Biochemical engineering. - PDF Download Free (2024)

Bibliography of the current world literature This bibliography is compiled by biotechnologists from the journals listed at the end of this publication. It ks based on literature entered into our database between 1st December 1 990 and 31 st November 1991 (articles are generally added to the database about two and a half months after publication). In addition, the bibliography contains every paper annotated by reviewers; these references were obtained from a variety of bibliographic databases and published between the beginning of the review period and the time of going to press. The bibliography has been grouped into topics that relate to the reviews in this issue. • Papers considered by the reviewers to be of special interest. • • Papers considered by the reviewers to be of outstanding interest. The number in square brackets following a selected paper, e.g. [7], refers to its number in the annotated references of the corresponding review.

Contents Biochemical engineering

Plant biotechnology

High cell density and high-productivity microbial fermentation


Large-scale insect cell culture


Large-scale plant celt culture


Mammalian cell culture processes


New materials and technology for cell immobilization




New methods for separation and recovery of biomolecules



Integrated product formation and recovery in fermentation




Gene vectors and gene expression


Cellular biochemistry


Plant hormones


Stress responses in plants


Plant pests and disease responses


Natural products


Commercialization of genetically engineered plants


Plant tissue culture and micropropagation




Nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis studies


Biochemical engineering High cell density and high-productivity microbial fermentation Review: (pp 93-98) ABE S, TAKAGI M: S i m u l t a n e o u s Saccharification a n d F e r m e n t a t i o n o f Cellulose to Lactic Acid. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:93-96. ADLERCREUTZP: Novel Btocatalyst f o r t h e A s y m m e t r i c R e d u c t i o n o f K e t o n e s - P e r m e a b i l i z e d Cells o f Gluconobacter-Oxydarls. Enzyme Microb Technol 1991, 13:9-14. AESCNLIMANNA, VONSTOCKARU: C o n t i n u o u s P r o d u c t i o l l o f Lactic Acid f r o m W h e y P e r m e a t e by I a c t o b a e l l l u s - H e l v e t i c u s i n a Cell-Recycle Reactor. Enzyme Microb Techno11991, 13:811-816 AFSCHARAS, BELLGARDTKH, ROSSELLCEV, CZOK A, SCHALLEP,K: T h e P r o d u c t i o n o f 2,3-Butanediol by F e r m e n t a t i o n o f H i g h Test Molasses. Appl Microbiol Biotechno11991, 34:582-585. AKRIDADEMERTZIK, KOI211NASAA: O p t i m i z a t i o n o f Sucrose E t h a n o l F e r m e n t a t i o n for K, Na, Ca, a n d Cu M e t a l Contents. Appl Biochem Biotechno11991, 30:1-7. ALVAREZCOHENL, MCCARTYPL: Effects o f Toxicity, Aeration, and Reduetant Supply on T r i c h l o r o e t h y l e n e T r a n s f o r m a t i o n b y a Mixed M e t h a n o t r o p h i c Culture. Appl Environ Mfcrobiol 1991, 57:228-235. AON MA~ CORTASSA S: T h e r m o d y n a m i c Evaluation o f E n e r g y M e t a b o l i s m i n M i x e d Substrate C a t a b o l i s m -Modeling Studies o f Stationary and O s c i l l a t o r y States. Bfotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:197-204 APPAIAH KAA, KARANTHNGK: i n s e c t i c i d e Specific Emulsifier Production by Hexachlorocyclohexane Ut'dizing P s e u d o m o n a s T r a l u c i d a Ptm÷ Strain. BfotechnolLett 1991, 13:371-374. APpLEGATEDH, BRYERSJD: Effects o f C a r b o n a n d O x y g e n L i m i t a t i o n s and C a l c i u m C o n c e n t r a t i o n s

o n B i o f i h n R e m o v a l Processes. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:17-25. ASENJOJA, SUN xvXTH,SPENCERJL: O p t i m i z a t i o n o f B a t c h P r o c e s s e s I n v o l v i n g SimuItaneous E n z y m a t i c a n d M i c r o b i a l Reactions. Biotecbnol Bioeng 1991, 37:1087 1094. BAILEYMJ, LINKO M: P r o d u c t i o n o f ~-galactosidase b y Aspergtllus Oryxae in S u b m e r g e d B i o r e a e t o r Cultivation. JBtotecbno11990, 1 6 : 5 7 4 6 . BAKKENAP, HILL CG, AMUNDSONCH: Use o f Novel I m m o b i l i z e d Beta-Galaetosidase R e a c t o r to H y d r o l y z e t h e Lactose Constituent o f S k i m Milk.2. M u l t i r e s p o n s e N o n l i n e a r R e g r e s s i o n Analysis o f K i n e t i c Data. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 1991, 28-29:741-756. BAKE G, JACQUES P~ HUBERTJB, RIKIRR, THONART~: B i o e o n v e r s i o n o f a L-Carnitin P r e c u r s o r i n a OneP h a s e o r 2- P h a s e System. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 1991, 28-29:445-456. BARKER PE, AJONGWEN NJ: T h e P r o d u c t i o n o f t h e E n z y m e D e x t r a n s u c r a s e Using N o n a e r a t e d F e r m e n t a t i o n T e c h n i q u e s . Biotecbnol Bioe*zg 1991, 37:703-707. BARa~TO MTO, MEmo EP, ALMFADAJS, XAVIERAMRB, CARRONDO MJT: A K i n e t i c M e t h o d f o r C a l c u l a t i n g t h e Viability o f Lactic Starter Cultures. Appl Microbtol Biotechno11991, 34:648-652. BAPd~TO MTO, MELO EP, MOREIK~JL, CARRONDO MJT: H i g h Cell D e n s i t y R e a c t o r for t h e P r o d u c t i o n O f Lactobacalus Plantar.urn. J Industr Microbio11991~ 7 : 6 3 - 7 0 [14]. BAT~AGLINO RA, HUERGO M, PILOSOFAMR, BARTHOLOMAI GB: C u l t u r e R e q u i r e m e n t s for t h e P r o d u c t i o n o f P r o t e a s e b y A s p e r g i l l v s - O r y z a e i n Solid State F e r m e n t a t i o n . Appl Microbiol Biotecbno11991, 35:292-296. BATTATE, PELEG Y, BERCOVITZA, ROKEMJS, GOLDBERG I: O p t i m i z a t i o n o f L-Malic Acid P r o d u c t i o n by AspergiUns-Flavus i n a Stirred F e r m e n t o r . BiotechnolBioeng 1991, 37:1108-1116.

