Independent Investor | Listen to Podcasts On Demand Free | TuneIn (2024)

Independent Investor | Listen to Podcasts On Demand Free | TuneIn (1)

Self-Directed Investing. Personal empowerment. Wealth building strategies. Taking control of your own finances. Life Coach. Physical Fitness. Diet. Spiritual health and well-being. Influencer. Motivator. Coach and Mentor. Personal improvement. Entrepreneurship. Controlling your destiny. Networking. Thrift Savings Plan. Dividend Growth Investing. Stock Market Investor. Portfolio Builder. Passive Investor. Vanguard ETF's. Success is something that evolves over your life and never ends. Every action should be made towards the mastery of discipline and pursuance of peace.

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Self-Directed Investing. Personal empowerment. Wealth building strategies. Taking control of your own finances. Life Coach. Physical Fitness. Diet. Spiritual health and well-being. Influencer. Motivator. Coach and Mentor. Personal improvement. Entrepreneurship. Controlling your destiny. Networking. Thrift Savings Plan. Dividend Growth Investing. Stock Market Investor. Portfolio Builder. Passive Investor. Vanguard ETF's. Success is something that evolves over your life and never ends. Every action should be made towards the mastery of discipline and pursuance of peace.




Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlAduro Clean Tech $ACTHF - The opportunity of a lifetime through information5/18/2024

Opportunity isn’t obvious. It won’t be until most opportunities are long gone by the time you’re aware of it. Aduro is different. For once retail investors have a unique opportunity to gain access to groundbreaking technology at a severe discount to value. Enjoy this discussion on Aduro Clean Technologies, the only company I’m heavily investing in currently and plan on into the future in the face of over priced large capital markets. Let’s deploy the strength of critical information together and unlock the hidden value that exists within. --- Send in a voice message:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlAduro Clean Technologies $ACTHF - #1 Stock Pick for 202412/3/2023

Plastic recycling is for real and the methods used are being developed and tested and validated. Aduro Clean Technologies is based in Canada and is in talks with major oil companies to further advance their technologies aimed at tackling the major climate crisis and the plastic problem. --- Send in a voice message:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlHyliion 2023 A Small Company Poised to Combat Climate Change4/22/2023

Hyliion Stock Analysis. --- Send in a voice message:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlInvesting in the Stock Market in 2023 and Beyond1/15/2023

A deep look at investing in today’s environment and what it takes to succeed. Everyone seems to know what’s best for you but do YOU understand what’s best for you? Have you taken the time to define what type of future you are looking for? It’s important to be your own best advocate of your program and don’t let others persuade you otherwise. --- Send in a voice message:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlCall to Action The MOST IMPORTANT LIFE CHANGING DECISION YOU'LL EVER MAKE...8/26/2021

Confidence is key. The ability to claw your way out of the rut you are in. We've all been there so don't think you are the only one. Sometimes it even requires a life-changing radical impasse where you take a stand and say that enough, I've got to change the natural direction of my life and demonstrate the confidence to take control of your financial future. This podcast will conclude season 3. An inspired look at what motivates people to invest, what the attributes of a good investor are and a call to action to begin the deliberation on what is going to work for YOU, not someone else, not your neighbor or family member, but YOU! Enjoy the content and consider subscribing to the Independent Investor Channel and visit my website at or Send in a voice message:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlSecret RECIPE to INVESTING SUCCESS that ANYONE can use; The 3 P's5/31/2021

In decades of investing I've been able to water down the "big ugly" investing opportunity to defining a few key terms for yourself. If you are willing to put a good faith effort into getting yourself going in investing, I'd invite you to listen to this podcast in it's entirety because for a certain few, it may have the power to change your life.The "Profile" defines the "style" of investing you wish to deploy. Don't worry if you don't think you know anything; you don't! Knowing everything isn't a pre-requisite to success in stock market investing and you probably know more than you think and it may be just what you need to get off on the right foot; that and a little help from I2!The "Path" or "strategy" aligns certain simple rule for you to follow, grow to love and over time will not deviate from.The "Product" or "stock" will be the final of the "P's" that I'll discuss in this podcast and it'll truly help you align the proper order of operations in entering into the mindset necessary to truly succeed at stock market investing!--- Send in a voice message:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlWhy Retail Investors FAIL at INVESTING4/8/2021

