How to Make Cream Cabinets Look Less Yellow (2024)

You’re halfway through a complete kitchen makeover, and you notice your kitchen cupboards seem a little yellow instead of their original white or cream color–what do you do? How do you reduce the yellowish tone of cream kitchen cabinets?

In this post, we will explore the reason behind the yellowish appearance of off-white cabinets and three tried-and-tested methods to make them appear less yellow.

Why Does Your Cream Cabinet Look Yellow?

Your cream or off-white cabinet can have yellowish tones because of the overall interior design of your space–the lighting in your kitchen heavily influences your interiors. If your kitchen gets a lot of natural sunlight that hits your cabinets, this can cause them to yellow over time.

Additionally, if you have warm-toned lights, the room is more likely to appear yellowish overall. However, if you opt for white lights or a cool-toned light setup, this will give an overall blue-ish effect.

If the issue is sunlight, though, be sure to invest in high-quality shades for your kitchen windows to block the sun from reaching your cabinets on bright days. If the problem lies elsewhere, check out the tips below!

Three Ways to Prevent Yellowing of Cream Kitchen Cabinets

1. Choose the Right Wall Paint Color

Choosing the right color to complement cream colored cabinets in a way that does not make them appear yellow can seem like a difficult task–but it’s not! You can opt for neutral colors–like gray and navy–for your walls and even add accent shades.

It's also best to avoid glossy-finish paint as it will make everything appear more vibrant and unnatural. Instead, go for a matte finish–a matte or satin finish is the perfect choice for muted looks and will go well with your cream-colored cabinets without giving them a yellowish tint.

2. Change the Lights

As mentioned earlier, lighting has a major influence on the appearance of your cabinets. One way to make cream cabinets appear less yellow is to change the lightbulbs in your kitchen. Lightbulbs come in two types: warm-tone bulbs and cool-tone or white light bulbs.

  • Warm tone bulbs: These are mostly categorized as high kelvin bulbs. They add a cozy touch to the room and are the primary source of the yellowish tint you’re experiencing.

  • Cool tone bulbs: These are also known as white light bulbs and give a bluish or bright tone to the room. They will make cream cabinets appear less yellow but might take away the warm, cozy vibe of your kitchen.

Choose Cabinet Hardware Wisely

Cabinet hardware, like doorknobs or pull handles, can influence the look of your kitchen cabinets. So, be sure to choose hardware that doesn't reduce your cupboard's original color to an unnatural tone.

Here are a few examples that can go well with your white or cream-colored cupboards:

  • Copper handles: These are pull-type handles that add a rather modish touch to kitchen cabinets. They are considered a bold choice because they look extravagant and flaunty. However, if your taste leans to a more showy side, these pulls are a perfect choice!

  • Black-colored door knobs: Black is popular for pairing with white or cream colors. It brings a sophisticated touch to your interior and adds an artistic vibe to your cabinets.

  • Nickel pulls: Satin nickel pulls can also reduce the yellowish of your cream cabinets. The silver in these pulls lessens the warm effect on the cupboard.

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Final Thoughts

White or cream-colored cabinets can prove to be a very tricky piece of furniture. But just a few simple fixes–such as changing cabinet handles or the type of lighting in your kitchen–can restore their beauty.

Wondering what other colors you should paint your kitchen cabinets, or what the most popular kitchen cabinet styles might be? Check out our latest posts!

How to Make Cream Cabinets Look Less Yellow (2024)


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