© Current Biology Ltd ISSN 0958-1669

BATILEY EH: Calculation o f t h e H e a t o f G r o w t h o f Escherichia-Coli-K-12 o n S u c c i n i e Acid. Biotecbnol Bioeng 1991, 37:334--343. BELMARBEINYMT, THOMAS CR: M o r p h o l o g y a n d C l a v u l a n i c Acid P r o d u c t i o n o f StreptomycesClavuligerus - Effect o f S t i r r e r Speed i n Batch F e r m e n t a t i o n s . Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:456~62. BELOGUROVA NG, MOSOLOVATP, KALYUZHNYY SV, VAP~OLOMEYEVSD: K i n e t i c s o f G r o w t h a n d M e t a b o l i s m o f ClostridiumThermosaccharolyticum Culture - Isolation and C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f Its P l a s m i d s . Appl Biochem Biotechno11991, 2 7 : 1 4 . BEROVIC M, CIMFa~AN A, STEINERW, KOLOINI T: S u b m e r g e d Citric Acid F e r m e n t a t i o n - R h e o l o g i c a l Properties of Aspergillus-Niger Broth in a Stirred T a n k Reactor. Appl Microbiol Biotecbno11991, 34:579-581. BEERY F, SAYADIS, NASRI M, THOMAS D. BARBO~N JN: I m m o b i l i z e d a n d F r e e Cell C o n t i n u o u s Cultures o f a r e c o m b i n a n t E Coil P r o d u c i n g Catechol 2 , 3 - d i o x y g e n a s e i n a T w o . a t a g e Chemostat: I m p r o v e m e n t o f P l a s m i d Stability. J Biotechnol 1990, 16:199-210. BIBAL B, VAYSSIERY, GOMA G, PAREILLEUXA: H i g h • C o n c e n t r a t i o n c u l t i v a t i o n o f Lactococeus Cremoris i n a Cell Recycle Reactor. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:746-754. [15]. BLOOR S, ENGLAND 1LR:E l u c i d a t i o n a n d O p t i m i z a t i o n o f t h e M e d i u m Constituents C o n t r o l l i n g Antibiotic P r o d u c t i o n b y t h e C y a n o b a c t e r i u m NOStOCMUSCOrUXIL Enzyme Microb Techno11991, 1 3 : 7 6 ~ 1 . BRUCE LJ, AX~OILO DB, CISZEK ]3, DAUGUHS AJ: Extractive Fermentation by Zymomonas-Mobills and the C o n t r o l o f OscilLatory B e h a v i o r . Biotechnol Lett 1991, 13:291-296. BRYAN WL, SlLMKNRW: Viability a n d I n i t i a l Kinetic P a r a m e t e r s for D r y Yeast I n o c u l a i n Batch F e r m e n t a t i o n s . Enzyme Microb Techno11991, 13:2-8.



