A Safety Department Agent's Journal! - Chapter 2 - NerfedBy50Percent (2024)

Chapter Text

Day 5 - Day 16 in Lobotomy Corporation

So I took a small trip to the Training Department after I finished my work for the day, as I mentioned I would do yesterday.

The only person there was the Department Team Captain, and she was essentially the most strict one person could be. While Keoni was a bit relaxed when it came to handling Abnormalities, the new Captain (who I still don't know the name of!) was essentially micro-managing what seemed like a tall snow sculpture that had snow constantly falling in its containment cell. Sure, I understand that being strict is what you may need in order to keep the Abnormalities in check, but she unironically told me to not bring a water bottle in fear of it using its powers to kill something! I mean, at least she wore an outfit that looks cool, even if it was only made by the Abnormality I just mentioned. Plus, she's extremely talented with the frost-like spear, so I can't really complain too much.

Enough about the Training Department Captain, Dearest Journal. There's some good news I want to share.

For starters, the Team Captain began work on the Abnormality that was meant to be "classified" to the rest of us. That meant Aliza was made to work on Laetita, while I was re-assigned work on the Funeral Of The Dead Butterflies. It turns out, the man isn't all that scary considering how he just wants to help us pass into the afterlife peacefully, even if what he did a few days ago was the opposite of that. He also gave me a cool coffin as an apology, though! Funnily enough, wearing it did make me feel as if I was better in every way, compared to just having Forsaken Murderer's face mask making me feel healthier or Laetita's hat making my mind more clear. It didn't feel like I improved much however, but it was still something! Oh, and speaking of the butterfly man, when I walked out for my last time for the day, I saw a line up of a whole ton of fellow employees. I wonder why? Would it explain the constant alarm blarring of it always breachingm

New topic! Our Captain also walked back before the end of the day with strange Yellow eyes on his head. They shined brightly, and it kind of felt strangely alluring or pretty to look at. It's most likely better that I don't try to understand how this effect is happening...

Oh, right! Aliza also got the gift from Laetita, but had to settle on using the equipment from the Punishing Bird instead. It was kind of a shame, but it shouldn't really matter. Other than those two events, nothing really changed that much than the stereotypical day studying with and about abnormalities. We did get an announcement of there being a "Captain Boxing Match" tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that! As much as I want Keoni to possibly win it, the Training Team Captain is ridiculously good with the spear. So much so that she took down all of the worms without getting hit once!

Anyways, goodnight, Dearest Journal!

Day 6 - Day 17 in Lobotomy Corporation

I've learned to fear the Control Team Captain.

Okay, for starters, I got the name of the Training Team Captain. Her name is "Violet", and funnily enough, really liked gardening. It's even more funnier when you consider she was wearing something that would intentionally kill ice, with her equipment being from "The Snow Queen". She was surprisingly more open to people after her first day on the job.

I've also gotten the name of the Information Team Captain, who's name was Noah. Like before, it's funny since he came from one of the districts near the sea, and he really wants to learn to build a boat someday. He wielded what seemed like a giant metal object on a stick to resemble a hammer, and a funkier version of a straightjacket. Then there's the Control Team Captain, who's name is Winter and really wants to climb a mountain some day. She uses what seemed like a giant lantern on a stick, and wore black and gold-outlined clothing with the strange eyes I saw on Keoni's head. Now that I think about it, what kind of ironic thing does Keoni like? I'll have to check with that later.

Anyways! The fight!

So after our scheduled work periods, we all gathered up in the bottom area of the Information team. We somehow collectively decided to form a ring around the would be arena, with each Captain sending at one end of each circle. Or is it called the more flatter parts of the circle? Wait- back to the topic at hand!

So after someone counted down from three, they all begin attacking eachother, as you do. Immediately, Winter slammed the Lantern-hammer hybrid into the chest of Noah before he could even move, respond, and react. It was near inhuman how fast she had the hammer slam onto his head, which knocked him out cold instantly. However, if I remember correctly, she did wait on the sidelines for the other two remaining Captains to finish fighting before going in to attack, using her large hammer as some sort of thing to lean on while she waits.

Meanwhile, it was a pretty evenly matched fight between Keoni and Violet. While Keoni had amazing evasive capabilities and what seemed to be a really fast reaction time, Violet somehow managed to not only keep up with him, but also managed to nearly catch Keoni off guard with a few well time thrusts of her spear. It did make me wonder how much Training one would need to do to be able to become a Captain. Or maybe my eyes just aren't fast enough, I can't really tell.

