutes and the rutabaga for 30, until cooked and caramelized.

Cook the noodles in boiling water as per the packet instructions (usually two to three minutes), then drain and rinse under cold water.

To serve, reheat the soup on a medium heat, if need be. Distribute the noodles between four bowls and ladle on the hot soup. Put the hot rutabaga and caramelized shallots on top and sprinkle with cilantro leaves. Squeeze a wedge of lime over each serving, and serve with more lime on the side.

Iranian herb fritters by Yotam Ottolenghi

No meat, no problem: welcome 2019 with satisfying vegetarian and vegan recipes (4)

Fritters are interesting. It screams of its meal versatility, fritters can easily be served as a snack, a side, or even dinner. This particular version of this switch-hitter doesn’t sacrifice convenience or taste with its quick prep time and herb-filled batter.

The recipe makes eight fritters to serve four to eight.

1.5 oz dill, finely chopped
1.5 oz basil leaves, finely chopped
1.5oz cilantro leaves, finely chopped
1½ tsp ground cumin
2oz fresh breadcrumbs (ie, from about 2 slices, crusts left on if soft)
3 tbsp currants
1oz walnut halves, lightly toasted and roughly chopped
8 large eggs, beaten
2 fl oz sunflower oil, for frying

Put everything bar the oil in a large bowl with half a teaspoon of salt, mix well and set aside.

Put two tablespoons of oil in a large, nonstick pan on a medium-high heat. Once hot, add a ladle of batter per fritter into the oil, cooking a few fritters at a time – you want each of them to be about 5in wide. Fry for one to two minutes on each side, until crisp and golden brown, then transfer to a plate lined with kitchen paper and set aside while you repeat with the remaining batter and oil.

Serve warm or at room temperature.

Parsnip and thyme risotto with parsley and hazelnut dressing by Thomasina Miers

No meat, no problem: welcome 2019 with satisfying vegetarian and vegan recipes (5)

Just because it’s vegetarian doesn’t mean it has to be simple or toned down at all. Get fancy with this dynamic (albeit labor-intensive) parsnip and thyme risotto. With all of the layers of flavor, meat won’t be missed when this dish is on the table.

2oz unsalted butter
2 tbsp olive oil
2 banana shallots, peeled and finely chopped
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
3 large parsnips (about 5oz each), peeled, two cut lengthways into quarters, the other diced
10.5oz carnaroli or arborio rice
5 fl oz dry white wine
1 liter fresh vegetable stock
1oz honey
4 sprigs thyme

1oz grated hard Italian cheese
3.5oz blue cheese

For the dressing
1 small bunch parsley, leaves picked and finely chopped
½ oz blanched hazelnuts
2 tbsp white wine vinegar
5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Heat half the butter and the oil in a large saucepan on a lowish flame, until the butter starts to sizzle, then add the shallots and season generously. Cover the pan, leave the onions to sweat gently for 10 minutes, until they are soft, then take off the lid, add the diced parsnip and fry, stirring regularly, for three minutes.

Add the rice, and stir for a few minutes more, until the grains are coated in the fats and almost translucent. Turn up the heat, add the wine, and simmer for two minutes, until the alcohol has evaporated and most of the liquid has been absorbed into the rice.

Why there’s no such thing as a perfect veganRead more

Add a small ladleful of stock to the pot, and lightly beat into the rice with a wooden spoon, until the rice has absorbed all the liquid. Repeat, adding just a small ladleful of stock at a time and beating fairly continuously (this constant motion is the secret to a light, creamy risotto), until the rice kernels are tender, but still have a bite to them. (If you use up all the stock before the rice is done, add more hot stock or hot water, ladleful by ladleful.)

While the risotto is cooking, pound the parsley, nuts, vinegar and oil, ideally in a pestle and mortar, until you have a textured dressing, then season to taste.

Steam the quartered parsnips for three minutes, until just soft, then leave to steam dry. Melt 0.7oz butter with the honey and thyme in a frying pan, until sizzling, then add the steamed parsnips and fry on a fairly high heat until golden and caramelized.

Once the risotto is cooked, take it off the heat and stir in the hard cheese, blue cheese and remaining butter. Season to taste, cover and leave to rest for a few minutes. Spoon into shallow bowls, top with the caramelized parsnips, drizzle over the dressing and serve hot.

No meat, no problem: welcome 2019 with satisfying vegetarian and vegan recipes (2024)


Are vegan and vegetarian the same thing? ›

Overview. Vegetarians don't eat any food products made from meat, fish, shellfish, crustacea (such as prawns or crab) or animal by-products (such as gelatine or rennet). Vegans don't eat any food products that come from animals, including dairy products and eggs.