Biochemical engineering High cell density and high-productivity microbial fermentation BUCKHOLZRG, GLEESONMAG: Yeast Systel3xs for the • , Commercial Production of Heterologous Proteins. Biotechnology 1991, 9:1067-1072 [35]. BUMBOVALtNHARTOVAR, FLIEGERM, SEDMERAP, ZIMAJ: New Aspects of Submerged Fermentation o f Claviceps-PaspalL Appl Microblol Biotechno11991, 34:703-706. BUSCHERM: Extractive Fermentation of Acetic Acid Economic Tradeoff Between Yield of Clustridium end Concentration o f Acetobacter. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 1991, 28-29:605O(21. CABRANESC, MORENOJ, MANGASJJ: Dynamics o f Yeast Populations During Cider Fermentation in the Asturien Region of Spain. Appl Environ Microbiol 1990, 56:3881-3884. CANSADOJ, LONGOE, CALOP, SlHRO C, VELAZQUEZJB, VIZLATG: Role of Killer Character in Spontaneous Fermentations f r o m NW Spain - Ecology, Distribution and significance. Appl Microblol Biotechno11991, 34:643-647. CARIDIS KA, CHRISTAKOPOULOSP, MACRISBJ: Control o f Catalase Production end Purity by Altering Certain Nutritional Factors o f Alternarla.Alternata Growth Medium. Biotechnol Lett 1991, 13:35-38 CARIDIS KA, CHRISTAKOPOULOSp, MACRISBJ: Simultaneous Production o f Glucose Oxidase end Catalase by Mternarla-Mternata. Appl Microbiol Biotecbno11991, 34:794-797. CARLOTrIA, JACOB F, PERRIERJ, FONCETS: Yeast Production f r o m Crude Sweet Whey by a Mixed Culture o f Cendtda-Kefyr LY496 and CendidaValida LY497. Biotechnol Lett 1991, 13:437-440. CAZZADORL: Comments o n a Segregated Model o f Recombinant Cultures. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:981-984. CHATLERJEEDK, FUJIMURARK, CAMPBELLJH, GERARD GF: Cloning end Overexpression of the Gene Encoding Bacteriophage- T5 DNA Pulymerase. Gene 1991, 97:13-19. CHEN CS, CHAN EC, GONG CS, CHEN LF: Prediction o f Bed Height in a Self-Aggregating Yeast Ethanol Tower Fermenter. Appl Biochem Biotechno11991, 28-29:719-729. CHEN HC, WILDEF: The Effect o f Dissolved Oxygen and Aeration Rate o n Antibiotic Production o f Streptomyces-Fradlae. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:591-595. CFaANG HK, FOUTCHGL. FISH WW: Biological Production o f Acetaldehyde f r o m Ethanol Using NonGrowing Pichia-Pastoris Whole Cells. Appl Biocbem Biotechno11991, 28-29:513-525 CHOIJH, OH DK, KIMJH, LEBEAULTJM: Characteristics o f a Novel High Viscosity Polysaccharide, Methylan, Produced b y Methylobacterittm-Orgenophiinm. Biotechnol Lett 1991. 13:417-420. CHRISTENP, RAIMBAULTM: Op~miTqtion o f Culture Medium for Aroma Production by CeratocystisFimbriat& Biotechnol Lett 1991, 13:521-526. CHUN GT, AGATHOSSN: Comparative Studies of Physiological and EnviroxLtnental Effects o n the Production o f Cyciosporin-A in Suspended e nd I m ~ b i l i z e d Cells of Tolypocladium-Inflamm. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:256-265. CLAREJJ, PAYMENTFB, B ~ N E SP, SREEK~SHNAK, • • ROMANOSMA: High-level Expression of Tetanus Toxin Fragment C i n Pichia Pastoris Strains Containing Multiple T a n d e m Integratious o f the Gene. Biotechnology 1991, 9:455~60. I36]. CLAREJJ, ROMANOSMA, PAYMENTFB, ROWEDDERJE, • • SMITHMA, PAYNEMM, SREEKPJSHNAK, HENWOODCA: Production o f Mouse Epide r ma l Growth FaCtor i n Yeast: High-Ievel Secretion Using Picbia Pastoris Strains Containing Multiple Gene Copies. Gene 1991, 105:205-212. [37]. CONNELLY1C, F~LHOEXF, HEALyAM, FLEMINGM, GRIFFIN TO, MAYERF, COUGHLANMP: Novel Carbohydrase Complex f r o m Solid-State Cultures of the Aerobic Fungus Penicllllum-Capsulatum. Enzyme Microb Techno11991, 13:470-477. COSTAFEm~EIRAM, DUARTEJC: Glucose Utilization by Lysine-producing Fluoroacctate- Sensitive Mutants o f Corynebacterium-Glutamicum. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 1991, 27:251-257. CURLINGEMA, HAYTERPM, BAL~ESAJ, BULLAT, GULL K, STRANGEPG, JENI~NS Nf'Recombinent Huma n Interferon-Gamma - Differences in Glycusylation and Protcolytic Processing Lead to Heterogeneity i n Batch Culture. Biochemf1990, 272:333 337. DAESCHELMA, JUNG DS, WATSONBT: Controlling Wine Malolactic Fermentation w i t h Nisin and NisInResistant Strains of Leuconostoc-Oenus. Appl Environ Microbio11991, 57:601o(03. DASILVANA, BAILEYJE: Influence o f Dilution Rate and Induction of Cloned Gene Expression i n Continuous Fermentations o f Recombinant Yeast. Btotec'hnol Bioeng 1991, 37:309-317.