I think after a good few minutes, Keoni eventually landed a few blasts to the stomach with the butterfly gun, with Violet forfeiting the round to return to the Training Department, where she'll have to heal back up to maximum health. I think it's also where the Information Department Captain went to, though I'm not exactly sure. Maybe they went back to their own department?

After Winter saw they were done, she picked up the hammer and essentially threw two hits before Keoni could attempt to fight back once. He was on the floor near instantly, with me being the one responsible to drag Keoni back to the Safety Department. I'm a hundred percent sure that I missed whatever happened next, though I did hear that none of us got into trouble for hosting a small fighting event without the Sephirot's knowledge.

I don't know what happened afterwards, and what the victory celebration was like, but I heard that they walked outjustas all the Sephirot teleported into the bottom Information Department Room. To clarify, Dearest Journal, the Sephirot are the people who lead Departments, or ones above Team Captains. Our Sephirot is Netzach, who, knowing him, would probably drink himself to death if he heard what we did. He's the number one advocate for safety, and is also a drunkard, if you consider drinking "Enkephalin' as an Alcholic beverage.

Anyways, as I was saying, none of us got punished for the whole fighting thing. I do have to wonder, since the Manager still views the cameras after the work day is done, how come they haven't reported us to the Sephirot yet? I mean, it's pretty easy for them to let us get punished by this, so I wonder what's keeping them from doing so.

Well, Dearest Journal. I'm heading off to bed now. Goodnight!

Day 7 - Day 18 In Lobotomy Corporation

Originally, I was going to write up a quick small summary of my day, since nothing special happened, say for the new green robot things that decided to make a visit. I'd tell you all about the robots that looked like they were made from scrap, stabbing clerks only to be felled in a quick few hits from the E.G.O. we use. However, there was something I found in my Agent Locker before I went to bed. For context, Dearest Journal, Agent Lockers are equipment we use during the day, as I'm pretty sure we wouldn't want to wear some of the stuff on us to sleep.

Anyways, as I was saying, I found a journal that was essentially a 1 to 1 replica of the one I'm writing on. Most of the pages were either ripped, stained with blood to the point it's unreadable, or scribbled out with pen. However, there was one page that did have something on it, and not only was it written in my exact handwriting, all of the Captain's names were also written there, as if I was referring to them like they were an agent! What was weirder was how it was implied that I was the Captain of the Safety Department, even though I'm pretty sure I won't be able to gain the position of Captain! I'll paste the legible words into this Journal for now, but I do have to wonder how it even got here.

Day 25 - Day 37 in Lobotomy Corporation


As always, Keoni and Violet got into a fight again. It's frustrating having to break up the fights between them constantly, and I am so, so glad that I have ALEPH equipment while they only have WAW. That way, I can easily break up fights between them without having too much damage done to the facility. The amount of times they have fought have most likely hit the triple digits. If all goes well, I only hope to move one of them to either the Training Department or one of the Departments far downstairs. My Dearest Journal, I hope that one day, they could finally be put in a room together without needing to try and kill each other. If it won't work, I'll probably get Winter to try and subdue them for an entire day, or get them to train with Noah, the new recruit who barely knows how to fight. I'm pretty sure absolutely no one hates them, but everything becomes a surprise at this rate. For some reason, I do kind of wish they were Captains. Something about them screams being eligible for the position, yet I know that they're most likely incompetent.


...There's one more thing I have to mention.

Remember the whole fighting thing involving all of the Captain's? Apparently the Control Team Captain was wielding an E.G.O. classified as "WAW". Even if Keoni, who objectively has a cooler and cuter WAW E.G.O. set, apparently the the Armour made it kind of unfair for everyone else. However, the whole "boxing match with captains" thing was already done, and I'm pretty sure no one wants to risk being fired and ending up in serious trouble, so we most likely won't do a rematch.

That should be all, Dearest Journal. Goodnight.

Day 8 - Day 19 In Lobotomy Corporation

"Where does one go when they die?"

That's what the butterfly man asked me. It was all so sudden, as it never even spoke before until that very moment. It was when I was just about to leave the room, before it suddenly shut itself, locking itself shut with no way for me to get out of the room. It proceeded to drop the coffin onto the floor, sitting on it while it looked towards me. It's hand that I always assumed to be some sort of funky tie pointed at me as I turned around, flicking one of the fingers to themselves as if it was calling me closer.

The containment cell around the butterfly man seemed to change, the world around me transforming into a field of pure black and white, with butterflies in the sky flapping their wings up high into the sky. I turned around once more, only to see that the door I was trying to use suddenly disappeared, giving way to the field. From what I could recall, I swear I could see a fleeting mirage of myself wearing some sort of coat wrapped in bandages, staring up into the sky before disappearing into a butterfly, joining the kaleidoscope of butterflies. It's funny. One of my favourite animals are butterflies, and here I see myself turned into one.

