• Creatine HCL is formed via the addition of a hydrochloride group, (the HCL) to base creatine, which helps to improve its stability and solubility.
  • Claimed benefits include increased strength and muscle mass, faster absorption, decreased bloating, reduced puffiness, and lower dose compared to creatine monohydrate.
  • It should be dosed at 1/4 teaspoon daily and should be taken post workout.
  • Benefits can be seen in as little as 7 days.
  • Creatine HCl is a very safe supplements with very few side effects in a very small percentage of the population.
  • Creatine HCL isn't "better" per se than creatine monohydrate.

If you ask the average athlete, you would quickly find out that creatine is a staple in their supplement arsenal. What you will not hear, however, is detailed knowledge about what makes creatine that good.

That being said, creatine is creatine regardless of where you get yours, right? Not exactly, as over the years, there have been enhancements to the base constituent which helped make an already good supplement even better.

One such development? The rise of creatine hydrochloride, otherwise known as creatine HCL.


Creatine HCL is formed via the addition of a hydrochloride group, (the HCL) to base creatine, which helps to improve its stability and solubility. See, although creatine monohydrate (the form you will find in 90% of supplements) is good, it misses the mark owing to its poor solubility.

In this article, we will discuss why creatine HCL is arguably the most superior form of this supplement on the market and why you should be using it.



Do you recall mixing your creatine monohydrate powder in water, only to have tons of sediment remaining? That is a clear indicator of poor water solubility. When consumed, much is actually wasted since the absorption is subpar.

The enhanced solubility is also attributed to a reduction in its pH to the more acidic side, which does wonders for its dissolution.

Better mixability means that you can easily add it to your protein shake, fast carbohydrate beverage, or even consume on its own. Plus, you won't need to guzzle down a ton of liquid in the process.


It is purported that just about 3% of the creatine monohydrate you consume is absorbed via the intestines within 90 minutes, which is the critical interval around your training session. If there is one thing you will learn from years of training, it’s the fact that what you consume is just as important as when you consume it.

The speed of absorption will help with both aerobic and anaerobic endurance activity, as your mitochondria will synthesize ATP in a timelier manner to support muscle contractions.


Overall, creatine is not a dangerous supplement by any means, but this is not to say that it doesn’t possess some unpleasant side effects. Amongst these manifestations is a nasty little thing known as bloating.

This by itself is enough reason to want to ditch your basic creatine product, but do you know what’s even worse? Stomach cramping as a result of it drawing water into the intestine and it not going anywhere.

The feeling of bloated, crampy insides is bound to leave you feeling less than 100% and your performance will be negatively impacted. Keep in mind that when using the HCL form, you do not need to consume as much liquid, which inevitably feels better on the stomach.


Water retention usually happens in one of two locations; intracellular fluid, and extracellular fluid. Intracellular fluid refers to the areas within the muscle cells, which is where you want creatine to be, and extracellular areas, found outside the muscle cells which include areas like under the skin.

The retention of fluid here will not only manifest in your weight but also your appearance.


Creatine monohydrate usually requires a loading dose of 20-30g for 7-14 days, followed by a maintenance dose of 5g daily to keep muscles saturated.

Creatine HCL requires just about one-quarter of a teaspoon daily for the same effect as you would expect from the 5g maintenance dose of monohydrate, which can help extend how long a tub of the powder lasts.


There have been mixed verdicts from specialist researchers in the field when it comes to the best time to take creatine supplements, and the quick answer to this question is that there is no single best time.

The few studies that have been conducted reveal no noticeable differences between timing, although a combination of both intervals may be the better approach. There is one study that demonstrated that if you absolutely had to choose one, the post-workout interval may be slightly better.

On non-training days, a single daily dose is appropriate at any time you find convenient.


There are a couple of different brands of creatine HCL on the market, and not surprisingly, their recommended dose varies. However, one of the most trusted brands with a patented Creatine HCL product recommends a conservative 750mg per 100 pounds of bodyweight- a stark difference to the 5-10g amount that monohydrate requires.

A few creatine HCL brands also suggest a dosage of 3g, which may be a little high when compared to the market average of other reputable HCL brands.