What an investor needs to know isn't necessarily what they think they know to succeed in investing. Where we find our information through the sources we trust may also be suspect. Do you find yourself comparing yourself to others? Is investing any different? Are you willing to re-align your priorities in life to sacrifice and give yourself the best chance of success in investing? Can you name a few basic principles of investing and why they are important? Do you feel like you have the level of desire necessary to succeed in investing? Finally, do you think investing is easier in today's era or is it more difficult?This podcast will aim to address each of the aforementioned and put you in the driver's seat towards your own personal wealth building strategy. Give it a shot...what really do you have to lose? I hold myself to a fairly high standard in that I think if someone truly hears my message and needs a little inspiration aimed at empowering one investor at a time, you'll leave inspired, motivated and forever changed...--- Send in a voice message:


Dirty money or the root of all evil. Why is it that everyone out there is so convinced that they have all the answers for you but you seem to have no answers of your own? Misconceptions about money often stem from what we hear and what we're influenced by. It typically leads us to a place drastically far from the truth, especially in investing. Our influences tell us that we can't make it or we don't make enough money or that if you don't have a specific number that somehow that's not enough either. The older I get the more I realize that if the "idea" of "thought" didn't originate from me than it's probably not for me. The water is muddy and it's that way for a reason. The only one worth trusting as far as the advice you take in this life is YOU. Everyone wants to follow and or trust that someone else won't let them down or won't lead them astray. The truth is when it comes to redemption time and you are the one atoning for your life, what are you going to remember? Did you follow or lead most of the time. We will be influenced in this life as we are all creatures of habit and have a basic desire for human interaction and acceptance. I'm just not of the mindset that this primitive behavior needs to play into the categories of personal spending discipline and or your financial program nor the relationship journey you chose to pursue. It should be personal and validated by you and if anyone ever asks you to explain why you do it or why you did it a certain way, you won't hesitate in being prepared to explain just that.--- Send in a voice message:


What's your view of the stock market? What's your definition of investing? Does investing consume or compliment your life? Do you focus on yourself or others most of the time? Do you think the social media experience is positive or negative or both? Name five ways to become a better person, better father, healthier, more mentally sound...This podcast will provide an intimate look at social media, investing, influences and what it could potentially mean for you over time. Investing is investing but what does that mean? Is speculation investing? Should I be speculating first or investing first? What does it mean to be successful in this life? Is it pursuing a number 100K? 250K? 1M? When will the pursuit of that end be enough? Are you willing to pursue that end at the cost of other potentially more fulfilling aspects of life...--- Send in a voice message:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlFUNDAMENTALS Don't Matter Anymore in STOCK MARKET INVESTING2/13/2021

This podcast will run through the deliberation of a new investor who's seeking advice through social media. Since fundamentals don't matter it must be the case that the masses are succeeding using alternative strategies to value investing or investing using fundamentals, right? I'll discuss the difference in application and the evolution of a speculative trade, the mental deliberation that's responsible for influencing so many people to enter hose trades and the psychology behind second guessing those trades. How do you want to live your life? I've seen a number of the very few social media creators that I respected before fall victim to this line of self-indulgence that, "I can beat the S&P 500" or "Fundamentals don't matter" or "Stocks only go up..." Inevitably individuals WILL be responsible for the decisions they make unfortunately I think the reliance on others to make those decision and buying into group think is all too often becoming the norm on social media. I humbly offer my retort...--- Send in a voice message:


I've never had so many people approach me about the stock market over the last two weeks asking if I'd purchased Game Stock (GME) stock. I like the excitement about the market, unfortunately it's for the wrong reasons. The financial markets aren't a play pen and even though this seemed like a successful target of wall street elites I presume it'll end up hurting more retail investors than anyone in the end. Will the hedge funds lose billions, yes. Did the WalStreetBets make their point and shed light on a vulnerability within the industry, yes. What will come of it? How will this change the investing opportunity for the better, or maybe the worse? Where is your attention at right now? Are you focussed on Gamestop or are you focussed on where you are going in life and deploying strategies conducive to meeting that end? This Podcast will help you answer those questions...--- Send in a voice message:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlSPENDING vs. SAVING | Real Wealth is Mental NOT Physical1/9/2021

Your ability to classify how you deal with money is key to a longstanding wealth building philosophy. Are you a spender or are you a saver? This PODCAST will strike at the very root of this question. I am NOT your judge nor am I telling you how to live your life. Ultimately, we will all be required to take responsibility for the decisions we make in life, so chose wisely. For those that desire a little more discipline or a desire to give themselves the best chance of success initiating and sticking with a wealth building program, ask yourself..."Am I a spender or a saver?" I'll identify some of the traits I think are the most prevalent amongst spenders and savers to help you identify with and adjust accordingly. This is a core wealth building message. Without it, we are stuck, as victims of our own circ*mstances and bad decisions and in many cases are unaware of the ramifications of our decisions. See if you can identify which category you fall into at the end of this podcast as it should help you in your deliberation and seeking of discipline in this life.--- Send in a voice message:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlINVESTING Your Money in 2021 | 10 Stock Market METHODS for MAX Potential Returns12/27/2020

What will be the impression of your life when you reflect back on it? Will you say, "I did everything I could at the time I could do it?" Or will you have regrets and wonder what the ultimate potential of your wealth could have rendered. Investing now is different than even a couple years ago. The opportunities for investors to have continuous access to their money, to monitor progress and maximize opportunity has never been better. Is now the time to take control of your own financial future? Can I invest on my own? What are the benefits of investing on my own? Is my money better off invested by me or through the services of a financial planner "professional?" I'll discuss the 10 most important reasons to make investing a priority in your life. I think for many people, it doesn't even register on the priority scale; BIG mistake! Make it a priority today and use this motivational message to ensure you understand all of what is possible in investing today and what you could potentially be missing out on.--- Send in a voice message:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlTop 10 Stock Market Investing New Year's Resolutions for 202111/28/2020

As we enter into 2021 it's always good to reflect on what's worked and what hasn't worked in the previous year and establish goals for the upcoming year. Resolutions are a great way to establish goals for the next year. When was the last time personal finance made the list? In this podcast I'll offer 10 stock market investing tips for people going into 2021. It's never been a better time to be an investor and organizing your goals and improving upon those areas that require improvement will set yourself up to better capitalize on the opportunities available now to investors. Enjoy this insight as an impassioned, from the heart message aimed to share beneficial steps to stock market investing, building personal wealth and empowering your financial future! This will conclude season 2 of the Independent Investor Podcast.--- Send in a voice message:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlGROWTH STOCK SET to EXPLODE in 2021 | Exclusive Interview with STARCO BRANDS CEO, ROSS SKLAR (#STCB)11/1/2020

DISCLOSURE: This video was produced on behalf of Starco Brands Inc, and funded by North Equites Corp.#Starco Brands, Inc is traded under the ticker symbol STCB - OTC. In this video I sit down with Ross Sklar the founder and CEO of Starco Brands, Inc. Ross discusses some of the exciting new products his company is working on as well as the ward winning success of #BreatheHandSanitizer which is available in all big box retailers like Wal-Mart, Dollar General, Home Depot and many more! Can the "Aerosol King" turn this company around and drive shareholder value into the future!--- Send in a voice message:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback control7 Secrets to Success in Stock Market Investing10/28/2020

