10 Ways to Make a Small Kitchen Look Larger | Cabinet World of PA (2024)

We design kitchens of all shapes and sizes for our customers in the Pittsburgh area. The most common size kitchen we see, though, is often smaller than what’s depicted in home magazines. If you have a smaller kitchen that you’d like to make appear bigger, we have ten strategies for you. Our team of experienced design consultants will work with you from your project start to completion and will find solutions for the unique challenges of your home through our Personalized Design experience.

1. Go with Light Colors

White kitchens are very trendy right now, but they offer more benefits than just being beautiful. Light colors are more reflective than dark colors and they will make your kitchen appear bigger as well as more open and airy. Light blues, greens, or pale yellows are other great colors to make your space look larger than life.

10 Ways to Make a Small Kitchen Look Larger | Cabinet World of PA (1)

2. Implement Lines

Lines will stretch your space horizontally or vertically, depending on the pattern. You can create lines with your cabinetry, tiling, flooring, or decor. Direct the eye upward and make your kitchen appear taller with cabinetry that has vertical lines, such as with the island demonstrated below. The lines of subway tile will give the impression of a longer and taller kitchen as well.

10 Ways to Make a Small Kitchen Look Larger | Cabinet World of PA (2)

3. Implement Reflective Materials

It’s common knowledge that mirrors and other reflective materials make a space look bigger, which is why they are often placed in bathrooms, living rooms, or hallways. Take that same mentality and apply it to your kitchen.

4. Expand the Visual Area with Glass-Paneled Cabinetry

Glass-paneled cabinetry will create unobstructed visual paths, which will make your kitchen look larger. It will also let you display your favorite dishes and treasures! If you can’t change your cabinetry just yet, you could also add clear chairs or glass pendant lights to your decor.

10 Ways to Make a Small Kitchen Look Larger | Cabinet World of PA (3)

5. Minimize the clutter

Keep sight lines open by clearing off your countertops. Your kitchen cabinetry can include creative storage solutions to help you accomplish this. A cooking utensil drawer will eliminate the need for a kitchen caddy on your countertops. You could also have a knife-drawer installed in place of the traditional knife block set.

10 Ways to Make a Small Kitchen Look Larger | Cabinet World of PA (4)

6. Install more lighting

The more shadows you have, the smaller the space will feel. Make your space light and bright by installing more lights. These lights can be added underneath cabinets to highlight your countertops and your work area or toe kick lights can be added at the base of your kitchen cabinetry. Lights can also be added inside glass cabinetry to illuminate its contents.

7. Hide Appliances Behind Cabinetry

Appliance cabinetry will blend your appliances in with the rest of your kitchen. This will keep your kitchen’s design congruent and sleek and help it appear larger. The photo below demonstrates how a dishwasher can be hidden behind a cabinetry panel.

10 Ways to Make a Small Kitchen Look Larger | Cabinet World of PA (5)

8. Avoid contrast

Create a kitchen with little color difference between the space’s walls, cabinetry, tiling, countertops, and backsplash to create unobstructed visual lines that won’t make your eyes jump around. The kitchen below is a great example of this. You could also use the same material for your backsplash and countertops to blend the surfaces together.

10 Ways to Make a Small Kitchen Look Larger | Cabinet World of PA (6)

9. Opt for an Undermount Sink and/or Single Bowl Sink

Undermount sinks sit under the countertop’s surface which hides it from view and creates a seamless view. Undermount sinks are perfect for high-traffic kitchen areas as debris on the countertops can easily be wiped into the sink. You could also opt for a sink with a single bowl to prevent the sink from dominating the working area of your countertop.

10 Ways to Make a Small Kitchen Look Larger | Cabinet World of PA (7)

10. Install Open Shelving

If you have cabinet space to spare, consider installing open shelving. These will make your kitchen larger as they create unobstructed views, similar to glass-paneled cabinetry.

10 Ways to Make a Small Kitchen Look Larger | Cabinet World of PA (8)

Next, tackle your small bathroom and make it look larger too. Then, get ideas on how to add personality to your kitchen design or how to make your new kitchen more efficient.

10 Ways to Make a Small Kitchen Look Larger | Cabinet World of PA (2024)


10 Ways to Make a Small Kitchen Look Larger | Cabinet World of PA? ›

Keep colours light, bright and consistent

Bright white or cream is an obvious choice, but don't feel limited. Light greens, yellows, blues and even greys can work well too. Whatever colour you choose, try to make the cabinet doors and walls one consistent colour.

What colors make a small kitchen look bigger? ›

Keep colours light, bright and consistent

Bright white or cream is an obvious choice, but don't feel limited. Light greens, yellows, blues and even greys can work well too. Whatever colour you choose, try to make the cabinet doors and walls one consistent colour.

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Install tile flooring

Parquet tiles, for example, laid in a wide herringbone, chevron, or basketweave pattern, will immediately give the impression of a longer and wider space thanks to the way the lines draw the eye outwards. Choose a design and colour that complements your kitchen's existing decor.

What backsplash makes your kitchen look bigger? ›

Any room can appear wider by using horizontal lines to your advantage. Try a long horizontal backsplash tile or subway tile to draw the eye across the room. You can achieve the same effect with horizontal tiled or herringbone flooring while enhancing the kitchen design.

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While conventional wisdom is that white always makes a space look bigger, choosing from the rainbow—bold yellow, rich blue, cozy tan, and fresh pink—allows you to create a more personalized atmosphere.

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White also works exceedingly well in smaller kitchens when paired with flat front cabinetry because they help to make space look larger than it actually is.

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Opt for glass cabinets

Kitchen cabinets with glass panels can instantly make the room appear larger. Glass panels are available in see-through or frosted finishes.

What color flooring makes space look bigger? ›

Light vs Dark Colours

Lighter Shades: Enhance natural light and give an open, airy feeling. Ideal for smaller rooms that need to feel more spacious. White: Perhaps the most effective colour for enlarging a space. White flooring options are versatile and can complement a variety of design styles.

What is the best color flooring for a small kitchen? ›

Neutral colours like white and cream give natural wood space to shine; stick to pale wood for small or narrow kitchens where dark corners are a risk, or create contrast in a larger kitchen with white units and dark wood floors.

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Luxury wood flooring may add more value, and luxury vinyl planks and tile are also highly sought after in today's market. Many homeowners are also exploring the benefits of engineered wood floors that look identical to solid wood floors but offer better performance in certain locations.

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Go with Light Colors

Light colors are more reflective than dark colors and they will make your kitchen appear bigger as well as more open and airy. Light blues, greens, or pale yellows are other great colors to make your space look larger than life.

Should countertop be lighter or darker than backsplash? ›

So, if you have lighter cabinets and countertops, you should incorporate a darker backsplash to provide more visual interest and depth to your space. When you have darker cabinets and countertops, you should bring in a lighter backsplash to make your kitchen feel fresh and inviting.

What color cabinets look best in a small kitchen? ›

Lighter Shades for an Airy Feel

Whites, creams, and light pastels reflect light, making the space more open and airy. These colors create a timeless and classic look, providing a neutral backdrop that allows other elements in the kitchen to stand out.

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Stick to a neutral color palette: Pale colors like white, beige, light gray, and cream will help reflect light so your kitchen appears larger. Pass on plinths: Expand your floor space by leaving off the base plinths on your lower cabinets. This will help your layout look more open and spacious.


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.