The ergogenic effects of creatine supplementation do not become immediately evident. Even though the hydrochloride version does not necessitate a loading phase, it may still take about 7 days for its effects to become noticeable.

This is owing to the fact that muscle cell saturation is still an integral pre-requisite before its glory can be experienced.


Is there really a superior version of creatine?

The answer isn’t that straightforward. On paper, creatine HCL appears superior in virtually every aspect, but the problem with that is the fact that the claims are poorly backed up at best.

Anecdotal reports are one thing to go by, but not sufficient to prove it better beyond a shadow of a doubt. There is also the possibility that the creatine is cleaved apart from the hydrochloride moiety and thus rendering it back to just plain old creatine.

Many people will likely stick to plain old monohydrate, but those that dislike that form may find solace in the HCL version. At least that’s why many people make the switch in the beginning.


Creatine is one of the most studied supplements in history and carries with it a very good safety profile. A small subset of users may experience side effects which include:

  • Water retention
  • Gastrointestinal bloating or pain
  • Muscle cramps
  • Undesirable weight gain


The following people should not take creatine supplements without first consulting their doctor or pharmacist.

  • Individuals with hypertension or heart failure
  • People with renal disease
  • Pregnant women
  • People suffering from gastrointestinal issues


Creatine HCL may interact with the following drugs:

  • Caffeine
  • Ephedra/ephedrine
  • Certain categories of antibiotics and immunosuppressants


Creatine HCL can easily be sourced at Amazon from several competing brands. Give it a try and see if it works better for you than creatine monohydrate


  • Alraddadi EA, Lillico R, Vennerstrom JL, Lakowski TM, Miller DW. Absolute Oral Bioavailability of Creatine Monohydrate in Rats: Debunking a Myth. Pharmaceutics. 2018;10(1):31. Published 2018 Mar 8. doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics10010031
  • Gufford BT, Sriraghavan K, Miller NJ, et al. Physicochemical characterization of creatine N-methylguanidinium salts. J Diet Suppl. 2010;7(3):240-252. doi:10.3109/19390211.2010.491507
  • Antonio J, Ciccone V. The effects of pre versus post workout supplementation of creatine monohydrate on body composition and strength. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2013;10:36. Published 2013 Aug 6. doi:10.1186/1550-2783-10-36
  • Vandenberghe K, Gillis N, Van Leemputte M, Van Hecke P, Vanstapel F, Hespel P. Caffeine counteracts the ergogenic action of muscle creatine loading. J Appl Physiol (1985). 1996;80(2):452-457. doi:10.1152/jappl.1996.80.2.452

As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a vast amount of information on various topics, including creatine HCL. I can provide you with information based on my knowledge and the search results I have access to. However, please note that I cannot demonstrate first-hand expertise or personal experience. Now, let's dive into the concepts mentioned in the article you provided.

Creatine HCL Summary:

Creatine HCL is a form of creatine that is created by adding a hydrochloride group (HCL) to base creatine. This addition helps improve the stability and solubility of creatine. Some claimed benefits of creatine HCL include increased strength and muscle mass, faster absorption, decreased bloating, reduced puffiness, and a lower required dosage compared to creatine monohydrate. It is recommended to take creatine HCL at a dosage of 1/4 teaspoon daily, preferably post-workout. The benefits of creatine HCL can be seen in as little as 7 days. Creatine HCL is generally considered safe, with very few side effects reported in a small percentage of the population. It is important to note that creatine HCL is not necessarily "better" than creatine monohydrate [[1]].

What is Creatine HCL?

Creatine HCL is formed by adding a hydrochloride group (HCL) to base creatine. This addition improves the stability and solubility of creatine. Creatine monohydrate, which is the most common form of creatine found in supplements, has poor solubility. Creatine HCL, on the other hand, has enhanced solubility due to its more acidic pH. This improved solubility allows for better mixability, making it easier to add to protein shakes or other beverages. Additionally, the faster absorption of creatine HCL can benefit both aerobic and anaerobic endurance activities [[2]].

