20 Short and Effective Meditations You Can Do at Work (Or Anywhere!) (2024)

Most of us have moments at work when we feel fatigued, irritated, overwhelmed, uninspired, or unmotivated. At the time, it can feel like a hopeless situation. We may even consider asking to leave for the day, but there is another solution! Meditation at work is a constructive way to reset your mind, improve your performance, boost your productivity, and handle work-related stress. It’s also a great way to improve your mental health.

If you’re interested in learning what meditation is and how it can benefit you, you’ve found the right article! We’ve included 20 quick and easy exercises you can do at work, or just about anywhere you can find a few minutes of solitude. Read on!

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Let’s Roam provides team-building activities to help businesses keep staff in tip-top shape. We offer over 20 exercises proven to encourage communication, promote collaboration, prevent burnout, and foster a positive company culture. We even have virtual wellness workshops that focus on mindfulness meditation, physical fitness, and nutrition counseling. Contact us to discuss your needs and goals and get started planning your next team-building event!


What is meditation?

Meditation is the employment of exercises designed to facilitate a heightened state of awareness.

In a concentrative meditation session, you are expected to focus on something very specific and try to tune out surrounding stimuli. Mindfulness practice requires you to be fully present and open to your environment. Both of these meditation types can help you to manage stress, improve your well-being, get in a positive mindset, feel motivated, and become more self-aware.

What are the benefits of meditation at work?

Meditation at work can help you to focus on important tasks, be more diplomatic in dealings with coworkers, make better decisions, and reduce or eliminate work-related stress. It can also help clear your mind, re-energize you, or produce a newfound sense of purpose.

Statistics on meditation are impressive! For instance, a chemical plant in Detroit began a meditation program at work. Three years into the program, they found that productivity rose by 120%, absenteeism had fallen by 85% and injuries were significantly lessened. Even more, profits increased by a whopping 520%!

Whether you meditate alone or with coworkers, you’re likely to see a difference in your ability to think, learn, communicate, perform, and cope with workplace stress.

Quick and Easy Office Meditation Exercises

The following exercises can be done during an average workday, in or around your office. You might be seated in a quiet corner or a conference room, or outside in a peaceful spot.

You shouldn’t need any extraneous tools, but it’s helpful to have your phone to set a timer and record notes about your feelings. Silence notifications if you can.

1. Letting Go

Find a quiet, private spot. If you can, set a timer for 2 minutes. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Try to ignore everything around you, and focus internally. Pay careful attention to your breaths. As you slowly breathe in, imagine that you’re inhaling only good things. As you breathe out, think of it as expelling negativity. In with the good, out with the bad. Do this for at least 20-30 breaths or until your timer expires.

When you complete this meditation, you should feel more positive and have a renewed sense of calm. This 2-minute meditation is terrific for stress reduction!

2. Observer

When you’re in a stressful situation and feel like you’re about to lose your cool, give yourself a quick escape. Imagine that you’re watching yourself as a character in a movie. Watch the situation as an observer. How would you want the character to react?

By approaching a tense situation in this way and offering yourself a few moments to gain perspective, it’s likely you will respond better than you would have if you’d reacted impulsively.

3. Blank Screen

When you are plagued by distracting thoughts or need to refocus, try to imagine a blank screen. Spend 5 minutes practicing.

Start by visualizing your screen. Concentrate on its emptiness. If any thoughts try to interfere, eliminate them. Clear your screen.

If you repeat this exercise regularly, it will help you to control your thoughts. Learn to wipe the slate clean whenever you need to refocus.

4. Labels

This exercise helps transition your thoughts from emotions to logic, which can improve how you react to situations. It’s an excellent meditation when something has made you angry or upset. Instead of trying to avoid your feelings, face them head-on. However, rather than dwelling on the emotions, name them.

As you process your responses, try to find the perfect word for it. Are you disappointed? Furious? Hurt? Confused? As you label the emotions, think logically about a reaction that matches those words. When you feel more in control, proceed with the task at hand.

5. Happy Place

If you feel like you need a little escape, this visualization exercise might be ideal for you. Think about where you’d go if you could be anywhere right now. It could be a bench in a peaceful garden or a sandy shore on a summer day. You might prefer a rock overlooking a waterfall in a forest.

Now, set a timer for 5-10 minutes and enjoy the tranquility of your place. Picture every detail—the sights, sounds, and smells. Enjoy the scenery. Let your mind wander to your happy place whenever you need to. This meditation will serve as a well-deserved getaway from any chaos or tension in the work environment. When you allow yourself to visit this place, you can manage your stress level and reset.

6. S-T-O-P

When you’re struggling with anxiety, this exercise can help. As thoughts and worries creep in, remember the word STOP. For our purposes, use it as an acronym.

S – Stop what you are doing.
T – Take 5 deep breaths.
O – Observe how you feel. Are you more relaxed yet?
P – Proceed.

When it’s time to proceed, if you are more relaxed, return to the task at hand. If you’re still anxious, take a few more slow, deep breaths. Repeat this process until the worry has passed.