DASlLVANA, BAILEYJE: Influence o f Plasmid Origin end Promoter Strength in Fermentations of Recombinant Yeast. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:318-324. DEBAETSELIERA, VASAVADAA, DOHET P~ HATHIV, DEBEUKELAERM, ERPICUMT, DECLERCKL, HAIqOTIER J, ROSENBERG S: Fermentation o f a Yeast Producing A-Niger Glucose Oxidase -Scale-Up, Purification end Characterization o f the Recombinant Enzyme. Biotechnology 1991, 9:559-561. DELRIOJL, SERRAP, VALEROF, POCHM, SOLAC: Reaction Scheme of Lipase Production b y CendidaRugosa Growing on Olive o i l Biotechnol Lett 1990, 12:835-838. DENIS S, BOYAVAL P: Microbial Enzyme Production in a Membrane Bioreactor. Appl Microb~ol Biotechnol 1991, 34:60~612. DESGRANGESC, GEORGESM, VERGOIGNANC, DURANDA: Biomaas Estimation i n Solid State Fermentation.2. On-Line Measurements. Appl Microbiol Biotecbnol 1991, 35:206-209. DESGRANGES C, VERGOIGNANC, GEORGESM, DUILLNDA: Biomass Estimation in Solid State Fermentation.1. Manual Biochemical Methods. Appl Microbiol Biotechno11991, 35:200-205. DEY ES, FLYGAKES, MOSBACHK: Stabilization o f DAmino Acid Oxidase f r o m Yeast TrigonopsisVarlabllls used for Production o f Glutaryl-7Amtnocephalosporanic Acid f r o m CephalosporinC. Appl Biochem Biotechno11991, 27:23~250. DOELLEHW, KENNEDYLD, DOELLEMB: Scale-Up o f Ethanol Production f r o m Sugarcane Using Zymomonas-Mobilis. Biotechnol Lett 1991. 13:131-136. DOSORETZCG, GRETHLEINHE: Physiological Aspects of the Regulation of Extracellular Enzynaes Of phanerochacte-Chrysusporium. Appl Biochem Biotechno11991, 28-29:253-265. DRENTWJ, GOTrSCHALJC: Fermentation o f Inulin by a New Strain o f ClostridiumThermoautotropEdcum Isolated f r o m Dahlia Tubers. FEMSMicrobtol Lett 1991, 78:285-292. DRENTWJ, LAHPORGA, WIEGANTWM, GOTrSCHAL JC: Fermentation of Inulin by ClostridinmThermosnecinogenes Sp-Nov, a T h e r m o p h l l i e Anaerobic Bacterium Isolated f r o m Various Habitats. Appl Environ Mierobio11991, 57:455-462. DURRANTAJ, WOOD D& CAINRB: Lignocellulose Biodegradation by Agaricus-Bisporus During Solid Substrate Fermentation. J Gen Microbio11991, 137:751-755. ELHSJE, MCINTYREPS, SALEHM, WILLIAMSAG, LLOYDD: Influence o f CO2 and Low Concentrations o f 0 2 o n Fermentative Metabolism o f th e Rttminal Ciliate Polyplastron-Multivesiculatum~ Appl Environ Microbiol 1991, 57:1400-1407. ESPE]O E, AGOSIN E: Production and Degradation of Oxalic Acid by Brown Rot FungL Appl Environ Microbio11991, 57:1980-1986. FAFRBROTHERP, GEORGEWO, WILLIAMSJM: Whey Fermentation - On-Line Analysis o f Lactose and Lactic Acid by FTIR Spectroscopy. Appl Microbiol Biotechno1199t, 35:301005. FAVRE~BULLEO ET2t£.: Bioconversion o n N-octane to Octanoie Acid by a Recombinent Escherlcbta Colt Cultured i n a Two-liquid Phase Bioreactor. Biotechnology 1991, 9:367-372. FERNANDEZLAFUENTER, ALVAROG, BLANCORM, GUISANJM: Equilibrium Controlled Synthesis o f Cephalothin in Water- Cosolvent SystJems b y Stabilized Feniclllin-G Acylase. Appl Biochem Biotechno11991, 27:277-290. R, YEH P, AMELLAL N, MAURYI, FOUIhNIERA, ** BACI~'ITA F, BADUEL P, JUNG G, L'HOTE H, BECQUART J, ETAL.: Stable Multicopy Vectors f o r Highlevel Secretion o f Recombinent H u m a n Serum Albumin by Kluyvermyces Yeasts. Biotechnology 1991, 9:968-975. [39]. FLORESDA: Biotechnology and the I m p r o v e m e n t of silage (Tropical end Temperate) Rumen Digestion - a Mini-Review. Appl Microbiol Biotechno11991, 35:277-282. FONSECAMJV, SPADAROACC, SAID S: Separation of the Components o f Pectolytic Complex Produced by Tubereularia-Vulgaris in Solid State Culture. Biotechnol Lett 1991, 13:39~2. FORD RM, LAUFFENBURGERDA: Measurement o f Bacterial Random Motility and Chemotaxts Coefficients.2. Application o f Single-Cell-Based Mathematical ModeL Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:661O(72. FORD RM, pHILLIPSBR, QUINNJA, LAUFFENBURGERDA: Measurement o f Bacterial Random Motility end Chemotaxis Coefficients.1. Stopped-Flow Diffusion Chamber Assay. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:647O(60.