It's beside the current point of that weird change in behavior from the butterfly man. Never before have I seen it do anything like this.

"Where did all the employees worked here go?"

It asked once more the second I turned around walked closer. I attempted to answer with home, but all of the words that could speak were replaced with butterflies, flying out of my mouth. I shut my mouth with my hand, forcing myself to be silent. I didn't know what was happening, or how I even got here.

"-They must have returned home. To a haven where family and warmth await."

I see an illusion of a hallway fade in, though still monochromatic, with several butterflies fluttering down the hall, as if it was acting like a clerk or an agent.

"Employees cannot leave; once they join the company, the only way to leave is to resign. Then, those 'resigned' employees must have returned home, having earned what they wanted and being full of hope."

Butterflies began descending onto me, and in my desperate attempt to get the butterfly man to stop, I began firing my E.G.O. Weapon into the chest of the man, but all I saw was butterflies replacing my bullets. Even if they somehow did hit the man, it basically bounced off, and any wounds inflicted would regenerate. I kept firing, trying to get it to shut up. Butterflies descended onto me, as I desperately attempted to fire any bullets into the man.

"We are the feathers of a Wing. Resignation isn't as simple as you think. Just like how a feather doesn't detach from a wing of it's on will. Then, where did all the resigned employees go?"

More butterflies continued to descend onto me, as I continously fired into the man sitting on the coffin. My hands trembled, the fluttering getting louder as I tried to get the man to stop speaking. The more he spoke, the more I wanted to get him to shut up. I know, Dearest Journal, it didn't act all like me, but something just kind of snapped inside my brain. I don't think it was anger, however. It was more like, being scared, I guess.

"They're bound to the company the moment they enter. Even if they do resign, they are doomed to say here forever."

I fired one last shot, before the butterflies enveloped me whole. Just before I felt like collapsing to the ground and join the kaleidoscope of butterflies, I found myself in a hallway outside of the butterfly man's room, a gun to my head. All I saw was a hallway full of dead clerks, all riddled with bullet holes. I heard a sigh of relief behind me, who turned out to be Keoni. He would put the gun off my head, with me turning around soon after.

Apparently, during that whole ordeal, I was undergoing a process called "panicking", where I had started going on a rampage, easily gunning down the Clerks that just so happened to be outside the containment cell. I was surprised on how he didn't even blame me for killing what was essentially a whole group of people, and Aliza even gave me tea because she heard it calmed people down! I still don't know why she would do such an act, but I wasn't about to be ungrateful and took the tea from her hands.

One more thing. Due to the whole incident regarding the butterfly man, I'm apparently being moved to deal with the Big Bird I saw a few days prior. I worry I won't make it out alive tomorrow, since I was told that I would have gotten my head turned into bird food if it wasn't suppressed just days ago.

Goodnight, Dearest Journal. I'll write in here again tomorrow night.

Day 9 - Day 20 in Lobotomy Corporation

I have found my new favourite Abnormality.

After the incident I had with a certain butterfly, I was instead assigned work with the big ol' bird I mentioned way back in this Journal. Turns out, it's actually really friendly! Not only that, but its fur- feathers- whatever- is really fluffy, and it feels like touching a pillow! I'm not sure if it gives a gift, so I'll have to inspect the work papers again when I work with them tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, I heard the Central Command Department is opening up tomorrow, Dearest Journal! I'm not exactly sure what the purpose of that Department is about, but if it warrants a whole department for it, then I'm pretty sure it'll be pretty important!

What else? Right! I had a small look into the Training Department's Abnormalities, and we have Little Red Riding Hood right there in containment! Though, I won't lie saying I wasn't intimidated by her current look. She's leaning on the back of the Containment Cell, hands crossed and has bright yellow eyes, beaming as if she was the Big Bad Wolf instead. I could even see the weapons they used, that being some shoddy gun and a sickle, and I had to wonder how it was an Abnormality in the first place. Maybe it was just a really talented fighter? Who knows!

There was also a few clowns that decided to show up. I'm not sure what they did, but everyone had a divine hatred towards them. I'm assuming they're really annoying to deal with, judging how they really like hanging out near containment cells.

Other than those two things I mentioned before, I have to be honest on not having anything interesting compared to last time when I..."panicked". At least everyone forgave me for that incident I had, somehow.

That should be all for today, Dearest Journal. I'll write in this tomorrow night.

A Safety Department Agent's Journal! - Chapter 2 - NerfedBy50Percent (2024)


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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.