7. Lunch Break

When it’s time to eat a meal or have a snack, set aside this time to be alone. Practice focusing on your meal. Tune out everything else around you. Take notice of the colors of your food. How does it look and smell? Savor each bite as if it was an expensive gourmet meal. Enjoy being present for every moment of this experience.

This eating exercise should help you to face the rest of your workday, nourished and ready for anything!

8. Compassion

The purpose of this work meditation is to exercise the same amount of compassion for yourself as you would for others. If you have just experienced a rough time and you’re disappointed in how you handled a situation, performed on a task, or reacted to something, it’s time to cut yourself some slack.

First, think of the words you would use to comfort a friend or loved one going through the same situation. If you can, look at your reflection. If you can’t, that’s okay. The most important thing is that you use those same words to comfort yourself.

Then, think of at least three admirable qualities you have. Remind yourself of your merits. Repeat these positive words or phrases until you’ve convinced yourself that you are worthy of them. You deserve concern, understanding, and reassurance.

9. Intense Focus

If you need to take a break, but can’t leave the office, try this work meditation! Pick any object in the room. If you can, try to find something you can touch or hold. It doesn’t matter what it is.

Devote all of your attention to the item you’ve chosen. Try to absorb all of its details. What color is it? Is there a pattern? Words? Look at the object as if you’re memorizing everything about it for a test.

As you grasp or touch the object, focus on how it feels. Is it smooth or bumpy? Cold or warm? Rounded or with corners?

Perform this conscious observation for at least 5 minutes. When time is up, take note of your thoughts and emotions. Were you able to escape for a short time? How do you feel now?

10. Positive Steps

If you have trouble sitting still or just need to get away for a short time, take a walk. Take 20 steps, then stop and look around. What do you see? Are there any trees? Flowers? Try to find at least one beautiful thing around you, even if it’s the color of the sky or a puffy cloud.

Take another 20 steps. What do you hear? Are birds chirping? Can you hear laughter? Perhaps you can hear the whir of a motor or buzz of a motor. Again, try to find something positive that you can focus on for a minute.

Move ahead 20 steps again. What can you smell? Engage your senses. With each stop, try to focus on something that makes you feel happy or at peace. Repeat this process, paying careful attention to what you experience and how it makes you feel. Try to do this walking meditation at least once a week, if you can.

11. 20 Breaths

This easy breathing exercise simply requires you to find a quiet spot and count 20 deep breaths. Make sure your breathing feels natural, almost rhythmic. Focus on the sensation as the air enters your body through your nose.

Feel your lungs expand and contract. Try breathing out through your mouth and feel the stream of air traveling through your lips. Count each breath—not out loud but in your mind. Don’t you feel better?

12. Numbers

This meditation can be done anywhere, even in the midst of chaos at work. You’re going to count up, from 1 to 25. The catch is that each number needs to be said, out loud or in your mind, that particular number of times. In other words, “one, two, two, three, three, three, four, four, four, four,” and so on.

As you progress to the higher number, the exercise will require more of your focus. That helps to take your mind off anything that has caused you stress. It’s an especially helpful ritual when you’re feeling a sense of dread or panic. And you can go beyond 25 if you like or if you need.

13. Gratitude

This exercise can be done at work, but it’s a wonderful meditation you can do anywhere. We can never focus too much on gratitude. Set a timer for 5-7 minutes. Sit comfortably, relax, and try to keep your eyes closed if you can.

Begin to think of things you’re thankful for. Anything is fair game! There’s no one to judge you. You might start with a delicious apple you had as a snack or the adorable cat waiting for you at home. What about that soft blanket on your sofa that you pull over yourself as you zone out with a movie?

As you finish this meditation, you may find yourself smiling. That’s the idea! You have so much to be grateful for. When you realize what really matters, nothing at work can get you down.

14. Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Meditation not only has positive impacts on the mind, but it also helps heal ailments of the body. If you are feeling aches and pains, regardless of the cause, try an exercise that focuses on healing and relaxation throughout your whole self.

Find a place where you can sit alone for at least 5-10 minutes. Make sure you feel comfortable and that your feet are on the floor. Try not to cross any limbs or create undue bodily pressure or stress. Keep your head upright, as if a string from the ceiling is lightly holding it in place.

Now, start with your head. Concentrate on releasing any pain or pressure from it. Relax into the meditation, as you gradually scan your body from head to toe. Pay attention to any sensations you feel and note where you seem to have the most (or least) tension.

Don’t miss a spot. Let your attention travel through your face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, and down your arms to your fingertips and beyond. If you sense any tightness, pain, or other negative feelings, imagine releasing that from your body. Focus on comfort and peace. When you finish, you should almost feel lighter.

15. Mantra

Do you have a favorite quote? One that inspires you? If you do, you’re ready to begin. If you don’t, take a few minutes to find one. It can be applicable to life in general, a specific situation, or something you’re feeling. If you have an ongoing challenge, might be motivational.