FRAZERFR, MCCASKEYTA: EffeCt o f Components o f Acid-Hydrolysed Hardwood o n Conversion o f D-Xylose To 2,3-Butanediol by KlebsiellaPneumoulae. Enzyme Microb Techno11991, 13:110 115. FROHLICH S, LOTZM, KORTET, LUBBERTA, SCHUGERLK, SEEK~MPM: CharaCterization of a Pilot Plant Airlift Tower Loop Bioreactor.2. Evaluation of Global Mixing Properties of the Gas Phase During Yeast Cultivation. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:910-917. M, HOMMAT, OOSHIMAK, TANaGUCHIM: A Kinetic Model of the Synergism of Endoglucanase and Exoglucanase and Bcta-Glucosidase on Hydrolysis o f Cellulose. Appl Bioehem Biotechnol 1991, 28-29:145-156. GATJEG, GOTYSCHALKG: ~ t a t i o n o f Growth and Lactic Acid Production i n Batch end Continuous Cultures of Lactobacillus-Hcivcticus. Appl Microbiol Biotechno11991, 34:446-449. GBEWONYOK, BUCKLANDBC, LILLYMD: Development o f a Large-Scale Continuous Substrate Feed Process for th e Biotransformation o f Simvastutin by Nocardia Sp. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:1101-1107. GEHLER, Sl~ TL, KRAMERT, SCHURGERLK: Continuous Cultivation end Flotation o f Hansenula Polymorpha end Saccharomyces Cerevisiae i n a n integrated Pilot Plant Reactor-flotation ColumnsystenL J Biotechno11991, 17:147-154. GELLISSENG, JANOW1CZZA, MERCKELBACHA, PIO~IXK M, • . KEUPP, WEYDEMANNU, HOLLENBERGCP, STRASSER AWM: Heterologous Gene Expression in Hansenula Polymorpba: Efficient Secretion o f Glucoamylase. Biotechnology i991, 9:291-295. [6]. GHALYAE, PYKEJB: Amelioration of Methane Yield in Cheese Whey Fermentation by Controlling the PH o f the Methanogentc Stage. Appl Biochem Biotechno11991, 27:217-237. GHOSH A, CHATLERJEEB, DAS A: l°rodud,i o n of Glueoamylase by 2-Dcoxy-D-Glucose Resistant Mutant of Aspergillus-Terreus.4.. Biotechnol Lelt 1991, 13:515-520, GIL GH, JONES WJ, TO~.~ABENETG: Continuous Et h a n o l Production in a 2-Stage, Immobilized SuspendedCell Bioreactor. Enzyme Microb Techno11991, 13:390-399. GOKHALEDV, PATILSG, BASTAWDEKB: Optimization o f Cellulase Production by Asperglllus-Niger NCIM1207. Appl Biochem Biotechno11991, 30:99-109. GROBICKIA, STUCKEYDC: Performance o f the Anaerobic Baffled Reactor Under Steady- State and Shock Loading Conditions. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:34~-355. GROOTWJ, VANDERLANSRGJM, LOYBENKCAM: The Design of a Membrane-Based Integrated Et h a n o l Production Process. Appl Biochem Bioteebnol 1991, 28-29:539-547. GROOTJEN DRJ, JANSENM-L,VANDERLANSRGJM, LUYBEN KCAM: Reactors i n Series for the Complete Conversion of Glucose Xylose Mixtures by PichlaStipitis end Saccharomyces-Cerevisiae. Enzyme Microb Techno11991, 13:828-833. GROOTJENDRJ, MEITLINKLHHM, VLEESENBEEKR, VANDERLANSRGJM, LUYBENKCAM: Cofermentation o f Glucose end Xylose w i t h Immobilized PichiaStipitis i n Combination w i t h SaccharomycesCerevisiae. Enzyme Microb Techno11991, 13:530-536. GU MB, PARKMH, KIM DI: Growth Rate Control in FedBatch Cultures o f Recombinant SaccharomycesCerevisLae Producing Hepatitis-B Surface Antigen (HBsAG). Appl Microbiol Biolechnol 1991, 35:46-50 GUSEKTW, JOHNSON RD, TYN MT, KINSELLAJE: Effect o f Agltational Shear on Growth end Protease Production by Thermomonospora-Fusca. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:371-374. I~kAB D, ]-IAGSPIELK, SZAKMARYI~ KUBICEKCP: Formation of the Extraecllular Proteases From Trichoderma Reesei QM 9414 involved in Cellulase Degradation. JBiotechno11990, 16:187-198. HAASL~vlI, EPdKSENSH, JENSENB, OLSENJ: Growth a n d Glucoamylase Production by the T h e r m o p h l l i c Fungus Thermomyces-Lanuginusus in a Synthetic Medium. Appl Microbiol Bfotecbno11991, 34:656O(60. HAHNFLAGERDALB, I2NDENT, SENACT, SKOOGK; Ethanollc Fermentation o f Pentoses in Lignocellulose Hydrolysates. Appl Btochem Biotechno11991, 28-29;131-144. HATZINIKOLAOUDG, WANG HY: Quantitative Evaluation of the PH Profile i n Organic Acid Fermentations [letter]. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:190-195. HEITZERA, KOHLERHPE, REICHERTp, HAMERG: Utility o f Phenomenological Models for Describing Temperature Dependence of Bacterial Growth. Appl Environ Microbio11991, 57:2656-2665.

Biochemical engineering High cell density and high-productivity microbial fermentation HEYNDRICKXM, DEVOS P, VANCANNEYTM, DELEYJ: The Fermentation o f Glycerol by ClostridiumButyricum LMG-1212t2 and LMG-1213t1 and CP a s t e u r i a n m LMG-3285. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 1991, 34:637-642. HOLTZAPPLEMT, JUN JH, ASHOKG, PATIBANDLA SL, D A L E BE: T he Ammonia Freeze Explosion (AFEX) Process - a Practical Lignocellulose Prctreatment. Appl Biocbem Biotechno11991, 28-29:59-74. HuI PK, PALMERHJ: Uncatalyzed Oxidation of Aqueous Sodium Sulfite and Its Ability to Simulate Bacterial Respiration. Btotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:392-396. IVERSENJJL: Insitu Recalibrution of Probes of Dissolved Gas Concentrations in Bioreactors without Effect on Metabolism and Growth. Biotechnol Bfoeng 1991, 37:463-466. J2~NSSENPH, MORGANIffXV,DANIELRM: Effects of Medium Composition o n ExWacelinlar Proteinase Stability and Yield in Batch Cultures o f a Thermns-Sp. Appl Microbiol Biotechno11991, 34:789-793. JEONG YS, VIETHXX/R,MATSUURAT: Fermentation o f Lactose to Ethanol w i t h Recombinant Yeast in an Immobilized Yeast Membrane Bioreactor. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:587-590. KALYUZI~N~rY8V, GACHOKVP, SKLYARVI, VARFOLOMEYEV SD: Kinetic investigation and Mathematical Modeling of Mcthanogenesis o f Glucose. Appl Biochem Biotecbno11991, 28-29:183-195. KAMOUNS, KADO CI: Phenotypic Switching Affecting Chemotaxis, Xanthan Production, and Virulence in Xanthom*onas-Campestris. Appl Environ Microbiol 1990, 56:3855-3860. KANGy, FAN LT, MIN BT, KIM SD: Promotion of Oxygen Transfer in 3-Phase Fluidized-Bed Biorcactors by Floating Bubble Breakers. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:580-586. KAPRALEKF, JECMENP, SEDLACEKJ, FABRYM, ZADRAZIL S: Fermentation Conditions for I-tigh-Level Expression o f the TaC- Pr omote r .c ontr olle d c a l f Prochymosin CDNA in Escherichla-Coli HBI01. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:71-79. KAWASEY, MOOYOUNG M: Oxygen Transfer in Slurry Bioreactors. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:960-966. KENNRS C, DUBOURGUIERHC, ALBAGNACG, NAVEAUH, VEIGA M, NYNSEJ: Fermentation of Citrate by Lactobaelllns-Plantarum i n the Presence of a Yeast Under Acid Conditions. Appl Microbiol