Creatine HCL Benefits:

  1. Superior Water Solubility: Creatine HCL has superior water solubility compared to creatine monohydrate. This means that it dissolves more easily in water, reducing the amount of sediment left behind. The enhanced solubility is attributed to the reduction in pH, which aids in its dissolution. This improved mixability allows for easier consumption and eliminates the need to consume large amounts of liquid [[2]].
  2. Faster Absorption: Creatine HCL is believed to be absorbed more quickly by the intestines compared to creatine monohydrate. This faster absorption can be beneficial for both aerobic and anaerobic endurance activities, as it supports the timely synthesis of ATP to fuel muscle contractions [[2]].
  3. Decreased Bloating: While creatine is generally considered safe, some users may experience bloating as a side effect. Creatine HCL may help decrease bloating compared to other forms of creatine. By reducing the amount of liquid required for consumption, creatine HCL can be easier on the stomach and potentially alleviate bloating and stomach cramping [[2]].
  4. Reduced Puffiness: Creatine HCL may help reduce water retention in extracellular areas, such as under the skin. This can lead to a reduction in puffiness and a more desirable appearance [[2]].
  5. Lower Dosages Required: Creatine HCL requires lower dosages compared to creatine monohydrate. While creatine monohydrate typically requires a loading dose of 20-30g followed by a maintenance dose of 5g daily, creatine HCL can achieve similar effects with just about 1/4 teaspoon daily. This lower dosage requirement can help extend the duration of a tub of creatine HCL powder [[2]].

When to Take Creatine HCL:

The best time to take creatine supplements, including creatine HCL, has been a topic of debate among researchers. While there is no single best time, a combination of pre- and post-workout intervals may be beneficial. Some studies suggest that the post-workout interval may be slightly better. On non-training days, a single daily dose of creatine HCL can be taken at any convenient time [[2]].

How Much Should Be Taken?

The recommended dosage of creatine HCL can vary among different brands. One trusted brand with a patented creatine HCL product recommends a conservative dosage of 750mg per 100 pounds of bodyweight. This dosage is significantly lower than the 5-10g typically recommended for creatine monohydrate. However, it's important to note that other reputable brands may suggest different dosages, such as 3g. It's advisable to follow the recommended dosage instructions provided by the specific brand you choose [[2]].

How Long Does It Take to Work?

The ergogenic effects of creatine supplementation, including creatine HCL, may not become immediately evident. While creatine HCL does not require a loading phase like creatine monohydrate, it may still take approximately 7 days for its effects to become noticeable. This is because muscle cell saturation is necessary before the full benefits of creatine can be experienced [[2]].

Creatine HCL vs. Creatine Monohydrate:

The superiority of creatine HCL over creatine monohydrate is not definitively proven. While creatine HCL may appear superior on paper, the claims are not strongly supported by scientific evidence. Anecdotal reports suggest that some individuals prefer creatine HCL due to its potential benefits, but others may still choose creatine monohydrate. It's important to note that creatine HCL may potentially be cleaved apart from the hydrochloride moiety, rendering it similar to plain creatine [[2]].

Creatine HCL Side Effects:

Creatine, including creatine HCL, is generally considered safe. However, a small subset of users may experience side effects, which can include water retention, gastrointestinal bloating or pain, muscle cramps, and undesirable weight gain. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or are taking medications [[2]].

Who Should Not Take Creatine HCL:

Certain individuals should avoid taking creatine supplements, including creatine HCL, without consulting their doctor or pharmacist. These individuals include those with hypertension or heart failure, renal disease, pregnant women, and people suffering from gastrointestinal issues. It's important to seek professional advice before starting any new supplement [[2]].

Drug Interactions:

Creatine HCL may interact with certain drugs, including caffeine, ephedra/ephedrine, and certain categories of antibiotics and immunosuppressants. If you are taking any medications, it's important to consult with your healthcare provider before taking creatine HCL to ensure there are no potential interactions [[2]].

Where to Buy Creatine HCL:

Creatine HCL can be purchased from various brands on platforms like Amazon. It's advisable to choose a reputable brand and follow the recommended dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer [[2]].

I hope this information helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.



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