Too many distraction from the truth in today's society which is a large reason why I cut the cord and stopped watching T.V. Amazing how much time you have in the day when you aren't being inundated by propaganda. Coupled with life, how the heck are we expected to succeed in investing when there are so many distractions?In this podcast I'll challenge conventional wisdom by demanding a new way of thinking about your personal finance by charging you with the responsibility for change. You will only have yourself to blame if you fail to justify why you are doing now and what you expect to get out of it later. The 7 most important aspects to succeed in the stock market aims to carve out "must do's" in stock market investing and none of them are common place. "Get rich fast" "BUY Bitcoin" or "sell everything before the market crashes" are all meant to tug away at your short term ability to stay focussed on the longer term. The truth in the matter is everything we should be looking to do is avoid temptation and acknowledge that most of the short term gimmicks are all surrounding generating churn and gaining the almighty dollar for the creator of the content..."The more you can separate from the crowd, the better off you'll be..."--- Send in a voice message:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlHyliion (HYLN) is the #1 Stock to BUY in 2020 | Solutions for the FUTURE10/15/2020

#Hyliion Corp has been on quite a ride having just completed its SPAC merger. It currently trades under the ticker symbol HYLN on the NYSE. Hyliion is looking to tackle the #1 polluter on the earth; trucking. Hyliion's hybrid solutions are unique in that they aren't trying to upend the trucking industry rather partner and integrate with them. Important to understand Hyliion is ready now and by offering solutions designed to compliment a fleets desire to reduce their carbon footprint but do so without going bankrupt in the process. Hyliion may be on the doorstep to solving a 120 year old problem that not only makes the trucking industry more efficient but also more environmentally friendly.DISCLAIMER: I received 0 compensation for making this content and did so completely on my own accord.DISCLAIMER: I am long HYLN shares.🛑 DISCLAIMER: I do not provide personal investment advice and I am not a qualified licensed investment advisor. All information found here, including any ideas, opinions, views, predictions, forecasts, commentaries, suggestions, or stock picks, expressed or implied herein, are for informational, entertainment or educational purposes only and should not be construed as personal investment advice. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. I will not and cannot be held liable for any actions you take as a result of anything you read and/or view.--- Send in a voice message:

Duration:00:30:41 video is a promotion for Blue Lagoon Resources, I have no shares in this company and this video is for entertainment only. Please be aware of the risks associated with investing and seek professional advice. In this one-on-one interview with Blue Lagoon Resources Inc, CEO RANA VIG we discuss the opportunity that exists with his company #BlueLagoonResources #BLAGF set to begin production in British Columbia Canada after millions in capital expenditure. Rana talks about the importance of #GoldInvesting and with the current volatility in financial market, civil unrest here and geopolitical risk abroad it may never be a better time to get in on this modern day gold rush.🌎 🌎 Send in a voice message:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback control5 Most Important Aspects of Life - Be Inspired and Force Change10/5/2020

30 minutes is all I ask. At the end of this 30 minute session ask yourself; am I better for having heard this? This podcast aims to strike a balance between what I feel are the most important aspects of your life. Focus on one and ignore another. Keep doing the same thing that's rendering negative results. Failing to acknowledge whats important to you in the first place or thinking for some reason that change cannot happen. I beg to differ and the time to call for change is now. Wether you are 18 or 81 it's never too late to take the necessary steps toward enriching your life. It won't happen on it's own but if you truly want to start taking small steps in the right direction you'll soon realize that the very resistance to change you had in the first place will fade away because your addiction to the pursuance of self actualization will take precedence over all else that may deter your from it. #IndependentInvestorPodcast--- Send in a voice message:


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlDO I SAVE More Than I SPEND, The Investor Fitness Exercise; INFLOW vs. OUTFLOW9/6/2020

Do you have what it takes to make it in the stock market? Depends on your situation. Do you need money to make money? Why am I always struggling to make ends meet? Take a Pause! FREEZE your life for a few moments and really do a deep dive into your spending habits, your debt status and scrutinize your areas of spending to answer one very simple question; Do I SAVE more than I SPEND. What is the difference between my expenditures. What are sunken cost vs. luxury costs? Should I use a credit card? Can someone help me please! You bet. It's humbling to self-evaluate but for those who have the courage and discipline to see this through, the light at the end of the tunnel will be life changing but we need to get there first and this is the first step. #IndependentInvestorPodcast--- Send in a voice message:


Independent Investor | Listen to Podcasts On Demand Free | TuneIn (2024)


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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.