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Recombinant DNA Technology and Applications Edited b y P r o k o p A, Bajpai RK, H o SC. McGraw HillInc. 1991, :97-152. [1]. MICHAELSJD, PETERSONJF, MCINTIRELV, PAPOUTSAKISET: • • Protection Mechanisms of Freely Suspended A~imal Cells (CRL 8018) f r o m F l u i d - M e c h a n i c a l injury. V i s c o m e t r i c a n d B i o r e a c t o r Studies Using Serum, F l u r o n i c F68 a n d P o l y e t h y l e n e GlycoL Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 38:169-180. [5]. PAPOUTSAKISET: M e d i a Additives for P r o t e c t i n g • . F r e e l y S u s p e n d e d A n i m a l Cells A g a i n s t Agitation and A e r a t i o n Damage. Trends Biotecbno11991, 9:316-324. [4]. STAVROLqAKISDA, KALOGERAI~SN, BEH1ELA, IATROUK: Kinetic D a t a f o r t h e llM-5 Insect Cell Line i n R e p e a t e d - B a t c h S u s p e n s i o n Cultures. Biotechnol Bioeng i991, 38:116-126.

Large-scale plant cell culture Related review: Large-scale plant cell culture: methods, applications and products (pp 105-I 09) BAJPAI PK, BAJPAI P: Cultivation a n d U t i l i z a t i o n o f J e r u s a l e m A r t i c h o k e f o r E t h a n o l S i n g l e Cell P r o t e i n , a n d High-Fructose S y r u p P r o d u c t i o n . Enzyme Microb Techno11991, 13:359-362. BUITELAARRM, LANGENHOFFAAM, HI~DSTRA R, TRAMPERJ: G r o w t h a n d T h i o p h e n e P r o d u c t i o n b y H a i r y Root Cultures o f Tagetcs-Patula i n v a t ' i o n s 2-IAquldP h a s e B i o r e a c t o r s . Enzyme Microb Tecbno11991, 13:487-494. FACCHINI PJ, DICOSMO F: P l a n t Cell l l i o r e a c t o r f o r t h e • Production of Protoberberine Alkaloids from I m m o b i l i z e d Thaltctrum Rugosura Cultures. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:397--403. [11]. FERNANDESFERREIP.AM, PAIS MSS, NOVAISJM: Oils f r o m Wild, M i c r o p r o p a g a t e d Plants, Calli, a n d S u s p e n d e d Cells o f E u p h o r b t a - C h a r a c i a s L Appl Biochem Biotechno11991, 28-29:169-181. IC2LBYNJ, HUNTER CS: T o w a r d s O p t i m i s a t i o n o f t h e use o f 1.02-MHz U l t r a s o u n d to H a r v e s t VacuoleLocated S e c o n d a r y Product f r o m I n v i t r o G r o w n P l a n t Cells. Appl Microbiol Biotechno11991, 34:478-480. KIM D L, CHO GH, PEDERSEN H, CHIN C K: A H y b r i d • R i o r e a c t o r f o r H i g h Density C u l t i v a t i o n o f p l a n t Cell S u s p e n s i o n s . Appl Microbiol Biotechno11991, 34:726-729. [5]. LAWS EA, BERNENGJL: A Study o f t h e E n e r g e t i c s a n d E c o n o m i c s o f M i c r o a l g a l Mass C u l t u r e w i t h t h e M a r i n e C h l o r o p h y t e Tetrasehuls-Suecica I m p l i c a t i o n s f o r use o f P o w e r P l a n t Stuck Gases. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:936-947. LECKIE F, SCRAGGAH, CLIFFEKC: A n I n v e s t i g a t i o n i n t o t h e R o l e o f Initial Kla o n t h e G r o w t h and Alkaloid Accumulation by Cultures of Catharanthus-Roseus. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:364-370. LECKIE12, SCRAGGAH, CLIFFE KC: Effect o f I m p e l l e r • D e s i g n a n d Speed o n t h e Large-Scale Cultivation o f S u s p e n s i o n Cultures o f Catharantbus Roseus. Enzyme Microb Techno11991, 2 3 : 8 0 1 4 1 0 . [10]. MARK GH, TEN HOOPEN HJG, MI~JERJJ, VINKE KL: • * D i e l e c t r i c S p e c t r o s c o p y as a N o v e l a n d C o n v e n i e n t T o o l for t h e Study o f t h e S h e a r Sensitivity o f P l a n t Cells in S u s p e n s i o n Culture. JBiotecbno11991, 19:245-258, [8]. OZBAS T, KLrI'SALT: Effects o f G r o w t h Factors o n R i b o f l a v i n P r o d u c t i o n b y Ashbya-GossypiL Enzyme Microb Tecbno11991, 13:594-596. RITIXPd~US E, ULRICHJ, WESTPHALK: Large-scale • P r o d u c t i o n o f P l a n t Cell Cultures. IAPTC Newsletter 1990, 61:2-10. [6]. RODPdGUEZMENDIOLAMA, STAFFORDA, CRESSWELLR, ARIASCASTROC: B i o r e a c t o r s f o r G r o w t h o f P l a n t Roots. Enzyme Microb Tecbno11991, 13:697-702. TALBOTP, GORTARESMP, IA~NCKIRW, DELANOUEJ: A b s o r p t i o n o f CO2 i n Algal Mass C u l t u r e Systems - a D i f f e r e n t C h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n A p p r o a c h . Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:83A~842,