Ready? Now, read or recite the quote from memory. It’s okay if you need to look at it on paper or a screen. Over time, you’ll probably find that you can memorize the words that truly resonate with you. You can read it aloud if you’re alone or just process the words in your mind.

The most challenging part of this exercise is to focus and not let the words become “white noise.” Think or say the statement with feeling. Repeat the quote at least 10 times and take note of how you feel afterward.

17. Sweet 16

This exercise is simple and effective. It can be done anywhere you can find some privacy. All you need to do is breathe.

To begin, inhale through your nose as you count to four. Hold the breath as you count to four again. Then, exhale for a count of four and rest, without inhaling again, for a final count of four.

Even performing this “Sweet 16” meditation once can help, or you can repeat it as many times as you find necessary to feel positive effects.

17. 4-7-8

The 4-7-8 breathing method is similar to the Sweet 16 method but requires you to hold your breath and exhale for a bit longer.

For the first breath, keep your lips closed and use only your nose to inhale slowly, as you count to four. Try to hold your breath while you count to seven. Then, open your lips and push the breath out through your mouth, even making a “whoosh” sound, as you count to eight.

Repeat this 4-7-8 process for at least three cycles. The goal is to trigger your body’s natural relaxation response.

The first time you try it, you might feel slightly dizzy. If that occurs, just do what is comfortable as you work your way up to 4-7-8 counts. If you need to get up, take it slowly. Make sure you return your breathing to what feels normal and natural.

18. The Stream

For this visualization exercise, you’ll need at least 5-10 minutes and a place where you can close your eyes. Picture a stream in a wooded area. You can hear the water as it moves over rocks and passes you by. Focus on the water and imagine it washing your worries away.

If you’re experiencing any trouble concentrating, imagine that any unwelcome thought that pops into your head is a leaf that has fallen off a nearby tree and landed on the water. Watch as the current carries it until it’s out of sight.

Stay as long as you’d like. When you’re ready to return to work, keep the stream in the back of your mind. It should help keep you feeling calm throughout the remainder of your day.

19. Invisible Ball

We are full of and surrounded by energy. It’s everywhere and it’s what makes the world go ’round. Energy is very powerful and can make us feel discomfort or pain, but it can also help us to feel relaxed and in “charge” (pun intended)!

Sit comfortable and begin to rub your palms together until you can feel warmth being generated between them. Then, keeping your palms facing each other, separate your hands. Can you feel the energy between them?

If not, try rubbing your palms together again. When you can feel a tingling sensation between them, even when separated, focus on that. If it helps, visualize an invisible ball of energy between your hands.

Notice how the sensation changes as you move your palms closer together and further out. Concentrate on what you feel and let it remind you of the power you have to change things.

20. So Hum

For this exercise, you will need to be alone, unless you are meditating with a group. You can try it quietly in a restroom or in the privacy of your car.

Get comfortable, close your eyes, and take five slow, deep breaths. Then, begin to concentrate on the word “so” as you say it, almost rhythmically. Breathe in as you say “soooo…” Then exhale as you follow up with the word “hum.”

If you find that your mind wanders at all, concentrate on the vibrations created by your voice as you repeat “so … hum.” Do this for as long as you need, until you feel a sense of calm. When you finish reciting the mantra, allow yourself three last long, deep, slow breaths before opening your eyes again.

Closing Thoughts

With this information and these quick mindfulness exercises, you’ll be better able to reset anytime and anywhere. Apply these meditation techniques when you start feeling a little off-kilter or overwhelmed. You could even use them to clear your mind when it would benefit you to concentrate on more positive pursuits.

As you develop a regular meditation practice, you should find yourself more tolerant of coworkers, better at decision-making, focused on the present moment, and generally more relaxed. Expanding meditation to other aspects of your life is fantastic for your mental health and overall well-being.

Have you already tried meditation at work? Use the comment section to let us know your favorite way to de-stress or offer tips on other healthy practices. You might also want to have a look at our wellness tips or this guide to meditation for productivity.

If you’d like to plan a wellness workshop or corporate event, look no further than our team-building activities! These exercises have been specifically selected because they have been shown to strengthen employee bonds, foster collaboration, increase productivity, promote a positive company culture, and more!


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I help my team meditate at work?

Try these quick and effective work meditation exercises! If you require more guidance, consider a mindfulness meditation team-building workshop, or download a meditation app such as headspace.

What are the benefits of a work meditation program?

When you meditate at work, it can help you to focus on important tasks, make better decisions, be more diplomatic with coworkers, and handle work-related stress.

What is the easiest meditation to do at work?

One simple work meditation is a breathing exercise. Find a quiet spot and close your eyes. Each time you take a deep breath in, picture positivity entering your body. As you exhale, expel negativity.

What are simple breathing exercises I can do at work?

There are many simple meditations you can do at work! Try the “Sweet 16” method by inhaling for a count of 4, holding for 4, exhaling as you count to 4, and resting for a count of 4 between breaths.

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20 Short and Effective Meditations You Can Do at Work (Or Anywhere!) (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.