How to make vegan food satisfying? ›

I highly recommend having a mixture of grains, protein, and vegetables — it provides a great balance not only with flavor/bulk but also texture. Grains and legumes help keep the meal filling while the vegetables bring everything together.

Do vegan people eat meat? ›

A vegan diet is another form of vegetarianism where only plant foods are eaten and all foods from animal sources are avoided (meat, seafood, dairy, eggs and sometimes honey and gelatine). Vegetarian diets can have many health benefits.

What does veganism stand for? ›

"Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and ...

Can you eat potatoes if you are vegan? ›

For a healthy vegan diet: eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day. base meals on potatoes, bread, rice, pasta or other starchy carbohydrates (choose wholegrain where possible)

Is it healthier to be a vegetarian or a vegan? ›

Both types of diet can be considered safe for all stages of life, but vegan diets may even offer additional health benefits. However, it's important for both vegetarians and vegans to plan their diets well in order to avoid health complications over the long term.

What do vegans struggle with the most? ›

10 Vegan deficiencies to be aware of - and how to nix them
  • Iron. ...
  • Vitamin B12. ...
  • Omega-3. ...
  • Zinc. ...
  • Choline. ...
  • Iodine. ...
  • Vitamin D. Who isn't a little bit deficient in the 'Sunshine Vitamin'? ...
  • Protein. 'This nutrient is not an issue in most people's diets especially those who eat meat, fish and eggs,' says Hobson.
Dec 22, 2022

What are the most filling plant foods? ›

Plant-based foods you can add to your meals to help improve satiety
  • Lentils. Lentils are an economical and readily available ingredient that are used as staples in most plant-forward meals. ...
  • Chia seeds. ...
  • Oats. ...
  • Chickpeas. ...
  • Walnuts or Almonds. ...
  • Sweet Potatoes. ...
  • Brussels Sprouts. ...
  • Avocado.

Why do I feel so hungry on a vegan diet? ›

The most common challenge we see is that “new” vegans and vegetarians do not eat enough calories throughout the day. Snacking is a great way to stay full! Make sure you are incorporating snacks between meals. These snacks allow you to meet your calorie needs as well as manage your hunger between meals.

Is peanut butter vegan? ›

The bottom line. Most types of peanut butter are free of animal products and can be enjoyed as part of a vegan diet. However, some varieties are made in facilities that also process animal products or contain refined sugar that was produced using bone char or non-vegan ingredients like honey or fish oil.

What snack foods can vegans eat? ›

Try These Popular Vegan Snacks (Chips, Cookies, and More)
  • Vegan Rob's Chips.
  • Rivalz Extra Chedda' Mac.
  • Outstanding Foods PigOut Pigless Pork Rinds.
  • Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars—Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate.
  • Trader Joe's Almond Butter Filled Pretzel Nuggets.

Are Oreos vegan? ›

Many vegans refer to Oreos as “accidentally vegan,” meaning they don't contain animal products — but they weren't created to be a specifically vegan treat. Oreos do not contain milk, eggs, or any other animal-derived products, so they are technically vegan in that sense. Plant-based cookies and cream lovers rejoice!

Are eggs vegan? ›

While eggs are included in a standard vegetarian diet they are excluded from a vegan diet, along with all animal-derived foods, like honey.

Can a vegetarian eat eggs? ›

Well, the short answer is yes! Unless they are vegan (meaning they don't eat dairy products, eggs, or any other products which are derived from animals), some vegetarians do eat eggs and belong to a group known as lacto-ovo-vegetarians which according to the Vegetarian Society is the most common type of meatless diet.

Can vegans eat eggs? ›

While eggs are included in a standard vegetarian diet they are excluded from a vegan diet, along with all animal-derived foods, like honey.

Do vegetarians drink milk and eat eggs? ›

Types of vegetarian diets

Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, yogurt and butter, are included. Ovo-vegetarian diets exclude meat, poultry, seafood and dairy products, but allow eggs. Lacto-ovo vegetarian diets exclude meat, fish and poultry, but allow dairy products and eggs.

Does a vegan drink milk? ›

A vegan diet excludes all animal products, including dairy, eggs, meat, and fish, whereas a dairy-free diet bans all milk products but not necessarily any other animal products. While all vegan foods are inherently dairy-free, not all dairy-free foods are vegan.


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Name: Patricia Veum II

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