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Large-scale mammalian cell culture Related review: Mammalian cell culture processes (pp 110-I 14) A S t r u c t u r e d Model f o r M o n o d o n a l A n t i b o d y Synthesis i n E x p o n e n t i a l l y G r o w i n g a n d S t a t i o n a r y P h a s e H y b r i d o m a Ceils. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 37:210-226. BIBILATA, FLICKINGERMC: A M o d e l o f i n t e r o r g a n e l l e Monodonal Antibody Transport and Secretion in M o u s e H y b r t d o n l a Cells. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 38:767-780. BUNTEMEYERH, LWfKEMEYERD, LEHMANNJ: o p t i m i z a t i o n ®. o f S e r u m - f r e e F e r m e n t a t i o n Process f o r A n t i b o d y P r o d u c t i o n . Cytotecbnology 1991, 5:57-67. [16]. CHIOU TW, MImAXA~ S, WANG DIC, WU WT: A Fiber-Bed B i o r e a c t o r for A n c h o r a g e - D e p e n d e n t A n i m a l Cell Cultures.1. B t o r e a c t o r D e s i g n a n d O p e r a t i o n s . Biotecbnol Bioeng 1991, 37:755-761. DELABROISED, NOISEUXM, LEMIEUXR, MASSIEB: LongTerm Perfosion Culture of Hybridoma - a Grow o r D i e Cell Cycle System. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 38:781-787. DUVAL D, DEMANGELC, MUNIERJOLAINK, MIOSSEC S, GEAHEL I: Factors C o n t r o l l i n g Cell P r o l i f e r a t i o n a n d A n t i b o d y P r o d u c t i o n i n Mouse H y b r i d o m a Cells.1. I n f l u e n c e o f t h e A m i n o Acid Supply. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 38:561-570. FACCHINI PJ, DICOSMO F: S e c o n d a r y Metaboltte B i o s y n t h e s i s i n C u l t u r e d Cells o f C a t h a r a n t h u s Roseus ( L ) G D o n I m m o b i l i z e d by A d h e s i o n to Glass Fibres. Appl Microbiol Biotechno11991, 35:382-392. FIBI MR, BROKERM, SCHULZ R, JOHANNSENR, ZET17.MEISSL G: i n a c t i v a t i o n o f R e c o m b i n a n t p l a s m i d D N A from a Human Erythropotetin-Producing Mouse Cell Line G r o w n o n a Large Scale. Appl Microbiol Biotechno11991, 35:622-630. FRAME KK, HU W& K i n e t i c Study o f H y b r i d o m a Cell G r o w t h i n C o n t i n u o u s Culture.1. A M o d e l f o r N o n - P r o d u c i n g Cells. Biotecbnol Bioeng 1991, 37:5~64. FRAME KK, HU WS: C o m p a r i s o n o f G r o w t h K i n e t i c s o f P r o d u c i n g a n d N o n p r o d n c i n g H y b r i d o m a Cells i n B a t c h Culture. Enzyme Microb Techno11991, 13:690~96. GOETGHEBEURS, HU W-S: C u l t i v a t i o n o f A n c h o r a g e * d e p e n d e n t A n i m a l Cells i n M i c r o s p h e r e - i n d u c e d A g g r e g a t e Culture. Appl Microbiol Biotechno11991, 34:735-741. [26]. GOOCHEE CF, GRA2vLMERMJ, ANDERSENDC, BAHR • * JB, RASMUSSENJR: T h e O l i g o s a c c h a r i d e s o f G l y c o p r o t e i n s : B i o p r o c e s s i n g Factors Affecting O l i g o s a c c h a r i d e S t r u c t u r e a n d T h e i r Effect o n G l y c o p r o t e i n P r o p e r t i e s . Biotechnology 1991, 9:1347-1355. [10]. GRAF H, SCHUGERL K: S o m e Aspects o f H y b r i d o m a Cell Cultivation. Appl Microbiol Biotechno11991, 35:165-175. GROUT B, Mom.s J, MCLELIANM: C r y o p r e s e r v a t i o n a n d t h e M a i n t e n a n c e o f Cell Lines. Trends Biotechnol 1990, 8:293-297. HART RA, BAILEYJE: P u r i f i c a t i o n a n d Aqueous 2Phase Partitioning Properties of Recombinant Vitreosctlla H e m o g l o b i n . Enzyme Microb Technol 1991, 13:788-795. HASSELLT, GLEAVES, BLrlXERM: G r o w t h I n h i b i t i o n i n Aft|m~ll c e l l C u l t u r e - t h e Effect o f Lactate a n d A m m o n i a . Appl Biochem Biotecbno11991, 30:29-41, HAYTER PM, CURLINGEMA, BAINESAJ, JE2qKINS N, SALMON I, STRANGEPG, BULLAT: C h i n e s e H a m s t e r O v a r y Cell G r o w t h a n d I n t e r f e r o n P r o d u c t i o n K i n e t i c s i n S t i r r e d B a t c h C u l t u r e . Appl Microbiol Biotecbnol 1991, 34:559-564. HILLER GW, AESCHLIMANNAD, CLARKDS, BLANCHt{~f: A K i n e t i c Analysis o f H y b r i d o m a G r o w t h a n d M e t a b o l i s m in C o n t i n u o u s S u s p e n s i o n C u l t u r e o n Serum-Free M e d i u m . Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 38:733-741. BIBILA T, FLICKINGER M C :



