DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap - Melt & Pour Recipe (2024)

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The winter is often harsh on my skin, so I’m always looking for cosmetics that could help me to calm and nourish my hands.

I recently went to a local craft fair and purchased some handmade soaps from one of the sellers, and we spent some time talking about my skin type and that’s best for my skin. After trying some of her soaps (they were fabulous!), I did see improvement.

The only problem was that she only creates her soaps in the summer, and then sells them in the fall and winter, so she was out of stock. I considered buying some online from another seller, but she kept encouraging me to consider making some of my own, promising that it’s not as intimidating as I thought it would be.


DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap - Melt & Pour Recipe (1)


  • Lavender >>

I began to look online for some ideas, and checked out some books from the library, and had a general idea of what ingredients I wanted to use, to help the issues I’ve been having with my skin.

I didn’t find an exact recipe to follow, so I took a few ideas from a variety of resources and created this DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap.

DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap - Melt & Pour Recipe (2)

Choosing the right ingredients

I wanted to use Goat’s Milk Soap Base and Raw Honey from the local farmers market, but I’ve linked to these items online for you, in case you don’t have a local place to get them.

I also have allergy issues, so using local raw honey is something I’m making a concerted effort to do in cooking and for this soap.

DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap - Melt & Pour Recipe (3)DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap - Melt & Pour Recipe (4)

In my research, I saw several sources sharing about the multitude of benefits of raw honey, from moisturizing & soothing toantibacterial and to help fight the effects of ageing on the skin. Let me point out, I am not a professional, but I did want to share the information I found in case you have similar issues, maybe it’ll help you too!

If you’ve never tried to make soap at home before, I’ve also put together a simple soap making guide to get you started.

DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap - Melt & Pour Recipe (5)

SUPPLIES NEEDED to make DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap

1 lb. Goat’s Milk Soap Base (Click to buy on Amazon)
Silicone Soap Mold (Click to buy on Amazon)
3 Tbsp Organic Raw Honey ( Click to buy on Amazon)
1 cup Oats
4-Cup Measuring Cup (Microwave Safe)
Soap colour (Click to buy on Amazon)

These are a few items I found helpful (or have added to my wishlist!) when making this DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap at home:


  • Rose Petals >>

The quick step by step – How to make your soap

  1. Measure out the 1 lb of goats milk soap base and cut it in small pieces.
  2. Place in a microwave safe measuring jug and melt slowly in the microwave – 20 seconds a a time.
  3. When completely melted, stir in the 1 cup of oats and mix well
  4. Add 3 tablespoons of raw honey and stir in well
  5. Add a few drops of yellow soap colour and mix until completely blended
  6. Pour the soap into your chosen mould
  7. Leave until set

Tips on how to make your oatmeal, honey & milk soap

Melting the soap base

The Goat’s Milk Soap Base from my farmers market is sold in packs of two one pound blocks. I used just one to make about 4 soaps and saved the rest for another recipe. The blocks I had were soft enough that I could cut them into smaller cubes with just a kitchen knife.

Once I had the smaller chunks, I put them into a microwave safe measuring cup. Glass or plastic if fine and ideally a measuring jug that you can keep just for your soap making.

DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap - Melt & Pour Recipe (8)DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap - Melt & Pour Recipe (9)

Next, you need to melt it in 20-second intervals, stopping to stir well between each interval, to make sure it all is melted completely. Mine took 4 x 20 second intervals, yours may vary according to the soap you are using and microwave wattage you might have.

Be careful here, as the soap base gets hot very quickly and you don’t want to burn it. Don’t leave the microwave and keep checking and steering.

Choosing the right oats

DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap - Melt & Pour Recipe (10)DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap - Melt & Pour Recipe (11)

When the soap base is completely melted, stir in 1 cup of oats until mixed well. I’ve used normal rough breakfast porridge oats (steel cur or Scottish oats).

It’s probably obvious, but please don’t use flavoured or instant porridge oats as these are completely wrong for soap making.

Oats are amazing – they will make your skin soft as you use the soap and they are also a little bit abrasive, so your skin will feel renewed too.

Adding honey & colouring

Next, add 3 tablespoons of honey then a few drops of yellow soap colour. Mix well so the honey and colour is distributed evenly. The colour is, of course optional, but I find that a hint of yellow goes well with the honey.

The honey itself will probably not give you yellow colour on it’s own, but if you want your soap completely natural, leave it out.

Pouring the soap into moulds

Pour the melted soap into the silicone soap mold, and allow to sit undisturbed until cool. This is quite important, so if you need to move your filled mould, place it first on the tray and then safely move it out of the way.

The soap cooling process

The cooling process time can vary according to temperature and humidity. It’s really dry here right now, with the heat on all the time because it’s so cold and mine took about an hour to firm up.

When the soap is cool and firm, carefully remove them from the silicone mould. I ordered a few of these handmade soap holders so I can keep a bar next to several sinks in my home, I think this will really help improve my skin this winter!

I also found some cute silicone soap holders with patterns and different shapes that I’m planning to order for future batches.

DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap - Melt & Pour Recipe (14)DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap - Melt & Pour Recipe (15)

These DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soapswere so much easier to make than I anticipated.

I’m excited to begin to make new varieties, and next time I plan to add some essential oils too! I think these would make a fantastic teacher’s gift or for family, friends, bridal showers, and baby showers!

I’ll still buy from my new friend at the craft fair when I see her, she was so helpful to me and extraordinarily talented, but I’m excited to make some for myself in between seasons too!

Until next time….happy soapmaking!

These are a few items I found helpful (or have added to my wishlist!) when making this DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap in my own home:

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Your frequently asked questions

Is homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap good for skin?

Yes, Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap is good for the skin, including normal, oily and sensitive skin. It can help to soothe and moisturize dry, itchy skin, and has been reported to be particularly effective for those with eczema and psoriasis. Oatmeal in the soap can help to reduce pore size, which can be helpful in combating wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Can my skin get irritated by homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap?

It is possible for some people to experience skin irritation from homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap, especially if they have sensitive skin or are allergic to any of the ingredients. However, many people find that this soap is gentle and soothing for their skin. If you are concerned about a potential skin reaction, it is a good idea to do a patch test on a small area of skin before using the soap all over your body.

What does oatmeal do in homemade soap?

Oatmeal is often used in homemade soap for its natural exfoliating and skin-soothing properties. It can help to remove dead skin cells and leave the skin feeling soft and smooth. Oatmeal is also known for its ability to calm irritated or inflamed skin, making it a great choice for those with sensitive skin or conditions like eczema or psoriasis. Additionally, oatmeal can help to reduce the appearance of pores, which can be helpful in combating wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Is honey good for making soap? What does it do?

Yes, honey is good for making soap due to its natural antibacterial and humectant properties. When added to soap, it can help to moisturize and soothe the skin, as well as provide a natural source of antioxidants. The natural sugars in honey can also help to increase the lather of the soap, making it more effective at removing dirt and oil from the skin. However, it is important to note that adding honey to soap can be tricky, as the extra sugar can cause the soap to heat up during the curing process.

Stay in touch

Hope this post inspires you to make your own Oatmeal, Milk & Honey Soap and if you do, I’d love to what you think! Let me know in the comments below or find me on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter and add the hashtag #practicalfrugality so that I can see your post.

Or why not subscribe to my weekly newsletter with frugal living tips and recipes straight to your mailbox.


DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap - Melt & Pour Recipe (16)


Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap

Easy recipe for calming oatmeal and honey soap using goat's milk soap base.

Prep Time10 minutes mins

Activity Time10 minutes mins

Setting time1 hour hr

Makes:6 soaps


  • Measuring Cup or Jug (Microwave safe)

  • Soap Mould (with 6 medium size soap cavities)

Materials & Ingredients

  • 1 lb. Goat’s Milk Soap Base
  • 1 cup oats
  • 3 tablespoons Organic Raw Honey
  • few drops Yellow Soap colour


  • Measure out the 1 lb of goats milk soap base and cut it in small pieces.

  • Place in a microwave safe measuring jug and melt slowly in the microwave – 20 seconds a a time.

  • When completely melted, stir in the 1 cup of oats and mix well

  • Add 3 tablespoons of raw honey and stir in well

  • Add a few drops of yellow soap colour and mix until completely blended

  • Pour the soap into your chosen mould

  • Leave until set

This blog post was originally written on 10 February 2017 and last tested and updated on 19 June 2023.

DIY Homemade Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Soap - Melt & Pour Recipe (2024)


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