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Biocatalysts Related review: New applicationsof biocatalysts (pp 119-123) ADAMSKAH, CHUNGSH, KLIBANOVAM: Kirtetic Isotope Effect Investigation o f Enzyme Mechanism in O r g a n ic Solvents. J A m Cbem Soc 1990, 112:9418-9419. ADLERCREOTZP: On the Itnportance of the Support Material f o r Enzymatic Synthesis in Organic Media - Support Effects at Controlled Water Activity. EurJBiocbewz 199i, 199:609-614. ADLERCa~-UrZp, CLAPESP, MATnASSONB: Enzymatic ** Peptide Synthesis in Organic Media. Ann N YAcad Sci 1990, 613:517-520. [3]. A~ENZELLERK, KI~ICEK CP: Evidence for a Compartmentation o f Penicillin Biosynthesis in a High-Producing axtd a Low-Producing Strain o f Penicillium-chrysogenum. J Gen Microbio11991, 137:1653-1660. AHMADD, SYLVESTREM, SONDOSSIM, MASSER: Bioconversion Of 2-Hydroxy-6-Oxo.6-(4'Chlorophenyl)Hexa-2,4-Dienoic Acid, the MctaCleavage Product of 4-chlorobiphenyL J Gen Microbio11991, 137:1375-3385, AHN YH, KRZYCYdJA, FLOSSHG: Stertc Course of t h e Reduction of Ethyl Coenzyme M to Ethane Catalyzed by Methyl Coenzyme M Reductase f r o m Methanosarcina-llarkeri. J A m Chem Soc 1991, 113:4700-4701. ALEAF, RODRIGUEZH, ENRIQUEZA: Selection of Hypercellulolytic Derepressed Mutants of Cellulomonas Sp. Appl Microbiol Biotechno11991, 35:643-645. AMPON K, SALLEHAB, SALAMF, YUNUSWMZW, RAZAKCNA, BASPJ M: Reductive Alkyiation of Lipase. Enzyme Microb Techno11991, 13:597(o01. AMPON K, SALLEH.AB,TEOHA, YUN~S~iv~Z~f, RAZAK CNA, BASra M: Sugar Esterification Catalysed by Alkylated Trylmin i n Dimethylformamlde. Biotechnol Lett 1991, 13:25-30. ANTCZAKU, GORAJ, ANTCZAKT, GALASE: Enzymatic Lactoniaation of 15-Hydroxypentadecanoie And 16-Hydroxyhexadecanoic Acids to Maesocyclie Lactones. Enzyme Microb Techno11991, 13:589-593. ARAGOZZINIF, MACONI E, SCOLAST]COS: Enantioselecttve Hydrolysis of Benzoyl 1,2-O-Isopropylldeneglycerol b y Baclllus-coagulans. Appl Microbiol Biotechno11991, 34:433-435. BAJPAIp, BAJPAIPK, WARD OP: Production of Docosahexaenoic Acid by ThraustuchytriumA u r e u t ~ Appl Microbiol Biotechno11991, 35:706-710. BALFANZJ, REHMHJ: Biodegradation Of 4.Chlorophenol by Adsorptive Immobilized Alcaligenes S p a 7-2 in Soil. Appl Microbiol Biotechno11991, 35:662-668. BALLESTEROSI, BALLESTEROSM, CABANASA, CARRASCO J, MARTINC, NEGRO MJ, SAEZF, SAEZR: Selection of T h e r m o t o l e r a n t Yeasts for Simultaneous Saccharification a n d Fermentation (SSF) of Cellulose to EthanoL Appl Biochem Biotecbno11991, 28-29:307-315. BATI~STELE, BIANCF~D, CES~ ]3, PINA C: Enzymatic Resolution of (S)-(+)-Naproxen in a Continuous Reactor. Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 38:659-664. BEALLDS, OHTA K, INGRAM LO: Parametric Studies o f E th a n o l Production f r o m Xylose and Other Sugars b y Recombinant Escherichta-ColL Biotechnol Bioeng 1991, 38:296-303. BEECHIB, GAYIARDECC, SMITHJJ, GEESEYGG: Extracelinlar Pulysaccharides from DesulfovibrioDesulfurieans and Pseudomonas-Fluorescens i n th e Presence o f Mild and Stainless Steel. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 1991, 35:65-71. BERGERM, SCHNEIDERMP: Regioselectivity of Ltpases i n Organic Solvents. Biotechnol Lett 1991, 13:333-338. BERKSC, KP~'UTZERKA, BUCHWALDSL: A Catalytic Method for the Reduction o f Esters to Alcohols. J Am Chem Soc 1991, 113:5093-5095.



Biochemical engineering


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New methods for separation and recovery of biomolecules Related review: Enzymology in monophasic organic media (pp 124-129) AF~LECKR, XU Z-F, SUZAWAV, FOCHT K, CLAKKDS, • • DORDICKJS: Effect o f Hydration o n Enzymatic CatalysiS and Dynamics in Low-water

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